Author Topic: Quiz & Dragons (Full I guess)  (Read 1356 times)


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Quiz & Dragons (Full I guess)
« on: August 28, 2008, 12:17:00 AM »
Cap'n K's information.

Capconia was a peacful kingdom.  Thanks to the power of the "Seed of Wisdom" the citizens were able to live their lives in quiet happiness.

<i>The Wisdom Seed</i>: In the hands of the just man it could be used to insure peace.

However, a man with evil in his heart could use its power to bring down a curtain of darkness on the world.

One day the evil warlock "Gordian" invaded Capconia with a host of his foulest monsters and seized the Wisdom Seed.

After using the seed to endow his monsters with evil wisdom, the warlock Gordian launched his assault on the good people of the land.   
The monsters forced the citizens to answer very difficult questions. Those who could not answer correctly were promptly eaten.

The sage king, Hatena VI, selected the four wisest and bravest in the land and ordered them to recover the Wisdom Seed.

You the brave... the chosen... You must use your wisdom and strength to save our world.

Quiz & Dragons is a trivia game with a unique RPG twist.  Your chosen character must answer a multiple choice question correctly to inflict a point of damage on a monster.  If you guess incorrectly, you take damage instead.


Vitality:  This is your hit points.  Yep, that's it for stats.

<b>The characters:</b>

Kalcor the fighter
Age 28
Ability: quicker regeneration.  Will sometimes gain 1 point of vitality after answering a question correctly.  This is something all characters can do, but for the other characters it's approximately once per game.  Kalcor's regen is somewhat more frequent than that.  Note that while starting vitality is 3, the maximum is 5.
In the DL: Eh, 33% regen once per battle is being rather generous, but it's still not bringing him out of Light.

Roajin the wizard
Age 318
Ability: category change.  Can sometimes force an enemy monster to ask questions only from a specific category of Roajin's choosing.  Like if you're good with movies, he can make all the questions movie-related.
In the DL: Hmm, seems like some sort of defensive mental control to me.  Maybe acts as a form of silence/attack sealing to force opponent to use their weaker attacks?  Still Light.

Lagnel the amazon
Age 24
Ability: magic choice elimination.  Can sometimes reduce the number of answers to 3 or 2.  Works fairly often - on average you're dealing with 3 choices with her.
In the DL: She's the only one who can actually hit her target sometimes.  Still Light.

Shin the ninja
Age 35
Ability: double damage.  Can do two points of damage instead of 1 when answering a question correctly.  Works about 50% of the time, so on average you're doing 150% of the damage that the other characters are doing.
In the DL: Poor accuracy but great damage.  Still Light, but a good one.

HP 8 (2.66x PCs!)
Plot power: Can force his opponent into a mental duel instead of a physical one.  Autowin against Dekar?
In the DL: spoiler against stupid characters.  Can't attack as long as you answer his questions correctly.  Middle.


Accuracy:  Lagnel (33%) > Kalcor = Roajin = Shin (25%)

Damage: Shin (1.5) > Kalcor = Roajin = Lagnel (1)