Author Topic: Tales of Symphonia (now in HD!)  (Read 2323 times)


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Tales of Symphonia (now in HD!)
« on: September 05, 2014, 11:47:34 AM »
Why remake the ToS topic? Mostly I want to include EX skills, which make the cast more interesting while preserving uniqueness. Every PC has 16 EX skills, some of which aren't completely unique but give a good appreciating for what a PC can do, and there are several unique EX skills that are valid.

 I also wanted to list (in the main topic) more accurate combo damage numbers, since the original didn't account too well for combos actually working in practice or for the "Repeated attack penalty" that makes long combos less damaging than you'd think.

Otherwise there are some minor notes such as elemental resistances needing to be +5 for nullification instead of +4, and the species weakness weapons being +12.5% damage instead of +100%!

So here's what we're about:

- Levels taken at 65

- Damage taken against 200 Enemy Def.

- Equipment is almost all unique so that makes it pretty easy.Not doing the Level 80+ only gear.

- Elemental resists are handled by 'points' in that element. Everyone's default prior to equips/skills is 0. Less than negative 2 is a weakness to the element. Negative 1 to 1 is neutral, 2-4 is halving an element. 5-6 is nulling it, and 7 is absorbing it! There are accessories that boost elemental resistances... and outside of that there won't be much chance to null or absorb elements.

Accessories of Interest:
Drain Charm: Prevents Curse and Weak. (+2 Dark)
Paralysis Charm: Prevents Paralysis (+2 Lightning)
Poison Charm: Prevents Poison (+2 Water)
Stone Charm: Prevents Petrify and Heavy (+2 Earth)
Stun Charm: Prevents Stun (+2 Light)
Rune Cape: Def +14, Int +10, Evade +7
Rune Boots: Def +15, Int +10
Black Onyx: +30% HP, +5 Def
Moonstone: +30% TP, +5 Int

It goes without saying that two Black Onyx's are the optimum. This means there is an 18.75% HP hit to remove one Black Onyx, and double that to remove 2. This is expensive but the money is there for it at endgame and it is storebought in a normal town.

HP: 6031
Def: 253
(HD, with Sheena's Force Seal Loop): 5044
(Gamecube, without Sheena's Force Seal loop): 4117
(HD, Without Sheena's Force Seal Loop): 4025
(Gamecube, with Sheena's Force Seal Loop): 5135

Lloyd Irving:
HP: 6970
TP: 346
STR: 343
DEF: 166
ACC: 140
EVA: 128
INT: 143

Slash: 1343
Thrust: 1263
Defense: 275
Accuracy: 150
Evasion: 128

Kusanagi Blades (+930 Slash, +850 Thrust, +12.5% damage to undead)
Armor: Mumbane (+70 defense, +2 Earth/Lightning/Darkness/Ice resistance)
Headgear: Rare Helm (+24 defense, +2 Lightning Resistance)
Armguard: Claw Gauntlet (+10 defense, +50 Atk)

Alternate Equipment options:
Material Blade ( +820 Slash/Thrust, enables Falcon Crest)
Ninja Sword (+860 Slash/820 Thrust, Darkness Element)
Star Mail (+65 Defense, +2 Fire)
Rare Gauntlets (+18 defense, +2 Earth)

EX Skill Set:
Ability Plus: Allows two L1 techs in a row.
Strong: +20 Str
Personal: Increase walking speed (For crit+)
Vitality: +5% HP
Compound Skills:
Critical Up: Slightly raises critical hit rate

Ideal Combo:   
Physical Combo ->Tiger Blade ->Sword Rain → Fierce Demon Fang → Beast Sword Rain: 4596 damage, Knocks down enemy

Special: Must be at less than 16% HP, equip Material Blades, 100TP   
Falcon Crest:   8955 damage.

