
Author Topic: RPGmon Classic Draft- Final Tournament!  (Read 2054 times)

Mad Fnorder

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RPGmon Classic Draft- Final Tournament!
« on: April 22, 2008, 04:58:15 AM »
Our apologies for the delays! First, this weeks results!

Team Shock Therapy vs. Team Magic Dance
(Worker 8[FFT]/Alma[FFT]/Cleo[S1]) vs. (Gau[FF6]/Sceptile[PKMN]/Fu So Ya[FF4])

It was a match made in anime- innocent young girl versus ancient ugly old man. Alma began, however, not by screaming "PERVERT!" but by casting MBarrier and smacking Fu So Ya upside the head with her Wizard Staff. Befuddled, the Lunarian dispelled the MBarrier, but Alma quickly restored the spell before bludgeoning him into unconsciousness. Gau of the Veldt entered the battlefield by taking an burst of the fearsome Ultima from Alma. He then proceeded to sit relatively still, in an extremely pot-like manner, before restoring his health with Cure 3. It was the Magic Urn rage, notorious for its absurd durability. Worker 8 came in, and the two exchanged physical blows, both landing with practically no effect- only Gau restored his health every so often. Worker 8, making no progress, traded back for Alma, who fired non-stop Ultimas in an attempt to break the Urn's defense. The healing held up, and, exhausted, tagged again to let Worker 8 tried to chip at the Urn some more. Finally, whether out of boredom or some secondary strategy, Gau was placed on a dolly and wheeled out in place of the Pokemon Sceptile, who sought to make use of its excellent speed by casting Agility. To give the robot time to cool off, Fire Mage Cleo came out to take advantage of Sceptile's type. Its blazing speed let it strike at Cleo while protecting itself from a potential counterstrike with Detect. However, before it could land the final blow, its Detect finally failed on its final use, and the ensuing Explosion spell was a clean KO. Out came Gau, again, who proceeded to Rage again- this time in an extraordinary display of Flamenco dancing. The Nightshade rage proceeded to run rampant, charming first Cleo, then Worker 8, and Alma last. Team Magic Dance claimed 5 KOs this match- 3 of them self inflicted. Winner, Team Shock Therapy, 0-1

Blasty/Stabby/Damp vs. Team Clear Tranquil
(Millenia[G2]/Margulis[XSs]/Bernadette[S5]) vs. (Feena[G1]/Yulie[WA4]/Porom[FF4a])
The match began with a conflict between two skilled healers- adventuress Feena against Flowing Rune wielder Bernadette. An opening exchange of blows resulted in a predictable pattern of strikes and healing. However, one of these fighters had an edge-Namely, the ability to stop her opponent cold with Time Gate. However, with her power exhausted, her ability to mount an attack was crippled against the combined assault of U-DO's Margulis and his Shadow, and her healing could not hold out. Yulie, however, could, under a shield of Protect and repeated Hi-Heals. Margulis withdrew instead for the Wings of Valmar's first appearance in the draft tournament. After batting away a single strike of Yulie's rings, she proceeded to stun her into submission with Spellbinding Eye, and then into unconsciousness with a combination of Grudging Claws and Fallen Wings. White Magician and mid-season replacement Porom was Clear Tranquil's final hope, and she did not disappoint- enduring a pair of Howlnados, shrinking Millenia to convenient travel size with Mini, and finishing her off with a blazing salvo of Holy. Margulis came back, keeping up the pressure with constant Skadis, which were still deflected partially by Porom's elemental resistances. When a first Holy left him at death's door, however, a back-and-forth boost combo between him and his re-summoned Shadow left Porom on the brink of unconsciousness. As Porom tried to climb to her feet, vision blurring, a resounding cry echoed through the arena.


The match was suddenly interrupted by a series of flickering, pallete swapped Fayt Leingods, running backwards through the arena, waving swords around. It's unclear what the official outcome of the match was, but it is believed that this corrupted software may be linked to the ongoing Star Ocean 3 investigation. For the time being, the match may be considered a Draw Game.

(For the record, Snowfire decided to offer a draw at nearly the last moment, on a single close call, as it would not overly effect his standings..)

