Author Topic: Phantasy Star 4  (Read 9574 times)

Dark Holy Elf

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Phantasy Star 4
« on: December 21, 2007, 08:56:59 AM »
This bout of temporary non-laziness on the part of Elfboy brings to you:

The PS4 Stat Thread!
(and for Strago, Warning: Contains PS4)

First things first, the godlike PS4 reference, FreshFeeling's PS4 site:

All characters taken at 575k experience, hence the level disparity between Rune and Rika, say. It's roughly in line with PD's old topic and works well as an endgame to me (I've finished around there both times I played the game).

Basic mechanics:
ATK = STR + Equipment Atk bonuses
DEF = AGL + Equipment Def bonuses
MDEF = MTL + Equipment MDef bonuses
Physical damage = ATK + tech constant - DEF (for basic physicals, tech constant is 0)
Magical damage = MTL + tech constant - MDEF

Contrary to what was said previously in this space, equipment boosts to Str/Agi/Mtl do raise the corresponding derived stat. However, some references list equipment stats incorrectly, e.g. calling the Algo Ring +2 Str, +4 Atk. It is in fact +2 Str, +2 Atk... but this results in a total gain of 4 Atk. OK's post further down lists equipment the former way, I've switched to using the same method as the code / Freshfeeling's site.

Stat goodness:

HP = Lose these and you're Profound Darkness food.
TP = What most games call MP.
STR = Base stat for ATK and many physical skills. It also defends against physical status moves.
MTL = Base stat for MDEF, all techs, and many magical skills. It also defends against magical status moves.
AGL = Agility. The most important stat, it governs base DEF, evasion, resistance to added status on enemy physicals, and is used as an offenive stat for a few skills too. Most importantly it is speed; it determines who acts first.
DEX = Dexterity, the wussy stat. All it does is govern hit rate and critical rate for regular physicals, and since PS4 crits are only 1.25x attack stat, this isn't too big a deal on the PC side. Multitarget weapons, namely Kyra and Alys' slashers, and Wren's cannons, can not critical.
ATK = Attack power. This is also how much damage the character's physical attack will deal, taking on the element of their weapon. With two weapons, it takes on whichever element will deal more damage to the target. With no weapons, this stat is left blank since the character can not physically attack at all.
DEF = Defence, reduces physical damage by straight subtraction.
MDEF = Mental/Magic Defence, reduces magical damage by straight subtraction. Is a hidden stat for some reason.

All Skills ignore evade. Some require that the character equip a weapon to be used; these are marked with an asterisk. All have a set number of times they can be used, and once they are used up, that skill is gone for the rest of a battle (and until the character visits an inn or equivalent, in-game). They do not consume TP. Skills can be based off of just about any stat.

Techs are basically another name for spells; they consume TP, are always magical as a rule (based off MTL, hitting the foe's MDef). They're also vulnerable to Seals (Silence). TP costs are listed in parentheses.

NOTE: As of now, the Tech list is very incomplete, as I am lazy. All the important stuff is there, probably.

Random other comments: PS4 stat breaks do not work on any bosses, or indeed anything that isn't biological. All PS4 status is permanent except Sleep, which has a 50% chance to wear off each round (approximately, it may vary). Yes, Sleep sucks, especially if the sleep-inducer is slower than his target. Gravity is a PS4 element, and has nothing to do with 'gravity' in other RPGs, i.e. damage based off of target's HP. Wind and Darkness elements can technically be seen as non-elemental, if you wish, since they share an element with many normal physicals.

Averages up top
Damage = 221 (552.5 kill point)
HP = 270
DEF = 160 (164 if equipping for defence over speed)
MDEF = 80
STR = 60
MTL = 49
AGL = 50 (49 if equipping for defence over speed) (standard deviation: 8)
DEX = 57

Chaz Ashley
Level 43

Algol Ring (22 Def, 10 MDef, 2 Str, 2 Mtl, 2 Agl, 2 Dex, 2 Atk)
Elsydeon (127 Atk, 25 Def, Holy element)
Laconia Mail (64 Def, 9 MDef)

Alternate setups:
Guardian Sword: -5 Atk, +10 Str, +10 Dex, non-elemental. Useful if holy is blocked, though also ups his resistance to physical status.
Flame Sword: Makes the physicals fire, although they do get weaker.
Knife + Shield: Loses a LOT of physical damage (88), but gains some Magic Defence.
Two shields: Gains considerable defences, but loses all his physical damage.
Ceramic shield/helm/mail: Trades offence/stats/defences for fire resistance.
Psy Shield/Mail: Trades offence/defence for mental status resistance.

HP 287
TP 152
STR 65 -> 67
MTL 51 -> 53
AGL 54 -> 56
DEX 53 -> 55
ATK 196
DEF 167

Attack: 196 damage, holy, ~6% crit rate
[with Guardian Sword: 191 damage, ~26% crit rate]

22 *Earth: Inflicts Sleep, saved by target Agility. Untested.
15 *Crosscut: ATK+80 physical damage (276) [271], takes element from weapon.
10 *Airslash: ATK physical damage (196) to all enemies, takes element from weapon.
6 *Rayblade: MTL+176 magic damage (229), Holy.
3 Explode: Instant Death, saved by target Mental. 70% default hit rate.

Gires (6): Heals one target for MTL+80 (133) HP.
Nares (9): Heals one target for MTL+240 (293) HP.
Rever (12): Revives a fallen ally to 1/4 mHP.
Nathu (15): MTL+160 magic damage (213), Holy.
Nazan (16): MTL+128 magic damage (181) to all enemies, Wind.
Megid (30): MTL+254 magic damage (307) to all enemies, Holy.
Brose (16): Instant Death to all enemies, saved by target Strength. Highly inaccurate except against machines.

Hahn Mahlay
Level 42

Mahlay Ring (18 Def, 8 MDef, 2 Mtl)
Mahlay Dagger (60 Atk, 10 Def)
Psy Shield (21 Def, 11 MDef, halves mental status)
Mahlay Mail (65 Def, 17 MDef)

Alternate setups:
Two shields: Gains defences, but loses Eliminate and physical damage
Two knives: If he really needs 39 more damage with his physical...
Reflect Shield: Slightly more raw durability than Psy Shield

HP 225
TP 245
STR 40
MTL 65 -> 67
AGL 40
DEX 60
ATK 100
DEF 154
MDEF 103

Attack: 100 damage, ~16% crit rate

20 Vision: Sets party's Dex to default value + 8. (Hahn's Dex -> 68)
7 Astral: MTL+176 magic damage (243).
3 *Eliminate: Instant Death, saved by target Agility. 70% default hit rate.

Gires (6): Heals one target for MTL+80 (147) HP.
Nares (9): Heals one target for MTL+240 (307) HP.
Gelun (5): Sets Atk of each enemy to default value - Hahn's MTL (67). Saved by target Mental, untested.
Doran (4): Sets Agl of each enemy to default value - Hahn's MTL (67). Saved by target Mental, untested.
Nawat (10): MTL+144 magic damage (211), Ice.
Nazan (16): MTL+128 magic damage (195) to all enemies, Wind.
Vol (8): Instant Death, saved by target Mental. 60% default hit rate.
Savol (16): Instant Death, saved by target Mental. 60% default hit rate.

Rune Walsh
Level 39

Dezolis Ring (20 Def, 10 MDef, 3 Mtl, halves Ice)
Psy Shield (21 Def, 11 MDef, halves mental status)
Psy Shield (21 Def, 11 MDef, halves mental status)
Phantasm Robe (47 Def, 12 MDef, 5 Agl, 5 Dex)

Alternate setups:
Reflect Robe: Gives up 5 speed for 6 Def/2 MDef
Silver Shields: Gives up status resistance and 7 MDef for 4 Def per switch.
Rod: Gains pathetic physical damage in exchange for Raja-like durability!

HP 184
TP 296
STR 35
MTL 79 -> 82
AGL 46 -> 51
DEX 51 -> 56
ATK ---
DEF 160
MDEF 126

22 Flaeli: MTL+48 magic damage (130), Fire.
14 Hewn: MTL+64 magic damage (146) to all enemies, Wind.
7 Diem: Instant Death, saved by target Mental. 90% default hit rate.
6 Tandle: MTL+144 magic damage (226) to all enemies, Lightning.
8 Efess: MTL+160 magic damage (242) to all enemies, Anti-Dark (generally useless, DL).
4 Negatis: Instant Death to all enemies, saved by target Mental. 90% default hit rate.
3 Legeon: MTL+224 magic damage (306) to all enemies.

Rever (12): Revives a fallen ally to 1/4 mHP.
Seals (8): Inflicts Silence on all enemies, saved by target Mental. 100% default hit rate.
Nafoi (9): MTL+136 magic damage (218), Fire.
Nawat (10): MTL+144 magic damage (226), Ice.
Nagra (19): MTL+144 magic damage (226) to all enemies, Gravity.