Physical Combo: 1462
Base Skills:   
Demon Fang (4TP)   566
Sonic Thrust (5TP)   604
Sword Rain (5TP)   647
Tiger Blade (9TP)   754
Tempest (8TP)   754
(T) Double Demon Fang (16TP):   990
(S) Fierce Demon Fang (16TP)   1132
(T) Tiger Rage (19TP)   1132
(S) Heavy Tiger Blade (19TP)   1179
(T) Sword Rain: Alpha (16TP)   1037
(S) Sonic Sword Rain (16TP)   1367
(T) Hurricane Thrust (14TP)   1037
(S) Super Sonic Thrust (14TP)   1132
(T) Omega Tempest (17TP)   1179
(S) Psi Tempest (17TP)   1132
Beast (12TP):   1226
(T) Demonic Chaos (34TP)   1839
(S) Demonic Circle (38TP)   2122
(T) Raging Beast (25TP)   1556
(S) Hunting Beast (24TP)   1697
Rising Falcon (32TP)   1556
Demonic Thrust (30TP)   1556
Demonic Tiger Blade (32TP)   1650
Raining Tiger Blade (36TP)   1697
Beast Sword Rain (38TP)   1886
Tempest Thrust (32TP)   1886
Tempest Beast (35TP)   1886
(S) Twin Tiger Blade (35TP) 1886
(T) Sword Rain: Beta (38TP) 1839

Colette Brunel:
HP: 5652
TP: 481
STR: 222
DEF: 133
ACC: 121
EVA: 126
INT: 169

Attack: 1072 (1179 with Battle Cry)
Defense: 231 (254 with Battle Cry)
Evasion: 126 (139 with Battle Cry)

Weapon: Angel Halo (+850 Atk)
Armor: Elemental Guard (66 Def, +2 Water/Wind/Fire/Earth)
Headgear: Pretty Ribbon (20 Def)
Armguard: Drapnir (12 Def)

EX Skill Set:
Personal: Holy Bottles last longer (For Battle Cry)
Stat Boost: Improves stat buff effectiveness
Sky Combo: Able to chain attacks in the air
Vitality: +5% HP
Compound Skills:
Battle Cry: +10% stats. Passive effect.
Life Siphon: Regenerate 1% HP for every 2 hits in a combo

Ideal combo:
Physical combo → Para Ball → Whirlwind Rush: 3705 damage, 36 TP, regenerates 6% HP

In the HD Version (where Para Ball has been nerfed):
Physical Combo → Para Ball → Whirlwind Rush: 2971 damage, regnerate 6% HP

For maximum regeneration:
Physical Combo → Ray Satellite → Torrential Para Ball: 2809 damage, 7% regeneration.

Physical Combo:   721   
Ray Thrust (5TP):   506   
Pow Hammer (8TP)   623   
(T) Dual Ray Thrust (10TP)   779   
(S) Ray Satellite (14TP)   896   
(T) Pow Pow Hammer (15TP)   935   
(S) Para Ball (14TP)   1792   (only 896 in the HD version)
Item Thief (10TP)   779   
Ring Whirlwind (11TP)   818   
(T) Triple Ray Thrust (22TP)   1325   
(S) Triple Ray Satellite (26TP)   1169   
(T) Hammer Rain (30TP)   1169   
(S) Torrential Para Ball (30TP)   1403   
(T) Ring Cyclone (22 TP)   1091   
(S) Whirlwind Rush (22TP)   1403   
Item Rover (22TP)   1169   
Grand Chariot (24TP)   1247   
Stardust Cross (34TP)   818   
Useful Magic:      
Angel Feather (20TP):    1031   

Genis Sage
HP: 4642
TP: 427
STR: 174
DEF: 132
EVA: 102
INT: 350

Attack: 854
Defense: 240
Accuracy: 99
Evasion: 102

Weapon: One World (+680 Atk, +14 INT)
Armor: Star Cloak (+60 Def, +2 Fire)
Headgear: Rune Hat (+15 Def, +10 Int)
Armguard: Draupnir (+12 Def)

