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Re: Character Rankings Reborn...Mark II
« Reply #25 on: June 28, 2008, 04:24:36 AM »
Johnny Garland: 4/10. There.
Shania: 3/10. About as there as Johnny, and the fanservice hurts her a bit.
Natan: 3/10. Personality-less.
Hilda Valentine: 6/10. Actually amusing at times! Also has a semblance of a personality.
Frank Goldfinger: 1/10. SHUT. THE. FUCK. UP.
Mao: 5/10. Kinda amusing, too, but less so than Hilda.
Ricardo Gomez: 4.5/10. There. The guitar being awesome isn't enough for a full point.

Killer: 7.5/10. Nice spin on an evil Yuri. The relationship with Lady only helps.
Lady: 7.5/10. Just works, in spite of being silent. The chemistry with Killer is a nice thing.
Gilbert: 7.5/10. Genuinely creepy and detestable, while being efficient and cunning. The ultimate motivation is kinda dumb, though, so I docked him half a point.
Edna Capone: 4/10. There.

Al Capone: 4/10. There.
Lenny Curtis: 5/10. There, gets a point for random math awesomeness.
Roger Bacon: 5/10. There, but is still Roger Bacon, which gives him a point.
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Re: Character Rankings Reborn...Mark II
« Reply #26 on: June 28, 2008, 05:41:15 AM »
Shadow Hearts 3: From the New World:
Johnny Garland: 3.59
Shania: 2.91
Natan: 2.82
Hilda Valentine: 5.82
Frank Goldfinger: 1.59
Mao: 5.23
Ricardo Gomez: 5.41

Killer: 7.91
Lady: 7.59
Gilbert: 6.73
Edna Capone: 4.27

Al Capone: 4.18
Lenny Curtis: 5.50
Roger Bacon: 4.91

Highest Rating: Killer w/ 7.91
Lowest Rating: Frank w/ 1.59
Average Rating: 4.89

and thus we move on!
Also, I will say one thing...
Please keep the irrational hate/fanboyism/etc. to a civil level on this one.  If you can't come up with a decent reason without blowing your mouth off, please keep the reason to yourself and just put the rating up if need be.  This should go without saying, but I feel its neccessary to be noted SOMEWHERE.

Final Fantasy 4:
Cecil Harvey:
Kain Highwind:
Edward Damcyan:
Rosa Farrel:
Yang Fabool:
Edge Geraldine:

« Last Edit: June 28, 2008, 05:45:16 AM by Meeplelard »
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Re: Character Rankings Reborn...Mark II
« Reply #27 on: June 29, 2008, 12:30:58 AM »
Final Fantasy 4:

Cecil Harvey: 8/10. Cecil has a good third of the game developed around his internal and external atonement for the Mysidia massacre. Once he becomes a paladin his development drops off, but so what? He resolved his past and he's there to set things right now. This all works.

Kain Highwind: 7/10. Solid, takes damage for his second trip through mind control land. His basic premise isn't horrible; albiet it needed more flushing out.

Rydia: 6/10. Child Rydia has some good scenes, though she's quick to rebound even for a child. Adult Rydia's only okay.

Tellah: 5/10. Meteo to the face and revenge. Next.

Edward Damcyan: 2/10. While he's a change of pace from most gung-ho heroes, Edward's really lame no matter what.

Rosa Farrel: 6.5/10. Not bad, needed a bit more development that wasn't being Cecil's love interest. A few scenes with her and Kain would've helped both of them a lot.

Yang Fabool: 4/10. Meh.

Palom: 4/10 each. Not fans of either from a character PoV.

Cid: 3/10. Old. Hits shit.

Edge Geraldine: 3/10. I've never had much patience for Edge's antics. He never felt like he quite fit into the overall party dynamic.

FuSoYa: 5/10. Old. Gives expo. Meteos things to the face.

Golbez: 5/10. Stock villian. He gets points for a few good lines and some geniune nastiness. It's nice to see him get taken down at midgame and have to avoid the party afterwards. Despite being the head baddie, he's barely as strong as Valvalis, let alone Rubicant.

