Author Topic: Shin Megami Tensei: Persona 3  (Read 10990 times)


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Shin Megami Tensei: Persona 3
« on: January 07, 2008, 02:25:59 PM »
If you didn't see this coming, you really don't know me.  I'm not writing you a Christmas Card this year either.

Persona 3 uses a turn-based modified press-turn system.  What does this mean?  Battles are entered onscreen by striking enemies or being struck by them.  Once struck, you'll enter a turn-based battle system where either you (if you struck an unaware enemy) or the enemies (if they struck you first) or neither (if you struck them and they were aware of you) will get a free set of actions before the turn-based combat begins (moving in the order from top to bottom on the party list).  In normal turn-based combat (barring the few scripted exceptions), Minato Arisato (the protagonist) always strikes first.  After that, characters act in what appears to be a completely random order, so no speed hype here.

Where it gets interesting is if a character criticals or strikes a weakness.  Doing either grants a press turn, much like in DDS or SMTN.  The press turn, however, is a bit different.  Called a "1 More!", this gives the character that criticalled or struck a weakness an extra turn.  The enemy criticalled or hit with a weakness is then inflicted with the "Knocked Down" status.  A character in this state that is again struck by their weakness or a critical does not yield another "1 More!", and will immediately get back up (they will get up if struck by any non-damaging attack, so status does not cause them to get back up, nor do stat-breaks).  If not struck, however, the downed target cannot act their next turn (whether it comes at the end of the round or the next round or whenever), instead using it to get back up.  If they are struck with their weakness or a critical again, they are again knocked down and must spend their next turn getting up (or, as mentioned earlier, if they're hit with anything while in the downed state, they will get back up automatically and won't have to forfeit their next turn).  Chains of knocking opponents down indefinitely are easily possible, preventing them from ever getting an action. 

Minato is the only character that can equip multiple personas.  He can have up to a max of 12 at a time, and has access to every single persona in the game.  However, to get the ultimate personas of a social link, there's a large, overarching quest that is generally a really annoying thing to do if you want them all in the first playthrough (but easily possible).  Several of the social links (DEATH, FOOL, JUDGMENT) auto-max, so there should be no issue there.  I'm going to list every potentially useful persona, but for purposes of the stat averages and the like, I'll be defaulting him to Thanatos, the ultimate DEATH persona.  This is for a few reasons.  One, it's heavily implied plot-wise to be his ultimate.  Two, it's fairly close to the endgame levels I chose of 78 (Thanatos starts at level 64 and learns his last skill at level 71), when most of the other party members learn their last skills.  Third, using Thanatos keeps all the characters generally in line and on equal footing.  Obviously, Thanatos isn't the best (Alice, the penultimate DEATH, is pretty much better in all ways DL-wise, as are many of the other arcana...but what would you expect from one of the few arcanas that are basically handed to you at max?), but it works well enough.  As a not, all of Minato's personas are taken at the level they learn their last skills (ex., Messiah requires level 90 to make, but learns its last skill at 95, so he's taken at level 95).

Levels, as stated, are taken at level 78.  Most characters learn their last spells around that point, so it's a decent estimation.  There's a major difference between stats in Persona 3: HP and SP are based on the character; STR, MAG, END, AGI, LUK are based on the persona; ATK and DEF are based on equipment.  As such, stats with Minato will be highly variable based on the persona (as gaining levels makes the persona gain 3 stat points that don't carry over between persona when switched), while stats for the other characters are highly variable based on levels.  For Minato, the stats of each persona are listed after they've gained enough levels to learn their last skill (generally 5-8 levels). 

As for equipment...this was interesting.  All of Koromaru and Aigis's equipment is entirely unique, so no issues there.  The Armour of Light is unique to Minato.  The next best human stuff is found in Monad Depths, but it's kind of entirely random, and none of it is unique.  The best storebought stuff is level 70, and that's where the Papal Robes and Hanzo's Shoes come from.  Weapons...again, Aigis and Koromaru have completely unique ones.  All other weapons are shared by Minato and one other character (Bows for Yukari, Two-handed swords for Junpei, One-handed swords for Mitsuru, Fists for Akihiko, Spears for Ken, and Bludgeons for Shinjiro).  However, Shinjiro is a temp, so one could argue that Minato has an entirely unique weapon category, enabling all the other characters to use ultimate weapons of their class while Minato uses the ultimate axe.  The only issue with this is that all the physicals become the same (barring Weapon Mastery skills).  In addition, all ultimate are found in Monad Depths, in random chests just like the armour.  Aigis and Koromaru and Minato complicate this a bit, as their ultimate armours are found from persona fertilization (of Messiah, specifically, who needs to be level 96 to drop these items - this isn't hard, though, as max JUDGMENT arcana gets him to level 95 automatically).  So, to keep everything in-line and save some headaches, I did this with level 70 storebought equipment.  Minato is defaulting to a one-handed sword, due to one of Thanatos's default skills.  Ultimate unique equipment for Aigis, Minato and Koromaru looks like this:

Armour of Light: 170 DEF (Minato) 
Aigis Armor v.0: 164 DEF (Aigis)
Aigis Legs v.0: 140 EVA (Aigis)
Aura Dog Suit: 160 DEF (Koromaru)
All ultimate weapons: 400 ATK, 99 HIT

An interesting note is that nearly all weapons and armour have a random extra effect.  This ranges from additional core stats (STR, MAG, etc.) to status effects (poison, charm, etc.).  Only a few weapons and armour have a set bonus effect that always appears on it.  95% of these are DL-illegal.  The ones that are DL-legal are not worth it.  This saves me time >_>

In addition, Minato is the only one that can use items, for the most part.  All characters can use Medicine and Medical Powder (50 and 100 HP healing, respectively), but that's the extent of their item usage.  Minato is the only person that can use every other item in the game.  Despite this, there isn't too much that's super useful, mostly because he has all those personas to use <_<  Potentially useful items will be listed in his stat section, underneath his fusions.

One neat thing with this is that the characters can nullify their weaknesses (except Koromaru and Ken) with these added effects on armour.  There are properties for resistance to ice, lightning, fire and wind (low, medium and high levels, which correspond to 10%, 20% and 30%, respectively).  These resistances override weaknesses, so that, if Akihiko had a 10% resistance to ice armour on, he would be 10% resistant to ice (not 40% weak or any other combination of calculations).  These are very easy to acquire, so I can easily see allowing the characters to get the resistances and block their weaknesses. 

In terms of AI, I don't see any reason to penalize the non-Minato cast.  The AI in-game is excellent, and learns from its mistakes pretty well.  It won't use ice spells on an enemy that absorbs it, for instance.  The AI will generally always use its strongest attack when it can, and heal when necessary, or use support skills.  You can even modify the AI settings indivudally for extra effect.  So I really don't see a reason to penalize the characters, as AI is rarely a problem in-game.

Might be helpful to explain what the stats mean:

HP: Stands for Hit Points.  These indicate the life force that makes up the character's existence.  When these equal 0, the character is dead.
SP: Spirit points, necessary for casting spells.  Unlike in the previous Persona games, each spell has a different cost, instead of being related to the persona equipped.
STR: Strength, which affects persona physical attack strength.
MAG: Magic, which affects persona magical attack strength,
END: Endurance, which affects defense against all attacks.
AGI: Agility, which affects speed, hit rate and evasion.
LUC: Luck, which affects status accuracy on both ends, as well as critical hit rates, accuracy, and evasion.
ATK: Weapon attack, which affects basic physical damage.
HIT: Weapon accuracy, which affects basic physical accuracy.
DEF: Armour defense, which affects defense against physical attacks.
EVA: Armour evasion, which affects evasion against all attacks.

Physical defense is a combination of armour DEF (subractive) and END (divisive).  Magical defense is entirely END (divisive).  Evasion (both magical and physical) is based on armour EVA, AGI, and LUC.  In addition, level affects everything.

Next up...attributes!

Fire, Ice, Electric and Wind are fairly easy to discern elements.  Nothing wrong with them.
Strike, Pierce and Slash are physical elements, and relate to fists/bludgeons, spears/guns/bows and swords/axes respectively.
Light and Dark are fairly easy to discern, but do take note that these elements are entirely instant death.  However you take that is up to you - you could argue that Koromaru is immune to instant death, or not, because of his Void: Dark and Weak: Light affinities. 
Almighty is speshul.  This 'element' is an attack property that pierces all resistances.  It cannot be blocked (save for special circumstances), and almighty attacks, while they can hit physical or magical defense, are not magical or physical by any means (Makarakarn and Tetrakarn don't work on them).

For affinities:

Weak: 50% increase in damage (or hit rate, in the case of light and dark skills)
Strong: 50% reduction in damage (or hit rate, in the case of light and dark skills)
Void: Nulls the affinity in question
Repel: Reflects the affinity in question
Drain: Absorbs the affinity in question

For averages, I don't use attacks in the average that cause damage to the user, which is why Junpei and Aigis don't have their theoretical best attacks listed.  Any skill listed with a (P) is a passive skill that is always active while that persona is in use.  Generally, if an attack uses HP, it's physical and if it uses SP, it's magical.

Statuses generally last from 3-5 turns, except poison (which lasts forever) and shock/freeze (which last until the afflicted's next action).

Poison: 20% MHP damage taken at the end of the afflicted's turn; any action - waiting, attacking, healing, etc. - will cause damage
Panic: Prevents afflicted from using special abilities (physical and magical) and increases their susceptibility to critical hits by 50%
Distress: Defense drops 50%, evasion drops to 0, increases susceptibility to critical hits by 50%
Fear: Character's accuracy decreases by 50% while their susceptibility to critical hits increases by 50%, as well as a 25% chance that the character will not act on their turn or try to run away
Charm: Afflicted will always take an action to assist an opponent, healing them or attacking allies
Rage: Afflicted character will only use basic physical attacks, but will use them at double power and double-act them; damage taken while under this status is 3x normal
Shock: Increases susceptibility to critical hits by 50%, evasion drops to 0
Freeze: Increases susceptibility to critical hits by 50%, evasion drops to 0

Personas, Items, and Fusions for Minato

STR: 67
MAG: 67
END: 61
AGI: 64
LUC: 66
Repel: Light
Weak: Dark

Megidolaon (85 SP): 299 almighty damage, MT
Regenerate 3 (P): Regenerates 15% MHP every action
Salvation (60 SP): Full healing and status restoration, MT
Invigorate 3 (P): Regenerates 7 SP every action
Absorb Pierce (P): Absorbs pierce-based attacks; overrides weakness

STR: 53
MAG: 66
END: 61
AGI: 49
LUC: 60
Repel: Fire, Dark
Weak: Wind

Megidola (65 SP): 182 almighty damage, MT
Maragidyne (24 SP): 161 fire damage, MT
Regenerate 3 (P): Regenerates 15% MHP every action
Invigorate 3 (P): Regenerates 7 SP every action
Repel Light (P): Reflects light-based attacks; overrides weakness
Black Viper (60 SP): 402 almighty damage

STAR Lucifer
STR: 66
MAG: 69
END: 65
AGI: 60
LUC: 61
Void: Slash, Strike, Pierce, Dark
Weak: Ice

God's Hand (20% HP): 300 strike damage, 10% critical rate
Maragidyne (24 SP): 172 fire damage, MT
Morning Star (80 SP): 387 almighty damage, MT
Salvation (60 SP): Full healing and status restoration, MT
Absorb Slash (P): Absorbs slash-based attacks; overrides weakness
Victory Cry (P): Fully restores HP and SP after every battle

STR: 35
MAG: 55
END: 27
AGI: 45
LUC: 45
Repel: Dark
Weak: Light

Evil Touch (5 SP): 40% fear
Spirit Drain (5 SP): Drains a set 20 SP from a target
Die for Me! (35 SP): 80% (120%) darkness-based instant death, MT
Marakunda (12 SP): Lowers defense and magic defense by ~33% for 3 turns, MT
Repel Dark (P): Repels dark-based attacks; overrides weakness
Mudo Boost (P): Raises hit rate of mudo skills by 50%

FOOL Susano-O
STR: 62
MAG: 55
END: 57
AGI: 53
LUC: 57
Strong: Electricity, Wind
Weak: Light

