Author Topic: Izuna 2: The Unemployed Ninja Returns  (Read 2687 times)


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Izuna 2: The Unemployed Ninja Returns
« on: July 27, 2008, 01:56:05 AM »
Ah, it feels good to get back to making stat topics no one cares about.

HP: Duh.
SP: Actually not "duh"! The lower this is, the weaker your attacks get. I'm still working on figuring out an exact percent this takes it down, although it seems like 0% SP = 50% attack, 50% SP = 75% attack, 100% SP = 100% attack. Don't quote me on that though. SP goes down gradually (and I mean very gradually, over the course of a duel here a character might lose 2 or 3 points) while you walk/attack/etc. Walking in place to heal causes it to go down much faster, but no one is going to bother doing that in a duel anyway. These are pretty useless in a duel (unless you allow items), but I'll list 'em anyway for completeness.

AT(K): Ah, nothing can be simple with Izuna, can it? The visible attack of a character depends on what they're equiped with, HOWEVER each character seems to have their own hidden attack stat that grows as they level up. I'm not going to bother trying to make up numbers for the hidden stats, I'm just going to get each character's damage.

D(E)F: See AT, except substitute attack for defense.

Now a note on levels. Each character joins at level 1. They do not get experience if they are not in use, even if they are your partner in the dungeon. Yes, that is a terrible idea from a gameplay standard. This obviously creates some interp issues in regards to each character's level. I personally say take everyone at the same level. This isn't like in other games where they'll manage to gain levels as you advance through the plot and will just end up with a smaller level by the end of the game. Unless you take the time to go back and level grind each character to around the same level as your party, they're not going to be able to kill anything, and thus not going to be able to gain any levels. So that'd put everyone except Izuna at level 1.

Anyway, the only listed stats (HP and SP) have a certain level of randomness to them which I'll explain in a later post. Luckily, I found a FAQ that lists starting stats and average stats at levels 50 and 99. So I'll post a character's average stats at each of those benchmarks.

Each character can only equip certain weapons, and have varying skill with each. Eventually I'll try to post damage with each of these weapon types, but that is going to be a huge pain given varying weapon stats and the game mechanics, so bear with me. Some people may just disallow weapons since the stats are so random for them. For anyone interested, the weapon types are Claws, Swords, Arms, Ranged, Dolls, Boots, and Bows. Arms can be equipped with anything but Claws, Boots, and Bows.

"It is I, Izuna, and I have returned!"
Lv 1 HP: 300
Lv 50 HP: 3852
Lv 99 HP: 7405

Lv 1 SP: 30
Lv 50 SP: 226
Lv 99 SP: 422

Good with Claws, Swords, Arms, and Boots.

"...Would you like to see hell?"
1 HP: 330
50 HP: 4225
99 HP: 8121

1 SP: 28
50 SP: 224
99 SP: 420

Good with Swords, Arms, and Boots.
Bad with Ranged.


1 HP: 350
50 HP: 4343
99 HP: 8337

1 SP: 33
50 SP: 229
99 SP: 425

Bad with Claws, Swords, Arms, Ranged, Dolls, Boots, and Bows. (Meaning he can use everything, but nothing effectively)


1 HP: 280
50 HP: 3636
99 HP: 6993

1 SP: 33
50 SP: 278
99 SP: 523

Great with Dolls.
Good with Ranged and Bows.

Shuuchi: God of Earth

1 HP: 380
50 HP: 4520
99 HP: 8661

1 SP: 25
50 SP: 172
99 SP: 319

Great with Swords and Arms.

Fuuka: Goddess of Wind

1 HP: 320
50 HP: 3872
99 HP: 7425

1 SP: 32
50 SP: 277
99 SP: 522

Great with Boots.

Kagen: God of Fire

1 HP: 340
50 HP: 4578
99 HP: 8817

1 SP: 22
50 SP: 120
99 SP: 218

Good with Claws.

Suiren: Goddess of Water

1 HP: 280
50 HP: 3734
99 HP: 7189

1 SP: 35
50 SP: 280
99 SP: 525

Attacks cause Sleep. (not sure the percent yet)
Great with Ranged, and Bows.
Good with Dolls.

Utsuho: God of Emptiness/Void

1 HP: 310
50 HP: 4058
99 HP: 7807

1 SP: 29
50 SP: 225
99 SP: 421

Great with Claws, Ranged, Dolls, Boots, and Bows.

Takushiki: God of Consciousness

1 HP: 300
50 HP: 3852
99 HP: 7405

1 SP: 33
50 SP: 278
99 SP: 523

Good with Swords, Arms, and Dolls.