Level 45

Innate: Resists Fire. Weak to Ice.

Laconia Helm (22 Def, 5 MDef)
Defeat Axe (120 Atk, 40 Def, randomly inflicts Sleep)
Laconia Mail (64 Def, 9 MDef)

Alternate setups:
Psy Mail: Trade a lot of defence for mental status resistance
Two shields: Death tank Gryz! Who can't do anything but cast Brose... twice...

HP 348
TP 83
STR 88
MTL 44
AGL 40
DEX 56
ATK 208
DEF 166

Attack: 208 damage, ~8% crit rate, low and mostly useless chance of sleep

24 *Crash: Instant Death, saved by target Strength. 90% default hit rate.
16 War Cry: Sets Gryz' Atk to default value + Gryz' STR (88). (Gryz' Atk -> 296)
13 *Sweeping: ATK physical damage (208) to all enemies, takes element from weapon.

Brose (16): Instant Death to all enemies, saved by target Strength. Highly inaccurate except against machines.

Level 47

Motavia Ring (20 Def, 10 MDef, 1 Agl, halves Fire)
Guardian Claw (60 Atk, 3 Def, 3 MDef)
Psy Shield (21 Def, 11 MDef, halves mental status)
Laconia Mail (64 Def, 9 MDef)

Alternate setups:
Second claw: 60 more physical damage, but loses durability and status resistance.
Thunder Claw: All her damage becomes lightning, slight attack hit.
Silver Tusk: All her damage becomes holy, slight attack hit.
Reflect Shield: Trade mental status resistance for 2 Def and 5 MDef.
Laconia Shield: Trade mental status resistance and 6 MDef for 8 Def.

HP 285
TP 165
STR 59
MTL 46
AGL 64 -> 65
DEX 67
ATK 119
DEF 173

Attack: 119 damage, ~30% crit rate
[with two claws: 179 damage]

21 Illusion: Sets Agl of each enemy to default value - Rika's AGL (65), saved by target Mental. 100% default hit rate.
17 *Doubleslash: ATK+64 physical damage (183) [243], takes element from weapon.
17 *Eliminate: Instant Death, saved by target Agility. 80% default hit rate.
10 *Disrupt: ATK physical damage (119) [179] to all enemies, takes element from weapon.

Gires (6): Heals one target for MTL+80 (126) HP.
Nares (9): Heals one target for MTL+240 (286) HP.
Nasar (36): Heals party for MTL+160 (206) HP.
Shift (7): Sets target's Atk to default value + MTL (46). (Rika's Atk -> 165)
Saner (6): Sets party's Agl to default value + MTL (46). (Rika's Agl -> 111)
Deban (5): Sets party's Def to default value + MTL (46). (Rika's Def -> 219)

Level 42

Innate: Immune to status and many forms of instant death. Resists Fire and Ice. Weak to Lightning.

Laconia Headgear (25 Def, 7 MDef)
Sonic Buster (112 Atk)
Laconia Armour (94 Def, 28 MDef)

HP 295
TP 0
STR 70
AGL 55
DEX 65
ATK 192
DEF 174

Attack: 192 damage, ~26% crit rate

22 Recover: Heals Demi for STR+240 (310) HP.
15 Stasis Beam: Inflicts Sleep, saved by target Strength. Untested.
14 Spark: Inflicts Instant Death, but only against machines. Saved by target Strength. Extremely accurate. DL purpose is questionable.
10 Barrier: Sets party's MDef to default value + STR (70). (Demi's MDef -> 105)
8 Medic Power: Heals non-android party for STR (70) HP. Revives and cures all status.
13 Phononmezer: STR+176 physical damage (246) to all enemies.

Level 40

Innate: Immune to status and many forms of instant death. Resists Fire and Ice. Weak to Lightning (though the Palma Ring overwrites this).

Palma Ring (28 Def, 10 MDef, halves Lightning)
Photon Eraser (125 Atk)
Laconia Armour (94 Def, 28 MDef)

HP 399
TP 0
STR 79
AGL 53
DEX 59
ATK 204
DEF 175

26 Recover: Heals Wren for STR+240 (319) HP.
22 Flare Shot: STR+128 magic damage (207).
14 Spark: Inflicts Instant Death, but only against machines. Saved by target Strength. Extremely accurate. DL purpose is questionable.
10 Barrier: Sets party's MDef to default value + STR (79). (Wren's MDef -> 117)
8 Hyper Jammer: Inflicts Sleep on all enemies, but only against machines. Saved by target Strength. DL purpose is questionable.
6 Burst Rockets: STR+144 physical damage (223) to all enemies.
1 Positron Bolt: STR+240 magic damage (319) to all enemies.

Level 40

Innate: Resists Ice. Weak to Fire.

Laconia Circlet (12 Def, 4 MDef, 4 Mtl)
Dream Rod (20 Atk, 4 Def, 2 Mtl, randomly inflicts Sleep)
Phantasm Robe (47 Def, 12 MDef, 5 Agl, 5 Dex)

Alternate setups:
Laconia Rod: 6 more physical damage and MDef, but loses the sleep off his physical.
Shields: If Raja is fighting something vulnerable to his anti-evil moves, he can use shields and his durability rises to be poor rather than atrocious.
Reflect Robe: Gain some small amount of durability in exchange for game-worst speed by far, as well as -10% accuracy.
Psy Circlet: Trade defence for mental status resistance.

HP 177
TP 257
STR 47
MTL 77 -> 83
AGL 35 -> 40
DEX 46 -> 51
ATK 67
DEF 103

Attack: 67 damage, 98% accuracy, chance of sleep
[with Laconia Rod: 73 damage, 98% accuracy]

20 Blessing: Sets party's Def to default value + MTL (83). (Raja's Def -> 186)
14 Holyword: Inflicts Instant Death, but only against dark/evil enemies. Saved by target Mental. DL purpose is questionable.
5 Ataraxia: Heals party for MTL (83) TP.
6 Miracle: Heals party for MTL+80 (163) HP.
6 St. Fire: MTL+144 magic damage (227) to all enemies, Anti-Dark (generally useless, DL).

Gires (6): Heals one target for MTL+80 (163) HP.
Nares (9): Heals one target for MTL+240 (323) HP.
Nasar (36): Heals party for MTL+160 (243) HP.
Regen (36): Heals one target to full. Revives and cures all status.
Rever (12): Revives a fallen ally to 1/4 mHP.
Seals (8): Inflicts Silence on all enemies, saved by target Mental. 100% default hit rate.

Kyra Tierny
Level 41

Laconia Crown (19 Def, 6 MDef)
Reflect Shield (23 Def, 16 MDef)
Psy Shield (21 Def, 11 MDef, halves mental status)
Phantasm Robe (47 Def, 12 MDef, 5 Agl, 5 Dex)

Alternate setups:
One slasher: Gains a 96-damage physical in exchange for significant durability.
Two slashers: Gains a 138-damage physical in exchange for even more durability.
Second Reflect Shield: Obvious from inspection, above.
Reflect Robe: Gives up 5 speed for 6 Def/2 MDef

HP 241
TP 173
STR 54
MTL 64
AGL 49 -> 54
DEX 58 -> 63
ATK ---
DEF 164
MDEF 109

24 Medice: Heals one target for MTL+128 (192) HP.
20 Flaeli: MTL+48 magic damage (112), Fire.
14 Telele: Sets Atk of each enemy to default value - Kyra's MTL (64), saved by target MDef. 100% default hit rate.
9 Hewn: MTL+112 magic damage (176) to all enemies, Wind.
5 Warla: Sets party's Def to default value + MTL (64). (Kyra's Def -> 228)
4 Bindwa: Inflicts Sleep on all enemies, saved by target Mental. Untested.
1 Tandle: MTL+176 magic damage (240) to all enemies, Lightning.

Gires (6): Heals one target for MTL+80 (144) HP.
Nares (9): Heals one target for MTL+240 (304) HP.
Nafoi (9): MTL+136 magic damage (200), Fire.
Nagra (19): MTL+144 magic damage (208) to all enemies, Gravity.

Alys Brangwin (Level Scaled)
Level 40

Laconia Crown (19 Def, 6 MDef)
Moonslasher (42 Atk)
Psy Shield (21 Def, 11 MDef, halves mental status)
Laconia Mail (64 Def, 9 MDef)

Alternate setups:
Second slasher: Gains 42 physical damage, at the cost of durability and status resistance.
Ceramic Shield: Trades some durability and status resistance for fire resistance. (If she wishes she can also use a Psy Crown to give up further durability and retain the status resistance.)
Two shields: Gains more durability, but can only use her techs (magic).

