
Author Topic: Final Fantasy Tactics A2: Grimoire Of The Rift  (Read 10679 times)


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Final Fantasy Tactics A2: Grimoire Of The Rift
« on: September 04, 2009, 04:01:10 AM »

Final Fantasy Tactics A2: Grimoire Of The Rift.
Or, In Which The Main Villian Is Foiled By The Power Of Literacy.

Welcome to the FFTA2 stat topic. Well, first:

Table of Contents: use Ctrl+F anything in parenthesis to find the relevant section fast. You may need to refresh the page, topic is big enough that it loads funny. Working on a Wiki transfer.

1) Stats & Status (*STAT*)
2) Equipment options (*EQUIP*)
3) Unique PCs (*NAME*)
4) Bosses (*BOSS*)
5) Hume classes (*HUME*)
6) Viera classes (*VIERA*)
7) Bangaa classes (*BANG*)
8) Nu Mou classes (*NUMOU*)
9) Moogle classes (*MOOG*)
10) Seeq/Gria classes (*OTHER*)

Stats (*STAT*)

HP: These measure how happy you are; lose them and you are sad.
MP: Magic Points. Note: FFTA2 operates weirdly with MP. You start at 0, and gain 10 MP a turn. This has the effect of making a -lot- of skills turn 2, 3, and even 4 for use.
Speed: How much you resemble Sonic. Speed is completely linear and doubleturns/more are perfectly feasible in game.
Evasion: How much hit chances are reduced by. As a note, in-game 1% and 0% evasion are the exact same; all attacks have an innate 1% chance to miss, except for a few major exceptions. 2% and higher for evasion is a literal reduction. Very few classes in the DL can manage higher than 25% without sacrificing their weapon (and few classes want that).
Attack: Always, without exception (from what I can tell) checks Def. One point in this is ~0.75 points more damage on average.
Defense: One point of this is -0.375 damage on average.
Magic(k): Checks Res, is worth the same as Atk.
Resistance: (not to be confiused with Resilience) Worth the same as Def.
Resilience: How likely status attacks and some stat downs are to hit you. Again, quite literal. This stat is hidden in-game, but easily tested for.

Buffs/Debuffs: The game's terms for any positive status or stat up, or a negative status or stat down.

Haste: Doubles the speed stat. Lasts for three of the affected unit's turns.
Regen: Heal 1/10 mHP at the beginning of every turn. Permanent.
Spellbound: Doubles the length of certain buffs and debuffs (Haste). Permanent.
Astra: Immunes the next status that would be inflicted (does not get removed on an unsucessful try). Lasts until used.
Reraise: Immediately upon death, revive with 1/10th mHP. This prevents game overs, but removes all other status, buffs and debuffs. Lasts until used.
Cover: All effects targeting a unit target the covering unit instead. Damage dealt is calculated to the covering unit, and any buffs or debuffs either unit has applies to this. Lasts until the covering unit's next turn.
Reflect: Send some spells back at the caster. Mostly, only negative spells are affected (Haste goes through, Slow reflects). Permanent.

Charm: Unit behaves as if he is on the same team as the charmer (will not hurt self, but will aid any new "allies" and will walk around if no other target is present). Lasts until damaged or statused by another attack.
Confuse: Unit behaves randomly, choosing a random non-self target and performing a random action on the chosen target. Lasts until damaged or statused by another attack.
Berserk: Unit uses only basic physicals on any enemy within range. Damage might be boosted slightly, but I think it's negligible. Lasts until damaged or statused by another attack.
Blind: Decreases accuracy by 30%. Permanent.
Silence: Prevent spells from being used. Lasts 3 turns.
Addle: Prevent all non-basic physicals from being used. Lasts 3 turns.
Disable: Prevents any action other than walking. Lasts 3 turns.
Immobilize: Prevents use of the Move command. Lasts 3 turns.
Poison: Deal 1/10 mHP at the beginning of every turn. Permanent.
Sleep: Unit does not act or move, but turns pass (so Death Sentence counts down, etc.). Lasts three turns, or until the unit is damaged. This also negates Resilience in-game (translation: status always hits in-game, if it's not immuned). How you take this depends on you, but I interpret it as negating all status defenses short of immunity.
Slow: Halves the speed stat. Lasts for three of the affected unit's turns.
Stop: Has the effect of Slow, plus does not allow turns to pass (so Death Sentence doesn't count down, etc.). Lasts three turns. This isn't as good as it sounds, arguably - see Speed Notes later. This also negates Resilience in-game (translation: status always hits in-game, if it's not immuned). How you take this depends on you, but I interpret it as negating all status defenses short of immunity.
Doom: Unit dies at the beginning of the third turn since Doom was inflicted. Sleep lets this count down, Stop does not. Lasts until the unit is dead or healed.
Toad: Unit cannot use any abilities. Permanent. This status is considered fatal by the game.
Petrify: Unit cannot act or move. Permanent. This status is considered fatal by the game.
ID: Instant Death. All skills that inflict this check Resilience, and as such it's arguably a status here. Your mileage may vary.

