
Author Topic: Proving Grounds: Heavy Prelims 2  (Read 3262 times)


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Proving Grounds: Heavy Prelims 2
« on: July 08, 2008, 09:06:05 AM »
Beowulf 80.7% (88-21 (38-15; 51-6))
Ayne 69.8% (30-13 (11-9; 19-4))
Kresnik 67.6% (48-23 (14-20; 35-2))
Eiko 66.3% (59-30 (18-24; 41-7))
Dekar 64.2% (52-29 (20-18; 32-10))
Carol 60.4% (29-19 (10-11; 19-7))
Nelis 40% (26-39 (3-30; 23-11))

Middle gets smashed! Everyone tore down (the admittedly lackluster) Middles! However, Beowulf also crushed Heavy, and most everyone else but Nelis at least held their own. Sadly, Carol was eliminated in a tight race (Barring 3 people massively failing in another pool).

This Week's Competitors
Colm- Powerful physicals considering his doubling.
Jude- Powerful physicals considering Rapid Attack+Assault Buster.
Magdalen- Power physcials without consideration!
Wiegraf- Will his respect still hold up after all this time?
Poco- Don't rely on MP.
Nash- And we have a status whore! One with multiple statuses too.
Zidane- And we have a status whore again! One with multiple statuses again! Just don't ask him to use two simaltaneously!

The Matches
Colm   vs   Tana
Colm   vs   Tiamet (FF1)
Colm   vs   Adel
Colm   vs   Bruiser
Colm   vs   Ashley (WA 2)
Colm   vs   Elmdor
Colm   vs   Cador
Colm   vs   Heath
Colm   vs   Sceptile
Colm   vs   Arche
Colm   vs   Kashell
Colm   vs   Flare
Jude   vs   Tana
Jude   vs   Tiamet (FF1)
Jude   vs   Adel
Jude   vs   Bruiser
Jude   vs   Ashley (WA 2)
Jude   vs   Elmdor
Jude   vs   Cador
Jude   vs   Heath
Jude   vs   Sceptile
Jude   vs   Arche
Jude   vs   Kashell
Jude   vs   Flare
Magdalen   vs   Tana
Magdalen   vs   Tiamet (FF1)
Magdalen   vs   Adel
Magdalen   vs   Bruiser
Magdalen   vs   Ashley (WA 2)
Magdalen   vs   Elmdor
Magdalen   vs   Cador
Magdalen   vs   Heath
Magdalen   vs   Sceptile
Magdalen   vs   Arche
Magdalen   vs   Kashell
Magdalen   vs   Flare
Wiegraf   vs   Tana
Wiegraf   vs   Tiamet (FF1)
Wiegraf   vs   Adel
Wiegraf   vs   Bruiser
Wiegraf   vs   Ashley (WA 2)
Wiegraf   vs   Elmdor
Wiegraf   vs   Cador
Wiegraf   vs   Heath
Wiegraf   vs   Sceptile
Wiegraf   vs   Arche
Wiegraf   vs   Kashell
Wiegraf   vs   Flare
Poco   vs   Tana
Poco   vs   Tiamet (FF1)
Poco   vs   Adel
Poco   vs   Bruiser
Poco   vs   Ashley (WA 2)
Poco   vs   Elmdor
Poco   vs   Cador
Poco   vs   Heath
Poco   vs   Sceptile
Poco   vs   Arche
Poco   vs   Kashell
Poco   vs   Flare
Nash (Lunar)   vs   Tana
Nash (Lunar)   vs   Tiamet (FF1)
Nash (Lunar)   vs   Adel
Nash (Lunar)   vs   Bruiser
Nash (Lunar)   vs   Ashley (WA 2)
Nash (Lunar)   vs   Elmdor
Nash (Lunar)   vs   Cador
Nash (Lunar)   vs   Heath
Nash (Lunar)   vs   Sceptile
Nash (Lunar)   vs   Arche
Nash (Lunar)   vs   Kashell
Nash (Lunar)   vs   Flare
Zidane   vs   Tana
Zidane   vs   Tiamet (FF1)
Zidane   vs   Adel
Zidane   vs   Bruiser
Zidane   vs   Ashley (WA 2)
Zidane   vs   Elmdor
Zidane   vs   Cador
Zidane   vs   Heath
Zidane   vs   Sceptile
Zidane   vs   Arche
Zidane   vs   Kashell
Zidane   vs   Flare
...into the nightfall.


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Re: Proving Grounds: Heavy Prelims 2
« Reply #1 on: July 08, 2008, 03:17:30 PM »

The Matches
Colm   vs   Tana- Better at the same game.
Colm   vs   Tiamet (FF1)- MT damage on a tank. That handles Colm.