Milon: 3/10. Rawr, eats babies and abysses.

Cagnazzo: 3/10. Fake king. Eats statues and lightning.

Valvalis: 3/10. Tits and ass and not much else.

Rubicant: 8/10. The villian with honor card isn't the most original one in the book, but it's pleasant after the run of baddies FF4 shows.

Ze(ro)mus: 3/10. Rawr. Eats worlds.
« Last Edit: June 29, 2008, 01:09:30 AM by Dunefar »
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Re: Character Rankings Reborn...Mark II
« Reply #28 on: June 29, 2008, 03:18:12 AM »
Aw hell, I missed SH3 ratings? Damn me. Imagine there's a big ball of HATE for the non-villain cast right here, then.

Final Fantasy 4:

Cecil Harvey: 5/10. Eh, he's okay. More personality than contemporary mains, though I'm aware that says little.
Kain Highwind: 5/10. Not really a fan, but I don't share in the hate some folks here have either. Recurring mind-control is more pitiable than loathsome, to me.
Rydia: 6/10. Not really any depth here, but she's too much my style for me to not like her.
Tellah: 5/10. I kinda liked the UOM as a kid for some reason.
Edward Damcyan: 3/10. Barely there.
Rosa Farrel: 6/10. Better than average female lead, actually (we haven't made a lot of progress in this regard). She does have getting captured and rescued against her, but being in a relationship with the hero from the start of the game sure beats the hell out of watching the emotional fumbling of adolescents.
Yang Fabool: 3/10. ACHOOOOOO. Yeah, not a lot to him. Really should've stayed dead.
Porom/Palom: 1/10. I can never recall which is which, so they both default to a low score because the boy is a wanker and I hate him. I usually dislike kids in RPGs anyway, so that's not helping them either.
Cid: 4/10. Generic UOM, but bonus point for having one of the most outrageous death scenes ever...too bad he didn't stay dead (damn you and your low mortality rate, FFIV).
Edge Geraldine: 3/10. Toolbox. I never really cared about him. *Dodges aiel-brand Fuma*
FuSoYa: 2/10. Has plot, will travel.

Golbez: 3/10. Too much time spent being mind-controlled. Trying to atone in the end was nice, at least.
Milon: 2/10. He existed?
Cagnazzo: 2/10. As above, so below.
Valvalis: 4/10. Is sexy. (What?) That's enough to place her above the scrub fiends.
Rubicant: 6/10. Demonstrated so much more personality than the other fiends despite not having significantly more screentime.
Ze(ro)mus: 1/10. As long as there is hate he will never die blah blah blah. Get a better baddie, FFIV.


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Re: Character Rankings Reborn...Mark II
« Reply #29 on: July 02, 2008, 01:47:54 PM »
Final Fantasy 4:
Cecil Harvey: 6/10 Kind of generic all around, but having a dynamic personality at all is a big step for FFIV's time.
Kain Highwind: 6/10 In the same boat as Cecil, he at one point literally defined the -Lancer- trope.
Rydia: 8/10 Somewhat unrealistic how she reacts to the destruction of her village, but this makes her somewhat more interesting, too. Despite the fact that his probably wasn't intentional on the part of the writers, I'd like to think that a work of fiction is worth more than what its author intends.
Tellah: 7/10 He was amusing, especially through garbled FF2 translation.
Edward Damcyan: 6/10 Defines 'bard-ness'. Also, he has 'spoony-ness' thrust upon him. Apart from that, he actually -had- a backstory, which I thought was kind of a nice touch, even if the backstory was cliched before FFIV was ever released.
Rosa Farrel: 4/10 It bothers me to think that some people think that RPG heroines haven't improved at all since Rosa. She's painfully generic and really only gets these points for being an item with the main -before- the start of the game, which I'll admit is refreshing compared to the adolescent fumbling. (Though I liked WA5's take on Rebecca's adolescent fumbling, so I suppose it -can- be done right, it just often isn't.)
Yang Fabool: 5/10 Am I the only one who liked Yang? Kung fu master! And a saucy wife!
Porom: 5/10 Generic nice kid, tolerable - and the petrification thing was certainly memorable.
Palom: 4/10 Generic brat kid, highly intolerable, but far more memorable overall, even without the self-petrification.
Cid: 5/10 I occasionally found him funny. Again, probably to blame on garbled FF2 translation.
Edge Geraldine: Gah... splitvote! His FF2 translation was almost unintelligible to me. But the fan translation makes him hilariously excellent, especially with Rydia. [4/10] for the official but [8/10] for the fan translation.
FuSoYa: 3/10 Just kind of there...

