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Messages - Chisa

Pages: [1] 2 3
Two, actually, but I was spoiled quite a while ago, so it really wouldn't matter on that grounds.  I'd rather see more rank possibilities first though.

...and relevantly ninja'd.

General Chat / Blarg maria
« on: September 14, 2009, 07:27:43 PM »
Cliff/Nel/Pep was my first endgame party.  Cliff was usually on AI for FoF lockdown and SMASH, and I'd control one of the others.  Really ought to finish the superbosses some day, but last time I tried, Fayt kicked my ass in under 30 seconds.

As for what I'm playing now, finally went out and picked up MK.  Just past getting Muppy, and Nikki and Anna are basically my win buttons.  Pamela and Roxis too, to a lesser extent.  Flay needs to get more Book, because I really want to use him more.

General Chat / Re: Guess the RPG Character - Mk. II
« on: September 11, 2009, 07:45:53 AM »
I've got nothing right now, someone else can grab the next one.

General Chat / Re: Guess the RPG Character - Mk. II
« on: September 10, 2009, 06:09:34 AM »

General Chat / Re: Guess the RPG Character - Mk. II
« on: August 22, 2009, 02:09:20 AM »

RPGDL Discussion / Noms
« on: February 28, 2009, 10:53:46 PM »




General Chat / CTDS
« on: February 23, 2009, 09:06:22 PM »
You can also put them to sleep with Lucca, but it's a low probability.  Just don't use lightning (unless you've got white armor on) or physicals and you should be able to survive.

General Chat / Guess the RPG character
« on: February 11, 2009, 12:59:43 PM »

Discussion / Rational Irrationality
« on: February 09, 2009, 06:04:23 AM »
What Cid said has a relevant example, and you yourself used it.  MS has had an awful lot of forms.  There's the fighter version, which is just a bit larger than Marisa.  Then there's the boss and PC versions that Mari uses in the main series, which are quite a bit bigger.  Of course, if you're sprite scaling, PC Marisa gets a nice advantage.  Then there's ye olde YukaSpark.  And of course, different artists have their own portrayals.

As regards Utsuho, there's a couple things I'd like to bring up.  The first is a simple matter of units.  Namely, you seem to be using kg of destroyed shit as your main unit.  This is notably not equal to kg of TNT.  One kg of TNT can certainly destroy a lot more than one kg of material.
The second is just my personal PoV on Utsuho's power.  As stated by various characters, it's the power of a sun god.  And with it, she can create and control the fusion reaction.  So, when it comes to sitting in the middle of nuclear fire, I regard it as more of a case of "Immune - Nuke" than straight up tanking it.  I'd compare it to something like Iceman freezing himself, but I know that analogy sucks and I can't think of a better one.

Note: if this is ninja'd 30 times, I can't see it cuz I'm on a shitty phone.

RPGDL Discussion / Lavos vs. Heat
« on: February 08, 2009, 12:29:32 AM »
I saw some people hyping Crying Heavens as hitting Heat's weakness.  But IIRC, CH is not lightning element.  It's one of the very rare non elemental magic attacks in CT, like Tailspin or Poyozo Dance.  Yay, more Lavos headaches.

Tournaments / Dis struggle in Dungeon
« on: January 25, 2009, 10:37:33 AM »
I believe struggle damage was equal to half of the HP of the enemy being held.  Ingame, that's devastating, because if you have to hold something, it's probably well above your level.  In the dungeon, though, as long as the holdee doesn't have 2x the scaled HP, he'll live.

General Chat / Re: Guess the RPG character
« on: January 22, 2009, 09:42:22 PM »

RPGDL Discussion / Re: Season 48 nom pools
« on: December 06, 2008, 06:41:30 PM »
Ghaleon (Lunars) - It's fucking Ghaleon.
Rhapthorne (DQ8) - Needs a win.
Violetta (G3) - Needs a win.
Gilbert (SH3) - Psychopathic professor, as if I don't have enough already.
Cecilia (WA1/ACF) - INNOCENT ONE, also bag o' tricks.

Heavy -
Nephenee (FE9) - Newbie with a pointy stick.
Mia (FE9) - Newbie with swordmaster hax.
Sabin (FF6) - Fist fighting!
Queen Zeal (CT) - Hype, anti-hype, whatever, Hallation.
Saturos (GS) - Been out a while.
Moltres (Pokemon RBY) - Fails at legendaries, hopefully does better in the DL.

Middle -
Sharmista (S5) - A match would be nice.
Koromaru (P3) - Woof.
Akihiko (P3) - Fist fighting!  Plus I like.
Baal (G1) - No real reason.
Vahn (LoL) - Season seven?  What the shit!?
Axel (D2) - DARK HERO.

Light -
Rozalin (D2) - Get a match, then get lost.
Roger (SO3) - Real men fight with CHARGE!
Yukari (P3) - Violetta Travel Agency?  Never heard of it!
Krin (S1) - Traditional Suikoscrub.
Doc (CC) - Traditional CC in Light.
Lorenta (VP) - Traditional VP in Light.

