
Author Topic: Sunset vs. Regigigas (both)  (Read 375 times)


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Sunset vs. Regigigas (both)
« on: November 30, 2008, 11:01:34 PM »
Sunset isn't used to beating up weird monsters, but he's more than up to the task. Thanks to Regigigas's Slow Start ability, Sunset has plenty of turns to begin the fight with. And he'll use them all up beating the ever-loving crap out of his tanky but slow opponent. If he wants, he can wait until he can pull off a Hurricane Shot, or try using his less powerful moves over and over again. Either way, Regigigas will be dead before he can even really get started, and Sunset can handle a few attacks, especially with Slow Start also halving Regigigas's Attack. This fight will be so pathetic Sunset won't even have time to shake off the dust from the trail, and he'll saddle up and be on his way in no time.


Sunset may be a fearsome fighter, but Regigigas has him right where it counts. Even with Slow Start weighing him down, Regigigas can take as much punishment as he needs. And he may not need to take any. Why? Confuse Ray. With Sunset confused and likely hurting himself as much as anything, Regigigas can afford to be patient and take what blows come. If Sunset tries to charge up for one of his stronger techniques, he'll likely just wind up being confused anyway, and his faster skills are easily laughed at. After Slow Start wears off, he's more than up to the task of thrashing Sunset once and for all. With no other tricks up his sleeve, and a terrible defense, Sunset has nothing left after 5 turns. A few Mega Punches here, a Giga Impact to finish him off, and Regigigas moves on once again in NR.
Don't think of it as a novel. Think of it as a chance to retroactively win every argument you have ever walked away from.


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Re: Sunset vs. Regigigas (both)
« Reply #1 on: November 30, 2008, 11:07:31 PM »
Sunset's not used to fighting such bizzare monsters, considering his time period, but it can't be any worse than a gigantic villain with a gatling gun, can it? Regigigas is slow. Not only that, but its damage is terrible for five turns thanks to Slow Start. That means that Sunset has all the time in the world to do whatever he wants. Hurricane Shot should outright kill, if not seriously maim, his opponent, and while usually the three turns it takes to execute makes it completely useless, here it's exactly what he needs. Of course, Regigigas's paltry attacks are nothing to worry about, and there's nothing it can do to avoid a Hurricane Shot. Speaking of avoiding attacks, even if Regigigas manages to launch a few attacks on him, Sunset will probably evade at least some of them anyway! With all this in mind, Sunset definitely has the edge over his Poke opponent.

Regigigas isn't much of a gunslinger, but it matters not. Sunset has no way of immuning Confuse Ray, which will buy the King of Regis enough time to shred its crippling disadvantages given by Slow Start. Regigigas's attacks, while initially weak, will still cut through Sunset's terrible defenses like a knife through butter, and its own natural tankiness can absorb plenty of punishment while it slowly whittles away Sunset's HP, should the cowboy break through confusion. A few Mega Punches here and there and Giga Impact for a finisher will hopefully end the fight before Sunset can pull off a Hurricane Shot. And should the battle happen to last past five turns, Regigigas will be free to unleash its full power upon Sunset and easily destroy the frail gunslinger. It might not be short, it might not be pretty, but Regigigas can win this fight, and with any luck, he will.