
Author Topic: Final Fantasy V (Boss)  (Read 9411 times)


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Final Fantasy V (Boss)
« on: December 18, 2007, 09:44:19 PM »
To do: World 3 bosses.

Average HP is calculated with all classes available at the point of fighting the boss, excluding Bare and Mimic for obvious reasons.

Italicised attacks are hitting a weakness. Note that attacks hitting weakness are ITD.

"Heavy type" means the enemy is classified as immune to all types of ID, gravity and HP->1, even those that ignore immunity.

Speed system is in many ways like FFT's, and I will refer to speed as clockticks for the purposes of this topic. It is assumed that everyone starts the fight with an empty ATB bar. Also, fewer clockticks = better, so "10 CT to 11 average" means the boss is faster than average.

Now with 100% more less pictures!!!


250 HP
Speed: 11 CT to 10 average first round, average afterwards.
Status immunities: Heavy type + Stone, Toad, Mini
Auto Float
10% MEvade

Physical: 9
Breath Wing: 25% mHP damage, Wind elemental, MT
"Close wings": Enters defensive mode, all characters fail to break defense with their physicals, it gains 20% evasion and can't attack.
"Open wings": Enters normal mode
Claw: 21 ITD physical damage, unevadable, only used as a counter in defensive mode

Average HP: 55

Damages to it:

Physical: 39

Comments: First boss, and it's a scrubby one. 4HKO damage, trashy durability. Light.

(Note about the Karlabos fight: Since he is L5, and you should be L5 at this point, I have included Goblin Punch, which gets a massive damage bonus from the target being at the same level, into the damages. I'll do the same for a few other boss battles. Take this as you will.)


650 HP
Speed: Average first round, 3 CT to 4 average afterwards.
Status immunities: Heavy type + Dead, Stone, Toad, Mini, Float, Poison, Zombie, Darkness, Aging, Sleep, Paralyze, Charm, Berserk, Mute
Weak: Lightning

Physical: 34
Tentacle: 34 physical damage + Paralysis
Tailscrew: HP->1, 100% hit rate (can be reduced with MEvade)

Average HP: 104

Damages to it:

Knight physical: 47

Monk physical: 88
Thief physical: 54
White Mage physical: 16
Black Mage Bolt: 155
Black Mage L1 spell: 28
Blue Mage Goblin Punch: 240
Blue Mage Aero: 44

Comments: Uhh...bad durability, but kills PCs. Horribly fries in slugfests against bosses. Has solid MDef long as the enemy spells don't hit a weakness. I'll just call him Middle.


900 HP
200 MP
Speed: 8 CT to 9 average first round, 3 CT to 4 average afterwards.
Status immunities: Heavy type + Toad, Mini, Sleep, Mute

Mute: Silence, 70% hit rate, 2MP
Slow: Halves speed, 90% hit rate, 3MP
Haste: Doubles speed, 5MP
Cure: Heals 62 HP, 4MP
Ice: 54 ice magic damage, 4MP
Armor: Halves physical damage taken, 3MP
Sleep: Sleep, 85% hit rate, 3MP
Bolt: 54 lightning magic damage, 4MP
"Changes to undead": Changes to form 2, gaining the following new properties and a new skillset:

Added status immunities: Poison, Aging, Paralyze, Charm, Berserk, Mute
Weak: Fire, healing
Absorb: Poison
Increased Def, Reduced MDef

Physical: 100
Bear Hug: 100 physical damage + Poison
"Revert": Returns to form 1

Average HP: 146

Damages to her:

Knight physical: 62/14
Monk physical: 112/46
Thief physical: 54/12
White Mage physical: 33/27
White Mage Cure: NA/75
Black Mage Fire: 0/155

Black Mage L1 spell: 0/75
Blue Mage physical: 47/11
Blue Mage Aero: 5/105

Comments: A truly nasty dueller. Her first form has an evil buffing/status game, and is anti-magic. Her second form has brutal damage and is anti-physical. The first form lacks some crucial status immunities though, and the HP needs work...hmm, feels like a a solid Heavy due to covering most of her bases well >_>


650 HP
200 MP
Speed: Average first round, 3 CT to 4 average afterwards.
Status immunities: Dead, Stone, Toad, Mini, Aging, Sleep, Paralyze, Charm, Berserk

Fire: 42 fire magic damage, 4MP
Ice: 42 ice magic damage, 4MP
Bolt: 42 lightning magic damage, 4MP
Aero: 64 wind magic damage, 4MP
Drain: 170 magical draining, 74% hit rate, 13MP
Critical: 48 physical damage
"Summon": When below 300 HP, she can summon Forza and immediately cast Regen(3MP) on him. The regen effect is not worth noting(4 HP GODLIEK)


850 HP
100 MP
Speed: 3 CT to 4 average
Status immunities: Heavy type + Dead, Stone, Toad, Mini

Physical: 86
Tackle: 149 physical damage

Average HP: 189

Damages to Magisa/Forza:

Knight physical: 115/100
Monk physical: 142/126
Thief physical: 54/43
White Mage physical: 33/33
Black Mage Ice with Ice Rod: 135/105
Blue Mage Aero: 105/80

Comments: Uh. Wow. A forgettable in-game scrub is actually a rather scary and fun dueller. Durability is -trash-, but Drain is evil, and the other spells are good finishers. Also, if you can't chip past her summoning range (while getting pummeled by Drain, screwing up the chipping strategy)...well, the two have BoltX level overkill combined. Still, she has durability woes, and Drain is a bit inaccurate. Middle.


1200 HP
100 MP
Speed: Average first round, 3 CT to 4 average afterwards.
Status immunities: Mini, Sleep

Physical: 68
Toad: Toggles frog status, only used on self if frogged, 8MP.
Rush: 68 physical damage + HP Leak, only used as a part of his counter sequence.

At <800HP, he starts countering every damaging move with Physical+Physical/Rush/Nothing(1/3 chance of each)

Average HP: 209

Damages to him:

Knight physical: 127
Monk physical: 154
Thief physical: 78
White Mage physical: 31
Black Mage Ice with Ice Rod: 111
Blue Mage Aero: 85

Comments: Unimpressive. His counters give him respectable offense (a lot if he gets lucky), but he's all physical, pure status-bait, and durability still fails to impress. Middle.


1500 HP
1000 MP
Speed: 11 CT to 9 average first turn, average afterwards.
Status immunities: Heavy type + Dead, Stone, Toad, Mini, Float, Zombie, Aging, Sleep, Paralyze, Charm, Berserk, Mute, Stop
Weak: Fire
Absorb: Ice

Ice 2: 176 ice magic damage, 10MP

Average HP: 247

Damages to her:

Knight 2 handed physical: 390
Monk physical: 224
Thief physical: 85
Berserker physical: 234
Mystic Knight Fire 2 Sword: 488
Mystic Knight physical: 163
White Mage physical: 85
Black Mage Fire 2 with Fire Rod: 948
Black Mage Bolt 2 with Thunder Rod: 474
Time Mage Fire Rod physical: 102
Time Mage physical: 85
Summoner Chocobo: 212
Blue Mage Goblin Punch: 744
Blue Mage Aero: 126
Red Mage Fire 2 with Fire Rod: 795
Red Mage Bolt 2 with Thunder Rod: 397

Comments: Well, she has damage!!! Too bad it's of a commonly blocked element, and she has nothing else. First turn lags, durability is even trashier than what most bosses have, and she is weak to a common element. High Light.

Liquid Flame:

LiquidFlame has 3000 HP total. Each form has a separate MP supply.

Human form:

100 MP
Speed: 8 CT to 9 average first turn, 3 CT to 4 average afterwards.
Status immunities: Stone, Toad, Mini, Poison, Zombie, Darkness, Aging, Sleep, Paralyze, Berserk, Mute, Stop, Slow
Weak: Ice
Immune: Water, Poison
Absorb: Fire, Wind
Evasion: 20%

Physical: 40
Rush: 95 ITD unevadable physical damage
Flame: 25% mHP damage, fire elemental, MT

Counters any damaging move with Flame, and is then forced to change randomly into Hand/Tornado form (50% chance of each)

Hand form:

30 MP
Speed: 3 CT to 4 average
Status immunities: Heavy type + Stone, Toad, Mini, Poison, Zombie, Darkness, Aging, Sleep, Paralyze, Berserk, Mute, Stop, Slow
Immune: Water, Wind, Earth, Holy, Poison, Lightning, Ice
Absorb: Fire
Evasion: 10%

Physical: 40
Fingertips: 40 physical damage + Paralyze
Fire2: 276 fire magic damage, 10MP. Counter only.

Counters any damaging move with Fire2, and is then forced to change randomly into Human/Tornado form (50% chance of each)

Tornado form:

50 MP
Speed: 3 CT to 4 average
Status immunities: Stone, Toad, Mini, Poison, Zombie, Darkness, Aging, Sleep, Paralyze, Berserk, Mute, Stop, Slow
Weak: Ice
Immune: Water, Poison
Absorb: Fire, Wind
Evasion: 30%

Fire2: 265 healing, used on self only, 10MP.
Magnet: Pulls back row enemy into front row. Counter only.

Counters any damaging move with Magnet, and is then forced to change randomly into Human/Hand form (50% chance of each)

Average HP: 330

Damages to him:

Knight 2 handed physical: 455
Monk physical: 262
Thief physical: 156
Berserker physical: 234
Mystic Knight Ice 2 Sword: 585 (0 to hand)
Mystic Knight physical: 195
White Mage physical: 44
Black Mage Ice 2 with Ice Rod: 948 (0 to hand)
Black Mage Bolt 2 with Thunder Rod: 384 (0 to hand)
Black Mage physical: 85
Time Mage physical: 110
Summoner Shiva with Ice Rod: 720 (0 to hand)
Summoner Chocobo: 212
Blue Mage physical: 97
Red Mage Ice 2 with Ice Rod: 790 (0 to hand)
Red Mage Bolt 2 with Thunder Rod: 320 (0 to hand)
Red Mage physical: 162

Comments: Uh. Hell. His only real damage is the Fire 2 counter in Hand form. A lot of his fights depend on his luck with the random form-changing. Human is unimpressive, Tornado is just useless, but Hand has the counter and can paralyze-lock with Fingertips, not to mention he completely shuts down all elemental damage. With his durability, he should be able to go Hand at least once per battle...hmm. I'll just say Heavy.


3000 HP
1000 MP
Speed: 7 CT to 9 average first turn, 2 CT to 3 average afterwards
Status immunities: Heavy type + Toad, Mini, Sleep
Weak: Ice, Water
Immune: Poison
Absorb: Fire
Evasion: 20%
MEvade: 10%

Physical: 111
High Kick: 111 + Paralyze
Fire2: 270 magical fire damage, 10MP
Flame: 25% mHP damage, fire elemental, MT

Average HP: 369

Damages to him:

Knight 2 handed physical: 315
Monk physical: 206
Thief physical: 151
Ninja Mythril Sword throw: 550
Berserker physical: 345
Mystic Knight Ice 2 Sword: 728
Mystic Knight physical: 178
White Mage physical: 39
Black Mage Ice 2 with Ice Rod: 1106
Black Mage Bolt 2 with Thunder Rod: 413
Time Mage physical: 123
Summoner Shiva with Ice Rod: 840
Summoner Chocobo: 176
Blue Mage Aqua Rake: 357
Red Mage Ice 2 with Ice Rod: 790
Red Mage Bolt 2 with Thunder Rod: 295
Trainer Release Page 128(Strong Fight): 1077, OPB
Trainer physical: 178
Geomancer physical: 151

Comments: Ah, Ifrit, so scrubby in game. He's actually good in a duel, with Paralysis and 2HKO damage. Runs screaming from ice. Heavy.


3500 HP
1000 MP
Speed: 7 CT to 9 average first turn, 2 CT to 3 average afterwards
Status immunities: Dead, Stone, Toad, Mini, Float, Aging, Sleep, Charm, Mute, Stop
Weak: Fire, Holy
Absorb: Water, Wind, Earth, Holy, Poison, Lightning, Ice
Evasion: 30%
MEvade: 20%

Physical: 292
Thread: Slow, 108% hit rate
Magic Hammer: Halves MP, 84% hit rate, 3MP
Wind Slash: 225 magical wind damage, MT
Charm: Charm, 84% hit rate, 4MP
Sonic Wave: Halves level(basically halves damage done by enemy), 89% hit rate
Armor: Halves physical damage taken, used only as a 1/3 counter against physical attacks, 3MP
Toad: Frog, 89% hit rate, used only as a 1/3 counter to magical attacks, 8MP
Drain: 197 magical draining, 84% hit rate, used only as a counter to damaging moves when HP < 800, 13MP

Average HP: 410

Damages to him:

Knight 2 handed physical: 315
Monk physical: 280
Thief physical: 151
Ninja Mythril Sword throw: 550
Berserker physical: 345
Mystic Knight Fire 2 Sword: 728
Mystic Knight physical: 178
White Mage physical: 39
Black Mage Fire 2 with Fire Rod: 1106
Black Mage physical: 123
Time Mage physical: 123
Summoner Ifrit with Fire Rod: 1036
Summoner Chocobo: 176
Blue Mage Aqua Rake: 297
Red Mage Fire 2 with Fire Rod: 790
Red Mage physical: 151
Trainer Release Page 128(Strong Fight): 1077, OPB
Trainer physical: 178
Geomancer Terrain: 330
Geomancer physical: 151

Comments: Byblos is nasty. 2HKO damage in 2 different flavors, status to make PCs cry, Sonic Wave to make everyone cry. The counters are a nice though unreliable bonus, and he's fast too. The two elemental weaknesses are his only real flaws. Heavy.


