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Messages - EternalLurker

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Music Tournament / Re: Music Tournament of DOOM mk3 ~Pool 11~
« on: April 26, 2010, 09:10:10 PM »
Ohhhhhh so that's what the P4 song was saying! I always heard it in-game and always thought it was saying your -reflection-.
You say it's unintelligible and still call it "decent". I don't get it.

Music Tournament / Re: Music Tournament of DOOM mk3 ~Pool 8~
« on: April 20, 2010, 04:35:24 PM »
If he thought FF was "awful" I highly doubt he'd've chosen it over Vendetta even if he had listened to the latter, so whatever.

Music Tournament / Re: Music Tournament of DOOM mk3 ~Pool 10~
« on: April 20, 2010, 04:07:26 PM »
Senkou no Ronde - Last Stand ? Karl Phase 0 VS. Shuffle! - Mirage Lullaby
  The full version of Mirage Lullaby is somewhat better, but this one's sufficient to beat a song that's a little more boring than it is.
Blazblue - Cactus Carnival VS. SaGa Frontier - Final Battle ~ T260G
Rozenkreustilette - Party of Ghost VS. Ys Seven - Vacant Interference
Legend of Mana - Irwin on Reflection VS. Touhou Chireiden ~ Subterranean Animism - Green-Eyed Jealousy

Suikoden II - Reminiscence VS. Touhou Chireiden ~ Subterranean Animism - Satori Maiden ~ 3rd eye
Digital Devil Saga - Danger (Full Version) VS. Iji - Further
Shadow of the Colossus - The Farthest Land VS. Shadow Hearts: Covenant - Love Moon Flower
  Wow, LMF is like a mixture of the most common, boring lyrics of every other J-pop love song, thrown onto an equally boring instrumental backdrop.
Valkyrie Profile: Silmeria - No Knowledge without Wisdom VS. Katamari Damacy - A Crimson Rose and a Gin Tonic
  Blah. "Cuteness" that isn't really cute versus battle music that's too boring for battle. Coin flip.

Code Geass - COLORS VS. Revolutionary Girl Utena - Zettai Unmei Mokushiroku
  More irritating RGU stuff, though I can't say what it's up against isn't pretty boring. Boring's still infinitely better than actively terrible.
Escaflowne - Dance of Curse VS. .hack//Roots - GOD DIVA

Shining Force 2 - Symphonic Suite Shining Force II ~Ancient Sealing~ - Wings VS. Xenogears - by: Another Soundscape, Avaris - Daijiru (Too Hot For Clothes) (I wouldn't listen to this with other people around. You were warned.)
  I'm genuinely tempted to give the Xenogears one the win, humorous>boring...but thankfully Wings isn't quite that boring.
Ace Attorney Investigations: Miles Edgeworth - Gyakuten Kenji Orchestra Album - Theme of Blue Badger's March VS. Ninja Gaiden 2 - Ashane - Ninjascape OC Remix

Forum Games / Re: Cthulu Mafia - Day 1
« on: April 19, 2010, 07:12:59 PM »
If he ain't even in the top five, how'd it come to be that we're still talking about it?

Seems to me it's because you mentioned it again here after the matter was a hair from dropping.
"Just addressed that, Peyton. When he an' Bike brought up my lil' beef with Daniels like you're doing, I answered; there's a reason fer my suspicion and I'm not gonna pretend there ain't. But I'm not acting on th'reason oth'r'n clarifyin' it when people ask, cuz it ain't a strong one yet. What yer quoting was when I was speaking to Bike cuz he'd just brought it up again; I wouldn've mentioned it otherwise, cuz I only have whenever someone's overreacted 'bout it. I will drop it if'n ya don't mention it, unless Daniels gives me some other reasons to suspect'm. An' he hasn't so far."