God's Hand (20% HP): 289 strike damage, 10% critical rate
Tetrakarn (55 SP): Reflects next the next physical attack back at the attacker, MT
Fast Retreat (P): Raises escape rate 50%
Vorpal Blade (30% HP): 227 slash damage, 5% critical rate, MT
Regenerate 3 (P): Regenerates 15% MHP every action
Enduring Soul (P): Revive to full HP upon death once per battle

STR: 51
MAG: 54
END: 47
AGI: 50
LUC: 48
Drain: Ice
Weak: Fire

Mabufudyne (32 SP): 243 ice damage, MT
Tetrakarn (55 SP): Reflects next the next physical attack back at the attacker, MT
Ice Amp (P): Raises ice damage dealt by 50%
Akasha Arts (26% HP): 180 strike damage, hits 1-2 times, 5% critical rate
Absorb Fire (P): Absorbs fire-based attacks; overrides weakness
Niflheim (30 SP): 376 ice damage

STR: 67
MAG: 66
END: 55
AGI: 64
LUC: 56
Strong: Slash, Strike, Pierce
Weak: Dark

Regenerate 3 (P): Regenerates 15% MHP every action
Makarakarn (55 SP): Reflects next the next magical attack back at the attacker, MT
Mabufudyne (32 SP): 162 ice damage, MT
Repel Slash (P): Reflects slash-based attacks; overrides weakness
Repel Strike (P): Reflects slash-based attacks; overrides weakness
Repel Pierce (P): Reflects slash-based attacks; overrides weakness

STR: 42
MAG: 60
END: 35
AGI: 49
LUC: 48
Drain: Wind
Weak: Electricity

Magarudyne (24 SP): 283 wind damage, MT
Wind Amp (P): Raises wind damage dealt by 50%
Panta Rhei (30 SP): 413 wind damage
Invigorate 3 (P): Regenerates 7 SP every action
Regenerate 3 (P): Regenerates 15% MHP every action
Absorb Elec (P): Absorbs electric-based attacks; overrides weakness

DEVIL Beelzebub
STR: 56
MAG: 68
END: 59
AGI: 59
LUC: 56
Repel: Dark
Void: Strike, Electricity, Wind
Weak: Fire, Light

Magarudyne (24 SP): 169 wind damage, MT
Makarakarn (55 SP): Reflects next the next magical attack back at the attacker, MT
Primal Force (30% HP): 253 strike damage, 10% critical rate
Maziodyne (32 SP): 169 lightning damage, MT
High Counter (P): 50% chance to reflect any physical attack back at the user; Minato suffers no damage, and the damage returned is dealt against the attacker's defense
Victory Cry (P): Fully restores HP and SP after every battle

SUN Asura
STR: 58
MAG: 71
END: 61
AGI: 65
LUC: 61
Repel: Light
Drain: Fire
Weak: Dark

Agidyne (12 SP): 187 fire damage
Akasha Arts (26% HP): 201 strike damage, hits 1-2 times, 5% critical rate
Unshaken Will (P): Grants immunity to all status effects
Tetrakarn (55 SP): Reflects next the next physical attack back at the attacker, MT
Megidolaon (85 SP): 336 almighty damage, MT
Spell Master (P): Reduces SP costs by 50%

STR: 40
MAG: 55
END: 38
AGI: 29
LUC: 37
Drain: Fire
Weak: Ice

Agidyne (12 SP): 318 fire damage
Deathbound (26% HP): 158 slash damage, 20% critical rate, MT
Fire Boost (P): Raises fire damage dealt by 25%
Maragidyne (24 SP): 318 fire damage, MT
Ragnarok (30 SP): 462 fire damage
Fire Amp (P): Raises fire damage dealt by 50%

STR: 45
MAG: 58
END: 36
AGI: 41
LUC: 43
Drain: Electricity
Weak: Wind

Ziodyne (8 SP): 275 electric damage
Vile Assault (16% HP): 160 pierce damage, 3% critical rate
Maziodyne (16 SP): 275 electric damage, MT
Elec Amp (P): Raises electric damage dealt by 50%
Thunder Reign (16 SP): 394 electric damage
Spell Master (P): Reduces SP costs by 50%

STR: 51
MAG: 47
END: 35
AGI: 34
LUC: 39
Void: Strike, Electricity
Weak: Wind

Ziodyne (16 SP): 238 electric damage
Gigantic Fist (16% HP): 149 strike damage, 15% critical rate
High Counter (P): 50% chance to reflect any physical attack back at the user; Minato suffers no damage, and the damage returned is dealt against the attacker's defense
Auto-Matarukaja (P): Automatically starts the battle with Matarukaja cast
Elec Amp (P): Raises electric damage dealt by 50%
Heavy Master (P): Damage dealt with heavy weapons is doubled

STR: 37
MAG: 48
END: 37
AGI: 35
LUC: 40
Void: Light
Strong: Strike
Weak: Dark

Hamaon (12 SP): 50% (75%) light-based instant death
Diarahan (20 SP): Full healing
Growth 3 (P): Persona receives full experience from battle, even when not equipped
Samsara (35 SP): 80% (120%) light-based instant death, MT
Null Dark (P): Voids dark-aligned skills; overrides weakness
Hama Boost (P): Raises hit rate of hama skills by 50%

Fusions require 2 specific personas, one of which must be equipped on Minato, the other can just be in his inventory.  They use up a certain % of his MSP when cast.  What follows are all of them.  Fear the broken.

Ardhanari (Requires Shiva and Parvati): 500 fire damage, MT (30% MSP)
Armageddon (Requires Luficer and Satan): 9999 set almighty damage, MT (100% MSP)
Best Friends (Requires Forneus and Decarabia): Casts Tarukaja, Rakukaja and Sukukaja on a target (15% MSP)
Cadenza (Requires Orpheus and Asparas): Heals 50% MHP and casts Masukukaja, MT (20% MSP)
Dreamfest (Requires Incubus and Succubus): 80% charm, affects all allies and enemies (10% MSP)
Frolic (Requires Narcisuss and Pixie): Full healing + 25% charm, MT (10% MSP)
Infinity (Requires Vishnu and Ananta): Voids all attributes, including almighty, for 1 turn, MT (30% MSP)
Jack Brothers (Requires Jack Frost and Pyro Jack): 50% down status, MT (15% MSP)
Justice (Requires Angel and Archangel): 50% CHP damage, MT (30% MSP)
The King and I (Requires King Frost and Black Frost): 110 ice damage + 80% freeze, MT (15% MSP)
Last Judge (Requires Metatron and Mithra): 357 almighty damage, MT (30% MSP)
Raktapaksha (Requires Garuda and Gurr): Dispels stat-boosts + 80% down, MT (15% MSP)
Scarlet Havoc (Requires Siegfriend and Ares): 198 slash damage, MT (15% MSP)
Shadow Hound (Requires Scathach and Cu Chulainn): 167 strike damage, MT (20% MSP)
Summer Dream (Requires Titania and Oberon): Randomly either knocks all enemies down, fully restores all enemies, knocks all allies down, fully restores all allies, all of the above, Minato suffers a random status effect, or nothing (15% MSP)
Thunder Call (Requires Thor and Take-Mikazuchi): 186 electric damage + 80% shock, MT (15% MSP)
Trickster (Requires Susano-O and Loki): Inflicts a random status effect on all enemies + 25% chance of inflicting it on all allies, MT (15% MSP)
Valhalla (Requires Odin and Valkyrie): Voids all attributes, including almighty, for 1 turn + reduces recipient's HP and SP to 1 (40% MSP)

Bead: Full healing
Precious Egg: Full SP healing
Homonculus (P): Voids 1 Light or Dark spell used on Minato, and is then destroyed
Dekaja Gem: Casts Dekaja
Dekunda Gem: Casts Dekunda
Attack Mirror: Casts Tetrakarn
Magic Mirror: Casts Makarakarn
« Last Edit: June 20, 2009, 02:47:21 PM by OblivionKnight »
[11:53] <+Meeple_Gorath> me reading, that's a good one

[19:26] * +Terra_Condor looks up. Star Wars Football, what?
[19:27] <+Terra_Condor> Han Kicks First?
[19:27] <%Grefter-game> Vader intercepts.
[19:27] <%Grefter-game> Touchdown and Alderaan explodes in the victory


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Re: Shin Megami Tensei: Persona 3
« Reply #1 on: January 07, 2008, 02:26:35 PM »

Minato Arisato
HP: 468
SP: 327
STR: 56
MAG: 56
END: 47
AGI: 42
LUC: 42

Gimlet: 335 ATK, 92 HIT
Papal Robe: 128 DEF
Hanzo's Sandals: 98 EVA
Portable Player: Automatically plays "Burn My Bread" at the start of every battle; cannot be cancelled - all targets must listen to it

DEATH Thanatos
Repel: Dark
Weak: Light

Slash Attack: 193 slash damage
Evil Smile (10 SP): 35% fear, MT
Tempest Slash (18% MHP): 171 slash damage, hits 1-2 times, 15% critical rate
Megidola (65 SP): 164 almighty damage, MT
Ghastly Wail (15 SP): 100% unavoidable and unblockable instant death to any target afflicted with the fear status, MT
Virus Breath (40 SP): Reduces current target HP by 25% + 50% poison, MT
One-Handed Sword Master (P): Raises one-handed sword damage dealt by 50%

Yukari Takeba
"Leave it to me!"
HP: 398
SP: 377
STR: 40
MAG: 71
END: 44
AGI: 44
LUC: 42

Yoichi's Bow: 318 ATK, 88 HIT
Papal Robe: 128 DEF
Hanzo's Sandals: 98 EVA
Heart Choker: Prevents the Grim Reaper from falling in love with Yukari

Void: Wind
Weak: Electricity

Pierce Attack: 129 pierce damage
Charmdi (5 SP): Heals charm status
Me Patra (6 SP): Heals panic, distress and fear status, MT
Diarahan (20 SP): Full healing
Garudyne (12 SP): 187 wind damage
Wind Break (40 SP): Negates enemy resistance/immunity/absorption/reflection of the wind element for 3 turns; they are considered neutral to wind after this is cast
Magarudyne (24 SP): 187 wind damage, MT
Samarecarm (40 SP): Full revival
Mediarahan (40 SP): Full healing, MT

Junpei Iori
"Get back here you son of a...!"
HP: 515
SP: 280
STR: 64
MAG: 35
END: 54
AGI: 45
LUC: 43

Galahad's Sword: 351 ATK, 90 HIT
Papal Robe: 128 DEF
Hanzo's Sandals: 98 EVA
Silver Necklace: Grants immunity to werewolves

MAGICIAN Trismegistus
Void: Fire
Weak: Wind

Slash Attack: 174 slash damage
Spring of Life (P): Regenerates 8% MHP every action
Assault Dive (12% HP): 90 strike damage, 15% critical rate
Marakukaja (12 SP): Raises defense and magic defense by 25% for 3 turns, MT
High Counter (P): 30% chance to reflect any physical attack back at the user; Junpei suffers no damage, and the damage returned is dealt against the attacker's defense
Agidyne (12 SP): 134 fire damage
Gigantic Fist (16% HP): 169 strike damage, 20% critical rate
Deathbound (26% HP): 196 slash damage, 30% critical rate, MT
Vorpal Blade (30% HP): 245 slash damage, 10% critical rate, MT

Akihiko Sanada
"I've been waiting for this!"
HP: 492
SP: 295
STR: 56
MAG: 55
END: 44
AGI: 49
LUC: 37

Wings of Vanth: 304 ATK, 97 HIT
Papal Robe: 128 DEF
Hanzo's Sandals: 98 EVA
Leather Gloves: Allows touching of freshly baked cookies on a recently removed tray from the oven

Void: Electricity
Weak: Ice

Strike Attack: 186 strike damage
Matarunda (12 SP): Lowers attack and magic attack by 25% for 3 turns, MT
Fist Master (P): Raises fist damage dealt by 50%
Ziodyne (16 SP): 249 electric damage
Marakunda (12 SP): Lowers defense and magic defense by 25% for 3 turns, MT
Diarahan (20 SP): Full healing
Masukunda (12 SP): Lowers hit and evasion by 25% for 3 turns, MT
Maziodyne (32 SP): 249 electric damage, MT
Elec Amp (P): Raises electric damage dealt by 50%

Mitsuru Kirijo
"You'll fall by my hand!"
HP: 492
SP: 311
STR: 44
MAG: 67
END: 41
AGI: 48
LUC: 41