4000 HP
300 MP
Speed: 6 CT to 8 average first turn, 2 CT to 3 average afterwards
Status immunities: Stone, Toad, Poison, Aging, Sleep, Paralyze, Charm, Mute
Absorb: Lightning
Evasion: 10%
MEvade: 10%

Physical: 132
Bolt2: 352 lightning magic damage, 10MP
Electric Shock: 96 lightning magic damage
Flash: Blind, 79% hit rate, 7MP
Thunder: 25% mHP damage, Lightning elemental, MT
Psych: Drains 1/4 of target's MP, 103% hit rate, 1MP
Mini: Used only as a counter if hit by Mini, 94% hit rate, 5MP

Average HP: 482

Damages to him:

Knight 2 handed physical: 200
Monk physical: 236
Thief physical: 96
Ninja Shuriken Throw: 1032
Berserker physical: 306
Mystic Knight physical: 131
White Mage physical: 30
Black Mage L2 spell with element rod: 518
Time Mage physical: 78
Summoner Ifrit with Fire Rod: 462
Blue Mage Aqua Rake: 521
Red Mage L2 spell with element rod: 444
Trainer Release MiniDragon(Holy): 2008, OPB
Trainer physical: 131
Geomancer Terrain: 232
Bard physical: 78

Comments: Bolt 2. Bolt 2. Bolt 2. If Lightning is resisted he is basically dead, though Flash and his physical tankishness could win him some slugfests. Psych could be useful for dealing with healers, maybe? >_> Anyway, a fast 2HKOer who is decently durable, but is reliant on his one element and is status-bait. High Middle.


3000 HP
10125 MP
Speed: 6 CT to 8 average first turn, 2 CT to 3 average afterwards
Status immunities: Heavy type + Dead, Stone, Toad, Mini, Float, Poison, Zombie, Darkness, Aging, Sleep, Paralyze, Charm, Berserk, Mute, Stop
MEvade: 10%

Physical: 145
Quicksand: 60 piercing earth magic damage + HP Leak, MT

Average HP: 482

Damages to him:

Knight 2 handed physical: 624
Monk physical: 420
Thief physical: 206
Ninja Shuriken Throw: 1272
Berserker physical: 476
Hunter Aim: 307
Mystic Knight physical: 281
White Mage physical: 44
Black Mage L2 spell with element rod: 483
Time Mage physical: 168
Summoner Ramuh with Thunder Rod: 518
Blue Mage Aqua Rake: 4382
Blue Mage Aero 2: 301
Red Mage L2 spell with element rod: 414
Trainer Release MiniDragon(Holy): 1968, OPB
Trainer physical: 281
Geomancer physical: 243
Bard physical: 168

Comments: HE CAN HIT BOTH DEFENSES!!! Light.


2000 HP
500 MP
Speed: 7 CT to 8 average first turn, 2 CT to 3 average afterwards
Status immunity: Heavy type + Toad, Mini
Weak: Lightning
Absorb: Water
Mevade: 10%

Physical: 162
Mucus: Slow + HP Leak, 125% hit rate
Tailscrew: HP->1, 125% hit rate

Average HP: 482

Damages to him:

Knight 2 handed Coral Sword physical: 1248
Knight 2 handed physical: 120
Monk physical: 190
Thief physical: 68
Ninja Lightning Scroll Throw: 1275
Ninja Shuriken Throw: 972
Berserker physical: 268
Hunter Thunder Bow Aim: 607
Hunter Aim: 116
Mystic Knight Bolt 2 Sword: 840
Mystic Knight physical: 93
White Mage physical: 28
Black Mage Bolt 2 with Thunder Rod: 1106
Black Mage L2 spell with element rod: 378
Time Mage Thunder Rod physical: 152
Time Mage physical: 56
Summoner Ramuh with Thunder Rod: 1176
Summoner Ifrit with Fire Rod: 322
Blue Mage Aqua Rake: 381
Red Mage Bolt 2 with Thunder Rod: 948
Red Mage L2 spell with element rod: 324
Trainer Release SandBear(Strong Fight): 2120, OPB
Trainer Thunder Whip physical: 642
Trainer physical: 93
Geomancer physical: 81
Bard physical: 56

Comments: Palette swap of Karl Boss, go! Well, he trades the paralysis of Tentacle for Mucus, which is a losing trade. He is physically tanky, but laughable HP and especially Lightning weakness hurt. His best strategy in a fight? Mucus + Tailscrew the PCs for the win, or something. Middle.


2000 HP
125 MP
Speed: 9 CT to 8 average first turn, average afterwards
Status immunity: Stone, Toad, Mini, Float, Zombie, Sleep, Paralyze, Charm, Stop
Mevade: 50%
Innate: Protect, Shell

Can doubleact.

Physical: 369
Critical: The same thing as his physical, no damage bonus

Average HP: 482

Damages to him(Protect/Shell not factored in):

Knight 2 handed physical: 224
Monk physical: 190
Thief physical: 68
Ninja Shuriken Throw: 972
Berserker physical: 268
Hunter Aim: 116
Mystic Knight physical: 93
White Mage physical: 28
Black Mage L2 spell with element rod: 518
Time Mage physical: 56
Summoner Ramuh with Thunder Rod: 553
Blue Mage Aqua Rake: 521
Red Mage L2 spell with element rod: 444
Trainer Release SandBear(Strong Fight): 2120, OPB
Trainer physical: 138
Geomancer Terrain: 455
Bard physical: 56

Comments: Scary. Double physical MURDERS things, and he is decently durable thanks to innate protect/shell(can be dispeled) on top of insane physical defense. Also isn't as status-bait as he seems, hi 50% MEvade. Godlike.

Sol Cannon:

12500 HP
1000 MP
Speed: 5 CT to 8 average first turn, 2 CT to 3 average afterwards
Status immunity: Heavy type + Dead, Stone, Toad, Mini, Float, Poison, Zombie, Darkness, Aging, Sleep, Paralyze, Charm,

Berserk, Stop
Weak: Lightning
Immune: Water, Wind, Poison
MEvade: 10%

Surge Beam: Can be fired on turns 7, 12, and on 4 turn intervals after that. 50% mHP damage + HP Leak, MT

Launcher x 2:

800 HP
1000 MP
Speed: 13 CT to 8 average first turn, 5 CT to 3 average afterwards
Status immunity: Heavy type + Dead, Stone, Toad, Mini, Float, Poison, Zombie, Darkness, Aging, Sleep, Paralyze, Charm, Berserk, Mute
Immune: Water, Wind, Poison
MEvade: 10%

Valiant Attack: 50% cHP damage + Aging, 108% hit rate

Average HP: Irrevelant

Damages to Sol Cannon(for Launchers, just increase physical damage a bit and remove the lightning weakness, I'm lazy):

Knight 2 handed Coral Sword physical: 1248
Knight 2 handed physical: 416
Monk physical: 374
Thief physical: 178
Ninja Lightning Scroll Throw: 1275
Ninja Shuriken Throw: 1212
Berserker physical: 433
Hunter Thunder Bow Aim: 607
Hunter Aim: 266
Mystic Knight Bolt 2 Sword: 840
Mystic Knight physical: 243
White Mage physical: 42
Black Mage Bolt 2 with Thunder Rod: 1106
Black Mage L2 spell with element rod: 483
Time Mage Thunder Rod physical: 152
Time Mage physical: 146
Summoner Ramuh with Thunder Rod: 1176
Summoner Ifrit with Fire Rod: 427
Blue Mage Aqua Rake: 486
Red Mage Bolt 2 with Thunder Rod: 948
Red Mage L2 spell with element rod: 414
Trainer Release SandBear(Strong Fight): 2280, OPB
Trainer Thunder Whip physical: 642
Trainer physical: 243
Geomancer physical: 211
Bard physical: 146

Comments: The best FF5 boss. Needs only 7 turns to kill things if you don't kill his Launchers before they get a turn!!! (and if you are hit by Aging status, your damage is nerfed to hell to be fair). 12 if you OHKO them both with MT. Won't kill you ever if you are a healer. But look at that HP! And that Speed! Clearly, a misunderstood Godlike in High Light. <_< >_>


Archaeavis enters into a new form when an old one dies. Overkill damage doesn't carry over, and he starts with an empty ATB bar, having quite a bit of lag time. (This is noticeable in game, as you can KILL HIM BEFORE HE ACTS) He also loses 6 defense and gains 6 MDef for each new form (he starts with 30/6, ends with 6/30) Also, due to his nature the damages to him section is a bit incomplete, sue me >_>

Form 1:

1600 HP
2000 MP
Speed: 9 CT to 8 average first turn, average afterwards
Status immunity: Heavy type + Dead, Stone, Toad, Mini, Poison, Aging, Sleep, Paralyze, Charm, Berserk, Mute, Stop
Weak: Wind
Immune: Earth
Evade: 10%
Auto Float

Physical: 196
Slip: 196 physical damage + HP Leak
Breath Wing: 25% mHP damage, Wind elemental, MT

Form 2:

1600 HP
2000 MP
Speed: 9 CT to 8 average first turn, average afterwards
Status immunity: Dead, Stone, Toad, Mini, Poison, Aging, Sleep, Paralyze, Charm, Berserk, Mute, Stop
Immune: Earth
Absorb: Ice
Evade: 10%
Auto Float

Physical: 196
Wing: 196 physical damage + Poison
Blaze: 242 piercing ice magic damage + HP Leak, MT

Form 3:

1600 HP
2000 MP
Speed: 9 CT to 8 average first turn, average afterwards
Status immunity: Heavy type + Dead, Stone, Toad, Mini, Poison, Aging, Sleep, Paralyze, Charm, Berserk, Mute, Stop
Immune: Earth
Absorb: Fire
Evade: 10%
Auto Float

Physical: 196
Tail: 196 physical damage + Blind
Flame: 25% mHP damage, Fire elemental, MT

Form 4:

1600 HP
2000 MP
Speed: 9 CT to 8 average first turn, average afterwards
Status immunity: Dead, Stone, Toad, Mini, Poison, Aging, Sleep, Paralyze, Charm, Berserk, Mute, Stop
Immune: Earth
Absorb: Lightning
Evade: 10%
Auto Float

Physical: 196
Claw: 196 physical damage + Paralyze
Thunder: 25% mHP damage, Lightning elemental, MT

Form 5:

2500 HP
2000 MP
Speed: Average.
Status immunity: Heavy type + Dead, Stone, Toad, Mini, Poison, Aging, Sleep, Paralyze, Charm, Berserk, Mute, Stop
Immune: Wind, Earth, Lightning, Fire, Ice
Evade: 10%
Auto Float

Physical: 220
Fang: 220 physical damage + Charm
Breath Wing: 25% mHP damage, Wind elemental, MT
Flame: 25% mHP damage, Fire elemental, MT
Thunder: 25% mHP damage, Lightning elemental, MT
Blaze: 242 piercing ice magic damage + HP Leak, MT
Maelstrom: HP->1, 98% hit rate, MT
Entangle: Paralyze, 74% hit rate

Average HP: 643

Damages to him: (forms 1/3/5)

Knight 2 handed physical: 790/550/310
Monk physical: 548/416/284
Thief physical: 204/126/48
Ninja Shuriken Throw: 1400/1232/1064
Berserker physical: 475/361/247
Hunter Aim: 365/251/137
Mystic Knight physical: 316/220/124
White Mage physical: 52/42/31
Black Mage L2 spell with element rod: 392/488/0
Time Mage physical: 173/107/41
Summoner Ramuh with Thunder Rod: 432/528/0
Blue Mage Blow Fish: 1000/1000/1000
Red Mage L2 spell with element rod: 294/366/0
Trainer Release SandBear(Strong Fight): 2272/2176/2080, OPB
Trainer physical: 267/165/63
Geomancer Terrain: 1464/588/0
Bard physical: 173/107/41

Comments: Slow and frail...some hard hitters can OHKO all of his forms and not let him act at all. The shifting defenses are a nice trick to prevent that though. The damage fails, some of the forms have nice PC killing though. The last crystal guardian seems to fall into Middle.


You fight 6 of them in game with a 3 person party.

