Author Topic: The Goode, the Brad, and the Ugly. (VSM D&D Chronicle)  (Read 4369 times)


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Re: The Goode, the Brad, and the Ugly. (VSM D&D Chronicle)
« Reply #25 on: January 21, 2010, 12:57:30 PM »
The commander already knew about their plan to capture an enemy commander, and his men have conveniently cornered one of them in a nearby cave! Wait... they managed to set this all up in less than a few hours? The fuck?

Over a day.

Hunter Sopko

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Re: The Goode, the Brad, and the Ugly. (VSM D&D Chronicle)
« Reply #26 on: January 21, 2010, 10:25:39 PM »
If you're saying it took more than a day to get there... we left the city almost immediately after the meeting and there was no mention of any time lapse. I know that they had captured him way before we got there. I left that out on purpose as part of the joke.

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Re: The Goode, the Brad, and the Ugly. (VSM D&D Chronicle)
« Reply #27 on: January 27, 2010, 10:48:14 PM »
Well, well. I hope you folks like Goode, because this episode is ONE GOODE EPISODE! Haw. I slay me.

So the party arrives back at the camp with their three goblin bitches in tow. Since they're trying to be all diplomatic and follow proper procedure (and TOTALLY not because none of them have any experience in interrogation), Goode arranges with the commander of the camp for an interrogator to be sent for from the capital. Some waiting was had, and the Eladrian troops set up a special Interrogation Tent for the whole mess to take place. About half a day later, the interrogator arrives!

As agreed, they go in together. Goode brings Vedes and Rushault with him to help him watch the reactions of the two minion goblins, named Geerk and Flark respectively. Rush is also the one that knows about the whole symbol of Koyaanisqatsi, so... yeah. He'd help. This leaves the rest of the party to sod off and do nothing. Woo. Better than having the goblins kill themselves after being asked 200 questions about stabbing by Rui, right?

Goode allows the Eladrian guy to go first, both because the intel he needs is a bit more time sensitive, being a whole war going on and all, as well as Goode wants to totally crib on the man's style to make sure he's not doing anything freaking stupid. Anyway, the man is pretty successful on the whole, but gets relatively little useful info. He leaves to double-check stuff. Amusingly, the commander is a coward, and Geerk is somehow moreso. Flark on the otherhand is a classic James Dean type giving the silent treatment and snarky answers. He may or may not be wearing a leather jacket, we didn't check.

Goode's turn! Well, it's a good thing Goode doesn't know what he's doing, because obviously if he was asking the right questions he wouldn't get this much info. He manages to pretty much find out everything they needed to know. The goblins recognize the symbol of Koyaanisqatsi, and also identify it as the symbol the main clan of the goblin invasion uses, AKA the Chaos Circle Clan. When the commander refuses to answer more, Goode threatens him with sending them all back to their allies with the knowledge that the commander broke down and cried like a bitch when he surrendered. That'll learn him with a painful death. This works so they ALSO spill the beans that they entered the lands from the north, where there are no working gates, really. So the party's theory that they were making their own were right on the money. This is when the interrogator re-enters and comically asks if he's missed anything important! Har har. Party 1, Smug Eladrians 0. If it was really this easy, how the fuck did they not get this information already unless they're putting on some elaborate act for them?

They try to pump them for info about the commander, but are unsuccessful, so Goode turns it back over to the Interrogator and the NEW arrival, Spymaster Du'val! Du'val takes it upon himself to use his own method to get information about their leader out of them, which is to summon a big metal spider to threaten them with! Cause thats how we roll in the Wild Wild West. It turns out that the head goblin's name is, get ready for it folks...


Of course, we can't be sure of that until we check his eyes, but a goblin named G'reel apparantly gained +1 Sword of Heavensplitting and united the goblin hordes under the symbol of Koyaanisqatsi. Oh yeah, and also something about the attacks so far not being the main force. That's also pretty bad. Well, they were looking for a connection, I'd say this is probably one! As for what to do going forward, the party decides that staying in the Eladrian lands and assisting them further would probably be the best use of their time. Darn nancy-boy Eladrian can't do anything for themselves after all.

Also, in the comic relief moment everyone knew was coming, the fact that Spymaster Du'vall and Rui seem to have met before surprised everyone, and they were none too happy that Rui neglected to tell anyone about it. That was left for next week though!