Gimlet: 335 ATK, 92 HIT
Papal Robe: 128 DEF
Hanzo's Sandals: 98 EVA
Fancy Nails: By arcing the light just right, allows the wearer to blind any non-colour-blind target

EMPRESS Artemisia
Void: Ice
Weak: Fire

Slash Attack: 136 slash damage
Spirit Drain (5 SP): Drains a set 20 SP from a target
Tentarafoo (10 SP): 40% panic, MT
Mind Charge (15 SP): Raises damage of next magical attack used by 2.5x
Bufudyne (16 SP): 273 ice damage
Diarahan (20 SP): Full healing
Ice Break (40 SP): Negates enemy resistance/immunity/absorption/reflection of the ice element for 3 turns; they are considered neutral to ice after this is cast
Mabufudyne (32 SP): 273 ice damage, MT
Ice Amp (P): Raises ice damage dealt by 50%

Fuuka Yamagishi
"Give me a sec; I'll scan the target"
HP: 134
SP: 163
STR: 5
MAG: 10
END: 6
AGI: 5
LUC: 4

Bare Hand: 1 ATK, 1 HIT
Turtleneck: 6 DEF
Black Loafers: 6 EVA
Bead Necklace: Allows wearer to escape the Minotaur's Labyrinth


Strike Attack: 1 strike damage
Full Analysis (0 SP): Detects enemy stats, attributes and skills
Support Scan (P): Displays whether a target has any support skills (positive or negative) in effect
Third Eye (P): Gives warnings whether an attack will be ineffective or not when it strikes a target
Healing Wave (P): Whenever the party ascends a floor in Tartarus, the party recovers 15% MHP
Oracle (0 SP): Randomly either fully restores party SP, HP, status, all of the above, or their HP and SP reduced to 1; Can only be used once per day
Escape Route (0 SP): Escapes Tartarus from any location

"A machine is created for a purpose; mine is to destroy you"
HP: 539
SP: 278
STR: 47
MAG: 45
END: 60
AGI: 45
LUC: 40

Pandemonium: 331 ATK, 92 HIT
Aigis Armor v.8: 132 DEF
Aigis Legs v.8: 100 EVA
Red Ribbon: Allows summoning of the Red Ribbon Army to battle; requires 25 episodes of charging to utilize

Void: Pierce
Weak: Electricity

Orgia Mode (0 SP): For the next 3 turns, Aigis' damage is doubled; at the end of this time, Aigis will be unable to act for 3-5 turns.

Pierce Attack: 145 pierce damage
Dekunda (15 SP): Dispels stat-dropping effects, MT
Masukukaja (12 SP): Raises hit and evasion by 25% for 3 turns, MT
Marakukaja (12 SP): Raises defense and magic defense by 25% for 3 turns, MT
Matarukaja (12 SP): Raises attack and magic attack by 25% for 3 turns, MT
Diarahan (20 SP): Full healing
Samarecarm (40 SP): Full revival
Akasha Arts (26% HP): 171 strike damage, hits 1-2 times, 10% critical rate
God's Hand (20% HP): 217 strike damage, 15% critical rate

"Woof woof!"
HP: 562
SP: 262
STR: 46
MAG: 45
END: 46
AGI: 64
LUC: 40

Athame: 304 ATK, 95 HIT
Dark Dog Suit: 122 DEF
Bare Paws: 125 EVA
Koromaru Wings: Allows Koromaru to morph into an ultimate being of destruction, immune to all attacks including almighty, and allows the casting of Armageddon with no SP cost; requires one Red Bull

Void: Fire, Dark
Weak: Light

Slash Attack: 134 slash damage
Agidyne (12 SP): 234 fire damage
Evil Smile (10 SP): 30% fear, MT
High Counter (P): 30% chance to reflect any physical attack back at the user; Koromaru suffers no damage, and the damage returned is dealt against the attacker's defense
Mudoon (12 SP): 35% darkness-based instant death
Fire Break (40 SP): Negates enemy resistance/immunity/absorption/reflection of the fire element for 3 turns; they are considered neutral to fire after this is cast
Maragidyne (24 SP): 234 fire damage, MT
Mamudoon (24 SP): 30% darkness-based instant death, MT
Fire Amp (P): Raises fire damage dealt by 50%

Ken Amada
"This is what my power was meant to be used for!"
HP: 445
SP: 360
STR: 43
MAG: 52
END: 47
AGI: 56
LUC: 43

Yanyue Dao: 319 ATK, 95 HIT
Papal Robe: 128 DEF
Hanzo's Sandals: 98 EVA
Wristband: Prevents bullies from picking on the wearer in school

Void: Light
Weak: Dark

Pierce Attack: 178 pierce damage
Hamaon (12 SP): 50% light-based instant death
Hama Boost (P): Raises hit rate of hama skills by 50%
Ziodyne (16 SP): 164 electric damage
Vile Assault (16% HP): 142 pierce damage, 10% critical rate
Diarahan (20 SP): Full healing
Spear Master (P): Damage dealt with spears is doubled
Samarecarm (40 SP): Full revival
Mediarahan (40 SP): Full healing, MT

Shinjiro is a temporary character.  I don't have the stats for his temp appearance, or scaled to end yet.  Nonetheless, he has endgame skills (level 77), and can easily make it up to those levels 2nd time through.  I'll post both stats for both appearances later.  Right now, thanks to Captain K., I have level 78 stats. 

Shinjiro Aragaki
"Adios, assholes"
HP: 492
SP: 344
STR: 65
MAG: 39
END: 56
AGI: 45
LUC: 36

Celtis: 368 ATK, 88 HIT
Papal Robe: 128 DEF
Hanzo's Sandals: 98 EVA
Beanie: Prevents aliens from reading your thoughts


Strike Attack: 195 strike damage
Evil Smile (10 SP): 20% fear, MT
Fatal End (18%): 170 slash damage, 10% critical rate
Power Charge (15 SP): Raises damage of next physical attack used by 2.5x
High Counter (P): 50% chance to reflect any physical attack back at the user; Shinjiro suffers no damage, and the damage returned is dealt against the attacker's defense
Deathbound (26% HP): 216 slash damage, 20% critical rate, MT
Regenerate 2 (P): Regenerates 10% MHP every action
Akasha Arts (26% HP): 205 strike damage, hits 1-2 times, 5% critical rate
God's Hand (20% HP): 288 strike damage, 10% critical rate


HP: 489
1) Koromaru - 562
2) Aigis - 539
3) Junpei - 515
[Shinjiro - 492]
4) Mitsuru - 492
5) Akihiko -  492
6) Minato - 468
7) Ken - 445
8) Yukari - 398
[Fuuka - 134]

DEF: 128
1) Aigis - 132
[Shinjiro - 128]
2) Minato - 128
3) Mitsuru - 128
4) Akihiko - 128
5) Junpei - 128
6) Yukari - 128
7) Ken - 128
8) Koromaru - 122
[Fuuka - 6]

END: 48
1) Aigis - 60
[Shinjiro - 56]
2) Junpei - 54
3) Minato - 47
4) Ken - 47
5) Koromaru - 46
[Shinjiro - 45]
6) Akihiko -  44
7) Yukari - 44
8) Mitsuru - 41
[Fuuka - 6]

AGI: 49
1) Koromaru - 64
2) Ken - 56
3) Akihiko - 49
4) Mitsuru - 48
[Shinjiro - 45]
5) Aigis - 45
6) Junpei - 45
7) Yukari - 44
8) Minato - 42
[Fuuka - 5]

LUC: 41
1) Ken - 43
2) Junpei - 43
3) Yukari - 42
4) Minato - 42
5) Mitsuru - 41
6) Koromaru - 40
7) Aigis - 40
8) Akihiko - 37
[Shinjiro - 36]
[Fuuka - 4]

Damage: 204
1) Mitsuru - 273 (Bufudyne)
2) Akihiko - 249 (Ziodyne)
3) Koromaru - 234 (Agidyne)
[Shinjiro - 195 (Strike Attack)]
4) Minato - 193 (Slash Attack)
7) Yukari - 187 (Garudyne)
5) Ken - 178 (Pierce Attack)
6) Junpei - 174 (Slash Attack)
8) Aigis - 145 (Pierce Attack)
[Fuuka - 1 (Strike Attack)]
« Last Edit: June 23, 2009, 06:08:45 PM by OblivionKnight »
[11:53] <+Meeple_Gorath> me reading, that's a good one

[19:26] * +Terra_Condor looks up. Star Wars Football, what?
[19:27] <+Terra_Condor> Han Kicks First?
[19:27] <%Grefter-game> Vader intercepts.
[19:27] <%Grefter-game> Touchdown and Alderaan explodes in the victory

Captain K.

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Re: Shin Megami Tensei: Persona 3
« Reply #2 on: January 09, 2008, 03:17:56 AM »
According to the instruction booklet, Freeze and Shock both drop evasion to zero, but only Shock adds to crit rate.

Captain K.

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Re: Shin Megami Tensei: Persona 3
« Reply #3 on: February 12, 2008, 08:40:33 PM »
You also forgot the Distress status.  Evade drops to zero, defense lowers, and it's easier for the enemy to get critical hits against you.

Here's Shinjiro's level 78 stats (I overshot 77).  I kept my file with him, so I can get level 99 stats if needed.

Persona: Castor (Heirophant).  No weaknesses or resists.

HP: 492
SP: 344
Str: 65
Mag: 39
End: 56
Luc: 36

Final skillset:  Evil Smile, Fatal End, Power Charge, High Counter, Deathbound, Regenerate 2 (is giving about 20 HP per action), Akasha Arts, God's Hand


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Re: Shin Megami Tensei: Persona 3
« Reply #4 on: February 29, 2008, 01:29:14 AM »
I haven't gotten a chance to do this yet, but thank you very much, Captain.  The Shinjiro stats and assorted other info have been a great help.  I'm going to work on integrating them.  Thanks a lot.
[11:53] <+Meeple_Gorath> me reading, that's a good one

[19:26] * +Terra_Condor looks up. Star Wars Football, what?
[19:27] <+Terra_Condor> Han Kicks First?
[19:27] <%Grefter-game> Vader intercepts.
[19:27] <%Grefter-game> Touchdown and Alderaan explodes in the victory


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Re: Shin Megami Tensei: Persona 3
« Reply #5 on: February 29, 2008, 07:56:03 PM »
November 3, 2009
Level: 53
HP: 386
AGI: 31
Damage: 180 (Physical/Magic)

One of the Two Apostles
"Shit, I think we underestimated them!"
HP: 1500
AGI: 31
Repel: Fire, Dark
Void: Light

Damage to boss: 140

Fire Attack: 80 fire damage
Maragion: 70 fire damage, MT
Mudo: 20% darknes-based instant death
Mudoon: 35% darkness-based instant death (available upon reaching 50% MHP)
Tarukaja: Raises attack and magic attack by 25% for 3 turns (available upon reaching 50% MHP)

Jesus...with a gun
"So...this is the power of those whose persona awakened naturally..."
HP: 1500
AGI: 31
Void: Light, Dark

Damage to boss: 130

Pierce Attack: 90 pierce damage
Agidyne: 100 fire damage
Ziodyne: 100 electric damage
Garudye: 100 wind damage
Bufudyne: 100 ice damage
Mind Charge: Raises damage of next magical attack used by 2.5x
Megido: 120 almighty damage, MT (available upon reaching 50% MHP)

November 22, 2009
Level: 58
HP: 428
AGI: 35
Damage: 220

Mary Magdalene...with smaller, non-metallic boobs
"I don't belong here!  I...I've always known that!"
HP: 1200
AGI: 35
Drain: Fire
Void: Light, Dark

Damage to boss: 220

Slash Attack: 100 slash damage
Spring of Life (P): Regenerates 8% MHP every action, including 1 More!!s
Marin Karin: 40% charm
Sexy Dance: 35% charm, MT
Poisma: 30% poison
Agilao: 60 fire damage
Marakunda: Lowers defense and magic defense by 25% for 3 turns (available upon reaching 50% MHP), MT
Mudoon: 40% darkness-based instant death (available upon reaching 50% MHP)
Tetrakarn: Reflects next the next physical attack back at the attacker, MT (available upon reaching 50% MHP)
Mind Charge: Raises damage of next magical attack used by 2.5x (available upon reaching 50% MHP)
Masukunda: Lowers hit and evasion by 25% for 3 turns (available upon reaching 50% MHP), MT
Agidyne: 120 fire damage (available upon reaching 50% MHP)
Matarunda: Lowers attack and magic attack by 25% for 3 turns (available upon reaching 50% MHP), MT
Maragidyne: 120 fire damage, MT (available upon reaching 25% MHP)
Mamudoon: 30% darkness-based instant death, MT (available upon reaching 25% MHP)

