An important thing to note is what else functions like Work as far as flags go(Counters, resistances).
The skills that do are: Item(...), Song, Dance, Steal Heart out of the Steal set(The rest of the set is physical and will lower odds to hit vs Defense Up and Protect. ...Not much but.), some Draw Outs(One of the healing ones and two of the positive status ones, the rest are Magical for Shell/MDef Up purposes), Talk Skills(Well, they have a specific counter, but ignoring that...), some Basic Skill/Guts buffs/status healing(Accumulate, Heal, Yell, Scream, Wish), Galaxy Stop, all Fear-class(Zodiac Beast 100%) status attacks, Shock, Dragoner Dragon-boosting/healing skills(But not the breaths), Self-Destruct off a Bomb, Blood Suck, a bunch of assorted monster buff moves and status moves, Ulmaguest, Work skills, a few Altima status skills, and a Byblos healing and a status move.
The overall impression you get out of this is rather notable. These skills are equally spread amongst PA/MA(If anything, it's more MA, those assorted monster status moves all run off MA), but very often don't run off user stats at all(or run off stats like HP), and are most often classed healing/status.
So, really, Pamela blocking Work is, by FFT's in-game set of similar attacks... more like blocking a status attack(Positive or negative), stat buff or a healing item than anything else. Ignoring those, it's closer to fixed HP-based damage-class attack than anything else. Self-Destruct, Almuguest, Blood Suck, Shock, Lifebreak vs Wiznaibus and Work.
There's nothing even approaching a standard physical skill in the set of moves like this, except Work. Dance is the next most standard, and the same skillset that includes PA-based damage to HP and MP also includes stat downs and status. Take this as you will; It's just worthy of note that Work is unusually rare in this distinction. (Moreso than I realized.)