Yes, it's true - Big Joe is making his thrilling return to the Battling Arena! And, as usual, Big Joe shall blaze a trail straight into Godlike - but only with your help, dear fans! If that naughty "Stallion" character plays unfair at all, trying anything scummy, feel free to pelt him with anything lying about! Sure, audience interference is nothing new in the DL, but Big Joe is one of the few duelers for which this is actually *legal*. Who would be willing to disqualify a nice guy like Joe, who sells GNRS 50s to the DL's finest? All Big Joe has to do is invite all his best friends in Godlike to root for him and watch the carnage! Stallion can prance about the arena as fast as he likes, if he thinks it'll help, but there won't be any escape from Joe's Great - and Dynamic - popularity!