I dunno, I don't see what's so annoying about this:
Ah, Mimes... probably one of the most useless classes in Final
Fantasy Tactics because of the complexity involved in coordinating
their mimicry. However, this one job, seldom actually used in the
game, presents a host of new gameflow possibilities due to its
continual copying of whatever action just happened. Well, sort of.
Whenever a fast action or slow action resolves, a mime-cycle ensues.
During the mime-cycle, each mime in battle will have a chance to
mimic the last action that was taken (call this the last_action).
ONE last_action is stored in the game's memory, along with who
performed that last_action. Reaction abilities are NOT written into
the last_action. If the Mime in question is not on the same team
as the person who performed the last_action, the last_action is NOT
mimicked (this prevents mimicking enemy actions). Note that
mimicked actions do NOT count as fast actions; they, like reaction
abilities, are 'faster than fast'.
Upon mimicking an action, the mime's target(s) get a chance to
react to the mimicry in order determined by the character list;
then the next mime in the character_list mimics. This goes on
until no more eligible mimes remain.
Of all FFT's 400-or-so spells and effects, there is one that
presents more gameflow nightmares than any other -- this is the
Time Mage spell, Quick, and its related reaction ability,
Critical Quick.
When a target is given the 'Quick' status, his CT is set to 100
(or sometimes 154 for mimed Quick -- probably a glitch) and he
receives a 'quick-flag'. This quick-flag indicates that the
character is in line to receive a quick-turn. A quick-turn is
distinguished from a normal turn in that it can occur during
ANY phase of battle, not just the CR.
What creates the difficulty are our friends, the Mimes, which
can mimic the Quick spell and hand out quick-flags during the
mime-cycle! And to boot, Quick can be Counter Magicked (WHY,
Squaresoft?!), which means a mimed Quick can be thrown back
at the mime in the middle of the mime-cycle, creating a really
nasty gameflow mess.
But yeah, given that at least some people mind spoilers significantly, I don't see anything wrong with an -option- to have a decent spoiler guard existing.