Author Topic: Nyarlathotep's Dungeon: Week 9  (Read 2907 times)


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Nyarlathotep's Dungeon: Week 9
« on: May 21, 2008, 05:00:40 PM »

"Ah... It seems I overestimated you again. My apologies. Please, do try again..."

Team Snowfire vs. Lynx, Harle and Gafgarion, 13-0
Team Laggy vs. Tony, Augst and Evil Gaia,  4-6
Team Super vs. Ryu2, Albert Simon, Menardi, Camus, 10-0

Team Namagomi's Matches

Floor 1: An Introduction (The Beginning)

Battle #1: FF1 Garland and PC Bowser.

Garland: I, Garland, will knock you all down
Bowser: ...What kind of insult is that, idiot?! You should say something like 'I, Lord Garland, will steal your princess!!

Battle #2: Kwanda, Humphrey, Onix and S3 Leo

Kwanda: You won't get past us! Iron Wall Kwanda will stop you here!
Humphrey: ............yep.

Battle #3: Jogurt, Ramus, Euram Barrows, Big Joe, Gobi and Kelvena

Euram: While I may not have my elite guards with me any longer... I, the great Euram Barrows, will put you out of your misery! Let us go, friends!
Ramus: I need to go back to my shop...
Kelvena: ...

Battle #4: Luna, Ricardo, SH2 Lucia and Nara

Luna: I do not wish to fight you, but I have no choice. Please, run while you still can.
Ricardo: This shall be where I sing your dirge! Adios, amigos!

Boss Battle, Battle #5: Viper Manor Lynx, PC Harle and Boss Gafgarion

Lynx: You're all fools to have entered this place. I won't let you get your grubby little hands on what awaits you at the bottom. Both of you, I expect you to help me.
Harle: Oui oui monseur Lynx.
Gafgarion: Ugh, I can't believe this... am I still getting paid?

Team Snowfire's Matches

Floor 2a: Generic Battle Music (Earlygame)

"So you want to try something Generic, huh? Well, let's see what you think about this, then!"

Battle #6: Lorenta, Jelanda, Shiho, Mystina

Lorenta: "I think it's time we go, everyone."
Jelanda: "Hah! These fools think they can defeat us?"
Mystina: "Yes, let's show them just how powerful our magic really is!"

Battle #7: FF1 Knight, FFT Knight, PC Beatrix

FF1 Knight: "Well, you're not Fiend, but... I guess I'll stop you."
FFT Knight: "For the might of Ivalice!"
Beatrix: You two are under my command. Let's go.

Battle #8: FF1 Black Mage, FFT Wizard, Vivi

FF1 Black Mage: "Well, I guess if I have to bother with this..."
FFT Wizard: "Inscribe on the... something something. Whatever, Flare!"
Vivi: "I don't like this, but I have no choice!"

Battle #9: Lucius, Serra, Renault and Moulder

Lucius: "We must persevere. Don't give in!"
Serra: "Whatever! They won't beat me!"
Renault: "Take it easy and we'll win, no rushing."

[/b]Boss Battle #2: Ramza and Vandalier Ash[/b]

Ramza: "You think just because you beat our army you can beat us? Hah! I'm a Beovule!"
Ash: "With the power granted to me by the gods I will strike you down! Let's go!"

Team Super's Matches

Floor 7: The Final Countdown...? (Endgame)

"So, you've made it this far. Congratulations. But now... you must fight those who are not infamous for facing their final foes... but perhaps they will challenge you anyway! Hahaha!"

Battle #31: Lexis, Dekar, Tia, Gusto, Jelze

Lexis: Science will bring you down!
Dekar: Ha ha ha! I've forgotten how to die!
Tia: Tia. Like Tear. GET IT? IT'S A PUN!

Battle #32: Palom, Porom, Edward, Cid, Yang, FuSoYa

Palom: Haaahahahahaha! You all are TOAST!
Porom: Um... right, then.
Edward: Sing~~~~
Cid: Sit down and drink your g-...huh?

