Author Topic: Provings Grounds: Heavy Quarters 2  (Read 1341 times)


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Provings Grounds: Heavy Quarters 2
« on: August 29, 2008, 08:58:27 PM »
Evil computer ate part of my previous Middle results, so I got lazy for a few days!

Nash 72.2% (39-15 (16-10, 23-5))
Kazan 58.8% (20-14 (4-12, 16-2))
Jude 57.1% (24-18 (9-11, 15-8))
Kyril 56.5% (13-10 (4-7, 9-3))
Eiko 50% (29-29 (5-23, 24-6))

Close! Kyril just didn't have the punch to push all the way through.

This Week
4. Sheena- Very glad not to be engaging in a family war.
8. Yulie- Family War!
10. Ayne- Axe to the face.
11. Kresnik- Family War!
17. Mizuki- She effectively tied with Jude last round! Can she pull a minor upset too?

The Matches
Sheena (Suikos)   vs   Nina (BoF 2)
Sheena (Suikos)   vs   Ershin (BoF 4)
Sheena (Suikos)   vs   Freya (FF 9)
Sheena (Suikos)   vs   Amon (Lufias)
Sheena (Suikos)   vs   Rayquaza (Poke)
Sheena (Suikos)   vs   Cliff (SO 3)
Sheena (Suikos)   vs   Ox (BoF 1)
Sheena (Suikos)   vs   Pent (FE 7)
Sheena (Suikos)   vs   Sain (FE 7)
Sheena (Suikos)   vs   Yang (FF 4)
Sheena (Suikos)   vs   Eiko (FF 9)
Sheena (Suikos)   vs   Gaffgarion (FF T)
Yulie (WA 4)   vs   Nina (BoF 2)
Yulie (WA 4)   vs   Ershin (BoF 4)
Yulie (WA 4)   vs   Freya (FF 9)
Yulie (WA 4)   vs   Amon (Lufias)
Yulie (WA 4)   vs   Rayquaza (Poke)
Yulie (WA 4)   vs   Cliff (SO 3)
Yulie (WA 4)   vs   Ox (BoF 1)
Yulie (WA 4)   vs   Pent (FE 7)
Yulie (WA 4)   vs   Sain (FE 7)
Yulie (WA 4)   vs   Yang (FF 4)
Yulie (WA 4)   vs   Eiko (FF 9)
Yulie (WA 4)   vs   Gaffgarion (FF T)
Ayne (LoL 2)   vs   Nina (BoF 2)
Ayne (LoL 2)   vs   Ershin (BoF 4)
Ayne (LoL 2)   vs   Freya (FF 9)
Ayne (LoL 2)   vs   Amon (Lufias)
Ayne (LoL 2)   vs   Rayquaza (Poke)
Ayne (LoL 2)   vs   Cliff (SO 3)
Ayne (LoL 2)   vs   Ox (BoF 1)
Ayne (LoL 2)   vs   Pent (FE 7)
Ayne (LoL 2)   vs   Sain (FE 7)
Ayne (LoL 2)   vs   Yang (FF 4)
Ayne (LoL 2)   vs   Eiko (FF 9)
Ayne (LoL 2)   vs   Gaffgarion (FF T)
Kresnik (WA 4)   vs   Nina (BoF 2)
Kresnik (WA 4)   vs   Ershin (BoF 4)
Kresnik (WA 4)   vs   Freya (FF 9)
Kresnik (WA 4)   vs   Amon (Lufias)
Kresnik (WA 4)   vs   Rayquaza (Poke)
Kresnik (WA 4)   vs   Cliff (SO 3)
Kresnik (WA 4)   vs   Ox (BoF 1)
Kresnik (WA 4)   vs   Pent (FE 7)
Kresnik (WA 4)   vs   Sain (FE 7)
Kresnik (WA 4)   vs   Yang (FF 4)
Kresnik (WA 4)   vs   Eiko (FF 9)
Kresnik (WA 4)   vs   Gaffgarion (FF T)
Mizuki (S4)   vs   Nina (BoF 2)
Mizuki (S4)   vs   Ershin (BoF 4)
Mizuki (S4)   vs   Freya (FF 9)
Mizuki (S4)   vs   Amon (Lufias)
Mizuki (S4)   vs   Rayquaza (Poke)
Mizuki (S4)   vs   Cliff (SO 3)
Mizuki (S4)   vs   Ox (BoF 1)
Mizuki (S4)   vs   Pent (FE 7)
Mizuki (S4)   vs   Sain (FE 7)
Mizuki (S4)   vs   Yang (FF 4)
Mizuki (S4)   vs   Eiko (FF 9)
Mizuki (S4)   vs   Gaffgarion (FF T)

...into the nightfall.