Stat up/down buffs/debuffs: All stat ups or downs, unless stated otherwise by the move, boost the stat by 30 points and are permanent.
Exceptions: Evade and Resilience buffs/debuffs are 15 points. Speed debuff -halves speed-.

Equip options! (*EQUIP*) As with FFT, there's a wide variety of possibly-useful stuff; most of it in this case is elemental resistance, though some status blocking and stat boosts come up as well. Speed, being a tight curve, is perhaps one of the most relevant stats to get from equips.

Elemental Resistance:
Swords: Absorb Holy (Vitanova)
Knightswords: Absorb Holy (Save the Queen) Immune Holy (Excalibur)
Shield-users: Immune Fire (Flame Shield), Ice (Ice Shield), Halve Holy (Templar and Aegis Shield), Halve Dark weak Fire (Ensanguined Shield)
Rapier-users: Immune Wind (Djinn Flyssa), Dark (Diabolique), half Dark (Epee-prisme)
Broadsword-users: Immune Lightning (Vajra),
Blade users: Absorb Fire (Venus Sword), Immune Wind (Air Blade)
Rod users: Immune Earth (Terre Rod), Ice (Chill Rod), Fire (Flame Rod), Thunder (Thor Rod), Water (Crown Scepter)
Katanas: Absorb Holy (Ama-no-murakamo), Immune Dark (Zanmato)
Staff users: Immune Water (Spring Staff)
Heavy Armor: Half Fire (Dragon Armor)
Robes: Absorb Fire (Blaze Robe), Ice (Flurry Robe), Thunder (Thunder Robe), Holy (Chameleon Robe), Dark (Reaper's Robe), half Water (Black Robe), Ice (White Robe)
Light Armor: Absorb Earth (Gaia Gear), Dark (Bone Plate).
Female-only Light Armor: Immune Dark (Minerva Bustier), Lightning (Rubber Suit)
Universal: Orb of Minwu - Blind, Silence, Immobilize, Disable, Confuse, Charm, Toad, Stone
Shield-users: Stone (Aegis Shield), Poison, Blind, Silence, Immobilize, Disable, Confuse, Charm (Templar Shield)
Hat-users: Immobilize (Thief Hat), Silence (Gold Hairpin)
Hair accessories: All (Ribbon (non-infinite)), Poison/Blind/Silence (Cachusha/Barette), Immobilize/Disable/Confuse/Charm (Barette)
Greatsword-users: Poison (Xankbras), Stone (Ancient Sword), Slow (Diamond Sword), Doom (Hardedge), Sleep (Luabreaker), Confuse (Vigilante), ID (Master Sword), Charm (Oblige)
Knife-users: Disable (Rondel), Slow (Tiptaptwo - one of a kind)
Instrument-users: Sleep (Glass Bell), Charm (Satyr Flute), Silence (Brilliant Theorbo), Doom (Heal Chime), Poison (Blueleaf Flute)
Light Armor: Doom (Jujitsu Gi), Stop (Black Garb), ID (Wygar)
Bows: Blind, Silence, Poison (Malbow)
Staves: Stone (Serpent Staff)
Rapiers: Doom (Femme Fatale), Berserk (Colichemarde)

And now, the actual -list-.