You're implying - implying, hell, voting! - they're a pack of dirty scum trying to slip in under the radar. Who knows.  Maybe they are. But you sure don't have any evidence. The only thing you've got that's LIKE evidence is Mr. Bike's appeal to the heavens, and between you and Kyle you've managed to act a lot more suspicious on that account than Bike his own self.
"If'n you're just saying 'tain't enough evidence (well, that an' his votes for two people I'm pretty sure'r innocent), I c'n understand that, and frankly I agree. But it is evidence, enough'r not, an more'n I've seen on anyone else. Best place fer my vote'd be no one cuz I'd rather not get anyone lynched hastily, but if'n we gotta get the killer today before he gets someone else, I'ma put my vote on the best suspect, even if it ain't a perfect one. An' that'd be Bike."

((The jokevote phase is for jokes, man.  I don't like it for exactly that reason, but most here DO, Town or Scum.  If you don't believe me, take a peek at past DL Mafia games and you'll see.  People like to have fun with it at the beginning of day 1 and don't want to play incredibly subtle mind games that have a near-zero chance of either working or being meaningful.))


((Dropped it.  Meaning his vote.  Meaning removed his vote and either voted for, uh, a different jokevote since at the time Pietro "called him on it" absolutely nothing had happened - or removed his vote for being "called on it" and had no vote down at all in the jokevote phase, despite posting?))

((Happen to notice what happened to the first person NOT to vote?  He attracted the first real suspicion of the day.  Not having a vote down is pretty much asking to get lynched, which is bad whether you're Town or Scum.))
((Not having a vote before any evidence at all is just as easily not wanting to lynch a fellow townie, in my books. Again I'm apparently unfamiliar with how you guys do it here at DL, where you seem to have set town/scum voting patterns on day 1, but not wanting to give a random accusation seems a lot more like a townie decision than a scum decision; the former takes a risk with any vote, while the latter's got plenty of voting options that are favorable without seeming suspicious at all. So if you guys don't take that into account here, that explains my issue with Daniels, I guess, in which case my suspicion of him is significantly less. I'll take a look through older Mafia threads here and see if I can figure out why you guys are so much more liberal with accusations on day 1, on both sides. Just a matter of playstyle I suppose.))

Forum Games / Re: Cthulu Mafia - Day 1
« on: April 19, 2010, 05:52:28 AM »
"Drink or act drunker'n ya are all that ya wanna do, Jack, ain't reason to suspect ya in an' of itself. It's yer loud accusation right at the start o'this whole thing, without a single fact on yer side, that seemed pretty damn rotten to me." ((Again you fail to understand. I'm saying that your initial accusation looked less like a joke vote and more like trying to get an innocent lynched, since it looks like you were trying to hide, with loud "drunken" rambles, the fact that you didn't actually take the vote back after Pietro calmed you down. Without your baseless (if you're innocent) accusation, simply being a drunkard wouldn't be anything but flavor, obviously.))

"But really, yer one o'my last worries at th'moment an' I ain't pointing fingers at ya for anything right now, so cool yer horses an' take another swig o' that stuff if ya need it. 's Bike tha's my real problem here." ((though unfortunately his story is suspicious primarily for OoC reasons that are hard to address in character))

Music Tournament / Re: Music Tournament of DOOM mk3 ~Pool 9~
« on: April 19, 2010, 05:07:56 AM »
I'm aware of that, but someone has to tell him that he's a horrible, horrible person, no matter how much he enjoys being one. :P

Forum Games / Re: Cthulu Mafia - Day 1
« on: April 18, 2010, 08:49:38 PM »
((1. Busy here too until tomorrow, so quick paragraph-by-paragraph OoC responses to Bike's post ensue:

2. I do apologize for what may have seemed like an asspull. Apparently I forgot to mention in my public bio that his parents are new to Marbury despite having discussed it with SnowFire via forum and IRC PMs, and I assumed you just hadn't read carefully enough due to not caring about what people here seem to call the joke vote phase. Entirely my fault, silly me.

3. I can't comment on what you mentioned about the role PM because when you say it in an OoC post it's hard to know if you're using that as cover to pretend you've gotta be telling the truth, and SnowFire certainly wouldn't want to say anything about it one way or the other.

