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Messages - Richter Belmont

Pages: [1]
Forum Games / Re: Why you gotta be so meme?(Meme Mafia, Day 5)
« on: March 21, 2010, 09:54:21 PM »
Well...  it's too late...  but sure, final votecount for kicks.  Surgery's a good excuse.


XBOX:(4) - 2girls1cup, The Cake Is A Lie, 2girls1cup, Touhou Hijacker, All Your Base
Rick & Roll: (1) - O R'LYEH!?

XBox's vote is HUEG!  It is very impressive.  It dwarfs measly other votes.  Though not enough.

Forum Games / Re: Why you gotta be so meme?(Meme Mafia, Day 5)
« on: March 20, 2010, 11:03:46 PM »
This is madness!  No- THIS IS A VOTECOUNT!


Flying Spaghetti Monster (2) - THIS IS SPARTA!, in ur base, Chuck Norris
Chuck Norris (3) - Badgers, THIS IS SPARTA!, Flying Spaghetti Monster
Badge, Badger, Badger (0) - Robot Unicorn, I drink your milkshake

Did you know that Chuck Norris only needs one vote to be lynched in the mafia game played in Universe-3748?  Too bad that the only votes that count are ones for Mike Huckabee.

As for this universe, no changes.


Touhou Hijack:(0) - XBOX
XBOX:(1) - 2girls1cup, The Cake Is A Lie
Rick & Roll: (1) - O R'LYEH!?

It is pretty much LYLO so no deadline.  6 memes -> 4 votes -> ???  -> Profit.

Forum Games / Re: You know what I meme, Vern?(Meme Mafia, Day 4)
« on: March 13, 2010, 12:52:19 AM »
What is a meme?  A miserable pile of cats!  But enough talk - have at you!

Rick Astley (3): Touhou Hijacker, The Cake is a Lie, Demotivator, O R'LYEH?!
HUEG LIKE XBOX (0): Demotivator
All Your Base (1): Rick Astley

With 9 memes, it takes 5 clicks to win the free iPod.  So Mr. Astley was indeed at -1 vote from being given up and hurt before.  There are 68 hours left.

Forum Games / Re: Say It Like You Meme It(Meme Mafia: Day 1)
« on: March 03, 2010, 05:38:46 PM »
Yo däwg, joten venäläiset haluavat päästä Google Translate sotaa, vai mitä?  Älä tee minun muistuttaa teitä siitä Simo Häyhä olemassaolosta!

Zerg Rush: (1) - Over 9000, Advice Dog, Touhou Hijacker, Demotivator, O R'LYEH!?
OVER 9000: (9007) - Touhou Hijacker, Boxxy/Bel Air, Milhouse, Hueg Like XBOX, Advice Dog, The Cake is a Lie, Zerg Rush, All Your Base, Shana, Soviet Russia
OH GOD SHANA IS HOT (0) - Zerg Rush
Touhou Hijack LOL (0) - The Cake is a Lie, 2girls1cup, Shana
Advice Dog: (0) - Advice Dog, lolcat, Zerg Rush
lolcat: (0)- Demotivator
Hueg Like XBOX: (0) - Rick Astley
All Your Base: (0) - C-C-Combo Breaker, Shana
COMBO BREAKER: (1) - All Your Base, Yo Dawg
Soviet Russia: (6) -  Milhouse, Yo Dawg, Rick Astley, lolcat, 2girls1cup, Bel Air, Milhouse, COMBO BREAKER
Rick Astley: (0) - 2girls1cup
The Cake is a Lie: (1) - Shana, Touhou Hijacker
Yo Dawg: (1) - All Your Base, COMBO BREAKER, Demotivator
Boxxy/Bel Air: (1) - Over 9000
No lynch: (0) - Soviet Russia

On 24 tuntia jäljellä päivää. On 17 memes, joten se kestää 9 ääntä tappaa.  (aka 24 hours left, folks, 9 to lynch)

Forum Games / Re: Say It Like You Meme It(Meme Mafia: Day 1)
« on: March 02, 2010, 12:49:05 AM »
It was not by my hand I was spread about the interwebs!  I was called here by newbs, who wished to pay me tribute!


