Author Topic: Fire Emblem VI  (Read 3818 times)

Jo'ou Ranbu

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Fire Emblem VI
« on: February 05, 2008, 04:02:09 AM »
By Meeple's request, this is FE6's new - and not so unofficial - stat topic! Everything is done in a neat, cute spreadsheet for your convenience. Two things to take note of: I didn't take caps into consideration unless they were actually hit, promoted or unpromoted, and I rounded all calculations up to the nearest integer. In the case of evasion, I rounded up only the result of previous calculations (Evasion = Speed*2+Luck). All stats are taken at level 20/15, except for characters without promotions (taken at level 20) and characters who join at a level higher than 20/15 (like Karel and Niime). In that case, they're taken at the level they join in. Now, let's get started with the formulae and stats. Also, I did some name changes to their translated versions, but these were done in Photoshop. So, those changes aren't alphabetically sorted. Sorry, but you'll manage.

HP (Hit Points) - These are the equivalent of Hospital Points. Lose all of them and you get a free bed in the hospital of your choice.

POW (Strength/Magic) - This indicates how hard a character hits (either physically or magically). Fighters have Strength, mages have Magic.

SKL (Skill) - This indicates a character's skill with weapons. Higher skill means better base accuracy and higher critical rate.

SPD (Speed) - This stat affects two things: a character's evasion and his/her chances on doubleturning/being doubled. If a character has at least a 4-point speed advantage over his enemy, he doubles his attack. Likewise, if an enemy has at least 4 points of speed over a character, the character gets doubled. How in hell you interpret this stat is up to you.

LUCK (Luck) - This stat affects accuracy, evasion and critical odds. Higher luck means better evasion, higher accuracy and diminishes the odds of a critical hit from an enemy.

DEF (Defense) - This stat indicates a character's resilience against physical attacks. Higher defense means less damage suffered from physicals.

RES (Resistance) - This stat represents a character's resistance against magical attacks and status stave spells. The higher this stat is, less damage will be sustained against spells, along with lower odds of being hit by a negative magical status attack.

CON (Constitution) - This stat affects directly Attack Speed (which will be seen later). Basically, all weapons have a weight score. If your CON >= the weight of the weapon you're carrying, your AS will not suffer any penalty. If your CON < weapon weight, your AS score will suffer a penalty of CON - Weapon Weight to your Attack Speed.

EVA (Evasion) - Base Evasion is determined by a simple formula: Attack Speed * 2 + Luck. This is the base score that determines the odds of a character dodging an attack. GBA FE games work in such a fashion that lower evasion numbers mean the character will dodge less than they mathematically should, and higher numbers will evade more. So, take these with a grain of salt.

EVA% (Evasion Rate) - This is the actual evasion odds for a character. The basic evasion rate formula consists of Evasion - Accuracy. Like NEB, I took 125 as average (the most accurate non-Mamkute enemy in FE6, Brunya, has an accuracy of 124, so I think this is accurate enough). However, this basic formula has some discrepancies. Characters with evade lower than 75 will dodge less than the numbers gotten from it imply. If their evade is higher than 75, their evade will actually be higher than the base number. I got the actual formulae from NEB, and, from my experiences, they're rather accurate.

AS (Attack Speed) - This is the actual stat used in equations regarding speed. This score is affected by weapon weight.

MT (Might) - The total Strength that a single attack will deal from a character against a 0 Defense target. This is calculated using Power + Weapon Might.

DMG (Damage) - The actual damage dealt by the character against average DL durability. These were taken using a Defense score of 10 and a Res score of 5.

Accuracy - This is calculated using the following formula: (Skill * 2) + (Luck/2) + Weapon Accuracy. This represents the character's accuracy before evasion is taken into account. To get the actual hit rate against someone, just deduct the enemy's evasion score from the result of the above equation.

Critical Hit % - To get this, the formula is (Skill/2) + Weapon critical rate. This base score is deducted from enemy Luck. I take average enemy Luck as 10, so, the odds of a character with 30 Skill to deal a critical hit without Killer weaponry against an enemy in the DL normally would be of a paltry 5%. This stat can be viewed rather literally. Berserkers and Swordmasters get a 30% critical hit bonus.

