
Author Topic: Vanguard Bandits  (Read 5896 times)


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Vanguard Bandits
« on: August 27, 2008, 11:42:10 PM »
Vanguard Bandits is an SRPG (translated by Working Designs of Lunar fame), and thus, there are a ton of interpretation issues to work out - sadly, many many elements of the game either translate horribly to the DL, or not at all. Additionally, there's lots of things left in the air mechanics wise - the game uses a stat allocation system for level-ups, there's a limited amount of EXP available (as there are no random encounters or any missions with a theoretical infinite number of enemies), and even the battle system is wonky compared to traditional RPGs/SRPGs. With all this said, though, I'll try to explain things as clearly as I can and give reasoning behind the interpretation I've ultimately decided on.

Also, one big issue is that VB has characters fighting out in mecha. There is no actual human combat, which makes a stat topic applicable but probably kills any chances of being ranked, ever (like that was plausible >_>). As such, things like status from other games, etc. may or may not make sense to you against them; keep this in mind. VB has this fairly evident given that all status (mostly stat downs) in the game is minor, with no lethal or particularly vicious ones, that all wear off over time.

For cast members, I've included all playable PCs that stay in your party until the end of a track (this means that Ione, Kamorge, and Galvas are out, and none of them have anything particularly unique anyway). All characters with unique ATACs (and thus weapons/stones) get them, obviously; otherwise, they're limited to their initial. As for stones, characters with a special attack keyed to one particular element (Devlin's Burning Soul attached to fire stones) get that stone on their ATAC; characters without any (Barlow, Franco, etc.) get whatever initial stone they have upgraded to the best storebought version. Weapons are best storebought or unique, as there's no variety at all and it's dependant completely on the ATAC. I don't allow storebought accessories, all of which are useless in the DL save for the stat boosters which do nothing to change the average anyway. (There are no status blockers in Vanguard Bandits, and the few statuses that exist - stat downs and disabled movement - aren't blocked by any unit in-game, even the final boss). Initial accessories get a nod, of course.

I've included the major endgame antagonists (Duyere, Zakov, Logan, Faulkner) at the end of the post. As usual, boss interpretation in an SRPG is a headache, moreso in that VB makes absolutely -no- distinction between them and a PC unit, so you may be tempted to take them literally, save for durability. There is no permanent unit loss in Vanguard Bandits (taking casualties in a mission is fairly standard), so keep that in mind.

More on the somewhat mystifying battle system now (it's very intuitive in-game, but a bit complicated on paper) and how I've worked out an interpretation of it in the DL format.

HP: lik omg, I duno what dis does!!1
BAS: This primarily effects your HP score, but seems to effect a lot of other things as well, such as speed (hence, "base" stat).
POW: Damage. Yeah, nothing awfully complicated here. Effects damage way more than WEP.
DEX: Accuracy. Pretty damn important in-game, for what it's worth.
AGL: Evasion and speed. VB uses a linear CTB system, much like FFT's. Evasion matters significantly in-game, like accuracy.
DEF: Defense. Der. Seems like a diminishing percentiles system.
WEP: I'm honestly not sure why this stat exists, or more notably why it's something you can raise at level-up. You never want to raise this stat in-game; weapons do that for you enough. It effects your damage, obviously, but not nearly as much as POW does.

(Indepth formulas, for the mathematically inclined. I derived these myself (with a lot of help from Neph), so yeah. ^_^)

Formulae derived so far:
Damage = factors involve POW, WEP, enemy DEF, and attack multiplier.
HP = Level*2 + BAS*4 + 10 + bonuses
Speed = AGL*0.24 + BAS*0.04 + 2.5 + bonuses

And now for the other two fun stats.
AP: Ability Points. Every turn, a character is given 100 AP. AP is spent for movement, attacking, and Support Skills. In-game, AP cost for movement is very noticeable; not so much in a duel. When a character's turn ends, two-thirds of the remaining AP they have is used to eliminate an equal amount of FP (that is, if you ended your turn with 50 AP, you would reduce your FP by 33).
FP: Fatigue Points. What makes VB characters unique. It starts at 0, and goes up whenever you use most attacks, and whenever you use a reaction ability (see below). If a character's FP count ever reaches 100 following an action, they are frozen, their turn ends immediately and they lose their next turn, plus all attacks against them have a 100% chance to hit, do additional damage, and cannot be reacted to. After that lost turn, their FP is reset to 0 (it is important to note that enemy only gets 1 round to take advantage of this, not 2, under the assumption that the two units have equal speed. This is relevant because VB characters can counterattack, and thus regain their ability to do so after the round of being frozen expires, not at the beginning of their next turn). FP is reduced by having leftover AP at the end of a turn; see the AP stat description.

Note that VB chars can choose to "wait" a turn and get their next turn twice as fast, as per most SRPGs. This is especially important since it allows for FP cooldown without entirely losing a round's worth of speed. In-game, they can also get this benefit by moving and not attacking... irrelevant in the DL.

Attack Types
All VB attacks are one of four types - Normal, Effect, Knockdown, and Collision. These are relevant to reaction abilities (and damage interpretation, later). Normal attacks are just that; they can be reacted in any way. Effects are just the same as normal, except they carry some kind of status along with the attack (stat down, etc.). Knockdown is a trait that counters the Attack reaction ability - on a successful hit, the enemy ATAC gets knocked to the ground and thus can't counterattack. Collision is an impact-type attack which counters both Attack and Defend - like Knockdown, it stops an enemy from counterattacking if it hits successfully, and additionally ignores the damage reduction that the Defend command gives. Flipside, Collision-type moves generally have less accuracy than normal. Note that if Knockdown or Collision misses, the enemy is able to counterattack if that's what they had inputted as their reaction command.