Random Consonant

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Re: Provings Grounds: Heavy Quarters 2
« Reply #1 on: August 29, 2008, 09:23:00 PM »
Sheena (Suikos)   vs   Nina (BoF 2) - Death
Sheena (Suikos)   vs   Ershin (BoF 4) - Ershin wishes her own ID was as accurate as Nina2's.  Ershin also wishes she wasn't a slug.
Sheena (Suikos)   vs   Freya (FF 9) - Walls Thunder.
Sheena (Suikos)   vs   Amon (Lufias) - L3 Amon.  Splat.
Sheena (Suikos)   vs   Rayquaza (Poke) - Being faster works, I guess.
Sheena (Suikos)   vs   Pent (FE 7) - I suppose
Sheena (Suikos)   vs   Sain (FE 7) - I suppose MkII
Sheena (Suikos)   vs   Yang (FF 4) - Equips some status claw that never gets used ingame and shuts him down, I guess.
Sheena (Suikos)   vs   Eiko (FF 9) - More of that Thunder walling.
Sheena (Suikos)   vs   Gaffgarion (FF T) - Unless Rubber Shoes were available when he was around.
« Last Edit: August 29, 2008, 10:36:49 PM by Random Consonant »

Jo'ou Ranbu

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Re: Provings Grounds: Heavy Quarters 2
« Reply #2 on: August 29, 2008, 09:47:31 PM »
Sheena (Suikos) vs. Nina (BoF2) - EDIT: wait thunder res. Nevermind.
Sheena (Suikos) vs. Ershin (BoF4) - I think Ershin can't resist Lightning enough.
Sheena (Suikos) vs. Freya (FF9) - Thunder nulling nonsense.
Sheena (Suikos) vs. Amon (Lufias) - Isn't OHKOed and is faster, I guess.
Sheena (Suikos) vs. Rayquaza (PKMN) - EDIT: Ray's a lot faster than I thought. This changes things rather definitely.
Sheena (Suikos) vs. Cliff (SO3) - Yeah.
Sheena (Suikos) vs. Ox (BoF) - * Hello-Prescott mocks Ox.
Sheena (Suikos) vs. Pent (FE7) - Doubles with Elfire, Thunder eats resistance. Hell, he might double if Pent uses Thunder, his speed wasn't great.
Sheena (Suikos) vs. Sain (FE7) - hrhrhr.
Sheena (Suikos) vs. Yang (FF4) - Grumble. Is faster, connects sleep turn two.
Sheena (Suikos) vs. Eiko (FF9) - FF9 elemental nonsense.
Sheena (Suikos) vs. Gafgarion (FFT) - * Hello-Prescott mocks Gafgarion.
Yulie (WA4) vs. Nina (BoF2) - Relentlessly mocks the ID.
Yulie (WA4) vs. Ershin (BoF4) - Relentlessly mocks everything.
Yulie (WA4) vs. Freya (FF9) - Grumble grumble Berserk grumble.
Yulie (WA4) vs. Amon (Lufias) - OHKOs.
Yulie (WA4) vs. Rayquaza (PKMN) - He... OHKOs after Dragon Dance, no questions asked.
Yulie (WA4) vs. Cliff (SO3) - Cliff's MP damage sucks, Yulie has MP restoring shenanigans and he doesn't OHKO even before Protect. Game.
Yulie (WA4) vs. Ox (BoF1) - lol ox.
Yulie (WA4) vs. Pent (FE7) - lol mage.
Yulie (WA4) vs. Sain (FE7) - EDIT: A Sain crit should OHKO, okay. And he goes first, so that's way too much pressure for Yulie.
Yulie (WA4) vs. Yang (FF4) - Blocks sleep and mocks.
Yulie (WA4) vs. Eiko (FF9) - Lasts even longer than Eiko and doesn't care enough about Mini.
Yulie (WA4) vs. Gafgarion (FFT) - When in doubt, Gaffy sucks.