DL relevant equipment.
Knives (Thief, Juggler, Hunter, Chocobo Knight, Ranger, Dancer, Heritor)
Tonberrian (52 Attack, 10 Speed, 2 Evasion)
-- Jambiya (43 Attack, 2 Magic, 2 Evasion
-- Cinquedea (42 Attack, 5 Speed, 4 Evasion)
-- Kris (33 Attack, 5 Resist, 2 Evasion)
-- Rondel (33 Attack, 2 Evasion, Immune: Disable)
Swords (Soldier, Warrior, Dragoon, Spellblade, Chocobo Knight, Sky Pirate, Heritor)
Vitanova (44 Attack, 2 Magic, 4 Evasion, Holy-elemental, Absorb Holy)
-- Restorer (43 Attack, 5 Magic, 5 Resistance)
-- Onion Sword (42 Attack, 5 Defense, 5 Resistance, 2 Evasion)
-- Blood Sword (22 Attack, Steals HP on hit)
-- Gale Sword (35 Attack, 5 Speed, Wind-elemental)
Blades (Gladiator, Moogle Knight, Fighter, Chocobo Knight, Sky Pirate, Heritor)
Ayviur Red (64 Attack, 7 Defense, 2 Speed)
-- Materia Blade (58 Attack, 15 Magic, 10 Resistance)
-- Adamant Blade (55 Attack, 10 Defense)
-- Ebon Blade (50 Attack, 5 Defense, Dark-elemental)
-- Paraiba Blade (45 Attack, 10 Magic, 4 Evasion)
-- Icebrand/Flametongue/Air Blade (42 Attack, Ice/Fire/Wind element)
-- Venus Blade (33 Attack, 2 Speed, 2 Magic, Fire-elemental, Absorb Fire)
-- Atomos Blade (38 Attack, Lightning-elemental) - for weakness
Sabers (Blue Mage, Sky Pirate, Chocobo Knight, Heritor)
Talwar (65 Attack, 5 Defense, 10 Resistance, 2 Speed)
-- Soulsaber (62 Attack, 10 Resistance, 4 Evasion, Fire-elemental)
-- Manganese Saber (57 Attack, 10 Magic)
-- Aqua Saber (38 Attack, 5 Evade, Water-elemental)
Knightswords (Paladin, Defender, Chocobo Knight, Templar, Heritor)
The Fallen Angel (72 Attack, 3 Magick, 4 Speed, 5 Evasion)
-- Excalibur (48 Attack, 2 Magic, 1 Speed, 4 Evasion, Holy-elemental, Immune Holy)
-- Save the Queen (45 Attack, 3 Defense, 3 Resistance, 4 Evasion, Holy-elemental, Absorb Holy)
-- Apocalypse (37 Attack, Dark-elemental)
Rapiers (Fencer, Red Mage, Chocobo Knight, Elementalist)
Last Letter (66 Attack, 2 Speed, 5 Evasion)
-- Windsong Rapier (56 Attack, 10 Magic, 2 Speed, Wind-elemental)
-- Femme Fatale (54 Attack, 2 Speed, Immune Doom)
-- Diabolique (52 Attack, 5 Resist, 2 Speed, Dark-elemental, Immune Dark)
-- Epee-prisme (42 Attack, 2 Speed, Halve Dark) - If you really can't afford to have a dark-elemental weapon, but need to resist Dark...
-- Mage Masher (36 Attack, 5 Magic, 10 Resistance, 2 Speed)
-- Djinn Flyssa (34 Attack, 2 Magic, 2 Speed, 4 Evasion, Wind-elemental, Immune Wind)
-- Scarlet Rapier (28 Attack, 2 Magic, 2 Speed, Fire-elemental)
Greatswords (Soldier, Lanista, Paladin, Chocobo Knight, Ravager, Heritor) (2-Handed)
Tournesol (78 Attack)
-- Master Sword (76 Attack, immune ID)
-- Vigilante (60 Attack, Immune Confuse)
-- Luabreaker (48 Attack, Immune Sleep)
-- Hardedge (46 Attack, Immune Doom)
-- Oblige (46 Attack, Immune Charm)
-- Diamond Sword (38 Attack, Immune Slow)
-- Ancient Sword (38 Attack, Immune Stone)
-- Xankbras (37 Attack, Immune Poison)
Broadswords (Warrior, Defender, Raptor, Chocobo Knight, Heritor) (2-Handed)
Estrella (72 Attack, 5 Defense, 5 Resist)
-- Vajra (45 Attack, 5 Defense, 5 Resist, Lightning-elemental, Immune Lightning)
-- Samson Sword (34 Attack, 5 Defense, Earth-elemental)
-- Predator (34 Attack, 5 Defense, 5 Magic)
Katanas (Parivir, Ninja, Assassin, Chocobo Knight, Heritor)
Masamune (58 Attack)
-- Zanmato (52 Attack, 8 Magic, Holy-elemental, Immune: Dark)
-- Sumihomura (48 Attack, 6 Speed)
-- Rangetsu-denbu (40 Attack, 4 Speed, 5 Evasion)
-- Ama-no-murakumo (34 Attack, 5 Resist, Holy-elemental, Absorb Holy)
-- Ashura (33 Attack, Fire-elemental)
-- Murasame (31 Attack, Water-elemental)
Lances (Dragoon, Templar, Chocobo Knight)
Dragon Whisker (55 Attack, 2 Jump)
-- Trident (50 Attack, 2 Magic, 2 Jump)
-- Lava Spear/Gae Bolg/Ice Lance (35 Attack, Fire/Lightning/Ice-elemental)
Rods (Black Mage, Arcanist, Chocobo Knight, Dancer, Time Mage, Illusionist, Heritor)
Heretic Rod (42 Attack, 20 Magic, Dark-elemental)
-- Crown Scepter (35 Attack, 5 Defense, 2 Magic, 5 Resist, 5 Evasion, Immune Water)
-- Bomb Arm (42 Attack, 5 Magic, 10 Resist)
-- Lilith Rod (40 Attack, 5 Magic, 4 Speed, 2 Evade)
-- Flame/Thor/Chill Rod (27 Attack, 2 Magic, Fire/Lightning/Ice elemental, Immune Fire/Lightning/Ice)
-- Terre Rod (23 Attack, 2 Magic, Earth elemental, Immune Earth)
Staffs (White Mage, Bishop, Summoner, Chocobo Knight, Dancer, Heritor)
Staff of the Magi (40 Attack, 5 Resist)
-- Nirvana (34 Attack, 10 Resist, holy-elemental)
-- Cheer Staff (32 Attack, 5 Resist, 5 Evasion)
-- Pomegranate Staff (31 Attack, 5 Defense, 5 Resist)
-- Spring Staff (29 Attack, 5 Resist, Water-elemental, Immune Water)
-- Serpent Staff (27 Attack, 5 Resist, immune Stone)
-- Judicer's Staff (23 Attack, 3 Magic, 5 Resist, Lightning-elemental)
Poles (Chocobo Knight, Dancer, Master Monk, Heritor, Geomancer)
Eight-fluted Pole (49 Attack, 2 Defense, 2 Speed, 2 Evasion)
-- Zephyr Pole (38 Attack, 2 Defense, 2 Resistance, 2 Speed, Wind-elemental)
-- Cypress Pole (32 Attack, 2 Defense, 2 Magic, 2 Speed, Earth-elemental)
Knuckles (Tinker, White Monk, Chocobo Knight, Berserker)
Gleisburst (59 Attack, 10 Magic, 5 Evasion)
-- Magic Hands (52 Attack, 5 Magic, 5 Resist, 5 Evasion)
-- Death Claws (43 Attack, 2 Evasion, Dark-elemental)
-- Tiger Fangs (41 Attack, 4 Evasion, Lightning-elemental)
-- Godhand (39 Attack, 3 Magic, 1 Speed, 4 Evasion, Holy-elemental)
-- White Fangs (39 Attack, 2 Evasion, Ice-elemental)
-- Rising Sun (31 Attack, 2 Evasion, Fire-elemental)
Instruments (Animist, Beastmaster, Chocobo Knight, Bard)
Frigid Viol (40 Attack, 5 Defense, 5 Resist, 1 Speed, Ice-elemental)
-- Brilliant Theorbo (40 Attack, 5 Defense, 5 Magic, 1 Speed, Fire-elemental, Immune Silence) - Might be considered illegal; cannot be purchased, but a repeatable quest gives them. It's also not a big issue, Frigid Viol's better and Shining Lute is DL-illegal except for maaaaybe Hurdy (who gives you the quest and asks you to make it for him), but I'd not buy it (doesn't equip it himself).
-- Heal Chime (33 Attack, 2 Evasion, Holy-elemental, Immune Doom)
-- Blueleaf Flute (33 Attack, 2 Resist, Immune Poison)
-- Satyr Flute (32 Attack, 2 Evasion, Immune Charm)
-- Black Quena (32 Attack, 2 Resist,  Dark-elemental)
-- Glass Bell (25 Attack, 1 Resist, Immune Sleep)
Hammers (Viking, Green Mage, Chocobo Knight) (2-Handed)
Mjolnir (55 Attack, 10 Magic, 15 Resist, Lightning-element)
-- Sledgehammer (52 Attack, 10 Resist)