1500 HP
100 MP
Speed: 13 CT to 8 average first turn, 5 CT to 3 average afterwards
Status immunity: Toad, Mini, Paralyze, Charm

Physical: 234
Critical: The same thing as his physical, no damage bonus
Exploder: Deals own cHP in damage, kills self, 1MP
Cure 2: Heals 190 HP, only used as a counter to summons, 9MP
Life 2: Fully resurrects all allies, used as a final attack, 50MP

Average HP: 637

Damages to him:

Knight 2 handed physical: 910
Monk physical: 614
Thief physical: 243
Dragoon physical: 360
Ninja Shuriken throw: 1484
Samurai Giltoss: 4650
Berserker physical: 532
Hunter Aim: 422
Mystic Knight physical: 364
White Mage physical: 56
Black Mage L2 spell with element rod: 632
Time Mage physical: 206
Summoner Ramuh with Thunder Rod: 672
Blue Mage Blow Fish: 1000
Red Mage L2 spell with element rod: 474
Trainer Release SandBear(Strong Fight): 2320, OPB
Trainer physical: 357
Chemist physical: 243
Geomancer Terrain: 381
Bard physical: 206
Dancer Dance: 339

Comments: Slow. Frail. 3HKOs. Fails at status immunities. Light.

Chimera Brain:

You fight him with a party of 3.

3300 HP
1000 MP
Speed: Average.
Status immunity: Toad, Mini, Sleep, Paralyze, Charm
Absorb: Ice
Evade: 10%

Physical: 199
Critical: The same thing as his physical, no damage bonus
Aqua Rake: 282 magic damage, MT, 38MP
Blaze: 242 piercing ice magic damage + HP Leak, MT

Average HP: 637

Damages to him:

Knight 2 handed physical: 710
Monk physical: 504
Thief physical: 178
Dragoon physical: 270
Ninja Shuriken Throw: 1344
Samurai Giltoss: 3150
Berserker physical: 437
Hunter Aim: 327
Mystic Knight physical: 284
White Mage physical: 49
Black Mage L2 spell with element rod: 472
Time Mage physical: 151
Summoner Ramuh with Thunder Rod: 512
Blue Mage Blow Fish: 1000
Red Mage L2 spell with element rod: 354
Trainer Release SandBear(Strong Fight): 2240, OPB
Trainer physical: 256
Chemist physical: 178
Geomancer Terrain: 487
Bard physical: 151
Dancer Dance: 278

Comments: Frail. 3HKOs. Fails at status immunities. Light.


You fight him with a party of 3.

2500 HP
2000 MP
Speed: 11 CT to 8 average first turn, 4 CT to 3 average afterwards
Status immunity: Heavy type + Dead, Stone, Toad, Mini, Poison, Zombie, Darkness, Aging, Sleep, Charm, Berserk, Mute
Absorb: Earth
Evade: 10%

Physical: 234
Critical: The same thing as his physical, no damage bonus
Earth Shaker: 474 earth magic damage, also used as a final attack.

Average HP: 637

Damages to him:

Knight 2 handed physical: 710
Monk physical: 504
Thief physical: 178
Dragoon physical: 270
Ninja Shuriken Throw: 1344
Samurai Giltoss: 3150
Berserker physical: 437
Hunter Aim: 327
Mystic Knight physical: 284
White Mage physical: 49
Black Mage L2 spell with element rod: 632
Time Mage physical: 151
Summoner Ramuh with Thunder Rod: 672
Blue Mage Blow Fish: 1000
Red Mage L2 spell with element rod: 474
Trainer Release SandBear(Strong Fight): 2240, OPB
Trainer physical: 280
Chemist physical: 178
Geomancer Terrain: 608
Bard physical: 151
Dancer Dance: 303

Comments: Slow and frail...nice damage though, but gets 2HKOed by damn near everyone. Light. He's fairly good if you allow him to win with his final attack, I guess.

Abductor 1:

Solo battle. You can lose this.

1500 HP
2000 MP
Speed: 11 CT to 9 average first turn, 4 CT to 3 average afterwards.
Status immunity: Toad, Mini, Sleep, Paralyze
Auto Float

Physical: 199
Critical: The same thing as his physical, no damage bonus
Hurricane: HP->1, 100% hit rate (can be reduced with MEvade)

Average HP: 647

Knight 2 handed physical: 910
Monk physical: 614
Thief physical: 243
Dragoon physical: 360
Ninja Shuriken throw: 1590
Samurai Giltoss: 4650
Berserker physical: 588
Hunter Aim: 422
Mystic Knight physical: 364
White Mage physical: 56
Black Mage L2 spell with element rod: 632
Time Mage physical: 206
Summoner Ramuh with Thunder Rod: 672
Blue Mage Blow Fish: 1000
Red Mage L2 spell with element rod: 474
Trainer Release SandBear(Strong Fight): 2320, OPB
Trainer physical: 357
Chemist physical: 243
Geomancer Terrain: 381
Bard physical: 206
Dancer Dance: 339

Comments: Aaand this is FF5's version of a plot boss you're supposed to lose to. Accurate HP-1! Pity that everything else about him fails. Durability is decent enough to kill some PCs. Middle.

Gilgamesh 1:

Solo battle.

1500 HP (Technically 11500, but he retreats after is HP falls below 10000. This is notable because any gravity attack OHKOs him. >_>)
2000 MP
Speed: 11 CT to 9 average first turn, average afterwards
Status immunity: Stone, Toad, Poison, Sleep, Paralyze, Charm

Physical: 171
Critical: The same thing as his physical, no damage bonus

Average HP: 657

Knight 2 handed physical: 910
Monk physical: 614
Thief physical: 243
Dragoon physical: 360
Ninja Shuriken throw: 1484
Samurai Giltoss: 4650
Berserker physical: 532
Hunter Aim: 422
Mystic Knight physical: 364
White Mage physical: 56
Black Mage L2 spell with element rod: 632
Time Mage physical: 206
Summoner Titan: 932
Blue Mage Blow Fish: 1000
Red Mage L2 spell with element rod: 474
Trainer Release SandBear(Strong Fight): 2320, OPB
Trainer physical: 357
Chemist physical: 243
Geomancer Terrain: 443
Bard physical: 206
Dancer Dance: 339

Comments: It's the first ranked FF5 boss, Gilgamesh! This form has 4HKO physicals, slow speed, kind of failing durability, lack of status immunities and the fairly unique ability to be OHKOed by gravity attacks. Yes, freaking final duel Sephiroth OHKOs him. 3.95 Heavy.

Gilgamesh 2:

6500 HP
1000 MP
Speed: 6 CT to 8 average first turn, average afterwards
Status immunity: Heavy type + Dead, Stone, Toad, Mini, Poison, Sleep, Paralyze, Charm, Stop
Evade: 10%

Physical: 266
Critical: The same thing as his physical, no damage bonus
Goblin Punch: 245 physical damage
Aero 2: 176 wind magic damage, 10MP
Wind Slash: 176 wind magic damage, MT

Instantly casts Armor(3MP), Shell(5MP), and Haste(5MP) and attacks with Jump after HP drops below 2500. Also gains the following new attacks.

Jump: 390 physical damage. Unlike the PC version, the landing is instant.
Electric Shock: 48 lightning magic damage

Average HP: 647

Knight 2 handed physical: 630
Monk physical: 460
Thief physical: 162
Dragoon physical: 234
Ninja Shuriken Throw: 1288
Samurai Giltoss: 2550
Berserker physical: 399
Hunter Aim: 289
Mystic Knight physical: 252
White Mage physical: 45
Black Mage L2 spell with element rod: 552
Time Mage physical: 129
Summoner Titan: 852
Blue Mage Blow Fish: 1000
Red Mage L2 spell with element rod: 414
Trainer Release JailBear(Strong Fight): 1704, OPB
Trainer physical: 233
Chemist physical: 162
Geomancer Terrain: 430
Bard physical: 129
Dancer Dance: 275

Comments: He's baaack! And *GASP* he doesn't fail this time! Sure, he's not impressive at first, but if you can't get past his low HP eat a 2HKO counter to the face and suddenly find yourself fighting a constantly doubleturning 2HKOing nightmare. His durability isn't that bad either, I'd peg it at 1.2x or so. Interesting limit fighter boss. Heavy.


5000 HP
1000 MP
Speed: 6 CT to 8 average first turn, 2 CT to 3 average afterwards
Status immunity: Stone, Toad, Mini, Poison, Sleep, Paralyze, Charm, Mute, Stop
Weak: Fire
Immune: Ice

Physical: 252
Critical: The same thing as his physical, no damage bonus
????: Deals damage equal to HP Tyrasaurus has lost, 3MP, counter only.

Counters physicals with Physical/Critical/???? (1/3 chance of each)

Average HP: 768

Knight 2 handed physical: 704
Monk physical: 478
Thief physical: 168
Dragoon physical: 265
Ninja Shuriken Throw: 1376
Samurai Giltoss: 2100
Berserker physical: 494
Hunter Flame Bow Aim: 850
Hunter Aim: 257
Mystic Knight Fire 2 Sword: 1404
Mystic Knight physical: 288
White Mage physical: 38
White Mage Cure 2: 380
Black Mage Fire 2 with Fire Rod: 1422
Black Mage Bio: 958
Time Mage Comet: 840
Summoner Titan with Gaia Gear: 1386
Blue Mage Blow Fish: 1000
Red Mage Fire 2 with Fire Rod: 1106
Red Mage Bolt 2 with Thunder Rod: 413
Trainer Release Kuzar(Strong Fight): 2397, OPB
Trainer physical: 286
Chemist HiPotion: 900
Chemist Holy Breath: 771 at full HP
Geomancer Terrain: 682
Geomancer physical: 168
Bard physical: 123
Dancer Dance: 242

Comments: Back to the failure. Sort of anti-physical with (unreliable) ???? counters, and he's fast. Sadly, that's all he has. Light.

Abductor 2:

2500 HP
1000 MP
Speed: Average.
Status immunity: Toad, Mini, Poison, Paralyze
Auto Float

Physical: 159
Critical: The same thing as his physical, no damage bonus
Hurricane: HP-1, 104% hit rate
Vampire: Drains HP equal to half of lost HP, 104% hit rate, 2MP

Average HP: 768

Damages to him:

Knight 2 handed physical: 1331
Monk physical: 698
Thief physical: 423
Dragoon physical: 580
Ninja Shuriken Throw: 1696
Samurai Giltoss: 5100
Berserker physical: 923
Hunter physical: 580
Mystic Knight physical: 544
White Mage physical: 56
Black Mage Bio: 958
Time Mage Comet: 1000
Summoner Ramuh with Thunder Rod: 756
Blue Mage Blow Fish: 1000
Red Mage L2 spell with element rod: 553
Trainer Release Kuzar(Strong Fight): 2537, OPB
Trainer physical: 534
Chemist Drain Kiss: 1606
Geomancer physical: 440
Bard physical: 329
Dancer Dance: 505

Comments: ...kay, he makes the plot form look like an unbeatable Godlike. NO DURABILITY (I'd peg it at .25x), needs 2 turns to kill anything with his average speed, and AHAHAHA to him killing any boss ever. Also, traded his first form's sleep immunity for POISON immunity. The parasitic healing is a joke. Light.

Dragon Grass:

12000 HP
1000 MP
Speed: 7 CT to 9 average first turn, average afterwards
Status immunity: Stone, Toad, Mini, Poison, Sleep, Paralyze, Charm, Mute
Auto Regen (Laughable.)

Summon/Kill DragonFlowers: Can summon 5 Dragon Flowers, and revive those which have died, on his turn. Can also kill any living Dragon Flowers (useful as a method of status healing, maybe?)

The 5 Dragon Flowers have really pathetic HP (100), are not immune to any status (but have 30% MEvade), and have slightly better MDef than the Dragon Grass. (So they won't be killed by some really weak magic). The first two flowers are in front row, the other three in the back (this matters only for damage, their HP is too low to avoid OHKO from anything).They also have Auto Regen(...). Here are their attacks and invidual speeds:

Flower 1:
12 CT to 9 average first turn, 5 CT to 3 average afterwards

Vacuum Wave: 100 unevadable ITD physical damage + Aging

Flower 2:
15 CT to 9 average first turn, 7 CT to 3 average afterwards

Vacuum Wave: 100 unevadable ITD physical damage + Poison

Flower 3:
10 CT to 9 average first turn, 4 CT to 3 average afterwards

Vacuum Wave: 50 unevadable ITD physical damage + Blind

Flower 4:
12 CT to 9 average first turn, 5 CT to 3 average afterwards

Vacuum Wave: 50 unevadable ITD physical damage + Paralyze

Flower 5:
15 CT to 9 average first turn, 6 CT to 3 average afterwards

Vacuum Wave: 50 unevadable ITD physical damage + Charm

Average HP: 809

Damages to him:

Knight 2 handed physical: 1331
Monk physical: 846
Thief physical: 398
Dragoon physical: 555
Ninja Shuriken Throw: 1802
Samurai Giltoss: 5250
Berserker physical: 903
Hunter Aim: 925
Mystic Knight physical: 605
White Mage physical: 56
Black Mage Bio with Poison Rod: 1422
Time Mage Comet: 680
Summoner Titan with Gaia Gear: 1206
Blue Mage Blow Fish: 1000
Red Mage physical: 484
Trainer Release Likaon(Strong Fight): 2030, OPB
Trainer physical: 504
Chemist Shadow Flare: 1452
Geomancer Terrain with Gaia Gear: 1101
Bard physical: 294
Dancer Dance: 457

Comments: One of the weirdest duelling bosses ever. FEARS MT(unless it is fail magic). Barring MT...the helper flowers are very slow and not very damaging. Durability is decent...1.2x or so. Some form of Middle due to status whoring and such? Headache.

