
Author Topic: Final Fantasy 3 DS (Full)  (Read 5147 times)


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Final Fantasy 3 DS (Full)
« on: December 19, 2007, 12:39:31 AM »
Yep, I'm psychotic enough to do ANOTHER FF3 stat topic. Why'd I bother?
...cause no one else would, and the game is awesome...

Would like to give thanks to Sage who helped out in a variety of ways...mostly just agreeing with set ups and such, and saying values looked right.

...anyway, FF3DS is quite a bit different from in they totally revamped the balance and such. Now every class has some sort of use end game (...theoretically anyway), added a bunch of new equips in, etc, and some classes got new skills (Warrior got Advance, for example) and others learned spells (Like Scholar.) The new "Freelancer" Class was added in as well, replacing Onion Knight, which became an OMG SPESHUL Wifi only class. Also, Algorithms were totally revamped, so...yeah...anyway, first an explanation of how I took things in the DL:

First off, all classes are level 55. That's about standard for end game and a nice round number. HP at this point is around 2800. Like FF3o, HP depends on how a class was raised, though the differences don't matter much in the end unless you did something like Black Belt from an early level and stayed with it til then, but that's a special twinking case, etc. Like FF3o, the game uses a hit system, in you gain hits when you hit certain benchmarks based on a variety of factors, and do more damage as such. Unfortunatly, FF3DS wasn't kind of enough to list # of hits in the stat menu, making them total jerks...though fortunatly, the game STILL lists how many hits are done mid fight, and you can even see when a hit misses, as the hit is attempted, but it yields no contact animation/sound effect when (heck, think you even hear a "whiff" sound on the miss) for that hit.
It also uses Spell Charges instead of MP like in the original, so yeah, its Suiko style MP, as another way to note it, or FF1NES/Origins style, etc.
All classes can dual wield. This can be applied to Weapons or Shields, though its generally best to dual wield a weapon if you can, as the offense boost > Defense boost. Note that only Red Mage and Onion Knight can actually make use of Dual Shields, being able to use Shields AND having skillsets not totally reliant on weapons (namely magic), so no other class can even CONSIDER dual wielding Shields, for one reason or another.
Also, Harps are 2 Handed, so naturally, can't dual wield them. Similarly, Bows are too, though you equip an Arrow in the otherhand, the game sort of treats that as another weapon anyway, so same basic principle applies anyway, just don't expect to see an Archer using 2 Bows, obviously.

For Job Levels, every class has distinct growth patterns, and giving, say, Ninja, a slowish growing class from the Earth Crystal, the same amount of Job Levels as the Thief, a fast growing class from the Wind Crystal, wouldn't be totally fair. As such, used the following method for JLevels:

Freelancer gets 99 Job Levels. Its the fastest growing class in the game asside from Scholar, but offsets this by being a lot earlier, even having a whole dungeon (2 in the case of Luneth) and overworld trecking where you're required to use it, getting 99 JLevels with constant use is Trivial.

Wind Crystal jobs have JLevels based on how many actions it takes for Freelancer to hit JL99; seems fair, you have them nearly the entire game. Its true Freelancer will gain some JLevels before you gain any classes, but...Freelancer also probably gets more JLevels than 99, so yeah.

Fire Crystal Jobs get 70% the actions Freelancer/Wind Crystal gets. You get Fire Crystal jobs roughly 30% of the way through the game, so seems fair.

Water Crystal gets 60% of the innitial value; see Fire Crystal, only gotten two moderatly long dungeons after.

Earth Crystal is 30%; this...actually feels generous, but I'm assuming Leviathan and Bahamut Side Quests haven't been done yet, and these jobs are gotten ASAP; if you see their JLevels, you'll know why I'm lenient here.

Lastly, Melee Proficiency was taken at 15 per hand, which is about what you'd have if you constantly attacked with a Freelancer. This counts for like 1 more base damage (fear?) and 2 more hits per hand total.

For stuff I allow...well, there's a huge list of stuff, but I should justify why I allow them:
Storebought Stuff: Simple enough, nearly everyone allows these. Most of the stuff *IS* storebought.
JL99 Wifi Stuff: This is mostly cause all the stuff is unique to one class, and ups variety within the game. It also acts as a consolation to some classes missing some big weapons they'd normally get in game (like Knight missing out on both Ragnarok AND Excalibur; getting Save the Queen doesn't make up for them entirely, but its better than nothing.)
Totally Unique Stuff: Vikings Hammers, Dragoon's Spears, Scholars Books, etc. Stuff that can only be used by one class...seems pretty simple.

Now for the stuff that's a bit more complex to justifty...
Genji Armor and Genji Helmet: I gave this to Ninja, because while stuff like Dark Knight and Freelancer can use them, they also get the BETTER IN EVERYWAY Crystal equivalents (which are storebought), so figured I'd throw Ninja the bone here. Note Genji Gloves has a legit use over Crystal Gloves (+4 Agility to be exact), as does the Shield, so both of those were illegal.
Moonring Blade: One of the OMG LEGENDARIES!!! of Eureka...its not as cracked up as you'd expect. Its usable by only Ninja and Thief regardless, HOWEVER, Ninja gets Kikuichimonji and its JL99 Weapon which are both better in everyway, besides the Range feature, which Ninja doesn't care about anyway due to Throw. So threw a bone to Thief here. Do note the Lust Dagger, a similar situation, has a use over Kikuichimonji (Agility boost, again), hence why that's illegal
Any Claw: I explain this below some, just noting that they fall into this grey area. If you don't allow them, mind, Black Belt hates you, and he does NOT need to be nerfed further.
Kikuichimonji: There's two in the game, usable by Dark Knight and Ninja...however, they both get at least one Superior in Everyway Weapon to go in that first hand of theirs, so its kind of like one for each class. As a side note, Ninja doesn't really use his physical for much anyway, due to Throw, yeah.

I also allow all magic in this game for classes who can use them; unlike, say, Lufia 2, Storebought Magic is a lot more diverse and spread out, and a pretty large advantage to classes in some cases, hence felt no need to restrict it.
Oh, like FF3o, you can equip up to 3 spells per level. This matters for Red Mage, Sage, Onion Knight, Freelancer and Scholar, all of whom can use more than 3 spells per level, so yeah. There's obvious choices in some cases, mind (like the godly SIGHT Spell is something to ignore, obviously)

FF3DS has A LOT of equip options, and listing them all for each given class would take forever, so I'll take the lazy way out and just list them right now. This makes it harder to see who can use what, but it looks cleaner in actual stats.

Main Gauche: 35 Attack, 100% Hit, Agility +3, usable by Freelancer, Warrior, Red Mage, Thief, Dark Knight, Bard, and Ninja
Dark Knife: 93 Attack, 100% Hit, Agility +5, usable by Thief and Ninja
Gladius: 130 Attack, 100% Hit, Agility +20, usable by Thief

Royal Sword: 50 Attack, 80% Hit, 1 Weight, usable by Freelancer, Warrior, Red Mage, Knight, and Dark Knight
Defender: 95 Attack, 100% Hit, 1 Weight, Vitality +5, Item Casts Protect, usable by Warrior, Red Mage, Knight, and Dark Knight
Onion Sword: 156 Attack, 100% Hit, 1 Weight, Strength +5, Agility +5, Vitality +5, Mind +5, Intellect +5, usable by Onion Knight
Save the Queen: 140 Attack, 90% Hit, 1 Weight, Mind +10, Intellect +10, Item Casts Reflect, usable by Knight
Onion Blade: 150 Attack, 100% Hit, 1 Weight, Strength +7, Agility +7, Vitality +7, Mind +7, Intellect +7, 50% chance of inflicting Death, Confusion, Blind, and Poison (all seperate checks, so multiple status' are possible), usable by Onion Knight

Kikuichimonji: 115 Attack, 90% Hit, 1 Weight, Dark Elemental, usable by Dark Knight and Ninja
Murkamato: 140 Attack, 100% Hit, 1 Weight, Agility +20, Dark Elemental, usable by Dark Knight
Muramasa: 140 Attack, 90% hit, 1 Weight, Strength +5, Agility +10, Vitality +5, Mind +5, Intellect +5, 20% chance of inflicting Death, Confusion or Poison (seperate checks, so multiple status' are possible), usable by Ninja

Golem Staff: 30 Attack, 70% Hit, Mind +3, Item Casts Break, 100% chance of inflicting Gradual Petrify, usable by White Mage, Red Mage, Evoker, Summoner, and Sage
Rune Staff: 33 Attack, 80% Hit, Mind +4, Item Casts Erase, usable by White Mage, Red Mage, Evoker, Summoner, and Sage
Holy Wand: 110 Attack, 95% Hit, Mind +20, Item Casts Curaga, usable by Devout
Sage's Staff: 110 Attack, 95% Hit, Strength +10, Agility +10, Vitality +10, Mind +10, Intellect +10, usable by Sage

Wizard Rod: 20 Attack, 100% Hit, Intellect +5, usable by Black Mage, Red Mage, Evoker, Magus, Summoner, and Sage
Fire Rod: 25 Attack, 70% Hit, Intellect +3, Mind +3, Item Casts Fira, usable by White Mage, Black Mage, Red Mage, Evoker, Magus, Devout, Summoner and Sage
Ice Rod: 25 Attack, 70% Hit, Intellect +3, Mind +3, Item Casts Blizzara, usable by White Mage, Black Mage, Red Mage, Evoker, Magus, Devout, Summoner and Sage
Light Rod: 25 Attack, 70% Hit, Intellect +3, Mind +3, Item Casts Thundara, usable by White Mage, Black Mage, Red Mage, Evoker, Magus, Devout, Summoner and Sage
Lillith Rod: 110 Attack, 90% Hit, Intellect +20, Item Casts Death, usable by Black Mage
Millenium Rod: 110 Attack, 90% Hit, Intellect +10, Mind +10, Item Casts Blizzaga, usable by Magus