Team Onion Knights vs. Team Yakumo
(Selan[Lufia2]/Kyle[S5]/Peco[BoF3]) vs. (Maya Amano[Pers2]/Florina[FE7]/Gijimu[S2])
Queen's Knight Kyle looked at the match roster, and wondered out loud, just before the starting bell, "What's a Gijimu?" Apparently extremely painful, as a shot of Double Beat from his axe sent Kyle scampering for the sidelines in place of Magic Onion Peco. Peco took another painful pair of chops, but regenerated from the blow, and responded with a shot of Dream Breath. Gijimu took a minty blast to the face and fell into a deep slumber. Reporter Maya Amano shoved the sleeping Bandit out of the way, firing a holy burst of the Hama spell, but the onion proceeded to sock her in the gut with such force as to cause her to retreat for pegasus rider Florina.

What happened exactly happened next is open to some debate. Perhaps Florina was attacked by onions when she was a child. Maybe she's allergic. Maybe Lyn had told her she "needed some space" last night. For whichever reason, Florina grasped her Killer Lance, and with a very uncharacteristic bloodthirsty wail, charged. When the smoke cleared, Peco was shredded, Selan was pinned to a wall, and Kyle was offering his congratulations on winning the match- while running for the gate. Match to Team Yakumo, 3-0

Team Unoriginal vs. Team Namagomi
(Presea[ToS]/Ayne[LoL2]/Taya[SF2]) vs. (Geddoe[S3]/Sara[BoF1]/Vindsfeld[WA2])

Ordinarily, inclement weather is simply part of luck in a team's match in the arena- Geddoe, in fact, would relish a good thunderstorm. However, the weather for the match was reported as "Perverted, with a 90% chance of Albedo". Thinking Presea being unable to leave her room would put Team Unoriginal at a severe disadvantage, the match was unfortunately delayed beyond the deadline for a Draw Game.

Now, the Standings!

Blue Division
Namagomi, Taishyr, Unoriginal, Excal
1.(2-1, 4 Left) Team Magic Dance (Run by Excal): Worker 8, Eirika, Alma, Tengaar, Cleo, Rafa
2t.(1-1-1, 1 Left)Team Unoriginal: Geno, Presea, Noa, Ayne, Collette, Taya
3t.(1-1-1, 1 Left)Team Shock Therapy(Run by Taishyr): Gau, Sharon( Legaia 2), Sceptile, Robo, Pikachu, Fu So Ya
4.(0-1-2)Team Namagomi: Keith Valentine, Geddoe, Sara (BoF1), Caina, Vinsfeld Rhamadanthus, Ruprecht

Ryu5 Division
Snowfire, Yakumo, Clear Tranquil, Captain K.
1.(2-0-1, 4 Left) Blasty/Stabby/Damp(run by Snowfire): Artea, Millenia, Kornell, Margulis, Lani, Bernadette
2.(2-1, 5 Left)Team Yakumo: Maya Amano, Lyon, Beowulf, Florina, Jean (BoF2), Gijimu
3.(1-2, 1 Left)Team Onion Knights (Run by Captain K.): Ho-oh, Selan, Kyle(S5), Belenus, Celine Jules, Peco
4.(0-2-1)Team Clear Tranquil: Feena, Shadow, Eiko, Yulie, Porom, Shana

Team Unoriginal has been given the go-ahead over Team Shock Therapy due to having won the head-to-head matchup between those two teams- thus Team Unoriginal takes the second seed in the Blue division.

This concludes our regular season! Congratulations to Team Magic Dance and Blasty/Stabby/Damp, our division winners! However, they should not rest on their laurels- the true glory will go to the winner of the grand tournament!

The Bracket

Blasty Stabby Damp

Team Namagomi

Team Yakumo

Team Shock Therapy

Team Unoriginal

Team Onion Knights

Team Magic Dance

Team Clear Tranquil

My apologies- I know a number of people enjoy the writeups, but this is finals week for me, so it will have to wait until I actually have time.

Round Two's Matchups:

Team Shock Therapy

Team Unoriginal
Team Clear Tranquil

Final Round
Team Unoriginal

This is a single elimination tournament bracket. Matches will be posted as I recieve them- we're going straight on until we have a winner.

Also, due to popular demand, Defeated Characters WILL pass their accumulated CT onto those who tag in.

There are no roster limitations for the duration of the finals. All other rules operate as per the regular season.
Good luck to all our competitors!
« Last Edit: May 18, 2008, 01:12:47 AM by Mad Fnorder »

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Re: RPGmon Classic Draft- Final Tournament!
« Reply #1 on: April 22, 2008, 12:04:58 PM »
*grumble grumble Florina hax*

Clear Tranquil

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Re: RPGmon Classic Draft- Final Tournament!
« Reply #2 on: April 22, 2008, 04:11:16 PM »
Will you be around Friday Excal?  :)

Great recaps again Fnorder. Quite amusing indeed. I especially loved the "ROFL hax" involving Fayt <_<
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Re: RPGmon Classic Draft- Final Tournament!
« Reply #3 on: April 23, 2008, 05:37:44 AM »
Sadly, I will have real life obligations on Friday, preventing me from being here.