Gilgamesh 3:

8888 HP
888 MP
Speed: 6 CT to 9 average first turn, 2 CT to 3 average afterwards
Status immunity: Heavy type + Stone, Toad, Mini, Poison, Sleep, Paralyze, Charm, Stop
Evade: 10%
MEvade: 10%

Physical: 150
Critical: The same thing as his physical, no damage bonus
Missile: 75% cHP damage, 80% hit rate, 7MP
Death Claw: HP-1 + Paralyze, 71% hit rate, 21MP
Summon: When below 6000 HP, can summon Enkidou to his aid. Enkidou instantly casts White Wind(28MP), healing 4000 HP for Gilgamesh.


4000 HP
1000 MP
Speed: 6 CT to 9 average first turn, 2 CT to 3 average afterwards
Status immunity: Stone, Toad, Mini, Poison, Sleep, Paralyze, Charm, Stop
Immune: Earth
Evade: 20%
Mevade: 20%
Auto Float

Physical: 150
Critical: The same thing as his physical, no damage bonus
Aero 2: 352 wind magic damage, 10MP
Missile: 75% cHP damage, 78% hit rate, 7MP
Thread: Slow, 102% hit rate
White Wind: Heals amount of HP equal to cHP to all allies, 21MP
Vampire: Drains HP equal to half of lost HP, 102% hit rate, 2MP
Wind Slash: 352 wind magic damage, MT

Average HP: 849

Damages to Gilgamesh/Enkidou:

Knight 2 handed physical: 1212/1452
Monk physical: 748/876
Thief physical: 365/429
Dragoon physical: 540/633
Ninja Epee Throw: 1998/2178
Samurai Giltoss: 3900/5400
Berserker physical: 832/923
Hunter Aim: 846/925
Mystic Knight physical: 505/605
White Mage physical: 58/67
Black Mage Bio with Poison Rod: 1431/1431
Time Mage Comet: 920/1000
Summoner Titan with Gaia Gear: 1476/0
Summoner Ramuh with Thunder Rod: 666/756
Blue Mage Blow Fish: 1000/1000
Red Mage L2 spell with element rod: 483/553
Trainer Release Kuzar(Strong Fight): 2467/2537, OPB
Trainer physical: 500/586
Chemist Drain Kiss: 1547/1606
Geomancer physical: 424/499
Bard physical: 279/329
Dancer Dance: 460/517

Comments: Fairly worthless form for Gilgamesh. Is an option if he really wants HP-1 + Paralyze. Middle, lacks anything resembling damage and durability is sub PC. Enkidou doesn't help much.


19997 HP
10000 MP
Speed: 8(4) CT to 9 average first turn, 3(1) CT to 3 average afterwards
Status immunity: Heavy type + Dead, Stone, Toad, Mini, Float, Poison, Zombie, Darkness, Aging, Paralyze, Charm, Berserk, Mute, Stop, Slow
MEvade: 20%
Innate: Haste

Comet: 336-1536 random magic damage, average damage is 936, 7MP. Can be used (and doublecasted) as long as all characters are alive.

Atomos can use the following attacks if there is at least one dead character on the battlefield:

Pull: Pull all dead characters closer to Atomos.
Wormhole: Remove a character from battle permanently. Can be used after a character has been pulled closer to Atomos a total of 14 times during the battle.
Slow2: Slow, 94% hit rate, MT, 9MP
Old: Aging, 104% hit rate, 4MP
Demi: 50%cHP damage, 113% hit rate, 9MP
Qrter: 87,5%cHP damage, 113% hit rate, 18MP

Average HP: 889

Damages to Atomos:

Knight 2 handed physical: 1116
Monk physical: 726
Thief physical: 335
Dragoon physical: 499
Ninja Epee Throw: 1926
Samurai Giltoss: 3450
Berserker physical: 860
Hunter Aim: 891
Mystic Knight physical: 465
White Mage physical: 54
Black Mage Bio with Poison Rod: 1590
Time Mage Comet: 840
Summoner Titan with Gaia Gear: 1540
Blue Mage Blow Fish: 1000
Red Mage physical: 422
Trainer Release Kuzar(Strong Fight): 2439, OPB
Trainer physical: 461
Chemist Drain Kiss: 1487
Geomancer physical: 387
Bard physical: 296
Dancer Dance: 428

Comments: Ow. Godlike offense, 2xPCHP damage from 250% or so speed makes Fate Storm seem tame by comparison. Has a good shot for outslugging Myria1 but can't scratch Worker 8. Just...insane. Godlike/Ubergodlike.


5000 HP
500 MP
Speed: 6 CT to 9 average first turn, 2 CT to 3 average afterwards
Status immunity: Heavy type + Dead, Stone, Toad, Mini, Float, Zombie, Darkness, Aging, Sleep, Paralyze, Charm, Berserk, Mute, Slow

Physical: 310
Drain: 434 magical draining, 86% hit rate, 13MP
Demon's Eye: Petrify, 110% hit rate, only used as a counter to HP damage

Average HP: 889

Damages to Shoat:

Knight 2 handed physical: 972
Monk physical: 648
Thief physical: 309
Dragoon physical: 454
Ninja Epee Throw: 1818
Samurai Giltoss: 2550
Berserker physical: 809
Hunter Aim: 840
Mystic Knight physical: 421
White Mage physical: 46
Black Mage Bio with Poison Rod: 1590
Time Mage Comet: 920
Summoner Titan with Gaia Gear: 1640
Blue Mage Blow Fish: 1000
Red Mage L2 spell with element rod: 483
Trainer Release IronDress(Strong Fight): 5984, OPB
Trainer physical: 421
Chemist Drain Kiss: 1547
Geomancer Terrain: 520
Bard physical: 276
Dancer Dance: 417

Comments: Lacks HP, .5x is not enough. If he survives a hit he can counter with Petrification, if the target is immune he is screwed. Middle.

Seal Guardian (Fire/Earth/Water/Wind):

7777 HP
10000 MP
Speed: 7/6/6/5 CT to 9 average first turn, 2 CT to 3 average afterwards
Status immunity: Stone, Toad, Mini, Poison, Aging, Sleep, Paralyze, Charm, Berserk, Mute, Stop
Immune: Holy, Poison, Lightning, Ice
Absorb: Fire/Earth/Water/Wind
MEvade: 20%

Physical: 105
Critical: The same thing as his physical, no damage bonus

The following are usable at <3000 HP only:

Fire3(Fire): 1452 fire magic damage, 25MP
Earth Shaker(Earth): 450 earth magic damage, MT
Aqua Rake(Water): 516 magic damage, MT, 38MP
Aero3(Wind): 934 wind magic damage, 24MP

Average HP: 971

Damages to them:

Knight 2 handed physical: 1469
Monk physical: 966
Thief physical: 403
Dragoon physical: 593
Ninja Epee Throw: 2220
Samurai Giltoss: 4350
Berserker physical: 950
Hunter Aim: 926
Mystic Knight physical: 555
White Mage physical: 259
Black Mage Fire3 with Fire Rod: 2740
Time Mage Comet: 840
Summoner Titan with Gaia Gear: 1540
Blue Mage Aero 3 with Air Lancet: 2020
Red Mage physical: 454
Trainer Release IronDress(Strong Fight): 6094, OPB
Trainer physical: 546
Chemist Drain Kiss: 1487
Geomancer Terrain with Air Lancet: 657
Bard physical: 319
Dancer Dance: 540

Comments: Limit fighters. The damage before limit phase scares no one. All of them feel like Middles, they're too brutal for Light and everyone in Heavy gets past the low HP phase.

Plot X-Death

Galuf fights him solo.

7000 HP + 3 attacks
65000 MP
Speed: 8 CT to 9 average first turn, 3 CT to 4 average afterwards
Status immunity: Heavy type + Dead, Stone, Toad, Mini, Float, Poison, Zombie, Darkness, Aging, Sleep, Paralyze, Charm, Berserk, Mute, Stop, Slow

Physical: 630
Fire3: 1996 fire magic damage, 25MP
Ice3: 1996 ice magic damage, 25MP
Bolt3: 1996 lightning magic damage, 25MP
Qrter: 87,5%cHP damage, 133% hit rate, 18MP

After losing 7000HP, counters by using the following spells as a triplecast, and then uses physicals and dies after three Galuf attacks:

Holy: 2651 holy magic damage, 20MP
Flare: 2832 piercing magic damage, 39MP
Meteo: 4 hits of 490-2590 random magic damage, average total damage is 6160, 42MP

Average HP: 986

Comments: 11x PCHP damage!!!! Galuf for Eternal Godlike.


32768 HP
8000 MP
Speed: 4 CT to 8 average first turn, 1 CT to 3 average afterwards
Status immunity: Heavy type + Dead, Stone, Toad, Mini, Float, Poison, Zombie, Darkness, Aging, Sleep, Paralyze, Charm, Berserk, Mute, Stop
Weak: Ice
Immune: Holy
Absorb: Water, Air, Earth, Poison, Lightning, Fire
Evade: 40%
MEvade: 40%
Innate: Protect, Shell

Physical: 1170
TurtleShell: 1170 physical damage + Aging, Poison, Blind, Paralyze, Charm, HP Leak. Only used as a double counter to HP damage.
Quake: 3588 earth magic damage, MT, only used as a final attack.

Average HP: 956

Comments: Brutal superboss. Almost nulls physicals and cuts non-ice magic damage by a high amount. Shell almost nulls the Ice weakness as well. This coupled with double counters and OHKO damage...yeah, Ubergodlike.


15000 HP
10000 MP
Speed: 6 CT to 8 average first turn, 2 CT to 3 average afterwards
Status immunity: Heavy type + Dead, Stone, Toad, Mini, Poison, Aging, Sleep, Paralyze, Charm, Berserk, Stop
Immune: Earth
Evade: 70%
MEvade: 50%
Auto Float/Reflect

Fire2: 456 fire magic damage, 10MP
Ice2: 456 ice magic damage, 10MP
Bolt2: 456 lightning magic damage, 10MP

The following spells can be used at < 10000 HP.

Bio: 1278 piercing poison magic damage + HP Leak, 16MP
Stop: Stop, 100% hit rate, 8MP
Charm: Charm, 88% hit rate, 4MP

The following spells can be used at < 3000 HP.

Break: Petrify, 88% hit rate, 15MP
XZone: Immunity-ignoring ID(stopped by Heavy type), 63% hit rate, 20MP
Doom: ID, 93% hit rate, 29MP

Can transform to the following form and back(NOT THAT HE EVER WANTS TO):

Speed: 11 CT to 8 average first turn, 4 CT to 3 average afterwards
Status immunity: Dead, Berserk
Weak: All
Evade: 10%
MEvade: 0%
Loses Float and Reflect
Massive drop in defenses

Cure2: 190 healing, 9MP

Average HP: 1055

Damages to him:

Knight 2 handed Ice Brand physical: 494/3588
Monk physical: 446/1036
Thief physical: 232/872
Dragoon physical: 187/592
Ninja Epee Throw: 1420/2220
Samurai physical: 298/720
Berserker physical: 624/728
Hunter Aim: 632/1007
Mystic Knight L2 sword: 172/1849
White Mage physical: 205/259
Black Mage L3 spell with element rod: 2684/6468
Time Mage Comet: 600/1000
Summoner Ramuh with Thunder Rod: 374/1848
Blue Mage Aero 3 with Air Lancet: 1720/4440
Red Mage L2 spell with element rod: 232/1264
Trainer Release IronDress(Strong Fight): 5654/6094, OPB
Trainer physical: 172/552
Chemist Shadow Flare: 1455/1461
Geomancer Terrain with Air Lancet: 325/1306
Bard physical: 97/339
Dancer Dance with Air Lancet: 308/1163

Comments: Let's start with the durability. HP is above PC by a bit, but excellent defenses(especially physical), insane physical evasion and Reflect make him a pain to kill. He also gains OHKO damage in Bio after losing 1/3 of his HP. He is also fast like most FF5 bosses, and has PC-killing evilness. Only flaw is being all magic. Also, fear that healing. Godlike.