4. Same thing here.

5. I guess I'll do the same for Ty: he moved into Marbury in his early teens, got a job working for the kind, familyless old man who owned the stable, and took over it for him when the latter was in poor health and died a few months later, about nine years ago. Bike being so new in town (a couple years, you say), I find it strange that he'd presume to know much about the families of town residents, doubly so for the person whose bio makes him out to be a fairly secretive loner, and it's not at all strange that he'd be wrong in making a guess based on what a frightened Peyton portrayed as Ty's supposed distrust of newcomers. Therefore, I don't think anything OoC has happened yet on anyone's part.


6. It _was_ flavor. As for Peyton, Ty tends to be fairly polite and helpful to newcomers; when the White Mountains were open tourists and hikers were part of his income, so it's a habit.

7. So asking for participation from others makes me more likely to be mafia? You confuse me.))

Forum Games / Re: Cthulu Mafia - Day 1
« on: April 18, 2010, 02:00:14 AM »
A burst of laughter cut off the fisherman's smug accusation. "I'm inclined to believe yer story, Bike, since it means I'm the last suspect on yer list. I wasn't even born in Marbury myself. Neither were you, right? Doesn't surprise me, then, that you're so detailed to make sure ya ain't a suspect. Frankly, I don't believe a word o'what ye just made up to cover yer own ass."

##Vote cancel: Bill Hellsnake
##New vote: Moses Bike

Forum Games / Re: Cthulu Mafia - Day 1
« on: April 18, 2010, 12:22:59 AM »
"Hey, I ain't sayin' it's gotta be you, and I don't think it is, neither." Ty raised his hands apologetically. "I'm just trying to figure out what evidence we've got here, and it's damn near none says the Sheriff. And instead of facts'n ideas, all I'm hearin' is people whining they don't like each other. So how's about we get some thought outta people here, like Peyton asks?"

Forum Games / Re: Cthulu Mafia - Day 1
« on: April 17, 2010, 11:41:24 PM »
"Ain't anythin' like that 'loiterers 'n' locals' shit, Peyton. I used to make my livin' off tourists, and I'm one of the first friendly faces travelers see here; wasn't I one o'the first to meet you too? Seamus ain't a local any more 'n' Hellsnake, but Seamus ain't the one makin' random accusations about people he doesn't even know! Ain't nothin' more suspicious'n someone who makes an accusation without evidence. Which, ya know, makes you pretty damn suspicious yourself. 's why you've got Greaves here wondering about ya."

Turning to the journalist on that final note, Ty reminded the man, with a friendly nod, "We're all a lil' tense here, Nathan. I think Peyton's just tenser'n most cuz he's worried he'll be suspected just on account of being new in town. I don't think that's reason to suspect the man."

He leaned against the nearest wall with a tired sigh, eying curiously the only person he could be (reasonably) certain was innocent. "So, let's get some reasons, then. The Sheriff tells us Jon had a fancy dagger in his back at the Order's lodge. You all know I don't really get much about the Order, so any of ya who do wanna tell me if that dagger's something the Order has lying around the place? If not...well, I gotta suggest that anyone who's willing to throw away that kinda money leaving an expensive dagger at the corpse might be...pretty rich." He motioned towards the salesman Jack had initially addressed in his (likely feigned) drunken rage.

Forum Games / Re: Cthulu Mafia - Day 1
« on: April 17, 2010, 10:17:04 PM »
"Hellsnake, you disgustin' lil' creep!" Ty roared, slamming a fist into the table at which he -- and some unfortunate others -- sat. Glasses rattled and shattered as he leapt to his feet, locking his furious gaze on the man he addressed, the fingers of his left hand twitching at his waist as if ready to grab a weapon. "You just fucking waltz into our town and think you got any right to be accusing anyone else of anything?! Can't say I know Seamus well enough yet to vouch for him, but I'd sure as hell bet on him being more innocent'n you, you lil' scum! Apologize! Ain't no one here I'd suspect more'n you anyway!"