EX Skill Set:
Magical: +20 Int
Tough: +5% Def
E.Guard: Increased elemental resistance (doesn't do much)
Immunity: Chance to resist status ailments
Compound Skills:
Magic Boost: Boosts magic damage sometimes.
Self Cure: Automatically be cured of status effects after a brief time of not taking action.
Mag Status immunity: Immunity to magical status ailments (debuffs)

Best damage done in a reasonable time frame:
Prism Sword (58TP)   4250

Physical Combo:   454
Fire Ball (7TP)   460
Stone Blast: (7TP)   540
Wind Blade: (8TP)   450
Aqua Edge: (8TP)   520
Lightning: (9TP)   440
Icicle: (10TP)   470
Dreaded Wave (34TP)   1210
Meteor Storm (80TP)   4950
(T) Stalagmite (20TP)   1470
(S) Grave (22TP)   1800
(T) Spread (22TP)   1700
(S) Aqua Laser (20TP)   1860
(T) Air Thrust (22TP)   1410
(S) Air Blade (22TP)   1860
(T) Eruption (24TP)   1550
(S) Flame Lance (24TP)   1900
(T) Thunder Blade (28TP)   1870
(S) Spark Wave (26TP)   2000
(T) Ice Tornado (30TP)   1880
(S) Freeze Lancer (29TP)   1920
(T) Raing Mist (38TP)   2140
(S) Spiral Flare (38TP)   2010
(T) Tidal Wave (60TP)   1400
(S) Atlas (42TP)   2120
(T) Gravity Well (42TP)   2390
(S) Thunder Arrow (42TP)   2440
(T) Ground Dasher (46TP)   2600
(S) Absolute (46TP)   3100
(T) Cyclone (50TP)   2580
(S) Earth Bite (44TP)   2370
(T) Explosion (55TP)   3870
(S) Prism Sword (58TP)   4250
(T) Indignation (60TP)   4750

Raine Sage:
TP: 531
STR: 201
DEF: 130
ACC: 95
EVA: 83
INT: 389

Attack: 201
Defense: 232
Accuracy: 65
Evasion: 83

Heart of Chaos (+0 Atk, +50 Int, -30 Acc, -30 Luc)
Armor: Spirit Robe (+60 Def, +2 Water/Wind/Fire/Earth/Lightning/Ice/Light/Dark [Every ToS element])
Headgear: Pretty Ribbon (+20 Def)
Armguard: Drapupnir (+12 Def)

Alternate Equipment options:
Blue Crystal Rod (+640 Atk)
Kitchen Mittens (+3 Def, +2 Fire)
Penguinist Gloves (+3 Def, +2 Ice)

EX Skill Set:
Magical: +20 Int
Guard Plus: Reduces damage while guarding
E.Guard: Reduces elemental damage taken.
Spirit: Increases TP by 5%
COmpound Skills:
Blood Spirit: +1TP for every 1% of total HP in damage taken (1547 damage taken, half her total, is +50 TP for example)
Technical: Reduces TP required for Artes by 10%

Optimum Spell:
(S) Holy Lance (40 TP):   3562

First Aid (8TP): 30% healing   
Charge (24TP): Transfers TP to another party member   
Barrier (8TP): +10% defense   
Recover (8TP): Heals phys status ailment   
Sharpness (12TP): +10% Attack   
Dispel (8 TP): Heals magic status   
Photon (16 TP):   2625
Ressurection (48TP): Revives one with 25% HP   
(T) Nurse (28TP): 40% MT healing   
(S) Heal (20 TP): 60% ST healing   
(T) Field Barrier (48TP) +10% defense, MT   
(S) Permaguard (40TP): +15% Def, ST   
(T) Purify (24TP): Heals phys status, MT   
(S) Restore (24TP): Heals phys status. Immunizes against phys status infliction   
(T) Acuteness (32TP): +10% Attack, MT   
(S) Keenness (32TP): +15% Attack, ST   
(T) Nullify (28TP): Heals magic status, MT   
(S) Anti-Magic (28TP): Heals magic status and immunizes against mag status infliction   
(T) Healing Circle (56 TP): 60% healing to an area   
(S) Cure (64TP): 100% healing to one   
(T) Ray (35TP):    
(S) Holy Lance (40 TP):   3562
(T) Revitalize (96TP): 90% healing, MT   
(S) Revive (96TP): Revives one to 100% HP   

