Player list updated.
Once 8 Intrepid Investigators are confirmed, I'll make a topic and get things set up and we can see about starting. I highly advise anyone who has not played the game before to take a look at the rules now and ask me questions if you have them.
In general, I think using the forums practically necessitates the use of some sort of Simultaneous turns. I think in the interest of maintaining some game balance and mitigating certain effects that such a change would have, I will simply institute a rule that you cannot take an action that requires a player later in the effective turn order (maintaining who is the first player matters, and it rotates) to have done something first. So, if the first player wants to go down a street blocked by monsters, he can't just wait until a later player in the turn kills them all. he either needs to tackle it himself or go somewhere else.
Anyone who has not done what is necessary at the 48 hour mark will forfeit their turn to a mod. Players who don't think they'll be able to post can ask another player to take their actions for the turn. I favor using an IRC room to log rolls, but if people expect to be posting from work or places where IRC doesn't work, we can use both a room/the rolling page.
Sound good?