DL-wise? It would be safe to say that Normal moves are just that, normal; Effect moves are status moves; Knockdown moves ignore counters; and Collision moves ignore counters, plus any defend command bonuses (what you define that is up to you). In terms of keeping true to in-game performance, collisions are by far the best type due to getting past the powerful VB Defend reaction ability, and thus are generally superior to Knockdown even if they have notably lower attack multipliers. How you wish to treat this in the DL is up to you.

All attacks also have a range from 1-4 panels. For purposes of simplicity, I have dubbed any move with a range greater than 1 to be "ranged".

Like most SRPGs, VB has facing. It's quite important, as well, in that both hit rate and damage changes noticeably depending on where you hit (or where you're hit); there's frontal, side, and rear attacks. And like in most SRPGs, side attacks are the most common and thus what I consider default. For those who take facing into account, just keep in mind that frontal attacks have a far higher chance to be evaded (especially with Reflect Attack), and that rear attacks usually hit, do significant damage and can't be Defended or Attacked (see reaction abilities). Also, many Dormant Skills apply to frontal and rear attacks, so check those if you deem it necessary.

In case you're interested:
Frontal attacks = 100% (x1) chance to hit, 100% (x1) damage
Side attacks = 133% (x1.33) chance to hit, 110% (x1.1) damage
Rear attacks = 166% (x1.66) chance to hit, 120% (x1.2) damage

Reaction Abilities[/u]
All VB units have the ability to react to an enemy attack, that is, whenever they're the target of something, they can choose one of these reactions in response as a free action. This sounds absolutely great for them in a duel... until you take into account that these reaction abilities cost deadly FP, and that VB characters MUST use one (in other words, any attack on them causes them to accumulate 20 FP at the very least - which makes it that much more likely they'll get stunned eventually from FP buildup). Definitely the defining trait of the system.

The reaction abilities are...
Attack (FP cost varies) - The unit gets to counterattack the enemy unit with any move of their choice, provided that it has the range to do so (so if you're hit with a Range 3 attack, you can only counter with a Range 3 or better attack, etc.) The attack's cost is applied to the counterattacking ATAC... converted completely to FP. This means that if you're counterattacking with Str. Slash, a move that normally costs 50 AP and 10 FP to use, it'll cost 60 FP as a counterattack! ATACs who go this route generally have to spend their next turn "resting" (doing nothing and letting all their AP be used to reduce FP) given the high cost of it. The other common use is using an overexpensive move that pushes you way beyond 100 FP (like Soaring Dance or Bursting Fire) but is lethal to the opponent, thus giving you the win anyway. Counterattacks cannot be reacted, and thus have a full chance to hit. The Attack command fails if the opponent lands a successful hit with a Knockdown- or Collision-type attack.
Defend (30 FP) - The character gives the opponent the full chance to hit, but damage is halved. This reduction doesn't apply if they're hit with a Collision-type attack.
Avoid (20 FP) - The character attempts to evade the attack. Avoid doubles the character's chances of evading something, and is the default reaction choice. (So an attack that normally hits 80% of the time, and would were you Defending or Attacking, would hit only 40% of the time with Avoid.)
Counter (20 FP) - Attempts a preemptive attack (1.25x power) with a rather low success rate which carries a Knockdown effect, thus negating the opponent's attack completely. If you fail to counter, you take additional damage from the attack (FAIL). Useless ingame, and in the DL, by sheer fact that this can only be used in reaction to a frontal attack. Also, the Reflect Attack and/or Parry dormant skills takes precedence over this, which makes it even more useless, as half the time you'll just deflect the attack and won't even counter.

Whew. That's enough on the battle system for now, I think. Someone punt me if I've missed anything vital. Moving on...

Universal Moves
Some of these are relisted on characters I feel may have applicable use for them, with relevant damage figures.

Slash (30 AP, 5 FP) - 0.80x, +20% hit rate
Thrust (30 AP, 5 FP) - 1.00x, +0% hit rate
Tackle (35 AP, 5 FP) - 1.15x, -40% hit rate, collision
Long Thrust (35 AP, 5 FP) - 1.00x, -20% hit rate, ranged (spears only)
Str. Slash (50 AP, 10 FP) - 1.25x, +10% hit rate
Str. Thrust (50 AP, 10 FP) - 1.40x, +0% hit rate (spears only)
Kick (15 AP, 10 FP) - 0.60x, -20% hit rate

Dormant Skills
Every Dormant Skill is useless and/or inapplicable in the DL, save for Second Attack. That's right, every single one. Go figure! (To be fair, Second Attack is extremely godly ingame; it makes sense that it would be here, too.) I've added their descriptions for for the idly curious. If you do a different take on facing, a lot of these do actually matter.

Reflect Attack - Allows deflection of frontal normal and knockdown attacks.
Parry - Increased evasion of frontal attacks.
Assassinate - Raises damage on rear attacks.
Mental Vision - Raises the odds of Counter (the reaction ability, not counterattacks).
Hoverjets - Movement of one panel costs 10 AP regardless of terrain.
Bad Back - Take additional damage when struck in the back. Best dormant skill EVAR.
Second Attack - Attack up to twice in one turn. Doesn't apply for counterattacks.
Forward Menace - Enemies must stop if they enter the panel in front of the ATAC.
Rear Menace - Enemies must stop if they enter the panel behind the ATAC.
Mass Menace - Enemies must stop if they enter any panel adjacent to the ATAC.
Stealth Motion - Allows movement through enemy units for an extra 10 AP.
Rapid Motion - Adds 1 Move to your ATAC.
Snow Motion - Movement on snow terrain costs 10 AP per panel.
Forest Motion - Movement on forest terrain costs 10 AP per panel.
Desert Motion - Movement on desert terrain costs 10 AP per panel.

Support Skills
Support Skills are nifty, and some play a fairly important role in-game, and seem very applicable in the DL... until you realize that none of them are self-targetable. YAY! Again, for the sake of completion they're here anyway. Support Skills are actions taken during a turn, and do not count as attacks, so given you have enough AP you can use one and attack on the same round.