##VOTE: William Hellsnake, barring a really good apology

Music Tournament / Re: Music Tournament of DOOM mk3 ~Pool 8~
« on: April 17, 2010, 08:21:53 PM »
Baten Kaitos: Eternal Wings and the Lost Ocean - Violent Storm VS. Melty Blood Act Cadenza - Beat from “Melty Blood” -Aoko Stage-
  Fairly close match. But, Aoko~
Senkou no Ronde DUO - Another Story Warrior - Ranatus Phase 1 VS. Street Fighter IV - Theme of Abel
  This may be the only SF song I've ever liked in the whole series. Still definitely not awesome or anything, but it's enough to pass this round I guess.
Wild ARMs 3 - There’s Only One Family Named Schroedinger VS. Tales of Legendia - Chasing Shirley
  TOOFNS is pretty decent for a loop or two. Chasing Shirley's very good.
Shin Megami Tensei: Persona - A Lone Prayer VS. Digital Devil Saga 2 - Epic Battle
  What the hell, ALP's Engrish is worse than the Spice&Wolf ED. Horrible. Ugh. Ugh. Ugh.

Xenosaga - Nephilim VS. Breath of Fire: Dragon Quarter - The Lowest Layer
  Eh, iunno. Instinctive pick after listening to each once. Might listen to 'em both a few more times later to pick more carefully and edit.
Clock Tower 3 - A Shadow Creeping Near VS. Portal - Still Alive
  ASCN is pretty bad. Still Alive is...yeah. ^_^
Bully - Vendetta Preps VS. Xenosaga II - Fatal Fight
  Another ordinary choral track, meh. Vendetta Preps is pretty nice.
Final Fantasy Legend III - Divine Battle VS. Pokemon Colosseum - Miror B’s Retro Groove
  Retro Groove might be moderately better with less laughing, though it still wouldn't win this.

.hack//Roots - Silly-Go-Round VS. Revolutionary Girl Utena - Androgynous Angel
  Silly-Go-Round is great. Androgynous Angel is...standard RGU lameness.
Magical Pokan - Senketsu no Chikai VS. Princess Mononoke - Princess Mononoke Theme Song
  Senketsu no Chikai would be a good piece if it had a good singer. It's the kind of piece Tainaka Sachi should sing. This singer is...not up to it. So Mononoke's theme wins I guess, though it's the opposite: nice lyrics, decent singer, boring instrumentals.

Super Robot Wars - by: AquaStyle - Valsion/The Arrow of Destiny VS. Final Fantasy IX - The Black Mages - Grand Cross
Suikoden Tierkreis - Genso Suikoden Tierkreis EXTRA SOUNDTRACK - Tierkreis~Door of Hope - with Ramin VS. Kingdom Hearts series - drammatica -The Very Best of Yoko Shimomura- - The 13th Anthology
  Anthology's pretty nice, the other one is eh

Music Tournament / Re: Music Tournament of DOOM mk3 ~Pool 9~
« on: April 17, 2010, 08:29:35 AM »
Super Smash Bros. Brawl - Enter Star Wolf VS. Super Smash Bros. Brawl - Humoresque of a Little Dog
  Hmph. The Brawl version of Star Wolf is significantly inferior to the Star Fox Assault version I nommed, for which I'd've voted over Humoresque. ...Possibly.
Xenosaga - Margulis VS. Wild ARMs - Courage
Muramasa - Deep in Mountain and Valley B VS. Chocobo’s Mysterious Dungeon - Dungeon Hero X’s Theme
  not a competition at all
Xenosaga III - hepatica (KOS-MOS) VS. Hanakisou (PS2) - Kuro Taka
  I gave up on the first one two minutes in.

Castlevania: Aria of Sorrow - Corridor VS. Romancing SaGa: Minstrel Song - Decisive Battle! Saruin - Final Battle with Saruin -
  Considering how my noms have been doing so far (Midna's Desperate Hour lost by a little bit cuz you all suck, but I've won every other contest 'til now), I'm okay with losing this one. Unfortunate matchup in terms of sound quality, of course, since GBA music can't have variation in dynamics, but whatever.
Super Smash Bros. Brawl - Shin Onigashima VS. Pokemon XD: Gale of Darkness - Miror B. Theme
  yeah wut
Mega Man 2 - Wily Stage 1 VS. God Hand - Gene’s Rock-A-Bye
World of Warcraft - Stormwind City Theme VS. Ar tonelico 3 - EXEC_Z/.
  Hey an EXEC piece that doesn't, this is fairly awesome. One of the top three in the pool. Meanwhile I forgot what Stormwind sounded like two seconds after it was done.