Axes (Viking, Chocobo Knight)
------- Golden Axe (49 Attack) WORTHLESS except uh against FE spear users yesiu!
Maces (Alchemist, Sage, Green Mage, Chocobo Knight)
Zeus Mace (50 Attack, 5 Magic, 5 Resist, Holy-elemental)
-- Scorpion Tail (48 Attack, 2 Magic, 5 Resist)
-- Lotus Mace (44 Attack, 2 Magic, 5 Resist, Fire-elemental)
-- Mandragora (40 Attack, 2 Magic, 5 Resist, Earth-elemental)
Books (Seer, Chocobo Knight, Scholar)
Edaroya Scriptures (44 Attack, 10 Magic, 10 Resist, Holy-elemental)
-- Tome of Ending (42 Attack, 10 Magic, 10 Resist)
Bows (Ranger, Archer) (2-Handed)
Malbow (55 Attack, Immune Blind/Silence/Confuse)
-- Crescent Bow (45 Attack, 4 Evade)
Greatbows (Hunter, Assassin, Sniper) (2-Handed)
Seventh Heaven (55 Attack, 5 Evasion, Holy-elemental)
-- Max's Oathbow (52 Attack, 2 Magic, Dark-elemental)
-- Gastrophetes (48 Attack, 5 Defense, 10 Resist)
-- Arbalest (41 Attack, 5 Defense, 5 Resist, Earth-elemental)
-- Nike Bow (37 Attack, 2 Defense, Lightning-element)
-- Elfin Bow (33 Attack, 2 Evasion, Wind-elemental)
Guns (Fusilier, Agent)
Peacemaker (35 Attack)
Handcannons (Flintlock, Cannoneer)
Rocket Punch (55 Attack)
Cards (Trickster)
Joker (52 Attack, 5 Speed, 4 Evasion)