HP 264
TP 188
STR 55
MTL 51
AGL 61
DEX 60
ATK 97
DEF 165

Attack: 97 damage to all enemies

16 *Vortex: ATK+48 physical damage (145), takes element from weapon.
12 *Moonshade: Inflicts Sleep. Untested.
10 *Death: Instant Death, saved by target Agility. 95% default hit rate.

Nafoi (9): MTL+136 magic damage (187), Fire.
Nazan (16): MTL+128 magic damage (179) to all enemies, Wind.
Shift (7): Sets target's Atk to default value + MTL (51). (Alys' Atk -> 148)
Saner (6): Sets party's Agl to default value + MTL (51). (Alys' Agl -> 112)

Level 38

Laconia Circlet (12 Def, 4 MDef, 4 Mtl)
Reflect Shield (23 Def, 16 MDef)
Psy Shield (21 Def, 11 MDef, halves mental status)
Cyber Suit (50 Def, 5 Str, 5 Atk)

Alternate setups:
One knife: Gains a 97-damage physical in exchange for significant durability.
Two knives: Gains a 136-damage physical in exchange for even more durability.
Second Reflect Shield: Obvious from inspection, above.

HP 246
TP 0
STR 53 -> 58
MTL 68 -> 72
AGL 53
DEX 53
ATK ---
DEF 159
MDEF 103

Note: I haven't tested the accuracy of Seth's status skills extensively. All seemed pretty damn good from casual use, though.

26 Shadowbind: Sets Agl of each enemy to default value - Seth's MTL (72), saved by target Mental.
18 Corrosion: MTL+144 physical damage (216) to all enemies, Darkness.
13 Mindblast: Inflicts Sleep on all enemies, saved by target Mental.
9 Deathspell: Instant Death, saved by target Mental.


I don't factor Alys or Seth into these. Shouldn't have to explain why, really.

Damage (no OPB stuff):
Chaz (307) > Rune (306) > Demi (246) > Hahn (243) > Wren (223) > Seth (216) > Gryz (208) = Kyra (208) > Alys (187) > Rika (183) > Raja (67)

Wren (399) > Gryz (348) > Demi (295) > Chaz (287) > Rika (285) > Alys (264) > Seth (246) > Kyra (241) > Hahn (225) > Rune (184) > Raja (177)

Wren (175) > Demi (174) > Rika (173) > Chaz (167) > Gryz (166) > Alys (165) > Kyra (164) > Rune (160) > Seth (159) > Hahn (154) > Raja (103)

Rune (126) > Kyra (109) > Hahn (103) = Seth (103) > Raja (99) > Rika (79) > Alys (77) > Chaz (72) > Gryz (58) > Wren (38) > Demi (35)

Note: These durabilities assume damage that would do 40% to average HP/defences, in-game, or 'average damage' in the DL for many.

Effective physical durability:
Wren (0.58) > Gryz (0.73) > Demi (0.80) > Rika (0.83) > Chaz (0.88) > Alys (0.98) > Kyra (1.08) > Seth (1.11) > Hahn (1.27) > Rune (1.47) > Raja (2.33)
-DebanRika (0.43)
-BlessingRaja (1.16)
-WarlaKyra (0.41)

Effective magical durability:
Kyra (0.82) > Rune (0.84) > Seth (0.86) > Gryz (0.93) > Wren (0.94) > Hahn (0.94) > Rika (0.96) > Chaz (1.01) > Alys (1.05) > Raja (1.26) > Demi (1.30)
-BarrierDemi (0.70)
-BarrierWren (0.44)

Rika (65) > Alys (61) > Chaz (56) > Demi (55) > Kyra (54) > Wren (53) = Seth (53) > Rune (51) > Hahn (40) = Gryz (40) = Raja (40)

Gryz (88) > Wren (79) > Demi (70) > Chaz (67) > Rika (59) > Seth (58) > Alys (55) > Kyra (54) > Raja (47) > Hahn (40) > Rune (35)

Raja (83) > Rune (82) > Seth (72) >  Hahn (67) > Kyra (64) > Chaz (53) > Alys (51) > RIka (46) > Gryz (44) > Demi (0) = Wren (0)

PS4 Elements

This is largely mechanical information, but it may shed some light on some issues regarding PS4 such as Wind/Darkness, status, etc.

PS4 has 14 elements, and as far as I know every attack in the game must use one. They are as follows:

1: Force
Examples: Most physical attacks. Wind magic (Zan spells and Hewn). Dark magic (Corrosion, Black Wave, Another Gate, Shadow Breath).
PCs can defend with: The Defend command halves everything of this element, and nothing else.
Comments: I see this as Wind or Dark in the DL, except for the normal physicals which are non-elemental.

2: Energy
Examples: Physical attacks with Laser/Plasma/Laconia/Guardian weaponry. Profound Darkness' physical. Legeon, Astral, Flare Shot, Positron Bolt.
PCs can defend with: The unique heavy shield Plasma Field halves it.
Comments: Is essentially 'non-elemental' in-game. Almost nothing takes abnormal damage to this element in any way (besides obvious exceptions like Plot Zio and Re-Faze).

3: Fire
Examples: Foi spells, Flaeli, Firebreath, the Flame Sword.
PCs can defend with: Gryz, Demi, and Wren half it. Rika's Motavia Ring halves it. Any of the heavy equips named Ceramic half it. Raja is naturally weak (1.5x damage) to it.
Comments: Straightforward.

4: Gravity
Examples: Gra spells, Distortion
PCs can defend with: Nothing
Comments: Also very close to non-elemental, in-game, though not to the same extent as Energy. Not to be confused with HP-based damage.

5: Ice
Examples: Wat spells
PCs can defend with: Demi, Wren, and Raja half it. Rune's Dezolis Ring halves it. Gryz is naturally weak (1.5x damage) to it.
Comments: Straightforward. Covers both Water and Ice, really... the animations just look like ice spells rather than Water.

6: Lightning
Examples: Tandle, the Thunder Claw
PCs can defend with: Wren's Palma Ring halves it. Demi and Wren are naturally weak (1.5x damage) to it.
Comments: Again, straightforward.

7: Holy
Examples: Tsu spells, Rayblade, Megid, the Elsydeon, the Silver Tusk
PCs can defend with: Nothing
Comments: A huge number of PS4 enemies are weak to Holy, and only one is strong to it, not counting Plot Zio. Godly element in-game, but unless you apply some unusual scaling isn't special in the DL. Only Profound Darkness has this element, out of all enemies.

8: Holyword
Examples: Holyword, the added status of Elsydeon
PCs can defend with: No way to tell, but I assume they're all immune.
Comments: Fails against normal enemies. Humans sworn to darkness (e.g. Zio's servants) are resistant. Fully evil/dark enemies are fully vulnerable or occasionally weak, except bosses who are immune. DL-useless, more or less.

9: Brose
Examples: Brose
PCs can defend with: No way to tell. I assume the non-androids are resistant.
Comments: Biological enemies resist this. Machines are fully vulnerable. Bosses are immune.

10: Death
Examples: Most ID, including Death, Eliminate, Vol, Genocyber Claw's ID, etc.
PCs can defend with: Demi and Wren are immune, Seth halves it.
Comments: Machines are immune to this, as are some otherworldly enemies (e.g. Outerbeasts).

11: Mental Status
Examples: Shadowbind, Mindblast, Seals, Illusion, Telele, Bindwa, Moonshade, Stasis Beam, Earth, added status of Defeat Axe/Stun Shot/Dream Rod.
PCs can defend with: Demi and Wren are immune. Other PCs can half with any equip named Psy.
Comments: This covers the vast majority of non-ID status effects, but misses two clearly physical ailments: poison and paralysis. Take as you will.

12 Anti-Mech
Examples: Spark, Hyper Jammer
PCs can defend with: Everyone except Demi and Wren are immune.
Comments: Attacks that specifically target machines. Non-machines are completely immune.

13 Anti-Dark / Physical Status
Examples: Efess, St. Fire, Stasis Ball
Comments: For PC->enemy attacks, this is anti-dark. Fails utterly against most enemies. Servants of darkness (e.g. Zio's servants) take half damage. Most fully evil enemies are weak (1.5x damage) including bosses. For enemy->PC attacks, it is physical status. Demi, Wren, and Seth are immune.

14 Instant KO
Examples: Crash, Negatis, Explode
PCs can defend with: No way to tell, presumably nothing.
Comments: Basically, this is instant death that works on both biological and mechanical enemies. Not really much different from Death in the DL.

Hit/Crit tests

All right, first of all, crits appear to cause your Attack to be multiplied by 1.25 before defence. There's a random variance of roughly +/- 10%, this happens before defence too, which is why boss damage can be so hard to pin down (a PD3 crit has ~440 attack... this fluctuates madly).