Jo'ou Ranbu

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Re: The Goode, the Brad, and the Ugly. (VSM D&D Chronicle)
« Reply #28 on: January 27, 2010, 10:56:18 PM »
* Jo'ou Ranbu groans at the pun.
[01:08] <Soppy-ReturningToInaba> HEY
[01:08] <Soppy-ReturningToInaba> LAGGY
[01:08] <Soppy-ReturningToInaba> UVIET?!??!?!
[01:08] <Laggy> YA!!!!!!!!!1111111111
[01:08] <Soppy-ReturningToInaba> OMG!!!!
[01:08] <Chulianne> No wonder you're small.
[01:08] <TranceHime> cocks
[01:08] <Laggy> .....

Hunter Sopko

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Re: The Goode, the Brad, and the Ugly. (VSM D&D Chronicle)
« Reply #29 on: January 28, 2010, 12:22:20 AM »
No, a groan worthy pun would be "The Twinne Brothers: So Brad, they're Goode"


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Re: The Goode, the Brad, and the Ugly. (VSM D&D Chronicle)
« Reply #30 on: January 29, 2010, 01:46:51 PM »
Note to self: Tell Desmond the Twinne brothers trained Marza's cat and let him loose on them.  It is the only punishment fitting of that pun.

Hunter Sopko

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Re: The Goode, the Brad, and the Ugly. (VSM D&D Chronicle)
« Reply #31 on: February 02, 2010, 02:43:19 PM »
With their mission complete, the group heads back to the Eladrian capital to meet with the Queen once again! For a job well done, she rewards them handsomely.

To Morrie, one of the seven priceless, irreplaceable totems of the Eladrian nation that has been handed down from generation to generation.

To the rest of the party, the best equipment the finest Eladrian dollar store has to offer. Including a wood bracer, a plastic harp, two sekrit decoder rings, and two vials of Coca-Cola Classic! Wonderful. Remember kids, if you want phat lootz, just keep your mouth shut and you shall recieve. Oh, and a letter to be sent to the Kings of their home country, no postage necessary.

Not to be outdone by the Queen, the Interrogator from before sekritly hands Rushault a sweet pair of gloves with necrotic abilities.

They establish their next plan as well, which is to head back to the material plane and investigate where the goblin army may or may not be jumping into the Fey Wilds from. They also plan on sending a report home in the meantime. Seism reveals that he'll be splitting off to deliever the message from the Queen and give the report personally, but not before handing the party their first decent reward: 1000 gold coins inside a Bag of Holding. (Never leave home without one!) He goes off on his merry dwarfen way, and thats where we end for this week.


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Re: The Goode, the Brad, and the Ugly. (VSM D&D Chronicle)
« Reply #32 on: February 02, 2010, 03:19:36 PM »
To be fair, that wood bracer basically lets its wearer teleport to a flanking position.  Rui, despite not being in need of any further accuracy boost, has taken it.
<+Nama-EmblemOfFire> ...Have the GhebFE guy and the ostian princess guy collaborate.
 <@Elecman> Seems reasonable.

Hunter Sopko

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Re: The Goode, the Brad, and the Ugly. (VSM D&D Chronicle)
« Reply #33 on: February 02, 2010, 03:20:47 PM »
Hey, my job is to make jokes. Not bog the humor down with silly things like facts.

Hunter Sopko

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Re: The Goode, the Brad, and the Ugly. (VSM D&D Chronicle)
« Reply #34 on: March 03, 2010, 10:05:44 PM »
A few sessions have gone by since the last update. Here's what happened in between then and the current session:

Now that I've miss gotten you miss caught up, I can tell you miss about the wonderful adventures. The party miss travelled further north, searching for any possible miss goblin interluders. They instead come miss across a seemingly peaceful miss old woman. They have a nice chat and a spot of tea. She let slip that she miss was going to miss kill us and feed us to her pets, so she gracefully excused herself miss for a moment.

She returned with said pets, which turned miss out to be 4 rather large spiders. The old lady also started miss yelling, which hurt our ears pretty miss badly and nearly knocked everyone miss out. Rushault manages miss to have some success with his magic, trapping the old lady between a rock and a hard place (A flaming sphere being the rock and Rui, due to his old lady fetish, being the hard place). But miss other than that, Rui is about the only one who had any success hitting things in this combat at all, save for a Vedes crit on the hag to kill her.

