Author Topic: Return of the Twink League - Round 2  (Read 2746 times)


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Return of the Twink League - Round 2
« on: June 01, 2008, 04:48:02 PM »
One round down, 16 winners, and 16 losers.  And now we reach Round 2, where the victors struggle to put that much more distance between themselves and their foes, and the losers simply struggle to stay alive!  Behold the full bracket of doom, as the Twink League starts cutting down on contenders!

Winners Bracket - Round 2

#1:  Squall v Bowman Jean

In the one corner, you have a hardened mercenary who'll do anything to win, and in the other a pharmacist.  Normally, this would be an easy pick, and at first glance you'd think it would be here too.  I mean, Bowman comes into this with the Bloody Armour protecting him from all forms of damage, and the Weird Slayer, to give him parasitic healing, and all Squall has is a physical attack.  Of course, being willing to do anything to win means that if there's a way, he can and will use it.  And so it is that Squall takes a page out of Seto Kaiba's book and uses the Emo Strategy.  With Drain set to Status defense, and Ultima to Elemental defense, Squall just picks his favourite flavour of element, and keeps himself alive by cutting himself.  Pair this up with boosting his speed and HP, and he should be able to outlast the pharmacists' assault.

#2:  Sephiroth v Fei Fong Wong

This time Sephiroth won't just be able to fly away from his troubles, since all that will really accomplish will be to force Fei to swat him, or shoot laser beams from his eyes.  However, that doesn't mean all is lost for the One Winged Angel.  Despite being in a big ass robot, Fei is still oddly vulnerable to status, meaning that Sephiroth's usual stable of PC killers are still in effect.  Especially since not even God can withstand the planet busting power of Supernova.  Of course, Sephiroth is oddly frail, and Fei probably only needs one clear shot to crush yet another challenger.

#3:  Rinoa v Unlimited Indalecio

This match will see two master magicians facing off, with Indy showing off his full force in single, yet powerful spells, while Rinoa has infinite healing, and the might of three spells at once.  Of course, Indy does have the edge, but if Rinoa can keep up her defenses as well as use the Recover command, she should be able to out last even the Divine Sage's MP totals, and then claim victory with a barrage of Triple-Meteors.

#4:  Ash Ketchum v Barret

Ash is in an odd position here, seeing as he's guaranteed that Barret will need six shots to take his party out, he's got plenty of time to try and take out the Avalanche leader, and his durability isn't much worse given almost everything in this league can one shot his pokemon.  Of course, the issue for him is accuracy.  Barret is highly evasive, and there's not much he can do that will one shot Barret while he's packing a Mystile and 2 HP+ Materia, meaning that he'll need to land enough hits before his six shots are up.

#5:  Butz v Brahms

It's a match seen a thousand times, a young and plucky hero facing off against the all powerful lord of the Undead.  In this case, the lord of the undead comes in with offensive power that not even the best of Butz's defenses can hope to withstand, and a defense that no sword can hope to shatter.  Of course, Butz has a few tricks remaining up his sleeve, with the Masamune for first strike, and his combination of Mix and Magic Sword paired with Agility, giving him his choice of status and magic to try and fell the dark lord before the inevitable Bloody Curse comes his way.

#6:  Ramza v Lucian

In what will undoubtedly be a heated battle, we now have the powerful Crystal Shield + Feather Mantle with Abandon going against Guts and an Angel Curio!  That's right, it's that epic battle between Can't Hit and Can't Die!  Will Can't Die land a hit before Can't Hit forces him to choose a new name?!  Tune in and find out!

#7:  Mog v Worker 7

This match is interesting due to the quirks of both systems.  Vanish, the status on which Mog will be reliant, renders one immune to all physical damage.  However, Work, the special job command of Worker 7, is not actually physical, existing in that nebulous place inbetween physical damage and magical damage.  Meaning that it may or may not be able to pierce through the protection of Vanish and grant victory.  Given that Mog's relying on the Snow Muffler and having every spell in the game, most of his tricks are going to be gone unless it relies entirely on hitting himself with magic, though that still gives him enough to pull off a win through Haste/Heal/Life 3 cheese.  That is, of course, unless you subscribe to a third school of thought.  Which school is that?  Why, the Worker 7 CRUSH puny OHKO meat thing school of thought!