I haven't determined crit rate yet. However, I will say that I have only observed crits when the attacker's dexterity exceeds the target's agility. Bosses (who all have 200+ Dex) have very high crit rates, but they don't seem to be perfect, which rules out a simple formula, unless there's a cap.

Hit formula, though... that I have figured out.

First of all, I took a slightly-below-endgame (say the stat topic minus one or two levels) into Rykros, and fought a couple chaps by the name of Blindheads. Blindheads have 50 Dex. I mucked around a bit, letting him hit me. Occasionally, I would dodge him with Chaz, Wren, or Rika (Chaz had 55 Agility, Rika 63, Wren 52, Rune 48). Rika more often than the other two. After a while I cast Saner (+44 to party's Agility).

At which point the Blindheads promptly stopped being able to hit. Eventually, after a while, they connected with Wren, and Rune, but never did hit Chaz (99 Agl now) or Rika (107).

Next, I moved to another enemy, the Cula-Bellr, to see if one needed one's Agl to break the attacker's Dex to evade. Cula-Bellr has 60 Dex. I let him beat on me, and after a while, he missed Rika. No matter how long I let him hit me for, he never did miss anyone else, and was capable of scoring critical hits on Rune with noticeable frequency (Chaz, less often... never on Rika).

I then cast Saner again. He's more accurate than the last enemy, and did occasionally hit Rune/Wren/Chaz, but definitely missed far more often than not. He never did hit Rika, though I suspect based on the formula I am about to postulate that he could have, and I simply did not test for long enough.

Given all this, there's a pretty obvious hit formula that is suggested:

Hit rate (%) = (Attacker's Dexterity + 50 - Target's Agility) * 2

Or, if you prefer

Evade rate (%) = (Target's Agility - Attacker's Dexterity) * 2
(which removes the constant)

DL application to the hit formula

On accuracy:

Dexterity: Rika (67) > Demi (65) > Alys = Hahn (60) > Wren (59) > Kyra (58) > Gryz = Seth (55) > Chaz (53) > Rune (51) > Raja (46)

Chaz gets +2 from his Algol Ring. Anyway, average is 57. This means, assuming average Dex leads to 100% hit, we get accuracy stats as follows:

Rika 120%
Demi 116%
Hahn = Alys 106%
Wren 104%
Kyra 102%
Gryz = Seth 96%
Chaz 92% (+4%)
Rune 88%
Raja 78%

Like Raja needed more problems.

Note that these figures are actual hit rates against 57 Agility... but that is very fast for an enemy, in-game accuracy figures will usually be higher (for instance, even Raja has 100% hit rate against PD). Take as you will.

On evade...

Average enemy Dex in the final dungeon is 60. Using this figure and our PC Agility stats, we get...

Rika 10%
(Alys 2%)
Everyone else 0%

That was easy, wasn't it? Okay, there are varying degrees of negatives (Demi leads the pack at -10%, Raja clocks in at -50%), but whatever.

... of course, if you read above, you know that Saner's Agility boost is also a corresponding evade boost. A rather big one. In particular, Rika's Saner boosts evade by 92%, and Alys' by 102% absolute. Yes, you read those numbers correctly. Awesome for team matches.

Post-Saner evasion figures:

Rika 102%
Alys 104%

This assumes you take Alys as her L40 self. At the time she leaves, her Saner is much less impressive, so you may prefer to take her that way. I'll try to get those numbers up later.

Regardless, this is immunity to average accuracy. As for how much this is worth? Well, the most accurate non-boss/Re-Faze (plot fight) enemy in the game is the Outerbeast at 70 Dex (+20% hit compared to average). This would hit Rika 18% of the time.

Now, bosses. Most of them have crappy Agility and thus will never evade, this isn't news. However, most bosses who sports a normal physical attack (specifically: Gy-Laguiah, Zio, Xe-A-Thoul, DF3, De-Vars, Prophallus, PD2, PD3) has a Dex stat of 200+. This means that the boss can not miss, ever. Even if you had 99 Mental Saner cast on 99 Agility, you would have a 0% chance to dodge. Personally, I just treat this as evade ignorance, I think. Chalk up a point for PS4 bosses.

The high Dex also means they have very high crit rates, but more testing is needed for this.

Full equipment list
From OblivionKnight

I've been on a PS4 kick recently (boss topic and all), so I figured I'd look in here a bit.  Super and others made mention of equipment changes, so I figure I'll just go through all that and all those averages right now.  So...weapons!

Guardian Sword - 122 Atk, 22 Def, 10 Str, 10 Dex
*Mostly just in case he needs a weapon without an element attached, though it should have a better critical rate?!
Flame Sword - 85 Atk, 15 Def, 4 Str, Fire element, Itemcasts Flaeli
*Fire damage, if necessary

Guardian Claw - 60 Atk, 3 Def, 3 MDef
*NEB has this listed as a default, but it's here if she needs a second one, as there are two in the game
Silver Tusk - 42 Atk, 2 Def, 2 MDef, Light element
*For those weak to light
Thunder Claw - 39 Atk, 2 Str, Itemcasts Tandle
*For lightning weaknesses

Guardian Rod - 32 Atk, 12 MDef, Itemcasts Sars, *Rune only*
*Not entirely legal, perhaps, depending on your views; I'll note about this stuff at the end of the topic
Laconian Rod - 26 Atk, 8 MDef, Itemcasts Efess
*If they desperately need more damage from their physical
Dream Rod - 20 Atk, 2 Mental, 2 MDef, Itemcasts Bindwa, Inflicts Sleep
*Already listed with NEB, but hey, more is better, right?

Napalm Shot - 86 Atk, Fire element, Wren only
*Sensing a pattern with these weapons?
Pulse Vulcan - 58 Atk, MT, Wren only
*Owns Belial?
Stun Shot - 44 Atk, Inflicts Sleep
*Perhaps not entirely legal, but it's found before Wren joins, so one might allow it to Demi - note that there is only 1 in the game

Mahlay Dagger - 60 Atk, 10 Def, Itemcasts Nafoi, Hahn only
*Already listed, but here for completeness sake; also, hey, fire magic!
Tornado Dagger - 34 Atk, 2 Str, *'Wind' element*, Itemcasts Hewn
*While it's classed in the same vein as the physical element, one could probably go and say it's wind-based; probably not helpful in the end

Moonslasher - 42 Atk, Itemcasts Moonshade
*Technically there's only one found in the game, but they are available via infinite drops, and Kyra rejoins with one; also note that Alys is a temp, so never technically has access to this weapon

Defeat Axe - 120 Atk, Inflicts Sleep
*Already listed, just here for completeness

Laconian Shield - 29 Def, 5 MDef, Gryz/Alys/Rika/Chaz
*Best technical DL-legal defensive shield (I'll go over the Guardian stuff later), so it's an option
Mahlay Shield - 28 Def, 12 MDef, Itemcasts Deban, Hahn only
*Listed, but still nice to know it casts Deban, which is cool for Hahn
Silver Shield - 25 Def, 4 MDef, Gryz/Alys/Rika/Chaz/Hahn/Kyra/Rune/Raja
*Best defensive shield for Rune and Raja, which might make a difference
Reflect Shield - 23 Def, 16 MDef, Gryz/Alys/Rika/Chaz/Hahn/Kyra
*Best shield for Hahn and Kyra on defensive properties, and a good option for Chaz/Rika
Psychic Shield - 21 Def, 11 Mdef, 1 Mental, Adds status element to physical attacks if it improves damage, Status Resistance (noted earlier in the topic), Gryz/Alys/Rika/Chaz/Hahn/Kyra/Rune/Raja
*Great shield overall, due to magical resilience and status resistance
Ceramic Shield - 15 Def, Adds fire element to physical attacks if it improves damage, Resists fire damage, Gryz/Alys/Rika/Chaz
*Good for the fire element addition, and that's about it, really

Motavian Ring - 21 Def, 10 Mdef, 1 Agility, Resists Fire, Rika Only
*Listed for completion
Laconian Crown - 19 Def, 6 Mdef, Rika/Kyra/Alys
Psychic Crown - 13 Def, 4 Mdef, 3 Mental, Rika/Kyra/Alys
*The Mental might help, though it doesn't give the status resistance the shields do; eh, oh well

Algo Ring - 24 Def, 12 MDef, 2 Mental, 2 Str, 5 Atk, 2 Agility, 2 Dexterity, Chaz only
Laconian Helmet - 22 Def, 5 MDef, Chaz/Gryz
Silver Helmet - 14 Def, 3 MDef, 2 Mental, Chaz/Gryz
*Brose hype?  This is all there really is for helmet choices >_>

Palma Ring - 28 Def, 10 MDef, Resists Lightning, Wren only
Laconian Gear - 25 Def, 7 MDef, Wren/Demi

Dezolis Ring - 20 Def, 13 MDef, 3 Mental, Rune only
Mahlay Ring - 18 Def, 10 MDef, 2 Mental, Hahn only
Laconian Circlet - 12 Def, 8 MDef, 4 Mental, Rune/Hahn/Raja
*Raja's best helmet!