Colm   vs   Adel- Ultima plus going first.
Colm   vs   Bruiser- Coinflip fight, going with the person with better offense.
Colm   vs   Ashley (WA 2)
Colm   vs   Elmdor- He cuts Colm's offense in half, goes first, and has ITE magic damage. Bad draw for Colm.
Colm   vs   Cador- Curse. Getting around counters offsets the doubles.
Colm   vs   Heath
Colm   vs   Kashell- Evade screws VP fighters badly.
Colm   vs   Flare- Too much magic evade. Doubt Flare can avoid being doubled as well.
Jude   vs   Tana- I have no idea. Both have serious issues making damage stick here.
Jude   vs   Tiamet (FF1)- Tank with magic damage. Boom.
Jude   vs   Adel- Ultima. I think that just scrapes a OHKO.
Jude   vs   Bruiser- Should get the blitz off before Bruiser gets that second turn of doom.
Jude   vs   Ashley (WA 2)- Blitz.
Jude   vs   Elmdor- Sword spirit+Blade grasp is ownin so far.
Jude   vs   Cador- Curse does the job. He has good durability, he should see two turns.
Jude   vs   Heath
Jude   vs   Kashell- Depends entirely if Jude can survive Flashing Blade.
Jude   vs   Flare- Sleep.
Wiegraf   vs   Tana- ITE physicals plus counters and some evade. Wiegraf spoils!
Wiegraf   vs   Tiamet (FF1)
Wiegraf   vs   Adel
Wiegraf   vs   Bruiser- Don't see Ballastic triggering evade or melee counters.
Wiegraf   vs   Ashley (WA 2)- I think he can access Full Clip without getting splattered here, anyhow.
Wiegraf   vs   Elmdor- Faster.
Wiegraf   vs   Cador- Curse+physical, should tank through to that point.
Wiegraf   vs   Heath
Wiegraf   vs   Kashell- survives three Wiegraf attacks.
Wiegraf   vs   Flare- Think so.
Poco   vs   Tana- Fast fighter.
Poco   vs   Tiamet (FF1)
Poco   vs   Adel- Haste, heal, smash.
Poco   vs   Bruiser- OHKO.
Poco   vs   Ashley (WA 2)- Full Clip.
Poco   vs      Elmdor- Sword Spirit's attached status should end this in time. Don't think Poco can really effectively blitz. Going to look at this fight again to be sure though.
Poco   vs   Cador- See Adel.
Poco   vs   Heath
Poco   vs   Kashell- Can't buff his way out of trouble before Flashing Blade hits.
Poco   vs   Flare
Nash (Lunar)   vs   Tana- That Mdef/evade mix wrecks status fighters.
Nash (Lunar)   vs   Tiamet (FF1)- Boss. Stone makes this competitive but I don't think it lands in time.
Nash (Lunar)   vs   Adel- Boss.
Nash (Lunar)   vs   Bruiser
Nash (Lunar)   vs   Ashley (WA 2)
Nash (Lunar)   vs   Elmdor-..Actually. Nash is faster and isn't 2HKOed by Elmdor. weird fight.
Nash (Lunar)   vs   Cador
Nash (Lunar)   vs   Heath
Nash (Lunar)   vs   Kashell
Nash (Lunar)   vs   Flare
Zidane   vs   Tana- Mini. Hate Soul Blade.
Zidane   vs   Tiamet (FF1)- Haha.
Zidane   vs   Adel- ^_^
Zidane   vs   Bruiser- ;_;
Zidane   vs   Ashley (WA 2)- *Punt*
Zidane   vs   Elmdor- but but thievery?
Zidane   vs   Cador
Zidane   vs   Heath
Zidane   vs   Kashell
Zidane   vs   Flare
"Reputation is what other people know about you. Honor is what you know about yourself"- Count Aral Vorkosigan, A Civil Campaign
<Meeple> knownig Square-enix, they'll just give us a 2nd Kain
<Ciato> he would be so kawaii as a chibi...

Dark Holy Elf

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Re: Proving Grounds: Heavy Prelims 2
« Reply #2 on: July 08, 2008, 04:52:11 PM »
Colm   vs   Tana: Yeah, better. And weapon triangle, anyway.
Colm   vs   Tiamet (FF1): Think she's tanky enough for this. It's close.
Colm   vs   Adel: Not much Adel respect here, on the other hand.
Colm   vs   Ashley (WA 2): Ashley has two turns, thanks to Accel. It's not enough.
Colm   vs   Elmdor: Yeah, Colm has too much trouble hitting.
Colm   vs   Cador: Indeed, doubles and counters cancel... which leaves us with the evade. And Colm going first.
Colm   vs   Heath: Yar. Weapon triangle isn't good enough this time!
Colm   vs   Sceptile: EDIT: Okay, I was wrong about a few things here! Sceptile is doubled. So he uses Agility. Colm attacks. Sceptile uses Giga Drain twice; on average, one hits. Colm attacks. Sceptile uses Giga Drain twice; on average, one hits. Colm is now near death. He uses a Slim Sword to chip around the limit. Sceptile uses Giga/Mega Drain twice, if either hits, he wins. Sadly, on average, he does not hit - 59% evade means Colm does dodge 4 attacks in 6 on average. Very close, though. Alternatively... Sceptile uses Agility twice! Doesn't help his speed any (TB cap), but I am inclined to allow the overkill speed be used to double Colm, maybe? If I do, then Sceptile gets 10 attacks instead of 6, which is probably good enough even with some being Mega Drains. Need to decide if I allow overkill TB speed to be used towards doubles. Any thoughts on that one?
Colm   vs   Kashell: Evade.
Colm   vs   Flare: Different division border.

Jude   vs   Tana: Does her evade let her live long enough? I... think so, yeah. Jude's basic physical does get a small damage bonus, here, but Assault Buster just fails.
Jude   vs   Tiamet (FF1): 2HKOs and tanks, yeah.
Jude   vs   Adel
Jude   vs   Ashley (WA 2): Should avoid Full Clip with the chipping + Assault Buster strategy. Ashley being below average speed doesn't help.
Jude   vs   Elmdor: Enough physical spoiling to get the job done, here.
Jude   vs   Cador: Damn, Jude can get off 1.45 PCHP before average gets two turns (Rapid Attack -> Super Assault Buster -> Normal Assault Buster)
Jude   vs   Heath: This time the ranged weakness hurts.
Jude   vs   Sceptile: Uses Agility. Assault Buster now fails too much for words, and Sceptile just 2HKOs from there.
Jude   vs   Kashell: Kashell fails to 2HKO. This means really bad news against Jude.
Jude   vs   Flare: Sleep blocker makes Flare emo.

Magdalen   vs   Tana: Mags' damage is ITE? I... don't remember that, and there's no note of it in the stat topic. ACF ITE is like, super-rare. As such, don't think he can manage, he'll get two shots and needs to land both. In particular, he needs both his little GT and his big ST moves to be ITE, because if he opens with the latter Tana can Javelin-counter him then finish right away.
Magdalen   vs   Tiamet (FF1): Faster and ITD.
Magdalen   vs   Adel: Still not respecting Adel!
Magdalen   vs   Ashley (WA 2): Survives two Ashley turns.
Magdalen   vs   Elmdor: Probably just straight-up OHKOs, and likely doesn't have to, though Genji Shield and the speed quagmire make it interesting.
Magdalen   vs   Cador: Faster. Boom.
Magdalen   vs   Heath: See Tana, except no evade hype.
Magdalen   vs   Sceptile: The big hit gives him a limit, the weaker onesget healed.
Magdalen   vs   Kashell: Does enough damage, I think.
Magdalen   vs   Flare: Wins as soon as sleep doesn't connect, think that happens before Flare wins.

