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General Chat / Re: Good Morning 2011: Wherein the emo comes to roost
« on: September 07, 2011, 02:26:27 PM »

Forum Games / Re: DL Mafia GAME OVER Scum Win
« on: June 05, 2010, 04:35:31 PM »
While it didn't come into play as much in the end...

Forum Games / Re: DL Mafia (Night 1)
« on: May 27, 2010, 01:08:44 AM »
Scum has a message for you, traitor.

(This is still Soppy, in case anyone is wondering)

Forum Games / Re: Cthulu Mafia - The Final Confrontation
« on: May 11, 2010, 10:03:18 PM »

Yo dawg, I herd u like roles in your roles, so I put some roles in your roles so they would have roles.

Forum Games / Re: You know what I meme, Vern?(Meme Mafia, Day 4)
« on: March 13, 2010, 04:33:04 PM »

I'm fully aware that everyone wants to be funny in this game, but when you start stealing my jokes, it's over the line. I don't expect this to happen again, but consider it a warning. You mess with the bull, you get the horns.

If I have to come in here again, I'm cracking skulls.

Rick Astley (1): The Cake is a Lie, Touhou Hijacker, Demotivator, O R'LYEH?!
HUEG LIKE XBOX (0): Demotivator, All Your Base
All Your Base (2): Demotivator, Rick Astley, XBOX
ShikiShana (4): , Touhou Hijacker, Cake, 2g1c, Demotivator
Touhou Hijacker (1): ShikiShana

With 9 Memes alive, it takes 5 spam mails to give someone a virus!

ShikiShana is at 4 votes!

Mod Note: This is an official mod done votecount, COMBO BREAKER just wanted me to let him zombie post it. This is C/Pd directly from a PM I sent him with the count.

Forum Games / Re: I meme it this time!(Meme Mafia: Day 3)
« on: March 11, 2010, 08:40:36 AM »

Forum Games / Re: I meme it this time!(Meme Mafia: Day 3)
« on: March 11, 2010, 08:16:48 AM »

I get the last laugh after all.

It took 6 to kill me, but I trolled by the thousands!

I guess this is...

Forum Games / Re: I meme it this time!(Meme Mafia: Day 3)
« on: March 11, 2010, 05:48:02 AM »

Anta blockhead!

Haruko is not amused.

But he is.

Forum Games / Re: I meme it this time!(Meme Mafia: Day 3)
« on: March 11, 2010, 05:29:45 AM »

Swing and a miss, blockhead.

Forum Games / Re: I meme it this time!(Meme Mafia: Day 3)
« on: March 11, 2010, 05:22:09 AM »
Let's check in with our old friend, Advice Dog again!

Seriously town. Lets get this over with so I can

Forum Games / Re: I meme it this time!(Meme Mafia: Day 3)
« on: March 11, 2010, 04:59:39 AM »
Speaking of fast food in mafias...

Forum Games / Re: I meme it this time!(Meme Mafia: Day 3)
« on: March 11, 2010, 02:32:30 AM »
Aww. C'mon, town! I <3 you!

But I guess I'd better

before I get

Forum Games / Re: I meme it this time!(Meme Mafia: Day 3)
« on: March 11, 2010, 01:17:07 AM »
Will do. Sorry about that.

Forum Games / Re: I meme it this time!(Meme Mafia: Day 3)
« on: March 11, 2010, 12:54:00 AM »
I consider that the highest form of flattery, Rick.
Thank you and you're welcome.

Forum Games / Re: I meme it this time!(Meme Mafia: Day 3)
« on: March 11, 2010, 12:30:06 AM »

NOTE: Mod approved edit for sake of thread.

Forum Games / Re: I meme it this time!(Meme Mafia: Day 3)
« on: March 11, 2010, 12:19:05 AM »
Derp         Derp
Derp         Derp
Derp         Derp
                                                                     Derp                    Derp
               Derp                            Derp
                                             Derp                 Derp
Derp         Derp                                                                                                                         Derp
          Derp                                                           Derp
   Derp                                                                              Derp

Forum Games / Re: I meme it this time!(Meme Mafia: Day 3)
« on: March 11, 2010, 12:03:51 AM »
You know what musical doesn't get enough credit?

Damn Yankees.

Who came along in a puff of smoke

Shoeless Joe From Hannibal Mo.

Strong as the heart of a mighty Oak

Shoeless Joe From Hannibal Mo.
Lucky are we to be having him

Shoeless Joe From Hannibal Mo.

Just when the future was lookin' grim

Shoeless Joe From Hannibal Mo.

