Author Topic: Beowulf > Anastasia  (Read 365 times)

Clear Tranquil

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Beowulf > Anastasia
« on: November 28, 2008, 10:08:23 PM »
Achoo! Achoo! Sneezed Beowulf. Upon hearing she’d be facing the status pimp Beowulf for this round Ana arrived at the arena packed with as many status blocking accessories that she could think of. However nobody told her that in the meantime Beowulf had been feeling rather under the weather and thus started the match packed with the flu.
“Eww gross!” the young mage exclaimed “I’m not fighting that!”
Afraid of getting too close to Beo in case she caught the flu Anastasia produced a white flag from somewhere and waved it as she sauntered off. Somehow she managed to pull this off with as much dignity as possible. She is a royal after all.
Shortly afterwards though she lost all dignity as she passed out snoring on a random DL bench (she didn't think anyone was looking!) SH status blockers might help with some illnesses but they can’t help with the fatigue of flu. Somehow Beowulf’s sleep strategy ended up working after all just in case Ana changed her mind about fighting the match. She slumbered well past the match time limit anyway and Beowulf was declared the unanimous winner upon which he promptly collapsed himself. It’d taken every ounce of will power to start the match despite his illness but oh it had been worth it. Especially the look of horror on Anastasia’s face.
Don’t worry though as usual the DL hospital will have both fighters ready for their next matches. Bwhahaha!
« Last Edit: November 28, 2008, 10:10:02 PM by Clear Tranquil »
"A Yeul that loved to sing. A Yeul who wished to travel. A Yeul that collected flowers.... Every one of them was unique"