Critical Hits - A critical deals 3x the damage of a normal swing, and, unlike believed, DOES NOT IGNORE EVASION. That's just about it.

Here is the stat spreadsheet:

Weaponry (Weapons used for the damage averages - meaning they are the optimal weapons - are bolded)

Swords (Swordmaster, Hero, Thief, Master Lord, Falcon Knight, Paladin, Nomadic Trooper, Wyvern Lord)

Rapier — Prf. Weapon, 5 Weight, 85 Accuracy, 5 Might, 10 Critical, 25 Charges. Roy only. Effective against infantry (Knights/Generals, Cavaliers/Paladins).
Slim Sword — E Rank, 2 Weight, 95 Accuracy, 3 Might, 5 Critical, 30 Charges.
Iron Sword — E Rank, 5 Weight, 85 Accuracy, 5 Might, 0 Critical, 46 Charges.
Steel Sword — D Rank, 10 Weight, 70 Accuracy, 8 Might, 0 Critical, 30 Charges.
Armorslayer — D Rank, 11 Weight, 85 Accuracy, 8 Might, 0 Critical, 18 Charges. Effective against Knights/Generals.
Killing Edge — C Rank, 7 Weight, 80 Accuracy, 9 Might, 30 Critical, 20 Charges. Rutger starts with a Killing Edge equipped.
Lightbrand — C Rank, 9 Weight, 70 Accuracy, 9 Might, 0 Critical, 25 Charges. Has 1-2 range, the ranged attack being a Light-typed magical attack (has WTA against Dark Magic, and WTD against Anima). Its power is fixed on 10 damage, apparently (ITD?). And yes, it’s odd that the Lightbrand is storebought, but FE6 is on crack.
Silver Sword — A Rank, 8 Weight, 75 Accuracy, 13 Might, 0 Critical, 20 Charges.
Sword of Seals — Prf. Weapon, 8 Weight, 95 Accuracy, 18 Might, 10 Critical, Defense +5, Res +5, 20 Charges. Roy only, has 1-2 range. The long-ranged attack is the exact same as the short-ranged, damage-wise. It can also be used to fully heal Roy at the expense of one charge. How you take this is up to you.

Wo Dao — D Rank, 5 Weight, 75 Accuracy, 8 Might, 40 Critical, 18 Charges. Fir/Karel only. (Well, technically, Rutger can use one, too. But Karel and Fir are the only characters who start with a Wo Dao, and there’s only one other Wo Dao in the game besides the ones in Karel and Fir’s hands)

Lances (Paladin, Falcon Knight, Wyvern Lord, General)

Slim Lance — E Rank, 4 Weight, 80 Accuracy, 4 Might, 5 Critical, 30 Charges.
Iron Lance — E Rank, 8 Weight, 70 Accuracy, 7 Might, 0 Critical, 45 Charges.
Javelin — E Rank, 11 Weight, 55 Accuracy, 6 Might, 0 Critical, 20 Charges. Has 1-2 range.
Steel Lance — D Rank, 13 Weight, 10 Might, 0 Critical, 30 Charges.
Heavy Spear — D Rank, 13 Weight, 75 Accuracy, 11 Might, 0 Critical, 16 Charges. Effective against Knights/Generals.
Killer Lance — C Rank, 9 Weight, 75 Accuracy, 10 Might, 30 Critical, 20 Charges.
Silver Lance — A Rank, 10 Weight, 65 Accuracy, 14 Might, 0 Critical, 20 Charges.

Axes ([n]Berserker, Warrior[/b], General, Paladin)

Iron Axe — E Rank, 10 Weight, 65 Accuracy, 8 Might, 0 Critical, 45 Charges.
Hand Axe — E Rank, 12 Weight, 50 Accuracy, 7 Might, 0 Critical, 20 Charges. Has 1-2 range.
Steel Axe — D Rank, 15 Weight, 50 Accuracy, 11 Might, 0 Critical, 30 Charges.
Hammer — D Rank, 15 Weight, 45 Accuracy, 8 Might, 0 Critical, 20 Charges. Effective against Knights/Generals.
Halberd — D Rank, 15 Weight, 55 Accuracy, 10 Might, 0 Critical, 18 Charges. Effective against Cavaliers/Paladins.
Killer Axe — C Rank, 11 Weight, 65 Accuracy, 11 Might, 30 Critical, 20 Charges.
Silver Axe — A Rank, 12 Weight, 55 Accuracy, 15 Might, 0 Critical, 20 Charges.

