Author Topic: Magical Starsign (Full)  (Read 7564 times)


  • Ara ara~
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Magical Starsign (Full)
« on: December 20, 2007, 06:26:46 AM »
Main character can choose Light or Dark at the beginning of the game.  This choice is permanent.

Spellstrikes: Timed hits executed by tapping the character while they're starting the casting.  These increase damage and healing by 50% but do not affect any other spells.  For the purposes of the topic, I assume all Spell strikes are perfect even though I've never gotten them to work with the tier 5 spells.

Similar to Spellstrikes are timed defense.  Tapping the character right before they get hit reduces damage by 30%.  I ignore this, but just mentioning it anyways.

Planet alignment: Each character besides the main has an element, and there is a planet corresponding to that element.  These revolve around the sun at different speeds.  The area around the sun is split into five equal elemental areas.  If an elemental planet is in the corresponding elemental area, all spells of that element deal double damage and healing.  I don't think this affects any other spells though.  Basically, at the beginning of the match, the character has a 20% chance of being powered up by this, and in longer matches, they can also get this power up for a time.  Unfortunately I'm too lazy to get turn estimates for these right now.

For the main character, he or she gets the same bonus from day or night time, depending on element chosen.

Again, time passes during battle, so even if the character doesn't start with the boost, they may get it later on.

Elemental affinities: Like I said, each character has an elemental affinity, and this determines what they are weak to and strong against.  The order is as follows.

Wind > Earth > Water > Fire > Wood > Wind

So Lassi (Wind) is strong against Earth attacks and weak against Wood attacks.  Weaknesses are 200% damage and resistances are 50% damage.  Likewise, all of Lassi's wind spells do 200% damage to Earth elemental enemies and 50% to Wood elemental enemies.

For the main character, Light is weak against Dark and Dark is weak against Light.  Likewise, Light spells do twice as much damage to Dark elemental enemies and Dark spells do twice as much damage to Light elemental enemies.  The main character cannot have a resistance.

HP: Take a guess.
MP: Used to cast spells.
MP%: Percentage of MP regenerrated at the beginning of each turn.  All fractional values are truncated.
Pow: Determines physical damage.
IQ: Determines magical damage.
Def: Reduces physical damage taken.  Subtractive, but not straight subtraction.
Spr: Reduces magical damage taken.  Same as above.
Agi: Determines CTB speed and evasion.  Effective speed is not equal to Agi itself.  I think it is something like Level+Agi, but I'm not sure.

Blind: Lowers accuracy.
Dizzy: ...good question.
Stone: Petrify.  Never seen this wear off so I guess it's an instant win.
Thorns: POIZN.  10% mHP damage at the end of each turn.
Scorch: Target cannot act.
Cold: Silence.  Blocks all spells.
Charm: Target cannot take offensive action against the character who inflicted Charm.

Levels taken at 58.

Hero - Light (Weak: Dark)
HP: 1302
MP: 192
MP%: 15%
Pow: 25
IQ: 62
Def: 36
Spr: 41
Agi: 48

Comsat dish: +2 MP% +7 IQ
Planet ring: IQ +12
Ancient robe: +6 DEF +7 SPR
Heaven Boots: +1 MP% +10 AGI
Bat husk: +3 AGI +2 MP%

Optional equipment:
Ruby Studs: +2 MP% +4 POW

Kick: 169 physical damage, 10% critical rate.
Arclight (7 MP): 1461 light damage, 5% chance of blind.  (Back row: Fixed)
Crystal laser (30 MP): 1755 light damage, 20% chance of blind.  (Back row: Shared)
Healing light (50% MP): Heals 10*MP HP.
Prism barrier (100% MP): Nulls the next 10*MP damage.
Nova sword (90 MP): 2958 light damage.