(Oh wait, I forgot. Turn Quake is targeted on an enemy. This means it can be used in the DL. OMG NANA HAS A 25% CHANCE OF GETTING A REAR ATTACK IF SHE GIVES UP 50 AP. GODLIKE BEYOND WORDS.)

Turn Quake (50 AP) - Randomly changes the facing direction of an enemy unit.
Gaia Protect (30 AP) - Raises DEF of an ally unit.
Earth Heal (60 AP) - Restores HP of an ally unit.
Cooling Mist (55 AP) - Reduces FP of all allied units within range.
Pouring Rain (33 AP) - Raises AGL of an ally unit.
Searing Flame (40 AP) - Raises WEP of an ally unit.
Blazing Phoenix (60 AP) - Self-sacrifice to restore an ally unit's HP and reduce FP.
Roaring Wind (40 AP) - Raises DEX of an ally unit.
Holy Light (90 AP) - Restores HP and reduces FP of an ally unit.
<Eph> When Laggy was there to fuel my desire to open crates, my life was happy.  Now I'm stuck playing a shitty moba and playing Anime RPGs.


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Re: Vanguard Bandits
« Reply #1 on: August 27, 2008, 11:42:49 PM »
Endgame level: 25. This is kind of arbitrary, but fits everyone nicely, and since everyone has equal stat growth (3 points a level)... yeah. It's also enough to hedge in enough points for the highest-tier special moves.

All damage figures are taken as a rough estimate against a frozen ATAC with 16 DEF. Not exactly ideal testing conditions, I know, but it's the only way I'm going to stay sane (I can't crack the damage formula for the life of me). If I ever manage to figure it out, I'll update. That said, take damage numbers with a grain of salt; they're literal to HP (enemy and PC HP tend to be more or less identical), but inflated due to the target. It all averages out in the end, though, if you use the 2.5x = KO method.

"I will not lose to you! I fight with honor!"

(Ultragunner - Kingdom/Empire tracks)
* HP 228
* BAS 22 / POW 22 / DEX 22 / AGL 23 / DEF 23 / WEP 20
* Speed 8.90
ATAC: Ultragunner (HP+80, BAS+5, POW+2, DEX+2, AGL+2, DEF+2, Move 6 Normal)
Weapon: Eternus (WEP+15, BAS+1, POW+1, DEX+1, AGL+1, DEF+1)
Stone: Gratia (Holy, BAS+1, POW+1, DEX+1, AGL+1, DEF+1, WEP+1)
Dormant Skills: Reflect Attack, Parry, Chivalry, Mental Vision, Second Attack, Mass Menace
Support Skills: Holy Light

Flashing Fang (44 AP, 12 FP) - 65 damage (1.25x), -20% hit rate, collision
Blinding Light (40 AP, 25 FP) - 3 damage (0.10x), +10% hit rate, inflicts Accuracy Down, ranged
Lightning Strike (50 AP, 15 FP) - 85 damage (1.60x), +10% hit rate, ranged knockdown
Splitting Smash (80 AP, 15 FP) - 115 damage (2.16x), +0% hit rate, ranged knockdown
Soaring Dance (5 AP, 90 FP) - 135 damage (2.56x), -10% hit rate, ranged collision

(TIC-TAC - Ruin track)
* HP 272
* BAS 23 / POW 21 / DEX 21 / AGL 22 / DEF 26 / WEP 20
* Speed 8.67
ATAC: TIC-TAC (HP+120, BAS+8, POW+3, DEX+3, AGL+3, DEF+3, Move 6 Normal)
Weapon: Caliban (WEP+16)
Stone: Ocean Mist (Water, DEF+4)
Dormant Skills: Reflect Attack, Parry, Chivalry, Mental Vision, Second Attack, Mass Menace
Support Skills: Cooling Mist, Pouring Rain

Ice Shards (30 AP, 15 FP) - 44 damage (0.85x), -10% hit rate, ranged
Ice Storm (40 AP, 10 FP) - 26 damage (0.50x), +10% hit rate, inflicts Speed Down, ranged
Mirage Mist (30 AP, 15 FP) - 31 damage (0.60x), +0% hit rate, inflicts Accuracy Down, ranged
Tidal Wave (30 AP, 30 FP) - 139 damage (2.66x), +30% hit rate, ranged knockdown

Notes: As you can see, Bastion has two unique ATACs at his disposal (three, actually, but the Alba has absolutely no use compared to these two). Some may or may not allow the TIC-TAC, which is obtained only on an alternate track that follows a somewhat comical storyline and playable only after beating the two regular tracks. By a noticeable margin, the TIC-TAC is by far and away the superior choice - though the Ultragunner is no slouch itself.

Comments: Bastion is just all around solid in every field. Tanky, with above average speed and decent damage, after Second Attack. He's got not a single weak point, although no extraordinary strengths either aside from excellent HP, and Soaring Dance makes for a great killing counter. A Heavy, in my opinion. (TIC-TAC... well, with its OHKO-dispensing damage every round before counters and even better durability... skirts the border of low Godlike.)

"It's a burden to be so dangerous."

* HP 147
* BAS 18 / POW 16 / DEX 22 / AGL 15 / DEF 20 / WEP 17
* Speed 6.82
ATAC: Haurol (HP+15, Move 4, Normal)
Weapon: Halberd (WEP+13, DEF+2)
Stone: Lapis Lazuli (Water, DEF+3)
Dormant Skills: Parry, Mental Vision, Forward Menace, Rear Menace, Rapid Motion
Support Skills: Cooling Mist, Pouring Rain

Str. Thrust (50 AP, 10 FP) - 47 damage (1.40x), +0% hit rate
Ice Shards (30 AP, 15 FP) - 28 damage (0.85x), -10% hit rate, ranged
Ice Storm (40 AP, 10 FP) - 16 damage (0.50x), +10% hit rate, inflicts Defense Down, ranged
Mirage Mist (30 AP, 15 FP) - 20 damage (0.60x), +0% hit rate, inflicts Accuracy Down, ranged
Reyna's Trick (70 AP, 20 FP) - 65 damage (1.92x), +40% hit rate, collision

Comments: Damage? Not there. Ability to take hits? Nope. Gameworst speed? Yep. Very little can save Reyna from the title of suck; certainly the sad status options that the Water Seal moves offer aren't up to the task. But at least she's ACCURATE!!!!111oneone Light.