HP (Level 1)
Shuuchi - 380
Mitsumoto - 350
Kagen - 340
Shino - 330
Fuuka - 320
Utsuho - 310
Izuna - 300
Takushiki - 300
Shizune - 280
Suiren - 280
Average: 319

HP (Level 50)
Kagen - 4578
Shuuchi - 4520
Mitsumoto - 4343
Shino - 4225
Utsuho - 4058
Fuuka- 3872
Izuna - 3852
Takushiki - 3852
Suiren - 3734
Shizune - 3636
Average: 4067

HP (Level 99)
Kagen - 8817
Shuuchi - 8661
Mitsumoto - 8337
Shino - 8121
Utsuho - 7807
Fuuka - 7425
Izuna - 7405
Takushiki - 7405
Suiren - 7189
Shizune - 6993
Average: 7816
« Last Edit: July 27, 2008, 02:24:51 AM by RadLink5 »


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Re: Izuna 2: The Unemployed Ninja Returns
« Reply #1 on: July 27, 2008, 02:00:34 AM »
Status Ailments (only listing relevant ones)
Poison: HP gradually decreases. (HP loss is decent as far as poisons go) Ends in a few turns.
Fear: SP gradually decreases. (consider this MP poison) Does not end for  dueling purposes. (requires an item to be ended)
Paralysis: Prevents any movement or attacking. Ends in a few turns.
Sleep: Prevents any movements or attacking. Ends when hit or in a few turns.
Sweaty: All equipment removed, nothing can be equiped for a few turns. Slaughters equip-reliant PCs.
Forgetful: Items in inventory drop at random. This includes equipment. So given that a dueler would only be holding their equipment, they'd drop that. It would take two turns for them to pick it up and reequip it. Wears off in a few turns.
Confused: Direction of movement can't be controlled. Wears off in a few turns.
Excited: Attack power doubles. Does not end for dueling purposes.
Awakened: Accuracy and evasion are increased. (~50%?) Does not end for dueling purposes.
Anchored: Prevents moving. Ends in a few turns.
Blind: Range of vision decreases to area directly around you. Ends in a few turns.
Slow: Movement cut in half. Ends in a few turns.
Haste: Movement speed is doubled. Ends in a few turns.
Reversal: Movement direction is reversed. Ends in a few turns.
Possessed: Healing causes damage instead. Ends in a few turns.
Eternal: Status effects never end. Does not end for dueling purposes.

So HP and SP boosts random, but they have to fit in within a range, and each character has their own range. Or rather, each character has their own average, and the boost can only be 4.5 more or less than the average with HP, and 1 more or less with SP.

HP Average: 72.5
SP Average: 4

HP Average: 79.5
SP Average: 4

HP Average: 81.5
SP Average: 4

HP Average: 68.5
SP Average: 5

HP Average: 84.5
SP Average: 3

HP Average: 72.5
SP Average: 5

HP Average: 86.5
SP Average: 2

HP Average: 70.5
SP Average: 5

HP Average: 76.5
SP Average: 4

HP Average: 72.5
SP Average: 5

Claws are a melee weapon that also is defensive. Can only be worn by itself.

Steel Claw

Demon Claw
*Lose some HP every time you attack. Will not kill the user.

Giant Claw
*When HP is high, attack strength is stronger. (Each 2% HP seems to be like 1% damage)

Quandary Claw
*When HP is low, attack strength is stronger. (Each 2% HP lost seems to be like +1% damage)

Vampire Claw
*Absorbs 5% damage dealt.

Sword Defender
*Damage from sword attacks is reduced.

Baku Claw
*Attacks will occasionally put the enemy to sleep. (~10% I think)

Falcon Claw
*Can attack twice in a row.

Cat Claw
*Deals more damage to Fish types. (... uh... I dunno?)

Exorcism Claw
*Deals more damage to Ghost types. (Ghosts, undead, you know)

Weapon Breaker
*Weakens the strength of weapons.

Mole Claw

Dragon Claw
*Projects flames when HP is full.

Claw of Ouryu
*Projects flames in three directions when HP is full.

Asura's Claw
*Attacks three times in a row.

Swords are an offensive melee weapon. Can be wielded with Arms.

Leek (2)
*Can be eaten to restore 50 HP.


Haja Blade
*May charm enemies.

Shingan Blade
*Perfect accuracy.

Asura Blade

Zantetsu Blade

Musou Blade

Houshin Blade
*Deals more damage to gods. (Tyr slayer)


Arms are defensive only equipment. Can be worn while wielding certain weapons.

Bronze Arm

Kagutsuchi Arm
*Resistance to Fire.

Orochi Arm
*Resistance to Water and Thunder, prevents Paralysis.

Izanagi Arm
*Prevents Curse.

Izanami Arm
*Prevents Seal.

Enma Arm
*SP doesn't decrease when user get hit.

*Reduces chance of status effects being inflicted. (Halved?)

Kirin Arm
*Reduces chance of status effects being inflicted. (Halved?)

A thrown weapon which returns to the user. Can be wielded with Arms.

Razor Yo-Yo
*Attacks the 4 spaces in front of the user.

*Attacks the 8 squares around the user.

Wheel of Steal
*Attacks the 4 spaces in front of the user and may steal an item. (game claiming it attacks the front 3 spaces is a typo)

*Attacks the 4 spaces in front of the user. (game claiming it attacks the front 3 spaces is a typo)

Crimson Lotus
*Attacks the 4 spaces in front of the user and deals Fire damage.

A melee weapon. Can be worn with arms.