Devil Axe — E Rank, 18 Weight, 55 Accuracy, 18 Might, 0 Critical, 20 Charges. May damage its user. (Gonzales’ starting weapon)
Brave Axe — B Rank, 16 Weight, 55 Accuracy, 10 Might, 0 Critical, 30 Charges. Double-attack. (Either Geese's or Bartre’s starting weapon, depending on the route chosen in chapter 9. If you don't get the chapter where you recruit Bartre, Geese'll start with it. If you do, however, Geese will just start with a Hand Axe and a Steel Axe. Whether you allow the Brave Axe to either of them or not, it's your call.)

Bows (Sniper, Nomadic Trooper, Warrior)

Iron Bow — E Rank, 5 Weight, 80 Accuracy, 6 Might, 0 Critical, 45 Charges. Effective against flying units (Pegasus Knight, Wyvern Rider, Falcon Knight, Wyvern Lord). Ranged weapon.
Short Bow — D Rank, 3 Weight, 80 Accuracy, 5 Might, 10 Critical, 22 Charges. Effective against flying units. Ranged weapon.
Steel Bow — D Rank, 9 Weight, 65 Accuracy, 9 Might, 0 Critical, 30 Charges. Effective against flying units. Ranged weapon.
Killer Bow — C Rank, 7 Weight, 80 Accuracy, 9 Might, 30 Critical, 20 Charges. Effective against flying units. Ranged weapon.
Silver Bow — A Rank, 6 Weight, 70 Accuracy, 13 Might, 0 Critical, 20 Charges. Effective against flying units. Ranged weapon.

Anima Magic (Sage, Valkyrie)

Fire — E Rank, 1 Weight, 95 Accuracy, 5 Might, 0 Critical, 30 Charges. 1-2 range.
Thunder — D Rank, 2 Weight, 80 Accuracy, 6 Might, 5 Critical, 25 Charges. 1-2 range.
Elfire — C Rank, 4 Weight, 75 Accuracy, 8 Might, 0 Critical, 20 Charges. 1-2 range.
Aircalibur — B Rank, 2 Weight, 85 Accuracy, 8 Might, 0 Critical, 20 Charges. Effective against flying units. 1-2 range.

Light Magic (Bishop)

Lightning — E Rank, 1 Weight, 75 Accuracy, 5 Might, 0 Critical, 30 Charges. 1-2 range.
Shine — C Rank, 3 Weight, 65 Accuracy, 8 Might, 0 Critical, 25 Charges. 1-2 range.

Dark Magic (Druid)

Flux — D Rank, 5 Weight, 70 Accuracy, 8 Might, 0 Critical, 30 Charges. 1-2 range.
Nosferatu — C Rank, 6 Weight, 70 Accuracy, 10 Might, 0 Critical, 20 Charges. Parasitic healing (all damage done to the enemy reverts to the caster as recovered HP). 1-2 range.

Eclipse — B Rank, 9 Weight, 10 Accuracy, 0 Might, 0 Critical, 5 Charges. 3-10 Range. HP->1. (Initial weapon for Niime)
« Last Edit: July 06, 2014, 10:08:10 PM by Jo'ou Ranbu »
[01:08] <Soppy-ReturningToInaba> HEY
[01:08] <Soppy-ReturningToInaba> LAGGY
[01:08] <Soppy-ReturningToInaba> UVIET?!??!?!
[01:08] <Laggy> YA!!!!!!!!!1111111111
[01:08] <Soppy-ReturningToInaba> OMG!!!!
[01:08] <Chulianne> No wonder you're small.
[01:08] <TranceHime> cocks
[01:08] <Laggy> .....


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Re: Fire Emblem VI - The mass of Lights strikes back!
« Reply #1 on: February 09, 2008, 08:32:56 PM »

I think this is all the main, plot bosses.  Assuming Normal mode.