#8:  Yunalesca v Belial

Two bosses who specialise in killing off PCs now face off.  Yunalesca comes into this with decent speed, but bereft of her favourite trick of zombification followed by swift, inevitable death.  However, she still has loads of HP, and that should be more than enough, right?  Perhaps not!  Belial also enters with a great deal of speed, and a chance for 4-D Pocket to work.  And even if it doesn't, she still has her TIme Distortion to keep her safe from harm, preventing Yunalesca from finishing her off.

Losers Bracket - Round 2

#1:  Lady v Baofu

Relying on the power of his inner masks, Baofu will be heading forth armed with the massive resists given to him in this last chance.  Of course, Lady, a feared and respected final boss, can't afford to fail twice in a row either, and so she'll be bringing the full might of her malice to bear in this match.

#2:  Rudy Roughknight v Kefka

Poor Rudy, his luck must assuredly be set to Worst to get two draws that play against his weaknesses.  In this case, it's another boss that can still run circles around him and doesn't rely on elemental damage.  Indeed, Kefka's vaunted Havok Wing might not kill the Drifter in one hit, but it'll still hurt, and Rudy's only real chance is to dodge it.  And this is assuming Kefka doesn't just pull out Fallen One.  But, Rudy does have a chance if he can survive long enough to pull out a Fury shot, given that his target, although strong, is also frail.

#3:  Fou-Lu v Profound Darkness

One is half of the greatest God of them all, founder of an immortal empire and a mighty combatant in his own right.  The other is the manifestation of darkness, spawner of the Dark Force and destroyer of a whole world.  These two shall now clash to determine which of them is truly the greater power, each of them bringing in strong defenses, obscene amounts of HP, and multiple forms.  They're both similar flavours of power, it's just a question of which one does it better.

#4:  Sheena v 1337 Jogurts

Sure, Sheena's burning passion (for that hot chick in the front row) couldn't help against that flying coward, Sephiroth, but he'll be able to smash these cute fuzzy animals into a bloody pulp with ease!  Wait...  cute fuzzy animals?  Well...  some days, you just can't win.  That said, of lesser concern to Sheena but of more concern to the rest of us, there's a lot of these cute fuzzy animals, and Sheena's going to have to cut his way through one thousand, three hundred and thirty seven of them before he can win, and he's got four attacks a round if he's lucky.  And as we all know, Sheena never gets lucky.

#5:  Xorn v T.G. Cid

After the humiliation of losing to a mere pharmecist, at least now Xorn faces something a little more respectable to fight, a legendary warrior and leader of men.  Of course, it doesn't help that this legendary warrior is almost as fast as he is, and can drain HP without any loss of speed.  So Xorn will be hoping that he can out slug the famed Cidolfas Orlandu, because any hint of attrition is just not going to go his way.

#6:  Liza v Ilia Pegasus Squad

Liza just can't seem to catch a break.  Despite coming into this league with the infamous DSC Combo, able to kill almost anything here in a single shot, she just can't seem to find a single opponent to fight.  This time she's facing the Ilian Pegasus Knights, and while she can try and off Farina with the Uberspear before they can kill her in one fatal Triangle attack, she still needs to then face three Killer Lance attacks at the least and hope that her 3-shield and Backpack setup sees her through.  Will lady luck finally go her way?  Or will the dreaded critical find her regardless?