Sheena Fujibayashi:
TP: 494
STR: 269
DEF: 143
ACC: 150
EVA: 125
INT: 230

Attack: 1079
Defense: 245
Accuracy: 150
Evasion: 125

Weapon: Divine Judgement (+810 Atk, x1.2 dmg to Undead)
Armor: Kannazuki (+60 def, +2 Wind)
Headgear: Pretty Ribbon (+20 Def)
Armguard: Draupnir (+12 Def)

Alternate Equipment options:
Aclanatha (+720 Atk, Fire, +2 Fire/Darkness, x1.2 damage to Undead)
Card of Ice (+430 Atk, Ice, +2 Ice, x1.2 damage to humans)
Card of Wind (+380 Atk, Wind, +2 Wind, x1.2 damage to birds)
Card of Lightning (+350 Atk, Lightning, +2 Lightning, x1.2 damage to insects)
Card of Earth (+240 Atk, Earth, +2 Earth, x1.2 damage to plants)
Card of Water (+175 Atk, Water, +2 Water, x1.2 damage to aquatics)
Shaman Dress (+54 Def, +4 Light, +2 Dark)
Kitchen Mittens (+3 Def, +2 Fire)
Penguinist Gloves (+3 Def, +2 Ice)

EX Skill Set:
Dash: Move faster in battle
Prolong: Card effects last longer
Add Combo: One extra hit to ground combo
Vitality: +5% HP
COmpound Skills:
Hard Hit: Enemy staggers for longer.
Combo Force: Combo diminishing returns are 90% instead of 85%

Best combo:
Physical Combo → Power Seal → Serpent Seal Pinion → Demon Seal (53 TP): 2852 damage.

With Force Seal, Sheena can chain together an excessively long combo by repeating her Serpent Seal Pinion move. Whether this is doable in one turn or requires a turn to use Force Seal is up for debate.
Force Seal → Physical combo ->Power Seal->Serpent Seal Pinion → Repeat Combo/PS/SSP 3x → Combo->Power Seal->Serpent Seal Pinion → Demon Seal (100TP): 11000 damage.

Physical Combo   1154
L1 Artes:   
Power Seal (5TP):   272
Mirage Seal (5TP):   272
Serpent Seal (5TP):   272
L2 Artes:   
(S) Power Seal Absolute (22TP):    407
(T) Power Seal Pinion (18TP):   679
(S)Mirage Seal Absolute (24TP):   407
(T) Mirage Seal Pinion (12TP):   679
(S) Serpent Seal Absolute (20TP):   407
(T) Serpent Seal Pinion (12TP):   679
L3 Artes:   
Pyre Seal (15TP):   849
Demon Seal (35TP):   1019
Cyclone Seal (35TP):   1307
Force Seal (25TP):   
Purgatory Seal (40TP): Revives a character with '0' HP. Any hits kill them but they can be otherwise healed as normal.   
S/T Elemental seal (14TP): Grant an element to one character's attacks. Any of the 8 ToS elements are available.   
Summons (All 100 TP), only usable in Overlimit:   
Fire:           3656
Water:   3469
Wind:   3938
Light:   3094
Lightning:   4875
Earth:   3375
Ice:           1313
Dark:   3516
Origin:   8203
Birth:   2297