Zerg Rush: (4) - O R'LYEH!?, Over 9000, Touhou Hijacker, Advice Dog
OVER 9000: (9002) - Touhou Hijacker, Hueg Like XBOX, Boxxy
OH GOD SHANA IS HOT (0) - Zerg Rush
Touhou Hijack LOL (2) - 2girls1cup, The Cake is a Lie
Advice Dog: (2) - Advice Dog, lolcat, Zerg Rush
lolcat: (1)- Demotivator
Hueg Like XBOX: (1) - Rick Astley
All Your Base: (1) - C-C-Combo Breaker

There are 65 hours remaining in the day.  With 17 memes, it takes 9 thumbs-down buries to be removed from the Digg front page.

Forum Games / Re: Say It Like You Meme It(Meme Mafia: Day 1)
« on: March 01, 2010, 07:49:48 PM »

##WHIP Dogs, Cats, Girlz, Russians, etc.

Zerg Rush: (2) - O R'LYEH!?, Over 9000
OVER 9000: (9001) - Touhou Hijacker
OH GOD SHANA IS HOT (0) - Zerg Rush
Touhou Hijack LOL (1) - 2girls1cup
Advice Dog: (3) - Advice Dog, lolcat, Zerg Rush

There are lots of hours remaining in the day.  With 17 memes, it takes 9 thumbs-down buries to be removed from the Digg front page.  (Except for Mr. Vegeta who requires 9009.)

Forum Games / Re: VALIANT HERO Mafia! [Day Three]
« on: February 22, 2010, 06:21:24 PM »

Hehe...  Squall will be surprised by this!  I dug up a song my mom wrote and retouched it a bit for the concert tonight.  This one is dedicated to all you fellow rebels out there, and that special someone of yours you plan to visit tonight.  Figure you might need some cheering up!  I call it...  "Votes on Me."

Whenever I sang my songs,
On the stage, with my friends
Whenever I told my lies,
Wishing they would be heard
I saw you suspecting me,
Was it real, or just my fantasy?
You'd always be there in the corner,
Of this tiny little thread...

My last night here for you,
Same old songs, just once more
My last night here with you?
Maybe yes, maybe no
I kind of liked it your way,
How you shyly placed your votes on me
Oh did you ever know?
That I had mine... on you.

Darling, so there you are,
With that look on your face,
As if you've never hurt,
As if you're never down
Shall I be the one for you
Who stabs you softly, but sure...
If your flip is shown then
I will know, that, you are not bulletproof.

So let me come to you,
Close as I want to be,
Close enough for me
To feel your heart beating fast,
And steal your breath's whisper!
How I feared your loathsome votes on me
And did you ever know?
That I had mine... on you.

Darling, so give to me
Your role if you have a one,
Your tears if you're holding back,
Or pain, for that's what it'll be
How can I let you know
I'm more than a townie and a vote,
I'll reach out for you and then
You will know that your dreams are ended.

Darling, so there you are,
With that look on your face,
As if you've never hurt,
As if you're never down
Shall I be the one for you
Who stabs you softly, but sure...
If your flip is shown then
I will know, that, you are not bulletproof.

Forum Games / Re: VALIANT HERO Mafia! [Day Three]
« on: February 21, 2010, 05:07:41 AM »
If you look at the earlier votecounts, you'll see a "Hasn't voted" line which was indeed for players who had not cast votes.  I am a bit of a completionist and prefer to list the full active crew, even those without votes/unvotes.  If it's an issue, I can use "Zero votes" in the future.

Forum Games / Re: VALIANT HERO Mafia! [Day Three]
« on: February 21, 2010, 04:21:29 AM »

Squall...  do you remember your promise?  That'd you'd return here to the votecount you made, as if nothing had changed, waiting for me?