#7:  Tir McDohl v Toadstool

An odd match, we get ball lightning McDohl against the virtually unkillable Toadstool.  Indeed, so strong are Toadstool's defenses, with the Defense boosts and damage halving of the Lazy Shell and the ID immunity of the Quartz Charm, that 2 Judgements likely won't be enough to finish the job, leaving McDohl having to use his Suikoden 1 form and hoping that he can triple turn Toadstool in spite of her speed boosting Feather and unleash three Judgements.  Of course, if that isn't enough to kill her, then she has healing a plenty to make sure that he never gets another chance to try.

#8:  Yuna v Zophar

Ah, Zophar.  Yet another powerful final boss now on the brink of elimination.  Of course, now he faces someone who can't just randomly null and evade his attacks, so he can show off his true power.  Of course, this true power is going to mostly be against a small army of meat shields, as Yuna will be hiding behind her Aeons for as long as possible to avoid the potent Fate Storm and its overkill damage.  This means that Zophar's best option will likely be to try and take out an Aeon with Fate Storm and then hopefully switch over to a quick status attack to cripple Yuna, but if that fails, he might just have the durability to tank through the whole progression and win a fair fight against the last summoner.

Quick Vote Form!

Winners Bracket - Round 2

#1:  Squall v Bowman Jean
#2:  Sephiroth v Fei Fong Wong
#3:  Rinoa v Unlimited Indalecio
#4:  Ash Ketchum v Barret
#5:  Butz v Brahms
#6:  Ramza v Lucian
#7:  Mog v Worker 7
#8:  Yunalesca v Belial

Losers Bracket - Round 2

#1:  Lady v Baofu
#2:  Rudy Roughknight v Kefka
#3:  Fou-Lu v Profound Darkness
#4:  Sheena v 1337 Jogurts
#5:  Xorn v T.G. Cid
#6:  Liza v Ilia Pegasus Squad
#7:  Tir McDohl v Toadstool
#8:  Yuna v Zophar


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Re: Return of the Twink League - Round 2
« Reply #1 on: June 01, 2008, 05:06:46 PM »
#1:  Squall v Bowman Jean - clue on these ones thus far.
#3:  Rinoa v Unlimited Indalecio
#4:  Ash Ketchum v Barret
#5:  Butz v Brahms
#6:  Ramza v Lucian
#7:  Mog v Worker 7
#8:  Yunalesca v Belial

Losers Bracket - Round 2

#1:  Lady v Baofu - My testing, unless I'm mad, pointed conclusively to Almighty running into Absorb Magic. Lady has the only attack that can penetrate his defenses, and actual double turns can probably be survived (Double/D-Combo can't double Crimson Raid, so no use). Doesn't help that I don't let Malice Unbral's turns go on Defend when that's not a skill it has, so.
#3:  Fou-Lu v Profound Darkness - Ugh. No clue. Prolly Fou-Lu.
#7:  Tir McDohl v Toadstool
#8:  Yuna v Zophar - Giving Yuna Aeons makes this even more of a slaughter, but Yuna's... got the ability to solo him, to me, due to him being slow and not doubleacting (Auto-Life!). So!
« Last Edit: June 01, 2008, 05:12:38 PM by Taishyr »


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Re: Return of the Twink League - Round 2
« Reply #2 on: June 01, 2008, 05:14:59 PM »
Winners Bracket - Round 2

#1:  Squall v Bowman Jean- Unsure.
#2:  Sephiroth v Fei Fong Wong
#3:  Rinoa v Unlimited Indalecio- Sets herself up and then procedes to chip Indalecio into nothingness.
#4:  Ash Ketchum v Barret- No respect for the pokemons.
#5:  Butz v Brahms
#6:  Ramza v Lucian
#7:  Mog v Worker 7
#8:  Yunalesca v Belial- Yunalesca has horrible damage.