"I'll knock you flat on your sorry arse!"

* HP 160
* BAS 20 / POW 28 / DEX 15 / AGL 15 / DEF 18 / WEP 16
* Speed 6.90
ATAC: Ratatosk (HP+20, Move 4 Normal)
Weapon: Durandar (WEP+12, DEX+2)
Stone: Kunzite (Fire, POW+3)
Dormant Skills: Reflect Attack, Second Attack, Snow Motion
Support Skills: Searing Flame, Blazing Phoenix

Fireball (25 AP, 24 FP) - 107 damage (1.35x), +15% hit rate
Melting Flare (40 AP, 15 FP) - 22 damage (0.30x), -20% hit rate, inflicts Defense Down, ranged
Flare Bomb (50 AP, 25 FP) - 122 damage (1.55x), +0% hit rate, ranged knockdown
Burning Soul (30 AP, 50 FP) - 170 damage (2.15x), -10% hit rate, collision

Comments: Devlin is just a prime example of why Fire users excel so well in-game, and particularly in the DL format. Excellent damage, coupled with Fireball's reasonable cost (easily the best Level 1 attack in the game, hands-down) which makes it a viable counterattack combine for a serious threat. Second Attack makes his offense that all more scary, and Burning Soul tops it all off as a fine finishing counter. He's not especially durable, and could use some more speed or accuracy, but neither of these fallings hinder the obscene damage output all that much. A damn good Heavy.

"You chipped my lollipop! You DIE!"

* HP 140
* BAS 15 / POW 15 / DEX 20 / AGL 16 / DEF 29 / WEP 16
* Speed 6.94
ATAC: Ratatosk (HP+20, Move 4 Normal)
Weapon: Durandar (WEP+12, DEX+2)
Stone: Lapis Lazuli (Water, DEF+3)
Dormant Skills: Chivalry, Mass Menace
Support Skills: Cooling Mist, Pouring Rain

Str. Slash (50 AP, 10 FP) - 37 damage (1.25x), +10% hit rate
Ice Shards (30 AP, 15 FP) - 25 damage (0.85x), -10% hit rate, ranged
Ice Storm (40 AP, 10 FP) - 15 damage (0.50x), +10% hit rate, inflicts Defense Down, ranged
Mirage Mist (30 AP, 15 FP) - 17 damage (0.60x), +0% hit rate, inflicts Accuracy Down, ranged

Comments:'s Barlow, what did you expect, something non-suck? Given he spends more time eating his lollipop (... >_>) than fighting, it's no surprise he translates to trash at the end. Barlow is VB's throwaway char, with no redeeming features whatsoever - and he gets stuck with the worst stone, to boot. So he has no damage or speed or just about anything except admittedly good DEF... which helps to offset that gameworst HP a bit. (Mind, he still ends up more durable than the average PC, fortunately for his sake). Still a sad Light.

"Another victory for the Andrew-nator!"

* HP 160
* BAS 20 / POW 22 / DEX 26 / AGL 32* / DEF 20 / WEP 18
* Speed 10.98
ATAC: Vendocorban (HP+20, BAS+1, DEX+2, AGL+6, Move 6 Ninja)
Weapon: Widowmaker (WEP+13, AGL+2)
Stone: Jade (Wind, AGL+3)
Dormant Skills: Parry, Assassinate, Second Attack, Stealth Motion, Rapid  Motion
Support Skills: Roaring Wind

Tornado (40 AP, 15 FP) - 25 damage (0.50x), +10% hit rate, inflicts Attack Down, ranged collision
Turbulence (10 AP, 30 FP) - 37 damage (0.75x), +20% hit rate, ranged knockdown
Wind Strike (35 AP, 20 FP) - 80 damage (1.56x), +10% hit rate, knockdown
Somersault (56 AP, 28 FP) - 90 damage (1.75x), +50% hit rate, collision

Comments: Ah... Andrew. Resident sexist pig ninja, his mere visage just radiates badass. Okay, so that's what he'd like us to think, but the Vendocorban more than backs up his claims with some fairly eye-popping stat boosts. With a maxxed AGL, Andrew's the fastest char of the cast, and retrospectively the most evasive as well; Second Attack gives that extra umph his offense needs to make him dangerous, and his accuracy (especially with Somersault) generally laughs at others dodging his attacks. As expected, his durability could use some work, but it's not as bad as you might think, and certainly doesn't keep him back from being a solid Heavy.

"You have the reflexes of a drunk yak!"

* HP 204
* BAS 21 / POW 18 / DEX 22 / AGL 22 / DEF 24 / WEP 17
* Speed 8.62
ATAC: Toreadore (HP+60, BAS+5, POW+1, DEF+2, Move 7 Cavalry)
Weapon: Gunganir (WEP+12, DEX+1, DEF+1)
Stone: Royal Jade (Wind, AGL+4)
Dormant Skills: Chivalry, Second Attack, Rapid Motion
Support Skills: Roaring Wind

Tornado (40 AP, 15 FP) - 18 damage (0.50x), +10% hit rate, inflicts Attack Down, ranged collision
Turbulence (10 AP, 30 FP) - 28 damage (0.75x), +20% hit rate, ranged knockdown
Wind Strike (35 AP, 20 FP) - 61 damage (1.56x), +10% hit rate, knockdown
Sonic Blade (40 AP, 33 FP) - 71 damage (1.80x), +20% hit rate, ranged knockdown

Comments: Bastion, except not quite as good in every field. The damage in particular could be better, although it's good in comparison to the average Wind user. Otherwise? All of those drops stack up to a nice division drop, so I'm inclined to call the good Duke Zeira a Middle on the higher side of things and be done with it.