Zelos Wilder:
TP: 399
STR: 323
DEF: 153
ACC: 127
INT: 109

Attack: 1293
Defense: 267
Accuracy: 127
Evasion: 109

Weapon: Last Fencer (920 P.Atk, x1.2 damage to humans)
Armor: Golden Armour (+70 Def, +2 Water/Wind/Fire/Light)
Headgear: Rare Helm (+24 Def, +2 Lightning)
Armguard: Claw Gauntlet (+10 Def, +50 Atk)

Alternate Equipment options:
Armguard: Rare Gauntlet (+18 def, +2 Earth)
Armguard: Star Shield (+35 Def, +2 Fire/Dark)

EX Skill Set:
Super Chain: Order Artes however you want (3-2-1, 2-3-1, etc...)
Slasher: Makes basic physical chain 6 hits, but can't use Artes past 3rd...
Eternal: Used for Compound EX skills
Taunt: Taunt the enemy! Very Zelos-y.
COmpound Skills:
Super Blast: Negates the downside of Slasher.
Combo Force: Combo diminishing returns are 90% instead of 85%

Optimum Combo:
Physical Combo ->Super Lightning Blade->Lightning Blade->Sonic Thrust (61TP): 5510 damage.
Non-elemental alternate:
Fierce Demon Fang, Light Spear Cannon, Sonic Thrust (47TP): 4907 damage.

Physical Combo:   2009
L1 Artes:   
Demon Fang (4TP):    536
Sonic Thrust (5TP):    625
L2 Artes:   
(T)Double Demon Fang(16TP):   938
(S) Fierce Demon Fang(16TP):   1072
(T)Hurricane Thrust(14TP):   982
Light Spear(18TP_:   982
Lightning Blade(22TP):   1473
L3 Artes:   
(T)Victory Light Spear(26TP):    1429
(S)Light Spear Cannon(26TP):   1473
Demon Spear(30TP):   1340
Hell Pyre(22TP):   1563
Super Lightning Blade(34TP):   1674
First Aid (8TP): 30% healing   
Healing Wind(35TP): 30% healing to an area   
Healing Stream (45TP): 45% healing to an area   
Fire Ball (7TP)   291
Wind Blade: (8TP)   281
Stone Blast: (7TP)   366
Lightning(9TP):   347
Air Thrust(22TP):   1041
Thunder Blade(28TP):   1313
Eruption(24TP):   1106
Grave(22TP):   1247
Judgement(40TP):   1078

Presea Combatir:
HP: 7617
TP: 373
STR: 362
DEF: 175
ACC: 100
EVA: 108
INT: 231

Attack: 1332
Defense: 277
Accuracy: 110
Evasion: 108

Weapon: Pow Hammer DX (+900 Atk, +30 Acc, +20 Luk, x1.2 damage to humans)
Armor: Star Guard (+62 P.Def, +2 Light/Dark)
Headgear: Pretty Ribbon (+20 Def)
Armguard: Claw Gauntlet (+10 Def, +50 Atk)

Alternate Equipment options:
Bahamut's Tear (+920 P.Atk, x1.2 damage to dragons)
Ogre Axe (+830 P.Atk, x1.2 damage to plants)
Prism Guard (+66 Def, +2 Water/Wind/Fire/Earth/Lightning/Ice/Light, -2 Dark, -2 Non-Elemental including physicals)
Solar Guard: Def 50, Def (Fire,Light) +2
Rare Gauntlets (+18 defense, +2 Earth)
Kitchen Mittens (+3 def, +2 Fire)
Penguinist Gloves (+3 Def, +2 Ice)

EX Skill Set:
Strong: +20 Strength
Heavy Hit: Increased chance of staggering target.
Personal: Enables finding food in dungeons (for Variable)
Vitality: +5% HP
COmpound Skills:
Variable: Raises P.Atk by 10% (+14.3% damage) for every 25% HP lost.
Critical Up: Increases critical hit chances.

Optimum combo:
Physical Combo → Destruction → Dual Punishment → Endless Infliction (50TP): 4492 damage.

