
Author Topic: Plot Power Tourney S4 Week 1: The Return!  (Read 3056 times)


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Plot Power Tourney S4 Week 1: The Return!
« on: August 29, 2008, 07:51:30 AM »
Tried to clean up the divisions a bit for this season. Hopefully there will be less overpowering matches.

...we can only hope.

Anyway, the rules are simple: vote for who you think would win in a fight according to their powers as defined by the plotline of each character's game. Godlikes are, obviously, likened to Gods in terms of power. Heavies are your average 'chosen hero' or guy with an amazing overpowered sword. Middles are dangerous warriors, but still mostly bound by human limitations. Lights, of course, fail entirely or shouldn't be in a fight in the first place.


Chris Lightfellow (S3) vs. Dehuai (SH)
Melfice (G2) vs. Kurando Inugami (SH2)
Emelious de Pamela (G3) vs. Dr. Cid w/ Famfrit (FF12)
Magus (CT) vs. Nils (FE7)


Noa (LoL) vs. Darc (AtL4)
Solo/Sofia (DW4) vs. Luke fon Fabre (TotA)
Gallows Carradine (WA3) vs. Frog (CT)
Kyra Tierny (PS4) vs. Miranda (LoD)


Lucia (Lunar2) vs. Arnaud G Vasquez (WA4)
Tseng (FF7) vs. Momo (BoF3)
Tim Rhymeless (WA2) vs. Yuffie Kisaragi (FF7)
Soren (FE9) vs. Mareg (G2)


Guillame (S3) vs. Guido (G1)
Baku (FF9) vs. Mieu (TotA)
Leena (CC) vs. Relm (FF6)
Chisato Madison (SO2) vs. Euram Barows (S5)


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Re: Plot Power Tourney S4 Week 1: The Return!
« Reply #1 on: August 29, 2008, 03:57:51 PM »

Chris Lightfellow (S3) vs. Dehuai (SH) - This... is a tough one. I'll get back to you on it.
Melfice (G2) vs. Kurando Inugami (SH2) Harmonixers are basically the top-tier of anything in Shadow Hearts.
Magus (CT) vs. Nils (FE7) - Time travel!?


Solo/Sofia (DW4) vs. Luke fon Fabre (TotA)


Lucia (Lunar2) vs. Arnaud G Vasquez (WA4) - Lucia was noted as being pretty special. Arnaud... not so much.
Tseng (FF7) vs. Momo (BoF3) - Being involved in the plot > not being involved and assumed to be dead until a movie.
Soren (FE9) vs. Mareg (G2) - Soren does more, I think?


Guillame (S3) vs. Guido (G1) - Failure versus not so much of a failure.
Baku (FF9) vs. Mieu (TotA) - Involved vs. Not involved.
Leena (CC) vs. Relm (FF6) - Daughter of a ninja.
Chisato Madison (SO2) vs. Euram Barows (S5) - Euram is a lot more involved in S5, but... his plot power fails miserably. Chisato actually stalks heroes with hers.
« Last Edit: August 29, 2008, 03:59:23 PM by Nephrite »


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Re: Plot Power Tourney S4 Week 1: The Return!
« Reply #2 on: August 29, 2008, 04:05:29 PM »

Chris Lightfellow (S3) vs. Dehuai (SH)- Chris handles scrubs who summon giant magical creatures just fine.
Melfice (G2) vs. Kurando Inugami (SH2)- Kurando didn't impress me tons in the plot power department.
Magus (CT) vs. Nils (FE7)- Magus is plot power uber, Nils is just a dragon.


Noa (LoL) vs. Darc (AtL4)- Oh hell no.
Solo/Sofia (DW4) vs. Luke fon Fabre (TotA)- I'm thinking the divinity part (Solofia being an angel) trumps what Luke has.
Gallows Carradine (WA3) vs. Frog (CT)- Gallows had plotpower?
Kyra Tierny (PS4) vs. Miranda (LoD)- I *think?*


Lucia (Lunar2) vs. Arnaud G Vasquez (WA4)
Tseng (FF7) vs. Momo (BoF3)- Momo's mostly there.
Tim Rhymeless (WA2) vs. Yuffie Kisaragi (FF7)- Yuffie's pretty resourceful.