Artemis Bow: 122 Attack, 75% Hit, 1 Weight, Ranged, Strength +10, Agility +10, usable by Ranger
Holy Arrow: 8 Attack, 75% Hit, Ranged, Holy Elemental, usable by Freelancer, Warrior, Black Mage, Red Mage, and Ranger
Fire Arrow: 17 Attack, 75% Hit, Ranged, Fire Elemental, usable by Ranger
Ice Arrow: 17 Attack, 75% Hit, Ranged, Ice Elemental, usable by Ranger
Light Arrow: 17 Attack, 75% Hit, Ranged, Lightning Elemental, usable by Ranger
Sleep Arrow: 20 Attack, 75% HIt, Ranged, 20% chance of inflicting Sleep status, usable by Ranger
Poison Arrow: 20 Attack, 75% Hit Rate, Ranged, 20% chance of inflicting Poison status, usable by Ranger
Medusa Arrow: 23 Attack, 75% Hit Rate, Ranged, 20% chance of inflicting Gradual Petrify, usable by Ranger
Magic Arrow: 27 Attack, 75% Hit Rate, Ranged, Intellect +2, Mind +2, usable by Ranger
Yoichi Arrow: 40 Attack, 80% Hit Rate, Ranged, usable by Ranger

Tome of Fire: 53 Attack, 80% Hit, Fire Elemental, Intellect +3, Mind +3, usable by Scholar
Tome of Ice: 53 Attack, 80% Hit, Ice Elemental, Intellect +3, Mind +3, usable by Scholar
Tome of Light: 53 Attack, 80% Hit, Lightning Elemental, Intellect +3, Mind +3, usable by ScholarR
Cognitome: 78 Attack, 100% Hit, Intellect +5, Mind +5, usable by Scholar
Omnitome: 110 Attack, 100% Hit, Intellect +10, Mind +10, usable by Scholar

Rune Axe: 110 Attack, 75% Accuracy, 3 Weight, Intellect +2, Mind +2, usable by Warrior and Viking
Demon Axe: 116 Attack, 70% Accuracy, 3 Weight, Strength +2, Vitality +2, usable by Warrior and Viking
Giant's Axe: 155 Attack, 75% Accuracy, 3 Weight, Earth Elemental, Strength +20, usable by Warrior
Blessed Hammer: 120 Attack, 70% Accuracy, 3 Weight, Lighting Elemental, Vitality +3, usable by Viking
Mighty Hammer: 145 Attack, 80% Accuracy, 3 Weight, Lightning Elemental, Vitality +20, usable by Viking

Blood Lance: 95 Attack, 90% Accuracy, 2 Weight, Wind Elemental, heals user equal to 1/6th total damage done, usable by Dragoon
Holy Lance: 125 Attack, 90% Accuracy, 3 Weight, Holy/Wind Elemental, Item Casts Holy, usable by Dragoon
Gungnir: 140 Attack, 90% Accuracy, 3 Weight, Wind Elemental, Strength +10, Agility +10, usable by Dragoon
Magic Lance: 145 Attack, 90% Accuracy, 3 Weight, Dark/Wind Elemental, Strength +20, usable by Dragoon

Moonring Blade: 110 Attack, 85% Accuracy, Dark Elemental, Ranged, usable by Thief and Ninja
Earth Bell: 88 Attack, 100% Accuracy, 50% chance of inflicting Paralysis status, usable by Geomancer
Rune Bell: 98 Attack, 100% Accuracy, usable by Geomancer
Blessing Bell: 130 Attack, 100% Accuracy, Holy Elemental, Agility +10, Mind +10, Intellect +10, usable by Geomancer

Madhura Harp: 60 Attack, 100% Accuracy, Mind +5, usable by Bard
Loki Harp: 60 Attack, 100% Accuracy, Mind +5, usable by Bard
Lamia Harp: 60 Attack, 100% Accuracy, Mind +5, 50% chance of inflicting Confusion, usable by Bard
Dream Harp: 60 Attack, 100% Accuracy, Mind +5, 50% chance of inflciting Sleep, usable by Bard
Apollo Harp: 69 Attack, 100% Accuracy, Mind +10, 50% chance of inflcting Silence status, usable by Bard
Note: Yes, I know some of these Harps look identical, but there's a reason I listed all of them; check the Bard section for why.

Kaiser Knuckles: 50 Attack, 100% Accuracy, usable by Monk and Black Belt
Tiger Claws: 82 Attack, 100% Accuracy, +5 Strength, usable by Monk and Black Belt
NOTE: All Claws in the game are found in chests (sadly), and there's exactly one of each after Bronze and Sonic Knuckles (the two weakest in the game.) So...all the stronger claws are illegal since its usable by 2 characters. HOWEVER, Monk and Black Belt have Bare Fist damage that doesn't totally fail, since its heavily based of Job Levels and such. This makes Black Belt not happy cause its got crappy JLevels, while Monk has a bunch, so I chose it based off "What are the strongest claws Black Belt can use that the Monk has no use for (no potentially useful stat boosts or side effects, and can't boost damage compared to barehanded either.) Yes, this is a very odd case.

Onion Shield: 30 Defense, 30 Magic Defense, 1 Weight, grants immunity to all status effects, resists all elements, Strength +2, Mind +2, Intellect +2, Agility +2, Vitality +2, usable by Onion Knight
Crystal Shield: 20 Defense, 15 Magic Defense, 1 Weight, grants Immunity to Petrify, Gradual Petrify, Toad, Mini, Blind, Poison and Paralysis, usable by Freelancer, Warrior, Red Mage, Knight, Dark Knight, Dragoon, and Viking
Diamond Shield: 14 Defense, 10 Magic Defense, 1 Weight, grants immunity to Petrify, Death and Blind, resists Lightning, usable by Freelancer, Warrior, Knight, Dragoon, and Viking
Ice Shield: 6 Defense, 4 Magic Defense, 1 Weight, grants immunity to Death, Paralysis and Sleep, resists Fire, usable by Freelancer, Warrior, Red Mage, Knight, Thief, Dragoon, Viking, and Dark Knight
Mithril Shield: 3 Defense, 3 Magic Defense, 1 Weight, grants immunity to Blind and Confusion, usable by Freelancer, Warrior, Red Mage, Knight, Thief, Dragoon, Viking, and Dark Knight

Ballad Crown: 35 Defense, 34 Magic Defense, Vitality +10, Mind +10, usable by Bard
Royal Crown: 33 Defense, 36 Magic Defense, Intellect +10, Mind +10, usable by Evoker
Onion Helm: 40 Defense, 40 Magic Defense, 1 Weight, grants immunity to all status effects, Mind +5, Intellect +5, usable by Onion Knight
Crystal Helm: 31 Defense, 17 Magic Defense, 1 weight, usable by Freelancer, Warrior, Red Mage, Knight, Dragoon, Viking, and Dark Knight
Genji Helmet: 25 Defense, 15 Magic Defense, 1 Weight, usable by Freelancer, Dark Knight, and Ninja
Diamond Helm: 21 Defense, 10 Magic Defense, 1 weight, resists Lightning, usable by Freelancer, Warrior, Knight, Dragoon, and Viking
Chakra Band: 17 Defense, 11 Magic Defense, Vitality +2, usable by Freelancer, Monk, Black Belt, and Ninja
Black Cowl: 15 Defense, 10 Magic Defense, Agility +2, usable by Freelancer, Monk, Ranger, Thief, Blackbelt and Ninja
Scholar Hat: 11 Defense, 16 Magic Defense, Intellect +1, usable by Freelancer and Scholar
Feathered Cap: 10 Defense, 16 Magic Defense, Agility +2, usable by All
Ice Helm: 10 Defense, 6 Magic Defense, 1 Weight, Resists Fire, usable by Freelancer, Warrior, Red Mage, Ranger, Knight, Thief, Dragoon, Viking, and Dark Knight

Master Dogi: 54 Defense, 23 Magic Defense, 1 Weight, Agility +10, Mind +10, usable by Black Belt
Crimson Vest: 50 Defense, 25 Magic Defense, 1 Weight, Strength +10, Vitality +10, Agility +10, Intellect +10, Mind +10, usable by Red Mage
Angel Robe: 45 Defense, 45 Magic Defense, 1 Weight, Mind +20, usable by White Mage
Onion Armor: 60 defense, 40 Magic defense, 1 Weight, Strength +5, Mind +5, Vitality +5, Agility +5, Intellect +5, grants immunity to all status effects, usable by Onion Knight
Crystal Mail: 54 Defense, 24 Magic Defense, 1 Weight, usable by Freelancer, Warrior, Red Mage, Knight, Dragoon, Viking, and Dark Knight
Genji Armor: 45 Defense, 21 Magic Defense, 1 Weight, usable by Freelancer, Dark Knight and Ninja
Diamond Mail: 40 Defense, 19 Magic Defense, 1 Weight, resists Lightning, usable by Freelancer, Warrior, Knight, Dragoon, and Viking
Gaia Vest: 35 Defense, 25 Magic Defense, Vitality +3, usable by Freelancer and Geomancer
Black Belt Gi: 33 Defense, 18 Magic Defense, Agility +3, Vitality +3, usable by Freelancer, Monk, Black Belt, and Ninja
Bard Vest: 32 Defense, 28 Magic Defense, Agility +2, Mind +2, usable by Freelancer and Bard
Black Robe: 31 Defense, 45 Magic Defense, Intellect +5, usable by Freelancer, Black Mage, Red Mage, Geomancer, Evoker, Magus, Summoner, and Sage
White Robe: 31 Defense, 45 Magic Defense, Mind +5, usale by Freelancer, White Mage, Red Mage, Scholar, Evoker, Bard, Devout, Summoner, and Sage
Black Garb: 30 Defense, 18 Magic Defense, Agility +2, Vitality +2, usable by Freelancer, Monk, Ranger, Thief, Black Belt, and Ninja
Flamemail: 21 Defense, 11 Magic Defense, 1 Weight, resists Ice, usable by Freelancer, Warrior, Red Mage, Ranger, Knight, Dragoon, Viking, and Dark Knight
Ice Armor: 20 Defense, 10 Magic Defense, 1 Weight, resists Fire, usable by Freelancer, Warrior, Red Mage, Ranger, Knight, Thief, Dragoon, Viking, and Dark Knight

Astral Bracers: 47 Defense, 20 Magic Defense, Intellect +10, Mind +10, resists Ice, Fire, Lightning, Wind and Light, usable by Summoner
Shura Gloves: 45 Defense, 19 Magic Defense, Strength +20, usable by Monk
Celestial Glove: 40 Defense, 18 Magic Defense, Strength +15, Agility +15, Vitality +15, Mind +15, Intellect +15, usable by Freelancer
Onion Gauntlet: 50 Defense, 25 Magic Defense, Strength +5, Agility +5, Vitality +5, Mind +5, Intellect +5, grants immunity to all status effects, resists all elements, usable by Onion Knight
Crystal Glove: 30 Defense, 15 Magic Defense, 1 Weight, Strength +4, Vitality +4, usable by Freelancer, Warrior, Red Mage, Knight, Dragoon, Viking, and Dark Knight
Diamond Gloves: 15 Defense, 7 Magic Defense, 1 Weight, Strength +3, Vitality +3, resists Lightning, usable by Freelancer, Warrior, Monk, Ranger, Knight, Thief, Dragoon, Viking, Dark Knight, Black Belt, Ninja
Diamond Bracers: 13 Defense, 16 Magic Defense, Intellect +3, Mind +3, usable by Freelancer, White Mage, Black Mage, Red Mage, Scholar, Geomancer, Evoker, Bard, Devout, Magus, Summoner, Sage, Ninja
Rune Bracers: 11 Defense, 13 Magic Defense, Intellect +2, Mind +2, grants immunity to petrify, mini and toad, usable by Freelancer, White Mage, Black Mage, Red Mage, Scholar, Geomancer, Evoker, Bard, Devout Magus, and Summoner (Not certain on this, need to check; FAQ says "All Magic Classes" which is of course very vague)
Thief Gloves: 11 Defense, 8 Magic Defense, Agility +3, usable by Freelancer, Thief and Ninja

Some of the above is default on PCs already, mind, but listing them for completeness, so you can compare directly for stat losses and such.