Wiegraf   vs   Tana: Wiegraf wants to spoil, but needs more HP to do so. One-rounding follows.
Wiegraf   vs   Tiamet (FF1): 2HKOs, isn't 2HKOed.
Wiegraf   vs   Adel: Whatever.
Wiegraf   vs   Ashley (WA 2): I'm... guessing Ashley has enough damage, here. Some ARM + Accelerate into some ARM should 2HKO?
Wiegraf   vs   Elmdor: Faster. Don't see a large difference here otherwise; both 2HKO.
Wiegraf   vs   Cador: Tanky enough to not be 2HKOed here? Eh... yeah probably. Two Curses and Wiegraf is most definitely out.
Wiegraf   vs   Heath: 3HKOs, Heath 2HKOs, so he needs... something. Between a counter and an evade, I think he gets it.
Wiegraf   vs   Sceptile: Use Leaf Blade twice, collect victory.
Wiegraf   vs   Kashell: Can take the pain.
Wiegraf   vs   Flare: Yep. Silence seals it shut at worst.

Nash (Lunar)   vs   Tana: Tana doesn't have MDef really. Evade now? Yeah. Close however, in a few ways.
Nash (Lunar)   vs   Tiamet (FF1): No.
Nash (Lunar)   vs   Adel: Okay, respect Adel enough for this. I -think-.
Nash (Lunar)   vs   Ashley (WA 2): Haha.
Nash (Lunar)   vs   Elmdor: Gut.
Nash (Lunar)   vs   Cador: Yup.
Nash (Lunar)   vs   Heath: Right.
Nash (Lunar)   vs   Sceptile: Statusin'.
Nash (Lunar)   vs   Kashell
Nash (Lunar)   vs   Flare: Up to Heavy, you.

Zidane   vs   Tana: Did I mention Tana's evade makes status turn 3? This fact is so awesome.
Zidane   vs   Tiamet (FF1): Ahaha.
Zidane   vs   Adel: Ahaha.
Zidane   vs   Ashley (WA 2): I guess silence lets him outslug? Though... Ashley might hit Condition Green... but then Zidane gets the drop on him anyway.
Zidane   vs   Elmdor: Ehehe.
Zidane   vs   Cador: Nulls Dark and uses Mini. Damnit, almost thought Cador had this.
Zidane   vs   Heath
Zidane   vs   Sceptile: Is there any status Zidane has I see slowing Sceptile down? Not really. Confuse fails hard against Agility, he slips past both Mini and Silence... am I forgetting something?
Zidane   vs   Kashell: Lame.
Zidane   vs   Flare: Has status healing, outslugs Silence.

Magdalen 8-2
Nash 8-2
Colm 6-3
Jude 6-4
Zidane 4-6 (uh, bit baffled by his hype here... guess people still allow stone?)
Wiegraf 3-7
« Last Edit: July 10, 2008, 05:35:31 AM by Dark Holy Elf »

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Random Consonant

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Re: Proving Grounds: Heavy Prelims 2
« Reply #3 on: July 08, 2008, 07:34:42 PM »
Colm   vs   Tana - WTA and such.
Colm   vs   Tiamet (FF1) - May change if DoS Tiamat is better than I remember her being.
Colm   vs   Adel - No vote
Colm   vs   Bruiser - No vote
Colm   vs   Ashley (WA 2) - Obvious enough.
Colm   vs   Elmdor - This is painful.
Colm   vs   Cador - Yeah, no.
Colm   vs   Heath - Doubling should be enough to overcome Heath's WTA here.
Colm   vs   Sceptile - No vote
Colm   vs   Arche - Also fairly obvious.
Colm   vs   Kashell - Evasion works, I guess.
Colm   vs   Flare - No vote

Wiegraf   vs   Tana - Yep.
Wiegraf   vs   Tiamet (FF1) - Unsure
Wiegraf   vs   Adel - No vote
Wiegraf   vs   Bruiser - No vote
Wiegraf   vs   Ashley (WA 2) - Also unsure
Wiegraf   vs   Elmdor - Is just better.
Wiegraf   vs   Cador - Again, no.
Wiegraf   vs   Heath - Yep.
Wiegraf   vs   Sceptile - No vote
Wiegraf   vs   Arche - Kneejerk
Wiegraf   vs   Kashell - I guess
Wiegraf   vs   Flare - No vote

Poco   vs   Tana - Ouch.
Poco   vs   Tiamet (FF1) - Again, vote may change.
Poco   vs   Adel - No vote
Poco   vs   Bruiser - No vote
Poco   vs   Ashley (WA 2) - Depends on who goes first.
Poco   vs   Elmdor - Ouch again.
Poco   vs   Cador - Survives the opening offensive.  Cador wishes he could actually keep up the pressure.
Poco   vs   Heath - *sigh*
Poco   vs   Sceptile - No vote
Poco   vs   Arche - Arche without TP is sad.
Poco   vs   Kashell - Poco can't really handle non-suck VP fighters.
Poco   vs   Flare - No vote

Nash (Lunar)   vs   Tana - Avoids getting status'd on the first turn.  Ouch.
Nash (Lunar)   vs   Tiamet (FF1) - Unsure if he can petrify her in time.
Nash (Lunar)   vs   Adel - No vote
Nash (Lunar)   vs   Bruiser - No vote
Nash (Lunar)   vs   Ashley (WA 2) - WA2 vs. status
Nash (Lunar)   vs   Elmdor - Don't see how Nash isn't 2HKO'd here.
Nash (Lunar)   vs   Cador - Brig vs. status
Nash (Lunar)   vs   Heath - FE vs. status
Nash (Lunar)   vs   Sceptile - No vote
Nash (Lunar)   vs   Arche - Stone Check and Dark Robe means Nash only has his physical.  And Silence.  Have fun with your Mint-level damage, Arche.
Nash (Lunar)   vs   Kashell - VP vs. status
Nash (Lunar)   vs   Flare - No vote