Hero - Dark

Lassi - Wind (Strong: Earth, Weak: Wood)
HP: 947
MP: 321
MP%: 16%
Pow: 11
IQ: 53
Def: 31
Spr: 31
Agi: 70

Fairy tiara: +8 IQ +2 AGI, increases speed, I think 25%?
Airy sleeves: +10 IQ +5 AGI, increases evasion
Falcon coat: +8 DEF +9 SPR +2 AGI, dizzy and stone immunity
Heaven Boots: +1 MP% +10 AGI
Bat husk: +3 AGI +2 MP%

Optional equipment:
Mardi Mask: +2 AGI +6 IQ +50 MP
Comsat dish: +2 MP% +7 IQ
Planet ring: IQ +12
Sparrow wings: +2 MP% +1 AGI, increases damage dealt under planet alignment
Ruby Studs: +2 MP% +4 POW

Kick: 1 physical damage, 15% critical rate.
Wind talon (9 MP): 1295 wind damage, 5% chance of dizzy.  (Back row: Front focus)
Healing wing (100% MP): Heals 10*MP HP.  (Back row: Shared)
Falcon dive (50 MP): 1761 wind damage, 20% chance of dizzy.  (Back row: Front focus)
Mother's nest (60 MP): Regenerates 10% mHP per turn.  (Back row: Fixeds)
Pteranodon (90 MP): 2430 wind damage, 5% chance of dizzy.  (Back row: Front focus)

Mokka - Earth (STrong: Water, Weak: Wind)
HP: 2397
MP: 109
MP%: 10%
Pow: 33
IQ: 53
Def: 62
Spr: 40
Agi: 37

Pigheaded hat: +6 IQ +6 DEF, Auto-Strong status (increases stats except for HP/MP/MP%) for a few (3?) turns
Planet ring: IQ +12
Earth armor: +10 DEF +5 SPR +500 HP
Hill boots: +3 DEF +8 AGI, increases all stats except HP/MP/MP% when in critical (<40% HP)
Bat husk: +3 AGI +2 MP%

Optional equipment:
Comsat dish: +2 MP% +7 IQ
Ancient robe: +6 DEF +7 SPR
Soul tank: +12 IQ +50 MP
Rock Robe: +6 DEF +5 SPR, stone and cold immunity
Heaven Boots: +1 MP% +10 AGI
Ruby Studs: +2 MP% +4 POW

Tackle: 379 physical damage, 10% critical rate.
Gravel pounder (4 MP): 1368 earth damage, 5% chance of stone.  (Back row: Random 3)
Stalagmiter (20 MP): 1520 earth damage, 20% chance of stone.  (Back row: Fixed)
Boulder bash (40 MP): 2072 earth damage, 5% chance of stone.  (Back row: Fixed)
Vibrant dance (15 MP): Give Strong status if at full HP.  (Back row: Fixed)
Bellowing rock (80 MP): 2763 earth damage, 5% chance of stone.  (Back row: Fixed)

Chai - Wood (Strong: Wind, Weak: Fire)
HP: 1147
MP: 187
MP%: 15%
Pow: 32
IQ: 59
Def: 47
Spr: 70
Agi: 65

Comsat dish: +2 MP% +7 IQ
Garden mitts: +10 IQ +3 SPR, doubles effects of items
Aroma Coat: +8 DEF +9 SPR +30 MP
Mandrake shoes: +1 MP% +3 SPR +9 AGI +20 MP, auto-cast MT Briar patch when put into critical
Holy Incense: +3 MP% +3 DEF +3 SPR, increase damage dealt under planet alignment

Optional equipment:
Leaf Hat: +4 DEF +2 SPR
Planet ring: IQ +12
Sun Shirt: +5 DEF +5 SPR, thorns and dizzy immunity
Heaven Boots: +1 MP% +10 AGI
Bat husk: +3 AGI +2 MP%
Ruby Studs: +2 MP% +4 POW

Tail swipe: 313 physical damage, 10% critical rate.
Pepperthorn (5 MP): 1520 wood damage, 20% chance of thorns.  (Back row: Front focus)
Minty freshness (10 MP): Raises Def and Spr.  (Back row: Shared)
Briar patch (30 MP): 2072 wood damage, 20% chance of thorns.  (Back row: Fixed)
Parsley wall (100% MP): Nulls the next 10*MP physical damage.  (Back row: Shared)
Cactus crush (60 MP): 2849 wood damage, 20% chance of thorns.  (Back row: Shared)

Storebought items (for those who allow them due to Garden mitts):
Blue frog: Restores 400 (800 with Garden mitts) HP.
Yellow worm: Restores 50 (100 with Garden mitts) MP.
Wakey tail: Revives.