Is there another day that works for you, as my schedule looks flexible aside from that at the moment.

Mad Fnorder

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Re: RPGmon Classic Draft- Final Tournament!
« Reply #4 on: April 30, 2008, 03:11:28 PM »
Week two's matchups are up and ready. In-depth writeups, unfortunately, will be delayed due to exams. Team Shock Therapy displayed Epic Stall by Gau outlasting the resources of someone with full healing through sheer annoyance. Blasty/Stabby/Damp won using its namesake Zap/Rakta+Medica/Water combination that is the team namesake. Team Magic Dance met a dramatic upset at the hands of Team Clear Tranquil and Yulie's haste/healing/Sacrifice technique. And Peco, the original Onion Knight, nearly held down his opponent's entire team himself, before eating a Queen Twister to give Team Unoriginal the match.

Good luck to all in round 2!

Clear Tranquil

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Re: RPGmon Classic Draft- Final Tournament!
« Reply #5 on: May 03, 2008, 03:01:24 PM »
Up for our match tonight Unoriginal?
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Re: RPGmon Classic Draft- Final Tournament!
« Reply #6 on: May 03, 2008, 05:47:25 PM »
Sure, I'll be on and off for most of the day if that helps.

Mad Fnorder

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Re: RPGmon Classic Draft- Final Tournament!
« Reply #7 on: May 14, 2008, 07:25:37 AM »
Just a quick topic bump to remind players and refs to get me the logs of their matches! And if you haven't done your matches yet... what are you waiting for!


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Re: RPGmon Classic Draft- Final Tournament!
« Reply #8 on: May 17, 2008, 07:03:24 PM »
My father to not be here so I can tour him around town? Also for sometime when I don't sleep for far, far too long. In other words, going to try and do it now.

Mad Fnorder

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Re: RPGmon Classic Draft- Final Tournament!
« Reply #9 on: May 18, 2008, 01:14:25 AM »
Round Two Results are in- Team Shock Therapy's blazing Pokemon Speed and Rages weren't enough to out-race Lani and the rest of team Blasty/Stabby/Damp, while Noa finessed the entirety of Team Clear Tranquil to give Team Unoriginal the win.

The Final Round Match is between Team Unoriginal and Blasty/Stabby/Damp. Good luck in the finals!


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Re: RPGmon Classic Draft- Final Tournament!
« Reply #10 on: June 15, 2008, 11:15:15 PM »
So, I know this kinda got buried in the music, but did this ever get finished? >_>

Mad Fnorder

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Re: RPGmon Classic Draft- Final Tournament!
« Reply #11 on: June 16, 2008, 12:06:07 AM »
I've never recieved the final results, unfortunately. I may call it a draw and move on to a second season if there's enough interest in continuing the format.

I might as well open the floor to comments on the system- likes? dislikes? Comments for doing it again? One of my planned ideas would be for everyone to pre-declare a second for them to play if they're unable that week, considering that we lost three matches that way.


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Re: RPGmon Classic Draft- Final Tournament!
« Reply #12 on: June 16, 2008, 01:22:49 AM »
Snowfire and I were working on getting a match set up, but I haven't heard from him lately, and DL Persona kinda drew my own attention away as well.


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Re: RPGmon Classic Draft- Final Tournament!
« Reply #13 on: June 16, 2008, 06:59:03 AM »
Yeah, we almost had our match twice, but once...  something happened, I forget what, and the other time, we were both ready but the ref wasn't until it was too late.

Unoriginal, are you always Unoriginal on IRC?  I usually try and take a glance for you when I log on, but I don't see you on all that often...  if it's because you're not on, that's fine, of course, but it'd be embarassing if we were both logged on and didn't realize it.

I'm not generally available Tuesday & Thursday nights anymore, alas, but Monday or Wednesday should both be doable.


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Re: RPGmon Classic Draft- Final Tournament!
« Reply #14 on: June 16, 2008, 04:42:34 PM »
I"m on 24/7 pretty much.  I may not always be there, but I generally stay logged in unless I'm taking a trip out of town.