Macross - Do You Remember Love? VS. Higurashi no Naku Koro ni Kai - Naraku no Hana
  this isn't anything remotely approaching a contest guys
.hack//Liminality - Kioku (Liminality Version) VS. The Melancholy of Haruhi Suzumiya - Cool Edition
  Asakura's image song is easily the best Haruhi song three times over. Granted, that's not saying much because there isn't much competition (only Ima Made no Arasuji and Kyon's Hare Hare Yukai are fun, and Yuki's image song somewhat nice), but yeah, still gotta say it beats Kioku. This matchup sucks, though, because I hate that either of these has to lose in round 1.

Final Fantasy VII - Blasphemously Awaiting the Frostbitten Mako Reaction Atop the Highest Crest of a Grim and Anxious Heart While Raiding Weapons on a Fjord Off the Edge of Despair as The Planet Cries (Mako Reaction) VS. SaGa Frontier 2 - Piano Pieces "SF2" ~ Rhapsody on a Theme of SaGa FRONTIER 2 - "β" 2
  Not the most interesting piano piece, but it's pretty fucking hard for any piece to lose to that thing. Also Nitori I hate you forever.
Phoenix Wright: Ace Attorney Justice for All - Gyakuten Saiban Orchestra Album ~Gyakuten Meets Orchestra~ - Gyakuten Saiban 2 Court Suite VS. Pokemon Gold, Touhou - Leon @ Lightning Spirit - Versus Johto Trainer
  Arrangements can do wonderful or terrible things to a piece. This is the former case. I would never vote for a Pokemon piece under any other circumstances.

EDIT: Listened to the right version of Kioku now thanks to Tonfa's link. That sounds much more familiar and faster-paced. The full version loses much of the fire of the first due to length and pace.

Forum Games / Re: Cthulu mafia: Confirmations
« on: April 17, 2010, 04:07:46 AM »
Confirmed but busy until noon Sunday. Will be free nightly after that though.

Music Tournament / Re: Music Tournament of DOOM mk3 ~Pool 6~
« on: April 07, 2010, 01:02:44 AM »
Xenogears - One who Bares Fangs at God VS. Final Fantasy X - To Zanarkand
  Nice, it's got that confusing boss fight feeling that makes the Twilight Princess Battle With Zant so freakishly fun. I like.
Star Ocean 2 - Integral Body and Imperfect Soul VS. Persona 3 FES - Heartful Cry
  Forgot the SO2 piece was playing. Heartful Cry's pretty cool.
The Legend of Heroes Sora no Kiseki the 3rd - Sora wo Miagete VS. Persona 4 - Heaven
  A tolerable enough vocal track, I guess. Relative to the other, anywho.
Dragon Quest VIII - Heavenly Flight VS. Final Fantasy VI - Terra
  flipped a coin, forgot each of 'em were playing. Twice.

Wild ARMs 4 - Critical Attack ~ Breaking Boundaries VS. Wild ARMs Alter Code: F - Windward Birds
  Not too terrible a vocal track but the other beats it easily.
Revelations: Persona - Boss Battle VS. Kirby Super Star - Kirby Arrives on the Scene
  *coughs at typo of "on" >_>*
Chrono Trigger - Undersea Palace VS. Pokemon Diamond/Pearl - Battle with Palkia/Dialga
  You dare to put a horrible Pokémon theme (sorry, I guess that's redundant) against my nom? D:
Final Fantasy IX - Protecting my Devotion VS. Wild ARMs - A Moment of Tension (Lady Harken’s Theme)
  Not too bad, either of 'em

Higurashi no Naku Koro ni - Higurashi no Naku Koro ni VS. Soul Eater - Paper Moon
  I generally dislike Shimamiya Eiko's pieces, HnNKn included. (Naraku no Hana is the only piece of hers that I like.) Nonetheless, it's gotta beat this horrible Engrish-packed thing.
Starship Operators - Returning to Earth: On the Earth VS. Needless - Modern Strange Cowboy
  RoE:OtE is boring and MSC is noisy, great. Flipped a coin.