Pico - Fire (Strong: Wood, Weak: Water)
HP: 1550
MP: 203
MP%: 17%
Pow: 26
IQ: 66
Def: 41
Spr: 39
Agi: 37

Comsat dish: +2 MP% +7 IQ
Planet ring: IQ +12
Ancient robe: +6 DEF +7 SPR
Heaven Boots: +1 MP% +10 AGI
Bat husk: +3 AGI +2 MP%

Optional equipment:
Disco wig: +5 POW +6 IQ
Martial fist: -5 POW, adds instant death chances to physicals
Oven mitts: +3 POW +5 IQ, increases chance of scorch by 30%
Weasel coat: +2 POW +6 DEF +6 SPR, immunity to scorch and thorns
Manic shoes: +4 POW +8 AGI, says "Your skills will always succeed."  Not sure what that means.
Loincloth: +5 POW, increases damage dealt under planet alignment
Ruby Studs: +2 MP% +4 POW

Punch: 518 physical damage, 10% critical rate.
Lava spuds (10 MP): 1497 fire damage, 5% chance of scorch.  (Back row: Random 3)
Afterburner (35 MP): 2172 fire damage, 20% chance of scorch.  (Back row: Shared)
Heat fondu (70 MP): 2552 fire damage, 5% chance of scorch.  (Back row: Shared)
Feverish might (25 MP): Increases Pow.  (Back row: Fixed)
Dragon's tongue (90 MP): 2853 fire damage, 5% chance of scorch.  (Back row: Shared)

Sorbet - Water (Strong: Fire, Weak: Earth)
HP: 1094
MP: 198
MP%: 15%
Pow: 18
IQ: 68
Def: 28
Spr: 49
Agi: 48

Comsat dish: +2 MP% +7 IQ
Planet ring: IQ +12
Ancient robe: +6 DEF +7 SPR
Moccasins: +1 MP% +4 IQ +9 AGI
Bat husk: +3 AGI +2 MP%

Optional equipment:
Heaven Boots: +1 MP% +10 AGI
Ruby Studs: +2 MP% +4 POW

Slap: 140 physical damage, 25% critical rate.
Hailstorm (7 MP): 1608 water damage, 5% chance of Cold.  (Back row: Random 4)
Fresh drop (25 MP): Cures all bad status effects.  (Back row: Fixed)
Absolute zero (35 MP): 2523 water damage, 20% chance of Cold.  (Back row: Random 4)
Sparkling shield (100%): Blocks the next 10*MP magic damage.  (Back row: Shared)
Zap-O'-War (70 MP): 2900 water damage, 5% chance of Cold.  (Back row: Random 6)

HP: 1406
MP: 202
MP%: 15
Pow: 24
IQ: 60
Def: 41 (subtractive)
Spr: 45 (subtractive)
Agi: 51 (CTB, but not a direct relation)

Damage (3+ shot moves only): 2477
Damage (3 turn average): 2610

Comsat dish: +2 MP% +7 IQ

Planet ring: IQ +12

Ancient robe: +6 DEF +7 SPR

Heaven Boots: +1 MP% +10 AGI

Ruby Studs: +2 MP% +4 POW
Bat husk: +3 AGI +2 MP%

Mardi Mask: +2 AGI +6 IQ +50 MP - Lassi
Fairy tiara: +8 IQ +2 AGI, says it increases speed - Lassi
Pigheaded hat: +6 IQ +6 DEF, Auto-Strong status (increases stats except for HP/MP/MP%) for a few (3?) turns - Mokka
Disco wig: +5 POW +6 IQ - Pico
Leaf Hat: +4 DEF +2 SPR - Chai

Martial fist: -5 POW, adds instant death chances to physicals - Pico
Airy sleeves: +10 IQ +5 AGI, increases evasion - Lassi
Garden mitts: +10 IQ +3 SPR, doubles effects of items - Chai
Oven mitts: +3 POW +5 IQ, increases chance of scorch by 30% - Pico

Soul tank: +12 IQ +50 MP - Mokka
Earth armor: +10 DEF +5 SPR +500 HP - Mokka
Weasel coat: +2 POW +6 DEF +6 SPR, immunity to scorch and thorns - Pico
Rock Robe: +6 DEF +5 SPR, stone and cold immunity - Mokka
Sun Shirt: +5 DEF + 5 SPR, thorns and dizzy immunity - Chai
Falcon coat: +8 DEF +9 SPR +2 AGI, dizzy and stone immunity - Lassi
Aroma Coat: +8 DEF +9 SPR +30 MP - Chai

