Author Topic: Septerra Core: Legacy of the Creator  (Read 3215 times)


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Septerra Core: Legacy of the Creator
« on: January 16, 2008, 12:09:21 AM »
PC RPG stat topic number 2!  Slightly different from PS:T, in that the stats and everything are far more console-ish.  First, the usual notes:

1) Levels
Levels are not taken equally, since every character levels at different speeds.  I took levels at an arbitrary experience point total of 2056481.  This works very well - taking the average of everyone's levels at this total gives an average level of 54, which is only 2 levels below Maya's level at this point ( Maya being the generally average character at everything ).  Led levels very slowy ( level 32! ), while Selena levels very fast ( level 72! ). 

2) Equipment
As per the usual, just best store-boughts or uniques.  Granted, this does slightly inflate the couple characters who don't share weapons ( Led, Badu ) or armour ( Badu ), but not by too much overall.  So, who uses what:

Engines: Maya, Grubb, Runner, Araym, Lobo
Swords: Corgan, Selena 
Wrenches: Led
Knives: Badu

Human Body Armour: Maya, Grubb, Corgan, Led, Selena, Araym
Robot Body Armour: Runner, Lobo
Primitive Body Armour: Badu

Human Leg Armour: Maya, Grubb, Corgan, Selena, Araym
Robot Leg Armour: Runner, Led, Lobo
Primitive Leg Armour: Badu

3) Statistics
Strength - Physical power; factors into HP, Armour and Power of melee attacks
Vitality - Hardiness; factors into HP, Armour and Speed
Agility - Speediness; factors into Strike for physical attacks, Power in general and Speed
Perception - Awarness; factors into Strike, Core, and Power of ranged attacks
Psyche - Intellecutal ability; factors into Strike for spells, as well as Core

Strike - Accuracy
Armour - Defense
Power - Physical Power
Core - Functions as MP, magic attack power, and magical defense power
Speed - Actual speed value of a character; this can be taken literally, as characters twice the speed of another will actually be twice as fast in building up their attack gauge

4) Speed Notes
The game uses an ATB-esque system to dictate who gets to act when.  The bar that indicates this is divided into 3 sections.  When the battle starts, all allies and enemies have the bar set at 0, and it fills up based on their speed.  Once you reach the end of each 1/3 of the bar, you can perform a tech of that level ( level 1 techs at 1/3, level 2 techs at 2/3, level 3 techs at 3/3 ) or any lower levels.  Using any tech at any level of the bar ( i.e., using a level 1 tech at 1/3 fill or using a level 1 tech at 3/3 fill ) will reset the bar to 0, and start the filling up process again.

For what actually constitutes a "turn": I'd say that, upon their turn ( based on speed ), 1.5 sections of the bar would be filled.  This works out quite well: vs. endgame enemies, Araym tends to have nearly his full bar filled ( missing only a tiny sliver of it ) before the opponents get a chance to act; on the other hand, Runner has a little less than 1/3 of his bar filled by the time all enemies act.  Corgan and Maya, the two closest to average speed, get about 1/2 of the total bar filled before enemies get to act.  So this works out well: their speed indicates when they get to act, and each action, they have 1/2 of the bar to work with ( so if they save up for a round, they can use the level 3 techs ).

5) Characters

Maya - Level 56
HP - 522
Strength - 504
Vitality - 560
Agility - 670
Perception - 670
Psyche - 672

Turbine - +275 Strike/Power
Light Plate - +175 Armour, -4 Speed
Wing Boots - +44 Armour, +6 Speed

Strike - 608
Armour - 469
Power - 553
Core - 47
Speed - 72


Level 1:
Rifle Shot - 188
Beam (3 Core) - 188, line effect
Heat Seeker (8 Core) - 168, all target effect

Level 2:
Rifle Vulcan - 378
Grenade (5 Core) - 364, small area effect
Shrapnel (5 Core) - 347, large area effect

Level 3:
Rifle Gatling - 615
Napalm (5 Core) - 553, large area effect
Sphere (20 Core) - 482, all target effect