Losers Bracket - Round 2

#1:  Lady v Baofu
#2:  Rudy Roughknight v Kefka- Kefka stands no chance against fully twinked Rudy in my eyes. His ARMs are extreamly powerful if fully upgraded and Kefka can't finish him before he gets a turn (Star boosts his speed). Lock on finishs Kefka there and then.
#3:  Fou-Lu v Profound Darkness
#4:  Sheena v 1337 Jogurts- Constant damage wins this.
#5:  Xorn v T.G. Cid
#6:  Liza v Ilia Pegasus Squad
#7:  Tir McDohl v Toadstool
#8:  Yuna v Zophar


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Re: Return of the Twink League - Round 2
« Reply #3 on: June 01, 2008, 05:26:54 PM »
Winners Bracket - Round 2

Squall v Bowman Jean - Awesome.
Sephiroth v Fei Fong Wong - Pale Horse.
Rinoa v Unlimited Indalecio - EDIT: Chat convinced me that twink Rinoa is actually much scarier than she looks. However, she lacks a response to Divine Wave's paralyze/petrify statii without Ribbon, which is of dubious legality (Pocketstation only). Then again it's the Twink League. Waiting on Excal to see if he'll rule on this. EDIT THE SECOND: Ruling given, Indy cruises.
Ash Ketchum v Barret - Mystile puts too much of a crimp into Ash's plans.
Butz v Brahms - I think.
Ramza v Lucian - Enjoy your glorious 3% hit rate, Lucian.
Mog v Worker 7 - Yeesh. There's an argument for Mog here, but I'm not inclined to see it with the looming threat of an OHKO and not being sure who goes first. Mog needs to not be OHKO'd, go first, and hope Vanish works in his favor to win (Hastehealing or Life3 isn't enough if that fails due to MP concerns, and his offense still blows against W7). Can be argued though.

Losers Bracket - Round 2

Rudy Roughknight v Kefka - Dunno.
Fou-Lu v Profound Darkness - Unless I'm missing something, Fou resists Holy and quarters physicals which.. uh... is screwing PD's offense over, is it not? Should tip the raw durability edge. EDIT: Yeah I'm missing something, Shadowbreath. PD cruises, too much HP.
Sheena v 1337 Jogurts - Seeing Sheena die in two slaughter matches is always a plus.
Liza v Ilia Pegasus Squad - Taking out Farina (and thus the uberspear) at the start makes this a hell of a lot more doable. The Killer Lances... thinking the three shield setup lets her block one of the three she'll eat. Now if one of them is a crit... oh wait they're basic physicals! Bwahaha I get to hype SwayBack here! (seriously about the only reliable thing it works on is basic physicals. Or more seriously one of the counter moves.)
Tir McDohl v Toadstool - Toadstool's durability is beyond retarded. Three S1 Judgments isn't doing it to me, or even a few physicals tacked on there.
Yuna v Zophar - Don't think status ball is enough to tip this and too many Aeons, even with Zophar oneshotting them all.
« Last Edit: June 01, 2008, 11:09:40 PM by Laggy »
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Re: Return of the Twink League - Round 2
« Reply #4 on: June 01, 2008, 06:14:10 PM »
Lady has the only attack that can penetrate his defenses

Half the hex attacks are physical, too, I'm pretty sure.

Winners Bracket - Round 2

#1:  Squall v Bowman Jean: Yeah, cutting himself does work.
#2:  Sephiroth v Fei Fong Wong: Don't think Fei's magic damage is good enough DL-legally? Close though.
#3:  Rinoa v Unlimited Indalecio: Looks like status wins it for him. Pity, Rinoa can handle the damage and durability easily enough.
#4:  Ash Ketchum v Barret: Don't see the pokemon having to switch in between counters, so each gets a guaranteed shot at him. Well he'll get a free pass for one because of a limit. But seeing as all 2HKO and some OHKO... EDIT: Oh, HP Plus. Still... looks like the starters can all OHKO (read: 2HKO here) too, since they should have time to use setup moves, as all are faster than Barret. Sunny Day means horrible things from Solarbeam and Flamethrower, Rain Dance then does the same thing to Surf. Four shots is good enough for me, here. Especially since it's possible that Pikachu or Snorlax's damage is enough to finish the job with something else, though I wouldn't be certain there.
#5:  Butz v Brahms: Mix can't impart physical immunity, or do massive damage, so Brahms gets a turn.
#6:  Ramza v Lucian: Isn't Lucian using a DL-legal sword? If so this is incredibly non-close. Even if he gets GR or something I don't think 4% hit rates are enough here.
#7:  Mog v Worker 7: EDIT: Forgot Vanish. Yeah, that gets Drill/Chain Saw/Pummel, things that run off Strength but doesn't check evade or def, seems similar to Work to me.
#8:  Yunalesca v Belial: Distortion blocks Absorb, don't think 'lesca's MT is good enough otherwise. There's an argument with Regen but nah.