Physical Combo:   844
Destruction(6TP):   1368
Infliction(4TP):   684
Punishment(5TP):   798
Devastation(8TP):   912
L2 Artes:   
(T) Dual Infliction(13TP):   1254
(S)Resolute Infliction(15TP):   1254
(T) Dual Punishment(16TP):   1140
(S)Finality Punishment(12TP):   1596
(T)Deadly Destruction(10TP):   1961
(S)Fiery Destruction(12TP):   1459
(T)Finite Devastation(11TP):   1368
(S)Mass Devastation(12TP):   1642
L3 Artes:   
(T)Endless Infliction(28TP):   1824
(S)Eternal Devastation(26TP):   1824
(T)Rising Punishment(28TP):   2098
(T)Infinite Destruction(38TP):   1870
Beast(14TP):   2280

Regal Bryant:
HP: 6535
TP: 404
STR: 335
DEF: 145
ACC: 153
EVA: 144
INT: 249

Attack: 1215
Defense: 258
Accuracy: 153
Evasion: 144

Kaiser Greaves (+880 P.Atk, +16 Def, Light element)
Amror: Mortality Cloak (+60 Def)
Headgear: Rune Hat (+15 Def, +10 Int)
Armguard: Drapupnir (+12 Def)

Alternate Equipment options:
Weapon: Glory Artes (+850 P.Atk, +30 Acc/Eva/Luck)
Armor: Phoenix Cloak (+54 P.Def, +4 Fire)

EX Skill Set:
Sky Combo: Enables combos in midair
Flash: Prevent stagger for small windows when attacking
Add Combo: Increase basic physical combo string by 1
Vitality: +5% HP
COmpound Skills:
Combo Force: Combo diminishing returns are 90% instead of 85%

Optimum combo:
Physical Combo → Swallow Dance → Eagle Rage → Wolverine (62TP): 3969 damage.

Physical Combo   1100
Spin Kick (6TP)   530
Heaven's Charge (14TP)   815
Triple Kick (14TP):   978
Wolverine (28TP):   1426
Swallow Kick (8TP)   611
Rising Dragon (10TP)   611
Crescent Moon 8TP)   652
(T) Swallow Dance (16TP)   774
(T)Dragon Fury (18TP)   978
(S)Dragon Rage (24TP)   1060
(S)Dragon Dance (16TP)   1060
Crescent Dark Moon (30TP)   1386
Eagle Dive (8TP)   611
(S)Eagle Fall (18TP)   978
(T)Eagle Rage (18TP)   1060
Triple Rage Kick (26TP)   1345

« Last Edit: December 13, 2020, 01:22:03 AM by Pyro »

Jo'ou Ranbu

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Re: Tales of Symphonia (now in HD!)
« Reply #1 on: September 05, 2014, 01:47:20 PM »
I think you meant to post this on the Stat Topic forum.
[01:08] <Soppy-ReturningToInaba> HEY
[01:08] <Soppy-ReturningToInaba> LAGGY
[01:08] <Soppy-ReturningToInaba> UVIET?!??!?!
[01:08] <Laggy> YA!!!!!!!!!1111111111
[01:08] <Soppy-ReturningToInaba> OMG!!!!
[01:08] <Chulianne> No wonder you're small.
[01:08] <TranceHime> cocks
[01:08] <Laggy> .....


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Re: Tales of Symphonia (now in HD!)
« Reply #2 on: September 05, 2014, 04:13:18 PM »
I think you just mad cause he stylin' on you.
NO MORE POKEMON - Meeplelard.
The king perfect of the DL is and always will be Excal. - Superaielman
Don't worry, just jam it in anyway. - SirAlex
Gravellers are like, G-Unit - Trancey.