January 31, 2010
Level: 70
HP: 460
AGI: 45
Damage: 280

One of the Two Apostles
"We won't live much longer...and we want to see the end before we die"
HP: 5000
AGI: 45
Repel: Fire, Dark
Void: Light

Damage to boss: 200

Fire Attack: 120 fire damage
Stagnant Air: Doubles status inflication rates for everyone for 3 turns, field effect
Poison Mist: 40% poison, MT
Sexy Dance: 40% charm, MT
Infuriate: 40% rage, MT
Megido: 100 almighty damage, MT
Mahama: 25% light-based instant death, MT
Mamudo: 25% darkness-based instant death, MT
Torrent Shot: 30 pierce damage per hit, hits 2-3 times, 10% critical rate
Blade of Fury: 55 slash damage per hit, hits 1-3 times, 5% critical rate per hit, MT
Swift Strike: 45 strike damage per hit, hits 1-3 times, 5% critical rate per hit, MT
Maragion: 100 fire damage, MT
Mazionga: 100 electric damage, MT
Mabufula: 100 ice damage, MT
Magarula: 100 wind damage, MT
Fatal End: 130 slash damage, 15% critical rate (available upon reaching 50% MHP)
Gigantic Fist: 140 strike damage, 15% critical rate (available upon reaching 50% MHP)
Arrow Rain: 75 pierce damage per hit, hits 1-2 times, 5% critical rate, MT (available upon reaching 50% MHP)
Agidyne: 180 fire damage (available upon reaching 50% MHP)
Bufudyne: 180 ice damage (available upon reaching 50% MHP)
Ziodyne: 180 electric damage (available upon reaching 50% MHP)
Garudyne: 180 wind damage (available upon reaching 50% MHP)
Hamaon: 45% light-based instant death (available upon reaching 50% MHP)
Mudoon: 45% darkness-based instant death (available upon reaching 50% MHP)

*Jin has a very distinct pattern that I could see holding against him.  He will always use an attack, MT or ST, that one of the characters in the party is weak to.  If he gets a 1 More!!, Jin will then use his Fire Attack on the downed character.  He will generally use the MT version of the elemental attacks, though will be more likely to use the ST version against the party if only one character has a weakness.  If no one in the party is weak to anything, Jin will respond by spamming status and Megido.  He will follow this pattern for the entire battle.

Jesus...with a gun
"My life was stolen from me...And in its place, I was given a power I never asked for..."
HP: 7000
AGI: 45
Repel: Light
Void: Dark

Damage to boss: 170

Pierce Attack: 130 pierce damage
Agidyne: 250 fire damage
Ziodyne: 250 electric damage
Garudye: 250 wind damage
Bufudyne: 250 ice damage
Mind Charge: Raises damage of next magical attack used by 2.5x
Megidola: 270 almighty damage, MT (available upon reaching 50% MHP)
Mahamaon: 40% light-based instant death (available upon reaching 50% MHP), MT
Mamudoon: 40% dark-based instant death (available upon reaching 50% MHP), MT

Ryoji/Pharos/Nyx Avatar
Nyx Avatar: FOOL
Nega Filgaia MKIII
"The moment man devoured the fruit of knowledge, he sealed his fate...Entrusting his future to the cards, man clings to a dim hope.  Yes, the arcana is the means by which all is revealed.  Attaining one's dream requires a stern will and unfailing determination"
HP: 1500
AGI: 45
Void: Light, Dark
Special: Immune to down status, criticals and weaknesses inflicted on Nyx do not result in the inflictee receiving a 1 More!!

Damage to boss: 200

Acts Twice
Smiles Arrogantly: n00/3
Arcana Shift: Switches Nyx to the next Arcana form.  This occurs automatically during the round when she loses her HP for the current form.  Nyx still gets to act that round with whatever form she is in upon her turn.  

Nyx Avatar: MAGICIAN
Nega Filgaia MKIII
HP: 1500
AGI: 45
Drain: Fire
Void: Light, Dark
Special: Immune to down status, criticals and weaknesses inflicted on Nyx do not result in the inflictee receiving a 1 More!!

Damage to boss: 200

Acts Twice
Almighty Attack: 120 almighty damage, MT
Agidyne: 120 fire damage
Maragidyne: 120 fire damage, MT
Agilao: 61 fire damage
Maragion: 61 fire damage, MT
Agi: 36 fire damage
Maragi: 36 fire damage, MT
Fire Break: Negates enemy resistance/immunity/absorption/reflection of the fire element for 3 turns; they are considered neutral to fire after this is cast
Arcana Shift: Switches Nyx to the next Arcana form.  This occurs automatically during the round when she loses her HP for the current form.  Nyx still gets to act that round with whatever form she is in upon her turn.  

Nega Filgaia MKIII
HP: 1500
AGI: 45
Drain: Ice
Void: Light, Dark
Special: Immune to down status, criticals and weaknesses inflicted on Nyx do not result in the inflictee receiving a 1 More!!

Damage to boss: 200

Acts Twice
Almighty Attack: 120 almighty damage, MT
Bufudyne: 120 ice damage
Mabufudyne: 120 ice damage, MT
Bufula: 61 ice damage
Mabufula: 61 ice damage, MT
Bufu: 36 ice damage
Mabufu: 36 ice damage, MT
Ice Break: Negates enemy resistance/immunity/absorption/reflection of the ice element for 3 turns; they are considered neutral to ice after this is cast
Arcana Shift: Switches Nyx to the next Arcana form.  This occurs automatically during the round when she loses her HP for the current form.  Nyx still gets to act that round with whatever form she is in upon her turn.  

Nyx Avatar: EMPRESS
Nega Filgaia MKIII
HP: 1500
AGI: 45
Drain: Wind
Void: Light, Dark
Special: Immune to down status, criticals and weaknesses inflicted on Nyx do not result in the inflictee receiving a 1 More!!

Damage to boss: 200

Acts Twice
Almighty Attack: 120 almighty damage, MT
Garudyne: 120 wind damage
Magarudyne: 120 wind damage, MT
Garula: 61 wind damage
Magarula: 61 wind damage, MT
Garu: 36 wind damage
Magaru: 36 wind damage, MT
Wind Break: Negates enemy resistance/immunity/absorption/reflection of the wind element for 3 turns; they are considered neutral to wind after this is cast
Arcana Shift: Switches Nyx to the next Arcana form.  This occurs automatically during the round when she loses her HP for the current form.  Nyx still gets to act that round with whatever form she is in upon her turn.  

Nyx Avatar: EMPEROR
Nega Filgaia MKIII
HP: 1500
AGI: 45
Drain: Electric
Void: Light, Dark
Special: Immune to down status, criticals and weaknesses inflicted on Nyx do not result in the inflictee receiving a 1 More!!

Damage to boss: 200

Acts Twice
Almighty Attack: 120 almighty damage, MT
Ziodyne: 120 electric damage
Maziodyne: 120 electric damage, MT
Zionga: 61 electric damage
Mazionga: 61 electric damage, MT
Zio: 36 electric damage
Mazio: 36 electric damage, MT
Elec Break: Negates enemy resistance/immunity/absorption/reflection of the electric element for 3 turns; they are considered neutral to electric after this is cast
Arcana Shift: Switches Nyx to the next Arcana form.  This occurs automatically during the round when she loses her HP for the current form.  Nyx still gets to act that round with whatever form she is in upon her turn.  

Nega Filgaia MKIII
HP: 1500
AGI: 45
Void: Strike
Repel: Light, Dark
Special: Immune to down status, criticals and weaknesses inflicted on Nyx do not result in the inflictee receiving a 1 More!!

Damage to boss: 200

Acts Twice
Almighty Attack: 120 almighty damage, MT
Rebellion: Raises critical hit rates for everyone by 50%, field effect
Revolution: Raises critical hit rates for everyone by 100%, field effect
Cruel Attack: 94 pierce damage, 5% critical rate
Vile Assault: 126 pierce damage, 5% critical rate
Fatal End: 94 slash damage, 10% critical rate
Arcana Shift: Switches Nyx to the next Arcana form.  This occurs automatically during the round when she loses her HP for the current form.  Nyx still gets to act that round with whatever form she is in upon her turn.  

Nyx Avatar: LOVERS
Nega Filgaia MKIII
HP: 1500
AGI: 45
Void: Wind, Light, Dark
Special: Immune to down status, criticals and weaknesses inflicted on Nyx do not result in the inflictee receiving a 1 More!!

Damage to boss: 200

Acts Twice
Almighty Attack: 120 almighty damage, MT
Marin Karin: 40% charm
Pulinpa: 40% panic
Tentarafoo: 30% panic, MT
Holy Arrow: 42 pierce damage + 50% charm
Arcana Shift: Switches Nyx to the next Arcana form.  This occurs automatically during the round when she loses her HP for the current form.  Nyx still gets to act that round with whatever form she is in upon her turn.  

Nyx Avatar: CHARIOT
Nega Filgaia MKIII
HP: 1500
AGI: 45
Void: Strike, Slash, Pierce, Light, Dark
Weak: Fire, Ice, Electric, Wind
Special: Immune to down status, criticals and weaknesses inflicted on Nyx do not result in the inflictee receiving a 1 More!!

Damage to boss: 200

Acts Twice
Almighty Attack: 120 almighty damage, MT
Power Charge: Raises damage of next physical attack used by 2.5x
God's Hand: 166 strike damage, 10% critical rate
Heat Wave: 107 strike damage, 10% critical rate, MT
Arcana Shift: Switches Nyx to the next Arcana form.  This occurs automatically during the round when she loses her HP for the current form.  Nyx still gets to act that round with whatever form she is in upon her turn.  

Nyx Avatar: JUSTICE
Nega Filgaia MKIII
HP: 1500
AGI: 45
Void: Fire, Ice, Dark
Repel: Light
Special: Immune to down status, criticals and weaknesses inflicted on Nyx do not result in the inflictee receiving a 1 More!!

Damage to boss: 200

Acts Twice
Almighty Attack: 120 almighty damage, MT
Mahama: 20% light-based instant death, MT
Hamaon: 40% light-based instant death
Tarukaja: Raises attack and magic attack by 25% for 3 turns
Arcana Shift: Switches Nyx to the next Arcana form.  This occurs automatically during the round when she loses her HP for the current form.  Nyx still gets to act that round with whatever form she is in upon her turn.  

Nyx Avatar: HERMIT
Nega Filgaia MKIII
HP: 1500
AGI: 45
Void: Wind, Light, Dark
Special: Immune to down status, criticals and weaknesses inflicted on Nyx do not result in the inflictee receiving a 1 More!!

Damage to boss: 200

Acts Twice
Almighty Attack: 120 almighty damage, MT
Tetrakarn: Reflects next the next physical back at the attacker, MT
Makarakarn: Reflects next the next magical back at the attacker, MT
Foul Breath: Doubles status inflication rates on a target for 3 turns
Mudoon: 40% darkness-based instant death
Mamudo: 20% darkness-based instant death, MT
Poisma: 40% poison
Mamudoon: 30% darkness-based instant death, MT
Tentarafoo: 30% panic, MT
Arcana Shift: Switches Nyx to the next Arcana form.  This occurs automatically during the round when she loses her HP for the current form.  Nyx still gets to act that round with whatever form she is in upon her turn.  

Nyx Avatar: FORTUNE
Nega Filgaia MKIII
HP: 1500
AGI: 45
Void: Fire, Ice, Electric, Wind, Light, Dark
Special: Immune to down status, criticals and weaknesses inflicted on Nyx do not result in the inflictee receiving a 1 More!!