Mahlay Mail - 65 Def, 17 MDef, Hahn only
Guardian Mail - 76 Def, 12 MDef, *Rika/Chaz only*
*Guardian equip; notes later
Laconian Mail - 64 Def, 9 MDef, Chaz/Alys/Gryz/Rika
Reflect Mail - 53 Def, 14 MDef, Chaz/Alys/Gryz/Rika
*Finally something not mentioned!  More MDef, which is nice
Psychic Mail - 35 Def, 4 MDef, 2 Mental, Chaz/Alys/Gryz/Rika
*Brose hype more!?
Guardian Armour - 108 Def, 36 MDef, *Wren only*
*Guardian stuff
Laconian Armour - 94 Def, 28 MDef, Wren/Demi
Guardian Robe - 72 Def, 17 MDef, *Rune only*
Reflect Robe - 58 Def, 14 MDef, Rune/Raja/Kyra
*More defensive than the Phantasm stuff
Phantasm Robe - 52 Def, 12 MDef, 5 Agility, 5 Dexterity, Rune/Raja/Kyra
*Complete and cool
Silver Mantle - 49 Def, 11 MDef, 3 Mental, Rune/Raja/Kyra

Now, about the Guardian stuff: There's 2 Guardian Mails, 1 Guardian Armour, 1 Guardian Robe, 2 Guardian Claws, 1 Guardian Sword, 1 Guardian Shield and 1 Guardian Staff found on Rykros.  This stuff all seems highly intended for the big 4 plotwise, though anyone with the same armour class can use it (it's indicated just for the big 4 above, though).  I personally allow all of it for the big 4, except the Guardian Shield (only 1, and both Chaz and Rika have uses for it; the stats are 30 Def, 18 MDef, usable by Chaz/Gryz/Alys/Rika).  The Guardian Sword and Claws are unique anyway, and the Rod really isn't too useful for Rune, but the armours are helpful, at least.

Averages Reborn

Using pure best defensive and offensive set-ups (ignoring the Guardian stuff), the characters change by:

Hahn = +7 Def, +1 MDef (replace Psy Shield with a Mahlay Shield)
Rune = +14 Def, -12 MDef, -5 Agility, -5 Dexterity (replace the Psy Shields with Silver Shields; replace the Phantasm Robe with a Reflect Robe)
Rika = +8 Def, -6 MDef (replace the Psy Shield with a Laconian Shield)
Raja = +6 Atk, +6 Def, -2 Mental, +8 MDef, -5 Agility, -5 Dexterity (replace the Dream Rod with a Laconian Rod; replace the Phantasm Robe with a Reflect Robe)
Kyra = +8 Def, +7 MDef, -5 Agility, -5 Dexterity (replace Psy Shield with a Reflect Shield; replace Phantasm Robe with a Reflect Robe)
Alys = +8 Def, -6 MDef (replace Psy Shield with a Laconian Shield)
Seth = +2 Def, +5 MDef (replace Psy Shield with a Reflect Shield)

New Def average = 164
New MDef average = 80 (wwwwooooooo dropping it by a total of 2 points overall; after rounding, there's no difference)
New Agility average = 49
« Last Edit: September 18, 2014, 10:52:53 PM by Dark Holy Elf »

Erwin Schrödinger will kill you like a cat in a box.


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Re: Phantasy Star 4 (PCs)
« Reply #1 on: December 21, 2007, 03:04:52 PM »
While a part of me hoped against hope that this particular stat topic would get lost somewhere amongst the confusion of porting an entire forum, I am glad to see that the Strago warning is still in place.

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Re: Phantasy Star 4 (PCs)
« Reply #2 on: December 21, 2007, 04:56:55 PM »
Heh heh. You know I'd never forget you, Strago.

Reserving this post for bosses, possibly.

Erwin Schrödinger will kill you like a cat in a box.


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Re: Phantasy Star 4 (PCs)
« Reply #3 on: January 10, 2008, 12:29:39 PM »
Mind if I just toss them in?

I've been begging you NEB!  But you don't listen to me any more!  Is it because you don't love me?!

Anyway, I have not exact numbers and formulae, but instead painstaking effort to acquire these numbers BY HAND AND SWEAT AND BLOOD AND TEAR'S BROKEN BODY!  Oh, and boss damages are dealt to Chaz, then reverse engineered against average.

All smitabilities are listed against the boss.  Do take note that some attacks hit weaknesses on them, so I'll note other damages in the average as well.  Weaknesses/strengths are as follows.

Very Strong = 0% damage
Strong = 50% damage
Weak = 150% damage
Very Weak = 200% damage

Ahem.  Should be self-explanatory.  Here...we...go!  Biznitches!

"I'm too awesome to speak!"
HP: 300
Agility: 5
Defense: 0
Mental Defense: 9

Fission: Creates a Xanafalgue, up to a max of 2 Xanafalgues at a time, to support him
Smite: 6 physical damage; used only when 2 Xanafalgues are present

"Same here!"
HP: 16
Agility: 4
Defense: 0
Mental Defense: 0

Smite: 2 physical damage

Party Averages:
(Chaz, Hahn, Alys)
HP: 37
Level: 2 for Chaz and Hahn, 7 for Alys
Agility: 9
Chaz Smitability: Smite for 18 (2 hunting knives)
Hahn Smitability: Smite for 9 (1 dagger)
Alys Smitability: Vortex for 61 (1 boomerang); Foi for 26
*All damages are as dealt to Igglanova

Comments: The only reason I started this topic.  At least, I'll get up until his second appearance.  Will I got beyond that?!  Wait and see!  Oh, Light, by the way, for Iggy's ranking.  Not much can challenge Iggy for sheer awesome...but combat prowess?  Hell yes.

"Why, the other day, me mum says to me, 'Now Juza, don't you be casting spells in the house!  You might break something'.  Sadly, I did - poor grandpa never fully recovered from that horrible burn wound"
HP: 1523
Agility: 22
Defense: 15
Mental Defense: 12
Weak to Light (Tsu/Rayblade/Megid), Anti-Dark (Efess/St. Fire)

Foi: 28 fire magic damage
Wat: 30 water magic damage
Zan: 25 'wind' magic damage, MT
Force Flash: 45 magic damage, MT

Party Averages:
(Chaz, Hahn, Alys, Gryz, Rika)
HP: 93
Level: 12 for Chaz, Gryz and Rika, 11 for Alys and Hahn
Agility: 18
Chaz Smitability: Cross Cut for 136 (1 laser sword); Tsu for 87; Zan for 21
Hahn Smitability: Smite for 0 (1 laser barrier, 1 graphite shield); Wat for 45; Zan for 25
Alys Smitability: Vortex for 68 (1 laser slasher, 1 titanium slasher); Foi for 26; Zan for 21
Gryz Smitability: Smite for 57 (1 struggle axe)
Rika Smitability: Double Slash for 113 (1 laser claw, 1 sabre claw)

Comments: Pretty solid, actually.  It's about at this point I wonder if I'm doing something wrong with these calculations.  Oh well.  Juza seems pretty solid - good speed, solid damage, etc.  Walled by magic defense and healing, but still good, though the durability is a bit below par, especially with a weakness to Light.  High Middle, probably.

"You see, my father was Guy from Lufia, and my mother was Laguna from Final Fantasy 8.  Yes, it's a sad, sad tale - I was stillborn, but then the doctor slapped my ass, and...well, that's how I became the leader of the Rainbow Rebellion"
HP: 2580
Agility: 23
Defense: 20
Mental Defense: 15
Weak to Water, Light (Tsu/Rayblade/Megid), Anti-Dark (Efess/St. Fire)
Strong to Fire

Smite: 96 physical damage (critical for 120, around 5/6 times)
Firebreath: 107 fire magic damage

Party Averages:
(Chaz, Rika, Demi, Gryz, Rune)
HP: 136
Level: 19 for Chaz and Gryz, 20 for Rika, 18 for Demi, 21 for Rune
Agility: 28
Chaz Smitability: Cross Cut for 149 (1 laser sword); Githu for 165
Rune Smitability: Smite for 0 (2 psy shields); Gifoi for 51; Giwat for 190; Gra for 68
Demi Smitability: Smite for 68 (1 stun shot); Phonon for 193 (1 shot)
Gryz Smitability: Smite for 76 (1 laser axe); Smite with War Cry for 113
Rika Smitability: Double Slash for 120 (1 laser claw, 1 sabre claw)

Comments: Mmm...was thinking he was better, for some reason.  Well, the critical rate on his physical is pretty damn good, so the damage is closer to 120 in practice, but...I was expecting better.  Still, decent durability, can hit both defenses...Heavy.