Dodo shoes: -1 MP% -3 AGI, increases escape rate - Lassi
Hill boots: +3 DEF +8 AGI, increases all stats except HP/MP/MP% when in critical (<40% HP) - Mokka
Sandals: +6 AGI +3 IQ, increases all stats except HP/MP/MP% when in critical (<40% HP) - Sorbet
Mandrake shoes: +1 MP% +3 SPR +9 AGI +20 MP, auto-cast MT Briar patch when put into critical - Chai
Manic shoes: +4 POW +8 AGI, says "Your skills will always succeed."  Not sure what that means. - Pico
Moccasins: +1 MP% +4 IQ +9 AGI - Sorbet
Golem Clogs: +2 DEF +5 AGI, increases critical hit chance by 30% - Mokka

Loincloth: +5 POW, increases damage dealt under planet alignment - Pico
Lucky clover: +2 MP%, 5% increased chance of getting an item after battle - Chai
Sparrow wings: +2 MP% +1 AGI, increases damage dealt under planet alignment - Lassi
Holy Incense: +3 MP% +3 DEF +3 SPR, increase damage dealt under planet alignment - Chai


  • Ara ara~
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Re: Magical Starsign (Full)
« Reply #1 on: December 20, 2007, 06:28:26 AM »
Mugword - Wood
HP: 4550
Speed: 118%, has initiative.

Reduces physical attacks by 28 (37%).
Reduces magical attacks by 10 (7%).

Celestial swap: Moves a planet.  He only appears to move the planet 1/5 of an orbit in-game, though the spell allows for larger movements.
Dancing baby: 154 physical damage.
Briar patch: 50 (100 with planet alignment) wood damage, MT.  Can't be used until 1000 HP is lost.
Jungle coaster: 139 physical damage, MT.  Can't be used until 2000 HP is lost.

Damages to randoms:
Main: 5/round
Kick: 82
Arclight (7): 182 [130]
Crystal laser (30): 262 [44]

Lassi: 16/round
Kick: 63
Wind talon (9): 149 [149]

Mokka: 2/round
Tackle: 84
Gravel pounder (4): 118 [59]

HP: 395
MP: 64
MP%: 11
Pow: 7
IQ: 17
Def: 11
Spr: 9
Agi: 12
Damage: 150 (450 per round) <198 (593) with time bonuses>
Damage with full spellstrikes: 225 (674) <297 (890)>

Totem Bomb x2 - Wood
HP: 10
Speed: 97%

Takes 1 damage from all physical attacks.
Magic attacks do "damage" but don't actually hurt it.

Self destruct: 221 physical damage.  Consumes 1 HP.

Damages to randoms:
Main: 7/round
Kick: 95
Arclight (7): 250
Crystal laser (30): 451

Lassi: 16/round
Kick: 61
Wind talon (9): 254

Mokka: 5/round
Tackle: 139
Gravel pound (4): 254
Stalagmiter (20): 312

Chai: 4/round
Tail swipe: 95
Pepperthorn (5): 282

HP: 460
MP: 71
MP%: 11
Pow: 10
IQ: 24
Def: 14
Spr: 13
Agi: 18
Damage: 260 (1040 per round) <331 (1323) with time bonuses.
Damage with full spellstrikes: 390 (1560) <496 (1985)>

Peacock Fish - Water
HP: 4000
Speed: 170%

Reduces magic by 5 (2%).
Reduces physicals by 25 (10%).
~80% evasion.

Hailstorm: 174 (348 with planet alignment) water damage.
Swim'n Bite: 216 physical damage.

Damage to randoms:
Main: 7/round
Kick: 117
Arclight (7): 238
Crystal laser (30): 413

Lassi: 18/round
Kick: 82
Wind talon (9): 230

Mokka: 5/round
Tackle: 144
Gravel pound (4): 236
Stalagmiter (20): 314

Chai: 5/round
Tail swipe: 128
Pepperthorn (5): 276

HP: 488
MP: 74
MP%: 11
Pow: 10
IQ: 23
Def: 14
Spr: 13
Agi: 17
Damage: 245 (1225 per round) <308 (1541) with time bonuses>
Damage with full spellstrikes: 368 (1838) <462 (2312)>

Master Chard (form 2) - Dark
Fights with Pirate Otter x3.

