Author Topic: Simpsons Mafia GAME OVER - TOWN WIN  (Read 40835 times)


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Re: Simpsons Mafia GAME OVER - TOWN WIN
« Reply #375 on: March 14, 2009, 01:50:31 AM »
Bardiche was first on the Meeple train and was being complimented by people, and we didn't really have any read on where power roles might be.


you were just jealous you jerk :( :( :(


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Re: Simpsons Mafia GAME OVER - TOWN WIN
« Reply #376 on: March 14, 2009, 01:59:33 AM »
Nah you got killed because you didn't beg for mercy from the Stonecutters.  All you had to do was say "I may be a town, but I don't want to be!  Spare me, unknown masters!  I exist to do your bidding."  We'd have left you right alone!  (Because then the town would have lynched you, not us.)


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Re: Simpsons Mafia GAME OVER - TOWN WIN
« Reply #377 on: March 14, 2009, 02:08:02 AM »
I'm just glad I actually got to be a Day 1 target again for once. Makes you feel dangerous and threatening, and considering I was on the Meeple train before it got cool I can actually say I started the train!


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Re: Simpsons Mafia GAME OVER - TOWN WIN
« Reply #378 on: March 14, 2009, 02:16:41 AM »
I messed up in Succinct mafia, and accidentally gave scum the win. This is a little payback. My first game that I have lived to the end and won. Woo.
Nice work Delta, you've improved a lot. I only thought you might be scum once, because you looked like you were just following Andrew around (who I thought was scummy).

Bard, you got killed well cos you were the uberday1 towny XD I believe I'm somewhat responsible for acknowledging your skills.

Me + Alex is a scary combination; I got to go all Aggro explosion on people, and didn't get mislynched. My Xanth attack was very useful, as it brought Andy out of the woodwork when he tried to egg it on, it was at that point that he went from Lurker to Scum. I felt bad after it got Alex killed, but I reckon I made up for it by turning the Yoshi/Excal lynch into an Andy lynch. Yeah Yoshi, that was excellent play at the end there, bringing it from 4/4 mislynch to a scumlynch.

Rat, you really didn't seem into this game. I thought you were either scum lurker or town power-role :\

Cid played solid town.

Snow, I was suspicious of you for ages, I'm surprised you let me live.

Oh yeah, the day 1 stuff was weird, but it went well for town and Soppy did the right thing. Hammer is hammer.
This is your life and it's ending one minute at a time.


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Re: Simpsons Mafia GAME OVER - TOWN WIN
« Reply #379 on: March 14, 2009, 02:25:02 AM »
Well if I was a Doc, I'd have had my protection parked on you the later nights, EvilTom (okay, maybe switch to Alex on Day 2).  And there was no hurry on offing you; might as well fish for power first.


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Re: Simpsons Mafia GAME OVER - TOWN WIN
« Reply #380 on: March 14, 2009, 03:11:27 AM »
Had we lynched Delta...  I'd have shot Tom, of course (now knowing there were no docs), and prayed Yoshi bought my "El Cid is an evil genius" theory.  Which likely would have worked, actually, had it been true, so somebody should definitely try that sometime and actively lynch all their buddies.

It's happened. If you have time to spare, go back and read Clue mafia. As much as I (as town) prefer to entertain simple explanations over crazy gambit theories, the latter has actually been used before.


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Re: Simpsons Mafia GAME OVER - TOWN WIN
« Reply #381 on: March 14, 2009, 10:08:04 AM »
A combination of bad sleeping habits and hilarious timing were reasons behind when I posted when I did. 

I have a lot of time trusting my intuition at this game lately, and for once I felt like not really being as aggressive as usual. Eh.


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Re: Simpsons Mafia GAME OVER - TOWN WIN
« Reply #382 on: March 14, 2009, 01:11:50 PM »
Hmm... I guess the scum actions make sense, looking at it from that side of things...
Although, I'm still quite surprised that so many role assumptions were made. To assume a Cop & Doctor would automatically be present... I dunno, I guess I just prefer to rely solely on confirmation instead.