Damage to boss: 200

Acts Twice
Almighty Attack: 120 almighty damage, MT
Agidyne: 120 fire damage
Maragidyne: 120 fire damage, MT
Agilao: 61 fire damage
Maragion: 61 fire damage, MT
Agi: 36 fire damage
Maragi: 36 fire damage, MT
Bufudyne: 120 ice damage
Mabufudyne: 120 ice damage, MT
Bufula: 61 ice damage
Mabufula: 61 ice damage, MT
Bufu: 36 ice damage
Mabufu: 36 ice damage, MT
Garudyne: 120 wind damage
Magarudyne: 120 wind damage, MT
Garula: 61 wind damage
Magarula: 61 wind damage, MT
Garu: 36 wind damage
Magaru: 36 wind damage, MT
Ziodyne: 120 electric damage
Maziodyne: 120 electric damage, MT
Zionga: 61 electric damage
Mazionga: 61 electric damage, MT
Zio: 36 electric damage
Mazio: 36 electric damage, MT
Arcana Shift: Switches Nyx to the next Arcana form.  This occurs automatically during the round when she loses her HP for the current form.  Nyx still gets to act that round with whatever form she is in upon her turn.  

Nyx Avatar: STRENGTH
Nega Filgaia MKIII
HP: 1500
AGI: 45
Void: Slash, Strike, Pierce, Light, Dark
Special: Immune to down status, criticals and weaknesses inflicted on Nyx do not result in the inflictee receiving a 1 More!!

Damage to boss: 200

Acts Twice
Almighty Attack: 120 almighty damage, MT
Power Charge: Raises damage of next physical attack used by 2.5x
Deathbound: 122 slash damage, 20% critical rate, MT
Tempest Slash: 127 slash damage, hits 1-2 times, 10% critical rate
Rakunda: Lowers defense and magic defense by 25% for 3 turns
Arcana Shift: Switches Nyx to the next Arcana form.  This occurs automatically during the round when she loses her HP for the current form.  Nyx still gets to act that round with whatever form she is in upon her turn.  

Nyx Avatar: HANGED MAN
Nega Filgaia MKIII
HP: 1500
AGI: 45
Strong: Slash, Strike, Pierce
Void: Light, Dark
Special: Immune to down status, criticals and weaknesses inflicted on Nyx do not result in the inflictee receiving a 1 More!!

Damage to boss: 200

Acts Twice
Almighty Attack: 120 almighty damage, MT
Mudo: 25% dark-based instant death
Mudoon: 40% darkness-based instant death
Evil Touch: 40% fear
Megidola: 120 almighty damage, MT
Mind Charge: Raises damage of next magical attack used by 2.5x
Ghastly Wail: 100% unavoidable and unblockable instant death to any target afflicted with the fear status, MT
Arcana Shift: Switches Nyx to the next Arcana form.  This occurs automatically during the round when she loses her HP for the current form.  Nyx still gets to act that round with whatever form she is in upon her turn.  

Nyx Avatar: DEATH
Nega Filgaia MKIII
HP: 6000
AGI: 55
Strong: Slash, Strike, Pierce, Fire, Ice, Electric, Wind
Void: Light, Dark
Special: Immune to down status, criticals and weaknesses inflicted on Nyx do not result in the inflictee receiving a 1 More!!

Damage to boss: 190

Acts Twice
Almighty Attack: 150 almighty damage, MT
Agidyne: 135 fire damage
Bufudyne: 135 ice damage
Ziodyne: 135 electric damage
Garudyne: 135 wind damage
Maragidyne: 135 fire damage, MT
Mabufudyne: 135 ice damage, MT
Maziodyne: 135 electric damage, MT
Magarudyne: 135 wind damage, MT
Poison Mist: 35% poison, MT
Evil Smile: 35% fear, MT
Mind Charge: Raises damage of next magical attack used by 2.5x
Dekunda: Dispels stat-downs, MT
Dekaja: Dispels stat-ups, MT
Power Charge: Raises damage of next physical attack used by 2.5x
Tarukaja: Raises attack and magic attack by ~33% for 3 turns
Rakukaja: Raises defense and magic defense by ~33% for 3 turns
Sukukaja: Raises hit and evasion by ~33% for 3 turns
Matarunda: Lowers attack and magic attack by ~33% for 3 turns, MT
Marakunda: Lowers defense and magic defense by ~33% for 3 turns, MT
Masukunda: Lowers hit and evasion by ~33% for 3 turns, MT
Fire Break: Negates enemy resistance/immunity/absorption/reflection of the fire element for 3 turns; they are considered neutral to fire after this is cast
Ice Break: Negates enemy resistance/immunity/absorption/reflection of the ice element for 3 turns; they are considered neutral to ice after this is cast
Elec Break: Negates enemy resistance/immunity/absorption/reflection of the electric element for 3 turns; they are considered neutral to electric after this is cast
Wind Break: Negates enemy resistance/immunity/absorption/reflection of the wind element for 3 turns; they are considered neutral to wind after this is cast
Moonless Gown: Sets up a shield that reflects any attacks directed at Nyx, including almighty, for 3 turns.  On the 4th turn, Nyx automatically uses the first part of her double-act to drop the shield (available upon reaching 75% MHP)
Night Queen: 200 almighty damage + inflicts one random status effect, MT (available upon reaching 25% MHP)
« Last Edit: July 11, 2009, 04:26:32 AM by OblivionKnight »
[11:53] <+Meeple_Gorath> me reading, that's a good one

[19:26] * +Terra_Condor looks up. Star Wars Football, what?
[19:27] <+Terra_Condor> Han Kicks First?
[19:27] <%Grefter-game> Vader intercepts.
[19:27] <%Grefter-game> Touchdown and Alderaan explodes in the victory


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Re: Shin Megami Tensei: Persona 3 - The Journey
« Reply #6 on: June 01, 2008, 07:36:25 AM »
Notes/Corrections (By PC)
Siren’s Song- 37 Physical Damage, 10% Silence

Dark Slayer- 99 Physical Damage, 20% Rage
Kishido Blade- 29 Physical Damage, 10% Crit Rate, 20% Extra Damage Rate
High Counter- 25% Rate

Wicked Cestus- 132 Physical Damage, 20% Crit Rage, 60% Extra Damage Rate
Sonic Fist- 70 Physical Damage, 20% Fear

Main Gauche- 108 Physical Damage, 30% Distress
Silver Saber- 71 Physical Damage, Boosts Bufudyne to 279 (287 w/ Magic Sandals)
Mind Charge- Doubles the Next Spell's Damage
Tentarafoo- 40% MT Silence

Sexy Lance- 119 Physical Damage, 20% Charm
Hamaon- 47% Hit Holy ID

Agidyne- Closer to 227 damage, everyone else's magic damage is in line
Mudoon- 33% Darkness ID
Evil Smile- 33% MT Fear

Orgia Mode- Lasts 2 turns, and then sends her into overheat the beginning the third turn. Doubles damage done (Can only use her physical though), doubles her defenses and evasion, boosts her accuracy, and makes her status immune. (The other version is in FES, not original Persona).

Equipable by all the humans. Boosts Mitsuru/Aki/Koro's magic by 8, and Yukari/Junpei/Ken's magic by 5. Removes some evasion, but I didn't test how much exactly.

Effective Defense
Point of END appeared to cut off about 0.8% of damage at L78. Based on that:
1) Aigis - Cuts Damage 9.6%
2) Junpei - Cuts Damage 4.8%
3) Ken - Takes Extra 0.8%
4) Koromaru - Takes Extra 1.6%
5) Akihiko -  Takes Extra 3.2%
6) Yukari - Takes Extra 3.2%
7) Mitsuru - Takes Extra 5.6%

1) Aigis- 121.9% (152.3% under Marakukaja) (243.8% under Orgia Mode) (304.8% under Marakukaja and Orgia Mode)
2) Koromaru- 113.1%
3) Junpei- 110.6%
4) Akihiko- 97.5% (121.9% under Matarunda)
5) Mitsuru- 95.3%
6) Ken- 90.3%
7) Yukari- 78.9%

Effective Evade (Raw Evade)
1) Koromaru- 16.2% (32.8%)
2) Ken- 2.2% (21.5%)
3) Akhiko- -2.2% (18%)...(23.4% under Masukunda) (38.5%)
4) Mitsuru- -2.8% (17.5%)
5) Aigis- -3.4% (17%) (48.3% under Orgia Mode (58.5%)) (22.5% under Masukukaja (37.8%)) (61.25% under Orgia and Kaja (68.9%))
6) Junpei- -4.7% (16%)
7) Yukari- -5.3% (15.5%)

Those base hit rates might actually be max (Since you'll still see whiffs against L2 enemies when you have Auto-Masuku). Against endgames enemies, Junpei/Yukari/Aigis might lose a sliver of accuracy normally, but otherwise that base hit rates work fairly well.

Normal Attack have a crit rate of 5%. Most physical techs seem to have a crit rate of 5% higher than the base rate (Tested a fair amount with both a 5% and 10% base crit rate tech). Enemies don't seem to have any stat that reduces crit rates, as they were unchanged on level 1 vs level 250. Crits are 1.8x damage compared to the base.

Close range physical fighters also have a 10% of doing 1.5x damage compared to the base.

Most of them are 2 turns, and then wear off at the start of the enemy's third turn. Fear seems to last an extra turn.
« Last Edit: July 06, 2009, 08:21:06 AM by Dhyerwolf »
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Re: Shin Megami Tensei: Persona 3 - The Journey
« Reply #7 on: July 15, 2008, 02:21:20 AM »
Here are some notes for if you take Jin and Takaya around level 78 (The level the stat topic ends).

HP: 5000
Repel: Fire, Dark
Void: Light
Takes about 9% Extra from damage

PC HP: 489
PC Damage: 280 w/o Minato (300 w/ him is probably a decent estimate)

Fire Attack: 80 fire damage (or Something. Only saw it used on Mitsuru)
Stagnant Air: Doubles status inflication rates for everyone for 3 turns, field effect
Poison Mist: 40% poison, MT
Sexy Dance: 40% charm, MT
Infuriate: 40% rage, MT
Megido: 75 almighty damage, MT
Mahama: 18% light-based instant death, MT
Mamudo: 18% darkness-based instant death, MT
Torrent Shot: 30 pierce damage per hit, hits 2-3 times, 5% critical rate
Blade of Fury: 55 slash damage per hit, hits 1-3 times, 3% critical rate per hit, MT
Swift Strike: 45 strike damage per hit, hits 1-3 times, 3% critical rate per hit, MT
Maragion: 55 fire damage, MT
Mazionga: 55 electric damage, MT
Mabufula: 55 ice damage, MT
Magarula: 55 wind damage, MT
Fatal End: 80 slash damage, 10% critical rate (available upon reaching 50% MHP)
Gigantic Fist: 85 strike damage, 15% critical rate (available upon reaching 50% MHP)
Arrow Rain: 45 pierce damage per hit, hits 1-2 times, 3% critical rate per hit, MT (available upon reaching 50% MHP)
Agidyne: 100 fire damage (available upon reaching 50% MHP)
Bufudyne: 100 ice damage (available upon reaching 50% MHP)
Ziodyne: 100 electric damage (available upon reaching 50% MHP)
Garudyne: 100 wind damage (available upon reaching 50% MHP)
Hamaon: 35% light-based instant death (available upon reaching 50% MHP)
Mudoon: 35% darkness-based instant death (available upon reaching 50% MHP)

HP: 7000
Repel: Light
Void: Dark
Takes About 6% Extra Damage

PC HP: 489
PC Damage: 280 w/o Minato (300 w/ him is probably a decent estimate)

Pierce Attack: 90 pierce damage
Agidyne: 165 fire damage
Ziodyne: 165 electric damage
Garudye: 165 wind damage
Bufudyne: 165 ice damage
Mind Charge: Doubles damage of next magical attack
Megidola: 110 almighty damage, MT
****Mahamaon: 35% (available upon reaching 50% MHP), MT
****Mamudoon: 35% dark-based instant death (available upon reaching 50% MHP), MT

**** I have no idea how to get him to use these in game, so these are estimates. He won’t use them automatically if the main has a weakness to both types of ID and nothing else, and he will spam everything but these. Using Ken and Koro maybe (And not just Ken, that didn’t do it).
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Re: Shin Megami Tensei: Persona 3 - The Journey
« Reply #8 on: August 27, 2008, 10:06:23 PM »
Just throwing my old unfinished boss topic in here.

Yeah, this isn't complete yet, but it's a start.

Persona 3 is turn based with everyone deciding their action right before they act.  Think SMRPG.  The protagonist gets initiative for all boss fights where the boss doesn't get initiative (and then the protagonist goes right after that).  Probably doesn't matter but just throwing it out there.