"Well I was down in the hood with all my homies/when the white man came down with some of his cronies.  I stood up and told him to get bent/but then he gave me a camping tent.  Oh I spent most of my life living in a hippie's paradise."
HP: 2889
Agility: 25
Defense: 35
Mental Defense: 38
Weak to Light (Tsu/Rayblade/Megid), Anti-Dark (Efess/St. Fire)
Strong to Water

Zio has initiative for his first 2 turns.  He will always use this first initiative turn to cast Magic Barrier - your characters cannot act this turn.  His second initiative turn (the turn you'd use the Psycho Wand to destroy the barrier, i.e., your first turn) will always be used to cast Nightmare.

Magic Barrier: Reduces all damage dealt to Zio to 1.  Only used once per battle, on his initiative turn.
Nightmare: Summons an effigy of his dark god, Dark Force, above him.
Red Beams of Death: 75 physical damage (critical for 115, around 7/7 times)
Black Wave: 112 magical 'darkness' damage
Corrosion: 69 physical 'darkness' damage, MT
Hewn: 65 magical 'wind' damage, MT

Party Averages:
(Chaz, Rika, Demi, Gryz, Rune)
HP: 143
Level: 20 for Chaz, 21 for Gryz and Rika, 19 for Demi, 22 for Rune
Agility: 29
Chaz Smitability: Cross Cut for 124 (1 laser sword); Githu for 149
Rune Smitability: Smite for 0 (2 psy shields); Gifoi for 89; Giwat for 28; Gra for 46
Demi Smitability: Smite for 64 (1 wave shot); Phonon for 171 (1 shot)
Gryz Smitability: Smite for 49 (1 laser axe); Smite with War Cry for 114
Rika Smitability: Double Slash for 123 (1 laser claw, 1 plasma claw)

Comments: Overall good.  Pretty solid on damage on both fronts, durability is solid thanks to great defenses and good HP, and he resists an element (though weak to another).  The speed could use work, but it's not too bad.  Yeah, can definitely make Low Godlike.

Dark Force - The Beginning
HP: 4540
Agility: 20
Defense: 5
Mental Defense: 5
Very Weak to Light (Tsu/Rayblade/Megid)
Weak to Anti-Dark (Efess/St. Fire)
Strong to Force (Physical/'Wind'/'Darkness')

Phanomezer: 83 physical damage, MT
Flare Shot: 133 magic damage
Burst Rocket: 124 physical damage, MT

Party Averages:
(Chaz, Rika, Rune, Wren, Raja)
HP: 166
Level: 25 for Chaz and Rune, 27 for Rika and Raja, 24 for Wren
Agility: 35
Chaz Smitability: Cross Cut for 189 (1 plasma sword); Githu for 249
Rika Smitability: Double Slash for 165 (2 plasma claws)
Rune Smitability: Smite for 0 (2 psy shields); Nafoi for 183
Wren Smitability: Smite for 131 (1 napalm shot); Flare for 183
Raja Smitability: Smite for 0 (2 silver shields); St. Fire for 313

Comments: Mmm...just solid damage and decent HP, really.  The defenses are pretty crappy, and the agility is awful (slower than everyone, even Raja at 25).  Still, resists Force (physicals and, if you see it that way, wind and darkness), which makes him a cute spoiler enemy.  High Heavy/Low Godlike, maybe?

"Three days ago, we sat by the beach looking out at the waves and thought to ourselves, "What could we do to save France, slowly deteriorating under the pressures of fine cheese, wine and women?"  Our response: KILL JOHN F. KENNEDY!  Yes, we are the ones who murdered JFK, not the CIA!  Now that you know the secret of the Rainbow Rebellion, you must die!"
HP: 1520
Agility: 35
Defense: 0
Mental Defense: 30
Very Weak to Light (Tsu/Rayblade/Megid)
Weak to Anti-Dark (Efess/St. Fire)

Shocking Finger: 63 physical lightning damage (critical for 80, around 13/15 times)
Gizan: 118 magical 'wind' damage, MT
Giwat: 148 magical water damage
Thunder Blast: 140 magical lightning damage, MT (combo attack between 3 Xe-A-Thouls; only usable when all 3 are alive; used in response to MT damage)

Party Averages:
(Chaz, Rika, Rune, Wren, Kyra)
HP: 205
Level: 31 for Chaz, 34 for Rika, 30 for Wren, Rune and Kyra
Agility: 42
Chaz Smitability: Cross Cut for 226 (1 laconian sword); Nathu for 371; Rayblade for 397; Gizan for 75; Airslash for 144
Rika Smitability: Double Slash for 407 (1 genocide claw, 1 silver tusk); Disrupt for 290
Rune Smitability: Smite for 0 (2 psy shields); Nafoi for 183; Efess for 317; Nawat for 177; Nagra for 181; Tandle for 177
Wren Smitability: Smite for 186 (1 plasma launcher); Flare for 171; Burst Rocket for 205
Kyra Smitability: Smite for 0 (2 reflect shields); Gigra for 102; Gifoi for 90; Hewn for 127

Comments: Not bad in-game, as the mix of MT damage is pretty awesome.  However!  Frail.  Even in-game, you can kill one pretty fast with little trouble.  Nathu+Double Slash alone hurts like hell, and kills them in 2 rounds.  Solo, a Xe-A-Thoul sucks balls, though the damage still holds up.  Probably Low Middle, all things considered.

"Rap Master Zio was a fool/Just one of those White Man's tools.  He thought he had the world in his hands/But when he got high he couldn't even stand.  The Man is out to get us like a bear to the honey/He'll beat our asses with a giant sack of his foo' money.  Don't let him get you down G/We're going to go smash his Grand Prix."
HP: 6383
Agility: 34
Defense: 25
Mental Defense: 25
Weak to Fire, Light (Tsu/Rayblade/Megid), Anti-Dark (Efess/St. Fire)
Strong to Water

Thunder Halberd: 80 physical lightning damage, MT
Another Gate: 158 magical damage, MT
Possession: Inflicts sleep status ~90%; this is a bit of an estimate, as he used it rarely before Reinforce (or used it on Wren), at which point it has basically a 100% hit rate, but should be pretty accurate; the sleep status seems to last around 2 turns from my testing, and longer after Reinforce is used; I assume stats affect status duration as well as status accuracy
Reinforce: 'Raises all stats'; available upon reaching ~25% MHP; in practice, this reduces all damage dealt to Laschiec by 30, and raises the damage of all of Lashiec's attacks by 30; this also raises his speed to the point where he acts first all the time (barring the random speed of the system); I assume this is just a straight +30 to all stats (too bad he can't use it any earlier, or this would kick ass)

Party Averages:
(Chaz, Rika, Rune, Wren, Kyra)
HP: 207
Level: 32 for Chaz, 34 for Rika, 30 for Wren, Rune and Kyra
Agility: 42
Chaz Smitability: Cross Cut for 203 (1 laconian sword); Cross Cut for 286 (1 flame sword); Nathu for 273; Rayblade for 304
Rika Smitability: Double Slash for 277 (1 genocide claw, 1 silver tusk)
Rune Smitability: Smite for 0 (2 psy shields); Nafoi for 284; Efess for 315; Nagra for 182; Tandle for 189
Wren Smitability: Smite for 137 (1 plasma launcher); Smite for 204 (1 napalm shot); Flare for 172; Burst Rocket for 186
Kyra Smitability: Smite for 0 (2 reflect shields); Gifoi for 155; Hewn for 127

Comments: Kicks a decent amount of ass, actually.  Fire weakness sucks, and he's a bit slow, but Another Gate is awesome, and Possession isn't complete shit.  Reinforce is a decent trick too, though situational (owns Mint!!!).  High Heavy/Low Godlike seems about right.

Dark Force - The Evil Strikes Back
HP: 7524
Agility: 35
Defense: 25
Mental Defense: 15
Weak to Light (Tsu/Rayblade/Megid), Anti-Dark (Efess/St. Fire)

Shadow Breath: 200 magical 'darkness' damage
Lightning Shower: 130 magical lightning damage, MT
Evil Eye: Inflicts sleep status ~70%; Dark Force uses this more often than Lashiec uses Possession, and it seems decently accurate; however, it only seems to last on average of 1.5 turns; perhaps worse stats = worse duration, since Lashiec has about 40 more Mental on Dark Force 2

Party Averages:
(Chaz, Rika, Rune, Wren, Kyra)
HP: 230
Level: 35 for Chaz, 33 for Wren and Rune, 38 for Rika, 34 for Kyra
Agility: 46
Chaz Smitability: Cross Cut for 223 (1 laconian sword); Nathu for 284; Rayblade for 308
Rika Smitability: Double Slash for 271 (1 genocide claw, 1 silver tusk)
Rune Smitability: Smite for 0 (2 psy shields); Nafoi for 199; Efess for 343; Nawat for 192; Nagra for 204; Tandle for 201
Wren Smitability: Smite for 217 (1 plasma launcher); Flare for 174; Burst Rocket for 186
Kyra Smitability: Smite for 0 (2 reflect shields); Nafoi for 177

Comments: Similar to the first form.  Excellent on the damage front (though entirely magical, which hurts), not as weak to light as before, but lacks the physical resilience.  However, better durability and defenses and, most importantly, speed, probably makes form 2 a better fighter.  High Heavy/Low Godlike.