Guillame (S3) vs. Guido (G1)- Is smart enough to hire someone to kick the shit out of the pedo.
Baku (FF9) vs. Mieu (TotA)- Mieu sucks.
Leena (CC) vs. Relm (FF6)- Ultros owning>CC.
Chisato Madison (SO2) vs. Euram Barows (S5)- Euram is pretty effective once he stops playing the fop. Chisato's just a fuckup.
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Re: Plot Power Tourney S4 Week 1: The Return!
« Reply #3 on: August 29, 2008, 05:13:26 PM »

Chris Lightfellow (S3) vs. Dehuai (SH): Kneejerk says all that big power mumbo jumbo would put him ahead of True Water Rune but...honestly not completely pleased whichever way I do vote.
Melfice (G2) vs. Kurando Inugami (SH2): Using the fact that Melfice is more likely to use full power than Kurando, I guess.
Emelious de Pamela (G3) vs. Dr. Cid w/ Famfrit (FF12): Emelious uses a weapon that can murder gods, the Espers of FF12 are strong but generally taken out by NORMAL HUMANS, let alone those who have been proven really strong, and Dr. Cid himself isn't much.
Magus (CT) vs. Nils (FE7): Nils shouldn't be in Godlike.  Yes, Ninian nuked a few a dragons...then basically was out of power right from there.  Magus is a complete and total bad ass, meanwhile; it says something that plotwise, only time he was defeated was either by Lavos, or a weapon designed specifically to kick his ass.


Noa (LoL) vs. Darc (AtL4): I'm going with the fact that Darc proved he's stronger than like all other Deimos on a regular basis is better than simple Ra Seru.
Solo/Sofia (DW4) vs. Luke fon Fabre (TotA): Kneejerk, whatever.  Fuck you hyper Resonance on that note.
Gallows Carradine (WA3) vs. Frog (CT): ...Frog shouldn't be in Heavy.  Ok, he wields a legendary sword and is skilled! So are lots of DLers and such.  Gallows, meanwhile, is one of 4 People on the entire planet who can use Mediums *AND* clearly the most skilled at it, and Mediums are total bad assses.
Kyra Tierny (PS4) vs. Miranda (LoD): Kyra's no heavy either; she's an Esper and that gets her...uhh...not much? Some magic potential, but she's nowhere near the same level of, say, Rune.  MEANWHILE, Miranda's got Dragoon Powers going for her which ARE badass.


Lucia (Lunar2) vs. Arnaud G Vasquez (WA4): You didn't specify which Lucia so I'm giving her her full powers! <_< >_>
Tseng (FF7) vs. Momo (BoF3): Uhh...Tseng has just as much screen time as the other Turks despite being Disc 1 only.  You just never fight him, so he ends up being forgettable.  That said, being in the Turks ALONE pretty much implies some level of bad assery, since from what little FF7 tells us, Turks are impled to be about as good as you can get in Shinra without being genetically enhanced (Read: SOLDIER.)   Not sure how much that says...but should beat someone whose only power is holding a giant cannon and does NOT know quite how to use it.
Also, wouldn't hold him "assumed dead" against him given the guy he was facing was freaking Sephiroth.
Tim Rhymeless (WA2) vs. Yuffie Kisaragi (FF7): First off, I find it appauling the way these are ranked, and secondly, what is up with using THE SAME FREAKING GAMES OVER AND OVER AGAIN? Consecutive matches with FF7? Please, show more variety than that.
Soren (FE9) vs. Mareg (G2): Typical Mage vs. Typical Large Guy with a really big spear...I'm favoring the guy whose probably got a lot more stamina.


Guillame (S3) vs. Guido (G1): Epic.
Baku (FF9) vs. Mieu (TotA): Baku can fight, Mieu cannot
Leena (CC) vs. Relm (FF6): I am absolutely APPALLED by this.  Relm is NOT a Plot Power Light; again, the game shows (if through humor) that her powers are something to be respected, and she has magic and all that (native Thamasan, etc.)  She should be in middle (she's still a little girl with little to no battle experience, so even her powers can only get her so far).  Leena's just a country girl with nothing going for her but a spatula, meanwhile.
Chisato Madison (SO2) vs. Euram Barows (S5): Chisato is a Nedian which gives her...slight advantages!  More to the point, she apparently has actual training in martial arts, uses a taser, and does a lot of dangerous activities on her own.  Euram...uhh...Euram.
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Re: Plot Power Tourney S4 Week 1: The Return!
« Reply #4 on: August 29, 2008, 05:57:35 PM »

 First off, I find it appauling the way these are ranked, and secondly, what is up with using THE SAME FREAKING GAMES OVER AND OVER AGAIN? Consecutive matches with FF7? Please, show more variety than that.