Similar to SMT:N and the DDS series, if you hit weakness or critical, you get another turn.  However, it's a little different here.  In addition to getting another turn, the target is knocked down.  Down status only lasts until the character's next turn or until attacked.  If they are not attacked, they waste their next turn recovering from the status and cannot act.  If they are attacked, they take 20% more damage.  In addition, critting or hitting weakness to someone with Down status does NOT give an extra turn, so no infinite turns hype here.  Also, MT skills only give an extra turn if EVERYTHING is weak to the attack (or it crits everyone I assume).

That's about it.  I think.

Note:  I'm assuming agility affects turn order as of now, but I have the feeling it actually doesn't.  Turn order is pretty random and decided at the beginning of the battle in either case, so take the speed numbers with a grain of salt, even if agility actually does affect speed.

Note: If there are any references to "lightning", I really mean "electricity". They're interchangeable, the game just calls it "electricity".

Poison: 20% mHP damage at the end of the affected's turn.  Permanent.
Panic: Haven't seen it yet!
Fear: Chance of not acting (25%?) and opponents have a significantly increased chance to critical hit.  Temporary.
Distress: Opponents have a significantly increased chance to critical hit.  I don't know if PCs can be hit by this, or bosses.
Charm: Attack allies/heal enemies.  Nothing new here.  Temporary.
Shock: Opponents have increased chance to critical hit.  Lasts one turn.
Freeze: Opponents have increased chance to critical hit.  Lasts one turn.
Down: Cannot act.  Next attack against the character deals 20% more damage.  Opponent cannot get an extra turn by hitting weakness or criticalling.  Wears off after one turn (character loses that turn) or after being attacked.  Status attacks (and probably non-damage attacks in general) do NOT remove Down status.


The bosses with asterisks are the plot bosses.  Everything else comes from the Tartarus and are somewhat optional.  You can only level up in Tartarus so a lot of them will be fought anyways though.

Cowardly Maya (x2)
Weak: Fire.

HP: 40
Speed: Slower than Protagonist.

Takes average damage from everything since it's the first battle in the game.

Slash Attack: 6 Slash damage.

Damages to him:
Attack: 27 physical damage.
Bash (7 HP): 58 Strike damage.

Level: 1
HP: 60
SP: 41
Speed: 2 (SD 0)
Damage: 38 (38 per round)

Comments: More of a forced first fight than a boss, but whatever.  Puny.

Venus Eagle (x3)
Weak: Pierce
Absorb: Fire
Null: Wind, Light, Darkness.

HP: 150
SP: 100
Speed: Averagish.

Takes about average damage from physical attacks.
Takes about average damage from magical attacks, I think.

Slash Attack: 24 Slash damage.
Garu: 30 Wind damage.
Magaru: 30 Wind damage, MT.

Damages to it:
Attack (Rapier): 16 Slash damage.
Attack (Practice Bow): 19 Pierce damage (hits weakness).
Bufu (4 SP): 49 Ice damage.
Bash (11 HP): 34 Strike damage.

Attack: 21 Pierce damage (hits weakness).

Cleave: 49 damage.

All Out Attack: 40 damage.

Level: 5
HP: 101.67
SP: 72.33
Speed: 3.56 (SD 0.51)
Damage: 39 to average (116 per round)

Comments:  More epicness.  Light x3.

Dancing Hand (x3)
Weak: Strike
Null: Light, Dark

HP: 220
SP: 120
Speed: Slower than everyone (<=3)

Takes about average damage from physical attacks.
Either resists ice and fire (and maybe the other two elements) or has sick magical defense (reducing to about 10% normal).  Can't tell.

Zio: 35 lightning damage, 10% chance of causing Shock status.
Bufu: 27 ice damage, 10% chance of causing Freeze status.
Agi: 33 damage.
Tentarafoo: Causes Panic status, 25%, MT.
Magaru: 31 wind damge, MT.
Dia: 57 healing.

Damages to him:
Attack: 17 Slash damage.
Agi (3 SP): 4 fire damage. (~40 to average)
Bufu (4 SP): 5 ice damage. (~50 to average)
Bash (12 HP): 46 Strike damage (hits weakness).
Cleave (12 HP): 38 Slash damage.

Attack: 18 Pierce damage.
Garu (3 SP): Don't know, can't get her to use it.  Normally does ~50 to average though.

Cleave (12 HP): 45 Slash damage.

Level: 6, 6, 5
HP: 107.33
SP: 76
Speed: 4 (SD 1)
Damage: 48 to average (145 per round)

Comments: Elemental or magic spoiling or something?  Still pretty bad.  Light, probably.

Rampage Drive
Null: Slash, Pierce, Light, Dark
Reflect: Strike

HP: 450
SP: 450
Speed: Faster than everyone. (>=5)
Evasion: ~20%

Immune to physical attacks.
Takes about 30% less from magic attacks.

Assault Dive: 69 damage.  Crits about 25% of the time for 1.2x damage.
Tarukaja: Increases Attack by ~30% for 3 turns.
Mazio: 40 lightning damage, MT, 8% chance of causing Shock status.

Damages to him:
Agi (3 SP): 24 fire damage. (~40 to average)
Bufu (4 SP): 37 ice damage (~50 to average)

Garu (3 SP): 35 wind damage. (~50 to average)

Cleave: ~45 to average.
Agi (3 SP): 21 fire damage (~35 to average)

Level: 7, 6, 6
HP: 117
SP: 79.67
Speed: 4.33 (SD 1.15)
Damage: 48 to average (145 per round)

Comments:  Now things are getting better.  Physical immunity!  Good magic defense!  2HKO damage and Tarukaja!  Decent Heavy I think.

Reflect: Ice
Null: Light, Dark

HP: 300
Speed: Averagish.

Takes about 40% less damage from physical attacks.
Takes about 30% less damage from magical attacks.

Pierce Attack: 42 Pierce damage.
Mabufu: 40 ice damage, MT, 8% chance of causing Freeze status.
Assault Dive: 70 damage.
Bufu: 40 ice damage, 10% chance of causing Freeze status.
Pulimpa: Panic, 25%.
Marin Karin: Charm, 25%.
Summon: Summons two Muttering Tiaras.  They are weak to ice, can cast Pulimpa and Dia (60 healing).  They have about 100 HP and averagish speed.

Damages to her:
Attack: 13 (~30 to average)
Agi (3 SP): ~40 to average.  Didn't get to test it on her due to the time limit.

Garu (3 SP): 40 (~55 to average)

Cleave (12 HP): 31 (~50 to average)

Level: 8, 7, 6
HP: 121.33
SP: 83.33
Speed: 4.33 (SD 2.08)
Damage: 48 to average (145 per round)

Comments: Good defenses but lacks HP.  Damage is decent though.  Middle I think?

Crying Table (x3)
Null: Strike, Light, Dark
Absorb: Fire
Weak: Ice

HP: 260
SP: 260
Speed: About the same as Yukari, 7.

Reduces physical attacks by about 60%.
Reduces magical attacks by about 50%.

Poison Booster: Passive, increases chance of Poison attacks hitting by 50%.
Maragi: 45 fire damage, MT.
Agilao: 81 fire damage.
Poisona: Poison, 37.5%.
Mighty Swing: 104 Slash damage.
Torrent Shot: 3*45 = 135 (Pierce?) damage.

Damages to him:
Attack: 10 Slash damage.
Garu (3 SP): 32
Bufu (4 SP): 36 ice damage. (Hits weakness)
Cleave (17 HP): 9 Slash damage.

Garu (3 SP): 37

Attack: 15 Slash damage.
Cleave (18 HP): 16 Slash damage.

Zio (4 SP): 35

Level: 12, 12, 12, 13
HP: 164.5
SP: 116.75
Speed: 8.25 (SD 1.89)
Damage: 62 to average (248 per round)

Comments:  Really good defense, but terrible HP.  Damage is quite solid, though.  Middle/Heavy?

Change Relic
Null: Wind, Light, Dark

HP: 850
SP: 500
Speed: Faster than everyone (>=11)

Reduces physical attacks by about 50%.
Reduces magical attacks by about 50%.

Pierce Attack: 39 Pierce damage.
Garula: 90 Wind damage.
Magarula: 90 wind damage, MT.
Dekunda: Dispels stat-ups.
Rakakaja: Raises defense by 30% for 3 turns.
Poison Mist: Poison, 25%, MT.
Dia: 61 healing.  Unlocks below 25% HP.

Damages to him:
Attack: 13 Slash damage.
Agi (3 SP): 25 Fire damage.
Bufu (4 SP): 29 Ice damage.
Zio (4 SP): 27 Lightning damage.
Bash (18 HP): 27 Strike damage.
Assault Dive (21 HP): 48 Strike damage.
Sonic Punch (21 HP): 29 Strike damage.
Clave (18 HP): 15 Slash damage.

Attack: 11 Pierce damage.
Garu (3 SP): ~70 to average.

Cleave (19 HP): 27 Slash damage.

Sonic Punch (22 HP): 42 Strike damage.

Level: 13, 13, 13, 14
HP: 172
SP: 121.5
Speed: 7.75 (SD 2.99)
Damage: 77 to average (306 per round)

Comments: Not bad HP but really good defenses to back it up, with Rakukaja to make the tanking strategy even better.  Damage isn't great but good enough.  Heavy.

Fights with Emperor.

Weak: Slash, Strike, Pierce (all physical elements)
Null: Fire, Ice, Wind, Thunder, Light, Darkness (all magical elements)

HP: 500
Speed: Slower than everyone.

Takes about average damage from all attacks.

Slash Attack: 39 Slash damage.
Cat Deception: Panic, 25%, MT.
Devil Touch: Fear, 25%
Marin Karin: Charm, 25%.
Maha Garu: 40 Wind damage, MT.
Paradigm Shift: Changes elemental affinities.  Seems like they can null everything except one thing, which they'll have a weakness in.

Damages to her:
Attack: 29 Slash damage.  (Hits weakness.)

Attack: 93 Slash damage. (Hits weakness.)

Attack: 40 Strike damage. (Hits weakness.)
Sonic Punch: 80 Strike damage. (Hits weakness.)

HP: 181
SP: 116.67
Speed: 8 (SD 3.61)
Damage: 60 to average (180 per round)

Comments: I saw Paradigm Shift grant immunity to everything except Pierce (bows), so that's really good in a duel.  However, she needs a turn to get it off.  She doesn't get turns if hit by physicals.  Not a good combination.  Light.

Fights with Empress.

Weak: Fire, Ice, Wind, Thunder (all magic elements besides Light and Dark)
Null: Slash, Strike, Pierce (all physical elements), Light, Dark

HP: 600
Speed: Slower than everyone.

Takes about average damage from all attacks.

Swift Strike: 53 Strike damage per hit, random targetting, usually hits twice when focused.
Paradigm Shift: Changes elemental affinities.  Seems like they can null everything except one thing, which they'll have a weakness in.

Damages to him:
Zio (4 SP): 43 Lightning damage. (Hits weakness.)

Zio (4 SP): 61 Lightning damage. (Hits weakness.)

HP: 181
SP: 116.67
Speed: 8 (SD 3.61)
Damage: 60 (180 per round)

Comments:  Same as Empress pretty much, except needs to be hit by magic instead of physicals.  Pretty much only wins against pure physical fighters or people with poor resources.  Better than Empress, but probably still Light.

Golden Bug (x3)
Null: Ice, Light, Dark
Weak: Lightning
Strong: Slash, Strike, Pierce (all physical elements), Lightning

HP: 240
SP: 240
Speed: Average

Takes about 50% less from physical attacks BEFORE resistance.  95% less including it.
Takes about average from magical attacks except lightning.
Takes about 90% less from lightning attacks BEFORE weakness. 88% less including it.

Pierce Attack: 73 Pierce damage.
Tarukaja: Increases Attack by 30% for 3 turns.  Casts this as initiative.
Kill Rush: 75 Strike damage per hit, 1-2 hits.
Marakunda: Decreases Defense by 30% for 3 turns, MT.
Torrent Shoot: 65 Pierce damage per hit, 2-3 hits.
Sukukaja: Increases Hit/Evasion by 30% for 3 turns, MT.

Damages to him:
Attack: 1 Slash damage.
Agi (3 SP): 31 Fire damage.
Garu (3 SP): 31 Wind damage.
Zio (4 SP): 5 Lightning damage.  (This hits weakness.)
Bash (20 HP): 2 Strike damage.
Assault Dive (24 HP): 3 Strike damage.
Sonic Punch (24 HP): 3 Strike damage.
Cleave (20 HP): 2 Slash damage.