#2:  Rudy Roughknight v Kefka: Rudy is faster, but... uh, WA1 defence, so he may still be OHKOed. And he can't dodge a limit phase / counter pushes it over the top / etc.
#3:  Fou-Lu v Profound Darkness: First two forms have non-holy magic, and they alone can match Fou for magic durability. If Fou gets past those two, halved Megid handles him just fine. Fou does not beat High Godlike boss mages. Fortunately those are few and far between!
#4:  Sheena v 1337 Jogurts: Awesome.
#5:  Xorn v T.G. Cid: Death Knell. Also, his permanent-stat-up-supression has an argument for nuking Auto-Haste, but I don't think it's needed.
#7:  Tir McDohl v Toadstool: Defence-subject damage and ID don't work.
#8:  Yuna v Zophar: Ooh, a DL match.
« Last Edit: June 01, 2008, 06:51:12 PM by Dark Holy Elf »

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Re: Return of the Twink League - Round 2
« Reply #5 on: June 01, 2008, 06:48:59 PM »
Winners Bracket - Round 2

#1:  Squall v Bowman Jean - Limit
#2:  Sephiroth v Fei Fong Wong -Status
#3:  Rinoa v Unlimited Indalecio - Yeah status, the writeup doesn't say anything about status protection.  (Unless "keeping her defenses up" means choosing whatever items she wants?)
#4:  Ash Ketchum v Barret - Barret's strategy relies on getting hit, and using his counter to overkill OHKO.  Tanking 1 hit with his setup isn't that hard, and he will OHKO most enemies with his insane counters, but... Ash spoils perfectly with his 6 pokemon, who should rip through his life easily enough.
#5:  Butz v Brahms - Splats
#6:  Ramza v Lucian- Doesn't get touched
#7:  Mog v Worker 7- Don't think Mog gets OHKOed...  leaning towards Vanish working since it works for ITE/ITD in FF6 IIRC, and that's the closest thing I can think of in FF6 to Worker 7's Crush.  (If memory serves me wrong, Mog splatters.)
#8:  Yunalesca v Belial- Rape

Losers Bracket - Round 2
#7:  Tir McDohl v Toadstool- Tir can't kill before she gets a turn.  She heals through his best damage and yeah...
#8:  Yuna v Zophar- Ouch

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Re: Return of the Twink League - Round 2
« Reply #6 on: June 01, 2008, 08:05:52 PM »
Ash stats! Or his GSC lineup anyway.

If I'm non-lazy I'll calculate durabilities and the likes. They're arguably horribly frail since they're bosses anyway; that's why they have speed and damage. Taking their damage against Level 50 pokemon (average HP = 155, speed = 100), which seems about right to me offhand.

I believe they come out in fixed order. That's what I recall anyway.

I'm assuming they have a moderate amount of stat exp, same as the stat topic assumes. I know GSC bosses did make use of stat exp, though not sure how much. Numbers could be off a little, but shouldn't be too much. Note that zero stat exp, the minimum, would cut damage by about 10, i.e. Espeon still OHKOs and the likes, so not too big a deal.

Pikachu, Level 81:
175 speed. (hax)

Thunderbolt - 101 elec. damage, 10% chance of paralyse
Thunder - 125 elec. damage, 70% hit rate, 30% chance of paralyse[/b]
Charm - Attack cut by 50%
Quick Attack - 31 norm. damage, PIKACHU GOES FIRST!