Kresnik (WA4) vs. Nina (BoF2) - ID immunity+Adrenaline Factor = lol.
Kresnik (WA4) vs. Ershin (BoF4) - See above, really.
Kresnik (WA4) vs. Freya (FF9) - Three bullets, Kres? Eeeeeew.
Kresnik (WA4) vs. Amon (Lufias) - Sure, I'll bite.
Kresnik (WA 4) vs. Rayquaza (PKMN) - Ray... piles up Dragon Dances and blows Kres up. Kresnik just doesn't have the offense.
Kresnik (WA4) vs. Cliff (SO3) - Cliff's MP damage is terrible.
Kresnik (WA4) vs. Ox (BoF1) - Ox.
Kresnik (WA4) vs. Pent (FE7) - Adrenaline.
Kresnik (WA4) vs. Sain (FE7) - Kneejerk is Kres can handle the pressure better than Yulie.
Kresnik (WA4) vs. Yang (FF4) - Blocks sleep.
Kresnik (WA4) vs. Eiko (FF9) - Eh.
Kresnik (WA4) vs. Gaffgarion (FFT) - Eeeh.

Mizuki (S4) vs. Nina (BoF 2) - Mizuki misses the OHKO.
Mizuki (S4) vs. Ershin (BoF4) - Mizuki misses the 2HKO, methinks.
Mizuki (S4) vs. Freya (FF9) - Don't think Freya 2HKOs Mizuki, and she needs to if she ever wants to win. Berserk fails as a strategy: Mizuki berserked damage is okay, and now Freya is forced to hit the evade.
Mizuki (S4) vs. Amon (Lufias) - On average, she dodges one attack, and the speed is close. She 2HKOs, sooooooooo. (Also, might be faster with Tai-Chi Garb. And, if she's faster, she -wins-)
Mizuki (S4) vs. Rayquaza (PKMN) - I guess.
Mizuki (S4) vs. Cliff (SO3) - Mmmhm.
Mizuki (S4) vs. Ox (BoF1) - Yeah.
Mizuki (S4) vs. Pent (FE7) - Ow.
Mizuki (S4) vs. Sain (FE7) - Should outslug.
Mizuki (S4) vs. Yang (FF4) - -_-
Mizuki (S4) vs. Eiko (FF9) - What can Eiko do here? The relevant statuses are turn two and Mizuki 2HKOs off the bat. Not to mention she 4-3s, which means the fight's ending fast. No.
Mizuki (S4) vs. Gafgarion (FFT) - Mizuki borderline 2HKOs Gaff. Gaff... 4HKOs. Night Sword ain't saving that.

EDIT: Fixed the poor tagging, Dhyer. Sorry 'bout that.
« Last Edit: September 08, 2008, 08:13:32 PM by Jo'ou Ranbu »
[01:08] <Soppy-ReturningToInaba> HEY
[01:08] <Soppy-ReturningToInaba> LAGGY
[01:08] <Soppy-ReturningToInaba> UVIET?!??!?!
[01:08] <Laggy> YA!!!!!!!!!1111111111
[01:08] <Soppy-ReturningToInaba> OMG!!!!
[01:08] <Chulianne> No wonder you're small.
[01:08] <TranceHime> cocks
[01:08] <Laggy> .....