Battle #33: PC Ghaleon, Laike, Tempest, Gwyn, Lucia

Ghaleon: Ha ha ha! Magic Emperor this!
Tempest: Wshhhoooo~~! Like the wind!
Gwyn: Nyaha... ha...?

Battle #34: Algus, Holy Knight Delita, Olan, Zalbag

*The team has been fully restored!

Algus: Ha ha ha I killed your sister!
Delita: Shut up, Algus.
Olan: Galaxy... STOP!
Zalbag: ...Why am I even here?

Boss Battle #7: Gryz, Hahn, Demi, Kyra, Raja

Gryz: For Motavia!
Hahn: For SCIENCE!!
Raja: For DEZOLIS!
Kyra: For... Es...pers...?
Demi: I have no idea what you all are doing right now.

Team Namagomi | Ursula, Nina2, Rutee, Yulie, White Rose
[Floor 1]
Team Namagomi vs. FF1 Garland and PC Bowser
Team Namagomi vs. Kwanda, Onix, Humphrey and Leo (S3)
Team Namagomi vs. Jogurt, Ramus, Euram Barrows, Big Joe, Gobi, Kelvena
Team Namagomi vs. Luna, Ricardo, Lucia (SH2), Nara
Team Namagomi vs. Boss Lynx, PC Harle and Boss Gafgarion

Team Snowfire | Benjamin, Alex, Nash, Mia, Nall
[Floor 2a]
Team Snowfire vs. Lorenta, Jelanda, Shiho, Mystina
Team Snowfire vs. FF1 Knight, FFT Knight, PC Beatrix
Team Snowfire vs. FF1 Black Mage, FFT Wizard, Vivi
Team Snowfire vs. Lucius, Serra, Renault and Moulder
Team Snowfire vs. Ramza and Vandalier Ash

Team Super| Rika, Aeonless Yuna, Palom, Porom, Onix
[Floor 7] *Please remember to scale against endgame if at all possible!
**Palom and Porom have access to their Mt. Ordeals things if you allow them.
Team Super vs. Lexis, Dekar, Tia, Gusto, Jelze
Team Super vs. Palom, Porom, Edward, Cid4, Yang, FuSoYa
Team Super vs. PC Ghaleon, Laike, Tempest, Gwyn, Lucia
*Full Heal
Team Super vs. Algus, Holy Knight Delita, Olan, Zalbag
Team Super vs. Gryz, Hahn, Demi, Kyra, Raja
« Last Edit: May 21, 2008, 06:44:45 PM by Nephrite »


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Re: Nyarlathotep's Dungeon: Week 9
« Reply #1 on: May 22, 2008, 02:29:30 AM »
Team Super| Rika, Aeonless Yuna, Palom, Porom, Onix
[Floor 7] *Please remember to scale against endgame if at all possible!
**Palom and Porom have access to their Mt. Ordeals things if you allow them.
Team Super vs. Lexis, Dekar, Tia, Gusto, Jelze- Lexis is the only reviver, Dekar's ST adn slower than hell, Tia is slow and frail, capsules can't do much. Pretty easy.
Team Super vs. Palom, Porom, Edward, Cid4, Yang, FuSoYa- Edward is FAST. That's the good news. The bad news is that he can't silence the twins. Fight isn't too hard to control overall- Yuna OHKOs someone or cures someone if Yang statuses out someone, if she's statused out, it's not a big deal. Rika can either ID Palom or use Saner so my twins win the tiebreak. IT doesn't matter, most of the enemy team is going to be dead in a hurry. Leave someone alive but statued, heal, move on.
Team Super vs. PC Ghaleon, Laike, Tempest, Gwyn, Lucia- Ghaleon's L99 Wisdom is the same as Mia's, more or less. Going to give his spells a bit of credit and assume they're average damage, so a bit stronger than Flameria.  Assuming Ghaleon gets the drop on Rika, blasts the team. Rika responses with Nasar. Laike's combo is also below average damage, so no one is OHKOed. Yuna goes next, and heals whoever Laike hit. Tempest does something, doesn't matter. He shouldn't OHKO anyone. (Onix is dead thanks to the Ghaleon spell, act shocked). I think I'm okay at this point- Torando+Porom poke kills Ghaleon and gets around his stupid durability.  Assuming you don't let Tornado work there, Palom/Porom nuke Tempest/Gwyn. This fight is scary as hell, but.. I'm thinking that Nasar should be enough to keep me afloat here at the worst. Besides, full heal next!