Garu (3 SP): 41 Wind damage.

Cleave (21 HP):
Agi (3 SP): 30 Fire damage.

Zio (4 SP): 8 Lightning damage.  (This hits weakness.)

Attack: 2 Slash damage.  (Does about 80 to average.)

All-Out Attack: 54 damage.

Level: 17, 15, 15, 17, 18
HP: 198.4
SP: 135.2
Speed: 9.2 (SD 3.27)
Damage: ~60 to average (240 per round).

Comments: HP is suck but major spoiling to physical attacks.  Magic works though, except Lightning which he is both strong and weak to (what the hell?) which means he takes crap damage but gets downed by it.  Initiative Tarukaja means he has probably overkill damage from his first normal turn, which is scary.  Heavy.  The magic durability is just too bad.

Intrepid Knight
Null: Light, Dark
Absorb: Wind

HP: 1000
SP: 102
Speed: Faster than everyone (>=15)

Takes about 66% less damage from physical attacks.
Takes about 10% less damage from magical attacks.

Heavy Counter: ~25% chance to reflect physical attacks.
Garudyne: 148 Wind damage.
Kill Rush: 90 damage per hit, 1-2 hits.
Hama: ID, 25%.
Mind Charge: Next magical attack does 250% damage.
Maha Garula: 67 Wind damage, MT.
Rakakaja: Raises defense by ~30% for 3 turns.
Makarakarn: Reflects magic attacks for 3 turns.
Wind Break: Removes Wind resistance/immunity.
Heat Wave: 100 Strike damage, MT.
Dia: 61 healing.  Always uses this on the extra turn he gets after knocking someone down, as far as I can tell.

Damages to him:
Attack: 12 Slash damage.
Agi (3 SP): 33 fire damage.
Bufu (4 SP): 36 ice damage.
Zio (4 SP): 34 Lightning damage.
Bash (22 HP): 13 Strike damage.
Sonic Punch (27 HP): 28 Strike damage.
Cleave (22 HP): 11 Slash damage.
Double Fangs (27 HP): 9 pierce damage, 2 hits.

Attack: 16 Pierce damage.
Garu (3 SP): ~40 to average.

Attack: ~60 to average
Agi (3 SP): 26 fire damage.

Sonic Punch: ~90 to average.
Zio (4 SP): 27 Lightning damage.

Bufula: 61 ice damage.

All Out Attack: 78 damage.

Level: 20, 19, 20, 17, 21
HP: 218
SP: 149
Speed: 12.11 (SD 2.94)
Damage: 70 to average (280 per round)

Comments: More physical tankishness.  Magic works better but he still tanks it pretty well, and can reflect it after turn 1 anyways.  Damage is solid to start, but he has Mind Charge to boost that to overkill.  Supposedly he has a skill to stop Wind resistance/immunity but I never saw it myself.  Good Godlike.

Null: Light, Dark
Repel: Lightning

HP: 1500
Speed: Slower than everyone (<=11)

Takes about 35% less from physical attacks.
Takes about 10% less from magical attacks.

Mazio: 35 Lightning damage, MT, 8% chance of causing Shock status.
Dekaja: Dispels stat buffs.
Zionga: 61 Lightning damage, 10% chance of causing Shock status.
Mazionga: 61 Lightning damage, MT, 8% chance of causing Shock status.
Sukunda: Lowers hit/evasion by ~30% for 3 turns.
Prophecy of Doom: Fear, 25%, MT.
Swift Strike: ?? Strike damage per hit, random targetting, usually hits twice when focused.

HP: 226
SP: 153.6
Speed: 13.2 (SD 1.79)
Damage: ~75 to average (300 per round)

Comments:  Tanky but that damage is pretty horrible.  Sukunda for FE slayer???  Light/Middle.

Null: Light, Dark

HP: 1500
Speed: Slower than everyone (<= 11)

Takes about 10% less from physical attacks.
Takes about average damage from magical attacks.

Strike Attack: 53 Strike damage.
Heartbreaker: 90 damage, MT.
Marin Karin: Charm, 25%.
Maragion: 85 fire damage, MT.
Holy Arrow: 34 pierce damage, 50% chance of charm.
Pulimpa: Painc, 25%.
Life Drain: 35 fixed damage drain.
Spirit Drain: 20 fixed SP drain.

HP: 234.6
SP: 153.6
Speed: 13.6 (SD 1.95)
Damage: ~75 to average (300 per round)

Comments: Fairly tanky, but not great damage.  Has charm though, which helps quite a bit.  Heavy.

Furious Gigas x3
Null: Fire, Light, Dark
Weak: Wind
Strong: Lightning, Wind

HP: 500
SP: 500
Agility: Average

Takes about 30% less from physical attacks.
Takes about 30% less from magical attacks.

Hyper Counter: 50% chance of reflecting physical attacks.
Power Charge: Next physical attack does 250% damage.
Rebellion: Increase chance to critical hit for everyone (including opponents) by 30% for 3 turns.
Sukukaja: Increases hit/evasion by 30% for 3 turns.
Gigantic Fist: 114 Strike damage.
Fatal End: 64 Slash damage.
Life Drain: 35 set damage drain.  Uses this on his extra turn after knocking someone down.

HP: 260.67
SP: 168.67
Agility: 15.67 (SD 2.34)
Damage: ~90 to average (360 per round)

Fanatic Tower
Null: Light, Dark
Repel: Fire, Ice, Electricity
Strong: Slash (50%)

HP: 2000
SP: 500
Agility: Average.

Takes about 25% less from physical attacks.
Takes about average from magical attacks.

Pierce Attack: 114 Pierce damage.
Poison Mist: Poison, 37.5% (25% before Poison Booster), MT.
Mazionga: 92 Electric damage, MT.  8% chance to cause Shock status.
Mind Charge: Next magical attack deals 2.5x damage.
Zionga: 92 Electric damage.  10% chance to cause Shock status.
Elec Break: Removes electricity resistance/immunity.

Poison Booster: Passive.  1.5x chance of Poison skills hitting.
Dodge Strike: Passive.  Doubles evade rate against Strike attacks.

HP: 263.17
SP: 170.83
Agility: 15 (SD 3.9)
Damage: ~90 to average (360 per round)


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Re: Shin Megami Tensei: Persona 3
« Reply #9 on: June 20, 2009, 04:13:31 PM »
Been a long time coming, but...stat topic update above completed.  Used some of the stuff I learned from P4, and added/fixed a lot of things (documentation errors suck >_>).  Nothing too changing overall (factored some higher levels in to the bosses, modified the status rates based on a few factors, changed some set-ups, etc.), but still some things to take a look at.

Anyway, main point of this post is for the long-put-off Fes stuff.  So...split in to two sections!

Note that not everything is completely updated yet, but most of the stuff is.

The Journey

PC changes
Like anyone cares about him, but Minato's personas were changed.  His killer ones (Helel and Satan for Armageddon) are mostly unchanged, although Messiah got a lot better, as did most of the physical personas.  Still, it really doesn't matter much.

Junpei loses Deathbound but gains Brave Blade.  This deals 278 slash damage, at a 20% MHP cost, with a 10% critical rate.  He also loses Assault Dive for Fire Break, but no one cares about this >_>.  In addition, HP costs were lowered for Vorpal Blade (21% MHP) and Gigantic Fist (12% MHP).  Decent boosts overall.

Koromaru loses Evil Smile and Fire Break, but gains Mudo Boost and Masukukaja instead.  This is a huge winning trade >_>  His Mudoon is now 45% accurate, which helps a good deal. 

Equipment Changes
Weapon fusions are available now.  This opens up a load of options that are somewhat variable.  Relevent ones:
- Evade "element" (3x evasion vs. specified element)
- Amp or Boost to an element
- Status resistance (50% to any, or even all status)
- Auto-kaja (any)
- Boosted HP or SP
- Bonus stats
- Additional critical rate

By fusing specific personas, special weapons can be forged.  There are two types:
- 450 ATK, 94-100 HIT, +10 to all stats weapons.  There is one of each class of weapons.
- 260-400 ATK, 80-95 HIT, Boost effect to an element, elementalizes physical.  Only Yukari and Ken can make use of the boosted element effect.  Mitsuru's physical becomes fire, Akihiko's becomes ice, Ken can also get a wind-aligned physical, and Shinjiro can get an electric-aligned physical if you allow it 

No other major changes I have noted.  Yay, easier!   

The Answer

PC Changes
Junpei does not learn Brave Blade (keeps Deathbound) in this version.  No other skill changes.

ON THE OTHER HAND, Junpei, Mitsuru, and Koro have about an additional +40 stat points distributed to all their stats.  For some random reason.  They're in proportion to their usual stats, but still, pretty nice.  Koro in particular likes this, as his AGI is pretty freakish (72), and his LUC is boosted greatly (Mudoon goes about 55% accurate).  Damage for Mitsuru and Junpei rises (311 for Mitsuru with Bufudyne, Junpei's physicals all jump 20-50 damage or so).

As for Aigis...she gains Minato's SP and HP totals, and can use every persona in the game that he can.  She cannot use Fusions, and some personas have a few changes (Surt naturally does not learn Fire Amp, for instance), but in general, see Minato, subtract Fusions.  She also has unique equipment, with her best storeboughts adding +5 MAG and +5 AGI, so her damage and evasion and accuracy are a bit better than Minato.

"Keep your filthy hands off my sister!"
HP: 492
SP: 344
STR: 61
MAG: 38 (43)
END: 57
AGI: 48 (53)
LUC: 37

Celtis: 368 ATK, 88 HIT
Joruri Tengu: 135 DEF, +5 MAG
Ella's Slippers: 100 EVA, +5 AGI
Silver Ring: Transforms wearer into Sailor Alpha Centauri if the wearer mutters the words "Now make me a special, special, naughty girl!" in Swahili


Strike Attack: 182 strike damage
Dekaja (15 SP): Dispels stat-boost effects, MT
Power Charge (15 SP): Raises damage of next physical attack used by 2.5x
Poison Arrow (13% MHP): 149 pierce damage, inflicts Poison status 35%, 5% critical rate
Garudyne (12 SP): 164 wind damage
Bufudyne (16 SP): 164 ice damage
Sexy Dance (10 SP): 30% Charm, MT
Akasha Arts (19% MHP): 178 strike damage, hits 1-2 times, 5% critical rate
Brave Blade (20% MHP): 255 slash damage, 5% critical rate
« Last Edit: March 28, 2017, 02:52:12 PM by OblivionKnight »
[11:53] <+Meeple_Gorath> me reading, that's a good one

[19:26] * +Terra_Condor looks up. Star Wars Football, what?
[19:27] <+Terra_Condor> Han Kicks First?
[19:27] <%Grefter-game> Vader intercepts.
[19:27] <%Grefter-game> Touchdown and Alderaan explodes in the victory


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Re: Shin Megami Tensei: Persona 3
« Reply #10 on: July 06, 2009, 08:22:27 AM »
And the ElCid's shall rejoice! Finally finished testing the game's extra little quirks. Already put them into by above post, but I'll also throw them here since it's mostly new. So here are Alternate Equip Options/Evasion/Defenses/Accuracy/Crit Rates.

Notes/Corrections (By PC)
Siren’s Song- 37 Physical Damage, 10% Silence

Dark Slayer- 99 Physical Damage, 20% Rage
Kishido Blade- 29 Physical Damage, 10% Crit Rate, 20% Extra Damage Rate
High Counter- 25% Rate

Wicked Cestus- 132 Physical Damage, 20% Crit Rage, 60% Extra Damage Rate
Sonic Fist- 70 Physical Damage, 20% Fear

Main Gauche- 108 Physical Damage, 30% Distress
Silver Saber- 71 Physical Damage, Boosts Bufudyne to 279 (287 w/ Magic Sandals)
Mind Charge- Doubles the Next Spell's Damage
Tentarafoo- 40% MT Silence

Sexy Lance- 119 Physical Damage, 20% Charm
Hamaon- 47% Hit Holy ID

Agidyne- Closer to 227 damage, everyone else's magic damage is in line
Mudoon- 33% Darkness ID
Evil Smile- 33% MT Fear

Orgia Mode- Lasts 2 turns, and then sends her into overheat the beginning the third turn. Doubles damage done (Can only use her physical though), doubles her defenses and evasion, boosts her accuracy, and makes her status immune. (The other version is in FES, not original Persona).