HP: 6800
Speed: 140%
Has initiative.

Reduces magical attacks by about 30 (12%).
Reduces physical attacks by about 40 (16%).

Shadow die: 186 (372 at night) dark damage.  50% chance of causing Cursed status.
Finger-pointer: Point at the opponent!!!  Cannot be used until 2000 HP are lost.
Sky-high kick: 130 damage, MT.  180 damage to the person pointed at.  Finger-pointer must've been used the turn before.

Pirate Otter x3 - Water
Fights with Master Chard.

HP: 1500
Speed: 97%

Takes about average from magical attacks.
Takes about average from physical attacks.

Weak slash: 102 physical damage, 67.5% accuracy.
Leaping Slash: 102 physical damage.

HP: 501
MP: 76
MP%: 12
Pow: 10
IQ: 24
Def: 15
Spr: 16
Agi: 17
Damage: 250 (1250 per round) <315 (1575) with time bonuses>
Damage with full spellstrikes: 375 (1875) <473 (2363)>

Note:  Here's where I started using tier 2 spells in the damage average.  Why?  Because you can now cast them three times in a row before running out of MP.  I'll start bolding the ones I use for reference.

Gil Mudflap - Earth
Fights with Buck Private x2.

HP: 6500
Speed: 121%

Vulnerable to Dizzy.
Takes 8 (2%) more damage from physicals.
Takes 8 (2%) less damage from magic.

Sickening stench: 61 damage, MT.  Causes Sick status (can't use magic), 20%.
Blinding stench: 61 damage, MT.  Causes Blind status, 20%.
Bossy push: If a Buck Private is alive, 223 damage, and every attack against Buck Private criticals until ~1.5 turns after this is used.  This Buck Private cannot be used for this attack while it is in this status either.  If no Buck Privates are alive, 110 damage.

Buck Private x2 - Light
Fights with Gil Mudflap.

HP: 4000

Takes 10 (2%) less damage from physicals.
Takes 11 (2%) less damage from magic.
Never acts.

Damages to randoms:
Kick: 150
Arclight (7): 378
Crystal laser (30): 471

Kick: 76
Wind talon (9): 296
Falcon Dive (50): 483

Tackle: 179
Gravel pounder (4): 312
Stalagmiter (20): 360
Boulder bash (40): 611

Tail swipe: 179
Pepperthorn (5): 354
Briar patch (30): 594

Punch: 177
Lava spuds (10): 365
Afterburner (35): 452
Heat fondu (70): 602

HP: 716
MP: 100
MP%: 13
Pow: 15
IQ: 30
Def: 23
Spr: 22
Agi: 26
Damage: 472 (2360/round) <595 (2973/round) with time bonuses>
Damage with full spellstrikes: 708 (3540) <892 (4460)>

Poutile - Dark
HP: 8000
Speed: 124%
Evasion: 50%
Vulnerable to Thorns.

Takes 8 (2%) more damage from physicals.
Takes 47 (10%) less damage from magic.

Rolling stamp: 241x3 hits (724 total).  Can unfocus or focus.
Squashing Roller: 362 damage.  Can't be used until below 50% health.
Blood money: 64x3 (192 total) dark damage, 33% chance of curse.  Heal for 1/10 this amount. Can't be used until below 50%.

Damages to randoms:
Main: (104 MP, 12/round)
Kick: 145
Arclight (7): 383
Crystal laser (30): 518

Lassi: (176 MP, 28/round)
Kick: 98
Wind talon (9): 291
Falcon Dive (50): 527

Mokka: (56 MP, 5/round)
Tackle: 215
Gravel pounder (4): 345
Stalagmiter (20): 435
Boulder bash (40): 705

Chai: (79 MP, 9/round)
Tail swipe: 172
Pepperthorn (5): 372
Briar patch (30): 616

Pico: (116 MP, 17/round)
Punch: 182
Lava spuds (10): 302
Afterburner (35): 482
Heat fondu (70): 745

Sorbet: (87 MP, 11/round)
Slap: 68
Hailstorm (7): 257

HP: 710
MP: 103
MP%: 13
Pow: 17
IQ: 32
Def: 23
Spr: 23
Agi: 27
Damage: 473 (2835/round) <593 (3557/round) with time bonuses>
Damage with full spellstrikes: 709 (4253) <889 (5336)>

Abalon Demar - Water
HP: 12000
Speed: 137%, has initiative.

