The child dynamo Jude Maverick, after a long absence, finally gets another chance to wield his ARM, and he's ready to take Middle in full speed! His first opponent is a rather uncanny witchy witch with witchy magic! However, Arche, with all her charm and cantrips, can't really do much: her elemental walling gimmick is worthless against Shapeshifter rounds, after all, and her Extinction spell, which would certainly terrify Jude normally, is merrily immuned by a Holy Ankh. Arche, in the other hand, certainly can't deal with Jude's breakneck speed and the frightening Rapid Attack into Assault Buster combo, which should rip the half-elf into shreds. And even one Meteor Swarm can't kill Jude. So, this will be pretty easy for the boy from Ciel. Accelerator, engage!