Gilgamesh 4:

13000 HP
2000 MP
Speed: 4 CT to 8 average first turn, 1 CT to 3 average afterwards
Status immunity: Heavy type + Dead, Stone, Toad, Mini, Poison, Zombie, Darkness, Aging, Sleep, Paralyze, Charm, Berserk, Mute, Stop
MEvade: 30%

Physical: 378
Critical: The same thing as his physical, no damage bonus
Hurricane: HP-1, 100% hit rate
FrogSong: Frog, 88% hit rate, 5MP
Time Slip: Aging + Sleep, 100% hit rate, 7MP
Sonic Wave: Halves level(basically halves damage done by enemy), 100% hit rate
TinySong: Mini, 88% hit rate, 5MP
Strange Dance: Sleep, 97% hit rate
Flash: Blind, 97% hit rate, MT, 7MP
Rocket Punch: 50%cHP damage + Charm, 100% hit rate

Average HP: 1055

Damages to him:

Knight 2 handed physical: 1534
Monk physical: 1036
Thief physical: 872
Dragoon physical: 666
Ninja Epee Throw: 2220
Samurai Giltoss: 4650
Berserker physical: 1026
Hunter Aim: 1007
Mystic Knight physical: 555
White Mage physical: 259
Black Mage L3 spell with element rod: 3069
Time Mage Comet: 880
Summoner Titan with Gaia Gear: 1749
Blue Mage Aero 3 with Air Lancet: 2070
Red Mage L2 spell with element rod: 512
Trainer Release IronDress(Strong Fight): 6094, OPB
Trainer physical: 546
Chemist Drain Kiss: 1517
Geomancer Terrain with Air Lancet: 554
Bard physical: 324
Dancer Dance: 547

Comments: With over 2x average speed, this guy might be the fastest dueller in the DL. So, what does he have in addition to the speed? Lots of PC killing goodness, a 3HKO physical, and Sonic Wave to help his slightly below PC durability. High Heavy/Low Godlike.

X-Death 1:

32768 HP
32768 MP
Speed: 6 CT to 8 average first turn, 2 CT to 3 average afterwards
Status immunity: Heavy type + Dead, Stone, Toad, Mini, Float, Poison, Zombie, Darkness, Aging, Sleep, Paralyze, Charm, Berserk, Mute, Stop
Weak: Holy
Immune: Poison
Evade: 10%
MEvade: 85%
Auto Regen (Again, not worth much)

Physical: 550
Vacuum Wave: 1160 physical damage + HP Leak
Condemn: Doom, 10MP
Dynamo: Change enemy's row, 100% hit rate, MT
Earth Shaker: 450 earth magic damage, MT
Hurricane: HP-1, 100% hit rate
Zombie Breath: 550 magical damage, zombifies if fatal, MT
L3 Flare: 1030 piercing magic damage to all enemies with levels that are a multiple of 3, 18MP
Gravity 100: Dispels Float, 10MP
Demi: 50%cHP damage, 100% hit rate, 9MP
Flame: 25% mHP damage, fire elemental, MT
Bio: 426 piercing poison magic damage + HP Leak, 16MP

When HP falls under 16000, X-Death becomes able to use L3 spells and doubleact. The attacks he can use in doubleacts are his physical, Vacuum Wave and Fire/Ice/Bolt3 spells. He can combine any two different attacks except Fire3+Bolt3, or two of the same attack unless it's his normal physical.

Fire3: 726 fire magic damage, 25MP
Ice3: 726 ice magic damage, 25MP
Bolt3: 726 lightning magic damage, 25MP

X-Death sometimes counters physical attacks with Dispel(12MP) (33% chance) and he counters successfully inflicted Slow status with Haste(5MP) on himself.

Average HP: 1055

Damages to him:

Knight 2 handed physical: 1144
Monk physical: 814
Thief physical: 632
Dragoon physical: 486
Ninja Epee Throw: 1920
Samurai Giltoss: 2400
Berserker physical: 823
Hunter Aim: 866
Mystic Knight physical: 407
White Mage physical: 237
Black Mage L3 spell with element rod: 2959
Time Mage Comet: 800
Summoner Titan with Gaia Gear: 1639
Blue Mage Aero 3 with Air Lancet: 1970
Red Mage L2 spell with element rod: 432
Trainer Release IronDress(Strong Fight): 5929, OPB
Trainer physical: 404
Chemist Holy Breath: 2120 at full HP
Chemist Shadow Flare: 1461
Geomancer Terrain with Air Lancet: 489
Bard physical: 241
Dancer Dance: 461

Comments: Vacuum Wave OHKOs. After he falls below half his HP, his damage changes from OHKO to overkill. He is also fast and quite durable(I'd peg him at 2.5x, and he has above average defense too). HP-1 is also an option. The only real flaw is the Holy weakness. An excellent slugfest Godlike, and a potential champ.
<Niu> If I ever see that Langfadood, i'll strangle him on sight
<Gourry> What, for making the game three times better?
<Gourry> And playable, at that?
<Niu> that lose the whole point of of L2!!!


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Re: Final Fantasy V (Boss)
« Reply #1 on: March 06, 2010, 11:58:03 PM »
It's too bad that the World 3 bosses - including final Exdeath - never got posted.  Well, this is more like "cursory notes" but I figure I should post something since Exdeath is in this week.

Scaling Exdeath is difficult because how strong your party is wildly varies.  The most important bits of information for the final fight are "Hey Jobless actually rocks now and can equip nearly everything" and "Hey Jobless / Mimic get all the stat bonuses from mastered classes, let me go master some."  So if you mastered Knight the character will have at worst Knight stats in all areas, and if you mastered Thief as well then you'll have Thief speed and Knight Strength, and mastered Monk you'll have awesome HP, etc.  This is not obvious, they do not tell you this in-game!  A bit of experimentation / Interwebz is what fills you in, though in fairness Mimic's strange awesomeness might also be a clue (since Mimic also gets the awesome stat bonuses from mastered class but is a new class, so it's probably experimented with.).  Anyway, the enemies at the end of the Cleft of Dimensions hand out AP like candy; 3 Movers will give an amazing 199 AP, for example.  So if you're willing to spend 20 minutes grinding you can easily toss a Mastered Monk & Thief onto everyone which makes them much more awesome. 

As such, I'm going to give two sample parties to scale against: what I had at the end of the final dungeon normally ("Exdeath Food"), and what I beat Exdeath with after said 20-30 minutes of master-class grinding after getting tired of Almagest wiping the non-Faris part of the party + follow-up killing Faris ("Void Slayers").

All damage abilities are taken against Exdeath 1 (easy to test against).  Note that the X-Fight and Meteo damage *dive* vs. NeoExdeath, as there's both the invincible targets which will get randomly targeted as well as row effects - the hits will do half-damage against the back parts, which is most of them.  Is it double-credit to hold NeoExdeath against just the Fight damage?  You be the judge.  (EDIT: Apparently the invincible targets that X-Fight & Meteo can hit are gone in the GBA version.  Make of that what you will.)

Exdeath food
Another way you can see a scrub party is look at the Final Fantasy V jobs stat topic.  You'll note at Damage average of 2483 and an HP average of 1726 there, though usual comment that you should do better than that in-game thanks to DL-illegal equips, sticking good damage abilities on damageless classes, etc.  The generic jobs have a similar AGL average of  32.35= 167.35 (FF5 speed is apparently 135 + AGL which gives a linear value.).

Average HP: 1688
Average Damage (including Meteo/X-Fight): 11,100 personal / 44,500 as a team
Average Damage, guaranteed to hit one target (matters vs. NeoExdeath): 7,600 personal / 30,500 as a team
Average AGL: 34.25 ( = 169.25)

lvl. 40 Ninja
1646 HP
44 AGL
Fight / Throw / X-Fight / Item
Sasuke Knife / Assassin Knife
Dark Hood
Dark Suit
Protect Ring

Fight: 1700 damage over 2 hits
X-Fight: 6000 damage over 8 hits

lvl. 40 Knight
2071 HP
29 AGL
Fight / Protect/ X-Fight / Item
Excalibur / Ice Shield
Crystal Helmet
Dark Suit
Kaiser Knuckle

Fight: 1700 damage
X-Fight: 4500 damage over 4 hits

lvl. 40 Mimic
1593 HP
33 AGL
Mimic / X-Magic / Black / Time-Space
Wizard Rod / Flame Shield
Black Shirt
Protect Ring

X-Magic: Quick / Meteo / Meteo / Meteo /Meteo / Meteo : ~25000 damage (Meteo has very variable damage, also is forced MT)
X-Magic: Quick / Flare / Flare / Flare / Flare / Flare: 17000 damage

lvl. 39 Mimic
1442 HP
31 AGL
Mimic / X-Magic / White / Call
Sage Staff / Ice Shield
Black Shirt
Protect Ring

X-Magic: Bahamut/ Bahamut: 6600 damage all.
X-Magic: Holy / Holy: 10000 single

Void Slayers
Average HP: 3122
Average Damage (including Meteo/X-Fight): 14375 personal / 57500 as a team
Average Damage, guaranteed to hit one target (matters vs. NeoExdeath): 8825 personal / 35300 as a team
Average AGL: 44.75 ( = 179.75)

lvl. 44 Jobless
3625 HP (including HP +30%, mastered Monk)
44 AGL (includes mastered Ninja)
Fight / X-Fight / HP + 30% / Item
Excalibur / Enhancer
Rainbow Shirt
Red Shoes

Fight: 3700 damage, 2 hits
X-Fight: 11000 damage, 8 hits (likely a crit may sneak in for even more)

lvl. 44 Jobless
3582 HP (including HP +30%, mastered Monk)
49 AGL (includes mastered Thief)
Fight / X-Fight / HP + 30% / Item
Holy Lance / Masamune
Dark Suit
Protect Ring

Fight: 3600, 2 hits
X-Fight: 10500 damage, 8 hits (likely a crit may sneak in for even more)

lvl. 44 Mimic
2690 HP (includes mastered Monk)
44 AGL (includes mastered Thief)
Mimic / X-Magic / Black / Time/Space
Wizard Rod / Flame Shield
Black Shirt
Protect Ring

X-Magic: Quick / Meteo / Meteo / Meteo /Meteo / Meteo : ~26000 damage (Meteo has very variable damage, also is forced MT)
X-Magic: Quick / Flare / Flare / Flare / Flare / Flare: 18000 damage

lvl. 43 Mimic
2593 HP (includes mastered Monk)
42 AGL (includes mastered Thief)
Mimic / X-Magic / White / Call
Sage Staff / Ice Shield
Black Shirt
Protect Ring

X-Magic: Holy / Holy: 10000
X-Magic: Bahamut / Bahamut - 7000

Okay.  Now for Exdeath himself.  I used Fantasy Gamer's FAQ as a starting point here, so credit to him, but I've changed parts to fit with my own testing - could be that he was using the PSX version or something?  There are some other weird things, like I saw an Almagest that didn't to cause HP-down to everyone, but I've seen othertimes that it did.  Could be a % chance of hitting all, or maybe I was crazy, who knows.  Some of his damage numbers seemed low, too - he had the Element3 spells doing ~700 damage, but I saw more like ~1500 damage myself.  Same with Exdeath's physical / Vaccuum Wave, though that's probably a backrow effect.  (Edit: I've also added more data from the algorithms FAQ as well)

Exdeath - Tree of Doom
HP: 49000
Speed: 44.  This isn't bad - it's averageish - but he still went after my whole party.

- Regular attack -  1300 dmg, single, subject to row
- Holy         - 2500-3000 dmg, single (Can't be used until  HP < 30000 = 60% HP)
- Flare        - 2500-3000 dmg, single (Can't be used until  HP < 30000 = 60% HP)
- Meteo        - 4 hits of 1000-2000 random damage, all, random.  ~6000 damage if you are on board for Focusing hype.  (Can't be used until HP < 10000 = 20% HP)
- White Hole   - instant death + stone, single target.  (For purposes of team matches / RPGMon, yes, you this makes someone a Stoned corpse - you'll have to rez them THEN Esuna them to get that person back in action)
- Condemn      - death after 30 seconds, single

The next battle is a *direct transition*.  Buffs remain in place, if you were Condemned the countdown continues, there is no HP/MP healing, etc.  It's a blatlantly legal form-shift from a mechanical perspective, only reason to rule it out would be plot.

NeoExdeath has 6 parts - 2 are invincible, Front has 50,000 HP, Mid-down and Mid-Top have 55,000 HP, and Back has 60,000 HP.  So total 220K you need to kill.  Invincible parts are mostly there to screw with effects like X-Fight and Meteo; as the segments die, they get more and more likely to get rando-targeted so you switch back to Flares rather than Meteo.  In the DL they'd screw up equivalent effects like Sabin's Bum Rush or Jessica's Twin Dragon Lash, presumably.  Also, the Back takes half-damage from physical attacks even after the front three pieces go down - I guess the Invincible pieces are still "covering" for the Back.