Espeon, Level 73:
188 speed. (hax)

Psychic - 170 psyc. damage, 10% chance of Special Def -33%
Swift - 43 norm. damage, ignores evade
Reflect - Halves all physical damage to Ash's team for five turns
Mud Slap - 16 ground damage, reduces accuracy by 33%

Snorlax, Level 75:
73 speed. (Still slow!)

Body Slam - 147 norm. damage, 30% chance of paralyse
Rest - Zzz. Cures self of status and restores all HP, remains status immune for next three turns, can only use Snore for next two actions.
Snore - 70 norm. damage
Amnesia - Special Defence +100%, stackable to +300%.

Venusaur, Level 77:
151 speed. (fast)

Sunny Day - Removes charge time from Solar Beam, doubles Synthesis, fire damage x1.5, water damage x0.5
Synthesis - lol boss healing. 25% or 50% based on time of day fought.
Giga Drain - 98 grass damage, Venusaur heals half of that
Solar Beam - 195 grass damage, takes one turn to charge up

Charizard, Level 77:
182 speed. (hax)

Flamethrower - 168 fire damage, 10% chance of burn
Fire Spin - 28 fire damage, 70% hit rate, deals 1/16 mHP damage to target at end of turn for 2-5 turns, disables switching during that time
Wing Attack - 57 flying damage
Slash - 67 norm. damage, 25% crit rate

Blastoise, Level 77:
148 speed. (fast)

Rain Dance - Water damage x1.5, fire damage x0.5
Surf - 136 water damage
Blizzard - 115 ice damage, 70% hit rate, 10% chance of freeze
Whirlpool - 23 water damage, 70% hit rate, deals 1/16 mHP damage to target at end of turn for 2-5 turns, disables switching during that time

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Re: Return of the Twink League - Round 2
« Reply #7 on: June 01, 2008, 10:55:45 PM »
Yeah, Lucian is using his old setup, ie. DL legal sword.

Also, Rinoa does not have the Ribbon ability, as it does not exist in FF8 NA.


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Re: Return of the Twink League - Round 2
« Reply #8 on: June 01, 2008, 11:48:27 PM »
#1:  Squall v Bowman Jean - Bloody Armor still blocks that limit, you know. Anyways, I thought Ultima just gave 100% resistance to all elements and didn't have enough of a boost to give draining (which starts at 101). If so, Bowman kills easily enough before biting it to the armor.
#2:  Sephiroth v Fei Fong Wong - Not sure.
#3:  Rinoa v Unlimited Indalecio - EDIT: Not sure.
#4:  Ash Ketchum v Barret
#5:  Butz v Brahms - Splat.
#6:  Ramza v Lucian - ...
#7:  Mog v Worker 7 - lol worker7 in a twink league.
#8:  Yunalesca v Belial - Holy fucking slaughter.

Does Divine Wave inflict Petrify or does it inflict Paralysis, or is it both? All I remember is Petrify, which means Rinoa can block it with Break junctioned to Status Defense. I've never seen it inflict Paralysis, but if it does, then Rinoa is SOL.
« Last Edit: June 02, 2008, 12:05:55 AM by InfinityDragon »


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Re: Return of the Twink League - Round 2
« Reply #9 on: June 02, 2008, 12:22:33 AM »
Winners Bracket - Round 2

#1:  Squall v Bowman Jean: Ultima only offers immunity...HOWEVER...he gets 4 elemental defense junctions. He can pad say Fire to 100% absorb without using Firaga, then link that to E-Atk.
#3:  Rinoa v Unlimited Indalecio: Har.
#5:  Bartz v Brahms: Close, but Bartz's tricks just fail him.
#6:  Ramza v Lucian: what
#7:  Mog v Worker 7: what mk 2

Losers Bracket - Round 2

#2:  Rudy Roughknight v Kefka: Eh. Could be argued if I get a refresher on Sheriff Star.
#4:  Sheena v 1337 Jogurts: FOR GREAT JUSTICE
#7:  Tir McDohl v Toadstool: Fun.
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<Gourry> What, for making the game three times better?
<Gourry> And playable, at that?
<Niu> that lose the whole point of of L2!!!