"Feel the fangs of the Ice Wolf!"

* HP 184
* BAS 16 / POW 15 / DEX 26 / AGL 24 / DEF 32* / WEP 19
* Speed 8.90
ATAC: Altagrave (HP+60, BAS+3, DEX+3, Move 5 Normal)
Weapon: Fridgia (WEP+12, DEX+2)
Stone: Hawk's Eye (Water, DEF+4)
Accessory: Rainbow Gem (DEF+4)
Dormant Skills: Parry, Chivalry, Mental Vision, Second Attack, Rapid Motion, Snow Motion
Support Skills: Cooling Mist, Pouring Rain

Str. Slash (50 AP, 10 FP) - 41 damage (1.25x), +10% hit rate
Ice Shards (30 AP, 15 FP) - 27 damage (0.85x), -10% hit rate, ranged
Ice Storm (40 AP, 10 FP) - 16 damage (0.50x), +10% hit rate, inflicts Speed Down, ranged
Mirage Mist (30 AP, 15 FP) - 19 damage (0.60x), +0% hit rate, inflicts Accuracy Down, ranged
Blizzard Break (80 AP, 10 FP) - 66 damage (2.05x), +25% hit rate, collision

Comments: Alden is the game's resident tank, with capped DEF and above average HP allowing him to take hits better than anyone else. Respectable AGL up his evasion enough to make him fairly difficult to take down, and only gets better after a Mirage Mist - you won't hit him often, and when you do, it won't do much. His problem, like a lot of non-Fire chars, is lack of damage - even with Blizzard Break's high multiplier, that POW is just too low, and it's lousy as a counter with its high cost, and can't be used with Second Attack. This condemns him to being merely a good Middle.

"I am a ruthless foe. You are a casualty."

* HP 192
* BAS 18 / POW 30 / DEX 16 / AGL 23 / DEF 23 / WEP 23
* Speed 8.74
ATAC: Roaring Lion (HP+60, BAS+2, POW+5, Move 4 Heavy)
Weapon: Skorsek (WEP+14, POW+2)
Stone: Sunstone (Fire, POW+4)
Dormant Skills: Reflect Attack, Chivalry, Mental Vision, Mass Menace
Support Skills: Searing Flame, Blazing Phoenix

Fireball (25 AP, 24 FP) - 122 damage (1.35x), +15% hit rate
Melting Flare (40 AP, 15 FP) - 25 damage (0.30x), -20% hit rate, inflicts Defense Down, ranged
Flare Bomb (50 AP, 25 FP) - 141 damage (1.55x), +0% hit rate, ranged knockdown
Bursting Fire (10 AP, 80 FP) - 288 damage (3.15x), +0% hit rate, ranged knockdown

Comments: Holy hell, Bursting Fire hurts! Serious overkill damage, which is limited somewhat by that skyhigh FP cost - but that's okay, he's still got Fireball and Flare Bomb, both of which generally 2HKO without a question. Dionne's got all his points covered, all his other stats generally above average except his accuracy, which really only matters against the notably evasive (no VB char has a real problem with hitting things). That said, Bursting Fire's damage with VB's counter system make him terrifying; thank god he doesn't get Second Attack, or else things would -fry-. As is, he's essentially a different take of Rolf, which makes him a low Godlike of some sort.

"That was fun, Kyu-Kyu! I want to beat another one!"

* HP 244
* BAS 31 / POW 20 / DEX 18 / AGL 21 / DEF 20 / WEP 16
* Speed 8.78
ATAC: Bahamut (HP+60, BAS+8, Move 4 Heavy)
Weapon: Demirune (WEP+12, BAS+2)
Stone: Carnelian (Earth, BAS+4)
Accessory: Fairy Earring (DEX+2)
Dormant Skills: Mental Vision, Mass Menace, Desert Motion
Support Skills: Turn Quake, Gaia Protect, Earth Heal

Str. Thrust (50 AP, 10 FP) - 50 damage (1.40x), +0% hit rate
Quicksand (40 AP, 15 FP) - 8 damage (0.30x), -30% hit rate, inflicts Can't Move, ranged
Earthquake (45 AP, 15 FP) - 41 damage (1.20x), +20% hit rate, ranged knockdown
Terra Shock (55 AP, 40 FP) - 61 damage (1.75x), +40% hit rate, ranged collision

Comments: Look, Reyna! It's Nana, the little girl that's just like you except better in almost every possible way! An actual speed score, and possessing the best HP of the cast, Nana still suffers from lacking good, solid damage. But at least she doesn't totally fail in all other regards. Probably a Light/Middle, as Terra Shock is just too expensive to use consistently.

"Watch what Alden taught me!"

* HP 157
* BAS 18 / POW 18 / DEX 17 / AGL 20 / DEF 31 / WEP 17
* Speed 8.02
ATAC: Amphisia (HP +25, BAS+1, DEX+1, Move 5 Normal)
Weapon: Halberd (WEP+13, DEF+2)
Stone: Lapis Lazuli (Water, DEF+3)
Accessory: Power Tiara (POW+4)
Dormant Skills: Parry, Snow Motion
Support Skills: Cooling Mist, Pouring Rain

Str. Thrust (50 AP, 10 FP) - 55 damage (1.40x), +0% hit rate
Ice Shards (30 AP, 15 FP) - 32 damage (0.85x), -10% hit rate, ranged
Ice Storm (40 AP, 10 FP) - 18 damage (0.50x), +10% hit rate, inflicts Speed Down, ranged
Mirage Mist (30 AP, 15 FP) - 22 damage (0.60x), +0% hit rate, inflicts Accuracy Down, ranged

Comments: Alden with even worse damage. Not gooooooood. Milea's also slower and not quite as tanky, though she follows the same basic strategy - without Second Attack or Blizzard Break. Ehh, not too hot there. Light.