Decoy Doll
*If you die, revives you at full health, but the doll disappears.

Straw Doll

Izuna Doll
*Base defense power is high.

Shino Doll
*Base attack power is high.

Cursed Doll
*May Curse the enemy.

Action Figure
*Reduces chance of status effects being inflicted. (Halved?)


*Always in Darkness and Poison State.

A melee weapon used to kick your opponent. Can only be worn by itself.

Leather Boots
*Prevents Paralysis.

Winged Boots

Steel Boots

Haste Boots
*Can move twice in a row.

Platform Boots

Unholy Boots
*Deals half the damage done to enemies against the user.

Martial Boots
*Perfect evade against non-bow projectile attacks.

Bishamon Boots
*If you die, revives you at full health, but the boots disappear.

A projectile attack which uses arrows to shoot with.

Long Bow

Angelic Bow
*Deals more damage to Demon type monsters.

Yoichi Bow
*Never misses.

Petrified Bow

Barrage Bow
*Attacks twice.

Gigas Bow
*Gives arrows the ability to pierce.

Tranquility Bow
*Lowers the rate SP decreases.

Artemis Bow
*Base attack power is high.

Ammo for bows.

Wood Arrows
*Arrow made of wood.

Iron Arrows
*Arrow made of iron.

Angelic Arrows
*Deals more damage to Demon type monsters.

Twin Arrows
*Attacks twice (uses two arrows at once).

Piercing Arrows
*Arrows have the ability to pierce.

Dragon Arrows

Artimis Arrows
*Powerful arrow blessed by the gods.

Vital Arrows
*Consumes 50 HP to shoot, does not deplete. Can't attack if less then 50 HP.

Spirit Arrows
*Consumes 5 SP to shoot, does not deplete. Can't attack if less then 5 SP.

Pochi's Collar
*Lowers the rate SP decreases.

Memento Ring
*Lowers the rate SP decreases.
« Last Edit: July 27, 2008, 03:58:09 AM by RadLink5 »


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Re: Izuna 2: The Unemployed Ninja Returns
« Reply #2 on: July 27, 2008, 02:25:20 AM »

Note: Aside from the first boss, you can tag between two characters during every boss fight. Each character has their own HP and both need to be killed in order for a game over. In most cases, Izuna will be of a well higher level than the rest of the party being with you the entire game, although the level advantage does slowly dissipate, especially when the gods join your party (as most people will want to level them up to around Izuna's level to take advantage of their special abilities), and my playthrough represents this pretty well. How you take this against boss damages is up to you though. I personally averaged the HP of Izuna and the highest level Partner at the time and compared damages against that.

Baldur: Foreign God of Light
HP: 7600
AT: 185
DF: 10

Physical: ~185
Special Attack: ~400 damage to all surrounding tiles (Barely seems to use this) Pseudo magic

Izuna HP: ~957
Izuna physical: ~650

Comments: For a roguelike boss, he kicks some ass. Especially if you allow him to spam his special attack, which is high 3HKO compared to him being 12HKOed. I'd call him a Heavy. Just about 5HKOs the average if you don't allow him to spam his Special attack though, which would make him some kind of High Middle I suppose.

King Wolf
HP: 8250
AT: 200
DF: 0

Physical: ~180-200 (190 average)

Average HP: 1145.5 (Izuna HP: 1459; Partner HP: 832)
Izuna physical: ~880
Partner physical: ~440

Comments: Izuna 9HKOs him, and he just about 6HKOs the average HP. His HP is barely an upgrade over the boss from two dungeons back, his damage is actually worse/about equal before scaling, and he actually has no defense. Pathetic, Light.

Red Burberry
HP: 11500
AT: 315
DF: 0

Physical: 290-488 (389 Average)

Average HP: 1774.5 (Izuna HP: 2546; Partner HP: 1003)
Izuna Physical: ~1233
Partner Physical: ~480

Comments: Izuna 9HKOs again. Meanwhile he has a 5HKO. So really it's King Wolf with slightly more damage. A High Light.

Alte: Foreign God of the Moon
HP: 9000
AT: 515
DF: 0

Physical: ~420
Arrow: ~400 ranged

Stella: Foreign God of the Stars
HP: 9000
AT: 515
DF: 0

Physical: ~455
Haste: Gives her haste status. She can move twice or move once and attack. So essentially she has double speed?

Average HP: 2343.5 (Izuna HP: 2908; Partner HP: 1779)
Izuna Physical: ~1380
Partner Physical: ~980

Comments: The mischievous siblings live or die on whether you scale them for there being two of them. If you double their HP for there being two of them, they go from 6.5xPCHP to about 13xPCHP. They need that extra durability when you consider that Stella falls just short of 5HKOing and Alte has a high 6HKO. Stella's easily the better of the two with higher damage and a nifty trick in Haste, so depending on how you scale she could either be a Light or a High Middle. Alte on the other hand is kind of screwed over. He's probably somewhere between a Low Light to a Low Middle depending on your scaling.

You can post now if you've got anything to say/add.
« Last Edit: August 21, 2008, 02:25:51 AM by RadLink5 »