Takes 76 (12%) less from magic.
Takes 19 (3%) more from physicals.

Sweet nothings: Charm, 100%.  Characters under charm satus cannot hurt the person who inflicted it.  It is uncurable and permanent (basically an autowin).  Uses this on iniative.
Hello, good-bye: Targets the charmed character and sets their HP to 1.  Charms another character, 100%.
Celestial swap: Moves a planet about 1/5 of an orbit.
Forested field: 353 water damage over 4 hits, 10% (34% effectively) chance of cold.

Damages to randoms:
Main: (116 MP, 14/round)
Kick: 180
Arclight (7): 381
Crystal laser (30): 540

Lassi: (196 MP, 33/round)
Kick: 91
Wind talon (9): 339
Falcon Dive (50): 562

Mokka: (64 MP, 6/round)
Tackle: 214
Gravel pounder (4): 383
Stalagmiter (20): 487
Boulder bash (40): 719

Chai: (87 MP, 11/round)
Tail swipe: 220
Pepperthorn (5): 466
Briar patch (30): 720

Pico: (128 MP, 20/round)
Punch: 213
Lava spuds (10): 430
Afterburner (35): 700
Heat fondu (70): 706

Sorbet: (114 MP, 15/round)
Slap: 92
Hailstorm (7): 405
Absolute zero (35): 830

HP: 806
MP: 118
MP%: 14
Pow: 18
IQ: 37
Def: 25
Spr: 26
Agi: 29
Damage: 641 (3845/round) <796 (4776/round) with time bonuses>
Damage with full spellstrikes: 961 (5768) <1194 (7164)>

Holy Sapling - Wood
HP: 31250
Speed: 177%

Takes 100 (14%) more from physicals.
Takes 100 (14%) less from magic..

Briar patch: 353 wood damage, 20% chance of thorns.
Unripe fruit: 342 physical damage.
Celestial swap: Moves a planet about 1/5 of an orbit.
Bloom of plenty: 225 magical damage, MT, 33% chance of thorns.

Summon a Leafwich: Summons a Leafwich!  Only used as a counter to fire attacks.  Leafwiches have 1500 HP, averagish defenses and speed, and are wood element.  Note that since these are in the front row, Holy sapling cannot be hit by hysical attacks until the leafwich is killed.  Max is two.

Leafwich's skills:
Pepperthorn: 184 wood damage.

HP: 839
MP: 122
MP%: 14
Pow: 18
IQ: 38
Def: 26
Spr: 28
Agi: 30
Damage: 700 (4200/round) <850 (5100/round) with time bonuses>
Damage with full spellstrikes: 1050 (6300) <1275 (7650)>

Gummy Girl - Dark
HP: 26000
Speed: 160%
Has initiative.

Average physical defense.
Average magic defense.

Scream: 150 magic damage, MT.
Glamor shot: 152 dark damage, switches around the formation, 50% chance of Curse, MT.
Clinging: 352 physical damage.

HP: 874
MP: 128
MP%: 16
Pow: 18
IQ: 44
Def: 27
Spr: 29
Agi: 34
Damage: 700 (4200/round) <850 (5100/round) with time bonuses>
Damage with full spellstrikes: 1050 (6300) <1275 (7650)>

Magnus Muzzleflash - Fire
HP: 22000
Speed: 145%
Has initiative.

75% evasion.
Takes 62 (8%) less from physical attacks.
Takes 29 (4%) less from magic attacks.

Blood rage: 447 physical damage.
Blazing cannon: 513 fire damage, 75% chance of Scorch.  Unlocked at 50% HP.

Counterattack: 8% chance of countering for 576 physical damage, 80% accuracy.