Some bosses start on speshul terrain that gives them bonuses to DEF, AVO, and/or RES.  Since most bosses don't move, you might consider this.  I'll note which terrain they start on as the topic goes.  These bonuses will not be factored in to the stats below.  As for what they do...
Gate - DEF+3, AVO+20, 10% HP regen each turn
Throne - DEF+3, RES+5, AVO+30, 10% HP regen each turn, heals negative status each turn 

Weapons are listed a/b/c/d/e, where a=Mt, b=Hit, c=Crt, d=Wt, and e=Rng

Average growths (54 characters):
HP: 73.9%
STR: 39.5%
SKL: 38.7%
SPD: 42.7%
LUK: 40.8%
DEF: 21.4%
RES: 20.5%
Promotions averavge +2 on all stats, except LUK, which is +/-0, and HP, which is +3

PC Averages for Narshen:
HP: 35
AS: 14
PWR: 27
DMG: 18
HIT: 104
AVO: 38
DEF: 10
RES: 7
LUK: 10

Level 10 Wyvern Lord
HP: 46
STR: 16
SKL: 13
SPD: 16
LUK: 13
DEF: 20
RES: 12
MOV: 8
CON: 11
*Starts on a Throne, but due to his flying, only gets the status restoration benefits
Runesword (15) - 12/60/0/11/1~2, Sword/Dark, drains damage as health for the wielder
Delphi Shield - Negates weaknesses to aircalibre and bows
Blue Gem - Sells for 5000 gold

Pwr: 28 (18 damage)
Hit: 93 (55 accuracy)
AS: 16
Avo: 45 (41 evasion)
Crt: 7 (0 critical rate)
PC Averages for Murdoch and Gale:
HP: 42
AS: 18
PWR: 31
DMG: 22
HIT: 113
AVO: 50
DEF: 11
RES: 9
LUK: 14

Level 20 General
HP: 62
STR: 27
SKL: 19
SPD: 12
LUK: 12
DEF: 25
RES: 17
MOV: 5
CON: 20
*Starts on a Throne
Tomahawk (15) - 13/55/0/14/1~2, Axe
Knight Crest - Allows knights of level 10 or higher to promote

Pwr: 40 (29 damage)
Hit: 99 (49 accuracy)
AS: 12
Avo: 36 (23 evasion)
Crt: 10 (0 critical rate)

Level 18 Wyvern Lord
HP: 49
STR: 22
SKL: 15
SPD: 13
LUK: 11
DEF: 22
RES: 14
MOV: 8
CON: 12
Spear (15) - 10/65/5/10/1~2, Spear

Pwr: 32 (21 damage)
Hit: 100 (50 accuracy)
AS: 13
Avo: 37 (24 evasion)
Crt: 13 (0 critical rate)

PC Averages for Zephiel:
HP: 43
AS: 18
PWR: 31
DMG: 22
HIT: 113
AVO: 50
DEF: 11
RES: 9
LUK: 14

Level 20 King
HP: 70
STR: 24
SKL: 20
SPD: 14
LUK: 15
DEF: 22
RES: 24
MOV: 5
CON: 17
*Starts on a Throne
Exaccus - 15/90/5/15/1~2, Sword
Hero Crest - Allows foot soldiers of level 10 or higher to promote

Pwr: 39 (28 damage)
Hit: 138 (88 accuracy)
AS: 14
Avo: 43 (30 evasion)
Crt: 15 (1 critical rate)

PC Averages for Brunya:
HP: 43
AS: 19
PWR: 32
DMG: 23
HIT: 115
AVO: 53
DEF: 12
RES: 10
LUK: 15

Level 20 Sage
HP: 38
MAG: 23
SKL: 18
SPD: 18
LUK: 17
DEF: 18
RES: 25
MOV: 6
CON: 6
*Starts on a Gate
Fimbulvtr (15) - 13/80/0/8/1~2, Anima
Bolting (5) - 12/70/0/10/3~10, Anima
Guiding Ring - Allows magic users of level 10 or higher to promote

Pwr: 36/35 (26/25 damage)
Hit: 125/115 (72/62 accuracy)
AS: 16/14
Avo: 49/45 (34/30 evasion)
Crt: 9/19 (0/4 critical rate)