Zidane  vs   Tana - FE vs. status  Wait, Soul Blade is evadable?  Shows what I know.  Makes this less lame, anyways.
Zidane  vs   Tiamet (FF1) - *sigh*
Zidane   vs   Adel - No vote
Zidane   vs   Bruiser - No vote
Zidane   vs   Ashley (WA 2) - WA2 vs. status
Zidane   vs   Elmdor - Oh hey, Elmdor has a bunch of status immunities. 
Zidane   vs   Cador - Brig vs. status
Zidane   vs   Heath - FE vs. status
Zidane   vs   Sceptile - No vote
Zidane   vs   Arche - *sigh*
Zidane   vs   Kashell - *sigh again*
Zidane   vs   Flare - No vote.

« Last Edit: July 11, 2008, 08:37:42 AM by Random Consonant »


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Re: Proving Grounds: Heavy Prelims 2
« Reply #4 on: July 09, 2008, 01:33:31 AM »
Colm   vs   Tana - Just like in game!
Colm   vs   Elmdor - Blade Grasp + Genji Shield = no. Oh god, Genji Shield hype *shoots self in the head*
Colm   vs   Heath - Gut shot is to say that Heath doesn't have Tana's speed. Which in turn leads to some doubling.
Colm   vs   Sceptile - This is actually pretty good. I'm inclined to say Sceptile wins it though. I'm more lenient on that TB cap bit and do see overkill speed letting Sceptile lap Colm.
Colm   vs   Kashell - Can't pull of his PWS fast enough to matter.

Jude   vs   Tana - Jude vs. someone with speed and evade = no. Even with boosted physicals.
Jude   vs   Elmdor - Stops him pretty cold. Don't see Silver Launcher enough to do it.
Jude   vs   Heath - This on the other hand, he destroys!
Jude   vs   Sceptile - Jude vs. someone with speed and can further boost it to insane levels. I'm also pretty sure Sceptile can hit his crappy Mdef which makes this less of a thinking match
Jude   vs   Kashell - Attack --> Attack --> Boosted AB should do it. Might get a regular AB in their too!

Magdalen   vs   Tana - I must have brain farted first looking at this and completely forgot his skills are ITE. Mm...sure I guess?
Magdalen   vs   Elmdor - Hits Elmdor and his durability with Blade Grasp ignoring attacks.
Magdalen   vs   Heath - Gut
Magdalen   vs   Sceptile - Think Agility lets him do his thing.
Magdalen   vs   Kashell - Mags pulls out his big guns a lot faster than Kashell. Thats enough I think
Wiegraf   vs   Tana - Thought it over. Holy Sword ignores counters and is ITE. Wiegraf also has some evade but is rendered moot due to Tana's hit. However! Wiegraf's suspect HP is bad...and I didn't realize how bad it was until I realized Lancer Ramza on a first playthrough killed him in two shots.
Wiegraf   vs   Elmdor - Better
Wiegraf   vs   Heath - I think.
Wiegraf   vs   Sceptile - Inclined to say Sceptile kills before Wiegraf gets 4 turns. Agility gives him some space to manage this is my initial thought.
Wiegraf   vs   Kashell - Good job Wiegraf, you get to see a Flashing Blade + 3 seperate attack chains!
Zidane   vs   Tana - This depends entirely on how accurate his status is. He gets one shot and that's it.
Zidane   vs   Elmdor - *eyes Super, joins in said hype*
Zidane   vs   Heath
Zidane   vs   Sceptile - I...think? Mini isn't a one shot sealer. Oh wait, he had Petrify too right/
Zidane   vs   Kashell - No mini blocker. That's that.

Colm: 2-3
Jude: 2-3
Magdalen: 4-1
Wiegraf: 1-4
Zidane: 4-1 (oh god shoot me please)
« Last Edit: July 10, 2008, 01:02:49 AM by Tide »
<napalmman> In Suikoden I, In Chinchirorin, what is it called when you roll three of the same number?
<@Claude> yahtzee

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<Dreamboum> A bright future awaits us gentlemens
<Pitted> I'm learning league of legends
<Dreamboum> go fuck yourself