Sonic the Hedgehog 3 - Ice Cap Zone 2 Remix VS. Seiken Densetsu 3 - Marina - Seiken Densetsu Arrange - Allegro Apassionato
  somewhat close I guess
Final Fantasy V - Azu♪ @ Mood Music - Break Big Bridge Battle VS. Zombie Ate my Neighbors - OCRemix - Zombies Ate My Neighbors 'Neighburgers'
  Hellz yeah, ZAmN.

EDIT: forgot to bold one <_<

Music Tournament / Re: Music Tournament of DOOM mk3 ~Pool 5~
« on: April 03, 2010, 05:46:37 AM »

Music Tournament / Re: Music Tournament of DOOM mk3 ~Pool 4~
« on: March 30, 2010, 07:39:41 PM »
Shadow of the Colossus - Epilogue - Those Who Remain VS. Tales of Legendia - The Legendary Sorceror
  second favorite SotC piece next to Farthest Land, not that there's much other competition in the soundtrack (maybe two other pieces; the rest are repetitive)
Etrian Odyssey II - Labyrinth IV ~ Cherry Tree Bridge VS. Valkyrie Profile - Turn Over a New Leaf
Wild ARMs Alter Code: F - G’s Roar VS. The Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess - Midna’s Desperate Hour
  Here is a version that, while it doesn't loop, doesn't cut in at both beginnings like this one.
Blazblue - Awakening the Chaos VS. Labyrinth of Touhou - Ikusa Japan

Final Fantasy X-2 - Eternity ~Memory of Lightwaves~ VS. The Legend of Zelda: The Wind Waker - The Great Sea
  Heh, out of nowhere someone in jazz band threw the piano version of that FF piece at me and asked me to play it in middle school, so it's nice to hear the full version. The Great Sea is probably my second favorite overworld theme next to TP's, though, so I'll feel guilty about this vote if this doesn't at least get in the top four.
Bayonetta - Let’s Dance, Boys! VS. Fire Emblem: The Binding Blade - Beyond the Distant Skies: Roy’s Journey
  Cough what.
Time Hollow - Time Hollow VS. Melty Blood Act Cadenza - The End of 1000 Years
Blazblue - Motor Head (Iron Tager) VS. Dissidia: Final Fantasy - Ending -Dissidia-
  And again.

Seikon no Qwaser - Passionate squall VS. NANA - Rose
  ugh, flipped a coin
Pokemon - Pokemon Johto VS. Mazinger Z - Mazin Go
  ugh, here too

Castlevania: Aria of Sorrow - Castlevania: Aira of Sorrow arranged version- - Ruined Castle Corridor VS. SaGa Frontier 2 - Piano Pieces "SF2" ~ Rhapsody on a Theme of SaGa FRONTIER 2 - "+4" 4
  oh jeez really? Someone nommed the arranged version of Corridor? I nommed the unarranged one. o_O Well, among other flaws, it most notably doesn't kick into the B and C sections nearly as well as the unarranged one. I much prefer the original. Arranged version loses to a fairly boring piano piece. Real version is much, much better. ^_^
Final Fantasy XI - Piano Collections Final Fantasy XI - The Sanctuary of Zi'Tah VS. Lionel Pinteau - Nostalgic Melodies
  As for a good piano piece, this one fits the bill quite nicely.

Forum Games / Re: Cthulu mafia sign-ups
« on: March 23, 2010, 09:16:19 PM »
Ty (Tyrone) Callahan is a twenty-something-year-old who owns a rather large stable at the outer edges of Marbury (about twenty-five horses at any given time). Its main business was in horse rides for the tourists who wanted to head up into the White Mountains, but now that they're closed off, he mainly just runs it locally, $0.50 for an hour-long kid's class and things like that. His prices certainly don't match up to the daily expenditures for his horses; he seems not to be lacking in money, probably due to a sizable inheritance, though he does apparently make some by selling some of his horses, at least two a month.