Leena (CC) vs. Relm (FF6): I am absolutely APPALLED by this.  Relm is NOT a Plot Power Light; again, the game shows (if through humor) that her powers are something to be respected, and she has magic and all that (native Thamasan, etc.)  She should be in middle (she's still a little girl with little to no battle experience, so even her powers can only get her so far).  Leena's just a country girl with nothing going for her but a spatula, meanwhile.

Whoa, calm down. All of these rankings were discussed between at least 2 people before putting them up for voting. I admit, we may not have been able to consider every angle of a character's plot power before ranking them, but it's much more subjective than gameplay power AND we don't have the benefit of about 50 hardcore rpgamers' worth of knowledge to check us.

That being said, after we made up a large amount of rankings, we used a randomizer to determine the matches, thus we ended up with a few duplicate games. FF7 being in consecutively was simply luck of the random number generator.

As for Relm being in Light... Yeah, I still think it fits. She's also probably the weak link in her cast in terms of plot power?

Gallows, meanwhile, is one of 4 People on the entire planet who can use Mediums *AND* clearly the most skilled at it, and Mediums are total bad assses.
Also, this logic applies to about half of this week's Heavy, as well as a few Godlikes. "So-and-so in one of # people in the WORLD who can *****, and ***** is pretty awesome." Noa's one of 3 Ra-Seru users in the world and Ra-Seru allow them to survive poisonous environments, travel to other worlds, increase their durability, use magic, and summon monsters! (sounds like a Medium to me). Similarly, Luke (Hyperressonance), Miranda (Dragoon), Nils (one of 2 dragons left), Kyra (one of a handful of Espers), etc.

Also, one last reminder about subjectivity. As more people vote, this will become less subjective as characters will move up and down ranks.


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Re: Plot Power Tourney S4 Week 1: The Return!
« Reply #5 on: August 29, 2008, 06:25:26 PM »
Magus (CT) vs. Nils (FE7) - Nils isn't much without his dragonstone.


Kyra Tierny (PS4) vs. Miranda (LoD) - Dragoons > most people.


Tseng (FF7) vs. Momo (BoF3) - Actually has plot power.
Tim Rhymeless (WA2) vs. Yuffie Kisaragi (FF7) - Uh, sure.


Leena (CC) vs. Relm (FF6) - Actually has plot power.
« Last Edit: August 29, 2008, 06:27:06 PM by Random Consonant »


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Re: Plot Power Tourney S4 Week 1: The Return!
« Reply #6 on: August 29, 2008, 07:34:38 PM »

Chris Lightfellow (S3) vs. Dehuai (SH) - Immense True Rune respect here.
Melfice (G2) vs. Kurando Inugami (SH2) - Ugh. Master Swordsman Harmonixer vs Master Swordsman Valmar Part. Gonna give the nod to Melfice here. Valmar Parts are supposed to be pretty damn badass and his own skill is seriously hyped on top of that. Good fight though.   
Emelious de Pamela (G3) vs. Dr. Cid w/ Famfrit (FF12)
Magus (CT) vs. Nils (FE7) - Magus would take anyone in this half I can vote on, frankly.


Noa (LoL) vs. Darc (AtL4) - Noa doesn't like to fight. Noa also isn't that bright. She would either hesitate to fight or get manuevered into a situation where Darc has the advantage. He's no genius, but he does have a good grasp on basic cunning, iirc. And a slight advantage is all he would need to overpower her, honestly.
Solo/Sofia (DW4) vs. Luke fon Fabre (TotA) - Oof. Really unsure on this one. Damn. Leaning Luke at the moment.
Gallows Carradine (WA3) vs. Frog (CT) - Frog's a neat plot-spoiler with his Masamune and magic is a Big Deal in CT plot, buuuut...Gallows is gonna take this one.
Kyra Tierny (PS4) vs. Miranda (LoD)- Dragoon plot power makes whatever Kyra's supposed to have by being an Esper look like chump change here.