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Re: Proving Grounds: Heavy Prelims 2
« Reply #5 on: July 09, 2008, 02:25:18 AM »
The Matches
Colm   vs   Tana: Well.
Colm   vs   Tiamet (FF1): Hmm. Barely works.
Colm   vs   Adel: Can... probably? Pull this off.
Colm   vs   Ashley (WA 2): No FP from opponent if you are going second that round.
Colm   vs   Elmdor: Blood Suck? Or was that not ITE? Two hits should spell the game here though. Maybe even 1 <_<
Colm   vs   Cador
Colm   vs   Arche: Ah shucks.
Colm   vs   Kashell
Colm   vs   Flare
Jude   vs   Tana: Takes her a while, though. I guess Jude's physical could get hype because she isn't doubling after he uses it and it was fairly accurate? He's also a physical tank.
Jude   vs   Tiamet (FF1): Physical tanking of doom, magic damage.
Jude   vs   Adel
Jude   vs   Ashley (WA 2): Thinking he's just too much here.
Jude   vs   Elmdor: Might be mistaken about him taking a single AB.
Jude   vs   Cador
Jude   vs   Arche
Jude   vs   Kashell
Jude   vs   Flare      
Wiegraf   vs   Tana: Congrats on being ITE with swordskills. Congrats on eating a one-rounding.
Wiegraf   vs   Tiamet (FF1): Rar physicals.
Wiegraf   vs   Adel: Kneejerk.
Wiegraf   vs   Ashley (WA 2): Think Wiegraf barely misses the 2HKO here? Thats fatal.
Wiegraf   vs   Elmdor: Similar! Guess who faces more broken, win cookie.
Wiegraf   vs   Cador: 2HKOs with his magic? Might be overestimating Cador's physical durability, but eh. (On a side note, should Cador be taken as a boss because you need a code to play him?)
Wiegraf   vs   Arche: Has the 2HKO. Probably isn't OHKOd. Probably.
Wiegraf   vs   Kashell: He had Greatswordsman HP, no? IIRC that was pretty damn nuts.
Wiegraf   vs   Flare: Might change if she could block silence and was fast enough?
Poco   vs   Tana: one-rounding, goes first.
Poco   vs   Tiamet (FF1): Healing and Mdef.
Poco   vs   Adel: See above? I'm kinda iffy on this one. She may 2HKO? Blah, screw FF8 bosses in the DL!
Poco   vs   Ashley (WA 2): Uh. I... don't want to think about this too much. Alternating Mind Buster with offense and healing keeps Ashley from doing anything dangerous? DeadOrAlive is 20FP and 40% ID... Hmm. Ashley opens with DoA, Poco uses Mind Buster. Ashley physicals for 16FP. Poco max lvl hastes, goes first the next turn and then does his best damage? Ashley only has that 16 FP and attacks or something. Poco Mind Busters... or has to heal lest he die. Yeah, I'm starting to think Ashley takes this. Poco can't stay faster forever and has to heal a lot thanks to his shoddy durability. He isn't much of a buff-fighter.
Poco   vs   Elmdor: Don't think Cure-All stops Blood-Suck. On a side note, can we just boot the humans and rank the demons?
Poco   vs   Cador: I'm assuming he isn't 2HKOd by the physical.
Poco   vs   Arche: ;_;
Poco   vs   Kashell: I don't think Poco can avoid the 2HKO here?
Poco   vs   Flare: Mind Buster works here.
Nash (Lunar)   vs   Tana: Might change my mind if she doesn't double. But... she's pretty well off in the speed department, and evade is good.
Nash (Lunar)   vs   Tiamet (FF1): Good enough for this.
Nash (Lunar)   vs   Adel
Nash (Lunar)   vs   Ashley (WA 2)
Nash (Lunar)   vs   Elmdor: I'll give him the benefit of the doubt and say he can survive a shot of below-average damage magic.
Nash (Lunar)   vs   Cador
Nash (Lunar)   vs   Arche: Arche no likey silence.
Nash (Lunar)   vs   Kashell: Might check, sure.
Nash (Lunar)   vs   Flare
Zidane   vs   Tana: Mini.
Zidane   vs   Tiamet (FF1): Ignored. Resistances? Seriously? %&$*(%&
Zidane   vs   Adel
Zidane   vs   Bruiser: I know enough about Bruiser to vote here.
Zidane   vs   Ashley (WA 2)
Zidane   vs   Elmdor
Zidane   vs   Cador
Zidane   vs   Arche: Silence.
Zidane   vs   Kashell: Might Check?
Zidane   vs   Flare: Damnation.

