Author Topic: Worker > Pamela  (Read 350 times)


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Worker > Pamela
« on: May 08, 2009, 08:08:18 PM »
A bit unsure if she could actually be hurt or not, Pamela asked Worker for a demonstration of his abilities before the match. Not seeing any reason not to comply, Worker hunted down a Misdreavus, compressed it into paste, mixed it with some cherry preserves and baked up a few Ghostess Fruit Pies.

Not having any particular desire to become a fruit pie herself(for all that she's certain she'd be a very sweet and tasty one), Pamela conceded the match.

Normally that would be the end of it. But this time, this is where it starts to get...interesting.

Worker has thusfar shown an incredible ability to cook nearly anything(and anyone) into something edible.

Pamela has a keen interest in Alchemy, which happens to include cooking.

So, she decided to invite Worker to her group's workshop. Surely this couldn't possibly end poorly.

Three days later, Pamela and her new assistant had written recipes for Speed Cheese Blintzes, Cranky Kitty Casserole, Kaboomboom Caramel, Soda Pop Idol Sundaes, Red Hot HAM, Rivalry Roast, Psycho Sliders(which somehow arrive before you order them...) and Cosmic Conqueror's Fondue(served in the cutest little flying pot).

Worker and Pamela have since been banned from being in either a kitchen or alchemy lab at the same time. Or communicating in any way while they are in separate kitchens or labs. Or really any form of collaboration on any project ever again period.

Experts(ie: Pamela's recently revived friends) don't actually expect this to stop them...
<%Laggy> we're open minded individuals here
<+RandomKesaranPasaran> are we
<%Laggy> no not really.

<Tide|NukicommentatoroptionforF> Hatbot is a pacifist