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Messages - Drifloon

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Game Design and Modifications / Re: Meeple Fantasy 6
« on: October 21, 2010, 06:34:51 PM »
Oh, that's really cool. I can't think of any scene that particularly feels out of place with the music it has now, but it's still great that it's possible anyway.

Though if it's possible to change area music as well as scene music, stuff like changing the Crashed Ship theme to something more technological-y (like the Magitek Factory music or something maybe?) could work well.

Game Design and Modifications / Re: Meeple Fantasy 6
« on: October 14, 2010, 07:24:50 AM »
Hehe, the character in stot 8.

Game Design and Modifications / Re: Meeple Fantasy 6
« on: October 13, 2010, 01:10:32 PM »
Ah well, it's not game-breaking or anything, just that Vyse's new sprite looks awesome and would be cool to use outside of battle >_> But the battle sprites are the most important thing.

About the Inviz Edge etc in the Cave to the Sealed Gate, doesn't the fact that it still says 'Inviz Edge' indicate that the items are determined by a dialogue box? So it should only take like one minute to fix those dialogue boxes to give the right item names. It doesn't really matter but there's not really any reason not to do it either. (And I only knew it existed because I'm using a chest checklist for this playthrough to make sure I don't miss any new items and such)

Edit: Dang it, Ginny has the same thing? T_T Two of my favourite characters...

Game Design and Modifications / Re: Meeple Fantasy 6
« on: October 10, 2010, 09:03:24 AM »
Ah, I see. Rolf's techs must just not be all that good then >_> (I'm determined to get him to learn all of them this time though!)

Wow, the last scene of the Opera House gained +20 awesome points with Yuri's new cast pose XD

Edit: Okay, I have Nafoi and Gires now and I'm starting to realise Rolf is actually pretty awesome >_> Nafoi with two Arcane Books is the best damage anyone can do right now. Never used him before because getting the techs was such a pain, so this time I made sure I took him to Highfort and Cipher to get as many as possible.

More importantly, though, I just got Vyse and his palette is glitched in most of his scenes, and when he's the walking sprite as well. Wasn't this fixed in an earlier version? Because I'm sure that I used him as my walking sprite for a while in once before and he looked right.

Edit 2: Bug - Fayt is holding a Hawkeye-looking thing instead of a sword when he Jumps with a Broad Sword equipped

A more minor bug - the hidden Gale Claw in the ground in the Cave to the Sealed Gate calls itself an Inviz Edge, and the Alshaline calls itself Puipui Grass.

Discussion / Re: RPG Ratings
« on: October 10, 2010, 08:29:28 AM »
Reviewing my ancient list and seeing that there are definitely things that need updating >_>

Kingdom Hearts: Birth By Sleep added at 9
Arc: Twilight of the Spirits and Fire Emblem 4 moved down from 10 to 9
Fire Emblem 10 moved up from 9 to 10
Digital Devil Saga 2 moved down from 9 to 8
Super Paper Mario moved down from 9 to 7
A Blurred Line moved down from 8 to 7
FF4 Advance moved down from 8 to 7
Fire Emblem 9 moved up from 8 to 9
Legend of Legaia moved up from 8 to 9
FF3 DS moved up from 5 to 6
Dark Chronicle moved down from 6 to 5

I can't believe I've only played one new game in almost a year o.o

Game Design and Modifications / Re: Meeple Fantasy 6
« on: October 09, 2010, 07:01:30 PM »
Wow, the weirdest bug happened just now >_>
Lenneth was confused and she used 'Terra Roar' (which I had in my inventory). It didn't do anything and I still had it after the battle, but it was really weird.
And I just noticed that Ike uses Vyse's moves during the part where he's an NPC. Lol, I know that's probably unchangeable, but I'm surprised he's never done it to me before (he used Incremes twice in a row this time...)
By the way, does Ramza's Ring apply to Techs? I'm wondering whether Techs are officially 'magic' or not since I've not seen a noticable increase with it.

Game Design and Modifications / Re: Meeple Fantasy 6
« on: October 03, 2010, 05:50:51 PM »

Game Design and Modifications / Re: Meeple Fantasy 6
« on: October 03, 2010, 04:01:10 PM »
Nope, it's the same as the last one =/ Maybe something is wrong on my end? I don't have to patch it with anything, right? It seems to be pre-patched.

Some of the new sprites are inserted (Laharl for example), but most of them are still the old ones, and Fayt's portrait is still the old one (haven't seen any of the other characters with updated portraits yet).

Huh, weird. I've never even heard of Hero's Realm.

I'll have to check it out some time when I'm done being addicted to MF6.

Game Design and Modifications / Re: Meeple Fantasy 6
« on: October 02, 2010, 09:59:59 AM »

*goes to download*

Edit: Okay, why do Alec and Noish have a bunch of ????? skills that don't do anything and show up as a blank message when used? >_>

Edit again: Are you sure you uploaded the right file? Because Rolf still has his old sprite, and looking in FF3usSpriteEd, Ike does too. And Fayt still has his old portrait as well.