General Chat / Re: Guess the RPG character
« on: November 26, 2008, 11:54:48 AM »

General Chat / Guess the RPG character
« on: October 28, 2008, 06:29:37 AM »
Yep, it's Taro.  The second clue was actually about his metric ass-ton of counters. Any resemblance to SMRPG stuff was completely unintended.

The floor is yours once more.

General Chat / Guess the RPG character
« on: October 27, 2008, 09:27:28 PM »
Sorry about the delay, reality decided to do things to push this well out of my mind.  Anyway, obvious time:
5) I wasn't abducted by nobody, but it's easy to see why you might think so.

General Chat / Guess the RPG character
« on: October 25, 2008, 09:30:32 PM »
1) I like to drink.
2) Don't come after me!  I can go a little overboard when it comes to payback.
3) Besides, I'm not really interested in fighting.  My relatives on the other hand...
4) I'd rather spend time around the Princess.

General Chat / Guess the RPG character
« on: October 24, 2008, 02:25:58 PM »
1) I like to drink.
2) Don't come after me!  I can go a little overboard when it comes to payback.
3) Besides, I'm not really interested in fighting.  My relatives, on the other hand...

General Chat / Guess the RPG character
« on: October 23, 2008, 03:49:56 PM »
1) I like to drink.
2) Don't come after me!  I can go a little overboard when it comes to payback.

General Chat / Guess the RPG character
« on: October 22, 2008, 11:30:44 PM »
1) I like to drink.

General Chat / Guess the RPG character
« on: October 22, 2008, 06:52:27 PM »

RPGDL Discussion / Re: Season 47 Nomination pools
« on: October 19, 2008, 12:37:57 PM »
Godlike -
Ghaleon (Lunars) - It's fucking Ghaleon.
Kyogre (Pokemon RSE) - Needs a win.
Rhapthorne (DQ8) - See above.
Violetta (G3) - Also see above, except I can't contribute to this particular cause.
Cecilia (WA1/ACF) - INNOCENT ONE, also bag o' tricks.

Heavy -
Ershin (BoF4) - Out too long, also, robot hype.
Riou (S2) - UPGRADE.
Nephenee (FE9) - Newbie with a pointy stick.
Mia (FE9) - Newbie with swordmaster hax.
Sabin (FF6) - Real men fight with their fists #1
Lilka (WA2) - The reason for the season! *SHOT*

Middle -
Adell (D2) - Real men fight with their fists #2
Greco (CC) - Real men fight with their fists #3
LC Chan (S2) - Real men fight with their fists #4
Eliwood (FE7) - Lord with only one match.
Vahn (LoL) - Season seven?  What the shit!?
Axel (D2) - DARK HERO.

Light -
Rozalin (D2) - Get a match, then get lost.
Soren (FE9) - Bosses Ike around.
Roger (SO3) - Real men fight with CHARGE!
Wilder (S3) - Traditional Suikoscrub.
Kid (CC) - Traditional CC in Light.
Lorenta (VP) - Traditional VP in Light.

Saving P3/CoD noms as well, though sorely tempted to nom Koromaru.

Tournaments / Re: Robot Master Tournament Week 1!
« on: October 12, 2008, 02:55:24 AM »
Snake Man (MM3) vs. Freeze Man (MM7) - The boss version of Search Snakes can be destroyed, right?  That's game.
Napalm Man (MM5) vs. Needle Man (MM3) - Good match.  Napalm hits harder from range and has better mobility, but his missiles get evaded by Needle's jump 'n shoot.  And if he tries to get in close to use his bombs, he's eating head spikes.
Centaur Man (MM6) vs. Gutsman (MM1/PU) - Centaur Man loses to impact from Knight Man's mace.  Guts Man has even heavier things to hit him with.  This is what happens when Miss Mikami has no PSP.  Guts Man being weak against time/paralysis in PU kinda turns this around.
Magic Man (MM&B) vs. Astro Man (MM8/&B) - Weakness hype + one of the most fail RMs IMO.

Charge Man (MM5) vs. Cutman (MM1) - Once again, a boss weak against impact faces an RM that smashes things.  That it's his face he's smashing with is immaterial.
Elecman (MM1) vs. Turbo Man (MM7) - Huge damage.  Vertical coverage.  Speed.  Jumping.  And I think he can take a couple scorch wheels.  CHAMP.
Heat Man (MM2) vs. Tornado Man (MM9) - *splat*
Flame Man (MM6) vs. Drill Man (MM4) - Made up my mind.  Mindgames can apply equally to either side, so I'm going with the one who can hit more reliably without relying on them by attacking when Drill pops up.  And if Drill doesn't dig, Flame can just spam fire walls and *dink* his drill bombs.

RPGDL Discussion / Ranking stuff
« on: October 10, 2008, 11:10:54 PM »
Persona 3:
Played - Yes
Rank - Yes
Characters - No Minato, no Metis, yes NA, yes other PCs/Strega.

Cloud of Darkness:
Played - Yes
Rank - Yes.  I don't think the vote split is that huge an ìssue, and I can't see any other valid reason not to.

RPGDL Discussion / Re: Season 46 rankings: Preliminary topic: Now open!
« on: October 08, 2008, 12:42:46 AM »
P3 'n WA5.  Mostly because I haven't played MK yet.  If I did, well, I've no doubt I'd be suggesting it instead.

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