Magical Girl MOMO, engage! Brimming with mysterious powers, the observational Realian born from Joachim Mizrahi's ambitions and dreams steps out to make good use of the skills given by the brilliant scientist, and no angsty Dragoon will be able to stop her! Armed with her trusty Penguin Rod and a wide array of magical powers and transformations, MOMO is sure to slow Kain down enough to make his spear stabs useless, also enjoying a natural speed advantage over him. And his Jump ability? Well, it certainly won't do much good when he's giving the Realian a free opportunity to heal up her wounds with Life Shot. All this may sound terribly demeaning to Kain's skills, but the raw data assessment shows that this fight errs on the one-sided spectrum of things for MOMO. Regardless, no hard feelings, okay? If she beats Kain up that badly, she certainly won't mind helping the infirmary staff with his recovery.