After the bitch goes miss down, two of the freaking big miss spiders jump through the windows and tackle Vedes and Morrie, miss knocking out the poor, frail elves. The other two miss spiders hover indecisively between the miss flaming sphere and being too lazy to jump through the windows before scampering miss away, so we're left with the miss two in the house. The party does miss it's damndest to miss hit the things, including Goode attempting a flying elbow drop miss from atop the cabinet and discarding his axe to grapple one of them miss. All of which miss fail. Rush's magic and the general lucky strikes that get through at least manage to bloody them, causing them to RUN AWAY! Thank miss god for animal logic. The party decides to miss stop for the night and lick their wounds in the newly miss vacated house.

It is calculated that the hit ratio for the party in this fight was sub-20%

Moral of the story: Don't fight old women when Hatbot is the judge.


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Re: The Goode, the Brad, and the Ugly. (VSM D&D Chronicle)
« Reply #35 on: March 06, 2010, 10:34:39 PM »
Fight log of that battle:

Rush MISSES with Flaming Sphere
Hag does the MT thing. (8 damage from Flaming Sphere)
Morrie MISSES with Flame Seed
Brad MISSES with Majestic Halo
(AP spent) Brad hits with Righteous Smite for 11 damage.
Vedes MISSES, rerolls with Elven accuracy and MISSES again. MISSES on attack 2 for the power.
(AP spent) Vedes MISSES with Hunter's Bear Trap
Goode MISSES with Warlord's Strike
(AP) Goode MISSES with Guarding Attack
Rui uses Rain of Strikes... and hits 3 times for 27 (Rui has a +10 to hit modifier at Lvl 3, kay?)
Rush MISSES with the Flaming Sphere
(AP spent) Rush hits with Force Orb for 15.
Hag does the MT thing again (and takes 6 from Flaming Sphere)
Morrie MISSES with Fires of Life (but does half damage: 3)
Brad MISSES with Ardent Strike
Vedes crits with Two-Fanged Strike, killing the Hag. (She wouldn't have gotten a turn, anyway)
Goode heals Rush for 12 HP.
Spiders attack Vedes and Morrie for 13 and 14 damage, poisoning and KO'ing both.
Rui hits a spider for 11 damage. Second attack hits for 8 damage.
(AP spent) Rui MISSES (...)
Rush MISSES twice with Scorching Burst's against two of the spiders.
Brad gets Vedes up.
Vedes MISSES a spider. Then uses a rechared Elven Accuracy to Miss again.
Goode MISSES with Bastion of Defense, revives Morrie.
Spider MISSES Brad
Spider crits Brad.
Rui MISSES with Brash Strike.
Rush MISSES with Ray of Frost
Morrie MISSES despite turning into a motherfucking bear. (Rerolls with EA, gets a 1)
Vedes MISSES with Careful Attack
Goode MISSES an attempts to Divebomb a spider
Spider 1 and 3 Miss Brad!
Rui MISSES with Harrier's Ploy
Rush Hits twice with Icy Rays for 6 and 14 damage to the two spiders +Immobization.
Morrie MISSES with Savage Rend
Brad MISSES with Ardent Spear Stab
Vedes MISSES with Careful Attack.
Goode MISSES with Viper's Strike
Rui MISSES with Reaping Strike (4 damage on a miss)
Rush hits with Flaming Sphere for 12 damage.
Morrie hits with Bear Maulings for 10 damage.
Brad MISSES with Valourous Smite
Vedes MISSES with Careful Strike
Goode MISSES while attempting to Grapple a Spider. (takes 6 damage from Flaming Sphere)
Spider takes 6 damage and escapes. Spider takes 8 damage and escapes.


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Re: The Goode, the Brad, and the Ugly. (VSM D&D Chronicle)
« Reply #36 on: April 21, 2010, 03:11:26 AM »
All right gentlemen. We've officially stalled several times in a row, and on top of that, things like the semester are winding down, so it's time to start looking at options, namely rescheduling.

Currently, we're doing this at 7 on Sunday, but this seems to have been a problem for some of us several weeks in a row. So I'm opening up the floor. Are any times better than this? Is there anything that can be done to improve attendance? Let me know, please.


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Re: The Goode, the Brad, and the Ugly. (VSM D&D Chronicle)
« Reply #37 on: April 21, 2010, 03:22:36 AM »
I'm still good pretty much whenever except before 6:00 on weekdays.


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Re: The Goode, the Brad, and the Ugly. (VSM D&D Chronicle)
« Reply #38 on: April 22, 2010, 08:55:59 PM »
My schedule is currently in flux and I'll know what it'll be like in a week or two.