Lucia (Lunar2) vs. Arnaud G Vasquez (WA4)
Tseng (FF7) vs. Momo (BoF3) - Momo could possibly win a fair fight. AHAHAHAH a Turk fight fair. Not gonna happen.
Tim Rhymeless (WA2) vs. Yuffie Kisaragi (FF7) - Tim overpowers her with his magic pretty easily, but Yuffie's going to fight about as fair as Tseng will, and Tim will fall for it just as easily as Momo.
Soren (FE9) vs. Mareg (G2) - Soren looks very young. Mareg's not even going to fight him, frankly. Too honorable and paternally inclined to fight a child.


Guillame (S3) vs. Guido (G1)
Baku (FF9) vs. Mieu (TotA) - Um..Baku makes a scary face and threatens to make Cheagle Soup or something and Mieu runs the hell away.
Leena (CC) vs. Relm (FF6) - Realm is a plot Middle. This isn't even close.
Chisato Madison (SO2) vs. Euram Barows (S5) - See Super, really.

Alright, we have...

2 S3 characters
2 G2 chars, 1 G3 and 1 G1
2 CT
2 FF7
2 TotA

I'm with Meep on the "more variety please" note.

On the plot rankings note, only ones I disagree with are Realm, Kyra and Nils. Realm really should be a Middle, as should Kyra, and Nils...well, see Random for why. Nils's plot power in game amounts to being the mysterious and ultimately helpless kid. Sure it's implied that as a dragon, he'd be as awesome as the final boss dragon is, but that's all implied, never actually shown. Now while I myself take implied stuff into account(and Nils fries to Magus ANYWAY, even considering that) I know there's a good number of folks who don't.

This is unless I'm completely blanking on a scene where Nils(not ninian, but Nils) does turn into a dragon and do something cool, in which case i'd be rather embarrased as I've beaten that game how many times? <_<
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Re: Plot Power Tourney S4 Week 1: The Return!
« Reply #7 on: August 29, 2008, 08:15:09 PM »

Chris Lightfellow (S3) vs. Dehuai (SH)- The true water rune isn't strong enough I think. Its a scrub in the true rune family.
Melfice (G2) vs. Kurando Inugami (SH2) - Melfice being badass enough that he doesn't even need to transform to become powerful pushes him above.
Emelious de Pamela (G3) vs. Dr. Cid w/ Famfrit (FF12) - To be fair I am proberly mostly wrong here as Emelious does indeed have a sword that can kill gods. Cid on the other hand is a crazy man with a gatling gun and a esper with a massive jug (JUG CANNON!). However Cid also has money, bahumut, a whole army, mecha hulk (Vayne) and a kickass son. All those > Emelious.


Gallows Carradine (WA3) vs. Frog (CT) - Both shouldn't be here as frog is just a plain middle and so is Gallows. The only important thing Gallows ever those is sending Asgard back in time and that wasn't all just his power and from what I remember can only be done at that location.


Lucia (Lunar2) vs. Arnaud G Vasquez (WA4) - Arnaud really has no plot powers besides those involving planes. In that he can drive them and crush them on you.
Tseng (FF7) vs. Momo (BoF3)- Tseng goes in and just shoots momo, the end. He gets the job done quickly.
Tim Rhymeless (WA2) vs. Yuffie Kisaragi (FF7) - Tim is stronger but I agree that he would easily be tricked in some way. No vote.
Soren (FE9) vs. Mareg (G2) - Easy.


Guillame (S3) vs. Guido (G1)- Money
Baku (FF9) vs. Mieu (TotA)- Baku falls on Mieu. Take that for plot.
Leena (CC) vs. Relm (FF6) - Easy.
Chisato Madison (SO2) vs. Euram Barows (S5)- Money.
« Last Edit: August 29, 2008, 08:16:40 PM by Rozalia »


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Re: Plot Power Tourney S4 Week 1: The Return!
« Reply #8 on: August 29, 2008, 08:17:00 PM »

Chris Lightfellow (S3) vs. Dehuai (SH)- Gut.
Melfice (G2) vs. Kurando Inugami (SH2)-
  • of Valmar strikes me as exactly the tier of demon that Jutendouji's meant to handle.

Emelious de Pamela (G3) vs. Dr. Cid w/ Famfrit (FF12)- No vote.
Magus (CT) vs. Nils (FE7)- Is badass.


Noa (LoL) vs. Darc (AtL4)- No vote.
Solo/Sofia (DW4) vs. Luke fon Fabre (TotA)- Solofia's half angel, so a lot of the plot power is kinda anti-evil in nature.  Luke's a bit more generalized.
Gallows Carradine (WA3) vs. Frog (CT)
Kyra Tierny (PS4) vs. Miranda (LoD)- Dragoons are freaks.