Speed: Okay, more details now from the Algorithms FAQ and Elfboy's later post.  The Front is somewhat speedy, the other three parts are somewhat below averagish (see the Speed averages edited in).  Exdeath's speed is weird because they implemented not getting clobbered by quadra-turns by making some parts skip occasional turns, though these turn skips go away once the other parts are dead.  This is similar to how, say, FF6 will have an AI script pick "physical attack" 80% of the time and "Critical" 20% of the time - it's simulating a critical roll but at the AI script level.  Once all the parts are dead, the gloves are off, no more skipped turns, and the remaining part starts unleashing double-actions, which is why NeoExdeath's total amount of turns doesn't change THAT much throughout the battle.

Basically, the Front and the Back are the relevant parts that actively use their turns, which is why it feels like Exdeath is generally getting about 2 turns to your party's 4.  The Mid-Top and Mid-Bottom occasionally chip in every three turns or so with more damage, which is part of the reason why Almagest is so horrible in-game - it's from an irrelevant part, so it's usually followed up by Bolt3 or something. 

Also, old comments here for those who care. Speed: Uh, multipart headache.  I'd say belowaverageish, but with lots of random multiacts thrown in thanks to all the parts, which includes things like "physical or spell immediately after Almagest."

I don't think the AI is getting 4x actions at the start of the battle exactly, there's some wackiness here definitely, but I'd call it something like 2x actions consistently.  (As in, as you kill a few pieces, it doesn't seem like his offense slows down *that* much.)  The wackiness is in things like "After Maelstrom, Exdeath will politely wait a bit to let you heal rather than just slam you with an unfair Meteo immediately afterward."  Looking at the Algorithms FAQ that hinode recommended, there are several "Nothing" actions tossed into some of Exdeath's scripts, which is basically a way of correcting for not running into constant quadra-turns.

Front -50000 HP
- Regular patk -  1000 dmg, single, constant HP loss, subject to row.  Gets blocked a lot against normal FF5 setups (50% accuracy?).
- Vacuum Wave  -  1800-2000 dmg, constant HP loss, single, subject to row.  Gets blocked a lot against normal FF5 setups.
- Dispel      - removes positive status, single

Speed - 55, notably better than the other parts...  though the front will pass its turn 1/9 of the time on average.  Can interpret that as a speed issue, make it 89% of its literal speed?  Dunno.

Mid-Top - 55000 HP
Starting skillset
- Grand Cross - different negative status, all.  You WILL eat a status from this but just one.  Stop is twice in the list and has double the chance of appearing.  Basically roll a d17, equal chance of Instant Death, Stone, Toad, Mini, Poison, Zombie, Darkness, Aging/Old, Sleep, Paralyze, Charm, Berserk, Mute, Stop, Stop*, Countdown/Condemned, HP Leak/HP down, and set HP to a value between 1-9 a la Maelstrom.
- Dispel      - removes positive status, single

Once HP < 30000 (< 55%)...
- Regular patk -  1000 dmg, single, constant HP loss, subject to row.  Gets blocked a lot against normal FF5 setups (50% accuracy?).

Once HP < 15000 (< 27%)...
(AI will perform one more Grand Cross for those who care)
- Meteo       - 500-1200 damage, 4 hits, all, random (~3100 damage focused?)

(And once it's alone, see "NeoExdeath alone" as usual, yes it can now use Meteo even if its HP>15K).

Speed - 27.  Also opens with 2 passes which could be interpreted as a charge time for Grand Cross?  Skips 5/7 turns at first, skips 5/8 turns after <30K, skips 4/9 turns after <15K.  Skips no turns when alone.  Can argue that this part has crazy big charge times, or that it's just super-slow.

Mid-Down - 55000 HP
- Almagest    - 1600 dmg all, constant HP loss

Speed - 35, averageish.  His script is Pass-Almagest-Pass-Pass; something this simple I'd probably just hold him to.  (Loses all passes upon being alone, as usual.)

Back - 60000 HP, takes half damage from attacks subject to row (read: physicals)
- Regular patk -  1000 dmg, single, constant HP loss, subject to row.  Gets blocked a lot against normal FF5 setups (50% accuracy?).
- Bolt3       - 1500-1700  dmg, single
- Ice3        - 1500-1700  dmg, single
- Fire3       - 1500-1700  dmg, single
- Aero3       - 1000-1200  dmg, single
- Holy         - 2000-2500 dmg, single
- Flare        - 2000-2500 dmg, single
- Dispel      - removes positive status, single
- Delta Attack* - 500-600 dmg, stones, single (Mid-Top / Mid-Down must be alive)

Speed - 35.  Will pass 1/12 of its turns.

NeoExdeath alone
If all of the parts are dead except one, the remaining part switches to basically the same script no matter what its normal moveset is.  Well, not exactly - different frequencies and so on - but for the DL, it contains the same pack of moves (except for MidTop which also keeps Grand Cross).  No more turns will be skipped, either.  More importantly, Exdeath will now unleash constant double actions.  Yeah.  Don't let the survivor get a turn.  (Note, however, that Malestrom CANNOT be move 1, since Malestrom->Meteo would be cheesy.)

Action 1: Fight, Meteo, Vacuum Wave.  (Will pick Meteo most often.)
Action 2: Comet, Vacuum Wave, Almagest, Maelstrom.

- Vacuum Wave - 1800-2000 dmg, constant HP loss, single, subject to row.  Gets blocked a lot against normal FF5 setups.
- Comet        -  600- 700  dmg, single
- Meteo        - 500-2000 damage, 4 hits, all, random (~4500 damage focused?)
- Maelstrom   - Set to 1-9 HP, all.
- Almagest    - 1600 dmg all, constant HP loss

In terms of PCHP under a "2.5 rounds of full-party attacks are 1xPCHP":
5000 HP, 55000 HP, 60000 HP
.45 PCHP, .49 PCHP, .54 PCHP (Exdeath Food including X-Fight/Meteo)
.66 PCHP, .73 PCHP, .79 PCHP (Exdeath Food single-target)
.35 PCHP, .39 PCHP, .42 PCHP (Void Slayers including X-Fight/Meteo)
.57 PCHP, .63 PCHP, .68 PCHP (Void Slayers single-target)

Personally I'd be inclined to hold Tree-Exdeath against the X-Fight/Meteo average, and NeoExdeath against the single-target average, but I can certainly see a double-credit argument against that.

Naive speed of the various parts ignoring turn-skipping and PC equipment weight:
27/162, 35/170, 55/190 (=Mid-Top, Mid-Bottom / Back, Front)
96%, 101%, 112% (Exdeath Food w/ 169.25 effective-AGL average)
90%, 95%, 106% (Void Slayers w/ 179.75 effective-AGL average)
For those who care about plot fusions...  here's the dialogue, at least according to the fan-translation.   As a reminder Exdeath already claimed to have the power of the Void and used it to zap whatever he didn't like.

The Void began to devour Exdeath!!
Exdeath: W H Y?  I had the power of Nothingness!  What IS this Void... arrrgh--!!
I am Neo-Exdeath!  I shall erase all memory...All existence...all dimensions...And then I too shall disappear...  For eternity!!!

Make of it what you will.  Personally I see this as still Exdeath enough easily, and if you don't agree then you can probably assume that ranking Exdeath was really ranking NeoExdeath (just as ranking, say, the spoilerific XF Final is really ranking the FC entity and not the other name, or one of the many many other weird fusions that the DL has ranked.)

Thoughts.  Edited now that I understand about the double-actions when there's only one left.

Scaled against Exdeath food, that is, lvl. 40 and no Jobless abuse.  A good Godlike, could even champ given the right season.  The first form is still something of a speed bump but does horrible things if you let it get a turn with OHKO to overkill damage (depending on Meteo focusing hype) and statusy goodness.  The second form has a magical overkill coming from the back and fastish (evadable) damage coming from the front; if both hit that's crazy damage.  If somehow stalling is going on, eventually the other parts catch up and their multi-actions to finish things off.  Oh and turn 1 Stone off Delta Attack, too.  The downside is that the durability of each individual part is not that much better than Exdeath1, so sufficiently powerful MT attacks can wipe him out before he gets going.  So uh Rolf hype here or something?  Basically, you need to OHKO->MT OHKO, which is eminently doable in Godlike, but not entirely common.  That or have Ghaleon level durability.

Scaled against Void Slayers who screwed around getting AP for a bit in the Cleft of Dimensions, Exdeath is considerably worse.  Form 1 still has scary offense but is one-rounded in-game against the good party.  Form 2, the damage average arguably drops due to Meteo and X-Fight not really being effective, so he's got some better durability...  but strong MT still ruins him hardcore.  However, he's still not bad.  Against ST-only fighters, it's going to take a minimum of 4 actions to wipe him out, and physical fighters will have difficulty OHKOing the Back due to its row-based protection.  His damage is only a 2HKO, though Meteo-focusing hype may help him here.  The multi-acting and hitting a bunch of elements help.  Still, ST-only types aren't out of the woods; once they kill the second-to-the-last part, the remaining part gets *pissed* and probably unleashes a horrible Meteo->Almagest of doom.  Basically he's still Godlike, but explicitly a spoiler type a la Belial.  Have some good MT and he cries but let him screw around and regret it.  The harsher scaling makes it easier to pull the MT OHKO off, at least.
« Last Edit: June 16, 2013, 10:32:43 PM by SnowFire »


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Re: Final Fantasy V (Boss)
« Reply #2 on: March 07, 2010, 12:43:53 AM »
Wow, I didn't know his damage was that good in that form.  His durability could be better, but I probably won't take him against a team of 2 Swords-X Fight and Quick-X magic users so average damage will probably be a bit closer to the PC stat topic for me.   


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Re: Final Fantasy V (Boss)
« Reply #3 on: March 07, 2010, 02:05:38 AM »
The Algorithms/Stats FAQ is the go-to source for FF5 mechanics information. Note that tree Exdeath can not use Flare/Holy until <30K HP, for one thing, and can not use Meteor until under 10K.


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Re: Final Fantasy V (Boss)
« Reply #4 on: March 07, 2010, 02:47:42 AM »
Thanks for the tip.  That guide also had the full Grand Cross list, which has been edited in.

I'm still not entirely certain what to make of NeoExdeath's speed but oh well.

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Re: Final Fantasy V (Boss)
« Reply #5 on: March 07, 2010, 07:26:38 PM »
they do not tell you this in-game!

I thought the tutorial house in world 3 did, actually?

The Void began to devour Exdeath!!
Exdeath: W H Y?  I had the power of Nothingness!  What IS this Void... arrrgh--!!
I am Neo-Exdeath!  I shall erase all memory...All existence...all dimensions...And then I too shall disappear...  For eternity!!!

Just to clarify, the last line there is spoken by Neo X-Death, after X-Death vanishes and the cosmic horror appears in its place. Given that X-Death seems very obviously being "eaten" before then and the new personality Neo has I'm not inclined to consider the latter in the DL. Doesn't help that unlike the XF final or whatever, we did in fact rank X-Death, not Neo X-Death, and X-Death has two perfectly legal forms already which most people vote on. ALSO doesn't help that Neo X-Death is a completely screwed up mess gameplaywise.

(Neo X-Death likes to skip lots of turns, which is why his speed is so bizarre. Take that as you will. Given how often I've beaten that form before it actually uses an attack worth caring about, though, can't say my personal respect is very high.)

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Re: Final Fantasy V (Boss)
« Reply #6 on: March 07, 2010, 08:27:47 PM »
I believe the tutorial house tells you that you'll get a few passive skills, but I honestly cannot remember if it states whether you get the stat boosts of a mastered class.  I know it definitely says there are some automatic advantages for Freelancer/Mime (or at least, Freelancer; Mime's suppose to be a SEKRIT after all), but unsure if it mentions stat boosts or just passive skills.  Though, the whole "You'll have the Strength of a Knight, Magic of a Black mage, and the ability to Dash like a thief!" thing does sound familiar.

Regarding Neo-Ex-death...

Neo-Ex Death is very much not Ex-death.  Its the Void itself basically eating Ex-death, then using his body to take on a physical presence.   The whole point is that one cannot control the Void at all, and that's what got Enuo 1000 years prior or whatever, and Ex-death in his infinite arrogance thought he could do better...and it more backfired completely, just when he THOUGHT he gained total control (before then, he had limited control; that's why he doesn't suck up the party effortlessly earlier, but instead resorts to sending minions after you to slow your progress.)

I would also like to note that Dissidia is not proof of Neo-Ex Death = Ex-death based on how he can use Neo's moves.  That was more filler and padding, giving Ex-death some unique attacks rather than resorting to "oh lets just shove Flare, Holy, etc. on him, like a bunch of other characters have!"   A similar scenario was done with Ultimecia who can use Shockwave Pulsar, DESPITE how Ultimecia NEVER uses this move, in any of her 3 real forms; its Griever, the form that's explicitly NOT Ultimecia, that uses it.  So yeah, I wouldn't try to use Dissidia as a proof here, if only cause they primarily did things for stylistic reasons.
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Re: Final Fantasy V (Boss)
« Reply #7 on: March 07, 2010, 08:49:11 PM »
Well, the plot issue is one which I know people have different interpretations on, and that's fine, hence the make of it what you will note.