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Re: Proving Grounds: Heavy Prelims 2
« Reply #6 on: July 09, 2008, 02:47:03 AM »
Colm vs. Tana - Combo of better and WTA.
Colm vs. Tiamat (FF1) - Uh, I think so. Tiamat tanks very well and 2HKOs Colm when she hits.
Colm vs. Adel - Dodges one Meteor enough to make his survival unquestionable and easily two-rounds.
Colm vs. Bruiser - Bruiser is ITE and MT, so he both avoids counters and spoils here. Tough luck. Granted, I'm kneejerking Bruiser as faster due to Colm losing average tiebreaks and Ballistic being a fast attack.
Colm vs. Ashley (WA 2) - Yeah, Accelerator hype doesn't help since Ashley can't do much with that turn.
Colm vs. Elmdor - Spoil Colm out, Elmdor, spoil him good.
Colm vs. Cador - Just a division apart in slugfesting worth.
Colm vs. Heath - WTA doesn't save Heath, however!
Colm vs. Sceptile - I'll kneejerk to "not allowing the overkill to double" right now.
Colm vs. Arche - The evade kinda cancels out the MDef here due to Arche's status being turn two as is to me.
Colm vs. Kashell - Evade.
Colm vs. Flare - Just... far better.
Jude vs. Tana - Tana 4HKOs, and Jude fails kinda hard at hitting her. His base physical damage also blows, and Tana evade/speed makes Assault Buster not an option. And I'm not even assuming she counters here, because if she does Jude gets blown up.
Jude vs. Tiamat (FF1) - Blows him up with tanking and magical damage.
Jude vs. Adel - I'm willing to assume Jude doubles Adel with physical+Assault Buster. Which makes things very ugly for Adel.
Jude vs. Bruiser - Physical+Assault Buster+turn after works for me. Bruiser doesn't OHKO and Jude's speed is a lot higher.
Jude vs. Ashley (WA 2) - ID immunity clinches this. Ashley being below average speed makes things even worse.
Jude vs. Elmdor - EDIT: Swapped my vote indeed.
Jude vs. Cador - Yeah.
Jude vs. Heath - Heath is no Tana.
Jude vs. Sceptile - Agility just shuts Jude down from where I stand.
Jude vs. Arche - Jude kills first and immunes ID.
Jude vs. Kashell - Hmmm, yeah.
Jude vs. Flare - Yup.
Magdalen vs. Tana - EDIT: Huh. If Mags' damage is -not- ITE, he loses pretty handily to me. Hell, even if it was, I'd see it going Tana's way if he got countered. Tana only needs to dodge or to counter, so. Cool stuff.
Magdalen vs. Tiamat (FF1) - Yeah, the spoiling is good.
Magdalen vs. Adel - 2HKOs first.
Magdalen vs. Bruiser - See above.
Magdalen vs. Ashley (WA 2) - Yup.
Magdalen vs. Elmdor - I don't think I see Mags' sword skills triggering Blade Grasp. Same with Jude here, only Mag may well OHKO instead of 3HKOing like Jude does.
Magdalen vs. Cador - Dear god.
Magdalen vs. Heath - This is mindless.
Magdalen vs. Sceptile - Heh. Mags gets overwhelmed by Agility+Giga Drain if he tries to be cute and chip. If he goes for straight offense, he gets outslugged since Sceptile goes first and doubles+2HKOs off the bat if he uses Agility, so.
Magdalen vs. Arche - Wow.
Magdalen vs. Kashell - Just... wow.
Magdalen vs. Flare - Jesus Christ.
Wiegraf vs. Tana - Tana one-turns. That's that.
Wiegraf vs. Tiamat (FF1) - Outtanks so easily.
Wiegraf vs. Adel - Eh, no go, Adel.
Wiegraf vs. Bruiser - However, Bruiser just OHKOs.
Wiegraf vs. Ashley (WA 2) - Wiegraf goes first, but he should 3HKO Ashley. Which means turn two comes and he eats merry Full Clip action.
Wiegraf vs. Elmdor - No spoiling for you, Elmy.
Wiegraf vs. Cador - Oh wait. Durability difference works here.
Wiegraf vs. Heath - Eh.
Wiegraf vs. Sceptile - Yup. Agility+Giga Drain solves problems here.
Wiegraf vs. Arche - UNLESS Arche immunes Holy.
Wiegraf vs. Kashell - Wiegraf doesn't 2HKO and needs to.
Wiegraf vs. Flare - However, he 2HKOs Flare.
Poco vs. Tana - Goes first and makes Poco die.
Poco vs. Tiamat (FF1) - Poco has massive MDef and ridiculous resources to deal with Tiamat. Think it's his fight.
Poco vs. Adel - Speed Ocarina. Alternatively, just 2HKOs, isn't OHKOed and goes first. Poco's damage isn't bad by any stretch.
Poco vs. Bruiser - OHKOs.
Poco vs. Ashley (WA 2) - Poco 3HKOs, but may not go first. Ashley undeniably kills on his second turn.
Poco vs. Elmdor - Competent mages aren't Elmdor's cup of tea.
Poco vs. Cador - Cador shouldn't OHKO and Poco's damage doesn't trigger counters.
Poco vs. Heath - Heath... 2HKOs and goes first. Poco... hmmm, he could win if I see him 2HKOing Heath, since Speed Ocarina might let him double... but I'm not sure it does. So.
Poco vs. Sceptile - Poco doesn't fear Sceptile's damage much, and can counter Agility with Speed Ocarina. Afterwards, he can just buff his MDef further, try to Confuse Sceptile and stall him out. Works.
Poco vs. Arche - MDef rules and Mind Buster makes Arche emo.
Poco vs. Kashell - Kills second turn. Poco can't do anything about it.
Poco vs. Flare - Massive difference in resources, here.
Nash (Lunar) vs. Tana - Tana dodges one shot of status and one-turns. That's that.
Nash (Lunar)   vs   Tiamat (FF1) - BWAHAHAHAHAHAHA STONE WEAKNESS.
Nash (Lunar) vs. Adel - Nash would need to 3-2 to beat Adel. I don't think she's -that- bad.
Nash (Lunar) vs. Bruiser - Faster, makes status work their magic from there.
Nash (Lunar) vs. Ashley (WA2) - This is a laugh.
Nash (Lunar) vs. Elmdor - Um, I think Elmdor misses the 2HKO? Since Nash 3HKOs...
Nash (Lunar) vs. Cador - Dear god.
Nash (Lunar) vs. Heath - And Nash proceeds to rape the Middles.
Nash (Lunar) vs. Sceptile - Um, yeah.
Nash (Lunar) vs. Arche - Yup.
Nash (Lunar) vs. Kashell - Academic.
Nash (Lunar) vs. Flare - Very academic.
Zidane vs. Tana - Zidane's statuses face magic evade in-game! Guess how well this ends for him against Tana.
Zidane vs. Tiamat (FF1) - Too bad your own stone status isn't legal, Zidane.
Zidane vs. Adel - OH COME ON.
Zidane vs. Bruiser - Bleh.
Zidane vs. Ashley (WA2) - Ashley... I think he reaches Condition Green before dying if Zidane goes Silence. He'll be at something like 61 FP when Zidane starts attacking, and his own damage adds up FP. And Zidane may well be 6HKOing Ashley here to boot (which weapon is he using against Ashley for Silence anyway? Weapons were a huge deal for FF9 physical damage). If Zidane goes Mini, Ashley just IDs. Anything else is pointless.
Zidane vs. Elmdor - Urk.
Zidane vs. Cador - FF9 equips claim another victim.
Zidane vs. Heath - Mini.
Zidane vs. Sceptile - Ahahahahahahaha how do you like having no useful status against Sceptile, Zidane?
Zidane vs. Arche - Silence, game.
Zidane vs. Kashell - Mini, game.
Zidane vs. Flare - She's faster and gets a couple free hits in with WoS. Considering Zidane damage, she just outslugs if he goes with Silence, and Healing Wind heals his other status as well. Man, Zidane, losing to a Light/Middle borderliner who isn't status-immune.
« Last Edit: July 11, 2008, 04:21:40 AM by Jo'ou Ranbu »
[01:08] <Soppy-ReturningToInaba> HEY
[01:08] <Soppy-ReturningToInaba> LAGGY
[01:08] <Soppy-ReturningToInaba> UVIET?!??!?!
[01:08] <Laggy> YA!!!!!!!!!1111111111
[01:08] <Soppy-ReturningToInaba> OMG!!!!
[01:08] <Chulianne> No wonder you're small.
[01:08] <TranceHime> cocks
[01:08] <Laggy> .....


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Re: Proving Grounds: Heavy Prelims 2
« Reply #7 on: July 09, 2008, 03:24:03 AM »
Jude vs. Elmdor - Physicals vs. Elmdor. Ugly sight. Although Assault Buster or Silver Launcher may tilt things around and get past Blade Grasp? I'd swap my vote in this case.

Silver Launcher and Assault Buster ignore Blocker in-game, and IIRC that's similar to Blade Grasp?