Lucia (Lunar2) vs. Arnaud G Vasquez (WA4)
Tseng (FF7) vs. Momo (BoF3)
Tim Rhymeless (WA2) vs. Yuffie Kisaragi (FF7)
Soren (FE9) vs. Mareg (G2)- Soren could try to strategize out of this, but Mareg can SMELL a plot a mile away!


Guillame (S3) vs. Guido (G1)
Baku (FF9) vs. Mieu (TotA)- Baku wears the dragon mask to try and intimidate Mieu (wouldn't want to hurt the litlte guy!).  Mieu, inspired by Master Luke's performance, sets it on fire.
Leena (CC) vs. Relm (FF6)
Chisato Madison (SO2) vs. Euram Barows (S5)
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Re: Plot Power Tourney S4 Week 1: The Return!
« Reply #9 on: August 29, 2008, 08:19:35 PM »
Melfice (G2) vs. Kurando Inugami (SH2)-
* of Valmar strikes me as exactly the tier of demon that Jutendouji's meant to handle.

This is a good point. Hmm. Heh, that is a good fight.
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Re: Plot Power Tourney S4 Week 1: The Return!
« Reply #10 on: August 31, 2008, 03:25:46 AM »

Chris Lightfellow (S3) vs. Dehuai (SH)- Dehaui. Kind of gut of person with extreme summoning skill versus a True Rune that didn't really prove much plot power.
Melfice (G2) vs. Kurando Inugami (SH2)- Melfice. If it was Yuri different story, but Kurando is far less impressive plot wise.
Emelious de Pamela (G3) vs. Dr. Cid w/ Famfrit (FF12)- Emelious. Emelious slays God. Cid can summon an can all your party. He's also smart, and far cooler than Emelious, but neither of those are relevant to plot power.
Magus (CT) vs. Nils (FE7)- Magus


Noa (LoL) vs. Darc (AtL4)- Eh...neither strike me as all that special.
Solo/Sofia (DW4) vs. Luke fon Fabre (TotA)- Unsure. Granted, just because of Solo/Sofia is an angel doesn't really equal auto power.
Gallows Carradine (WA3) vs. Frog (CT)- Gallows
Kyra Tierny (PS4) vs. Miranda (LoD)- Miranda


Lucia (Lunar2) vs. Arnaud G Vasquez (WA4)- Lucia. I guess? I mean...this is horribly unspecified.
Tseng (FF7) vs. Momo (BoF3)- Tseng
Tim Rhymeless (WA2) vs. Yuffie Kisaragi (FF7)- Tim. Meh to "But he'll be tricked" theories! The plot power difference here is pretty extreme given that Tim is a summoner, and Yuffie is just kind of a fuck-up ninja. She's not stealing Pooka.


Guillame (S3) vs. Guido (G1)- Guido. Sucks in battle, in plot...he's a travelling merchant around the typically dangerous Grandia world. Guillame is beat up by small children.
Baku (FF9) vs. Mieu (TotA)- Mieu. Breathes fire>Falls on his ass.
Leena (CC) vs. Relm (FF6)- Relm
Chisato Madison (SO2) vs. Euram Barows (S5)- Chisato. Again, at least has the power to go into a place that is noted to be dangerous and is able to take care of herself minus tripping.
...into the nightfall.

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Re: Plot Power Tourney S4 Week 1: The Return!
« Reply #11 on: August 31, 2008, 01:01:26 PM »

Chris Lightfellow (S3) vs. Dehuai (SH)- EDIT:  Niu's assessment works.


Gallows Carradine (WA3) vs. Frog (CT)- Gallows


Tseng (FF7) vs. Momo (BoF3)- Tseng
Tim Rhymeless (WA2) vs. Yuffie Kisaragi (FF7)- Tim. Meh to "But he'll be tricked" theories! The plot power difference here is pretty extreme given that Tim is a summoner, and Yuffie is just kind of a fuck-up ninja. She's not stealing Pooka.