HP: 968
MP: 141
MP%: 12
Pow: 20
IQ: 47
Def: 29
Spr: 27
Agi: 36
Damage: 735 (4407/round) <914 (5482/round) with time bonuses>
Damage with full spellstrikes: 1102 (6611) <1370 (8222)>

Brie Pourri - Wind
HP: 20000
Speed: 131%
Has initiative.
Acts twice.

Takes 91 (12%) less from physical attacks.
Takes 14 (2%) less from magic attacks.

Cyclone waltz: Ejects the character from the battle for about 3 of Brie's turns, after which he or she comes back and takes 257 damage.
Sonic Sword: 312 physical damage.
Celestial swap: Moves a planet about 1/5 of an orbit.
Wind talon: 208 wind damage, MT, 5% chance of Dizzy.  Unlocked at 40% HP.

HP: 995
MP: 145
MP%: 12
Pow: 20
IQ: 48
Def: 30
Spr: 32
Agi: 37
Damage: 750 (4500/round) <940 (1410/round) with time bonuses>
Damage with full spellstrikes: 1125 (6750) <1400 (8400)>

Odd Beetle - Light
HP: 18000
Speed: 169%

Takes 116 (15%) less from physical attacks.
Takes 182 (24%) less from magical attacks.

Binding sickle: 353 physical damage.
Fighting dance: Raises Pow, lasts 2 turns.  (Raises damage by about 40%.)
Sleeping cocoon: Removes a target from the field temporarily.
Riot cocoon: 343 physical damage, MT.  Requires Sleeping cocoon be used first and the target of that be off the field still.  (Basically Sleeping cocoon puts a character in a cocoon and Riot cocoon swings it at the party.)

HP: 1039
MP: 152
MP%: 13
Pow: 21
IQ: 50
Def: 31
Spr: 33
Agi: 40
Damage: 771 (4624/round) <959 (5754/round) with time bonuses>
Damage with full spellstrikes: 1156 (6936) <1439 (8631)>

Cybersaurus - Dark
HP: 19000
Speed: 170%
Has initiative.

Takes 16 (2%) less from physical attacks.
Takes 7 (1%) more from magical attacks.

Bite Off: 554 physical damage, 1/3 crit rate.
Desperate lunge: 231 physical damage, MT.
Cry of the soul: 177 physical damage, MT, 10% crit rate, unlocked at 40% HP.

Space Warden - Light
HP: 8000
Speed: 96%
Has initiative.

Domination: Nothing...
Healing (I didn't catch the name): 600 healing.

HP: 1081
MP: 158
MP%: 13
Pow: 22
IQ: 51
Def: 32
Spr: 35
Agi: 41
Damage: 810 (4860/round) <1000 (6000/round) with time bonuses>
Damage with full spellstrikes: 1205 (7230) <1500 (9000)>

Biek Fowler - Dark
HP: 20000
Speed: 128%
Has initiative.
Acts twice.

Takes 29 (3%) less from physical attacks.
Takes 45 (5%) less from magical attacks.

Rising palm: 428 physical damage.
Lotus barrage: 587 physical damage.
Shadow die: 478 dark damage, 25% chance of curse.

HP: 1121
MP: 164
MP%: 15
Pow: 26
IQ: 53
Def: 34
Spr: 38
Agi: 42
Damage: 840 (5040/round) <1000 (6000/round) with time bonuses>
Damage with full spellstrikes: 1260 (7560) <1500 (9000)>

Master Chard - Dark
HP: 22000
Speed: 171%
Has initiative.
Vulnerable to Thorns.
Resists wind?

Takes 78 (6%) less damage from physicals.
Takes 179 (14%) less damage from magic.

Dazzle darts: 420 dark damage over 12 hits.
Kick of darkness: 197 physical damage, MT.
Celestial swap: Moves a planet about 1/5 of an orbit.

HP: 1217
MP: 182
MP%: 14
Pow: 28
IQ: 56
Def: 37
Spr: 42
Agi: 45
Damage: 1264 (7586/round) <1556 (9333/round) with time bonuses>
Damage with full spellstrikes: 1897 (11379) <2333 (14000)>

Giant Larva - Light
HP: 25000
Speed: 85%

Takes 171 (13%) more damage from physicals.  (This amounts to nearly double damage in-game.)
Takes about average from magic.

Crush: 441 physical damage, MT, 90% accuracy.