From my perspective...  oh, no doubt, NeoExdeath is some kind of fusion of the Void and Exdeath, that's not in question.  Just...  this kind of thing happens a fair amount in the DL already.  Melfice & Dhoulmagus are possessed, one of Wugui's forms is basically a soulless puppet of Albert Simon's, Van / Barbarossa / Graham Cray all call upon weird external powers to power them up, Augst is no longer Augst in any meaningful sense, etc.  So it's not a big deal to me.  The second comment  I made - that suppose you do disallow plot fusions.  In that case, I think it'd have been really weird to rank specifically Exdeath and not Neo-Exdeath.  (Zeromus is a plot fusion but he's ranked by that name specifically, for example).  We've ranked the actual final boss to every Final Fantasy except FF9 (and FF9's final was originally ranked, too), why would we not have ranked FF5's final?  I mean, I don't know, I wasn't around back in the early days of the RPGP, but my assumption is that "Exdeath" would include all his forms.

But it's not a big deal, that's just my perspective.

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Re: Final Fantasy V (Boss)
« Reply #8 on: March 07, 2010, 09:10:47 PM »
Well, assuming you view X-Death and Neo X-Death as separate, then to me, X-Death is more rankable than Neo X-Death by quite a ways. X-Death is around almost the whole game doing villainy things, the Void/whatever kinda comes in randomly at the end. Similarities I might draw include ranking Beatrice but not Nega Filgaia, or ranking Albert Simon but not Meta-God, or ranking various Suikoden villains but not the true rune final bosses. Kuja but not Necron also works... yes, we ranked Necron, but even before gameplay concerns arose this was a seriously contraversial ranking, whereas nobody questioned Kuja. Toss in that FF5 was a relatively small rank compared to most FFs and you have the relatively small ranking that includes its main villain and its highly memorable comic antagonist, but not Neo X-Death.

Obviously if you view X-Death and Neo as the same then the above paragraph doesn't apply.

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Re: Final Fantasy V (Boss)
« Reply #9 on: March 09, 2010, 09:36:29 PM »
More notes on Neo X-Death. The BMG is pretty helpful.

All forms are below average speed except Front. This is before considering any turn skipping.


At full HP, all it can use is Grand Cross and Dispel, and both a two-turn charge time (as in, can't be used until turn 3).

Below 55% HP, this charge time is relaxed to only one-turn, and it also gains a physical attack.

Below 27% HP, Meteo can be used.

The rest of its skillset requires all other parts to be dead to be used. Except the L3s, which this form doesn't have. Under these circumstances, nothing has a charge time.


Almagest with a one-turn charge time (and two turns skipped thereafter which might be recoil time). This is its only move, unless it is alone. Then it gains the rest of its skillset and loses all charge times.


Above average speed.

Only moves available are physical attack, Vacuum Wave, and Dispel (which you missed, but it's pretty rare so that's understandable). No charge times associated.

Rest of the moves open up only when alone. Except Flare/Holy, it never has those.


This is the only part in the back row according to the BMG, and my memory. Mid-Top and Mid-Bottom are both front.

Also has Holy, Flare, and the L3s which were incorrectly attributed to other parts. Delta Attack uses only the Back's turn. All of these skills, along with Vacuum Wave, physical, and DIspel can be used at will.

The rest (Meteo/Comet/Almagest) is, as usual, only usable when alone.

Overall: Mid-Top and Mid-Bottom are pretty much lol. Front and Back are the powerhouses, especially Back, with its OHKO magic damage and Delta Attack. Duellers with ST damage will want to kill the back as quickly as possible, as what the front does is typically more manageable. Duellers with MT are probably set of course. Grand Cross really comes out too slowly to be worth much, however, especially against foes who block a few of its more deadly effects.

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Re: Final Fantasy V (Boss)
« Reply #10 on: March 10, 2010, 04:21:34 AM »
The movesets have been updated fairly extensively to reflect the info in the algorithms guide.  Yeah, some of Fantasy Gamer's guesses, while decent, needed some work.  Most importantly...  and this squares with my recollection of "Aw, crap, I thought I had him now I'm dead!," along with some further testing...  yeah, one-part-remaining Exdeath has *double actions*.  Really scary double-actions no matter what part is left, too.  This makes ST-only types considerably more screwed than I expected, even against a very harsh scaling - if you can't use a doubleturn to OHKO the last two parts, you're eating a Meteo->Almagest which should wipe most duelers out even for interps that don't allow Meteo to focus.  The charge times do make Exdeath's status game weaker; Grand Cross takes too long to charge, but he still has Delta Attack (and White Hole in the unlikely circumstance that form 1 gets a turn).

Also, you were right, there's no row penalties to attacking any of the front / top / bottom, they always take full damage from physicals subject to row.  On the other hand the back *always* takes half-damage even once the other three are dead; I guess the invincible parts are covering for it.

I've also added speeds in, according to the algo guide, as well as the two party average AGLs.  NeoExdeath's speed isn't too bad, actually.

Basically, I'm going to have to revise my opinion of NeoExdeath upward.  He's basically...  Belial.  It's now REALLY REALLY HARD to beat him without MT, but if you do have MT you probably have the game in hand so long as you aren't OHKOed outright.  

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Re: Final Fantasy V (Boss)
« Reply #11 on: December 23, 2010, 11:53:30 PM »
Important note about Gilgamesh that I don't think has been posted:

He actually has 55000 HP. Once he takes 13000, however, it triggers a plot element that results in the battle ending... after Gilgamesh gets four more turns. (Well, even then, it doesn't end, but after those four turns, he pulls out Excalipoor, fails with it badly for a couple rounds off a fresh HP bar, then gets tossed into the void. This part can be safely ignored for the most part.) So to beat Gilgamesh, you either have to do 13k damage then tank four additional Gilgamesh turns, or do 55k damage.

Gilgamesh also has 1.62x average speed (Tonfa's notes are a bit vague), taken against the generic average from the PC stat topic. This could vary slightly in-game by what you've equipped and if you've already started moving people back to Bare (but you probably haven't, that's really more of a world 3 thing) but not significantly.

EDIT: Castle Exdeath has 1.27x average speed, by the same measure. Not touching the endgame boss speeds due to murkiness involving Auto-Haste and Freelancer.
« Last Edit: August 20, 2011, 04:39:43 PM by Dark Holy Elf »

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Re: Final Fantasy V (Boss)
« Reply #12 on: August 20, 2011, 06:37:25 PM »
Okay, since the recent replay may have finally convinced me to vote on castle Exdeath (on reflection, there's a pretty solid argument that he gets eaten by the void in the final fight before he'd actually die, since the HP is much worse than castle otherwise), I actually have to figure out what damage is there.

Knight 2 handed physical: 1144
Monk physical: 814
Thief physical: 632
Dragoon physical: 486
Ninja Epee Throw: 1920
Samurai Giltoss: 2400
Berserker physical: 823
Hunter Aim: 866
Mystic Knight physical: 407
White Mage physical: 237
Black Mage L3 spell with element rod: 2959
Time Mage Comet: 800
Summoner Titan with Gaia Gear: 1639
Blue Mage Aero 3 with Air Lancet: 1970
Red Mage L2 spell with element rod: 432
Trainer Release IronDress(Strong Fight): 5929, OPB
Trainer physical: 404
Chemist Holy Breath: 2120 at full HP
Chemist Shadow Flare: 1461
Geomancer Terrain with Air Lancet: 489
Bard physical: 241
Dancer Dance: 461

One minor correction to make here is Dancer: with the Lamia's Tiara, Dancer has:

Sword Dance: 1880 (50%)
Jitterbug: 140 (25%)
Mystery Waltz: MP drain (25%, wasted turn)
Average: 975

Good list otherwise (worth noting Trainer's 3-turn average is 2246), but the problem is that a lot of it isn't very realistic; with the exception of Knight Two-Hands and Chemist Mix, it totally ignores all the cross-class skills you could have by this point.

Realistically, your secondary will probably be one of the following:
-Black Magic (2959 for Red Mage/Blue Mage/Time Mage/Summoner, 1881 otherwise)
-Gil Toss (2400, costs ~1500 gil per use)
-Blue Magic (1970 for all but White Mage/Monk, 1230 otherwise)
-Summon Magic (1639 for the 10 classes who use robes, 1001 otherwise)
-Time Magic (800)
-White Magic (no damage increase)
-Two Hands (doubles listed damage for Berserker to 1626; other classes probably not interested at this point. Berserker is virtually guaranteed to be using this.)
-Mix (Headache. Shadow Flare does 1461-2435 depending on job, but it's expensive. Drain Kiss is nearly identical and cheap, but hits Exdeath's MEvade... but most things don't have MEvade so for damage average purposes... I dunno.)

Rapidfire, Catch/Release, and Dualwield are also possible, but you'd have to have been focused entirely in those jobs since you got them and even then it's borderline whether you'd have them or not (okay, you'd likely have Catch; it's cheaper than the other two), so I'll disregard them.

What does this mean? Well, disregarding Two Hands ('cept for Berserker) and Mix (for my sanity), and assuming everyone sets a RANDOM secondary from the above list, we get...

Knight: 1614
Monk: 1357
Thief: 1447
Dragoon: 1423
Ninja: 2008
Samurai: 2400
Berserker: 1646
Hunter: 1497
Mystic Knight: 1410
White Mage: 1365
Black Mage: 2959
Time Mage: 1761
Summoner: 2041
Blue Mage: 2207
Red Mage: 1700
Trainer 3-turn average: 2916
Chemist: 1802
Geomancer: 1530
Bard: 1489
Dancer: 1640


Note that this is all damage done to Exdeath since I was too lazy to calculate average random defences and redo all of Tonfa's figures. Exdeath's defences are above average, particularly physical (because magic attacks have much higher power, generally). This means that his HP is lower than whatever you'd generate from the above curve, but his defences are higher, so his durability should be predicted pretty accurately by the above. He's just a little relatively vulnerable to ITD.

Regardless, Exdeath is probably a bit under 2PCHP. By my scalings he'd actually be slightly above, but I feel the above numbers underrate what you can do in FF5 a bit (I'd probably see it 10% higher due to avoiding obviously bad setups such as Bard without a heavy-damage secondary, and considering, for instance, the average number of Black Magic users at this point to be higher than 0.21, which is what the above method predicts... 1.88 after his defences for me. A bit tougher than that against physicals, a bit frailer against magic, notably frailer against ITD.

While I'm on a stat topic kick, evade! Nobody respects FF5 enemy physicals in-game and why would you? Golem, Cover, Image, back row, loads of evasion... most of these can't really be noted in a stat topic but evasion can be! So here we go. While I'm at it, status evade is worth documenting too...

At this point, you have three Elven Mantles which you're almost certainly using; they're hands-down the best accessory in world 2. They offer a bunch of stat boosts to make them generally worthwhile, but also 33% evade and 5% status evade.

Anyone besides a White Mage or Monk who isn't using a weapon for anything (so... a Time/White/Summon/Giltoss user, a Chemist, a Trainer) will be using a Main Gauche for a further 25%. Chances are you'll have two such people unless you're twinking damage more heavilly than I assumed above (actually, from the above assumptions, you'll have 1.97 of them!).

Shield-users: Dragoon, Samurai, Mystic Knight, Blue Mage will have shields. Berserkers probably won't due to Two-Hands being such an obvious choice for them. Knights... coinflip really. I'll assume one shield-user as such: the Aegis Shield has 33% evade to everything, so it's the best choice (Flame/Ice Shield have 40% physical, 5% against status, nothing against damage magic).

For other armour... they offer status evade, but not physical evade. Gold Hairpin (1 assumed) has 5%, Lamia's Tiara (1 assumed) has 10%, helmets and hats (2 assumed) have 0%. Gaia Gear (2 assumed) has 18%, heavy and light armour (2 assumed) have 0%. So, averages!

Physical evade: 42%
Status evade: 25%

In particular, this status evade figure makes Gilgamesh' Frog Song and Tiny Song turn 2 (using the 2/3 threshold). However, all the other status attacks (Time Slip, Hurricane, Sonic Wave, Flash, Rocket Punch), hit at full accuracy so they will still be turn 1 against average.

... and now that I've written this poist I just realised I should have used Gilgamesh' damage figures for average, since he is probably very close to that. Oh well. May redo this if I'm non-lazy.
« Last Edit: August 21, 2011, 02:00:48 AM by Dark Holy Elf »

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Re: Final Fantasy V (Boss)
« Reply #13 on: August 20, 2011, 06:39:06 PM »
And one final thing for those who do vote on world 3 Exdeath (and/or Neo Exdeath): Status vulnerabilities. Tonfa has them all for the world 2 bosses. For the final world 3 bosses...

Tree Exdeath is vulnerable to slow.