PC Averages for the Final Battle:
HP: 45
AS: 20
PWR: 33
DMG: 24
HIT: 118
AVO: 56
DEF: 13
RES: 11
LUK: 16

Level 18 Mamkute
HP: 80
STR: 15 (25)
SKL: 10 (20)
SPD: 12
LUK: 14
DEF: 15 (35)
RES: 16 (21)
MOV: 5
CON: 7
*Starts on a Throne

*All legendary weapons hit a weakness (3x) on Yahn

Fire Dragonstone - 15/100/10/0/1, Dragonstone, +10 STR, +10 SKL, +20 DEF, +5 RES
Elixer (3) - Fully heals user

Pwr: 40 (27 damage)
Hit: 147 (91 accuracy)
AS: 12
Avo: 38 (20 evasion)
Crt: 20 (4 critical rate)

Level 20 Demon Dragon
HP: 78
STR: 29
SKL: 23
SPD: 16
LUK: 18
DEF: 30
RES: 21
MOV: 2
CON: 25

*Idoun is fucked up
- The Sword of Seals hits a weakness on her (3x)
- None of the other legendaries do
- All physical weapons (including legendaries) work as normal (ATK-DEF)
- All magical weapons (including legendaries) take an additional 10 damage reduction (so, effectively, they hit 31 RES instead of 21)
Dark Breath - 20/100/10/0/1, Dragonbreath

Pwr: 49 (36 damage)
Hit: 155 (99 accuracy)
AS: 16
Avo: 50 (32 evasion)
Crt: 22 (6 critical rate)
« Last Edit: August 14, 2008, 01:02:58 AM by OblivionKnight »
[11:53] <+Meeple_Gorath> me reading, that's a good one

[19:26] * +Terra_Condor looks up. Star Wars Football, what?
[19:27] <+Terra_Condor> Han Kicks First?
[19:27] <%Grefter-game> Vader intercepts.
[19:27] <%Grefter-game> Touchdown and Alderaan explodes in the victory


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Re: Fire Emblem VI - The mass of Lights strikes back!
« Reply #2 on: February 10, 2008, 02:18:56 AM »

Sword of Seals can be used infinitely to heal Roy.  It can only be used by him, on him, and uses up a charge each time.  However, it does not fully heal him - it only heals 30 HP each use.  Granted, this is still usually more than enough, but it's an important distinction to make.

Damnit, why am I not resting?
[11:53] <+Meeple_Gorath> me reading, that's a good one

[19:26] * +Terra_Condor looks up. Star Wars Football, what?
[19:27] <+Terra_Condor> Han Kicks First?
[19:27] <%Grefter-game> Vader intercepts.
[19:27] <%Grefter-game> Touchdown and Alderaan explodes in the victory


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Re: Fire Emblem VI - The mass of Lights strikes back!
« Reply #3 on: February 10, 2008, 03:01:51 AM »
What levels would be considered average for fighting Narshen? He's definitely too early for endgame stats.
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Re: Fire Emblem VI - The mass of Lights strikes back!
« Reply #4 on: February 10, 2008, 06:09:51 PM »
Probably recently promoted. Chances are you'll be picking up the last promotion item or two you need here (second Knight Crest in the game was in that chapter, IIRC? + secret shop for more Guiding Rings, etc., you'll probably need). Level 2 at an estimate. This probably gives him borderline 2-3HKO damage and slightly above average AS, which sounds right offhand.

Erwin Schrödinger will kill you like a cat in a box.