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Re: Provings Grounds: Heavy Quarters 2
« Reply #3 on: August 29, 2008, 10:21:22 PM »
Sheena (Suikos)   vs   Nina (BoF 2)- Thunder resist.
Sheena (Suikos)   vs   Ershin (BoF 4)
Sheena (Suikos)   vs   Freya (FF 9)- Thunder resist/regen/etc.
Sheena (Suikos)   vs   Amon (Lufias)- I think?
Sheena (Suikos)   vs   Ox (BoF 1)
Sheena (Suikos)   vs   Pent (FE 7)
Sheena (Suikos)   vs   Sain (FE 7)
Sheena (Suikos)   vs   Yang (FF 4)
Sheena (Suikos)   vs   Eiko (FF 9)
Sheena (Suikos)   vs   Gaffgarion (FF T)
Yulie (WA 4)   vs   Nina (BoF 2)- Sacrifice may kill outright? It's Nina2 HP here.
Yulie (WA 4)   vs   Ershin (BoF 4)
Yulie (WA 4)   vs   Freya (FF 9)- Luna.
Yulie (WA 4)   vs   Amon (Lufias)- OHKO.
Yulie (WA 4)   vs   Ox (BoF 1)
Yulie (WA 4)   vs   Pent (FE 7)- Mage.
Yulie (WA 4)   vs   Sain (FE 7)- Yulie against a fighter.
Yulie (WA 4)   vs   Yang (FF 4)- Status.
Yulie (WA 4)   vs   Eiko (FF 9)- Yulie can't do a damned thing about reflect offhand.
Yulie (WA 4)   vs   Gaffgarion (FF T)- Night/Dark sword do very bad things against Yulie defense. I think she needs a 2HKO from Sacrifice/damage, and she doesn't get it here.
Ayne (LoL 2)   vs   Nina (BoF 2)
Ayne (LoL 2)   vs   Ershin (BoF 4)
Ayne (LoL 2)   vs   Freya (FF 9)- Luna.
Ayne (LoL 2)  vs   Amon (Lufias)- 2HKOs, isn't 2HKOed back.
Ayne (LoL 2)   vs   Ox (BoF 1)- Ayne's a good tank.
Ayne (LoL 2)   vs   Pent (FE 7)- BEt he can wall Pent.
Ayne (LoL 2)   vs   Sain (FE 7)- Yeah, sure I buy a double here.
Ayne (LoL 2)   vs   Yang (FF 4)- The turn split here is stupid.
Ayne (LoL 2)   vs   Eiko (FF 9)- Mini is turn one here.
Ayne (LoL 2)   vs   Gaffgarion (FF T)- Too much offense.
Kresnik (WA 4)   vs   Nina (BoF 2)- Antimage.
Kresnik (WA 4)   vs   Ershin (BoF 4)- It's Ershin in Heavy.
Kresnik (WA 4)   vs   Freya (FF 9)- Luna.
Kresnik (WA 4)  vs   Amon (Lufias)- Hastes his way out of trouble and should outlast.
Kresnik (WA 4)   vs   Ox (BoF 1)
Kresnik (WA 4)   vs   Pent (FE 7)
Kresnik (WA 4)   vs   Sain (FE 7)
Kresnik (WA 4)   vs   Yang (FF 4)
Kresnik (WA 4)   vs   Eiko (FF 9)
Kresnik (WA 4)   vs   Gaffgarion (FF T)
Mizuki (S4)   vs   Nina (BoF 2)
Mizuki (S4)   vs   Ershin (BoF 4)
Mizuki (S4)   vs   Freya (FF 9)- Freya needs better regen to pull this off.
Mizuki (S4)   vs   Amon (Lufias)- This is easy.
Mizuki (S4)   vs   Ox (BoF 1)
Mizuki (S4)   vs   Pent (FE 7)
Mizuki (S4)   vs   Sain (FE 7)
Mizuki (S4)   vs   Yang (FF 4)
Mizuki (S4)   vs   Eiko (FF 9)
Mizuki (S4)   vs   Gaffgarion (FF T)
"Reputation is what other people know about you. Honor is what you know about yourself"- Count Aral Vorkosigan, A Civil Campaign
<Meeple> knownig Square-enix, they'll just give us a 2nd Kain
<Ciato> he would be so kawaii as a chibi...