As for what stats do...
MP: Listed in order from 1-8; you need these to cast magic.
Attack: This stat being higher = more damage. Pretty simple. Unlike FF3o, though, dual wielding DOES use the total attack stat, then later multiplies the entire damage by 0.6x to offset the doubled amount of hits. Also note that the Attack Stat means a lot less for Monk (and any other weaponless fighter for that matter) than it does for all other fighters, using unique algorithms.
Defense: This stat being higher = less physical damage. Note that FF3DS uses both Division AND Subtraction defense. First, Defense is halved and subtracted from base damage, then later, Attack is then divided by Defense (Note that Strength and Vitality have nothing to do with this'll see later), and that value is multiplied by the total damage; note that the second part has a Maximum cap of 2 and minimum cap of 0.5.
Magic Defense: Its the magic version of Defense. HOWEVER, unlike Defense, this is pure subtraction, though, its NOT divided in half. Do note that both defensive stats are very noticiable in game (Dark Cloud alone proves this)
Strength: Basically, for algorithms, this stat is added directly onto the Attack Stat for the Subtraction related part. It does practically nothing otherwise. The exception here is Harps damage.
Agility: The base used for hits. For every 7 points of this stat you have, you get an extra hit per hand (so 2 hits if dual wielding.) For Archery, its one hit every 9 Points, mind. This stat also plays a role in Hit Rate for physicals (which tends to override enemy evade, more often than not, end game, even on low Hit classes like Viking) and is the base for speed.
Vitality: This stat is more or less equivalent to Defense in the role it plays for the Subtraction part, as in, its cut in half then subtracted.
Intellect: Every 3 points you have of this stat = 1 more Multiplier to Attack magic, even for stuff like Holy which is White Magic. This stat also plays a role in Success Ratio, which is how often the spell would hit its max potential or hit a "failure" (damage is ROUGHLY halved on a failure)...needless to say, this stat plays a large role in magic damage. It also effects Status Hit rates in ALL cases, as far as magic goes; 1 point of Intellect yields 1% extra hit (as an added note, every 8 Job Levels adds another % to Status Hit rate on Magical status.) This also plays a role in Terrain damage.
Mind: Effects Healing Magic, Harp damage, and to some extent, Terrain damage. This stat also doubles as subtracting from status hit rates in the same way Intellect adds onto them, AND plays an identical role in Magic damage to Magic Defense (So basically...add Mind and Magic Defense together to get Effective magic defense), as well as lowering Magic Success Rates the same way Intellect raises those...basically, this is Intellect in defense mode.

Enemy defense was taken at 32...since that was the only listed Defensive stat, I assumed enemies Mind, Vitality, and Magic Defense were the same; bold assumption? Yes, but its the best I got, sadly, damage figures seem about right anyway.

Job Levels play a role in hit...for basic weapons (basically anything not Harps or Bows), 14 Job Levels = 1 Hit per hand, and it plays a MINOR role in damage dealt for physicals, and a moderate role for Magic, so this would explain some damage oddities that stats would suggest otherwise.

Lastly, FF3DS has a unique style of Item casting. You can item cast something from the menu like an item, or if the item is doesn't matter really. HOWEVER, in order to item cast, you MUST be able to Equip the item to begin with. So while the Devout has unlimited Curaga's due to the Holy Staff, since it can equip it, no other class can take advantage of this, even if the item is simply lying in the inventory, since you can only item cast an item you can equip.

Anyway, onto the actual the next post...
« Last Edit: October 12, 2008, 02:00:51 AM by OblivionKnight »
[21:39] <+Mega_Mettaur> so Snow...
[21:39] <+Mega_Mettaur> Sonic Chaos
[21:39] <+Hello-NewAgeHipsterDojimaDee> That's -brilliant-.

[17:02] <+Tengu_Man> Raven is a better comic relief PC than A


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Re: Final Fantasy 3 DS (PCs)
« Reply #1 on: December 19, 2007, 12:40:17 AM »
Freelancer (JL99)

Royal Sword
Main Gauche
Crystal Helm
Crystal Mail (White Robe)
Celestial Glove

MP: 20/0/0/0/0/0/0/0
Attack: 85
Defense: 125 (102)
Magic Defense: 59 (80)
Strength: 46
Agility: 49
Vitality: 46
Intellect: 46
Mind: 46 (51)

Attack: 4447 damage

Fire: 841 Fire Elemental Magic damage
Blizzard: 875 Ice Elemental Magic Damage
Sleep: Adds Sleep Status, 53% Accuracy
Poisona: Heals Poison
Cure: 494 (513) Healing

Warrior (JL74)

Giant's Axe
Demon Axe
Crystal Helm (Feathered Cap)
Crystal Mail
Crystal Glove

Attack: 271
Defense: 116 (95)
Magic Defense: 56 (55)
Strength: 81
Agility: 41 (43)
Vitality: 43
Intellect: 27
Mind:  27

Attack: 9417 (10202) Earth elemental damage
Advance: 20436 (22139) Earth elemental damage, all physical damage received the turn this is used is increased by 2.17x

Monk (JL74)

Chakra Band
Black Belt Gi
Shura Glove

Attack: 286
Defense: 85
Magic Defense: 48
Strength: 69
Agility: 40
Vitality: 46
Intellect: 24
Mind:  27

Attack: 6136 damage
Retaliate: 12672 damage, users defense is increased by 74, only works if user is hit with a physical attack the round this is used, always goes first.

Thief (JL90)

Black Cowl
Black Garb
Diamond Gloves

Attack: 240
Defense: 60
Magic Defense: 35
Strength: 40
Agility: 79
Vitality: 42
Intellect: 27
Mind:  24

Attack: 12336 Dark elemental damage

Red Mage (JL65)

Crystal Shield (Defender)
Crystal Shield (Defender)
Crystal Helm
Crimson Vest
Crystal Glove

MP: 29/16/12/9/5/0/0/0
Attack: 0 (95) (190)
Defense: 151 (131) (111)
Magic Defense: 87 (72) (57)
Strength: 45
Agility: 41
Vitality: 51 (56) (61)
Intellect: 47
Mind: 47

Attack: Negligible (2736) (6019)
Attack w/ Feathered Cap (too lazy to change stats): Negligible (3556) (6520)

Level 1 Magic:
Fire: 462 Fire Elemental Magic damage
Blizzard: 496 Ice Elemental Magic Damage
Sleep: Adds Sleep Status, 49% Accuracy
Poisona: Heals Poison
Cure: 427 (437 w/ 2 Defenders) Healing

Level 2 Magic:
Thunder: 530 Lighting Elemental magic damage
Blind: Adds Blind status, 54% accuracy
Poison: 349 Nonelemental magic damage, adds Poison status, 54% accuracy
Toad: Adds Toads status, 34% accuracy
Aero: 462 Wind elemental magic damage
Mini: Adds Mini status, 34% accuracy

Level 3 Magic:
Fira: 970 Fire elemental magic damage
Blizzara: 1004 Ice elemental magic damage
Thundara: 970 Lightning elemental magic damage
Cura: 1282 (1311 w/ 2 Defenders) Healing
Blindna:Heals Blind status

Level 4 Magic:
Blizzaga: 2043 Ice elemental magic damage
Shade: Adds Paralysis status, 44% accuracy
Break: 1252 Nonelemental magic damage, adds Gradual Petrify, 54% accuracy
Libra: Reveals Enemies stats and such...not in the mood to hype this <_<
Confuse: Adds confusion status, 64% accuracy
Silence: Adds silence status, 64% accuracy

Level 5 Magic:
Raze: Instant Death to weak foes. I'm not sure the exact threshold it works on, but its dependant on enemies level relative to the users, if its anything like the original version (Kill from FF3o)
Thundaga: 2076 Lightning elemental magic damage
Erase: Dispel's positive status effects
Curaga: 3420 (3496 w/ 2 Defenders) healing
Raise: Ressurection, not sure how much exactly, though I can say the person is revived with Jogurt level HP
Protect: Raises Defense and Magic Defense. Unfortunatly, nothing I can find indicates by how much. This can also be item cast via Defenders, mind

White Mage (JL57)

Golem Staff
Golem Staff
Feathered Cap
Angel Robe
Diamond Bracer

MP: 58/25/16/16/ 8/6/4/0
Attack: 60
Defense: 68
Magic Defense: 77
Strength: 31
Agility: 39
Vitality: 37
Intellect: 30
Mind: 70

Attack: 1755 damage, 100% chance of inflicting Gradual Petrify 2 levels
Break (Item Cast from Golem Staff): 696 Nonelemental magic damage, adds Gradual Petrify status, 36% Accuracy

Level 1 Magic:
Cure: 503 Healing
Poisona: Heals Poison status
Sight: ...I've hyped this spell enough, maybe?