Guillame (S3) vs. Guido (G1)- Guido. Sucks in battle, in plot...he's a travelling merchant around the typically dangerous Grandia world. Guillame is beat up by small children.
Baku (FF9) vs. Mieu (TotA)- Mieu. Breathes fire>Falls on his ass.
Leena (CC) vs. Relm (FF6)- Relm
Chisato Madison (SO2) vs. Euram Barows (S5)- Chisato. Again, at least has the power to go into a place that is noted to be dangerous and is able to take care of herself minus tripping.

On that last one...  Didn't it also mention that Chisato was a Black Belt in Judo?  As far as I know, Euram...  Picks up a weapon and waves it around randomly.
« Last Edit: September 05, 2008, 09:18:07 AM by Magic Fanatic »


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Re: Plot Power Tourney S4 Week 1: The Return!
« Reply #12 on: August 31, 2008, 05:36:14 PM »

Chris Lightfellow (S3) vs. Dehuai (SH) - ...Chris as a Godlike?  Eh...don't think a True Rune puts her up that high.  Dehuai...more of a Godlike, easily.  Definitely wins here. 
Melfice (G2) vs. Kurando Inugami (SH2) - Mmm...can see this either way.  Horns of Valmar vs. Crossdressing Moon Goddess...think Kurando's designed to take him down.
Emelious de Pamela (G3) vs. Dr. Cid w/ Famfrit (FF12) - ...bleh.  Emelious easily.  Has something called Godkiller - makes him a bit overpowered here, I think.
Magus (CT) vs. Nils (FE7) - Magus.  Nils is an Ice Dragon, not as violent and powerful as a Fire Dragon.  Magus actually has balls, here.


Noa (LoL) vs. Darc (AtL4) - ...huh.  Decent enough.  Kharg has more plot power than Darc, though...would be far closer in that case.  Noa on the other hand is...not that special, unless I forget LoL plot that much.  Think her dancing skills are more impressive than being a hybrid Deimos, though.  Go Noa.
Solo/Sofia (DW4) vs. Luke fon Fabre (TotA) - Luke.  Easy.
Gallows Carradine (WA3) vs. Frog (CT) - Frog.  Has Legendary Hero stuff.  Gallows kind of does too, but Frog strikes me as more plotty - also has endings all for him!
Kyra Tierny (PS4) vs. Miranda (LoD) - ...Miranda.  Bleh.  Hate to vote for her, but I really don't think it's close.


Lucia (Lunar2) vs. Arnaud G Vasquez (WA4) - Lucia.
Tseng (FF7) vs. Momo (BoF3) - Tseng,
Tim Rhymeless (WA2) vs. Yuffie Kisaragi (FF7) - Tim.
Soren (FE9) vs. Mareg (G2) - Soren.  This is pretty easy, the Middles here.  This was the toughest one.


Guillame (S3) vs. Guido (G1) - Guido.
Baku (FF9) vs. Mieu (TotA) - MIEUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUU~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
Leena (CC) vs. Relm (FF6) - Relm.  DAUGHTER OF A NINJA!
Chisato Madison (SO2) vs. Euram Barows (S5) - Chisato.  Magically appears wherever the party is.
[11:53] <+Meeple_Gorath> me reading, that's a good one

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Re: Plot Power Tourney S4 Week 1: The Return!
« Reply #13 on: August 31, 2008, 06:22:10 PM »

Magus (CT) vs. Nils (FE7) - Huh, powerful Mage that summoned Lavos, brought ruin to his world and timeline and was the archnemesis of a legendary warrior (which he could curse said warrior's friend by turning him into a Frog, too) versus a... dragon that, ultimately, didn't stand up to any of the other dragons. Nils could open/close the Dragon gate on his own, potentially wreaking Magus with the force of LEGENDARY DRAGONS, and I don't think Magus has a legendary weapon to slay them as Eliwood, Lyndis and Hector did.

... Huh. Yeah, I'll give Nils this one.


Lucia (Lunar2) vs. Arnaud G Vasquez (WA4) - A Goddess/Princess of the Blue Star wielding magic beyond human comprehension, with the power and force to command all of Althena's magic to destroy the very incarnation of evil itself versus... Some random dude with magic powers? Am I... missing something here? Lucia for God tier.
Tseng (FF7) vs. Momo (BoF3) - Chief of the Elite unit known as Turks versus a girl genius with a cannon. Well, in the end, she did contribute to the downfall of a God... But in the plot, she had to run from two gruff dudes because it was so dangerous. ... Huh.
Tim Rhymeless (WA2) vs. Yuffie Kisaragi (FF7) - Yuffie, random ninja ordinaire.