"Mess with the best, lose like the rest!"

* HP 204
* BAS 21 / POW 14 / DEX 24 / AGL 29 / DEF 17 / WEP 16
* Speed 10.30
ATAC: Sylpheed (HP+60, BAS+3, AGL+3, Move 7 Flight)
Weapon: Steelburn (WEP+12, AGL+2)
Stone: Star Diamond (Wind, AGL+4)
Dormant Skills: Parry, Chivalry, Hoverjets, Second Attack, Stealth Motion, Rapid Motion
Support Skills: Roaring Wind

Tornado (40 AP, 15 FP) - 13 damage (0.50x), +10% hit rate, inflicts Attack Down, ranged collision
Turbulence (10 AP, 30 FP) - 20 damage (0.75x), +20% hit rate, ranged knockdown
Wind Strike (35 AP, 20 FP) - 43 damage (1.56x), +10% hit rate, knockdown
Spiral Dive (35 AP, 55 FP) - 60 damage (2.12x), +33% hit rate, ranged collision

Comments: Our local princess brings good speed (best after the ninjas), evasion and notable durability to top it all off, and is extremely accurate with her attacks. The cost-effectiveness of Wind Strike also grants her viable countering ability. Again, though, with the lack of damage; Second Attack definitely helps in that regard. High Middle.

"My heart is beating so fast. I feel dizzy!"

* HP 144
* BAS 16 / POW 18 / DEX 24 / AGL 32* / DEF 17 / WEP 17
* Speed 10.82
ATAC: Vendocorban (HP+20, BAS+1, DEX+2, AGL+6, Move 6 Ninja)
Weapon: Widowmaker (WEP+13, AGL+2)
Stone: Jade (Wind, AGL+3)
Accessory: Pegasus Boots (Move +1. GODLIEK)
Dormant Skills: Assassinate, Rear Menace, Stealth Motion, Rapid Motion
Support Skills: Roaring Wind

Tornado (40 AP, 15 FP) - 21 damage (0.50x), +10% hit rate, inflicts Attack Down, ranged collision
Turbulence (10 AP, 30 FP) - 32 damage (0.75x), +20% hit rate, ranged knockdown
Wind Strike (35 AP, 20 FP) - 70 damage (1.56x), +10% hit rate, knockdown
Somersault (56 AP, 28 FP) - 77 damage (1.75x), +50% hit rate, collision

Comments: Andrew with less damage and no Second Attack. Guh. Still bloody fast and evasive, and there's always counters to soften the lack of offense, but... that damage drop is a pretty big one. Maid girl Cecilia most likely gets tucked into the high Middle corner.

"Underestimate me at your peril."

* HP 157
* BAS 18 / POW 17 / DEX 23 / AGL 25 / DEF 15 / WEP 17
* Speed 9.22
ATAC: Korbelan (HP+25, BAS+1, Move 6 Flight)
Weapon: Durandar (WEP+12, DEX+2)
Stone: Jade (Wind, AGL+3)
Dormant Skills: Reflect Attack, Chivalry
Support Skills: Roaring Wind

Tornado (40 AP, 15 FP) - 17 damage (0.50x), +10% hit rate, inflicts Attack Down, ranged collision
Turbulence (10 AP, 30 FP) - 27 damage (0.75x), +20% hit rate, ranged knockdown
Wind Strike (35 AP, 20 FP) - 57 damage (1.56x), +10% hit rate, knockdown

Comments: Remember how I said Cecilia took a hit to damage? Well, at least she wasn't as bad as these two. Less AGL to boot, and the marginally better hit points do not make up for that pathetic DEF, at all. Wind's speed game isn't much when you've got nothing else to offer at the table. Franco thus spends his days languishing in Light.

"Beaten by an old lady, you were."

* HP 153
* BAS 17 / POW 17 / DEX 23 / AGL 25 / DEF 16 / WEP 17
* Speed 9.18
ATAC: Korbelan (HP+25, BAS+1, Move 6 Flight)
Weapon: Durandar (WEP+12, DEX+2)
Stone: Jade (Wind, AGL+3)
Dormant Skills: Bad Back, Mass Menace
Support Skills: Roaring Wind

Tornado (40 AP, 15 FP) - 17 damage (0.50x), +10% hit rate, inflicts Attack Down, ranged collision
Turbulence (10 AP, 30 FP) - 27 damage (0.75x), +20% hit rate, ranged knockdown
Wind Strike (35 AP, 20 FP) - 57 damage (1.56x), +10% hit rate, knockdown

Comments: ...see Franco, and fear their godly two-stat difference. Light.

"Fear my P.M.S.!"

* HP 145
* BAS 15 / POW 31 / DEX 20 / AGL 20 / DEF 18 / WEP 17
* Speed 7.90
ATAC: Einlager (HP+25, BAS+1, POW+2, Move 5 Normal)
Weapon: Durandar (WEP+12, DEX+2)
Stone: Kunzite (Fire, POW+3)
Accessory: Fairy Earring (DEX+2)
Dormant Skills: Parry, Chivalry, Forward Menace
Support Skills: Searing Flame, Blazing Phoenix

Fireball (25 AP, 24 FP) - 121 damage (1.35x), +15% hit rate
Melting Flare (40 AP, 15 FP) - 25 damage (0.30x), -20% hit rate, inflicts Defense Down, ranged
Flare Bomb (50 AP, 25 FP) - 138 damage (1.55x), +0% hit rate, ranged knockdown

Comments: To the appeasement of VSMs everywhere, Claire packs a Fire stone, which alone makes her one of the better duelers of the cast (although the worst Fire user). And with a wonderful POW score to boot, those attacks will be hurtin', following the usual strategy of Flare Bombs + Fireball counters. She like, totally doesn't learn Second Attack, but the offense is still a damned sight better than most. Probably a Middle/Heavy; she doesn't have much else, but that alone lets her take out a lot more than you'd think, and she's fairly accurate with her attacks.