*Full Heal
Team Super vs. Algus, Holy Knight Delita, Olan, Zalbag-
Turn order:


Assumptions here, for the sake of argument: FFT temps scaled to endgame with full equipment changing (But are scaled to L40), Saner doesn't work turn 1 for speed boosting. Galaxy stop hits Yuna/Rika/Onix round one, seems like the worst possible odds there. Assuming Palom can't status Zalbag/Delita round 1, because if he can the fight gets easier. (He'd hit through it in most games, but FFT evasion ignores better than 100% chances to hit with a status or a spell. The worst Delita can be against status is 50%.)

Okay! Olan can't use his shiny Sprint Shoes here or else he's going to get an ID from Rika. So he uses an Angel Ring. Rika Debans Porom, while Yuna autolifes her. Olan Galaxy Stops. Algus smacks Porom. Palom..

Hold the phone. *Checks Palom's status... huh, you can MT those?* Break went 30/30 on MT test against Moon Goddesses and Witches/Warlocks/the female mages on the moon. Sooo yeah. Palom if he gets a turn (And I don't think he won't) knocks out Olan (High faith, no shields) and Algus (Average faith, no shields). If they block stone, they have to worry about Rika's ID. They can block ID and stone at the same time if you allow that, but it drops their HP (Judo outfits). They're also sleep/toad to worry about.. yeah. So if Palom gets a turn it's game over. Changing worst case setup to Yuna/Palom/Onix getting statused.

Rika debans Porom. Yuna Autolifes Porom. Algus/Delita tee off. Deban knocks off a third average damage at this point as best I can figure by talking to Snow. Delita.. actually is sort of hamstrung on offense. Porom's halving of ice means he can't use his ice brand, he also has to block ID. So he's using a Cam robe here.  The two combined do 360 damage.  Saner knocks that down to 240.

270/452= 53%.
Porom's Pdurability: 58%.

Bzzzt. Zalbag has to kill Porom (He can't really do anything else scary). He could in theory 'wait' until after Porom goes if you allow that sort of thing but it sort of delays the invetiable- and Porom can charm Olan, who should get off a Galaxy Stop before anyone else acts. (Algus figures are quoted sans thief hat). Rika heals up Porom either way and the enemy team can't prevent Palom from getting a turn/Olan from wrecking them with Galaxy stop. Heal up, prepare for boss.

Team Super vs. Gryz, Hahn, Demi, Kyra, Raja- Enemy team's too slow here. Kyra/Demi do bad things but Rika can first and throw a wrench into it, Yuna's support spells are just icing.

Team Namagomi | Ursula, Nina2, Rutee, Yulie, White Rose
[Floor 1]
Team Namagomi vs. FF1 Garland and PC Bowser- Charm bowser. That should be enough.
Team Namagomi vs. Kwanda, Onix, Humphrey and Leo (S3)- WR revives anyone killed, she's too tanky to die as is, Rutee's healing helps with this. Though.. screetch means that Onix has to die fast. Rutee has water elemental magic. CHECK PLEASE.
Team Namagomi vs. Jogurt, Ramus, Euram Barrows, Big Joe, Gobi, Kelvena- Scrubs.
Team Namagomi vs. Luna, Ricardo, Lucia (SH2), Nara-  Blitz Nara(The usual). WR charms Luna.Ricardo's got no one to really support at this point.
Team Namagomi vs. Boss Lynx, PC Harle and Boss Gafgarion-Charm Gaf.  Lynx and Harle  one round Yulie but it's not enough offhand.