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Re: Return of the Twink League - Round 2
« Reply #10 on: June 02, 2008, 01:03:09 AM »
#2:  Rudy Roughknight v Kefka: Eh. Could be argued if I get a refresher on Sheriff Star.

Stats- 100 STR, 100 VIT, 100 SOR, 100 RES, 100 ATP, 50 DEF, 50 MGR, 60%
PRY, Best Luck, 25% HP and MP increase, immunity to all negative status
changes and elements, recover HP per turn/step, chance of getting x2
Gella after a battle, builds force faster

#Gotten from Faq as I couldn't remember myself personally past the stat upgrade.


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Re: Return of the Twink League - Round 2
« Reply #11 on: June 02, 2008, 04:49:43 AM »
ID, Rinoa doesn't get junctions. She gets all abilities/passive abilities learned from GFs (except Item), and a full stock of magic to go with the Magic command, but no junctions. (And IIRC Divine Wave inflicted both, though not necessarily at the same time - it wasn't 100%.)

See Tonfa's line as to why Squall can use Ultima to Elem-D and cut himself.
« Last Edit: June 02, 2008, 04:52:46 AM by Laggy »
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Re: Return of the Twink League - Round 2
« Reply #12 on: June 12, 2008, 03:12:31 PM »
Winners Bracket - Round 2

#1:  Squall v Bowman Jean - I'm not sure we'll ever see a winner here, but I'm inclined to the invincible SO2 combo.
#2:  Sephiroth v Fei Fong Wong - Well how bout that status?
#3:  Rinoa v Unlimited Indalecio - I'm on the fence about this, but leaning Rinoa.
#4:  Ash Ketchum v Barret - Damn, those pokemon are impressive.
#5:  Butz v Brahms - Bartz doesn't quite overcome the Lord of the Undead, and has to reload from an earlier save.
#6:  Ramza v Lucian - Can't Die isn't 100%, and it will only take 2 deaths to completely finish him. I'm thinking Can't Hit can take 2 shots of his opponent's damage, not that they'll ever occur at 3% accuracy.
#7:  Mog v Worker 7
#8:  Yunalesca v Belial - I imagine this would be a long drawn-out match with a very obvious conclusion.

Losers Bracket - Round 2

#1:  Lady v Baofu
#2:  Rudy Roughknight v Kefka - Sheriff Star Rudy is good... but he's having some bad luck this twink league.
#3:  Fou-Lu v Profound Darkness - Slightly better all around. Gets access to damage sooner.
#4:  Sheena v 1337 Jogurts - Jogurts get a win!?
#5:  Xorn v T.G. Cid
#6:  Liza v Ilia Pegasus Squad - another character with a poor draw.
#7:  Tir McDohl v Toadstool - Slaughtered without his ID trick here.
#8:  Yuna v Zophar - I'm inclined to think he might even weather through the Aeon barrage here.



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Re: Return of the Twink League - Round 2
« Reply #13 on: June 13, 2008, 05:38:28 AM »
#1:  Squall v Bowman Jean
#2:  Sephiroth v Fei Fong Wong
#3:  Rinoa v Unlimited Indalecio
#4:  Ash Ketchum v Barret
#5:  Butz v Brahms
#6:  Ramza v Lucian
#7:  Mog v Worker 7
#8:  Yunalesca v Belial

Losers Bracket - Round 2

#2:  Rudy Roughknight v Kefka
#3:  Fou-Lu v Profound Darkness
#4:  Sheena v 1337 Jogurts
#5:  Xorn v T.G. Cid
#6:  Liza v Ilia Pegasus Squad
#7:  Tir McDohl v Toadstool
#8:  Yuna v Zophar