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Re: Fire Emblem VI - The mass of Lights strikes back!
« Reply #5 on: February 11, 2008, 12:03:36 AM »
I was thinking level 1 promoted for Narshen (chapter 16), which feels about halfway through the game overall (25 total chapters, but with several gaidens, that kicks it up over 30, and the last several are pretty heavy on experience).  Yahn and Idoun are getting final endgame stats (the ones Snow posted) treatment, while Brunya...probably going 2 levels below endgame for her?  There's a lot of experience in her map and the map after, though I doubt dropping down even 5 levels would save her much >_>  Zephiel 3 levels below endgame, Murdoch and Gale 4 levels below.  At least, that's what I'm calculating at the moment. 
[11:53] <+Meeple_Gorath> me reading, that's a good one

[19:26] * +Terra_Condor looks up. Star Wars Football, what?
[19:27] <+Terra_Condor> Han Kicks First?
[19:27] <%Grefter-game> Vader intercepts.
[19:27] <%Grefter-game> Touchdown and Alderaan explodes in the victory


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Re: Fire Emblem VI - The mass of Lights strikes back!
« Reply #6 on: February 11, 2008, 05:44:59 AM »
Huh, so Idoun's hellishly tanky when it comes to magic?  Never knew.  Granted, I don't know much about her in general; she's about as sad as they come in game for Fire Emblem Final Bosses and such (yay Sword of Seals = Instant Win on her and such?)

Also, um, wow, if what OK says is true about Roy...beginning to think "Roy for Godlike" is very much a feasible statement.  Never thought I could say that with a straight face.

His defensive stats and general offense was already damned good as is, combined with being able to counter everything...yeah, that Sword is hax.
[21:39] <+Mega_Mettaur> so Snow...
[21:39] <+Mega_Mettaur> Sonic Chaos
[21:39] <+Hello-NewAgeHipsterDojimaDee> That's -brilliant-.

[17:02] <+Tengu_Man> Raven is a better comic relief PC than A


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Re: Fire Emblem VI - The mass of Lights strikes back!
« Reply #7 on: February 11, 2008, 05:29:45 PM »
I am always right.  This is the way!  Off the cliff!  Gooooo!

Speaking of which, it's time for some YAMS hype, so read up.
[11:53] <+Meeple_Gorath> me reading, that's a good one

[19:26] * +Terra_Condor looks up. Star Wars Football, what?
[19:27] <+Terra_Condor> Han Kicks First?
[19:27] <%Grefter-game> Vader intercepts.
[19:27] <%Grefter-game> Touchdown and Alderaan explodes in the victory


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Re: Fire Emblem VI - The mass of Lights strikes back!
« Reply #8 on: February 11, 2008, 08:53:25 PM »
I don't know what's worse...

The fact that Idoun gets barely doubled by average FE PCs in the DL (part of the reason Roy rips her in half so badly in game, granted) or the fact that she STILL doubles Nergal (if barely) after scaling.

Either way, GBA FEs like their slow bosses it seems.  Took until FE9 for the modern series to finally get big plot bosses with actual speed, go figure.
[21:39] <+Mega_Mettaur> so Snow...
[21:39] <+Mega_Mettaur> Sonic Chaos
[21:39] <+Hello-NewAgeHipsterDojimaDee> That's -brilliant-.

[17:02] <+Tengu_Man> Raven is a better comic relief PC than A

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Re: Fire Emblem VI
« Reply #9 on: August 27, 2013, 10:41:05 PM »
Average Hit, using the figures in this thread = 116.7
I don't have individual hit figures but you can work them out using SKL*2 + LUCK/2 + weapon. There are no rank-related hit bonuses in FE6.

I should at some point do an equal exp thread for this game. The changes shouldn't be too dramatic, except Roy becomes significantly worse (as he should be). The valkyries and bishops (save Yodel, who is already at the cap) should improve a bit because IIRC they're in classes with exp boosts.

Erwin Schrödinger will kill you like a cat in a box.

Jo'ou Ranbu

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Re: Fire Emblem VI
« Reply #10 on: August 27, 2013, 11:35:17 PM »
This thread is pretty outdated, so an equal XP topic would be fairly welcome. There are also some equip choices I made before that I wouldn't now (no Silver Swords for Peggies, for instance).
[01:08] <Soppy-ReturningToInaba> HEY
[01:08] <Soppy-ReturningToInaba> LAGGY
[01:08] <Soppy-ReturningToInaba> UVIET?!??!?!
[01:08] <Laggy> YA!!!!!!!!!1111111111
[01:08] <Soppy-ReturningToInaba> OMG!!!!
[01:08] <Chulianne> No wonder you're small.
[01:08] <TranceHime> cocks
[01:08] <Laggy> .....