Level 2 Magic:
Toad: Adds Toads status, 16% accuracy
Aero: 223 Wind elemental magic damage
Mini: Adds Mini status, 16% accuracy

Level 3 Magic:
Cura: 1510 Healing
Blindna:Heals Blind status
Teleport: Clearly, its got the same name as the best FFT Movement skill, so its AUTOMATICALLY THE BEST SPELL EVER! I mean, I can't see what's wrong with this logic!

Level 4 Magic:
Libra: Reveals Enemies stats and such...not in the mood to hype this <_<
Confuse: Adds confusion status, 46% accuracy
Silence: Adds silence status, 46% accuracy

Level 5 Magic:
Curaga: 4028 Healing
Raise: Ressurection, not sure how much exactly, though I can say the person is revived with Jogurt level HP
Protect: Raises Defense and Magic Defense. Unfortunatly, nothing I can find indicates by how much

Level 6 Magic:
Aeroga: 1304 Wind elemental magic damage
Haste: Raises Physical damage based on some factors, unfortunatly, its not documented HOW it boosts damage at all
Stona: Heals stone status

Level 7 Magic:
Esuna: Heals all status
Curaja: 6042 Healing
Reflect: Reflects the next spell cast.  Note that, unlike the FF3o version, this DOES include healing magic, hence, isn't always a favorable move.

Black Mage(JL57)

Lillith Rod
Wizard Rod
Feathered Cap
Black Robe
Diamond Bracer

MP: 58/25/16/16/ 8/6/4/0
Attack: 130
Defense: 54
Magic Defense: 77
Strength: 31
Agility: 39
Vitality: 37
Intellect: 74
Mind: 30

Attack: 3888 damage
Death (Lillith Rod Item Cast): Instant death, 60% accuracy

Level 1 Magic:
Fire: 692 Fire Elemental Magic damage
Blizzard: 775 Ice Elemental Magic Damage
Sleep: Adds Sleep Status, 75% Accuracy

Level 2 Magic:
Thunder: 818 Lighting Elemental magic damage
Blind: Adds Blind status, 80% accuracy
Poison: 482 Nonelemental magic damage, adds Poison status, 80% accuracy

Level 3 Magic:
Fira: 1636 Fire elemental magic damage
Blizzara: 1699 Ice elemental magic damage
Thundara: 1636 Lightning elemental magic damage

Level 4 Magic:
Blizzaga: 3628 Ice elemental magic damage
Shade: Adds Paralysis status, 44% accuracy
Break: 2160 Nonelemental magic damage, adds Gradual Petrify, 54% accuracy

Level 5 Magic:
Raze: Instant Death to weak foes. I'm not sure the exact threshold it works on, but its dependant on enemies level relative to the users, if its anything like the original version (Kill from FF3o)
Thundaga: 3691 Lightning elemental magic damage
Erase: Dispel's positive status effects

Level 6 Magic:
Firaga: 3838 Fire elemental magic damage
Warp: Instant Death, 70% accuracy, not sure if it yields EXP or not though (guessing no, since otherwise, this spell > Death in everyway)
Bio: 3419 Nonelemental magic damage

Level 7 Magic:
Quake: 2789 Earth elemental damage (I believe this ignores split damage, hence why its weaker than Agas and Bio)
Breakaga: Adds Petrify status, 60% Accuracy
Drain: 2580 Nonelemental magic damage, heals user equal to damage done

Knight (JL47)

Save The Queen
Crystal Helm (Feathered Cap)
Crystal Mail
Crystal Glove

MP: 20/0/0/0/0/0/0/0
Attack: 235
Defense: 116 (95)
Magic Defense: 56 (55)
Strength: 53
Agility: 27 (29
Vitality: 63
Intellect: 27
Mind: 41

Attack: 5637 (6264) damage
Guard: Cuts damage by 49% for one turn.  This is a special version of defend, mind.
Reflect (item cast from Save the Queen): Reflects the next spell back to user.  This also includes healing, mind
Protect (Item cast from Defender): Raises Defense and Magic Defense. Unfortunatly, nothing I can find indicates by how much

Cure: 361 healing
Poisona: Heals Poison
Sight: Knight only wishes this did something regarding hits, maybe?


Artemis Bow
Yoichi Arrow
Black Cowl
Black Garb
Diamond Bracer

Attack: 162
Defense: 60
Magic Defense: 35
Strength: 56
Agility: 63
Vitality: 42
Intellect: 27
Mind: 27

Attack: 9648 damage
Barrage: 11577 damage, uses 4 arrows


Feathered Cap
White Robe
Diamond Bracer

MP: 27/12/6/0/0/0/0/0
Attack: 178
Defense: 54
Magic Defense: 77
Strength: 37
Agility: 43
Vitality: 24
Intellect: 73
Mind: 50

Attack: 6417 damage
Study: EQUIVALENT TO THE SENSE MATERIA! WIN!!! ...oh, it also removes positive status effects, but how can THAT be more useful in a duel setting?

Level 1 Magic:
Fire: 1215 Fire Elemental Magic damage
Blizzard: 1277 Ice Elemental Magic Damage
Sleep: Adds Sleep Status, 77% Accuracy
Poisona: Heals Poison
Cure: 456 Healing

Level 2 Magic:
Thunder: 1339 Lighting Elemental magic damage
Blind: Adds Blind status, 82% accuracy
Poison: 1009 Nonelemental magic damage, adds Poison status, 82% accuracy
Toad: Adds Toads status, 62% accuracy
Aero: 1215 Wind elemental magic damage
Mini: Adds Mini status, 62% accuracy

Level 3 Magic:
Fira: 2142 Fire elemental magic damage
Blizzara: 2204 Ice elemental magic damage
Thundara: 2142 Lightning elemental magic damage
Cura: 1368 Healing
Blindna:Heals Blind status


Blessing Bell
Earth Bell
Feathered Cap
Black Robe
Diamond Bracer

Attack: 218
Defense: 54
Magic Defense: 77
Strength: 31
Agility: 51
Vitality: 31
Intellect: 59
Mind: 44

Attack: 6942 Holy elemental damage, 50% chance of adding Paralysis

Terrain: All Terrain skills ignores defense. Terrain works just like FF5's, in that it does an ability based on the surrounding area, with set chances of each.  I'll get to noting chances of each move later.  Also these moves are some of the only with actual listed Weight values, which are more or less directly sutracted from Agility for speed (so lower = faster)
Wind Slash: 4727 Wind elemental magic damage, 3 weight
Ice Storm: 3777 Ice elenental Magic damage, 4 weight
Magma: 4125 Fire elemental Magic damage, 3 weight
Fire Shot: 5809 Fire elemental magic damage, 4 weight
Ice Pillar: 5809 Ice elemental magic damage, 3 weight
Earthquake: 4588 Earth elemental magic damage, 3 weight
Cave In: 6427 Earth (?) elemental magic damage, 4 weight
Shadow Flare: 19281 Dark (?) elemental magic damage, 9 weight
Whirlpool: Instant Death, 57% accuracy
Black Hole: Instant Death, 107% accuracy (can miss if enemies Mind stat is high enough, mind)

Terrain rates :
Plains: Wind Slash 50%; Ice Storm 48% Shadow Flare 2%, 4562 average damage
Desert: Earthquake 40%, Cave-in 38%, Wind Slash 20%. Shadow Flare 2%, 5608 average damage
Aquatic:Ice Pillar 40%, Whirlpool 38%, Wind Slash 20%, Shadow Flare 2%, 3654 average damage, 21% chance of instant death
Town of Ur: 50% Windslash, 50% Ice Storm, 4252 average damage (I highly doubt anyone sees this as default terrain granted...)
Cave of Fire: Magma 40%, Fire Shot 38%, Wind Slash 20%, Shadow Flare 2%, 5188 average damage
Saronia Pub: Black Hole 50%, Shadow Flare 40%, Wind Slash 10%, 8185 average damage, 50% chance of instant death (highly doubt anyone takes this as default too...)
Forbidden Land Eureka: Black Hole 40%, Shadow Flare 40%, Wind Slash 20%, 8657 average damage, 40% chance of instant death
World of Darkness: Wind Slash 23%, Ice Pillar 23%, Fire Shot 22%, Earthquake 22%, Shadow Flare 10%, 6638 average damage

Note that these are general areas; some random things use these Terrains, like Crystal Tower and Sky (as in on the airship) = Plains, so take this with a grain of salt
For the record, I assume Plains Terrain in the DL since its the most common in game. 


Mighty Hammer
Blessed Hammer
Crystal Helm (Feathered Cap)
Crystal Mail
Crystal Gloves

Attack: 265
Defense: 116 (95)
Magic Defense: 56 (55)
Strength: 59
Agility: 27 (29)
Vitality: 68
Intellect: 27
Mind: 31

Attack: 5702 (6415) Lightning elemental damage



Magic Lance
Gungnir (Blood Lance)
Crystal Helm
Crystal Mail
Crystal Gloves

Attack: 285 (240)
Defense: 116
Magic Defense: 56
Strength: 55 (45)
Agility: 71 (61)
Vitality: 35
Intellect: 31
Mind: 31

Attack: 9014 (6192) Wind elemental damage, (heals 1032 HP)
Jump: 17667 (12136) damage, (heals 2022 HP), requires two turns to use, the first turn of which the user is invincible to all damage, 8833 (6068) average damage per turn
Holy (item cast from Holy Lance): 2017 Holy elemental Magic damage
NOTE: Yes, Holy Lance is not a potential default, but its still unique, figured I'd list it anyway, for...ummm...HURTING PHYSICAL IMMUNES! or something.

Dark Knight(JL46)

Crystal Helm
Crystal Mail
Crystal Gloves

Attack: 255
Defense: 116
Magic Defense: 56
Strength: 45
Agility: 51
Vitality: 45
Intellect: 31
Mind: 31

Attack: 8516 dark elemental damage
Souleater: Does damage partially based on your CHP, does about 4435 damage at Max HP, MT (hence why its weaker), Ignores Evade, Ignores Defense, consumes 20% of CHP.


Wizard Rod
Wizard Rod
Royal Crown
Black Robe
Diamond Bracer

MP: 55/21/21/21/21/14/9/4
Attack: 40
Defense: 77
Magic Defense: 97
Strength: 37
Agility: 31
Vitality: 27
Intellect: 69
Mind: 54

Attack: 661 damage

Summons: Evoker's summons work just like the Conjurer's in FF3o, as in, 50% chance of the White Magic Version and 50% chance of the Black Magic version.