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Re: Proving Grounds: Heavy Prelims 2
« Reply #8 on: July 09, 2008, 03:28:04 AM »
Hmmm, that's a fair point. Although I'd like some confirmation from an FFT nut that Blade Grasp gets curbstomped by special physical skills first.
[01:08] <Soppy-ReturningToInaba> HEY
[01:08] <Soppy-ReturningToInaba> LAGGY
[01:08] <Soppy-ReturningToInaba> UVIET?!??!?!
[01:08] <Laggy> YA!!!!!!!!!1111111111
[01:08] <Soppy-ReturningToInaba> OMG!!!!
[01:08] <Chulianne> No wonder you're small.
[01:08] <TranceHime> cocks
[01:08] <Laggy> .....


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Re: Proving Grounds: Heavy Prelims 2
« Reply #9 on: July 09, 2008, 03:35:52 AM »
Doubt Silver Launcher is outslugging Elmdor, and Elmdor's decent base speed plus his Genji shield should fuck up Assault Buster at worst.
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Re: Proving Grounds: Heavy Prelims 2
« Reply #10 on: July 09, 2008, 03:40:13 AM »
Hmmm, that's a fair point. Although I'd like some confirmation from an FFT nut that Blade Grasp gets curbstomped by special physical skills first.

Confirm'd. Swordskill, Punch Art, Throw Stone, all that stuff gets through.

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Re: Proving Grounds: Heavy Prelims 2
« Reply #11 on: July 09, 2008, 03:42:09 AM »
Well then, I think a votechange may be in order for me unless Elmdor 2HKOs Jude. <_<
[01:08] <Soppy-ReturningToInaba> HEY
[01:08] <Soppy-ReturningToInaba> LAGGY
[01:08] <Soppy-ReturningToInaba> UVIET?!??!?!
[01:08] <Laggy> YA!!!!!!!!!1111111111
[01:08] <Soppy-ReturningToInaba> OMG!!!!
[01:08] <Chulianne> No wonder you're small.
[01:08] <TranceHime> cocks
[01:08] <Laggy> .....

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Re: Proving Grounds: Heavy Prelims 2
« Reply #12 on: July 09, 2008, 04:10:11 AM »
That'd depend entirely on if you see Sword Spirit checking MDef. I'm... unsure myself, as it's reduced by MDU/Shell, but not by Faith.

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Re: Proving Grounds: Heavy Prelims 2
« Reply #13 on: July 10, 2008, 02:39:06 AM »
Colm   vs   Tana
Colm   vs   Tiamat (FF1) - DoS Tiamat eats Assassinate before her epic 8HKO magic can KO.
Colm   vs   Adel - Searching for Adel respect... searching... searching... not found.
Colm   vs   Elmdor
Colm   vs   Heath
Colm   vs   Sceptile - Personally, my answer to Elfboy's question is "yes", sooo....
Colm   vs   Arche - Arche gets shredded before she can pull off the ID.

Wiegraf   vs   Tana - Vote on Weigraf2 who... only 3HKOs with Holy Sword.  The physical does like 90% here but gets evaded/countered, which isn't good enough.
Wiegraf   vs   Tiamet (FF1) - DoS again.
Wiegraf   vs   Adel - Uhh... kneejerk, haven't really thought this through.  Hold end of disc 3/disc 4 FF8 bosses to some pretty harsh junctions though, so I think Wiggy comes off slightly better.
Wiegraf   vs   Elmdor - Another place where the reliance on a basic physical for primary damage bites Weigraf2 in the ass.
Wiegraf   vs   Sceptile - Think Weigraf2 just OHKOs here.
Wiegraf   vs   Arche - Definately here.


