
Author Topic: Warmech (vs. Gwendolyn)  (Read 552 times)


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Warmech (vs. Gwendolyn)
« on: December 19, 2007, 03:08:43 AM »
Locked and loaded. Warmech's full arsenal is ready to be brought to bear in the unranked Arena, for the sake of robots everywhere. And what is its first target in this season, but a random fleshy thing, and a female one at that. Despite his target's superior durability in comparison to most of her cast, its main gun should be able to take it out with relative quickness, and if that should fail to be effective, or say, the target turn invisible for some reason, a quick spray and pray Nuclear volley should be able to deal with the uppity flesh-being. Tiamat's personal guardian shall make history, starting with this fight.


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Re: Warmech (vs. Gwendolyn)
« Reply #1 on: March 03, 2008, 01:20:24 AM »
Warmech's full arsenal is locked and loaded, ready to be brought to bear in the Not Ranked Arena for the sake of robots everywhere! The massive machine's first target in this season is nothing but a random fleshy thing, and a female one at that. Despite the target's superior durability in comparison to most of her cast, Warmech's main gun should be able to take it out with relative ease, and if that should fail to be effective, or say, the target turn invisible for some reason, a quick spray and pray Nuclear volley should be able to deal with the uppity flesh-being. Tiamat's personal guardian shall make history, starting with this fight!