Level 1: Escape
Chocobo Kick?: Equivalent to the legendary Splash used by Magikarp in Pokemon
Chocobo Dash: RUNS FROM BATTLES!!!
Level 2: Icen
Mesmerize: Adds sleep status, 67% Accuracy
Icy Stare: 3192 Ice elemental magic damage
Average damage: 1596
Level 3: Spark
Mind Blast: Adds paralyze status, 62% accuracy
Thunderstorm: 3251 Lightning elemental magic damage
Average Damage: 1625
Level 4: Heatra
Healing Light: 4140 Healing
Hellfire: 3388 fire elemental magic damage
Average Damage: 1694
Level 5: Hyper
Clobber: 2800 Non elemental magic damage
Stomp: 2898 Non elemental magic damage
Average Damage: 2849
Level 6: Catastro
Protective Light: Adds Reflect status to user; like the White Magic version of the status, it reflects one spell back at the enemy.
Slash: 4465 Non elemental magic damage
Average Damage: 2232
Level 7: Leviath
Cyclone: 5346 Wind elemental magic damage
Demon Eye: Adds Stone status, 52% accuracy
Average Damage: 2673
Level 8: Bahamur
Aura: Adds Haste status to user, note that given the lack of decent documentation, I can't say how effective this is. It apparently does raise Magic damage though, which means I am forced to hate life cause apparently people who do Battle Mechanic FAQs don't know how to cover important stuff
Rend: Lowers target's HP to laughable values, 52% accuracy


Main Gauche (Any Harp)
Main Gauche (------------)
Ballad Crown
White Robe
Diamond Bracer

Attack: 70 (60)
Defense: 79
Magic Defense: 95
Strength: 27
Agility: 43 (37)
Vitality: 47
Intellect: 40
Mind: 55 (60) (65 w/ Apollo's Harp specifically)

Attack (Main Gauche): 2044 damage
Attack (Harps): 616 (671 w/ Apollo's Harp) damage, note that this acts magical in that its based off enemies Magic Defense and Mind stats instead of Vitality and Defense stats (though, damage is based off users Mind and not Intellect, oddly enough.)  Also, depending on harp, this can have a variety of different status effects; check equipment section for what potential status effects there.

Sing: Songs are all dependant on what Harp is equipped.  The Harp MUST be equipped for the effect to go off.  Also note that you can change equipment in battle, so for those who allow equipment changing, that really helps out Bard drastically, obviously:

Madhura Harp - Song of Defense: Raises Defense by 25 after two turns.
Loki Harp - Song of Attack: Raises Attack by 25 after two turns
Lamia Harp - Song of Destruction: Deals damage equal to 15% Target's Current HP, this damage cannot exceed 9999
Dream Harp - Song of Healing: Heals for an amount equal to 15% Target's Max HP
Apollo Harp - Song of Protection: Lowers all damage dealt by 25% after two turns

Black Belt(JL25)

Tiger Claws
Kaiser Knuckles
Charka Band
Master Dogi
Diamond Gloves

Attack: 132
Defense: 86
Magic Defense: 41
Strength: 63
Agility: 51
Vitality: 60
Intellect: 24
Mind: 34

Attack: 4408 damage
Build Up: Skips turn, the next turn, attack damage is doubled.  This can be used a second time for Triple damage, however, another use will cause a "Self Explosion" which reduces the users HP by 50%.


Millenium Rod
Wizard Rod
Feathered Cap
Black Robe
Diamond Bracer

MP: 17/16/14/11/20/18/11/5
Attack: 130
Defense: 54
Magic Defense: 77
Strength: 27
Agility: 39
Vitality: 31
Intellect: 78
Mind: 44

Attack: 3088 damage

Level 1 Magic:
Fire: 0 Fire Elemental Magic damage (fails to break End game magic defense due to lack of JLevels)
Blizzard: 23 Ice Elemental Magic Damage (similar case to above)
Sleep: Adds Sleep Status, 76% Accuracy

Level 2 Magic:
Thunder: 92 Lighting Elemental magic damage
Blind: Adds Blind status, 81% accuracy
Poison: 0 Nonelemental magic damage, adds Poison status, 81% accuracy

Level 3 Magic:
Fira: 997 Fire elemental magic damage
Blizzara: 1066 Ice elemental magic damage
Thundara: 997 Lightning elemental magic damage

Level 4 Magic:
Blizzaga: 3200 Ice elemental magic damage, can also be Item cast via Millenium Rod
Shade: Adds Paralysis status, 45% accuracy
Break: 1577 Nonelemental magic damage, adds Gradual Petrify, 55% accuracy

Level 5 Magic:
Raze: Instant Death to weak foes. I'm not sure the exact threshold it works on, but its dependant on enemies level relative to the users, if its anything like the original version (Kill from FF3o)
Thundaga: 3270 Lightning elemental magic damage
Erase: Dispel's positive status effects

Level 6 Magic:
Firaga: 3432 Fire elemental magic damage
Warp: Instant Death, 71% accuracy, not sure if it yields EXP or not though (guessing no, since otherwise, this spell > Death in everyway)
Bio: 2968 Nonelemental magic damage

Level 7 Magic:
Quake: 2272 Earth elemental damage (I believe this ignores split damage, hence why its weaker than Agas and Bio)
Breakaga: Adds Petrify status, 61% Accuracy
Drain: 2040 Nonelemental magic damage, heals user equal to damage done

Level 8 Magic:
Flare: 6447 Nonelemental Magic damage
Meteor: 2968 Nonelemental magic damage (Forced MT that ignores split damage, if you're wondering why it exists in game)
Death: Instatn Death, 61% Accuracy


Holy Wand
Golem Staff
Feathered Cap
White Robe
Diamond Bracer

MP: 17/16/14/11/20/18/11/5
Attack: 140
Defense: 54
Magic Defense: 77
Strength: 27
Agility: 39
Vitality: 31
Intellect: 34
Mind: 83

Attack: 3002 damage, 100% chance of inflicting Gradual Petrify 1 level
Break (Item Cast from Golem Staff): 525 Nonelemental magic damage, adds Gradual Petrify status, 35% Accuracy

Level 1 Magic:
Cure: 475 Healing
Poisona: Heals Poison status
Sight: Seeing things. Its what it does.  Except not in a useful manner.

Level 2 Magic:
Toad: Adds Toads status, 15% accuracy
Aero: 0 Wind elemental magic damage (Job Levels make it fail to break defense)
Mini: Adds Mini status, 15% accuracy

Level 3 Magic:
Cura: 1425 Healing
Blindna:Heals Blind status
Teleport: Clearly, its got the same name as the best FFT Movement skill, so its AUTOMATICALLY THE BEST SPELL EVER! I mean, I can't see what's wrong with this logic!

Level 4 Magic:
Libra: Reveals Enemies stats and such...not in the mood to hype this <_<
Confuse: Adds confusion status, 45% accuracy
Silence: Adds silence status, 45% accuracy

Level 5 Magic:
Curaga: 3800 Healing, can also be item cast via the Holy Wand
Raise: Ressurection, not sure how much exactly, though I can say the person is revived with Jogurt level HP
Protect: Raises Defense and Magic Defense. Unfortunatly, nothing I can find indicates by how much

Level 6 Magic:
Aeroga: 1206 Wind elemental magic damage
Haste: Raises Physical damage based on some factors, unfortunatly, its not documented HOW it boosts damage at all
Stona: Heals stone status

Level 7 Magic:
Esuna: Heals all status
Curaja: 5700 Healing
Reflect: Reflects the next spell cast.  Note that, unlike the FF3o version, this DOES include healing magic, hence, isn't always a favorable move.

Level 8 Magic:
Holy: 1969 Holy elemental magic damage
Arise: Full HP ressurection
Tornado: Lowers targets HP to Single Digits, 45% accuracy


Sage's Staff
Wizard Rod
Feathered Cap
Black Robe
Diamond Bracer

MP: 27/24/20/17/13/10/6/3
Attack: 130
Defense: 54
Magic Defense: 77
Strength: 34
Agility: 36
Vitality: 47
Intellect: 72
Mind: 62

Attack: 2916 damage

Ok, Sage is complex, so bare with me.  First off, he gets all spells usable by Magus and Devout; simple enough.  The complex part is he ALSO gets the Evoker's versions of summons (instead of Summoner's like in FF3o), so...yeah, the last 2 moves are usable by the respective summons, and are 50% chance of kicking in each. I will note though, that while in game, the summons are useful (good damage relative to their Spell Charge amounts), they're practically worthless in the DL since the Sage can mimic most Summons with a FULLY CONTROLLED Black or White Magic spell; just listing them for completion.

Level 1 Magic:
Fire: 0 Fire Elemental Magic damage (see Job Level thing, etc.)
Blizzard: 20 Ice Elemental Magic Damage
Sleep: Adds Sleep Status, 68% Accuracy
Poisona: Heals Poison
Cure: 389 Healing
Chocobo Kick?: Equivalent to the legendary Splash used by Magikarp in Pokemon
Chocobo Dash: RUNS FROM BATTLES!!!