He's liked enough by people who see him often, but considered a bit of a loner by most of the rest: he's never seen outside past sundown, politely declines all invitations by groups such as the Order of Unseen Wisdom, and always seems to have an excuse when asked to come by for dinner. When he comes into town it's usually right about noon and almost always to the bar; his main purpose in these visits seems to be to make conversation with the bartender and occasionally some specific members of the town that happen to be nearby, though he always makes an effort to befriend any tourists or newcomers he meets there.

Note that I'm also open to such plot points as the local post office renting horses from him when delivering outside the town, or anything else you want him to supply (as long as he gets some money from it :P it'll often be a token amount, but it'll be something), depending on how much you want Marbury to tolerate the rise of the automobile industry in this version of 1928.

Music Tournament / Re: Music Tournament of DOOM mk3 ~Pool 2~
« on: March 22, 2010, 11:44:56 PM »
Super Robot Wars Alpha 3 - Brother in Faith VS. Legend of Mana - City of Flickering Destruction
  fairly easy
Kingdom Hearts 358/2 Days - Xion VS. MapleStory - The Dangerous Cave
  Hadn't heard either before. Both are kinda nice, but Xion wins.
Guilty Gear XX - Awe of She VS. Growlanser Generations - Zion’s Battle
  I probably could've nommed a better GG song (maybe Haven't You Got Eyes In Your Head or Simple Life), but this one's still in my top five and wins.
Total Distortion - You Are Dead VS. Hoshigami - Tower of Wind
  What. You Are Dead can't lose to some tame thing like that!

Wild ARMs Alter Code: F - Footsteps VS. Final Fantasy Tactics - Trisection
  Boring versus repetitive, great. I flipped a coin.
Bionic Commando: Rearmed - Leap of Faith VS. Tales of Vesperia - A Vow of Unity
  LoF's kinda fun. VoU's kinda boring.
Atelier Iris 3 - Rain of Blossoms VS. Shadow Hearts - Much Hatred Still Rankles
  Ooh, I like RoB. MHSR's okay, I guess.
Chrono Cross - Radical Dreamer ~ Unstolen Jewel VS. Suikoden 2 - Gothic Neclord
  *sigh* Chrono Trigger had good music. Chrono Cross has generally boring music. There's a lot of Suikoden music I'd prefer to Gothic Neclord and it still wins.

Ghost in the Shell - Laser Seeker VS. Madlax - Margaret
  Not too much of a contest. Laser Seeker is pretty damn fun.
Ghost in the Shell: Innocence - Follow Me VS. Ouran High School Host Club   -   Tango Brilliante for Orchestra
  bleh and eh. Eh wins.

Actraiser - by Prince of Darkness/Guitar Bizarre/Chris Feener - A Coele Usque Ad Centrum VS. Jurassic Park - DarthWeather - Visitor's Center Phaser Remix
  There is...a bit of a length disparity in this matchup. One's too short to entertain for long; the other's too long to remain entertaining for its full length. I'll go with the non-looped loop.
Star Ocean 3 - Motoi Sakuraba Live Concert Star Ocean & Valkyrie Profile - Highbrow VS. Duck Tales - OCRemix - Harden the Duck Up!

EDIT: Oops bolded the wrong one at the end there

Music Tournament / Re: Music Tournament of DOOM mk3
« on: March 22, 2010, 12:46:09 AM »
Oh, by the way, Snowfire and I both nommed Midna's Desperate Hour, but he said there isn't a TP OST and suggested you use the Brawl one. I have the TP soundtrack, so if you want that, I can send it, but I'm not sure where I got it. I assume it was a rip from the game but I don't know. (I've got every piece I nommed 'cept maybe Still Alive, and that shouldn't be hard to find.)

Music Tournament / Re: Music Tournament of DOOM mk3 ~Pool 1~
« on: March 21, 2010, 09:56:55 PM »

Unranked Games / Re: Ge.Ne.Sis (theoretical)
« on: March 11, 2010, 06:23:08 AM »
Oh, no, I think you misunderstand what I said about Soul Ritual. When Death enters the battlefield, enemy HP regens drop by 10%. When Death leaves the battlefield due to being defeated or being dismissed, enemy HP regens increase by 10% permanently (or until she's resummoned), which is equivalent to her Essence no longer having an effect on the battlefield. When she leaves the battlefield due to being Soulbursted, however, enemy HP regens increase by 15% permanently rather than 10%.