Dark Force - Evil Never Dies
HP: 8240
Agility: 40
Defense: 35
Mental Defense: 25
Weak to Light (Tsu/Rayblade/Megid), Anti-Dark (Efess/St. Fire)

Smite: 111 physical damage (critical for 167, around 16/16 times)
Shadow Bind: Decreases agility, MT; the amount decreased I am not sure of, but Rika never went before Dark Force after this was cast, barring random speed variations; note that this fails on mechs (i.e., Wren)
Corrosion: 160 physical 'darkness' damage, MT
Mind Blast: Inflicts sleep status ~80%; see previous notes under Lashiec and Dark Force 2's sleep spells for more descriptive information

Party Averages:
(Chaz, Rika, Rune, Wren)
HP: 275
Level: 41 for Chaz, 43 for Rika, 38 for Wren and Rune
Agility: 52
Chaz Smitability: Cross Cut for 209 (1 laconian sword); Nathu for 278; Rayblade for 305
Rika Smitability: Double Slash for 174 (1 genocide claw, 1 silver tusk)
Rune Smitability: Smite for 0 (2 psy shields); Nafoi for 194; Efess for 329; Nagra for 213; Nawat for 196; Tandle for 206; Legeon for 297
Wren Smitability: Smite for 170 (1 photon eraser); Flare for 170; Burst Rocket for 183; Positron Bolt for 289

Comments: Completely different vein than the other Dark Forces.  While Dark Force 1 had a mix of damage and some resistances, and Dark Force 2 had excellent magic damage, Dark Force 3 is the physical fighter with status.  Shadowbind is pretty awsome, and the damage is respectable.  High Heavy/Low Godlike, like the rest.  Dark Force All, of course, for supreme Godlike.

*The next two bosses can be fought in any order.  Their dungeons are very short, and you aren't forced to go to either first.  I'm assuming one loots both towers, then fights them.  PC averages will be the same for both*

"After Napoleon's defeat at the Battle of Waterloo, he didn't die in obscurity.  He instead built a rocket ship and flew throughout the stars until he found a rainbow-coloured planet out here in the Algo Star System.  It was upon this planet that he built his new empire, and become an immortal being of immense power.  However, this planet was then caught in a space-fold vortex that sealed our great leader within a pocket dimension for years to come.  We will release him, and then the Rainbow Rebellion shall rise again!"
HP: 5499
Agility: 42
Defense: 0
Mental Defense: 0
Very Strong to Force (Physical/'Wind'/'Darkness'), Fire, Gravity ('Gra' spells), Anti-Dark (Efess/St. Fire)

Smite: 95 physical damage (critical for 143, around 14/14 times)
Disrupt Arm: 95 physical damage, MT; note that De-Vars will only use this in response to being magically attacked

Party Averages:
(Chaz, Rika, Rune, Wren)
HP: 283
Level: 42 for Chaz, 45 for Rika, 39 for Wren and Rune
Agility: 53
Chaz Smitability: Cross Cut for 266 (1 guardian sword); Nathu for 210; Rayblade for 228
Rika Smitability: Double Slash for 213 (1 guardian claw, 1 silver tusk)
Rune Smitability: Smite for 0 (2 psy shields); Nawat for 232; Tandle for 225; Legeon for 305
Wren Smitability: Smite for 183 (1 photon eraser); Flare for 213; Positron Bolt for 289

Comments: The scrub.  Not even good in-game (mass physicals own him so badly), he's not that great, lacking the damage of his counter-part, and sharing the sub-par HP.  High Middle, on account of spoiling with his resistances.

"There is no stopping the Rainbow Rebellion.  Once the ultimate weapon is unleashed, we will be able to tear apart the cleft of dimension that exists in Algo and release the rainbow world, Lesberiffica.  Once released, Napoleon can rise to dominance and conquer this pathetic universe.  Submit to the rainbow!"
HP: 5499
Agility: 42
Defense: 0
Mental Defense: 0
Very Strong to Force (Physical/'Wind'/'Darkness'), Fire, Gravity ('Gra' spells), Anti-Dark (Efess/St. Fire)

Flaeli: 189 magical fire damage
Legeon: 211 magical damage, MT; note that Sa-Lews will only use this in response to being physically attacked
Hewn: 164 magical 'wind' damage, MT
Tandle: 172 magical lightning damage, MT

Party Averages:
(Chaz, Rika, Rune, Wren)
HP: 283
Level: 42 for Chaz, 45 for Rika, 39 for Wren and Rune
Agility: 53
Chaz Smitability: Cross Cut for 266 (1 guardian sword); Nathu for 210; Rayblade for 228
Rika Smitability: Double Slash for 213 (1 guardian claw, 1 silver tusk)
Rune Smitability: Smite for 0 (2 psy shields); Nawat for 232; Tandle for 225; Legeon for 305
Wren Smitability: Smite for 183 (1 photon eraser); Flare for 213; Positron Bolt for 289

Comments: Solid magic damage, great resistances, though the HP are a bit bad.  Speed is...typically PS4 boss.  Overall, seems fairly solid. High Heavy.

"You revived me!  You must have levelled to level 99 in the Piata Basement, killed 9999 Xanafalgues while battling Igglanova for the first time, and used the Ashline on me when I lay dying in bed!  Unfortunately, I'm a zombie and I eat brains.  Feel the wrath of my French Ticklers!"
HP: 420
Agility: 60
Defense: 0
Mental Defense: 0
Strong to Force (Physical/'Wind'/'Darkness'), Energy (Laser/Plasma/Laconia/Guardian weapons; some physical attacks, such as Profound Darkness; Legeon, Astral, Flare, Positron Bolt; it's non-elemental, basically)
Very Strong to Fire, Water, Gravity ('Gra' spells), Lightning, Anti-Dark (Efess/St. Fire)

Smite: 51 physical damage, MT (critical for 81, around 2/16 times)

Party Averages:
HP: 287
Level: 43 for Chaz
Agility: 56
Chaz Smitability: Smite for 191; Cross Cut for 265 (1 elsydeon); Nathu for 217; Rayblade for 224; Nazan for 89

Comments: Godly resistances!  But...uh...nothing else.  Light.

"You have defeated Zio and Laschiec, masters of bad rap; you have destroyed our singing emanations of depressed darkness; and worst yet, you have found out the plans to dominate the universe with our Lesberian powers!  Thou shalt not pass!  My teet is the divine milk that feeds the children of France!  Our milk shall make fine cheese you shall not touch!"
HP: 32767
Agility: 99
Defense: 0
Mental Defense: 0
Very Strong to Force (Physical/'Wind'/'Darkness'), Energy (Laser/Plasma/Laconia/Guardian weapons; some physical attacks, such as Profound Darkness; Legeon, Astral, Flare, Positron Bolt; it's non-elemental, basically), Fire, Water, Gravity ('Gra' spells), Lightning, Anti-Dark (Efess/St. Fire)
Weak to Light (Tsu/Rayblade/Megid)

Megid: 282 magical light damage, MT

Party Averages:
HP: 287
Level: 43 for Chaz
Agility: 56
Chaz Smitability: Cross Cut for 414 (1 elsydeon); Nathu for 320; Rayblade for 344

Comments: Pretty insane.  A PS4 boss with speed.  That's something.  Even better, a PS4 boss with 99% HP damage.  Insane resistances too (only vulnerable to light-based attacks), as well as the best durability of any boss in the game.  Owned by the likes of Nate and Ellen, and anyone who can void the light element, but still, kicks ass.  Obviously Godlike.

