Author Topic: Season 44, Week 6. Overkill gets handed out like candy in the team match  (Read 2313 times)


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Team Jade (Jade, Suicune, Albert, Kent) vs team Kefka (Kefka, Erikia, Margulis, Jean)

Jessica, Dhaos, Velna, Killer, Eirika, Suicine

Strago, Angelo, Justin, Alis, Margulis, Albert

Middle/Light: Jennifer, Genis, Saki, Pent, Kent, Jean.


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Team Kefka I think? Don't much care.



Jess's lack of ID immunity bites her in the ass here. Killer tanks a magic burst pretty easily, so does Velna, Erikia.. probably has shot at evading it, but meh. She needs too many calls in her favor here and Sleepmore exists to throw a wrench into things.

Neither Heavy upgrades is my guess.



Strago statuses the field besides for Margulis, who dies horribly to his buffing/MT offense. Justin IDs Angelo and I think he outslugs Margulis (No clones is bad offhand? My respect for Margulis plummets when the opponent has MT offense). Alis/Albert are easy. Margulis outslugs the scrubs, Albert can I think block Rope. That is that.

Margulis up, Alis down. Easy pool to guess.



Jennifer dies to Jean, who dies to Saki. Saki loses to Genis. Jennifer can avoid counters which is a free win against Pent and she's just overall better than Genis/Saki. Kent/Jennifer is a cointoss fight for me- whoever goes first wins pretty much. Tiebroke for Jennifer.

My guess: Saki/Genis down, Kent/Jean up.
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For the team battle, it's unfortunately really important, I think, if Margulis can use Syama at full HP (Syama being the MT cruddy Lightning damage).  According to Split Infinity's FAQ, he can, but Monkeyfinger (I think) implied that he can't use Rakta at least at full HP, and possibly Syama as well?  Kalignarudra, Margulis's MT physical, definitely only unlocks at 80% HP.

Anyway, without Syama, Team Kefka loses horribly since they shamefully lack MT to follow up Fallen One.  Frankly, I'm not sure if they take it even with it...  Kefka is getting BoltXed, Jean dies before he gets a turn from everyone else, and Margulis goes before Fallen One and I don't let bosses "wait," so the other team's characters will get at least their first turn at 1 HP before Margulis can Syama them at the beginning of turn 2.  I guess if Eirika hits a weakness on Jade, her doubling Jade repeatedly will hurt a lot...  of course, she wants to dodge BoltX too, which is chancy.  The point is, even giving Margulis Syama, on turn 2 it'll be Margulis & Eirika vs. Jade of the monster HP, which will be tough for Team Kefka.  I think they can win if Eirika dodges the first BoltX and you don't let Jade spam BoltX, but ack.


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Jessica, Dhaos, Velna, Killer, Eirika, Suicine

Jessica loses to Dhaos thanks to his defense, loses to Velna (Velna needs a turn to summon Vestra, but Jessica can't OHKO Vestra if she goes for the Whip which she needs to kill Velna) loses to Killer, uses Magic Burst to burn Eirika, and Bounces Suicune.
Dhaos wears Velna down, kills Killer quicker, makes my head hurt against Eirika, and makes Suicune cry.
Velna loses to Killer, is one turned by Eirika. Suicune is one of the worse Heavies to hit an upgrade pool.
Killer is pretty durable, and IDs Eirika on his second shot. Suicune, of course, dies.

Dhaos 4-0
Killer 4-1
Eirika 2-2
Jessica 2-3
Velna 2-3
Suicune 0-5

Betting on Velna for the downgrade, because she's the one who is least likely to draw the casual vote.

Strago, Angelo, Justin, Alis, Margulis, Albert
Strago beats everyone but Margulis (Margulis is still faster and durable, and Strago and his bad durability can't deal with that to me, I think)
Angelo beats everyone else after that (Think Oomph can let him past get Margulis) but Justin.
Justin blocks Paralysis, so Alis dies. IDs Albert. He loses to Margulis because Justin really doesn't have much SP.
Margulis>Albert>Alis for the rest.

Strago 4-1
Margulis 4-1
Angelo 3-2
Justin 3-2
Albert 1-4
Alis 0-5

Middle/Light: Jennifer, Genis, Saki, Pent, Kent, Jean.
Jean beats all, and Saki loses to all (Jean is 84% speed to me, Saki is 80%). Jean's damage not too far from average, while Saki 6HKOs him if he uses the SunMask.

Jennifer beats Genis (better durability and faster), loses to Kent (Both 3HKO each other, Kent has a horse and thereby is likely above average move), and beats Pent (2HKOs him, while he has FE Mage damage in a game with killer weapons).
Genis loses to Pent, loses to Kent.
Kent beats Pent. He can play the range game with Javelin+better move (Unless Pent kills on a counter. Don't care enough to check).

Jean 5-0
Kent 4-1
Jennifer 3-2
Pent 2-3
Genis 1-4
Saki 0-5
...into the nightfall.


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Team Jade (Jade, Suicune, Albert, Kent) vs Team Kefka (Kefka, Erikia, Margulis, Jean) - Team Kefka. Fallen One/Heartless Angel (gogo GBA translation), Team Kefka wipes up, gang up on Jade and I already had Kefka beating Jade on his own so yeah.

Dhaos: 5-0
Killer: 4-1
Velna: 3-2
Jessica: 2-3
Eirika: 2-3
Suicune: 0-5

Dhaos smashes, laughs at the non-High Godlikes.
Killer wipes the floor with the rest thanks to ID and Velna being bleh durability.
Velna nulls Jessica's magic, summons Vestra, Jessica is not very durable. Suicune doesn't have any relevant non-magic damage. Eirika smites her in one turn.
Jessica destroys the two Heavies, makes Eirika self-conscious about her breasts.
Eirika laughs at Suicune and Velna.
Suicune cries itself to sleep.