General Chat / Re: Let's Play Some Motherf*$&ing Games: 2010!!!!!!
« on: September 28, 2010, 05:13:23 PM »
I finished BBS recently and while I liked it, the gameplay wasn't quite up to KH2 standards and the story wasn't quite up to Days standards. Still, the secret ending was amazing and the game was still great so I can't complain.

Game Design and Modifications / Re: Meeple Fantasy 6
« on: September 28, 2010, 05:11:33 PM »
Wow, weird that I checked this topic right after you posted >_>

Cool, I will wait for the next update then. The new sprites look freaking awesome, by the way.

I never liked XP or VX much.

RM2k is a wonderful engine, it can do almost anything the newer RPG Makers can do without needing any programming knowledge at all. And the amount of excellent games made for it is incredible. <3 The Way forever~

Game Design and Modifications / Re: Meeple Fantasy 6
« on: September 28, 2010, 03:52:28 PM »
Okay, I just had a random urge to replay this game >_>

Do you plan on releasing a new version of it in the near future, or should I just go ahead and play the current version?

RPGDL Policy Discussion / Re: Should the Main Tournament Shut Down?
« on: January 11, 2010, 07:57:34 AM »
I have no objection to completely removing all the writeups, but there's no reason to get rid of the actual tourney whatever decision you come to.

RPGDL Discussion / Re: Season 57, Week 2: Tentacles engulf godlike.
« on: January 09, 2010, 05:34:57 PM »

Ness (EB) vs Elena (G2) - Not buying turn 1 Fiora.
Edea Kramer (FF8) vs Suicune (PKMN) - I don't see justification for voting on Edea's boss form, since it is technically Ultimecia. Thus, I find this match far too subjective to vote on, because FFVIII PCs are just stupid to interpret without going into obscure canon claims.


Noa (LoL1) vs Dalton (CT) - Pretty sure she kills him before he can kill her.
Roan (G2) vs Black Wizard (FF1) - ID
Taro (Disgaea 2) vs Eliwood (FE7) - Been a while, but I'm pretty sure Taro was durable and had very good damage output, and Eli doesn't really have anything special to get past that. Also FE loses to Disgaea on the countering front.

Discussion / Re: The Final Fantasy (A Crossover Idea)
« on: December 24, 2009, 08:04:53 AM »
Well, Firion's fighting style is incredibly cool, but I wouldn't say he was a good character...he's basically just 'Wild Rose!!!' for the whole thing lulz. Emperor was brilliant.

Since any generic silent protagonist can do that job, it seems weird to include someone from a non-FF game just for that. Unless you were going to turn it into a full-on SE crossover, in which case by all means...

Anyway, my original idea was a strategy RPG, not a regular turn-based one as this topic seems to suggest - not that a turn-based crossover wouldn't still be great, mind, but the logic behind the SPRG choice is that there's room for a lot more characters and more large-scale battles that way.

Discussion / Re: Wish List Games
« on: December 13, 2009, 08:31:07 AM »
1) An FF crossover game similar to Dissidia, but instead of a fighting game, a strategy RPG. Complete with all the non-temp PCs of every main series game, and some spin-offs. You know it would be awesome.

2) FE crossover, enough said. I don't really care what genre it is.

3) KHIII, and not on PS3 please.

4) FFT port with less lag AND non-borked translation. I'd like to not have to choose between one or the other.

5) FFVII remake. It needs it more than FFVI, which is still perfectly playable by today's standards.

Game Design and Modifications / Re: Meeple Fantasy 6
« on: December 12, 2009, 06:04:43 PM »
Having Ice for Geodudes sounds awesome.

If it hasn't been nerfed already, I'd nerf the raft ride with Bacon, since they can OHKO anyone not named Bacon very easily.

Kyogre (PKMN) vs Mewtwo (PKMN) - Mewtwo outspeeds, has higher base SpAtk, and can hit weakness.

Black Wizard (FF1) vs Chiepoo (S4) - ID

I was under the impression that DL Lyon is based on his PC form, since his boss form isn't technically him. So I would say that any status should work on him.

Unranked Games / Re: Mother 3
« on: December 09, 2009, 07:04:49 PM »
Monkey Mimic doesn't only affect physicals, I believe it works with any kind of damage. It can even reflect each of PK Thunder's multiple hits IIRC.

The 6 Auto Lifes on Lucas seem to me to be pretty obviously intended to be used for the final boss, so I wouldn't give them to him, but it's subjective.

Oswin (FE7) vs Wiegraf Folles (FFT) - Status. Enough said.


Kyogre (PKMN) vs Diekbeck (AtLs) - Lol

Cloud Strife (FF7) vs Gau (FF6) - Not that I know much about Rage, but I'd be surprised if there was one that didn't work.

Lyon (FE8) vs Natalia Luzu Kimlasca-Lanvaldear (TotA) - Comparing different systems like this is kind of silly, but I can't see Natalia's healing being enough to recover from Naglfar, nor can I see her getting the kill before Lyon does.


Edward "Edge" Geraldine (FF4) vs. Lyon (S5) - TAY Edge might have a chance. FF4 Edge, no. Just no.

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