Level 2 Magic:
Thunder: 83 Lighting Elemental magic damage
Blind: Adds Blind status, 73% accuracy
Poison: 0 Nonelemental magic damage, adds Poison status, 73% accuracy
Toad: Adds Toads status, 53% accuracy
Aero: 0 Wind elemental magic damage (see Fire)
Mini: Adds Mini status, 53% accuracy
Mesmerize: Adds sleep status, 68% Accuracy
Icy Stare: 3072 Ice elemental magic damage

Level 3 Magic:
Fira: 892 Fire elemental magic damage
Blizzara: 954 Ice elemental magic damage
Thundara: 892 Lightning elemental magic damage
Cura: 1168 Healing
Blindna:Heals Blind status
Mind Blast: Adds paralyze status, 63% accuracy
Thunderstorm: 3134 Lightning elemental magic damage

Level 4 Magic:
Blizzaga: 2864 Ice elemental magic damage
Shade: Adds Paralysis status, 63% accuracy
Break: 1411 Nonelemental magic damage, adds Gradual Petrify, 54% accuracy
Libra: Reveals Enemies stats and such...not in the mood to hype this <_<
Confuse: Adds confusion status, 68% accuracy
Silence: Adds silence status, 83% accuracy
Healing Light: 4180 Healing
Hellfire: 4284 fire elemental magic damage

Level 5 Magic:
Raze: Instant Death to weak foes. I'm not sure the exact threshold it works on, but its dependant on enemies level relative to the users, if its anything like the original version (Kill from FF3o)
Thundaga: 2927 Lightning elemental magic damage
Erase: Dispel's positive status effects
Curaga: 3420 healing
Raise: Ressurection, not sure how much exactly, though I can say the person is revived with Jogurt level HP
Protect: Raises Defense and Magic Defense. Unfortunatly, nothing I can find indicates by how much. This can also be item cast via Defenders, mind
Clobber: 2657 Non elemental magic damage
Stomp: 2761 Non elemental magic damage

Level 6 Magic:
Aeroga: 3280 Wind elemental magic damage
Haste: Raises Physical damage based on some factors, unfortunatly, its not documented HOW it boosts damage at all
Stona: Heals stone status
Firaga: 3072 Fire elemental magic damage
Warp: Instant Death, 63% accuracy, not sure if it yields EXP or not though (guessing no, since otherwise, this spell > Death in everyway)
Bio: 2657 Nonelemental magic damage
Protective Light: Adds Reflect status to user; like the White Magic version of the status, it reflects one spell back at the enemy.
Slash: 4421 Non elemental magic damage

Level 7 Magic:
Esuna: Heals all status
Curaja: 4674 Healing
Reflect: Reflects the next spell cast.  Note that, unlike the FF3o version, this DOES include healing magic, hence, isn't always a favorable move.
Quake: 2034 Earth elemental damage (I believe this ignores split damage, hence why its weaker than Agas and Bio)
Breakaga: Adds Petrify status, 53% Accuracy
Drain: 1826 Nonelemental magic damage, heals user equal to damage done
Cyclone: 5356 Wind elemental magic damage
Demon Eye: Adds Stone status, 53% accuracy

Level 8 Magic:
Holy: 5356 Holy elemental magic damage
Arise: Full HP ressurection
Tornado: Lowers targets HP to Single Digits, 83% accuracy
Flare: 5771 Nonelemental Magic damage
Meteor: 2657 Nonelemental magic damage (Forced MT that ignores split damage, if you're wondering why it exists in game)
Death: Instatn Death, 61% Accuracy
Aura: Adds Haste status to user, note that given the lack of decent documentation, I can't say how effective this is. It apparently does raise Magic damage though, which means I am forced to hate life cause apparently people who do Battle Mechanic FAQs don't know how to cover important stuff
Rend: Lowers target's HP to laughable values, 53% accuracy


Genji Helmet
Genji Armor
Diamond Gloves

Attack: 255
Defense: 85
Magic Defense: 43
Strength: 49
Agility: 59
Vitality: 39
Intellect: 36
Mind: 36

Attack: 7920 Dark elemental damage
Throw Shuriken: 10436 damage

Summoner (JL23)

Wizard Rod
Wizard Rod
Feathered Cap
Black Robe
Astral Bracers

MP: 55/21/21/21/21/14/9/4
Attack: 40
Defense: 88
Magic Defense: 81
Strength: 27
Agility: 29
Vitality: 31
Intellect: 74
Mind: 59

Attack: 455 damage

Despite the names of the spells being the same, the Summoner's version of these spells is NOT like the Evoker's or Sage's at all; it has one effect that always kicks in, like a normal spell.

Level 1 - Escape: 202 Nonelemental ITD magic damage; I'm not sure if this has a success rate or not, so if anything, this damage might be *HIGH*
Level 2 - Icen: 3754 Ice elemental magic damage
Level 3 - Spark: 3754 Lightning elemental magic damage
Level 4 - Heatra: 3754 Fire Elemental Magic damage
Level 5 - Hyper: 3754 Earth (?) Elemental Magic damage
Level 6 - Catastro: Instant Death, 55% accuracy
Level 7 - Leviath: 6481 Nonelemental (?) Magic damage
Level 8 - Bahamur: 7530 Nonelemental Magic damage

Onion Knight(JL48)

Onion Blade
Onion Sword
Onion Helm
Onion Armor
Onion Gauntlet

MP: 27/24/20/17/13/10/6/3
Attack: 306
Defense: 150
Magic Defense: 105
Strength: 33
Agility: 33
Vitality: 33
Intellect: 38
Mind: 38
NOTE: If you're curious, 2 Onion Shields makes that 210 Defense and 165 Magic Defense

Attack: 7488 damage, 50% chance of inflicting Death, Confusion, Blind, and Poison

Onion Knight's spell set is IDENTICAL to Sage's so just refer to him for how the spells work...

Level 1 Magic:
Fire: 220 Fire Elemental Magic damage
Blizzard: 248 Ice Elemental Magic Damage
Sleep: Adds Sleep Status, 37% Accuracy
Poisona: Heals Poison
Cure: 332 Healing
Chocobo Kick?: Equivalent to the legendary Splash used by Magikarp in Pokemon
Chocobo Dash: RUNS FROM BATTLES!!!

Level 2 Magic:
Thunder: 276 Lighting Elemental magic damage
Blind: Adds Blind status, 42% accuracy
Poison: 128 Nonelemental magic damage, adds Poison status, 73% accuracy
Toad: Adds Toads status, 22% accuracy
Aero: 220 Wind elemental magic damage
Mini: Adds Mini status, 22% accuracy
Mesmerize: Adds sleep status, 37% Accuracy
Icy Stare: 1601 Ice elemental magic damage

Level 3 Magic:
Fira: 635 Fire elemental magic damage
Blizzara: 662 Ice elemental magic damage
Thundara: 635 Lightning elemental magic damage
Cura: 996 Healing
Blindna:Heals Blind status
Mind Blast: Adds paralyze status, 32% accuracy
Thunderstorm: 1629 Lightning elemental magic damage

Level 4 Magic:
Blizzaga: 1509 Ice elemental magic damage
Shade: Adds Paralysis status, 32% accuracy
Break: 865 Nonelemental magic damage, adds Gradual Petrify, 54% accuracy
Libra: Reveals Enemies stats and such...not in the mood to hype this <_<
Confuse: Adds confusion status, 37% accuracy
Silence: Adds silence status, 52% accuracy
Healing Light: 3657 Healing
Hellfire: 1693 fire elemental magic damage

Level 5 Magic:
Raze: Instant Death to weak foes. I'm not sure the exact threshold it works on, but its dependant on enemies level relative to the users, if its anything like the original version (Kill from FF3o)
Thundaga: 1537 Lightning elemental magic damage
Erase: Dispel's positive status effects
Curaga: 2660 healing
Raise: Ressurection, not sure how much exactly, though I can say the person is revived with Jogurt level HP
Protect: Raises Defense and Magic Defense. Unfortunatly, nothing I can find indicates by how much. This can also be item cast via Defenders, mind
Clobber: 1417 Non elemental magic damage
Stomp: 1463 Non elemental magic damage

Level 6 Magic:
Aeroga: 1693 Wind elemental magic damage
Haste: Raises Physical damage based on some factors, unfortunatly, its not documented HOW it boosts damage at all
Stona: Heals stone status
Firaga: 1601 Fire elemental magic damage
Warp: Instant Death, 32% accuracy, not sure if it yields EXP or not though (guessing no, since otherwise, this spell > Death in everyway)
Bio: 1417 Nonelemental magic damage
Protective Light: Adds Reflect status to user; like the White Magic version of the status, it reflects one spell back at the enemy.
Slash: 2199 Non elemental magic damage

Level 7 Magic:
Esuna: Heals all status
Curaja: 3990 Healing
Reflect: Reflects the next spell cast.  Note that, unlike the FF3o version, this DOES include healing magic, hence, isn't always a favorable move.
Quake: 1141 Earth elemental damage (I believe this ignores split damage, hence why its weaker than Agas and Bio)
Breakaga: Adds Petrify status, 22% Accuracy
Drain: 1049 Nonelemental magic damage, heals user equal to damage done
Cyclone: 2613 Wind elemental magic damage
Demon Eye: Adds Stone status, 22% accuracy

Level 8 Magic:
Holy: 2613 Holy elemental magic damage
Arise: Full HP ressurection
Tornado: Lowers targets HP to Single Digits, 52% accuracy
Flare: 2798 Nonelemental Magic damage
Meteor: 1417 Nonelemental magic damage (Forced MT that ignores split damage, if you're wondering why it exists in game)
Death: Instatn Death, 61% Accuracy
Aura: Adds Haste status to user, note that given the lack of decent documentation, I can't say how effective this is. It apparently does raise Magic damage though, which means I am forced to hate life cause apparently people who do Battle Mechanic FAQs don't know how to cover important stuff
Rend: Lowers target's HP to laughable values, 22% accuracy

Stat Comparisons!!!
1. Warrior's Advance 20436
(Dragoon's Jump 17667)
2. Thief's Attack 12336
(Dragoon's Jump w/ Blood Lance 12136)
3. Ranger's Barrage 11577
4. Ninja's Throw Shuriken 10436
5. Dragoon's Attack 9014
(Dragoon's Attack w/ Blood Lance 6192)
6. Dark Knight's Attack 8517
7. Summoner's Bahamur 7530
8. Onion Knight's Attack 7488
9. Geomancer's Attack 6926
10. Magus' Flare 6447
11. Scholar's Attack 6417
12. Monk's Attack 6136
(Red Mage Attack w/ 2 Defenders 6019)
13. Sage's Flare 5771
14. Viking's Attack 5702
15. Knight's Attack 5637
16. Freelancer's Attack 4447
17. Black Belt's Attack 4408
18. Black Mage's Firaga 3945
19. Devout's Physical 3002
20. Evoker's Hyper 2849
(Red Mage Attack w/ 1 Defender 2964)
21. Red Mage's Thundaga 2076
22. Bard's Attack  2044
23. White Mage's Attack 1755
Average: 6735

1. Red Mage 151
2. Onion Knight 150
(Red Mage w/ one shield 131)
3. Freelancer 125
4t. Warrior 116
4t. Knight 116
4t. Viking 116
4t. Dragoon 116
4t. Dark Knight 116
(Red Mage w/ no shields 111)
(Freelancer w/ White Robe 102)
9. Summoner 88
10. Black Belt 86
11t. Monk 85
11t. Ninja 85
13. Bard 79
14. Evoker 77
15. White Mage 68
16t. Thief 60
16t. Ranger 60
18t. Black Mage 54
18t. Scholar 54
18t. Geomancer 54
18t. Magus 54
18t. Devout 54
18t. Sage 54
Average: 87