Came a long long way to be
With us today

With arms of steel like Hercules


Feet as fleet as Mercury's


He'll fight
For us, do right for us

He'll be a beacon light for us
He's Shoeless Joe From Hannibal Mo.
Go, go, go, go, go, go

Go like a bat out-a you know where

Shoeless Joe From Hannibal Mo.

Strike at the foe, let 'em know you're there

Shoeless Joe From Hannibal Mo!
Shoeless Joe From Hannibal Mo!
Shoeless Joe From Hannibal Mo!

Came upon the scene

As fresh as Listerine

He sneezed and blew away a calf
His laughter ripped a barn in half

Go, go, go, go, Joe

Like sevens come, elevens come

Like manna from the heavens come!
It's Shoeless Joe From Hannibal Mo.
Go, go, go, go, go, go, go, go,
Go like a bat out-a you know where

Shoeless Joe From M.O.
Strike at the foe
Let 'em know you're there

Shoeless Joe from M.O.
Look out, look out, look out, look out for Shoeless Joe

The barefoot boy
From Hannibal Moe!

Joe, Joe, Joe, Joe, Joe, Joe, Joe, Joe!

Forum Games / Re: I meme it this time!(Meme Mafia: Day 3)
« on: March 10, 2010, 11:44:19 PM »

So am I town yet?

Forum Games / Re: I meme it this time!(Meme Mafia: Day 3)
« on: March 10, 2010, 11:42:30 PM »
Post contents deleted due to page rendering issues. -Halbarad

Forum Games / Re: I meme it this time!(Meme Mafia: Day 3)
« on: March 10, 2010, 11:42:19 PM »
Post contents deleted due to page rendering issues. -Halbarad

Forum Games / Re: I meme it this time!(Meme Mafia: Day 3)
« on: March 10, 2010, 11:42:02 PM »

Damn, how could I have been blind enough to miss that.  You're right, PMs lock stuff in.

That said...  as much as I hate to say it, there's one thing we both missed.  Namely, what Demo's said has been confirmed.  I mean, regardless of Touhou's status, Touhou has stated that they did visit !Cake.  And that's all that Demo claimed.  There is something I'm looking for there, but it's really more curiosity about Touhou at this point than about Demo.

The more I think on it...  I don't think it rules him out as scum, though it does make things more, complicated.  There's also a few things about how their stories mix and match that seem odd.  Yes, I know my language is vague, but, I can't really get any clearer right now, also for a few reasons.

There's also the option that both of them are telling the truth, which...  also leads us to WIFOM about whether or not !Cake is incomprehensible third party, or there's a busser completely unrelated to the two of them.

Hmm...  Touhou?  Here's a question for you.  If you say that Demo is a busser, then how did he know you targetted Cake?  In fact, how does his knowing you did something you confirmed you did make him look bad?
Damn, how could I have been blind enough to miss that.  You're right, PMs lock stuff in.

That said...  as much as I hate to say it, there's one thing we both missed.  Namely, what Demo's said has been confirmed.  I mean, regardless of Touhou's status, Touhou has stated that they did visit !Cake.  And that's all that Demo claimed.  There is something I'm looking for there, but it's really more curiosity about Touhou at this point than about Demo.

The more I think on it...  I don't think it rules him out as scum, though it does make things more, complicated.  There's also a few things about how their stories mix and match that seem odd.  Yes, I know my language is vague, but, I can't really get any clearer right now, also for a few reasons.

There's also the option that both of them are telling the truth, which...  also leads us to WIFOM about whether or not !Cake is incomprehensible third party, or there's a busser completely unrelated to the two of them.

Hmm...  Touhou?  Here's a question for you.  If you say that Demo is a busser, then how did he know you targetted Cake?  In fact, how does his knowing you did something you confirmed you did make him look bad?
Damn, how could I have been blind enough to miss that.  You're right, PMs lock stuff in.

That said...  as much as I hate to say it, there's one thing we both missed.  Namely, what Demo's said has been confirmed.  I mean, regardless of Touhou's status, Touhou has stated that they did visit !Cake.  And that's all that Demo claimed.  There is something I'm looking for there, but it's really more curiosity about Touhou at this point than about Demo.

The more I think on it...  I don't think it rules him out as scum, though it does make things more, complicated.  There's also a few things about how their stories mix and match that seem odd.  Yes, I know my language is vague, but, I can't really get any clearer right now, also for a few reasons.

There's also the option that both of them are telling the truth, which...  also leads us to WIFOM about whether or not !Cake is incomprehensible third party, or there's a busser completely unrelated to the two of them.

Hmm...  Touhou?  Here's a question for you.  If you say that Demo is a busser, then how did he know you targetted Cake?  In fact, how does his knowing you did something you confirmed you did make him look bad?
Damn, how could I have been blind enough to miss that.  You're right, PMs lock stuff in.