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Re: Proving Grounds: Heavy Prelims 2
« Reply #14 on: July 12, 2008, 05:07:10 AM »
Colm   vs   Tana- Tana
Colm   vs   Tiamet (FF1)- Colm.
Colm   vs   Adel- Adel
Colm   vs   Bruiser- Colm. Kills in 2.
Colm   vs   Ashley (WA 2)- Colm.
Colm   vs   Elmdor- Elmdor.
Colm   vs   Cador- Colm
Colm   vs   Heath- Colm
Colm   vs   Sceptile- Sceptile
Colm   vs   Arche- Colm
Colm   vs   Kashell- Kashell. Think Colm gets tiebreaked against in average speed, and I see VP energy carrying over just generally. Colm gets smacked up turn 3.
Colm   vs   Flare- Flare. Avoids doubles+Healing
Jude   vs   Tana- Tana. Evasion.
Jude   vs   Tiamet (FF1)- Jude.
Jude   vs   Adel- Adel
Jude   vs   Bruiser- Jude.
Jude   vs   Ashley (WA 2)- Jude. I think.
Jude   vs   Elmdor- Elmdor. Gut says Jude doesn’t like that 43% Evade.
Jude   vs   Cador- Jude
Jude   vs   Heath- Jude
Jude   vs   Sceptile- Sceptile. Checking Enemy Speed=AB becomes much less impressive here.
Jude   vs   Arche- Jude
Jude   vs   Kashell- Jude. Even Kashell’s monster HP doesn’t help here.
Jude   vs   Flare- Flare. Checking Enemy Speed=AB becomes much less impressive here.
Magdalen   vs   Tana- Tana
Magdalen   vs   Tiamet (FF10)- Magdalen
Magdalen   vs   Adel- Magdalen
Magdalen   vs   Bruiser- Magdalen
Magdalen   vs   Ashley (WA 2)- Magdalen
Magdalen   vs   Elmdor- Madgalen.
Magdalen   vs   Cador- Magdalen
Magdalen   vs   Heath- Magdalen
Magdalen   vs   Sceptile- Sceptile.
Magdalen   vs   Arche- Magdalen.
Magdalen   vs   Kashell- Magdalen.
Magdalen   vs   Flare- Flare. Sleep locking, I guess.
Wiegraf   vs   Tana- Tana
Wiegraf   vs   Tiamet (FF1)- Wiegraf.
Wiegraf   vs   Adel- Adel
Wiegraf   vs   Bruiser- Bruiser. Gut.
Wiegraf   vs   Ashley (WA 2)- Ashley. Wiegraf misses the 2HKO is a bad thing.
Wiegraf   vs   Elmdor- Wiegraf
Wiegraf   vs   Cador- Wiegraf
Wiegraf   vs   Heath- Wiegraf.
Wiegraf   vs   Sceptile- Sceptile. Speed should make this work.
Wiegraf   vs   Arche- Wiegraf.
Wiegraf   vs   Kashell- Kashell. 2HKOs, not 2HKOed.
Wiegraf   vs   Flare- Wiegraf. Flare doesn’t double quickly enough.
Poco   vs   Tana- Tana
Poco   vs   Tiamet (FF1)- Poco
Poco   vs   Adel- Adel
Poco   vs   Bruiser- Bruiser. Unless Ballastic comes out slowly.
Poco   vs   Ashley (WA 2)- Ashley
Poco   vs   Elmdor- Poco. No Blood Suck!
Poco   vs   Cador- Poco. Not 2HKOed, so he can manage.
Poco   vs   Heath- Poco. Take a hit, Speed Up, Heath doesn’t like magic.
Poco   vs   Sceptile- Poco
Poco   vs   Arche- Poco
Poco   vs   Kashell- Kashell.
Poco   vs   Flare- Poco
Nash (Lunar)   vs   Tana- Tana
Nash (Lunar)   vs   Tiamet (FF1)- Tiamat. Lightning res. Tiamat gets wins!
Nash (Lunar)   vs   Adel- Adel
Nash (Lunar)   vs   Bruiser- Nash
Nash (Lunar)   vs   Ashley (WA 2)- Nash
Nash (Lunar)   vs   Elmdor- Nash. I think he’s faster, but unsure what the speed average is then.
Nash (Lunar)   vs   Cador- Nash
Nash (Lunar)   vs   Heath- Nash
Nash (Lunar)   vs   Sceptile- Nash
Nash (Lunar)   vs   Arche- Nash
Nash (Lunar)   vs   Kashell- Nash. Unlike Zidane, Nash can use all his status at the same time!
Nash (Lunar)   vs   Flare- Flare. She’s faster, so just probably sleep locks him down.
Zidane   vs   Tana- Zidane. Soul Blade ignores Evasion and such.
Zidane   vs   Tiamet (FF1)- Tiamat. Close enough to status immune to me.
Zidane   vs   Adel- Adel. Status immune.
Zidane   vs   Bruiser- Zidane.
Zidane   vs   Ashley (WA 2)- Zidane.
Zidane   vs   Elmdor- Elmdor.
Zidane   vs   Cador- Zidane.
Zidane   vs   Heath- Zidane.
Zidane   vs   Sceptile- Zidane. Mage Masher.
Zidane   vs   Arche- Zidane. Mage Masher.
Zidane   vs   Kashell- Kashell. Only status he can’t block is Doom, and I see that basically going off after Zidane’s enemy gets 2 turns.
Zidane   vs   Flare- Zidane. Sleep blocking makes this easy.

Magdalen 9-3 (5-1, 4-2)
Zidane 8-4 (3-3, 5-1)
Nash 8-4 (3-3, 5-1)
Poco 7-5 (2-4, 5-1)
Jude 7-5 (3-3, 4-2)
Colm 6-6 (3-3, 3-3)
Wiegraf 6-6 (2-4, 4-2)
...into the nightfall.


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Re: Proving Grounds: Heavy Prelims 2
« Reply #15 on: July 14, 2008, 01:35:41 AM »
The Matches
Colm   vs   Tana- Tana
Colm   vs   Tiamet (FF1)- Tiamat
Colm   vs   Adel- Adel
Colm   vs   Bruiser- Bruiser
Colm   vs   Elmdor- Elmdor
Colm   vs   Heath- Colm
Colm   vs   Sceptile- Sceptile
Colm   vs   Arche- Colm
Colm   vs   Kashell- Kashell
Colm   vs   Flare- Colm
Wiegraf   vs   Tana- Wiegraf
Wiegraf   vs   Tiamet (FF1)- Tiamat
Wiegraf   vs   Adel- Adel
Wiegraf   vs   Bruiser- Bruiser
Wiegraf   vs   Elmdor- Wiegraf
Wiegraf   vs   Heath- Wiegraf
Wiegraf   vs   Sceptile- Sceptile
Wiegraf   vs   Arche- Wiegraf
Wiegraf   vs   Kashell- Wiegraf
Wiegraf   vs   Flare- Wiegraf
Poco   vs   Tana- Tana
Poco   vs   Tiamet (FF1)- Tiamat
Poco   vs   Adel- Adel
Poco   vs   Bruiser- Bruiser
Poco   vs   Elmdor- Elmdor
Poco   vs   Heath- Poco
Poco   vs   Sceptile- Sceptile
Poco   vs   Arche- Poco
Poco   vs   Kashell- Kashell
Poco   vs   Flare- Poco
Nash (Lunar)   vs   Tana- Nash
Nash (Lunar)   vs   Tiamet (FF1)-Nash, Tiamat is weak vs Break!
Nash (Lunar)   vs   Adel- Adel
Nash (Lunar)   vs   Bruiser- Nash
Nash (Lunar)   vs   Elmdor-Elmdor
Nash (Lunar)   vs   Heath- Nash
Nash (Lunar)   vs   Sceptile- Nash
Nash (Lunar)   vs   Arche- Nash
Nash (Lunar)   vs   Kashell- Nash
Nash (Lunar)   vs   Flare- Nash
Zidane   vs   Tana- Zidane
Zidane   vs   Tiamet (FF1)- Zidane
Zidane   vs   Adel- Adel
Zidane   vs   Bruiser- Zidane
Zidane   vs   Elmdor- Elmdor
Zidane   vs   Heath- Zidane
Zidane   vs   Sceptile- Zidane
Zidane   vs   Arche- Zidane
Zidane   vs   Kashell- Zidane
Zidane   vs   Flare- Zidane


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Re: Proving Grounds: Heavy Prelims 2
« Reply #16 on: July 17, 2008, 09:54:18 AM »
Update tomorrow.
...into the nightfall.