Due to Patriarch being terribly, hopelessly outclassed by Sephiroth (weak to physicals and slower than the SOLDIER? Ahahahaha), the One-Winged Angel instead chose to talk about his new Adopt-a-Villain program in this space. Do you know that there are dozens of evildoers in Light, struggling to fulfill their villainy jobs and prove their mettle? These despondent would-be scummies tried everything to be the scorn of the universe - unsuccessfully so. Seph's sponsored villain of the week is Alenia. She once tried to take candy from a little girl! But Alanis promptly burned her down. She's tried conning, stealing, and even picking a fight with Dario! Nothing has worked, and this sadness must stop. Only your charitable donations can reform this wretched specimen into a true baby-eating monster of the DLverse! The One-Winged Angel awaits for your generous response, and gives his sincere regards in advance.