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Re: Provings Grounds: Heavy Quarters 2
« Reply #4 on: August 29, 2008, 10:31:27 PM »
Sheena (Suikos)   vs   Nina (BoF 2)- Nina 2. He doesn’t OHKO.
Sheena (Suikos)   vs   Ershin (BoF 4)- Ershin. Quicksilver+ID
Sheena (Suikos)   vs   Freya (FF 9)- Freya
Sheena (Suikos)   vs   Amon (Lufias)- Amon
Sheena (Suikos)   vs   Rayquaza (Poke)- Rayquaza. Faster.
Sheena (Suikos)   vs   Cliff (SO 3)- Sheena
Sheena (Suikos)   vs   Ox (BoF 1)- Ox. I think. Let’s see, Sheena can’t 2HKO Ox, and Sheena is about 115% speed and Ox is 80%, so no 3-2.
Sheena (Suikos)   vs   Pent (FE 7)- Sheena
Sheena (Suikos)   vs   Sain (FE 7)- Sheena
Sheena (Suikos)   vs   Yang (FF 4)- Yang
Sheena (Suikos)   vs   Eiko (FF 9)- Eiko
Sheena (Suikos)   vs   Gaffgarion (FF T)- Gaffgarion. Can take 2 Sheena hits with 427 HP and draining, Sheena wouldn’t double before Gaff can kill.
Yulie (WA 4)   vs   Nina (BoF 2)- Yulie
Yulie (WA 4)   vs   Ershin (BoF 4)- Yulie
Yulie (WA 4)   vs   Freya (FF 9)- Freya. Luna works here.
Yulie (WA 4)   vs   Amon (Lufias)- Amon
Yulie (WA 4)   vs   Rayquaza (Poke)- Rayquaza. Dragon Dance.
Yulie (WA 4)   vs   Cliff (SO 3)- Yulie. Cliff’s turn 1 damage isn’t enough.
Yulie (WA 4)   vs   Ox (BoF 1)- Yulie
Yulie (WA 4)   vs   Pent (FE 7)- Yulie
Yulie (WA 4)   vs   Sain (FE 7)- Yulie
Yulie (WA 4)   vs   Yang (FF 4)- Yulie
Yulie (WA 4)   vs   Eiko (FF 9)- Yulie
Yulie (WA 4)   vs   Gaffgarion (FF T)- No winner. Neither of them will ever kill each other.
Ayne (LoL 2)   vs   Nina (BoF 2)- Ayne. Not 2HKOed, ID immune, smashes.
Ayne (LoL 2)   vs   Ershin (BoF 4)- Ayne. Gut of him not having half average damage.
Ayne (LoL 2)   vs   Freya (FF 9)- Ayne. LoL 2 likely got berserk.
Ayne (LoL 2)   vs   Amon (Lufias)- Amon
Ayne (LoL 2)   vs   Rayquaza (Poke)- Rayquaza
Ayne (LoL 2)   vs   Cliff (SO 3)- Ayne
Ayne (LoL 2)   vs   Ox (BoF 1)- Ayne. Victory Spirit=he 2HKOs, isn’t 2HKOed, and gets 3 turns before Ox.
Ayne (LoL 2)   vs   Pent (FE 7)- Pent. Doubles, I’d imagine
Ayne (LoL 2)   vs   Sain (FE 7)- Sain. Doubles, I’d imagine
Ayne (LoL 2)   vs   Yang (FF 4)- Ayne. Blocks Sleep.
Ayne (LoL 2)   vs   Eiko (FF 9)- Eiko
Ayne (LoL 2)   vs   Gaffgarion (FF T)- Let’s see…Ayne needs 4 turns to OHKO him I believe. Gut says he gets them. Ayne.
Kresnik (WA 4)   vs   Nina (BoF 2)- Don’t know.
Kresnik (WA 4)   vs   Ershin (BoF 4)- Don’t know.
Kresnik (WA 4)   vs   Freya (FF 9)- Freya. Luna vs someone with 3 bullets+higher WA 4 damage average for me.
Kresnik (WA 4)   vs   Amon (Lufias)- Amon
Kresnik (WA 4)   vs   Rayquaza (Poke)- Don’t Know.
Kresnik (WA 4)   vs   Cliff (SO 3)- Don’t Know.
Kresnik (WA 4)   vs   Ox (BoF 1)- Kresnik. Slowly. Very, very slowly.
Kresnik (WA 4)   vs   Pent (FE 7)- Kresnik
Kresnik (WA 4)   vs   Sain (FE 7)- Kresnik
Kresnik (WA 4)   vs   Yang (FF 4)- Yang
Kresnik (WA 4)   vs   Eiko (FF 9)- Eiko
Kresnik (WA 4)   vs   Gaffgarion (FF T)- Gaffgarion. Kresnik’s damage is having issues against the draining.
Mizuki (S4)   vs   Nina (BoF 2)- Nina
Mizuki (S4)   vs   Ershin (BoF 4)- Ershin
Mizuki (S4)   vs   Freya (FF 9)- Mizuki
Mizuki (S4)   vs   Amon (Lufias)- Mizuki. Unless Amon can focus magic at will.
Mizuki (S4)   vs   Rayquaza (Poke)- Rayquaza
Mizuki (S4)   vs   Cliff (SO 3)- Mizuki
Mizuki (S4)   vs   Ox (BoF 1)- Mizuki
Mizuki (S4)   vs   Pent (FE 7)- Mizuki
Mizuki (S4)   vs   Sain (FE 7)- Mizuki
Mizuki (S4)   vs   Yang (FF 4)- Yang.
Mizuki (S4)   vs   Eiko (FF 9)- Mizuki
Mizuki (S4)   vs   Gaffgarion (FF T)- Gaffgarion.