Magic Defense:
1. Onion Knight 105
2. Evoker 97
3. Bard 95
4. Red Mage 87
5. Summoner 81
(Freelancer w/ White Robe 80)
6t. White Mage 77
6t. Black Mage 77
6t. Scholar 77
6t. Geomancer 77
6t. Magus 77
6t. Devout 77
6t, Sage 77
(Red Mage w/ 1 Shield 72)
13. Freelancer 59
(Red Mage w/ no Shields 57)
14t. Warrior 56
14t. Knight 56
14t. Viking 56
14t. Dragoon 56
14t. Dark Knight 56
19. Monk 48
20. Ninja 43
21. Black Belt 41
22t. Thief 35
22t. Ranger 35
Average: 67

1. Thief 79
2. Dragoon 71
3. Ranger 63
4. Ninja 59
(Dragoon w/ Blood Lance 61)
5t. Geomancer 51
5t. Dark Knight 51
5t. Black Belt 51
8. Freelancer 49
9t. Scholar 43
9t. Bard 43
11t. Warrior 41
11t. Red Mage 41
13. Monk 40
14t. White Mage 39
14t. Black Mage 39
14t. Magus 39
14t. Devout 39
(Bard w/ Harp 37)
18. Sage 36
19. Onion Knight 33
20. Evoker 31
21. Summoner 29
22t. Knight 27
22t. Viking 27
Average: 44

1. Viking 68
2. Knight 63
(Red Mage w/ 2 Defenses 61)
3. Black Belt 60
(Red Mage w/ 1 Defender 56)
4. Red Mage 51
5t. Bard 47
5t. Sage 47
7. Freelancer 46
8. Dark Knight 45
9. Warrior 43
10t. Thief 42
10t. Ranger 42
12. Monk 40
13. Ninja 39
14t. White Mage 37
14t. Black Mage 37
16. Dragoon 35
17. Onion Knight 33
18t. Geomancer 31
18t. Magus 31
18t. Devout 31
18t. Summoner 31
22. Evoker 27
23. Scholar 24
Average: 41

1. Devout 83
2. White Mage 70
3. Sage 62
4. Summoner 59
5. Bard 55
6. Evoker 54
(Freelancer w/ White Robe 51)
7. Scholar 50
8. Red Mage 47
9. Freelancer 46
10t. Geomancer 44
10t. Magus 44
12. Knight 41
13. Onion Knight 38
14. Ninja 36
15. Black Belt 34
16t. Viking 31
16t. Dragoon 31
16t. Dark Knight 31
19. Black Mage 30
20t.Warrior 27
20t.Monk 27
20t.Ranger 27
23.Thief 24
Average: 43
« Last Edit: September 07, 2008, 04:47:40 AM by Meeplelard »
[21:39] <+Mega_Mettaur> so Snow...
[21:39] <+Mega_Mettaur> Sonic Chaos
[21:39] <+Hello-NewAgeHipsterDojimaDee> That's -brilliant-.

[17:02] <+Tengu_Man> Raven is a better comic relief PC than A


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Re: Final Fantasy 3 DS (Full)
« Reply #2 on: August 27, 2008, 06:20:58 PM »

This stat topic is highly cursory. Deal with it. If someone wants to do more formal tests I'll edit any findings in.

-All bosses doubleact. They generally can't double up anything that isn't a physical. In fact, they generally can't actually use more than one action that -isn't- a physical. Interpret as you will with whatever views you take on boss AI.
-Most magic can be cast MT at about half damage. If a spell can not be used MT, I will say so. Status magic can also be used MT (usually is in fact), I have no clue if its hit rate suffers.
-Physical damage is to front row, back row halves it. Back row PCs tend to have relatively lower damage, so if you use it heavilly you'll want to lower my damage fitures.
-Speaking of damage, I'm usually based around a pretty overall competent party, with a reasonable damage focus (though there will be some healer class use in there, and they obviously lower the average). I'm not damage-twinked, though; no JL99 Warrior or anything.
-A bunch of early-midgame bosses have low HP limits. I have no clue when they're unlocked, but I'd guess 1/4 max HP, though it might vary. A bunch of later bosses have limits at half HP; these I'm pretty sure about.
-All bosses fight four PCs.

Anyway, FF3DS bosses rule. They doubleact and have huge damage, and while HP is rarely good, defences often are. So yeah, don't expect any Lights or Middles here.

Land Turtle

... except this guy.

Sucks ass. I'll get him later. Maybe.


Average damage: 60
Average HP: 100 (L6)

600 HP
Weak to Ice. Slightly below average Def.
Below average speed.

Attack - 50
Fire - 40 fire magic

Comments: Great damage. Nothing else about him's too hot (ha ha), but damage is good enough.


Average damage: Uh
Average HP: 135 (L9)

Some crazy amount of HP. Not sure if it's finite or not.

Attack: 3000. Decent crit rate (50% or so) for 5000.

Comments: Pfft Fate Storm is yesterday's news.

Giant Rat

Average damage: 115
Average HP: 150 (L10)

900 HP
Takes 60% from magic.
Your physicals fail against him in-game because you're Minied. On paper, he should be a supertank (hugely above average Def). You could also see his Def as average, equal to his MDef, or infinite. I probably go by the in-game stat but I'm not sure what it translates to... except that he's better than Medusa unscaled, and... well, see below.

Attack - 50, low chance (25%) of Poison (Poison does about 4% damage per turn)
Fire: 70 fire magic
Blizzard: 80 ice magic
Thunder: 90 bolt magic
Fira: 220 fire magic. Low HP only.

Comments: Don't fuck with giant rats. Damage rules. Fira is just wrong. HP's kinda bad, but defences to the rescue.


Average damage: 250
Average HP: 280 (L15)

3000 HP
Takes 50% from physicals.
Takes 80% from magic.

Attack - 110
Fira - 210 fire magic
Thundara - 210 lightning magic
Stare - Petrify, ST, 25%

Comments: You get the picture by now. I've never seen her double the big spells with each other, but even if you ban her from doing that she owns.

Gutsco the Rogue

Average damage: 260
Average HP: 310 (L16)

3500 HP
Takes 70% from physicals.
Takes 110% from magic.

Attack - 120
Cure - 90 healing
Mini - Mini, ~75%. (Physicals now fail beyond belief, and your Def is shot to hell.) Low HP only.
Attack, after Mini - 270

If Mini's hit rate focusses then it's much more accurate. Dunno.

Comments: Gimmick boss centering around a status limit. Healing, though generally laughable, could counteract chipping. Neat. Decent FF3DS boss offence is merely a fallback!

Salamander (Gutsco 2)

Average damage: 300
Average HP: 380 (L18)

5700 HP
Weak to Ice. (Halves Fire?)
Takes 80% from physicals.
Takes 60% from magic.

Attack - 150
Flame - 240 fire magic MT. Low HP only.

I didn't think to test his fire affinity, but based on FF3o and the fact that FF3DS no longer seems to have nulls/absorbs...

Comments: Damage variance due to PC Def stats is starting to get scary. Anyway, more HP makes him better than his last form, but no Mini means he's less cool.


Average damage: 440
Average HP: 420 (L19)

4500 HP
Takes 40% from physicals.
Takes 60% from magic.

Attack - 240
Poison - 60 magic, inflicts Poison (damage misses if status does)
Blind - Blind (think Blind halves hit rate)
Barrier Shift - Sets his weakness to either Fire, Ice, or Lightning, and now halves the other two. Ups his speed ridiculously this round (and remember he can doubleact with this).

Did not get a good read on his status hit rates. My guess would be 50%.

Comments: Really wish I knew more about his status. Otherwise, brings physical devastation through either doubleacts or insane-speed singles. Lots of defensive spoiling too, hates non-typed damage though.


Average damage: 550
Average HP: 490 (L21)

8000 HP
Weak to Lightning. Halves Fire.
Takes 80% from physicals.
Takes 60% from magic.

Attack - 250, low chance of Blind
Blizzara - 500 ice magic
Blind - Blind, about 50%

Comments: Best Kraken ever. Totally broken, the best boss yet, OHKOs both defences and nice durability.


Average damage: 725
Average HP: 670 (L25)

9000 HP
Takes 80% from physicals.
Takes 30% from magic.

Attack - 200
Slience - Silence (no spells)
Confuse - Confuse (FF style, you attack your allies or yourself)
Thundara - 450 lightning magic. Low HP only.

As usual, 50% is my guess on his status, and no this isn't formally tested.

Comments: I'LL GET YOU POWER RANGERS. Mocks mages, otherwise isn't quite as offensively adept as past bosses but still decent; some status options help.


Average damage: 750
Average HP: 720 (L26)

10000 HP
Weak to Wind/Flying/Jump.
Takes 40% from physicals.
Takes 100% from magic.

Attack - 250
Lightning - 600 lightning magic, MT

Comments: Finally gets a DL form that does him some justice. OHKO damage and mocks puny physicals. Needless to say, Lightning in-game is extreme pain; you can't even get lightning protection.


Average damage: 2100
Average HP: 1170 (L34)

31000 HP
Takes 90% from physicals.
Takes 90% from magic.
Above average speed.

Attack - 600
Zantetsuken - 1150 magic, MT. Low HP only.

Comments: Powerful physicals, gets better at low HP, having some speed helps. He's an optional boss. You can fight him up to two dungeons earlier than I did (I'd be about L29 then), or right before the end of the game. He should probably be fought a bit later if anything.


Average damage: 2400
Average HP: 1380 (L37)

28000 HP
Takes 90% from physicals.
Takes 90% from magic.

Attack - 600

Comments: Could he be any more boring?

The following bosses, up to but excluding Xande, can largely be fought in any order, except that Doga/Unei must be before the Eureka bosses (Amon through Guardian). Realistically you will fight the Eureka bosses last, anyway (they're inside the final dungeon, but optional). Your level may vary a bit as a result, etc. Titan guards the last set of jobs, Leviathan and Bahamut grant summons, and Doga/Unei are part of the main plot.


Average damage: 2500
Average HP: 1380 (L37)

29000 HP
Takes 80% from physicals.
Takes 90% from magic.

Attack - 1100
Quake - 600 earth magic, MT. Below half HP only.

Comments: He hits HARD. Unlike some his magic limit serves only as an alternative, rather than his best damage. (Though it's perfect for picking off revival attempts in-game.) Flipside it's got a larger range than most.