Grubb - Level 41
HP - 407
Strength - 600
Vitality - 445
Agility - 886
Perception - 885
Psyche - 698

Turbine - +275 Strike/Power
Light Plate - +175 Armour, -4 Speed
Wing Boots - +44 Armour, +6 Speed

Strike - 605
Armour - 410
Power - 507
Core - 57
Speed - 88


Level 1:
Staff - 129
Buzzsaw (10 Core) - 252
Taser (20 Core) - Stuns target

Level 2:
Staff Hit - 295
Repair (5 Core) - Heals 1085 HP to allied mechanical units; deals 1085 damage to enemy mechanical units
Led Combo (10 Core) -

Level 3:
Staff Strike - 444
Blades (3 Core) - 294, spreading effect
Arc Blast (17 Core) - 334, all target effect

Runner - Level 50
HP - 584
Strength - 897
Vitality - 997
Agility - 445
Perception - 996
Psyche - 560

Turbine - +275 Strike/Power
Light Cover - +175 Armour, -4 Speed
Quick Shocks - +44 Armour, +7 Speed

Strike - 650
Armour - 549
Power - 645
Core - 33
Speed - 44


Level 1:
Beam - 210, line effect
Charge (8 Core) - On it's own, seems to not do much of anything
Heat Seeker (8 Core) - 192, all target effect

Level 2:
Beam Strike - 433, line effect
Napalm (5 Core) - 411, large area effect
Fetch - Steals money

Level 3:
Beam Lance - 676, line effect
Rabid (20 Core) - Doubles speed and, when combined with Charge, doubles damage done
Blast (15 Core) - 951, line effect

Corgan - Level 65
HP - 557
Strength - 697
Vitality - 780
Agility - 779
Perception - 779
Psyche - 698

Daemon Sword - +295 Strike/Power, +3 Core
Light Plate - +175 Armour, -4 Speed
Wing Boots - +44 Armour, +6 Speed

Strike - 674
Armour - 493
Power - 599
Core - 43
Speed - 76


Level 1:
Sword Strike - 183
Observe (10 Core) - Analyzes enemy weaknesses, stats, etc.
Charge (10 Core) - Seems to not do much of anything

Level 2:
Double Strike - 525
Tremor (10 Core) - 578
Core Force (3 Core) - 392, line effect

Level 3:
Triple Strike - 655
Protect (10 Core) - All damage done to a target is instead redirected towards Corgan
Demon Force (20 Core) - 447, all target effect

Led - Level 32
HP - 428
Strength - 400
Vitality - 334
Agility - 885
Perception - 554
Psyche - 716

Glamdink - +295 Strike/Power
Light Plate - +175 Armour, -4 Speed
Quick Shocks - +44 Armour, +7 Speed

Strike - 607
Armour - 388
Power - 547
Core - 55
Speed - 85


Level 1:
Wrench - 179
Repair (5 Core) - Heals 208 HP to allied mechanical units; deals 208 damage to enemy mechanical units
Berserker (20 Core) - Doubles speed

Level 2:
Wrench Hit - 358
Wind Strike (3 Core) - 472
Boomerang (3 Core) - 288, line effect

Level 3:
Wrench Strike - 578
Grubb Combo (10 Core) -
Air Lash (20 Core) - 396, all target effect

Selena - Level 72
HP - 523
Strength - 523
Vitality - 782
Agility - 673
Perception - 665
Psyche - 653

Daemon Sword - +295 Strike/Power, +3 Core
Light Plate - +175 Armour, -4 Speed
Wing Boots - +44 Armour, +6 Speed

Strike - 668
Armour - 453
Power - 598
Core - 55
Speed - 80


Level 1:
Sword - 179
Curse Strike (20 Core) - 100, curses target
Core Force (3 Core) - 163, line effect

Level 2:
Sword Hit - 381
Kiss of Death (10 Core) - 493
Charge (12 Core) - Seems to not do much of anything