Jo'ou Ranbu

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Re: Tales of Symphonia (now in HD!)
« Reply #3 on: September 05, 2014, 05:16:33 PM »
[01:08] <Soppy-ReturningToInaba> HEY
[01:08] <Soppy-ReturningToInaba> LAGGY
[01:08] <Soppy-ReturningToInaba> UVIET?!??!?!
[01:08] <Laggy> YA!!!!!!!!!1111111111
[01:08] <Soppy-ReturningToInaba> OMG!!!!
[01:08] <Chulianne> No wonder you're small.
[01:08] <TranceHime> cocks
[01:08] <Laggy> .....

Captain K.

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Re: Tales of Symphonia (now in HD!)
« Reply #4 on: September 05, 2014, 06:38:12 PM »
I think you meant to post about a less shitty game.


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Re: Tales of Symphonia (now in HD!)
« Reply #5 on: September 05, 2014, 11:50:48 PM »
Otherwise there are some minor notes such as elemental resistances needing to be +5 for nullification instead of +4, and the species weakness weapons being +12.5% damage instead of +100%!

This is where we all shake our fists at OK.
...into the nightfall.


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Re: Tales of Symphonia (now in HD!)
« Reply #6 on: September 06, 2014, 12:01:53 AM »
So, while you're at it...  what exactly are the Overlimit mechanics?  How long does it take to get an OL starting from nothing?  From a half-bar?  How much does fighting solo screw this up?  (Since the main benefit to OLing is letting your entire team get in a free hit & all....)

I remember this coming up in the bizarre Stocke / Regal stallfest of doom, where despite Regal immuning Fire the DL ended up kneejerking that Stocke hit Dead Fencer faster than Regal OLing...


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Re: Tales of Symphonia (now in HD!)
« Reply #7 on: September 06, 2014, 02:00:35 AM »
The PCs need the following "Tension" to go into Overlimit. 1 point of Tension is generated for every hit taken (so a 10-hit attack generates 10 Tension) regardless of whether the attack is blocked or guarded or taken at full power. Tension is also generated when Sheena uses an elemental seal (2 tension) or when another party member dies (+10, though it may vary).

Lloyd | 67
Colette | 91
Genis | 84
Kratos | 100
Raine | 84
Sheena | 56
Zelos | 72
Presea | 100
Regal | 84

In the HD version, several PCs gained a Mystic Arte attack unlockable in Overlimit. They all take 100 TP.

Genis has "Indignation Judgement" which is an Indignation about 1.95x the power of the regular one. Also half the casting time! Pretty sure he's always had this though.

Raine gets Sacred Light, a Light magic attack special. I can test how much more powerful this is than Holy Lance at some point.

Zelos gets Holy Binds (HP must be below 16% in addition to Overlimit!), a physical special. I don't have info on how powerful this is.
He also gets the spell "Divine Judgement" in Overlimit mode. I'm not sure how powerful this is as of right now either.

Presea gets Infernal Ruin and Crimson Devastation (Crimson Devastation requires HP < 16%). I am unsure how powerful these are but they should be 'gratuitous'.

Regal gains Fanged Finality. This comes at the end of a standard Arte string (Ground/Anti-Air/Air)


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Re: Tales of Symphonia (now in HD!)
« Reply #8 on: September 07, 2014, 12:26:00 AM »
Otherwise there are some minor notes such as elemental resistances needing to be +5 for nullification instead of +4, and the species weakness weapons being +12.5% damage instead of +100%!

This is where we all shake our fists at OK.

All those numbers in the original topic were based on references from Niu's Ultimania and whatever Split Infinity mentioned.  Those numbers weren't directly tested, since the characters I had in my game were far beyond what most would consider normal for testing.  Earlier topic where I didn't test since I trusted the documentation (which I stopped doing later, as I found a lot more errors in other games) a bit more than I should have, so those numbers are calculated only.
[11:53] <+Meeple_Gorath> me reading, that's a good one

[19:26] * +Terra_Condor looks up. Star Wars Football, what?
[19:27] <+Terra_Condor> Han Kicks First?
[19:27] <%Grefter-game> Vader intercepts.
[19:27] <%Grefter-game> Touchdown and Alderaan explodes in the victory