Strago: 5-0
Justin: 4-1
Angelo: 3-2
Margulis: 2-3
Alis: 1-4
Albert: 0-5

Strago smash. Go go SOM (Sexy Old Man).
Justin IDs and MTs.
Angelo outslugs.
Margulis is duh.
Alis beats Albert in kneejerk.
No Albert respect.

Jennifer: 4-1
Jean: 4-1
Genis: 3-2
Kent: 2-3
Saki: 1-4
Pent: 1-4

Jennifer beats everyone with game-high damage.
Jean IDs everyone but Saki. Jennifer wishes she had a boss form like Gordon and Thursday.
Genis wipes out everyone who isn't busty or Instant Deathy.
Kent outslugs Saki and Pent.
Saki laughs at ID, cries at everything else.
Pent is thankful that Saki sucks.


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Strago beats everyone but Margulis (Margulis is still faster and durable, and Strago and his bad durability can't deal with that to me, I think)

Thinking that Big Guard really slows down Margulis's already iffy offense. Strago is good if he can get his buffing game going, and I don't think Margulis can do much about that.
"Reputation is what other people know about you. Honor is what you know about yourself"- Count Aral Vorkosigan, A Civil Campaign
<Meeple> knownig Square-enix, they'll just give us a 2nd Kain
<Ciato> he would be so kawaii as a chibi...

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Team Kefka. Jade's support fails hardcore, and while Jade himself is really good I don't see him soloing this. Margulis also has some bolt resistance to make things worse, Eirika will dodge the first BoltX tossed her way, etc.

Jessica, Velna, Killer, Eirika, Suicine

Killer... odd battle between him and Velna, but if he can survive a round of her offence, he wins. Also he -might- one-round her, though I doubt it. Or she could be vulnerable to P-Atk Down, that'd be bad too. Velna might take it but nah. Him vs. Jess... does he tank Magic Burst? 450 damage due to fire res... yeah probably. Eirika probably kills him, since she might one-round and she may well not have to. He beat Suicune, Sui is good but not OHKOing good, then Death. 3-1

Eirika dodges Magic Burst, so uh yeah, nice try Jess? Though Jess may be fast enough to avoid doubles, so she'd get two turns... still can't use Magic Burst, Kasnooze is turn 3 here... not seeing what she can do. Eirika gets owned by Velna but already beat Suicune. 3-1

Velna gets OHKOed by Jessica. Woohoo easy, yay for considering Vestra's HP only. Beats Suicune with ID. 2-2

Jessica... has issues with Suicune. No Magic Burst, TDL is down to 3HKO... hmm. Yeah, just can't see her stopping a 2HKO with much of anything. Don't respect Kasnooze against that level of Mdef much, it's turn 2 and Sui wakes up before it ends. 1-3

Suicune 1-3


See Super minus Alis voting rights. Strago > Justin > Angelo > Margulis > Albert


Jennifer, Saki, Pent, Kent, Jean

Pent beats Jennifer. Jenn could win if you see her winning a speed tiebreak, I'm not sure. Besides that, don't see how Jennifer is supposed to avoid counters with her ST damage, so yeah, Pent slams her three times and her below average HP dies. Evade possibility tips it in place of figuring out who goes first there, for me. Kent just 2HKOs Pent and definitely wins the speed tiebreak to me (paladin!) so yeah. Res only makes Death turn 2, and he can't kill Jean first. He beats Saki. 2-2

Kent beats everyone except Jean. Jennifer... well he counters Terminus Omega, and that's that, the rest of Jennifer's damage fails too hard. Not to mention he has a large durability advantage. 3-1

Jean just beats everyone. Saki I wasn't sure about, but burp, copying Dhyer. 4-4

Jennifer hype is baffling, but she still beats Saki. 1-3

Saki. 0-4

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Disgaea techs can't trigger counters, period.


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To save the expanded version, the argument goes that FE counters trigger against any in-range attack, and therefore do that in the DL unless an attack explicitly ignores counters.  Disgaea counters, meanwhile, only trigger against base physicals, so this could be seen as Disgaea counters being scrubby rather than Disgaea techs ignoring counters.  That Disgaea physicals are pretty blah on damage by comparison makes a "Disgaea counters aren't meant to be awesome" interp more intuitive at the least.
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Also, comment on the failure match of Saki vs. Jennifer: I'm normally kind of hesitant to vote on Disgaea since I didn't finish the game, but going off what the stat topic says of endgame SP levels, Jennifer has to fall back on her cruddy Star Buster (which deals half average damage or so?) or run out of SP (she only has two shots of Terminus Omega for the stat topic's levels, and it isn't enough to kill).  Saki's offense is horrible but her durability is actually pretty good (it's a 3 on 3 fight, so no scaling her HP down, and your team includes *Guido*), I'd say around 1.75 PCHP.  This means that Jennifer is 8HKOing here with only Star Busters, and speeds that up by one turn by using one Terminus Omega for a 7HKO.  Jennifer has below average durability, too, so even Saki can kill her with that amount of time, I think.


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Re: Season 44, Week 6. Overkill gets handed out like candy in the team match
« Reply #10 on: August 07, 2008, 07:32:47 PM »
Saki may get some credit (To me, at least) because there are a few MT moves to hit them with. Your MT won't be great at this point in terms of the resources it eats, but it still exists (And can be boosted like all things in Grandia).

I also, I personally consider some Disgaea to have to have a few armors on like in game, and that helps their SP.
...into the nightfall.