If I'm entirely honest, had Delta been lynched instead of Snow and then the "Cid is a very clever scum" argument had come up... I'd've probably bought it. In hindsight, it seems like it took me a while to get into the game, Day3 was perfect for me (despite near-death, that end-day gambit made it all worthwhile) and then it went back down from there. :P

Wow, I was only joking about the Stonecutters role. XD I didn't think you'd actually directly refer to yourself being scum. :P And I almost questioned you on the ratings quote, wondering if it was more than just a simple joke... Guess that would've been sort of right as well. XD


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Beech Lime Doll
« Reply #383 on: March 14, 2009, 01:47:31 PM »
Soppy: Yessir, it is indeed the delightful Yomi. And yes, the game looked fine to me, with the only unbalancing thing being Rat's missed vote on day one, which I don't think anyone would blame you for, as frustrating for scum as it turned out to be. I do get the feeling it would have been annoying to be scum from how the madness played out, but that was way beyond your realm of control.

Yoshi: As hard as you're being on yourself, you did settle on Andy/Snow a lot sooner than the rest of us. I think you did a good enough job of it all, green errors aside. The timing at the end of day three was ridiculously sweet.

Bardiche: sorry man, you did just do a really good job for day one. I guess you'll just have to try sucking more next time, right?

Hunter Sopko

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Re: Simpsons Mafia GAME OVER - TOWN WIN
« Reply #384 on: March 14, 2009, 02:40:44 PM »
From how it played out this game, you're right. If town doesn't hit scum early though it can reverse. But that can be said about most setups. It's always pretty devestating to lose a scum member day 1.

About Day 1... I was surprised that Snowfire's rogue vote during Sudden Death wasn't looked at with more suspicion. Moreover, I'm surprised people considered him pretty townish because of it. Now, I don't mean because he didn't hammer the townie. I understand that and it would make sense if he had just done nothing. But the fact that given a choice between only Meeple and Xanth he votes Tom... what? Maybe it doesn't automatically damn him, but no one really pressed him on it. That's odd to the max. Even if he WAS town he kinda should be called on to explain that one. But this may be because I know the setup...

Yoshi: Yes. You need to trust your instincts more. Good job, overall.

Hunter Sopko

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Re: Simpsons Mafia GAME OVER - TOWN WIN
« Reply #385 on: March 15, 2009, 10:03:06 PM »
Role PMs-

Homer- Snowfire
You are Homer Simpson, SCUM GODFATHER!

As the former leader of the Stonecutters, you couldn’t bear the loss of that power any longer. So you got as much of the old gang back together as you could to convert the masses back to the light of drinking, songs, drinking and ribs! Fortunately, being Homer Simpson you have two things going for you. No one suspects you of being able to commit such crimes (let’s face it, you can’t even say the word titmouse without giggling like a schoolgirl). You also suffer from Homer Simpson Syndrome, which makes you invulnerable to nightkills.

You have made an alliance with Chief Wiggum (Meeple), and Groundskeeper Willie (Andy), Vanilla Scum.

Wiggum- Meeple
You are Chief Clancy Wiggum, SCUM SLOW COP!

The pride of the Springfield Police Department, you yearn for the old days in the Stonecutters, so you joined in the new Stonecutters’ not quite thought out quest to reestablish this glorious organization. However, as the Sherry Bobbins song goes, fighting crime is not your cup of tea. Therefore, it takes you a little longer to figure out the dirt on the townsmen. You get the information in the order of Flavor, then Role.

Your glorious lord and master is Homer Simpson (Snowfire), Scum Godfather. Your ally is Groundskeeper Willie (Andy), Vanilla Scum.

Willie- Andy
You are Groundskeeper Willie, VANILLA SCUM!

Bless your Scottish heart, you are extremely susceptible to brainwashing. The Leader was the last one to get ya, but the new Stonecutters are the latest game in town and you had to get in on it. Unfortunately for you, you are out of tape for recording the townspeople, leaving you as just a vanilla scum.

Your glorious lord and master is Homer Simpson (Snowfire), Scum Godfather. Your ally is Chief Wiggum (Meeple), Scum Slow Cop.

Maggie- Xanth
You are Maggie Simpson, TOWN ONE SHOT VIGILANTE!

With the incident with Mr. Burns, you’ve already proven yourself to be capable of murder, and no jury in the world will convict a baby! Luckily, you’re not in Texas. You’ve always been sharper than people give you credit for, and since you’ve heard of the Stonecutters’ new reign of terror, you’ve decided to protect yourself and your family. Being a baby, you could only afford one bullet though. Use it wisely.