Equipable by all the humans. Boosts Mitsuru/Aki/Koro's magic by 8, and Yukari/Junpei/Ken's magic by 5. Removes some evasion, but I didn't test how much exactly.

Effective Defense
Point of END appeared to cut off about 0.8% of damage at L78. Based on that:
1) Aigis - Cuts Damage 9.6%
2) Junpei - Cuts Damage 4.8%
3) Ken - Takes Extra 0.8%
4) Koromaru - Takes Extra 1.6%
5) Akihiko -  Takes Extra 3.2%
6) Yukari - Takes Extra 3.2%
7) Mitsuru - Takes Extra 5.6%

1) Aigis- 121.9% (152.3% under Marakukaja) (243.8% under Orgia Mode) (304.8% under Marakukaja and Orgia Mode)
2) Koromaru- 113.1%
3) Junpei- 110.6%
4) Akihiko- 97.5% (121.9% under Matarunda)
5) Mitsuru- 95.3%
6) Ken- 90.3%
7) Yukari- 78.9%

Effective Evade (Raw Evade)
1) Koromaru- 16.2% (32.8%)
2) Ken- 2.2% (21.5%)
3) Akhiko- -2.2% (18%)...(23.4% under Masukunda) (38.5%)
4) Mitsuru- -2.8% (17.5%)
5) Aigis- -3.4% (17%) (48.3% under Orgia Mode (58.5%)) (22.5% under Masukukaja (37.8%)) (61.25% under Orgia and Kaja (68.9%))
6) Junpei- -4.7% (16%)
7) Yukari- -5.3% (15.5%)

Those base hit rates might actually be max (Since you'll still see whiffs against L2 enemies when you have Auto-Masuku). Against endgames enemies, Junpei/Yukari/Aigis might lose a sliver of accuracy normally, but otherwise that base hit rates work fairly well.

Normal Attack have a crit rate of 5%. Most physical techs seem to have a crit rate of 5% higher than the base rate (Tested a fair amount with both a 5% and 10% base crit rate tech). Enemies don't seem to have any stat that reduces crit rates, as they were unchanged on level 1 vs level 250. Crits are 1.8x damage compared to the base.

Close range physical fighters also have a 10% of doing 1.5x damage compared to the base.

Most of them are 2 turns, and then wear off at the start of the enemy's third turn. Fear seems to last an extra turn.
...into the nightfall.

Random Consonant

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Re: Shin Megami Tensei: Persona 3
« Reply #11 on: February 07, 2016, 10:53:41 PM »
On the off chance that one of these idiots gets used in something ever again and forces me to care about accessories, here it goes, a very lazy effort post for my own references.  Also P3P shit because that's the version I played and like hell I'm going to touch some worse version of the game, and making a new stat topic is too much work because then I'd be obligated to overhaul Minato stuff and noooo that can get fucked.

So first, accessories.  All of the following are storebought in P3P:
Vitality Ring: +30% Max HP
Magic Ring: +30% Max SP
Power/Guard/Speed Enhancer: Grants Tarukaja/Rakukaja/Sukukaja for the first three turns of battle
Prayer Beads/Rosary: Low chance of revival from dark/light-based instant death
Fire/Ice/Thunder/Wind Bracers: Grants Fire/Ice/Elec/Wind Boost, stacks with respective Amp skills
Agni/Varuna/Indra/Vayu Bracers: Grants Fire/Ice/Elec/Wind Amp, stacks with respective Boost skills
Slash/Strike/Pierce Ward: Increases evasion against Slash/Strike/Pierce attacks
Flame/Ice/Thunder/Wind Charm: Increases evasion against Fire/Ice/Elec/Wind attacks
Giga Power/Magic/Guard/Speed/Luck Band: +10 Str/Mag/End/Agi/Luck

I'm going to assume the Boost accessories for those with Amps, the Amp accessories for those without, and the Power Enhancer for Aigis because she needs all the help she can get at this point, though since she can cast Matarukaja herself the Giga Power Band might actually be better long-term.  Junpei might want a Power Enhancer too on the chance that he can kill something with two Brave Blades but I think he's going to want better fallback damage that doesn't kill him, since two Brave Blades won't kill average anyways, I've listed him with both setups since hey, physical spoilers do exist.  There's also Heart Items which is pretty much the only way the cast isn't fucked over by status, but I don't consider them.  The evasion boosters shouldn't be too great, but Akihiko might care if he faces down an ice mage.

Other equipment!  Some stuff actually gives stats!  Again sticking with storebought stuff here.

Weapons by Character:
--Yoichi's Bow: 318 ATK, 88 HIT, +3 Mag
--Lightning Bow: 281 ATK, 88 HIT, +3 Agi
--Toy Bow: 100 ATK, 99 HIT, 30% chance of inflicting Rage (casual experience tells me this may be closer to 20%, but if it is so are all the other high rate status weapons)
--Elixir Sword: 351 ATK, 90 HIT, +3 Mag
--Caladbolg: 284 ATK, 90 HIT, +2 Str
--Spiked Bat: 130 ATK, 99 HIT, 30% chance of inflicting Fear
--Wings of Vanth: 304 ATK, 97 HIT, +2 Agi
--Jack's Gloves: 100 ATK, 99 HIT, 30% chance of inflicting Charm
--Brionac: 335 ATK, 92 HIT, +3 Mag
--Illuminati: 271 ATK, 92 HIT, +30 SP
--Skrep: 167 ATK, 92 HIT, 20% chance of inflicting Panic
--Malice Marry: 136 ATK, 92 HIT, 20% chance of inflicting Poison
--Flamberge: 55 ATK, 92 HIT, 10% chance of inflicting Charm
--Pandemonium: 331 ATK, 92 HIT, +3 Luck
--Athame: 304 ATK, 95 HIT
--Shadowrend: 272 ATK, 95 HIT, +3 Agi
--Pesh Kabz: 258 ATK, 95 HIT, +2 Mag
--Romulus' Spear: 319 ATK, 95 HIT, +3 Mag
--Ningen Mukotsu: 259 ATK, 95 HIT, +3 Str
--Scrub Brush: 190 ATK, 99 HIT, 30% chance of inflicting Distress

Based on extrapolation, each point of Mag increases damage dealt by an amped -dyne spell by roughly 2 points at endgame.  The actual increase is greater on the lower end of the magic scale and lower on the higher end, but this level of precision should suffice.  Strength is trickier to pin down but should be somewhat more effective than boosting Mag for the people who actually care since they get skills that have higher mults than -dyne spells, my guess is roughly 3 points for God's Hand/Primal Force, a little lower for Brave Blade, 1-2 for Akasha Arts and a little lower than that for Vile Assault.  Again this is going to be greater at the lower end of the strength scale and less on the higher end, but probably not by enough to care unless I've made a greivous error in trusting this stat topic.  In addition, status weapons previously mentioned still exist, with the exception of Junpei's Dark Slayer.  Minato also gets changes, but 1) there's actual differences between what guy and girl Minato get come endgame, and 2) no one cares about Minato anyways.  If I care and someone asks I'll grab stuff for girl Minato but otherwise no.

Armor (unless it's specified that Aigis/Koromaru can equip something here, they can't):
Papal Robe: 128 DEF
Final Armor: 118 DEF, +1 to all stats
Phantom Robe: 112 DEF, +2 Luck
Kukai's Vestment: 106 DEF, +3 Mag
Mantle of Wind: 82 DEF, +2 Agi
Papillon Method: 132 DEF, +3 Mag, Aigis only (like she has a use for her Mag stat but the only other armor worth mentioning has identical DEF on the off chance that actually -does- anything, so uh she is slightly less vulnerable to Negatis, go her)
Dark Dog Suit: 122 DEF, Koromaru only

The female cast members (including Aigis) also get a +50 SP option, the male cast members get a +30 SP option, and all human cast members have a +30 HP option as well.  I'm probably going to assume Final Armor as default since the extra speed and endurance work for everyone and DEF probably doesn't even do anything.

Footwear (armor disclaimer goes here):
Hanzo's Sandals: 98 EVA
Holy Shoes: 96 EVA, increases evasion against Elec attacks
War God's Boots: 90 EVA, increases evasion against Fire attacks
Idaten's Sandals: 88 EVA, increases evasion against Ice attacks
Mirage Sandals: 80 EVA, increases evasion against magic attacks slightly
Killer Cleats: 72 EVA, +3 Str
Jet Boots: 58 EVA, +4 Agi
Magic Sandals: 38 EVA, +3 Mag
Kugelbein: 95 EVA, Aigis Only
Bare Paws: 125 EVA, Koromaru can't equip shoes, he's a dog.

Akihiko is probably the only one who can actually wring mileage out of the shoes that increase evade against an element.  Past that it's either stick with what they have or tank any hope of dodging for beating out the speed average or MOAR DAMAGE.

Skillset Changes:
--Brave Blade replaces Deathbound, as with FES, 20% MHP cost, deals the same damage as Vorpal Blade, which itself should be dealing slightly less than what Shinjiro's God's Hand is listed as doing as opposed to the ~40 points worth of difference the topic lists.  I don't have a formula handy and for all I know it might have been weaker in the original anyways.  Seems to fit the implications of the Str stat anyways.  OK pegged Brave Blade at 278 which seems to fit my very loose testing/extrapolation so that's what I'm going with here.
--Vorpal Blade costs 21% MHP.
--Fire Break replaces Assault Dive, as with FES.
--God's Hand costs 14% MHP.
--Akasha Arts costs 19% MHP.
--Mudo Boost and Masukukaja replace Evil Smile and Fire Break, as with FES.
-Primal Force replaces Hama Boost, costs 21% MHP, deals about ~208 pierce damage based on extrapolation/loose testing, or ~217 w/Ningen Mukotsu.
-Vile Assault costs 12% MHP.

Extremely rough damage averages, assuming the mentioned accessories/Final Armor/Hanzo's Sandals as default, with naive HP cost proration factored in for physical skills, along with marginally competent backup stuff in case they ever matter that weren't already mentioned:
[Minato: Something dumb like 580 with Power Enhancer using Surt and Ragnarok from the looks of things]
Yukari: 288 (Garudyne)
Junpei: ~224 (Brave Blade)/~209 (Agidyne) with Elixir Sword (Brave Blade should be ~356 with Power Enhancer/Caladbolg before any proration)
Akihiko: 313 (Ziodyne)
Mitsuru: 351 (Bufudyne)
Aigis: ~233 (God's Hand)/~259 (Akasha Arts assumed to do 1.5 hits, which I'm not sure it actually does on average but let's go with it and keep the other figure around in case this is wrong) (assuming Power Enhancer)
Koromaru: 288 (Agidyne) (assumes Pesh Kabz as default weapon and dhyer's cited 227 figure for his accessoryless damage)
Ken: 254 (Ziodyne)
Average: 282.4 (291.1 with Power Enhancer on Junpei instead of Agni Bracers) [319.6 with Minato wrecking averages]
2.5x killpoint: 706 (727.75 with above assumption) [799 with Minato being an OP shitlord]

Again this is largely based on extrapolation, loose testing, and guesswork, so cue someone coming in to say I'm wrong about everything.  Tweaking options exist (and make Aigis sadder) but shouldn't amount to more than a dozen points worth of difference.

Agility given the same assumptions:
1. Koromaru - 64
2. Ken - 57
3. Akihiko - 52
4. Mitsuru - 49
5. Junpei - 46
6t. Yukari - 45
6t. Aigis - 45
Average: 51.14 (7.15 SD)
« Last Edit: February 08, 2016, 02:22:47 AM by Random Consonant »


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Re: Shin Megami Tensei: Persona 3
« Reply #12 on: February 08, 2016, 02:50:52 PM »
While I don't have the time or wherewithal to really do a "proper" stat topic block for P3P Minato, it can essentially be summed up as follows:

- Minato is only allowed to use his own swords now, not other PCs' weapons.  I am not certain if they differ from the PS2 version statistically, none of the FAQs document Minato route shops.
- FeMC weapons:
--Kanemitsu: 335 ATK, 92 HIT, +3 Str
--Atlus Stick: 295 ATK, 92 HIT, +5 Mag

- Fusion spells are entirely DL illegal under P3P interps as they're now consumables.
- Other than that there's probably not much else different at a glance.