Baku (FF9) vs. Mieu (TotA) - Pretty epic powers there, mate.
Leena (CC) vs. Relm (FF6) - Wow, hahaha. Random little girl versus... random little girl that can draw stuff and cast magic.
Chisato Madison (SO2) vs. Euram Barows (S5) - Too easy. Chisato for Medium.



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Re: Plot Power Tourney S4 Week 1: The Return!
« Reply #14 on: August 31, 2008, 08:40:41 PM »
This is unless I'm completely blanking on a scene where Nils(not ninian, but Nils) does turn into a dragon and do something cool, in which case i'd be rather embarrased as I've beaten that game how many times? <_<

You aren't. And IIRC, Ninian is implied more powerful given she's older, and living on the OTHER side of the gate tends to limit their power anyway, which is why they regressed into human forms.  The Dragon thing seems like its usable for only short bursts, and again, all instances of plot power related to the two...are done by Ninian specifically.
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[21:39] <+Mega_Mettaur> Sonic Chaos
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Re: Plot Power Tourney S4 Week 1: The Return!
« Reply #15 on: August 31, 2008, 11:28:29 PM »

Chris Lightfellow (S3) vs. Dehuai (SH): I dunno. Dehuai's kinda suggested as being inferior to Albert Simon, let alone Yuri. True Runes are heavy-duty stuff (no idea where anyone's getting the suggestion that True Water is weak), and Chris is shown to be extremely capable even before then.
Melfice (G2) vs. Kurando Inugami (SH2): Dunno.
Emelious de Pamela (G3) vs. Dr. Cid w/ Famfrit (FF12)
Magus (CT) vs. Nils (FE7): Extremely not-close.


Solo/Sofia (DW4) vs. Luke fon Fabre (TotA): I... am thinking that super-power thing Luke has trumps Solofia, here.
Gallows Carradine (WA3) vs. Frog (CT): Mediums > Masamune? Yeah, I think so.
Kyra Tierny (PS4) vs. Miranda (LoD): Kyra's just an average Esper. I might put them on par with average Winglies. Dragoons > that.


Lucia (Lunar2) vs. Arnaud G Vasquez (WA4): Eh.
Tseng (FF7) vs. Momo (BoF3): Momo's a bit of a ditz.
Tim Rhymeless (WA2) vs. Yuffie Kisaragi (FF7): Seconding Dhyer.
Soren (FE9) vs. Mareg (G2): Soren's pretty deliberately painted as not-a-good-fighter compared to most of the other Greil Mercs.


Guillame (S3) vs. Guido (G1): Sadly.
Baku (FF9) vs. Mieu (TotA): Baku is pathetic.
Leena (CC) vs. Relm (FF6): Champ!
Chisato Madison (SO2) vs. Euram Barows (S5): Portrayed as a competent fighter. Euram... is Euram.

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Re: Plot Power Tourney S4 Week 1: The Return!
« Reply #16 on: September 05, 2008, 07:38:40 AM »
Closing this in about 6 hours.

Vote while you can.


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Re: Plot Power Tourney S4 Week 1: The Return!
« Reply #17 on: September 05, 2008, 09:03:33 AM »

Chris Lightfellow- hahaha, no. Dehuai is just not a godlike. Yes, he can use Pulse Fragment and evoke the power of Seraphic Radiance. But the Ritual of the Pulse Fragments took months to prepare and requires a continent size large magic circle. Wow, Dehuai can so utilize its power anytime. While Chris can just does her True Water Run any time she wants.
Kurando Inugami- Good fight, I'll just give it to the more bishie of the two.
Emelious de Pamela- Dr. Cid wish he has Ultima, hell, even Chaos would suffice. But sadly, Dark Cloud ranked lower in the league of Scions. Fine, Dark Cloud could be more dangerous if he is unlocked from the armor that binds him, but I don't think Dr. Cid is capable of that.
Magus- And this would be a slaughter


Darc- Most uninteresting fight
Luke fon Fabre- Yes, Luke isn't stable, but a deatomizer nonthless, and I don't see deatomizing a single human would kill Luke himself.
Gallows Carradine


Lucia- Yeah, and Lucia might have a decent call for Heavy.
Tseng- Professional agent trained for assassination vs. rabbit scientist.
Tim Rhymeless


Relm- Is not light
Chisato Madison-Is not Euram