Neo Exdeath is vulnerable to lots of things, but different parts are vulnerable to different effects. Specifically:

-All parts are vulnerable to Silence (including the magic-happy back part) and stop.
-The Grand Cross part is vulnerable to paralyse and blind.
-The Almagest part is vulnerable to poison, aging, and petrify (!).
-The pure physical part is vulnerable to slow and blind (which of course screws it over totally).
-The mage part in the back is vulnerable to slow, blind, poison, and lacks the Heavy typing, which means it is vulnerable to gravity, HP-1, and some instant death attacks such as Odin and Banish (but not the more traditional instant death effects).

Note that all parts of Neo X-Death have 66-80% status evade so they'll be fairly resistant to magical status that can miss. However, 100% and physical status works just fine (e.g. Magic Lamp Odin, Break and Mute Spellblade, and the Darkness Bow can apply some of the nastier effects reliably).

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Re: Final Fantasy V (Boss)
« Reply #14 on: June 08, 2013, 06:52:19 AM »
A few random other updates.  (And I'm not even the FF5 fanatic around these parts, having never done 4JF or anything....)

First off, for Gilgamesh, let me just say again to see DHE's notes.  I'm not sure what to make of Gilgamesh's true HP score from a holistic perspective, but that buffer HP while he can still kill the party is pretty awesome if taken at face value.  However, and DHE already noted that Tonfa's speed notes are a tad wonky, I believe that Tonfa's notes on Gilgamesh's speed are just wrong - they use plot talky Gilgamesh that gets tossed into the Cleft of Dimensions.  He should be "2 CT to a 3 CT average" not 1 CT to a 3 CT average.  (Gilgamesh 4's speed is 65.  120+65+65 = 250, and you get a turn at 255.  So Gilgamesh 4 is just shy of getting a turn in 1 clocktick, it takes 2.  Plot talky Gilgy has 75 speed for whatever reason!)

Secondly, per Nephrite's request, stats for a certain dragon which lives in extremely cramped quarters...


PC stats: See "Void Slayers" above in NeoExdeath stat line.

HP: 55500 [~.58 PCHP]

Damage to him:
X-Fight: ~9500
Quick-Meteo-Meteo-Meteo-Meteo-Meteo: ~15000  [5x Flare is roughly equivalent]
Bahamut-Bahamut: 6000

Absorbs Holy Elemental.
Status immunity: Heavy type [ ID, gravity ] + Dead, Stone, Toad, Mini, Poison, Aging, Sleep, Paralyze, Charm, Stop
Dragon type [ Dragoon Lance & Dragon Whip hit weakness, but Dragoon Lance is an enemy steal & Dragon Whip is a drop, so quite likely you have 0; damage averages assume you don't have 'em.]

Speed: 87 speed vs. 45 PC speed average.  Really fast, but you should have the Masamune to give 1 character initiative at this point.  According to Dark Holy Elf, this is 2.27 average speed (!!!).  [But I'd respect that more for going first, not double-turns directly, with how ATB works.  Also note Auto-Haste exists in Hermes Sandals if you drop your Coral Rings.] From Tonfa's views, I believe this is 3 CT on turn 1, 1 CT afterward.  (No idea what Tonfa's PC average CT would be though.)

Tidal Wave: 7700 (2.47 PCHP) water elemental damage, ITE, MT.  Must open the battle with it.  Can't use it afterward (probably, see below).

Physical attack: 5500 physical damage (1.76 PCHP) to front row.  1.32 PCHP to a 50% mix of front & back.  (Often blocked vs. endgame FF5 setups, ~50% hit rate?  Half damage vs. back row.)
Maelstrom: HP to single digits, MT.  (Evaded sometimes, 70% hit rate?)
Thunder: ~1100 thunder damage (.35 PCHP), ITE, MT.
Atomic Ray: ~2200 fire damage (.70 PCHP), ITE, MT.
Snowstorm: ~5500 ice damage (1.76 PCHP), ITE, MT.
Demon's Eye: 153% base chance of Stone.  Not reflectable. [But Aegis Shield is its own special check, so there's hope aside from some insane amount of Magic Evade or immunity.]
Roulette: Instant death to a character picked at random.  (If Shinryuu is picked, he's ID immune and nothing happens.)
Poison Breath: 500 poison damage (.16 PCHP), ITE, MT. 75% chance of Poison status.  HUGE variance.  (Can be anywhere from 0-1500 damage.)
L2 Old: Old to all targets with level divisible by 2.
L3 Flare: ??? damage, Flare to all targets with level divisible by 3.  [From some quick algo guessing, it's an ITD Atomic Ray roughly, so a bit better than that.]
Mighty Guard: Float, Protect, & Shell.  [Half physical damage, half magical damage, half status hit rate, earth magic deals 0 damage]

-- Maybe? --
Zombie Breath: ~500 damage (.16 PCHP), inflicts Zombie if fatal.  After Zombie Breath, Shinryuu must use Tidal Wave next, then back to the above attacks.  (But it's not a double turn.)  Theoretically unlocks upon hitting 20,000 HP ( = 36% HP), but only with a 1/3 chance one-shot.  I couldn't get him to use this move.  Unlikely to be relevant in the DL anyway at that low life, I recommend just ignoring this.

Shinryuu can double-act after Tidal Wave.  In game, his AI-script is Tidal Wave -> [single action] -> [single action] -> [double action] -> [double action] -> repeat at step 2 (so 2 more single actions, 2 more doubles, etc.).  Make of that what you will.  Personally, I'd let him double-act immediately after TW in the DL, but wouldn't let him constantly double-act.  His double-acts are constrained: They must be either {Maelstrom,Fight,Roulette} -> {Mighty Guard,L2 Old,L3 Flare}, or {Fight,Fight,Demon's Eye} -> {Fight,Fight,Poison Breath}.  Note that he can't double act his MT elemental magic, so no 2x Snowstorm.  However 2x physical attacks is just fine.

Superboss with good turn 1 speed, insane damage of many types, and accurate status.  Godlike, even if he's a glass cannon.  Fears bosses tanky enough to take a hit and OHKO him back, or PCs who null water and can OHKO, or PCs who null both water & ice and immune Stone (/ID?) and can evade 2x Fight and can 2HKO.  If you let him pick something other than Tidal Wave on turn 1 (not recommended by me), he gets better vs. PCs like Lulu who have to choose between immuning Stone or absorbing Water.  Note that TW overwhelms even Terra or Celes' water halving; you really want nulling.

In-game, despite the whining circa 1999, he's quite beatable with a "fair" party that isn't abusing obscure Blue Magic or Chemist mixes and that doesn't have 4 Coral Rings or 8 Dragoon Lances or such nonsense.  I beat him with 2 Coral Rings & a mix of other elemental nulling / absorption spread through the party; you've got stuff like X-Magic Arise-Arise to keep fighting so long as the entire party isn't OHKO'd, and all the MT OHKOs are elemental of some flavor.  Requires a wee bit of luck in the physical block rates / AI, but not TOO much.

[Also, edited in some of Dark Holy Elf's notes.]
« Last Edit: June 08, 2013, 08:20:44 PM by SnowFire »


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Re: Final Fantasy V (Boss)
« Reply #15 on: June 08, 2013, 07:03:15 AM »
Thank you. :)

EDIT: Now we just need a robot. :)
« Last Edit: June 08, 2013, 07:41:26 AM by Nephrite »

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Re: Final Fantasy V (Boss)
« Reply #16 on: June 08, 2013, 07:16:52 AM »
Shinryu's low-HP Zombie Breath counter only has one chance to kick in (1/3 of the time). If it misses that check, you'll never see it. Zombie Breath does 500-600 damage roughly, and inflicts Zombie only if fatal. Not scary by itself, just allows another Tidal Wave as its real threat.

87 speed, taken against Snowfire's Void Slayers speed average (~45) is a screaming 2.27x average. Of course, Auto-Haste exists to temper this, respect as you will. On the other hand, going for all Auto-Haste against Shinryu is insanely risky, as without Coral Rings you need to rely on Aegis Shield luck to survive Tidal Wave. That or exploit...

Blind, Berserk, Silence (edit: nothing he has is silenceable), and Slow all work on Shinryu. Better have a perfect-accuracy way of inflicting them though.

Rest of Shinryu's stat block:
ATTACK: 175                            MAGIC POWER: 128
ATT. MULT: 38                          MAGIC MULT: 52
EVADE%: 20                             MAGIC EVADE%: 95
DEFENSE: 60                            MAGIC DEFENSE: 60

Those defences are solidly above average but nothing completely insane or anything. They cut physicals and Meteor by about a third, and Bahamut by about a seventh... but the main ways to deal physical damage at this point are ITD or pseudo-ITD (Rapidfire, Sword Dance, Flare Sword). Magic evade applies only to status in FF5, but yeaah, that's good. His level (97) reduces status rate against him even further.

EDIT: Also significant, Shinryu will skip his first turn. He'll still go before PCs who lack Auto-Haste or Masamune, but that's it.
« Last Edit: June 21, 2013, 12:40:36 AM by Dark Holy Elf »

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Re: Final Fantasy V (Boss)
« Reply #17 on: June 08, 2013, 07:25:33 AM »
Would Berserk increase Shinryuu's already overkill physical damage?

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Re: Final Fantasy V (Boss)
« Reply #18 on: June 08, 2013, 07:30:55 AM »
Yes, yes it would indeed.

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Re: Final Fantasy V (Boss)
« Reply #19 on: January 23, 2024, 04:01:54 AM »
Necro'ing a topic last posted in over 10 years ago, but inspired by recent FF5 events…  we missed out on the feared superboss of Final Fantasy V, the first World 3 boss: Antlion!

HP: 8100
Speed: 6 CT to 8 average first turn, 2 CT to 3 average afterwards (same as Castle Exdeath)
Elements: Immune to Earth.  Weak to Water.  (Water is an extremely rare PC element at this point, if it matters.)
Status immunity: Heavy type, Dead, Stone, Toad, Mini, Poison, Paralyze, Charm, Stop
Evade: 10%
MEvade: 10%

Attack: ~280 (to front row)
Critical attack: ~280 (to front row)
Sonic Wave / Dischord: Halves target's level. 80 Hit.
Stomach Acid / Digestive Acid: 120 damage, ignores row, inflicts HP-leak.  Always hits (ITE).  (AI script will use every 5th turn.)

Fights 2 PCs (Butz & Cara / Bartz & Krile).

PC stats should be same as Act 2 Exdeath listed above (edged up a tiny bit because Antlion's defenses are a little worse than Exdeath's, 20 vs. 25).  So average PC HP of 1055, average damage of somewhere around 600 (non-optimized, assuming classes are picked randomly) or 900 (more optimized setups).  Ends up with Antlion's HP coming in at 2.7 PCHP / 1.8 PCHP (held against 2 PCs), or 1.54 / 1.03 PCHP (held against 3.5 PCs).  EDIT: Elf pointed out he wrote up some cross-class setups above and came up with an even higher damage average of ~1800, so double 900, so 0.9 PCHP (2 PCs) / 0.51 PCHP (3.5 PCs).

Notable status holes include Sleep, Darkness, Slow, and Old.

When Antlion dies, it flees (but you still get AP).  In the current patch of FF5 Pixel Remaster, if Antlion is sleeping (and perhaps other forms of loss of control?), it will full-heal rather than flee.  (Does not apply to SFC / GBA)

Antlion sucks!  4HKOs the front row and uh 8HKOs the back row, and that's if all his attacks hit.  If you managed to beat Castle Exdeath, you'll be fine against Antlion, even with 2 random PCs.  No double actions, no level 3 spells.  Antlion's basic attack has all the usual FF5 problems of PC evasion & blocking as well as back row for far less damage than Exdeath's Vacuum Wave.

It seems pretty hard to imagine a situation where you managed to beat Exdeath but had trouble with Antlion that isn't a Faris solo or the like.  You'd have to be hugely underlevel and have whatever strategy you used for Exdeath not be operational due to the 2 missing crew members.  But even in a challenge run, just chugging potions and using back-rank characters would probably get you far.  The one trick he has that might be relevant is Sonic Wave / Dischord - level is a potent stat in FF5, and the effect stacks.  It can make PC offense real bad (although unlikely to cause damage to tink...  except for Zenigage, which is super-defense reliant in its formula).  In the DL, this means he might prey on the most damageless of healers (your Tales of Phantasia Mints and the like), dropping HP leak and lots of level-halving before slugfesting.  Low Light.

(For those who missed GDQ: See the section linked below at 2:04:45.  Imagine telling someone in 2000 that the wildest cheers of an FF5 run would be for Antlion.. There aren't any random encounters to grind on, Bartz didn't learn !Mix because he was dead in a fight, and Krile's damage with Zenigage / Giltoss goes to 0 after a single Dischord, meaning Antlion will actually win the slugfest.  Plan B was sleeping Antlion, but the documentation for the healing surprise was lacking, because what are the odds, right?  Match of doom with Xenogears Elly if she's force-equipped with the Dream Rod as she frantically tries to win with Ethers.. )
« Last Edit: August 19, 2024, 05:12:16 AM by SnowFire »