"I want to find it, what I've been searching.  The boy reaches out to the sky.  He prays he'll get it; no doubt he'll make it.  All of his goals and desires."
Profound Darkness - Many Mouths to Feed
HP: 8240
Agility: 45
Defense: 0
Mental Defense: 0
Weak to Light (Tsu/Rayblade/Megid), Anti-Dark (Efess/St. Fire)

Fire Breath: 146 magical fire damage
Ray Breath: 186 magical damage
Shadow Breath: 250 magical 'darkness' damage

"When you fly in the sky simply divine - you're dreaming.  Leave your worries behind 'cause that's imagination."
Profound Darkness - In Need of a Dentist
HP: 9240
Agility: 45
Defense: 0
Mental Defense: 0
Weak to Light (Tsu/Rayblade/Megid), Anti-Dark (Efess/St. Fire)

Smite: 187 physical damage (critical for 261, around 5/5 times)
Distortion: 196 magical 'gravity' damage, MT
Lightning Shower: 186 magical lightning damage, MT
Another Gate: 212 magical damage, MT

"Can you feel it tonight - the fire inside - it's burning.  All you gotta' do is break on through to make your wishes all come true.  Amazing!"
Profound Darkness - OMG BOOBS IN AMERICA!?
HP: 12999
Agility: 45
Defense: 0
Mental Defense: 0
Weak to Light (Tsu/Rayblade/Megid), Anti-Dark (Efess/St. Fire)

Smite: 192 physical damage (critical for 289, around 6/6 times)
Evil Eye: Inflicts sleep status ~90%; blah blah PS4 sleep
Megid: 237 magical light damage, MT
Cancelling: Dispel, MT

Party Averages:
(Varies - average is based on NEB's endgame levels used for the PC stat topic; while I'm typically a few levels higher, this works as a decent estimation)
HP: 270
Level: Varies
Agility: 48
Smitability: 221 average per character (5 max - Chaz/Rika/Rune/Wren are locked, and your choice is one of Raja/Kyra/Hahn/Demi/Gryz)
*Note that this will change a bit; any light-elemental damage (most of the good stuff can hit weakness on the Profound Darkness, such as Megid, Efess, etc.) boosts the damage average a lot; in addition, some of the equips could be changed as well (i.e., Guardian Robe on Rune instead of Phantasm Robe, etc.); there should be a post at some point in the PC topic with different equip averages and the like if you care that much

Comments: And finally, the big mother/thing/bearer of Meeples.  Pretty damn good, all things considered.  You really can't wall Profound Darkness well, due to the mixture of damage (never seen it use a physical in the first form, but it might have one), and the durability is pretty sexy.  Speed may be below average, but not by as much as other PS4 bosses, and Cancelling + Evil Eye helps fill out the skillset.  Godlike, fairly easily.
« Last Edit: August 20, 2013, 12:37:17 AM by Dark Holy Elf »
[11:53] <+Meeple_Gorath> me reading, that's a good one

[19:26] * +Terra_Condor looks up. Star Wars Football, what?
[19:27] <+Terra_Condor> Han Kicks First?
[19:27] <%Grefter-game> Vader intercepts.
[19:27] <%Grefter-game> Touchdown and Alderaan explodes in the victory


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Re: Phantasy Star 4
« Reply #4 on: March 04, 2008, 05:13:10 AM »
Temp stats!

Note: I used 22115 EXP EXP here.  This is the exact amount Alys needs to get to level 14.  Though 23000 has the same result anyways.
Note: Stat numbers in parentheses are using two weapons.
Note: Skills in brackets require higher levels to use.

Level: 14
HP: 107
TP: 72
Strength: 20
Mental: 19
Agility: 24 [+0.4 SD, 9% evasion]
Dexterity: 24 [109% hit rate]

ATK: 32 (41)
DFS: 75 (60) [-9 (0) or 0.8 (1)]
MDEF: 19 [+2 or 1.04]

Grpt-Crown: 11 DFS
LasrSlashr: 12 ATK
CrmcShield: 15 DFS, physical attacks gain fire attribute, resists fire by 50% before MDef (70% average).
Crmc-Mail: 25 DFS

TitnSlashr: 9 ATK

Attack: 25 (34) physical damage.

Foi (3): 33 fire damage.
Shift (7): Raises ATK by 19.
Saner (6): Raises AGI by 19, MT.  [Evasion raises to 47%.]
Zan: 25 wind damage, MT.
GiFoi (6): 81 fire damage.

[GiZan (12): 73 wind damage, MT.]
[NaFoi (9): 145 fire damage.]
[NaZan (16): 137 wind damage, MT.]

Vortex (7): 73 (82) physical damage.
Moonshad (2x): Sleep, 80%, MT.  [Lasts 1-5 turns, even distribution, 3 average.]
Death (2): Instant Death, 90% chance.

Level: 15
HP: 114
TP: 69
Strength: 26
Mental: 20
Agility: 21 (SD 7)
Dexterity: 23
ATK: 58 (63)
DFS: 66 (60)
MDEF: 21

Damage (no extra skills): 93 (97)
Damage (extra skills): 130 (134)

Note: 450,000 EXP used here.  Seth had between 440k and 450k when he left, but either one gives the same result anyways.  Note that no one else in my party had near that much, Rune was by far the closest with 420k.
Note: Numbers in parentheses are offense twinked.

Level: 35
HP: 233
TP: 0
Strength: 55
Mental: 67
Agility: 50 [-0.2 SD, 17% evade]
Dexterity: 50 [109% hit rate]
ATK: 94
DFS: 135 [+21 (+9) or 1.2 (1.1)]
MDef: 87 [-18 (-17) or 0.82 (0.83)]

LacoCirclt: 4 Mental, 12 DFS, 4 MDef
LacoDagger: 39 ATK
RflcShield: 23 DFS, 16 MDef
Cyber-Suit: 5 Strength, 50 DFS

Attack: 69

Shadow (26x): Reduces AGI by 67, MT.
Corrosion (18x): 194 phsyical damage, MT.
Mindblst (13x): Sleep, >100% (Went 100% against enemies with over 3x average Mental), MT, checks Mental.  [1-4 turns, 1.8 average.]
Dthspell (9x): Instant death, 98%, checks Mental.

Level: 36
HP: 257
TP: 114
Strength: 55
Mental: 46 (47)
Agility: 51 (SD 5.4)
Dexterity: 53
ATK: 121 (130)
DFS: 156 (144)
MDef: 69 (70)
Damage: 187 (195)

Other notes.
Average endgame enemy defense is 15 (13 including PD).
Average endgame enemy magic defense is 14 (13 including PD).
Damages would then be reduced by these amounts if you use them.  PD has 0 defense and magic defense, though.
Damage average falls to 207 (208 if including PD)

Average endgame agility is 52.4.
Using this we get the following hit rates:

Chaz: 101%
Hahn: 115%
Rune: 107%
Gryz: 107%
Rika: 129%
Demi: 125%
Wren: 113%
Raja: 87%
Kyra: 111%
« Last Edit: February 15, 2009, 05:21:54 AM by Talaysen »


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Re: Phantasy Star 4
« Reply #5 on: January 29, 2013, 02:54:58 AM »
Always thought this would be useful here so I don't have to recalc it:

Speed Standard deviations of the cast:

Rika: 65   (+1.67) [Wow]
Chaz: 56   (+0.64)
Demi: 55   (+0.52)
Kyra: 54   (+0.41)
Wren: 53   (+0.29)
Rune: 51   (+0.06)
Gryz: 40   (-1.20)
Hahn: 40   (-1.20)
Raja: 40   (-1.20)

Temps using this average (but not including them in it):
Alys: 61 (+1.21)
Seth: 53 (+0.29)

Three failures make 6-8 people above average speed. Funny how that works...


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Re: Phantasy Star 4
« Reply #6 on: June 04, 2013, 07:40:54 AM »
This isn't noted, so just for reference: Dark Force 3's Mindblast skill is MT.

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Re: Phantasy Star 4
« Reply #7 on: September 18, 2013, 09:53:40 PM »
Randomly, since I keep creating this and not recording it:

DEF, if the PC optimises for it:
Alys (202) > Chaz (200) > Rika (181) > Kyra (176) > Wren (175) > Demi (174) = Rune (174) > Hahn (173) > Gryz (166) > Seth (165) > Raja (109)
Average (no Alys/Seth): 170

MDEF, if the PC optimises for it:
Rune (128) > Kyra (116) > Hahn (114) > Seth (108) > Chaz (104) > Raja (101) > Alys (98) > Rika (84) > Gryz (58) > Wren (38) > Demi (35)
Average (no Alys/Seth): 86

Note that Rika, Gryz, and Raja are still equipping a weapon so as to be able to do damage. Otherwise this is as many shields as possible and def/mdef-optimised gear. Not sure how many people even use these averages but I definitely do when judging tank!Chaz for instance.
« Last Edit: September 19, 2013, 01:29:39 AM by Dark Holy Elf »

Erwin Schrödinger will kill you like a cat in a box.

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Re: Phantasy Star 4
« Reply #8 on: September 18, 2014, 10:54:31 PM »
Updated the stat thread with a bunch of stuff, mostly some clarifications and alternate setups listed in the main post. Most importantly the correct "save" stat is now listed for every status attack, and there are averages for STR and MTL in light of the fact that most status attacks hit said defences.

Erwin Schrödinger will kill you like a cat in a box.