Average damage: 3000
Average HP: 1520 (L39)

32000 HP
Weak to Lightning. (Halves Fire?)
Takes 100% from physicals.
Takes 80% from magic.

Attack - 600, low chance (about 25%) of Petrify
Haste - Raises physical offence by roughly a third.
Tsunami - 1200 magic, MT. Elemental but I don't know which. Below half HP only.

Comments: Why look it's more Odin. He's got a better limit range, but worse raw HP. Stone and Haste to take out pesky stallers is nice.


Average damage: 4200
Average HP: 1580 (L40)

22800 HP
Takes 90% from physicals.
Takes 90% from magic.

Attack - 1000
Blizzaga - 1000 ice magic
Thundaga - 1100 lightning magic
Drain - 600 magic, ST, parasitic
Flare - 2500 magic, ST. Below half HP only.

Comments: For an UOM who gets plot billing as a mage, he sure packs a wallop with his physicals. Not to say his magic is bad - it's just as good and downright disgusting once he's been beaten up some. That said, the HP is... not good. Not good at all. Still, if you don't OHKO him or go second you're in for a world of pain. And heaven help you if you see Flare, though you really should be able to dodge it. Since he's got a notable amount of plot compared to every previous boss, I'll actually give him a ranking, and say he belongs in Heavy, though he's an oddball for certain.


Average damage: 4200
Average HP: 1580 (L40)

21800 HP
Takes 80% from physicals.
Takes 90% from magic.

Attack - 900
Haste - Raises physical offence by roughly a third
Protect - Reduces oncoming physical damage by roughly a quarter
Aeroga - 1100 wind magic
Whirlwind - Inflicts near-fatal, unknown hit rate
Holy - 2500 holy magic, ST. Below half HP only.

Comments: Pretty much the same as her colleague. I could go over all the minor differences but they don't really matter much. Haste/Protect would be cool if she could take hits, but hahaha. Same godly offence and crappy durability otherwise. Think she's faster but I really didn't play around long enough to be certain. (Both of them are way too good on offence to toy with.) So yeah, another Heavy.


Average damage: 4400
Average HP: 1660 (L41)

34000 HP
Takes 100% from physicals.
Takes 90% from magic.

Attack - 900
Megaflare - 1100 magic, MT. Below half HP only.

Comments: Leviathan who learned how to physical things without the help of Haste. Less durability though (and the Leviathan spell itself was a big part of that for my party <_<). I expected him to be better, honestly; this is a rare boss who was significantly better in FF3o.


Average damage: 4800
Average HP: 1930 (L45)

33500 HP
Takes 40% from physicals.
Takes 80% from magic.

Attack - 600
Blizzaga - 800 ice magic
Barrier Shift - See Hein. If it gives a speed boost, though, it's nearly not as large (for the time).

Comments: What the hell. After the previous bosses his damage feels anemic. Still, nice to see the old defence back, I was wondering if it was still possible. He's pretty boring, not nearly as good as Hein overall.


Average damage: 4800
Average HP: 1930 (L45)

29000 HP
Takes 70% from physicals.
Takes 80% from magic.
Bloody fast (often goes before my THIEF).

Triple-acts. Remember, only physicals can be doubled/tripled.
Attack - 1100, low chance of Poison
Aeroga - 1300 wind magic
Haste - Raises physical offence by roughly a third

Comments: Argh the offence it burrrnnns ussss. Best damage AND best speed of any boss so far, and Haste only makes it better. Crappy HP holds her in check, but she's still a monster, an improved version of Doga/Unei.


Average damage: 4900
Average HP: 1950 (L45)

35000 HP
Takes 100% from physicals.
Takes 110% from magic.
Above average speed.

Attack - 1100
Bio - 1200 magic, low chance of Poison?

Comments: Compared to Kunoichi he's kinda sad. Doesn't mean he's bad in his own right, though. Durability is kinda assy, offence is pretty solid. Supposedly he has other spells, like Drain and Death. FF3DS Death apparently sucks by FF3DS status standards, so whatever.


Average damage: 5000
Average HP: 2000 (L46)

35000 HP
Takes 90% from physicals.
Takes 100% from magic.

Attack - 1100, low chance of Petrify (~1/3)
Holy - 3000 holy magic, ST
Thundaga - 1400 lightning magic

Comments: It's possible she has other moves. Anyway, Holy lacking an HP trigger is sick, and means Kunoichi has been surpassed for most damaging FF3DS boss. Same durability woes as other Eureka bosses.


Average damage: 5000
Average HP: 2000 (L46)

33700 HP
Takes 100% from physicals.
Takes 100% from magic.

Attack - 1100, low chance of Confuse (~1/3)
Reflect - Standard version, normal magic hits other side

Comments: Yeah, really didn't test him much at all. Supposedly he has Quake, which based on extrapolation I'd imagine is a bit weaker than his physical. Could be low HP for all I know. Regardless, solid offence, bad defence, and Reflect is a nice trick.


Average damage: 6500
Average HP: 2250 (L49)

50000 HP
Takes 100% from physicals.
Takes 90% from magic.

Attack - 1000
Blizzaga - 1300 ice magic
Thundaga - 1300 lightning magic
Firaga - 1400 fire magic
Haste - Raises physical offence by roughly a third
Protect - Reduces oncoming physical damage by roughly a quarter

Comments: Supposedly he has Meteor at low HP... but Meteor has a lower spell power than the -agas anyway so this doesn't really matter. Durability is Eureka-level, which is, if you haven't figured out by now, a bad thing. Still, nice damage (one-rounds things) and boss immunities isn't bad. Guess he's Heavy.


You can fight the Dark Guardians in any order, so here's the releveant stats halfway through the guauntlet. (As you can see it doesn't really matter when you take them.)
Average damage: 6500
Average HP: 2380 (L50)

99999 HP
Takes 90% from physicals.
Takes 100% from magic.
Weak to Wind.

Attack - 800, low chance of Petrify
Quake - 900 earth magic, MT
Blizzaga - 1500 ice magic
Thundaga - 1500 lightning magic
Firaga - 1600 fire magic
Curaja - 4800 healing

Comments: Dark World FINALLY gives us back some bosses with HP. Anyway, as much as Ahriman is mediocre in-game this time around, he's pretty good in a duel. Durability gives him time to play with his various offensive tricks.

Two-Headed Dragon

99999 HP
Takes 90% from physicals.
Takes 100% from magic.

Attack - 1600, moderate (~50%) chance of Silence.

Comments: SMASH. He's one-dimensional and nerfed from FF3o but still pretty good, Silence owns tanky non-immune healer types I guess.


99999 HP
Takes 90% from physicals.
Takes 100% from magic.

Attack - 1200, low chance of Silence
Quake - 700 earth magic, MT
Drain - 600 magic, ST, parasitic
Whirlwind - Inflicts near-fatal, unknown hit rate
Death - Instant death, ST, unknown hit rate

Comments: Whirlwind + damage is a pretty awesome PC killing trick, and she has the durability to make sure she gets it off. Slugging's not horrible, though the worst of the Dark Guardians.


99999 HP
Takes 100% from physicals.
Takes 90% from magic.
Above average speed.

Triple-acts. No doubling non-physicals.
Attack - 1400, low chance of Poison
Blizzaga - 1400 ice magic
Thundaga - 1400 lightning magic
Firaga - 1500 fire magic

Comments: Owns. ^_^ FF3's Doglike rivals Medusa for most improved boss, I think. And is probably the best FF3DS boss in a duel. He's got it all: speed, good damage to either defence, even some durability.

Cloud of Darkness

Average damage: 6500
Average HP: 2480 (L51)

Note: I listed the same average damage for her as the previous bosses. My in-game damage dropped considerably due to using a second healer, but I'm not really inclined to give the boss doublecredit for offence. Even if it's a form of offence that generally doesn't translate to the DL (MT).

Cloud of Darkness has a main body and two tentacles. Killing the body ends the battle.

120000 HP (Tentacles have 60000 each, I think)
Takes 80% from physicals.
Takes 90% from magic.

Main body:
Attack - 1300
Particle Beam - 1500 magic, MT. Below ~75% HP only. Lowers her action speed significantly.

Left Tentacle (one turn per round):
[Immune to physicals]
Attack - 1000
Haste - Raises physical offence by roughly a third
Protect - Reduces oncoming physical damage by roughly a quarter (won't be cast on itself for obvious reasons)
Bad Breath - Inflicts Toad/Paralysis/Silence/Blind/Poison, ST. Perfect accuracy.

Right Tentacle (one turn per round):
[Immune to magic]
Lightning - 500 lightning magic, MT

Comments: Actually she's pretty disappointing. Monster in-game but... hmm. OHKO damage but not by all that much and if she wants to access another damage type she needs to wait to be beaten up AND it lowers her speed. If you give her the moves of her tentacles at least (I do) then she gets Haste for a little added punch, Protect for fighters, and most importantly, Bad Breath for awesome PC-killin' goodness. Give her the turns of the Tentacles as well and now we're talkin', terrific damage to work with (though still almost all physical). Solid durability regardless, a step up from the Dark Guardians in this regard. Fits somewhere in Godlike, though how good depends on the above interpretation calls.
« Last Edit: November 27, 2008, 07:03:41 AM by Dark Holy Elf »
[21:39] <+Mega_Mettaur> so Snow...
[21:39] <+Mega_Mettaur> Sonic Chaos
[21:39] <+Hello-NewAgeHipsterDojimaDee> That's -brilliant-.

[17:02] <+Tengu_Man> Raven is a better comic relief PC than A


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Re: Final Fantasy 3 DS (Full)
« Reply #3 on: October 12, 2008, 02:00:06 AM »
Random notes and things:

....ok, just one.

Xande has Haste.  This boosts his physical to ~1400 or so.  Yay, I guess
[11:53] <+Meeple_Gorath> me reading, that's a good one

[19:26] * +Terra_Condor looks up. Star Wars Football, what?
[19:27] <+Terra_Condor> Han Kicks First?
[19:27] <%Grefter-game> Vader intercepts.
[19:27] <%Grefter-game> Touchdown and Alderaan explodes in the victory


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Re: Final Fantasy 3 DS (Full)
« Reply #4 on: June 20, 2013, 11:27:37 PM »
Hein has Blizzara. It hits like a truck. 550-600 damage to my level 31 Knight.