Weapon vortex: 50% chance to absorb a magic attack, passive.
Megaburn cannon: 1677 light damage, can only be used after absorbing two spells with Weapon vortex.  Weapon vortex is disable until Giant larva's next turn.

HP: 1347
MP: 188
MP%: 14
Pow: 27
IQ: 59
Def: 38
Spr: 43
Agi: 46
Damage: 1316 (7895/round) <1619 (9713/round) with time bonuses>
Damage with full spellstrikes: 1974 (11843) <2428 (14570)>

Master Kale - Dark
Fights with Gummy Giant.
HP: 18000
Speed: 151%
Has initiative.

Takes 464 (35%) less damage from magic.

Heat fondu: 364 fire damage, MT, 5% chance of scorch.
Blood money: 640 dark damage, heals Master Kale for 5% of the damage inflicted, 50% chance of curse.
Absolute zero: 456 water damage over 4 hits, 19% chance of cold.
Dazzle darts: 732 dark damage over 12 hits.
Insect bullets: 705 wood damage over 15 hits, 20% chance of lowering a random stat per hit?
Briar Patch: 518 wood damage, MT, 20% chance of thorns.
Gravel pounder: 1110 earth damage over 3 hits, 14% chance of stone.

(I assume he has a wind spell of sorts as well, but I never saw it, and fought him twice.)

Gummy Giant - Light
Fights with Master Kale.
HP: 9000
Speed: 130%
Has initiative.

Gummy sword: 356 physical damage.
Gummy spread: 466 physical damage, MT.
Fill up: Charges up for an attack.  He died before I could figure out what, though.  Unlocked at 50% HP.

Averages: (Actual averages are probably a little higher than this, but I forgot to grab them.  Only a few people levelled up from the last battle anyways.)
HP: 1347
MP: 188
MP%: 14
Pow: 27
IQ: 59
Def: 38
Spr: 43
Agi: 46
Damage: 1316 (7895/round) <1619 (9713/round) with time bonuses>
Damage with full spellstrikes: 1974 (11843) <2428 (14570)>

Shadra 1 - Any, can change element after any action.
Note: Mokka starts at 1 HP and cannot Move, physically attack, or use items in this battle.
HP: 22000
Speed: 163%
75% evasion.

Takes 1 damage from all physical attacks.
Takes 529 (40%) less damage from magic attacks.

Gravel pounder: 639 earth damage over 3 hits, 14% chance of stone.
Briar patch: 414 wood damage, MT, 20% chance of thorns.
Celestial swap: Moves a planet about 1/4 of an orbit.
Heat fondu: 238 fire damage, MT, 5% chance of scorch.
Scale: 294 physical damage, 14 MP damage, MT.
Falcon dive: 499 wind damage, MT, 20% chance of dizzy.

I think it has an attack that can only be used if all five planets are lined up, since it kept trying to line them up with Celestial swap.  I never got to see it, though.

Formchanges after HP is depleted, all CT gained carries over and no new battle is started.

Shadra 2 - Dark
Note: Same as above, except Mokka doesn't start at 1 HP anymore.
HP: 22000
Speed: 137%
75% evasion.

Takes 1 damage from all physical attacks.
Takes 529 (40%) less damage from magic attacks.

Celestial swap: Moves a planet about 1/4 of an orbit.
Prism barrier: Nulls the next 800 damage.
Big crunch: 396 dark damage, MT.
Stabby fork: 710 physical damage.
Paradigm shift: 1620 light damage over 6 hits, 20% chance of lowering a stat per hit?  Unlocked at 50% HP.

I think it has an attack that can only be used if all five planets are lined up, since it kept trying to line them up with Celestial swap.  I never got to see it, though.

Averages: (Damage probably changes again here but I don't think there are any randoms to test on.  For reference, average level is 57 here compared to 55 before the Giant Larva fight.  Probably not a big difference.)
HP: 1386
MP: 194
MP%: 14
Pow: 28
IQ: 56
Def: 39
Spr: 43
Agi: 47
Damage: 1316 (7895/round) <1619 (9713/round) with time bonuses>
Damage with full spellstrikes: 1974 (11843) <2428 (14570)>
« Last Edit: December 20, 2007, 06:31:17 AM by Talaysen »