(Bastion w/ TIC-TAC, 272) (1.56x)
01. Nana, 244 (1.40x)
02. Bastion, 228 (1.31x)
03t. Zeira, 204 (1.17x)
03t. Sadira, 204 (1.17x)
05. Dionne, 192 (1.10x)
06. Alden, 184 (1.05x)
07t. Devlin, Andrew 160 (0.92x)
09t. Milea, Franco 157 (0.90x)
10. Halak, 153 (0.88x)
12. Reyna, 147 (0.84x)
13. Claire, 145 (0.83x)
14. Cecilia, 144 (0.82x)
15. Barlow, 140 (0.80x)
Cast Average: 174.6

01. Andrew, 10.98 (125.7%)
02. Cecilia, 10.82 (123.9%)
03. Sadira, 10.30 (117.9%)
04. Franco, 9.22 (105.6%)
05. Halak, 9.18 (105.1%)
06t. Bastion, Alden 8.90 (101.9%)
08. Nana, 8.78 (100.5%)
09. Dionne, 8.74 (100.1%)
(Bastion w/ TIC-TAC, 8.67) (99.3%)
10. Zeira, 8.62 (98.7%)
11. Milea, 8.02 (91.8%)
12. Claire, 7.90 (90.4%)
13. Barlow, 6.94 (79.5%)
14. Devlin, 6.90 (79.0%)
15. Reyna, 6.82 (78.1%)
Cast Average: 8.73

DEX (accuracy)
01t. Andrew, Alden 26
03t. Sadira, Cecilia 24
05t. Franco, Halak 23
07t. Bastion, Reyna, Zeira 22
(Bastion w/ TIC-TAC, 21)
10t. Barlow, Claire 20
12. Nana, 18
13. Milea, 17
14. Dionne, 16
15. Devlin, 15
Cast Average: 21.2

AGL (evasion - see Speed for speed values)
01t. Andrew, Cecilia 32
03. Sadira, 29
04t. Franco, Halak 25
06. Alden, 24
07t. Bastion, Dionne 23
(Bastion w/ TIC-TAC, 22)
09. Zeira, 22
10. Nana, 21
11t. Milea, Claire 20
13. Barlow 16
14t. Reyna, Devlin 15
Cast Average: 22.8

DEF (universal defense, i.e. physical AND magical)
01. Alden, 32
02. Milea, 31
03. Barlow, 29
(Bastion w/ TIC-TAC, 26)
04. Zeira, 24
05t. Bastion, Dionne 23
07t. Reyna, Andrew, Nana 20
10t. Devlin, Claire 18
12t. Sadira, Cecilia 17
14. Halak, 16
15. Franco, 15
Cast Average: 21.5

Optimum Damage (without Second Attack)
(Dionne's Bursting Fire, 288)
01. Devlin's Burning Soul, 170
02. Dionne's Flare Bomb, 141
(Bastion w/ TIC-TAC's Tidal Wave, 139)
03. Claire's Flare Bomb, 138
(Bastion's Soaring Dance, 135)
04. Bastion's Splitting Smash, 115
05. Andrew's Somersault, 90
06. Cecilia's Somersault, 77
07. Zeira's Sonic Blade, 71
08. Alden's Blizzard Break, 66
09. Reyna's Reyna's Trick, 65
10. Nana's Terra Shock, 61
11. Sadira's Spiral Dive, 60
12t. Franco's Wind Strike, 57
12t. Halak's Wind Strike, 57
14. Milea's Str. Thrust, 55
15. Barlow's Str. Slash, 37
Average: 84
KO damage point: 210

Optimum Damage (with Second Attack)
(Dionne's Bursting Fire, 288)
(Bastion w/ TIC-TAC's double Tidal Wave, 278)
01. Devlin's double Fireball, 214
02. Bastion's double Lightning Strike, 170
03. Andrew's double Wind Strike, 160
04. Dionne's Flare Bomb, 141
05. Claire's Flare Bomb, 138
(Bastion's Soaring Dance, 135)
06. Zeira's double Wind Strike, 122
07. Sadira's double Wind Strike, 86
08. Alden's double Str. Slash, 82
09. Cecilia's Somersault, 77
10. Reyna's Reyna's Trick, 65
11. Nana's Terra Shock, 61
12t. Franco's Wind Strike, 57
12t. Halak's Wind Strike, 57
14. Milea's Str. Thrust, 55
15. Barlow's Str. Slash, 37
Average: 102
KO damage point: 254

Overall damage average: 93
Overall KO damage point: 232
<Eph> When Laggy was there to fuel my desire to open crates, my life was happy.  Now I'm stuck playing a shitty moba and playing Anime RPGs.


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Re: Vanguard Bandits
« Reply #2 on: August 27, 2008, 11:43:14 PM »

NOTE: All of these bosses face endgame parties (or in Zakov's case, one mission before endgame). Damage figures are taken against an ATAC with 20 DEF on a side attack.

Zakov (Level 23)
"Bear vitness to dhe power uff Zakov!"