Yulie 8-3 (3-3, 5-0)
Mizuki 7-5 (3-3, 4-2)
Ayne 7-5 (4-2, 3-3)
Kresnik 3-5 (0-2, 3-3)
Sheena 3-9 (1-5, 2-4)
...into the nightfall.

Dark Holy Elf

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Re: Provings Grounds: Heavy Quarters 2
« Reply #5 on: September 01, 2008, 01:34:25 AM »
The Matches
Sheena (Suikos)   vs   Nina (BoF 2): Death.
Sheena (Suikos)   vs   Ershin (BoF 4): Death, Earth res.
Sheena (Suikos)   vs   Freya (FF 9): Two Cherry Blossoms and a Dragon's Breath.
Sheena (Suikos)   vs   Amon (Lufias): OHKO.
Sheena (Suikos)   vs   Rayquaza (Poke): Dragon Claw.
Sheena (Suikos)   vs   Cliff (SO 3): Revenge Earth.
Sheena (Suikos)   vs   Ox (BoF 1): Revenge Earth, not sucking.
Sheena (Suikos)   vs   Pent (FE 7): Faster, kills with three Elfires.
Sheena (Suikos)   vs   Sain (FE 7): Revenge Earth.
Sheena (Suikos)   vs   Yang (FF 4): And again.
Sheena (Suikos)   vs   Eiko (FF 9): Blocks earth, inflicts some status or other. Mini works.
Sheena (Suikos)   vs   Gaffgarion (FF T): Draining offsets the physicals well enough.
Yulie (WA 4)   vs   Nina (BoF 2): Blocks Death, proceed to mock.
Yulie (WA 4)   vs   Ershin (BoF 4): ^^.
Yulie (WA 4)   vs   Freya (FF 9): Luna, outslug.
Yulie (WA 4)   vs   Amon (Lufias): Freya's outclassed, here.
Yulie (WA 4)   vs   Rayquaza (Poke): Dragon Dance Hyper Beam.
Yulie (WA 4)   vs   Cliff (SO 3): Gets control of this. Cliff can keep trying to do MP damage, but I don't think it'll work.
Yulie (WA 4)   vs   Ox (BoF 1): Resources.
Yulie (WA 4)   vs   Pent (FE 7): Mage.
Yulie (WA 4)   vs   Sain (FE 7): Sain 2HKOs, then a crit OHKOs. Think that's too much pressure for Yulie.
Yulie (WA 4)   vs   Yang (FF 4): Ahahaha Yang.
Yulie (WA 4)   vs   Eiko (FF 9): Covered in chat, Eiko can try to reflect Yulie but Yulie will just outslug her anyway.
Yulie (WA 4)   vs   Gaffgarion (FF T): Yeah, I think this actually IS a tie. So, tiebreaking for Gafgarion having a form that gets completely owned, here. (Boss.)
Ayne (LoL 2)   vs   Nina (BoF 2): 3-2s by a hair.
Ayne (LoL 2)   vs   Ershin (BoF 4): Ershin damage. No.
Ayne (LoL 2)   vs   Freya (FF 9): Freya 4HKOs, 4-3s, isn't 2HKOed thanks to being tanky.
Ayne (LoL 2)   vs   Amon (Lufias): 2HKOs with Thunder. Fast.
Ayne (LoL 2)   vs   Rayquaza (Poke): Dragon Dances until his damage is psycho. This does not take long. Can survive two turns.
Ayne (LoL 2)   vs   Cliff (SO 3): Once again, isn't 2HKOed. This just gives Cliff four turns to kill with. Seeing as he's borderline 2HKO to start with...
Ayne (LoL 2)   vs   Ox (BoF 1): Holy crap, Ayne's faster! So yeah, Ox gets two turns to fail, then Ayne blows him up with a turn 3 full combo.
Ayne (LoL 2)   vs   Pent (FE 7): Doubles with Thunder, an element Ayne doesn't resist. Mega-ouch.