You win with town.

Lenny- EvilTom
You are Leonard Leonardson (Lenny), TOWN LIMITED MASON!

While a former member of the Stonecutters, you swore off their ways when it became clear that the Chosen One was leading you down the wrong path. With the resurgent Stonecutters out there, you need to find your best friend Carl Carlson in order to work together to stop this menace! Each night, you can chose one person in the game. Should that person turn out to be Carl, you will be able to speak to each other outside the game as Masons.

You win with town.

Carl- SirAlex
You are Carl Carlson, TOWN LIMITED MASON!

While a former member of the Stonecutters, you swore off their ways when it became clear that the Chosen One was leading you down the wrong path. With the resurgent Stonecutters out there, you need to find your best friend Leonard Leonardson in order to work together to stop this menace! Each night, you can chose one person in the game. Should that person turn out to be Lenny, you will be able to speak to each other outside the game as Masons.

You win with town.

Mr. Burns- Cid
You are C. Montgomery Burns, VANILLA TOWN!

You spent your time and paid your dues in the Stonecutters, as much as you hate doing both, but when word got out that they were re-forming, you felt that it wasn’t for you. After all, screw the rules, you have money, right? Well, despite all that, your Three-Stooges Syndrome and age renders you pretty ineffective otherwise, so you are vanilla town.

You win with town.

Dr. Nick- Ryogo
You are Dr. Nick Riviera, VANILLA TOWN!

Hi everybody! You’re Dr. Nick Riviera! You went to Hollywood Upstairs Medical College, so when you’re not preaching the virtues of the Whipped Food Group, you’re performing some rather dubious surgeries with questionable results. Therefore, you can’t really be counted on in a medical emergency where the Stonecutters are concerned, so you are vanilla town.

You win with town.

Dr. Hibbert- Smodge
You are Dr. Julius Hibbert, VANILLA TOWN!

Chuckle and chortle, good doctor, for you are on the scene during this grave Stonecutter crisis! Unfortunately for you, you would be sued for medical malpractice and lose your medical license if you were to operate outside the hospital (you already had that close run-in when you removed that man’s appendix in the street with your pocket knife. That caused a lot of collateral damage). So play it safe and rely on the brainpower that’s allowed you to be a doctor for all these years.

You win with town.

Principal Skinner- Carthrat
You are Principal Seymour Skinner, VANILLA TOWN!

Fake name, fake life, but you’ve settled into it quite nicely. You ran with the Stonecutters once, but the secrets were too much for your humdrum way of life, and it was getting very hard to come up with new lies to tell your mother of why you were going out every Friday night. With the new crisis, you clearly have to protect her, so it’s Sergeant Seymour Skinner reporting for duty!

You win with town.

Bart- Bardiche
You are Bart Simpson, VANILLA TOWN!

Yo, hey what’s happening, dude? You’re the guy with a rep for being rude! Unfortunately, your prescription for Focusyn ran out and your telescope is broken, so you have neither the wits nor the tools to really help out in this troubled time. So hopefully everyone will be listening to you, because after all, “I didn’t do it!” is just so catchy.

You win with town.

Milhouse- Excal
You are Milhouse Van Houten, VANILLA TOWN!

Welcome, THRILLHO! You should know this isn’t Bonestorm, so you won’t have any fancy moves, and hiding urine-soaked mattresses isn’t a skill that will help you catch the Stonecutters. You’re just regular, old milquetoast Milhouse. The dud.

You win with town.

Apu- Delta
You are Apu Nahasapeemapetalon, BULLETPROOF TOWN!

Who needs the Quik-E-Mart? You do! That’s why you must protect it at all costs against the Stonecutters’ machinations. Well, your wife and eight kids also need protection, but losing the Quik-E-Mart would be the end of everything! Being a convenience store clerk, you know well the hot kiss of lead in your chest. After surviving so many shots, it has made you BULLETPROOF, making you immune to nightkills.

You win with town.

As noted before, I realized a mass claim would impair a lot of roles, so I switched Wiggum to straightup Rolecop and Lenny and Carl to already being able to talk to each other. Also wish I hadn't missed that I forgot to put Wiggum's role on Homer's PM. It made Snowfire pretty paranoid.
« Last Edit: March 15, 2009, 10:11:13 PM by Hunter Sopko »