Golbez: 5/10 Most dynamic villain in FFIV? Hardly a prize. Loses a point for being Cecil's SPOILER! Brother!
Milon: 2/10 Resurrects himself! He's Jesus! Or a Xenosaga character! Either way, he deserves this score.
Cagnazzo: 1/10 Back attack counts as a character trait, right?
Valvalis: 4/10 Extra points for being an obvious lesbian who can't handle being jumped on by guys in sweaty dragoon armor and who employs the company of 3 sisters with rhyming names like some kind of fantasy-world lesbian Hugh Hefner.
Rubicant: 6/10 Packs as much personality as Cecil within fewer lines of dialogue than all of the other villains. Deserves this.
Ze(ro)mus: 3.5/10 I want to rank him lower, but Malice-Given-Form is hardly the most offensive final boss I've ever seen.

Bahamut: 99235/10 Awesome. DNR



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Re: Character Rankings Reborn...Mark II
« Reply #30 on: July 02, 2008, 03:24:59 PM »
Cecil Harvey: 6/10. It's something different, at least for the time, though writing being bland hurts him.
Kain Highwind: 2/10. lolol betrayal jokes aside, silent angsty type who decides to run away from everything and everyone around him in the end. Ehh.
Rydia: 3/10. The super-fast aging feels like a convenient excuse to have two characters in one, she doesn't even seem like the same person after fanservicification. Meh.
Tellah: 4/10. Crazy old man blinded by hate? Eh. Bonus point for at least being amusingly crazy now and then. (Spoons, bards, etc.)
Edward Damcyan: 4/10. Wuss. At least it's better than Kain's character trait?
Rosa Farrel: 3/10. Generic.
Yang Fabool: 3/10. KIAI kick things whatever.
Porom: 4/10. Gains points for hitting Palom.
Palom: 0/10. No shut up.
Cid: 7/10. Old man with ridiculous goggles and beard who decides to completely steal the show by suicide bombing the approaching enemy fleet FOR GREAT JUSTICE. And is badass enough to STAY ALIVE. Yeah, my type of 300% cheese character even if there is literally nothing else to him.
Edge Geraldine: 6/10. Hey he has a personality. Not great, but moderately amusing at times.
FuSoYa: 2/10. Plot device.

Golbez: 3/10. They tried? Maybe? Not really.
Milon: 2/10. Fiendish fiend doing fiendishly fiendish things.
Cagnazzo: 2/10. Fiendish fiend doing fiendishly fiendish things.
Valvalis: 2/10. Fiendish fiend doing fiendishly fiendish things.
Rubicant: 5/10. Has a personality kinda.
Ze(ro)mus: 1/10. Not offensive or annoying but he is pretty much -the- most generic baddie you can come up with. No effort, no points. Except one for not being Palom.
« Last Edit: July 02, 2008, 10:21:41 PM by Tonfa »
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Re: Character Rankings Reborn...Mark II
« Reply #31 on: July 02, 2008, 11:54:55 PM »

Final Fantasy 4:
Cecil Harvey: 5/10?  Hmm.  I dunno, I was always surprised at how he didn't totally fail, but in hindsight higher doesn't seem justifiable.  So.
Kain Highwind: 3/10.
Rydia: 4/10.  Hm.  Fits.
Tellah: 5/10.  We'll always remember him.  All things considered, that's a lot.
Edward Damcyan: 4/10.
Rosa Farrel: 3/10.  Zzzzzzzzzzz.
Yang Fabool: 3/10.
Porom: 4/10.
Palom: 3/10.
Cid: 5/10.
Edge Geraldine: 5/10.  I... think?  D'ya know, it's hard to separate him from DL Edge.
FuSoYa: 3/10.

