
Author Topic: Okage: Shadow King  (Read 1795 times)


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Okage: Shadow King
« on: January 16, 2008, 12:10:07 AM »
I'm going to keep the intro brief, though there's a good deal I could say.  Suffice to say I'm going to redo the topic.  All characters taken at level 60, because I ended up at 58 end-game, and I like round numbers.

1) The HP cost isn't a set number: it's a % of their max HP.  The lower amount is 5%, the higher amount ones are 10%, except for Overdrive which is 15%.
2) Big Bull, Epros, and Linda have boss forms.  Of these, I'm fully aware of Epros', and semi aware of Big Bull's.  Linda's I know shit about.  If anyone has info on Big Bull or Linda's boss forms, send it my way.

Stats - Equipment is already factored into these
LP ( called Magic in-game ) - MP, basically
AP - Attack power
DP - Defense power
AG - Agility
LU - Luck ( no fucking clue what this does, though I suspect it may influence status attacks/defense, as well as damage variance and status enhancing/de-buffing )

Ari: Neutral innate.  Neutrals take no additional damage from attacks, instead having a slight reduction ( not sure how much ) to elements.  No Stan information ( including the +5/+5 boost ) is added, at the behest of Zenny.  And...I think I agree with him on it, even if I have all the information figured out.  I can add it, if anyone desires.
HP - 294
LP - 42
AP - 174
DP - 85
AG - 55
LU - 6

Sword of Gear - +50 AP, +10 DP
Reunion Outfit - +16 DP
Holly - +1 LU

Overdrive ( 45 HP ) - Doubles Ari's damage, as well as gives him an immediate turn afterwards ( basically, he gets a double-cast when he uses this )
Elemental Sword ( 15 HP ) - Comes in 3 flavours: Fire, Thunder, or Ice
Restore ( 12 LP ) - Full-healing
Heal ( 8 LP ) - Restores 90 HP
Mend ( 4 LP ) - Restores 30 HP
Slumber ( 3 LP ) - Sleep status, with a 50% hit rate, and it lasts 2 rounds

Physical Attack - 135
Elemental Sword - 150 Fire/Thunder/Ice
OD Physical Attack - 270
OD Elemental Sword - 300 Fire/Thunder/Ice

Rosalyn: Ice innate.  In-game, she takes 50% more damage from thunder, and reduces fire by 50%.  As well, her physicals deal 50% less damage to thunder innates, and 50% more damage to fire innates.
HP - 265
LP - 17
AP - 165
DP - 65
AG - 65
LU - 10

Gallant Rapier - +40 AP, +5 AG, +5 LU
Hero's Armour - +17 DP
Wildcat's Fang - +1 AP

Elemental Parasol ( 14 HP ) - Comes in 2 flavours: Fire or Thunder
Parasol Amulet ( 27 HP ) - Blocks Poison, Paralysis, Seal ( Silence ) and Sleep statuses
Antidote ( 2 LP ) - Cures all abnormal statuses except Curses
Blessing ( 5 LP ) - Cures Curses
Shield ( 4 LP ) - Increases DP 50%
Silence ( 5 LP ) - Silences target, 70% hit rate
Powerless ( 4 LP ) - Decreases AP 50%

Physical Attack - 115
Elemental Parasol - 125 Thunder/Fire
Frost ( 2 LP ) - 25 Ice
Ice ( 5 LP ) - 50 Ice
Crystal ( 8 LP ) -80 Ice

Kisling: Thunder innate.  In-game, he takes 50% more damage from fire, and reduces ice by 50%.  As well, his physicals deal 50% less damage to fire innates, and 50% more damage to ice innates.
HP - 174
LP - 43
AP - 138
DP - 60
AG - 50
LU - 10

Ghostomicon - +60 AP
Basics Only Coat - +18 DP, +5 AG, +5 LU
Heatwave Ring - Increases Evasion to physicals and magic ( 25% to physicals, ~10% to magic )

Elemental Book ( 9 HP ) - Comes in 2 flavours: Fire or Ice
Spell Suction ( 18 HP ) - Steals 1 LP from all enemies
Speedy ( 4 LP ) - Increases AG 50%
Burden ( 4 LP ) - Decreases AG 50%
Paralyze ( 8 LP ) - Paralyzes target, 85% hit rate

Physical Attack - 75
Elemental Book - 80 Ice/Fire
Storm ( 2 LP ) - 32 Thunder
Mega Storm ( 5 LP ) - 72 Thunder
Maximum Voltage ( 8 LP ) - 132 Thunder

Big Bull: Fire innate.  In-game, he takes 50% more damage from ice, and reduces thunder by 50%.  As well, his physicals deal 50% less damage to ice innates, and 50% more damage to thunder innates.
HP - 406
LP - 15
AP - 172
DP - 57
AG - 47
LU - 5