* HP 244
* BAS 17 / POW 23 / DEX 13 / AGL 16 / DEF 24 / WEP 28
* Speed 7.02
ATAC: Sharking (HP+120, POW+6, AGL+3, Move 5 Heavy)
Weapon: Ginsunami (WEP+20)
Stone: Evil Eye (BAS+1, POW+1, DEF+1, WEP+1)
Accessory: Rainbow Gem (DEF+4)
Dormant Skills: Reflect Attack, Assassinate, Hoverjets

Slash (30 AP, 5 FP) - 68 damage, 1.20x, +35% hit rate
Str. Slash (50 AP, 10 FP) - 91 damage, 1.60x, +20% hit rate, collision
Cutting Wheel (45 AP, 0 FP) - 85 damage, 1.50x, +25% hit rate, ranged collision

Comments: Fear Cutting Wheel. Fear it. It will hit (yes, even with that low DEX - Sharkings cheat), and it will hurt. And despite the rather pathetic stature of Zakov, that Sharking he's piloting is one of the meanest ATAC types around, so keep a healthy distance away from the wheel o' death - or charge in close and try to make him resort to his less-deadly, though still brutal, Str. Slashes instead. (No, those aren't regular Slashes or Str. Slashes! Lookit the stats!) Good for the moustached moron... but his durability ain't too hot (for a boss, and given it's easy to ignore him till the end), and neither is the speed. That's still borderline 2HKO damage, though, and Cutting Wheel counters just about anything. Middle/Heavy.

Logan (Level 26)
"Feel the fangs of the Crimson! Raging flame! Severing blade!"

* HP 190

* BAS 17 / POW 32 / DEX 16 / AGL 13 / DEF 19 / WEP 22
* Speed 6.30
ATAC: Crimson (HP+60, BAS+1, POW+5, Move 5 Normal)
Weapon: Bloodblade (WEP+14, DEX+2)
Stone: Blood Stone (POW+4)
Accessory: Rainbow Gem (DEF+4)
Dormant Skills: Reflect Attack, Chivalry, Mass Menace, Forest Motion

Fireball (25 AP, 24 FP) - 68 damage, 1.35x, +15% hit rate
Melting Flare (40 AP, 15 FP) - 15 damage, 0.30x, -20% hit rate, inflicts Defense Down, ranged
Flare Bomb (50 AP, 25 FP) - 78 damage, 1.55x, +0% hit rate, ranged knockdown
Raging Heat (40 AP, 5 FP) - 124 damage, 2.50x, +20% hit rate, ranged knockdown

Comments: Raging Heat freaking hurts with that attack power. Obscene damage, but not much else - he's a slug, certainly. Of course, in VB, obscene damage can get you a loooong way, especially with how cheap and effective said Raging Heat is, and a ranged cheap counter make up for that lack of speed and durability. Heavy.

Duyere (Level 23)
"What are you trying to do?! Kill me?!"

* HP 204
* BAS 22 / POW 18 / DEX 20 / AGL 22 / DEF 12 / WEP 19
* Speed 8.66
ATAC: Sarbelas (HP+60, DEX+3, AGL+3, Move 6 Normal)
Weapon: Mystaria (WEP+15, DEX+3)
Stone: Sardonis (BAS+4)
Accessory: Power Tiara (POW+4)
Dormant Skills: Assassinate, Mental Vision, Hoverjets, Second Attack, Stealth Motion, Forest Motion

Quicksand (40 AP, 15 FP) - 12 damage, 0.30x, -30% hit rate, inflicts Can't Move, ranged
Earthquake (45 AP, 15 FP) - 47 damage, 1.20x, +20% hit rate, ranged knockdown
Gaia Blade (60 AP, 25 FP) - 78 damage, 1.98x, -10% hit rate, knockdown

Comments: 12 DEF at endgame levels? Fail, Duyere. Just... fail. Gaia Blade blows for a special attack, and he has nothing else other than (slightly!) above average speed and evasion. No surprise; the less-than-capable prince is little more than a pushover in-game on every presence he makes. Passable damage (expensive counters, though, and double EQs are intensive in cost) but still about as durable as a twig. High Light.

Faulkner (Level 30)
"You are well and truly pathetic."

* HP 662
* BAS 28 / POW 29 / DEX 31 / AGL 29 / DEF 27 / WEP 29
* Speed 10.58
ATAC: Zulwarn (HP+480, BAS+10, POW+8, DEX+8, AGL+5, DEF+5, Move 5 Heavy)
Weapon: Soulstab (WEP+17, DEX+3)
Stone: Black Diamond (Evil, BAS+1, POW+1, DEX+1, AGL+1, DEF+1, WEP+1)
Accessory: Devil's Horn (HP+20, BAS+1, POW+1, DEX+1, AGL+1, DEF+1, WEP+1)
Dormant Skills: Parry, Second Attack, Mass Menace

Shadow Binding (5 AP, 0 FP) - 11 damage (0.20x), +0% hit rate, inflicts Can't Move, ranged
Dark Thunder (10 AP, 0 FP) - 94 damage (1.70x), +20% hit rate, knockdown
Shadow Blade (20 AP, 5 FP) - 123 damage (2.24x), +40% hit rate, ranged knockdown
Heaven's Gate (30 AP, 0 FP) - 158 damage (2.88x), +33% hit rate, ranged knockdown

Comments: Those insane defensive stats are less impressive when you take into account that you can kill off all of his support (and a lot of it it is...) without ever having him play his hand. And thank god for that - Faulkner is absolutely brutal, and would singlehandedly tear your units to shreds were it not for the existence of moronic enemy AI. That said, like every other enemy, he can be cheesed out - very slowly, but effectively. In a simple slugfest, though, be prepared to take casualties, as Faulkner largely overkills any ATAC in the game in Heaven's Gate + Second Attack (with Andrew-level speed!) before taking into account his counters, and all with massive range, too .-.;; Despite said lack of support, he's still by far the most durable enemy; unlike most SRPGs, there's not a chance in hell you can one-round (or even two-round) him. FP buildup is the only way the bastard'll die, and that's not something exploited nearly as easily in the DL with Heaven's Gate dirt-cheap cost. Godlike.
<Eph> When Laggy was there to fuel my desire to open crates, my life was happy.  Now I'm stuck playing a shitty moba and playing Anime RPGs.