Golbez: 4/10.  He was threatening at least?
Milon: 3/10.
Cagnazzo: 3/10.
Valvalis: 3/10.
Rubicant: 4/10.
Ze(ro)mus: 2/10.
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Re: Character Rankings Reborn...Mark II
« Reply #32 on: July 02, 2008, 11:58:14 PM »
Final Fantasy 4:
Cecil Harvey: 5/10. Shoulda stayed a Dark Knight, was more interesting that way.
Kain Highwind: 4/10. I pretend he died and was rebuilt into a easily-reprogrammed cyborg after Mist. It makes things easier on me.
Rydia: lolwhut (Abstain)/10: I remember her in her kid form, and then... I remember, as a youth, getting someone else on my team with the same stupid hairstyle, skimming through the text because lawl big words, and going "Huh, this is Rydia's mom." So uh. >_>

I mean, I beat it again and went "Oh." but the thought of "Rydia is Rydia's mom" has stuck with me and so my vote is not numerical. >_>
Tellah: 3/10. Source of one-liners, annoying otherwise.
Rosa Farrel: 4/10. Was there, cast the magics, perpetually sick or maybe it was only once I can't remember.
Yang Fabool: 2/10. One point for wife, one point for sneezing.
Porom/Palom: 1/10. Combined score because seriously telling them apart is pointless anyway. Unamusing comedy routine.
Cid: 4/10. One point for wife, one point for peeping, two points for the bombing incident I forgot about until Tonfa reminded me.
Edge Geraldine: 3/10. All points for interaction with Rubicant.
FuSoYa: 1/10. Tellah but without one-liners.

Golbez: 2/10. Even for what he was, he was boring.
Milon: 1/10. He had lines?
Cagnazzo: 1.5/10. He had more than one line?
Valvalis: 1/10. She had lines?
Rubicant: 7/10. He... had lines! And the AI sells him. >_>
Ze(ro)mus: 0/10. Pet peeve #14: final bosses/dungeons with no honest buildup.
« Last Edit: July 03, 2008, 12:00:10 AM by Taishyr »


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Re: Character Rankings Reborn...Mark II
« Reply #33 on: July 03, 2008, 01:08:15 AM »
Final Fantasy 4:
Cecil Harvey: 6/10 Not bad, bland writing is bland though. Dark Knight portion was fine.
Kain Highwind: 4/10 Blahblah darkness betrayal angst and such.
Rydia: 6/10 Okay, some scenes and such.
Tellah: 5/10 Crazy old man, that's pretty much it.
Edward Damcyan: 3/10 Fails at failing? Good going, Eddy.
Rosa Farrel: 4/10 DiD, already with the main, boring otherwise.
Yang Fabool: 4/10 Not there enough to give an extreme rating, wife gets a 6/10 though.
Porom: 4/10 Did the shutting up.
Palom: 2/10 NEVER SHUTS UP.
Cid: 6/10 Tonfa -1.
Edge Geraldine: 7/10 Actually entertaining at times, DL adds a point to him and you can't convince me otherwise.
FuSoYa: 3/10 Mystical old man, etc.

