No one cares about the team match.
Except, of course, as an excuse to get Ghaleon into drag!
The beautiful flowing hair, the tight-fitting fuku, the long, smooth legs...
"People trying to get me to pantyshot..." Ghaleon maundered on. "It's pathetic. Abysmal. That's why I didn't bother going."
Xenobia and Royce looked at each other, slight traces of drool on their face, before advancing on Ghaleon.
Well, the day wasn't a complete loss.
Ghaleon running through the halls of the League, weaving unsteadily, in a chinese dress, muttering something about fangirls being dangerous, did make pretty good news.
He was even too out of it to kill the news media that day. Royce had seriously overchloroformed him.
And, of course, there's the fact that Myria decided to enter the match as a little girl and give her opponents the choice between dying miserably and losing or playing hopscotch with her and just losing.
Not really a fair statement, though on her part.
Edgar, Alhazad and Slash nearly did well enough to make up for the lack of a person. Slash and Alhazad's floating skills certainly helped. Sure, they lost anyways, but they made it close even without Ghaleon's help.
There's no excuse for Edgar doing that well, though.