Despite the average quality still being quite high, a good few of these are laughers due to the equivalent of High Godlike vs. High Heavy matches.
The Merciless Savior (Legend of Heroes VI) vs. One Final Effort (Halo 3) - Yeah, despite voting against it two rounds in a row, that really more reflects on One Final Effort's competition than it. It figures that when I vote for it, it's currently losing.
Nefertiti (Mana Khemia) vs. The Road to Tomorrow Follows Behind You (Wild ARMs 5)
Primal Eyes (Parasite Eve) vs. Time of the Dreamwatch (Chrono Cross) - Tricky, very close here.
At the Frozen Depths of the Heart (Wild ARMs 5) vs. Battle on the Big Bridge (Final Fantasy V)
Violent Storm (Baten Kaitos) vs. Water Prison (Ys Origin) - Argh. Insanely close, both are great.
True (Silent Hill 2) vs. STIGMATA (Mana Khemia)
Over the Wind (Wild ARMs 4) vs. Idola the Strange Fruits (Phantasy Star Online Episode 3)
Battle Hymn of the Soul/Battle for Everyone's Souls (Persona 3) vs. Radical Dreamers - Without Taking the Jewel (Chrono Cross)
Honeybee Manor (Final Fantasy VII) vs. Hurry, Hurry! (Final Fantasy V) - Honeybee isn't THAT bad.
Canta Per Me (Noir) vs. Bring all the Wisdom to Britain! (Read or Die OVA)
Mezame (Mai Hime) vs. Jounetsu (Tokyo Underground)