Golbez: 5/10 Creepy, kind of different, goes away mid-game.
Milon: 2/10 Zombie master. Watching Night of the Living Dead this weekend gives him a point, I guess?
Cagnazzo: 2/10 Evil king eating turtle. That's all.
Valvalis: 3/10 Sexy mistress of the winds. Also, loving Djinn's analysis.
Rubicant: 7/10 Woah, wait, what? I liked him enough to beat the rest of this cast.
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Re: Character Rankings Reborn...Mark II
« Reply #34 on: July 03, 2008, 08:07:24 AM »
Final Fantasy 4:

Cecil Harvey: 8/10. Cecil's problem is that his story is resolved a third of the way through the game.
Kain Highwind: 3/10. The FIRST brainwashing was a shock the first time I played this. The FIRST one.
Rydia: 5/10. I remember her being around, doing some stuff, and then leaving and reappearing. I hate characters not shutting up about their angst and even I think Rydia bounces back too quick.
Tellah: 9/10. TELLAH LOVES REVENGE. As a man in whose heart the fires of vengeance cannot be quenched, I enjoy this.
Edward Damcyan: 2/10. One point for shutting up about his dead girlfriend when he killed her ghost, or whatever.
Rosa Farrel: 4/10. She needs to be something besides the white mage and the hole Cecil sticks his schwanz in.
Yang Fabool: 5/10. You know, had he actually died in that room, I would have liked him a lot more.
Porom & Palom: 3/10. They turned in to stone and I didn't really care because I had Tellah and he rules
Cid: 7/10. Cid likes airships, hitting things, and beards. Hell, that's better than being a buttfucking whiner.
Edge Geraldine: 10/10. EDGE LOVES REVENGE AND EDGE LOVES TITS. You know what? I'm totally cool with that and "be a ninja" being what a character is all about, because like I said, at least you're not bitching about something all the time.
FuSoYa: 6/10. I'll give you an extra point for being from the fucking moon, and having a beard that makes ZZ Top weep.

Golbez: 6/10. You were menacing! Then you got hit with the Zeromus treatment and... what the fuck.

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Re: Character Rankings Reborn...Mark II
« Reply #35 on: July 15, 2008, 01:52:13 AM »
Cecil Harvey: 7/10
Kain Highwind: 2/10
Rydia: 2/10
Tellah: 5/10
Edward Damcyan: 3/10
Rosa Farrel: 3/10
Yang Fabool: 2/10
Porom: 3/10
Palom: 2/10
Cid: 5/10
Edge Geraldine: 4/10
FuSoYa: 4/10

Golbez:  4/10
Milon: 2/10
Cagnazzo: 2/10
Valvalis: 2/10
Rubicant: 5/10
Ze(ro)mus: 1/10
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Re: Character Rankings Reborn...Mark II
« Reply #36 on: July 15, 2008, 02:06:16 AM »
Final Fantasy 4:
Cecil Harvey: 5/10
Kain Highwind: 1/10
Rydia: 6/10
Tellah: 2/10
Edward Damcyan: 7/10
Rosa Farrel: 5/10
Yang Fabool: 3/10
Porom: 6/10
Palom: 2/10
Cid: 4/10
Edge Geraldine: 3/10
FuSoYa: 4/10

Golbez: 2/10
Milon: 4/10
Cagnazzo: 4/10
Valvalis: 4/10
Rubicant: 4/10
Ze(ro)mus: 1/10


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Re: Character Rankings Reborn...Mark II
« Reply #37 on: July 15, 2008, 02:28:40 AM »
Final Fantasy 4
Cecil Harvey: 5. Losing what made him interesting kind of hurts here.
Kain Highwind: 1
Rydia: 3. I guess? I can remember what happened to her, but not anything about her.
Tellah: 4. But you I can at least remember!
Edward Damcyan: 3.
Rosa Farrel: 2. Damsel in distress caused by her own stupidity (Following Cecil without telling and getting deadly sick in the process is pretty bad). Her bland personality isn't as offensive of the characters that she kind of helped spawn, but I also think those ones at least were damsels in distress because of their magic princess powers.
Yang Fabool:
Porom: 4. Exists+Little Extra for Smacking Palom.
Palom: 1. Horrid.
Cid: 4
Edge Geraldine: 5.
FuSoYa: 3. I'm Old?

Golbez: I can't remember...
Milon: 2.
Cagnazzo: 2.
Valvalis: 2.
Rubicant: 4.
Ze(ro)mus: 1.

Probably not a cast that holds up too well if you first play the game on the PS 1.
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