So no, it's not +5% enemy HP regen for those two turns. It's +5% enemy HP regen forevermore. It's like the opposite of Last Exile. This is why I don't use Soul Ritual on the Tale Memory. >_>

Anyway, 'tis only a minor issue. Death's not worth it for Neraine to summon in most cases. But speaking of Last Exile, you forgot its Power and Magic debuffing, which can be pretty damn useful against some opponents and might be worth the summon for G.Gelyan, who can survive a turn to do it.

EDIT: Fixed 'em I see. Coo'.

Unranked Games / Re: Ge.Ne.Sis (theoretical)
« on: March 10, 2010, 08:45:13 PM »
A'right then. Any references to Level in the Tarot formulas are of course for that Tarot, not for the affected characters. (example: Essence of Life caps at +15% Health regen when the HP is level 20) And as usual I won't mention the final multiplier, which is counter*damagereduction*berserk, where Berserk applies only for the Hanged Man (see Pain Eater).

High Priestess:
Blessed: Health regen formula is 20 + End/2 instead of 5 + End/2
Essence of Life: other allies get an extra 5 + (Level/2) % Health regen
Dual Blade: 80 + 10*rand + (Pow^2)/2, 2 hits IIRC
Azure Wings: .125 + .3*Mag, LOTS of hits in the form of vertical DoT
Grand Blessing: heals target by 400 + targetMaxHealth*(.25 + Level/200); example: level 20 HP heals targets for 400 + 35% of their max health
Blue Paradise: fully heals all allies and increases their Magic scores by 3

Vampirism: Health regen formula is a flat -7%, base physical HP leech rate is 15%
Essence of Sorrow: subtract 5+(Level/4) from enemy Health regen
Slice: 160 + 20*rand + 3*(Pow^2)
Iron Maiden: 80 + 10*rand + 68*(Pow^2)/9
Soul Eater: deals 2/3 Death's max HP in irreducible damage to target and heals Death for 1/3 max HP (even if field attack is somehow ineffective)
Soul Ritual: deals Death's max HP in irreducible damage and paralyzes target. All enemies gain +5% Health regen (in addition to Essence of Sorrow's effect ending).

Essence of Magic: reduces all enemies' Resists by 60 + (Level*7); example: level 20 Magician reduces all enemies' Resists by 200
Flame Rush: 7.5*rand + 3*Mag, horizontal DoT
Flame Fury: 70*rand + (Mag^2), easy to count hits (one per fireball) but I don't remember how many there are
Meteor Strike: (1 + .3*rand)*52*(Mag^2)/9
Solar Wrath: (1 + .3*rand)*65*(Mag^2)/9

Hanged Man:
Pain Eater: increases damage by (1 - HP/maxHP); example: at 10% HP the Hanged Man will deal 90% extra damage, ie berserk = 1.9
Essence of Winter: subtract 30% from enemy Blue resistances
Grand Cross: 250 + 30*rand + 50*(Pow^2)/9, also reduce enemy Resist by 300
Cold Torment: 400 + 70*rand + (Mag^2)/1.5625
Arctic Call: (.8 + .2*rand)*87.5*(Mag^2)/4
Last Exile: (1.4 + .2*rand)*Pow*Mag*60. Also subtracts 3% from target's HP regen rate and 4 from target's Power and Magic.

Essence of Slyness: increase ally (and self) HP physical leech rate by 5 + (Level/2)
Thunder Orb: 5*rand + Mag*4, decent vertical hits-over-time
Rod Twirl: 50 + 50*rand + 3.2*(Pow^2), countable hits (5 IIRC)
Thunder Rod: (1.2 + .2*rand)*45*(Mag^2)
Plasma Solstice: (1.5 + .2*rand)*100*(Mag^2)

Am I missing anything? Besides the Lovers, anyway; they're buried somewhere among the enemies in the code, for some reason, so it's hard to find 'em. I'll get to 'em tomorrow. (No, it's not because they're an enemy at one point; the Fool is too, and the enemy stats are different from the basic Tarot stats for both of those guys.)

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