Level 3:
Sword Strike - 597
Ghost Force (12 Core) - 551
Sword Rain (28 Core) - 416, all target effect

Araym - Level 58
HP - 473
Strength - 800
Vitality - 669
Agility - 996
Perception - 996
Psyche - 700

Turbine - +275 Strike/Power
Light Plate - +175 Armour, -4 Speed
Wing Boots - +44 Armour, +6 Speed

Strike - 645
Armour - 430
Power - 555
Core - 46
Speed - 92


Level 1:
Arm Hit - 157, line effect
Taser (20 Core) - Stuns target
Blade Spin (10 Core) - 316, line effect

Level 2:
Arm Strike - 377, line effect
Venom (10 Core) - Poisons target
Steal - Steals money

Level 3:
Arm Blast - 589, line effect
Mug - 313, steals money
Arm Whip (24 Core) - 399, all target effect

Badu - Level 53
HP - 617
Strength - 996
Vitality - 887
Agility - 338
Perception - 557
Psyche - 591

Orion Blades - +295 Strike/Power
Medium Bone - +176 Armour, -5 Speed
Hard Bindings - +51 Armour, +4 Speed

Strike - 733
Armour - 537
Power - 680
Core - 38
Speed - 50


Level 1:
Knife - 228
Core Knife (10 Core) - 418
Sonic Strike (5 Core) - 334

Level 2:
Knife Hit - 488
Poison Spit (10 Core) - 221, poisons target
Sonic Stun (20 Core) - Stuns target

Level 3:
Knife Strike - 743
Vampyre (15 Core) - 345, heals Badu for the same amount
Sonic Wave (30 Core) - 612, all target effect

Lobo - Level 62
HP - 579
Strength - 805
Vitality - 787
Agility - 452
Perception - 560
Psyche - 584

Turbine - +275 Strike/Power
Light Cover - +175 Armour, -4 Speed
Quick Shocks - +44 Armour, +7 Speed

Strike - 628
Armour - 509
Power - 593
Core - 35
Speed - 81

Level 1:
Rifle Shot - 199
Beam (3 Core) - 197, line effect
Torso Spin (16 Core) - 157, all target effect

Level 2:
Rifle Vulcan - 431
Grenade (5 Core) - 341, small area effect
Torso Blast (23 Core) - 341, all target effect

Level 3:
Rifle Gatling - 645
Napalm (5 Core) - 521, large area effect
Torso Burst (27 Core) - 446, all target effect


HP: 521
1) Badu - 617
2) Runner - 584
3) Lobo - 579
4) Corgan - 557
5) Selena - 523
6) Maya - 522
7) Araym - 473
8) Led - 428
9) Grubb - 407

Armour: 470
1) Runner - 549
2) Badu - 537
3) Lobo - 509
4) Corgan - 493
5) Maya - 469
6) Selena - 453
7) Araym - 430
8) Grubb - 410
9) Led - 388

Core: 45
1) Grubb - 57
2t) Led - 55
2t) Selena - 55
4) Maya - 47
5) Araym - 46
6) Corgan - 43
7) Badu - 38
8) Lobo - 35
9) Runner - 33

Speed: 74
1) Araym - 92
2) Grubb - 88
3) Led - 85
4) Lobo - 81
5) Selena - 80
6) Corgan - 76
7) Maya - 72
8) Badu - 50
9) Runner - 44

*Average Damage is based on level 1 techs, i.e., see my speed notes at the beginning of the post.  All level 1 attacks are considered in this average.*

Damage: 236
1) Badu - 418
2) Araym - 316
3) Grubb - 252
4) Runner - 210
5) Lobo - 199
6) Maya - 188
7) Corgan - 183
8t) Led - 179
8t) Selena - 179
[11:53] <+Meeple_Gorath> me reading, that's a good one

[19:26] * +Terra_Condor looks up. Star Wars Football, what?
[19:27] <+Terra_Condor> Han Kicks First?
[19:27] <%Grefter-game> Vader intercepts.
[19:27] <%Grefter-game> Touchdown and Alderaan explodes in the victory