Tenative pass to Team Snowfire.
« Last Edit: May 26, 2008, 09:09:02 PM by superaielman »
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Re: Nyarlathotep's Dungeon: Week 9
« Reply #2 on: May 22, 2008, 05:51:00 PM »
Namagomi passes. It's floor 1 and I spot a healer in the team.

SnowFire passes? Eh. Could be argued.

I'll buy the faiel hype too, so Super passes. With the added bonus of FFT temps not getting equip change.
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<Gourry> What, for making the game three times better?
<Gourry> And playable, at that?
<Niu> that lose the whole point of of L2!!!

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Re: Nyarlathotep's Dungeon: Week 9
« Reply #3 on: May 22, 2008, 06:26:14 PM »
I assume it's regular Algus and not Dark Knight Argath? Frankly, this floor seems significantly easier than the last one, and aiel's team has more power now.


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Re: Nyarlathotep's Dungeon: Week 9
« Reply #4 on: May 22, 2008, 06:32:17 PM »
Regular, it's all the temp forms of the PC's.

And this floor is pretty brutal. PC Ghaleon and Laike make the Lunar fight hard alone- they're status immune and have boatloads of HP. Support isn't great but they put a lot of pressure on a team.  The FFT fight's the same way. Olan is good in this format, Delita/Algus combined can wreck just about any PC, and Zalbag's ruins can cause pain in a hurry. You pretty much have to win that fight with two PC's knocked out almost as soon as the fight begins, and if Olan gets a second turn you're likely fucked.
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Re: Nyarlathotep's Dungeon: Week 9
« Reply #5 on: May 23, 2008, 04:08:59 AM »
All 3 pass.


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Re: Nyarlathotep's Dungeon: Week 9
« Reply #6 on: May 23, 2008, 06:29:27 AM »
Team Snowfire | Benjamin, Alex, Nash, Mia, Nall
[Floor 2a]
Team Snowfire vs. Lorenta, Jelanda, Shiho, Mystina - Benjamin, Alex, and Nash all win the speedoff.  That is that.  For extra amusement, considering how closely VP characters are clustered, I'd say that Explosion Staff unquestionably hits all of them.
Team Snowfire vs. FF1 Knight, FFT Knight, PC Beatrix - According to Nephrite, this is Beatrix scaled up against endgame levels, theoretically.  This means that she is basically Steiner +, not an insane OHKO machine.  Bea...  not entirely certain on what statistics she can block, but Nash has several options and the equipment you can choose from during her time in the party is small.  Assuming something would get through, she must open with Reflect on herself to avoid getting Statused.  The Knights are both average speed...  and FFT Knight can only block one of Sleep or Confusion.  Nash statuses out the FFT Knight, Alex Sword Dances Bea, and Ben attacks Bea.  That...   might well be enough to take her down (Sword Dance is pretty uber at all points in the game, the current damage average includes Ramus and Luna but no Kyle), Mia can toss in a physical if necessary.  FF1 Knight does something irrelevant (Ruse or Physical), then the team finishes the job on those two.  Ben heals up any damage from FF1 Knight while the last fighter is statused.  (Note: If you have higher Beatrix HP & damage respect event at endgame, the worst that can happen is Nash dies in round 2.  Bea still needs to open with reflect which means no healing meaning she dies in round 2 anyway, and the team still beats the remaining two, but Nash would open the next battle at 1 HP.)  (Also, if Bea opens with damage on Nash, then after Nash statuses her, Ben heals Nash, natch.)
Team Snowfire vs. FF1 Black Mage, FFT Wizard, Vivi - Wizard and Black Mage are average speed, Vivi is below average.  This can't end well.   I actually respect QAKE in a team setting, but BM is still OHKO bait for Alex, and if Ben tosses bombs it's even clearer.  Ben & Nash takes care of FFT Wizard (High Faith = Thunder Bomb is going to HURT),  Vivi is mostly harmless.  He tosses his bad ID and hopes for the best; thanks to Nall it probably won't matter that much even if he gets lucky.
Team Snowfire vs. Lucius, Serra, Renault and Moulder - Magic Triangle Advantage for Ben, Nash, & Mia!  Woo!  Not that Ben will be using his magic against high-resist targets, but it's the thought that counts.  For extra hilarity, not that it's needed, Alex can use White Dragon Protect this fight if it was harder.  Only vague threat is Renault opening with a double against Mia...  but eh.  And after Mia Ice Shells, that trick won't be working again, one healer can be rushed at a time, etc.
Team Snowfire vs. Ramza and Vandalier Ash - I haven't played VH, but my understanding from votes in earlier rounds is that Ash has trouble blocking some statuses.  And that will be that.