That said...  as much as I hate to say it, there's one thing we both missed.  Namely, what Demo's said has been confirmed.  I mean, regardless of Touhou's status, Touhou has stated that they did visit !Cake.  And that's all that Demo claimed.  There is something I'm looking for there, but it's really more curiosity about Touhou at this point than about Demo.

The more I think on it...  I don't think it rules him out as scum, though it does make things more, complicated.  There's also a few things about how their stories mix and match that seem odd.  Yes, I know my language is vague, but, I can't really get any clearer right now, also for a few reasons.

There's also the option that both of them are telling the truth, which...  also leads us to WIFOM about whether or not !Cake is incomprehensible third party, or there's a busser completely unrelated to the two of them.

Hmm...  Touhou?  Here's a question for you.  If you say that Demo is a busser, then how did he know you targetted Cake?  In fact, how does his knowing you did something you confirmed you did make him look bad?
Damn, how could I have been blind enough to miss that.  You're right, PMs lock stuff in.

That said...  as much as I hate to say it, there's one thing we both missed.  Namely, what Demo's said has been confirmed.  I mean, regardless of Touhou's status, Touhou has stated that they did visit !Cake.  And that's all that Demo claimed.  There is something I'm looking for there, but it's really more curiosity about Touhou at this point than about Demo.

The more I think on it...  I don't think it rules him out as scum, though it does make things more, complicated.  There's also a few things about how their stories mix and match that seem odd.  Yes, I know my language is vague, but, I can't really get any clearer right now, also for a few reasons.

There's also the option that both of them are telling the truth, which...  also leads us to WIFOM about whether or not !Cake is incomprehensible third party, or there's a busser completely unrelated to the two of them.

Hmm...  Touhou?  Here's a question for you.  If you say that Demo is a busser, then how did he know you targetted Cake?  In fact, how does his knowing you did something you confirmed you did make him look bad?
Damn, how could I have been blind enough to miss that.  You're right, PMs lock stuff in.

That said...  as much as I hate to say it, there's one thing we both missed.  Namely, what Demo's said has been confirmed.  I mean, regardless of Touhou's status, Touhou has stated that they did visit !Cake.  And that's all that Demo claimed.  There is something I'm looking for there, but it's really more curiosity about Touhou at this point than about Demo.

The more I think on it...  I don't think it rules him out as scum, though it does make things more, complicated.  There's also a few things about how their stories mix and match that seem odd.  Yes, I know my language is vague, but, I can't really get any clearer right now, also for a few reasons.

There's also the option that both of them are telling the truth, which...  also leads us to WIFOM about whether or not !Cake is incomprehensible third party, or there's a busser completely unrelated to the two of them.

Hmm...  Touhou?  Here's a question for you.  If you say that Demo is a busser, then how did he know you targetted Cake?  In fact, how does his knowing you did something you confirmed you did make him look bad?
Damn, how could I have been blind enough to miss that.  You're right, PMs lock stuff in.

That said...  as much as I hate to say it, there's one thing we both missed.  Namely, what Demo's said has been confirmed.  I mean, regardless of Touhou's status, Touhou has stated that they did visit !Cake.  And that's all that Demo claimed.  There is something I'm looking for there, but it's really more curiosity about Touhou at this point than about Demo.

The more I think on it...  I don't think it rules him out as scum, though it does make things more, complicated.  There's also a few things about how their stories mix and match that seem odd.  Yes, I know my language is vague, but, I can't really get any clearer right now, also for a few reasons.

There's also the option that both of them are telling the truth, which...  also leads us to WIFOM about whether or not !Cake is incomprehensible third party, or there's a busser completely unrelated to the two of them.

Hmm...  Touhou?  Here's a question for you.  If you say that Demo is a busser, then how did he know you targetted Cake?  In fact, how does his knowing you did something you confirmed you did make him look bad?
Whoever said I would get tired of this was nuts. Like this guy:

But we know he's totally:





These questions and more are what we try to answer here.

Tonight's episode:

More posts? Only more to C-C-C-COMBO BREAK, my dear!

By the way, Killer Instinct sux. You should have offered...

Post image contents deleted due to page rendering issues. -Halbarad

Forum Games / Re: I meme it this time!(Meme Mafia: Day 3)
« on: March 10, 2010, 11:41:52 PM »
Post contents deleted due to page rendering issues. -Halbarad

Forum Games / Re: I meme it this time!(Meme Mafia: Day 3)
« on: March 10, 2010, 11:41:42 PM »
Post contents deleted due to page rendering issues. -Halbarad

Forum Games / Re: I meme it this time!(Meme Mafia: Day 3)
« on: March 10, 2010, 11:41:29 PM »
Post contents deleted due to page rendering issues. -Halbarad

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