Battle Manual - +20 AP
Inferno Pants - +8 DP, +5 AG
1st Fight Charm - +1 DP

Elemental Fists ( 21 HP ) - Comes in 2 flavours: Thunder or Ice
Charge ( 4 LP ) - Increases AP by 50%
Defenseless ( 4 LP ) - Decreases DP by 50%

Physical Attack - 125
Elemental Fist - 145 Ice/Thunder
Charged Physical Attack - 165
Charged Elemental Fist - 190 Ice/Thunder
Flame ( 2 LP ) - 15 Fire
Fire ( 5 LP ) - 45 Fire
Blaze ( 8 LP ) - 75 Fire

Linda: Ice innate.  In-game, she takes 50% more damage from thunder, and reduces fire by 50%.  As well, her physicals deal 50% less damage to thunder innates, and 50% more damage to fire innates.
HP - 222
LP - 26
AP - 123
DP - 87
AG - 53
LU - 10

Love Mike - +30 AP
Celeb Dress - +15 DP
Bandit's Shoes - +1 AG

Skills: Linda's 4 LP skills affect both party members and enemies
Elemental Kiss ( 12 HP ) - Comes in 2 flavours: Fire or Thunder
Omni Concert ( 23 HP ) - Slows down all enemies by 50% ( nor sure what the difference between this and Burden is, yet )
Replenish ( 15 LP ) - Heals 70 HP to all characters
Revitalize ( 30 LP ) - Heals Full HP to all characters
Charmer ( 4 LP ) - Raises critical %
Deflector ( 4 LP ) - Decreases all magical damage done by 50%
Match ( 4 LP ) - Sets everyone to the same speed
Full Power ( 4 LP ) - Increases everyone's damage by 50% ( magical and physical )
Dispel ( 4 LP ) - Relieves positive and negative statuses for everyone
Repulsor ( 4 LP ) - Decreases all physical damage done by 50%

Physical Attack - 65
Elemental Kiss - 70 Thunder/Fire

PC Epros: Thunder innate.  In-game, he takes 50% more damage from fire, and reduces ice by 50%.  As well, his physicals deal 50% less damage to fire innates, and 50% more damage to ice innates.
HP - 223
LP - 0
AP - 123
DP - 69
AG - 48
LU - 5

King of Clubs - +20 AP, +5 DP [Note: This isn't his ultimate weapon.  I'm pretty sure his ultimate weapon is +30/+10, but I'm not sure. still doesn't get him out of Light, NOR do I intend to go through the game a 4th time, as much as I liked it]
Conjurer Tux - +12 DP
Aves Amulet - Increases Evasion to physicals and magic ( 25% to magic, ~10% to physicals )

Skills: Epros has no LP, hence, he...can't use any LP-using skills.  I'll post them later if you want.  All he has access to are his HP-using Elemental Masks, which cost 12 HP/use, and come in either a fire or ice variety.

Physical Attack - 75
Elemental Mask ( 12 HP/use ) - 90 Fire/Ice

Boss Epros - The Phantom Evil King
Thunder Innate
HP - 870
Immune to Physical attacks, pseudo-physical attacks ( elemental swords, etc. ), and non-elemental magic.  Basically, the only way to damage him is by using elemental magic.  As is usual of a Thunder innate, he reduces ice by 50%, and takes 50% more damage from fire.

Physical Attack ( tested on Kisling to avoid elemental affinity insanity ) - 80
Maximum Voltage ( tested on Kisling once again ) - 132 Thunder


HP - 264
1) Big Bull - 406
2) Ari - 294
3) Rosalyn - 265
4) Epros - 223
5) Linda - 222
6) Kisling - 174

DP - 71
1) Linda - 87
2) Ari - 85
3) Epros - 69
4) Rosalyn - 65
5) Kisling - 60
6) Big Bull - 57

AG - 53
1) Rosalyn - 65
2) Ari - 55
3) Linda - 53
4) Kisling - 50
5) Epros - 48
6) Big Bull - 47

Best Initial Damage - 119
1) Ari - 150 ( Elemental Sword )
2) Big Bull - 145 ( Elemental Fist )
3) Kisling - 132 ( Maximum Voltage )
4) Rosalyn - 125 ( Elemental Parasol )
5) Epros - 90 ( Elemental Mask )
6) Linda - 70 ( Elemental Kiss )

Best Late Damage - 151
1) Ari - 300 ( OD Elemental Sword )
2) Big Bull - 190 ( Charged Elemental Fist )
3) Kisling - 132 ( Maximum Voltage )
4) Rosalyn - 125 ( Elemental Parasol )
5) Epros - 90 ( Elemental Mask )
6) Linda - 70 ( Elemental Kiss )

...Okage has FUCKED UP averages.  That is all.
[11:53] <+Meeple_Gorath> me reading, that's a good one

[19:26] * +Terra_Condor looks up. Star Wars Football, what?
[19:27] <+Terra_Condor> Han Kicks First?
[19:27] <%Grefter-game> Vader intercepts.
[19:27] <%Grefter-game> Touchdown and Alderaan explodes in the victory