Ayne (LoL 2)   vs   Sain (FE 7): Closer, but he ALSO doubles.
Ayne (LoL 2)   vs   Yang (FF 4): Blocks sleep, mocks.
Ayne (LoL 2)   vs   Eiko (FF 9): Mini works.
Ayne (LoL 2)   vs   Gaffgarion (FF T): Four turns for a OHKO? Hmm. Gaff gets five. I... think Dhyer's right, though, Gaff barely can't 5HKO. Didn't think Ayne's buff would ever matter.
Kresnik (WA 4)   vs   Nina (BoF 2): See Yulie.
Kresnik (WA 4)   vs   Ershin (BoF 4): See Yulie!
Kresnik (WA 4)   vs   Freya (FF 9): Goes first, Luna. Yeah, running out of bullets really costs Kres.
Kresnik (WA 4)   vs   Amon (Lufias): Doubles post-Adrenaline, takes about 65% from a physical. Doubles more than enough to heal that off and get occasional pokes in (and since they'll be Pile Bunkers, they hurt). Yeah, think this is his.
Kresnik (WA 4)   vs   Rayquaza (Poke): Dragon Dance. Don't knock what works.
Kresnik (WA 4)   vs   Cliff (SO 3): Straightforward enough, I think.
Kresnik (WA 4)   vs   Ox (BoF 1): Pile Bunker, or just outlasts.
Kresnik (WA 4)   vs   Pent (FE 7): Mage.
Kresnik (WA 4)   vs   Sain (FE 7): Hmm, Sain can only win via crits. And a Killer Axe crit... yeah, barely OHKOs. May take a while, so can Kresnik win first? Adrenaline, Sain, PB, Sain, PB + heal, Sain, double PB... oh yes, definitely enough.
Kresnik (WA 4)   vs   Yang (FF 4): Blocks sleep!
Kresnik (WA 4)   vs   Eiko (FF 9): Gut says this goes the same way as the Yulie fight, but argh.
Kresnik (WA 4)   vs   Gaffgarion (FF T): Double Pile Bunker, double Pile Bunker again as Gaff nears the kill. This... really, really hurts.
Mizuki (S4)   vs   Nina (BoF 2): Death.
Mizuki (S4)   vs   Ershin (BoF 4): Holy crap Ershin pdur. That's hax.
Mizuki (S4)   vs   Freya (FF 9): Outslugs pretty simply.
Mizuki (S4)   vs   Amon (Lufias): Grr focussed Thunder.
Mizuki (S4)   vs   Rayquaza (Poke): Isn't 2HKOed, 2HKOs.
Mizuki (S4)   vs   Cliff (SO 3): Evade.
Mizuki (S4)   vs   Ox (BoF 1): Pressure.
Mizuki (S4)   vs   Pent (FE 7): Doubles!
Mizuki (S4)   vs   Sain (FE 7): More doubling! And evade!
Mizuki (S4)   vs   Yang (FF 4): Still more evade.
Mizuki (S4)   vs   Eiko (FF 9): Too much pressure/speed.
Mizuki (S4)   vs   Gaffgarion (FF T): Outraces the draining pretty easily.

Kresnik 10-2 (o_O O_o what. Pile Bunker helps more than I thought)
Mizuki 8-4
Yulie 8-4
Ayne 4-8
Sheena 4-8 (S1 would be 9-3. Oh well.)
« Last Edit: September 01, 2008, 01:36:37 AM by Dark Holy Elf »

Erwin Schrödinger will kill you like a cat in a box.


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Re: Provings Grounds: Heavy Quarters 2
« Reply #6 on: September 06, 2008, 10:16:17 PM »
Update tomorrow.
...into the nightfall.