Batmanuel (2): James T. Kirk, The Tick, Flay, Axel, Smax, Almaz
Hazel (0): Gordon
Hilda (0): Almaz
James T. Kirk (3): Batmanuel, Gordon, The Middleman
The Middleman (5): Hazel, James T. Kirk, Axel, The Tick, Flay
The Tick (1): The Comedian
The Comedian (1): Hilda

No votes: Almaz, Axel, Flay, Gordon, Smax

With 12 heroes, it takes 7 to lynch.  Mission ends in 32 hours (which, to be clear, is technically Monday morning Eastern US time, not Sunday night as some indicated...  but it's 7:00 AM early, so it might as well be Sunday night?  Make of that what you will).

Forum Games / Re: VALIANT HERO Mafia! [Day Three]
« on: February 20, 2010, 04:58:07 PM »
They told me that I failed as an instructor.   No leadership qualities, no votecounting ability.  I was a SeeD by the age of 15, got my instructor license at 17... I wonder where I went wrong... I did my best... Are you listening?  I'm not asking you to say anything. I just want you to listen.
Then go talk to a wall.
Sir, we've found some environmentalists.  Might be affiliated with the known terrorist Captain Planet.  Can we kill them?
Are you trying to get me to attack Rinoa's Forest Owls?

Batmanuel (1): James T. Kirk, The Tick, Flay, Axel, Smax
Hazel (0): Gordon
Hilda (1): Almaz
James T. Kirk (3): Batmanuel, Gordon, The Middleman
The Middleman (5): Hazel, James T. Kirk, Axel, The Tick, Flay
The Tick (1): The Comedian
The Comedian (1): Hilda

No votes: Almaz, Axel, Flay, Gordon, Smax

With 12 heroes, it takes 7 to lynch.  Mission ends in 43 hours.

Forum Games / Re: VALIANT HERO Mafia! [Day Three]
« on: February 20, 2010, 02:11:10 AM »
SeeD-approved votecount.  Tired of doing those quizzes, so maybe this will increase my rank to get me a raise to better pay off Irvine..  wait, aren't I in charge?  Can't I just take the money I need?  ....whatever.

Batmanuel (3): James T. Kirk, The Tick, Flay, Axel, Smax
Hazel (0): Gordon
Hilda(1) : Almaz
James T. Kirk (3): Batmanuel, Gordon, The Middleman
The Middleman (3): Hazel, James T. Kirk, Axel
The Tick (1): The Comedian

No votes: Almaz, Axel, The Comedian, Flay, Gordon, Smax
Hasn't voted:  Hilda
Prinny: Tossed

With 12 players, it takes 7 to lynch.  Day is over in approximately 55 hours.

Forum Games / Re: VALIANT HERO Mafia! [Day Three]
« on: February 19, 2010, 11:06:06 PM »
The pizza's still not here?  It's been an hour.  Legendary 30 minute guarantee indeed.  That'll teach me to try something other than hot dogs.

Hey everyone.  You all owe me 15,000 gil.  See, you borrowed the money from me years ago, then forgot about it, but now I'm going to collect.  With interest.

Ohmygod the latest Galbadia Railfan issue is in!

I think I need some time for myself.  Alone.

Hey, Squall!  I'm off to visit my wife's lovely beachfront cottage for the weekend.  You're in charge around here.

Didn't I just graduate only two months ago?

You'll do fine!  Just keep an eye on the others and do some votecounts.


Brief correction to Flay's votecount: Hilda only has one vote on her.  You'll have to do better to graduate mercenary school, tsk.

Batmanuel (3): James T. Kirk, The Tick, Flay, Axel
Hazel (0): Gordon
Hilda(1) : Almaz
James T. Kirk (2): Batmanuel, Gordon
The Middleman (2): Hazel, James T. Kirk

No votes: Almaz, Axel, The Comedian, Flay, Gordon, Smax, The Tick
Hasn't voted: The Comedian, Smax, Hilda, The Middleman
Pizza delivery: Slower now
(Yes, this is SnowFire filling in while Yoshiken is out.)

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