Namagomi - Not sure I can vote due to not being overly familiar with enough of Nama's team...  but yeah, the Luna/Ricardo/Lucia/Nara fight looks like the interesting one.  Their magic defense is pretty good, and they're going to start a pretty impressive buffing / regen game...  and from chat, it doesn't seem clear if White Rose has charm on floor 1 to help break the stall (though even if she does, there's always wimpy attacks to break people out of it?).  Since Ricardo has MP regen, Nama's team needs to be the one to actively step up and win here...

Super - Uh...  that analysis sounds good, pass.  Laike at below average damage is a little odd, but since he doesn't get special moves, sure.  It's not like his defense is really in question this fight, which is his real asset.


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Re: Nyarlathotep's Dungeon: Week 9
« Reply #7 on: May 23, 2008, 04:55:42 PM »
Super - Uh...  that analysis sounds good, pass.  Laike at below average damage is a little odd, but since he doesn't get special moves, sure.  It's not like his defense is really in question this fight, which is his real asset.

He has the same attack score as Kyle does at endgame actually. He does 240 damage.
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Re: Nyarlathotep's Dungeon: Week 9
« Reply #8 on: May 24, 2008, 11:04:00 AM »
All three pass. Super's is close and he'd lose easily without the fullheal to me, but he can go all-out to end that one and move quickly on. Snowfire can handle things thanks to Ben. Namagomi can get his way through without an issue.


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Re: Nyarlathotep's Dungeon: Week 9
« Reply #9 on: May 24, 2008, 07:47:06 PM »
All three pass.


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Re: Nyarlathotep's Dungeon: Week 9
« Reply #10 on: May 25, 2008, 05:10:34 AM »
Team Namagomi | Ursula, Nina2, Rutee, Yulie, White Rose
[Floor 1]
Team Namagomi vs. FF1 Garland and PC Bowser
Team Namagomi vs. Kwanda, Onix, Humphrey and Leo (S3)
Team Namagomi vs. Jogurt, Ramus, Euram Barrows, Big Joe, Gobi, Kelvena
Team Namagomi vs. Luna, Ricardo, Lucia (SH2), Nara
Team Namagomi vs. Boss Lynx, PC Harle and Boss Gafgarion- Moving on.

Team Snowfire- pass, not comfy with too many variables.

Team Super| Rika, Aeonless Yuna, Palom, Porom, Onix
[Floor 7] *Please remember to scale against endgame if at all possible!
**Palom and Porom have access to their Mt. Ordeals things if you allow them.
Team Super vs. Lexis, Dekar, Tia, Gusto, Jelze
Team Super vs. Palom, Porom, Edward, Cid4, Yang, FuSoYa
Team Super vs. PC Ghaleon, Laike, Tempest, Gwyn, Lucia
*Full Heal
Team Super vs. Algus, Holy Knight Delita, Olan, Zalbag
Team Super vs. Gryz, Hahn, Demi, Kyra, Raja- Barrier just slows super's team down too much, at least combined with the previous floor sucking a good amount of MP out of the twins.
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<NotMiki> I mean, we're talking life vs. liberty, with the pursuit of happiness providing color commentary.


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Re: Nyarlathotep's Dungeon: Week 9
« Reply #11 on: May 25, 2008, 02:39:47 PM »
Team Super vs. Gryz, Hahn, Demi, Kyra, Raja- Barrier just slows super's team down too much, at least combined with the previous floor sucking a good amount of MP out of the twins.

I had a full heal before the FFT fight. Resources shouldn't be a problem. Being able to frag two people before the enemy team moves is also nice.
"Reputation is what other people know about you. Honor is what you know about yourself"- Count Aral Vorkosigan, A Civil Campaign
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Re: Nyarlathotep's Dungeon: Week 9
« Reply #12 on: May 25, 2008, 05:33:48 PM »
All pass.  Super and Snowfire's breakdowns work for me, and Nama's against the Almighty Floor 1.


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Re: Nyarlathotep's Dungeon: Week 9
« Reply #13 on: May 26, 2008, 09:03:25 PM »
Team Namagomi EPIC ALPHONSE | Ursula, Nina2, Rutee, Yulie, White Rose
[Floor 1]

Team Snowfire | Benjamin, Alex, Nash, Mia, Nall
[Floor 2a]
-Refraining, due to not feeling like I know the team well enough to vote with confidence.

Team Super| Rika, Aeonless Yuna, Palom, Porom, Onix
[Floor 7] *Please remember to scale against endgame if at all possible!
**Palom and Porom have access to their Mt. Ordeals things if you allow them.
Team Super vs. Lexis, Dekar, Tia, Gusto, Jelze - Relatively easy.  Tia and the Capsules are fail, Dekar is too slow at this point of the game, and there's only one of Lexis.
Team Super vs. Palom, Porom, Edward, Cid4, Yang, FuSoYa - DOUBLE FF4o MIRROR.  But in all actuality, it's highly likely that Porom and Fu can be killed off before a move can be made.  The rest are easy enough to deal with at that point.
Team Super vs. PC Ghaleon, Laike, Tempest, Gwyn, Lucia - This.  Match.  Is.  Hell.  Saner's evasion will only deal with Laike (not that that's a bad thing) and they're likely to come out of this bruised, battered, and lacking for MP.  I'd call this a significant losing point were it not for...
*Full Heal
Team Super vs. Algus, Holy Knight Delita, Olan, Zalbag - Thank god for that full heal.  Also thank god that this group lacks any revivers.  It's still a pain, though, what with Galaxy Stop being a relatively constant annoyance, and Olan being fast as hell.  Thankfully, Rika can get a Saner off before Olan starts his bullshit, which helps a -lot-.  Still some resource loss here, but...
Team Super vs. Gryz, Hahn, Demi, Kyra, Raja - Admittedly, this is a NASTY fight.  Demi must die first, or else Medic Power throws a wrench into whatever progress has been made so far.  Gryz fails, Hahn...still has Savol, but against TWO party members with high MDEF and revival--he'd probably be offed first anyway.  Raja is Raja...and while Kyra and Demi could pull the Uberbuff of Doom...if ANYONE on Super's team has Dispel and enough MP to use it, that strategy goes down the toilet. 
<+Nama-EmblemOfFire> ...Have the GhebFE guy and the ostian princess guy collaborate.
 <@Elecman> Seems reasonable.


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Re: Nyarlathotep's Dungeon: Week 9
« Reply #14 on: May 27, 2008, 06:32:58 AM »
I'll say all three pass.

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<@SageAcrin> It adds up to one thing.
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Re: Nyarlathotep's Dungeon: Week 9
« Reply #15 on: May 27, 2008, 12:17:18 PM »
Seems like a pretty clear pass for all three here. The fullheal really helps super's team, and while it's close, it seems like a good endgame performance.