Heritor-legal Weapons
Knife: Tiptaptwo (55 Attack, 15 Speed, 2 Evasion, Immune Slow)
Sword: Chirijiraden (62 Attack, 7 Defense)
Blade: Ayvuir Blue (64 Attack, 10 Resist, 4 Evasion)
Knightsword: Nagrarok (68 Attack, 6 Speed, 4 Evasion)
Katana: Hyakushiki-masamune (78 Attack, 15 Magic)
Pole: Whale Whisker (58 Attack, 5 Defense, 2 Speed, 5 Evasion)
Helms (Soldier, Moogle Knight, Lanista, Warrior, Dragoon, Viking,
 Paladin, Defender, Raptor, Ravager, Templar)
Genji Helm (2 Attack, 19 Defense, 9 Resist)
Hair Ornaments (Gria, Viera, Adelle, Penelo) - needs testing
Barette (2 Defense, 5 Resist, Immune several debuffs)
Cachusha (2 Defense, 5 Resist, Immune some debuffs)
Hats (Everyone EXCEPT Dragoon, Paladin, Defender, White Monk)
Golden Skullcap (8 Defense, 6 Magic, 18 Resist)
-- Thief's Cap (8 Defense, 6 Resist, 5 Evasion, Immune Immobilize)
-- Gold Hairpin (4 Defense, 2 Magic, 15 Resist, Immune Silence)
Armor (Soldier, Moogle Knight, Lanista, Warrior, Dragoon, Viking, Paladin,
 Defender, Raptor, Ravager, Templar)
Genji Armor (2 Attack, 58 Defense, 12 Resist)
-- Materia Armor (50 Defense, 5 Magic, 8 Resist)
-- Dragon Mail (40 Defense, 6 Resist, Halve Fire)
-- Mirror Mail (40 Defense, 6 Resist, Always: Reflect)
Light Armor (All classes EXCEPT Dragoon, Paladin, Defender, Moogle Knight, Templar)
Ever Robe (49 Defense, 28 Resist)
-- Galmia Frock (47 Defense, 6 Attack, 16 Resist)
-- Brint Frock (47 Defense, 5 Magic, 16 Resist)
-- Bone Plate (37 Defense, 8 Resist, Dark-element, Absorb Dark)
-- Rubber Suit (36 Defense, 18 Resist, Immune Lightning, Female-only (Gria/Viera/Adelle/Penelo))
-- Mirage Vest (36 Defense, 18 Resist, Halve Holy)
-- Wygar (35 Defense, 10 Resist, Immune KO)
-- Black Garb (35 Defense, 3 Resist, 2 Speed, 2 Evasion, Immune Stop)
-- Ninja Gear (33 Defense, 6 Resist, 1 Speed, 5 Evasion)
-- Minerva Bustier (33 Defense, 14 Resist, Immune Dark, Female-only (Gria/Viera/Adelle/Penelo) - may not be needed; check bone plate)
-- Gaia Gear (34 Defense, 12 Resist, Absorb Earth)
-- Jujitsu Gi (34 Defense, 8 Resist, Immune Doom)
Robes (White Mage, Blue Mage, Bishop, Black Mage, Red Mage, Summoner, Sage,
 Paladin, Defender, Green Mage, Arcanist, Seer, Templar, Time Mage, Illusionist, Heritor)
Sage's Robe (26 Defense, 62 Resist)
-- Lordly Robe (32 Defense, 48 Resist)
-- Reaper's Robe (34 Defense, 46 Resist, Element: Dark, Absorb: Dark)
-- Magick Robe (26 Defense, 6 Magic, 46 Resist)
-- Black Robe (23 Defense, 2 Magic, 46 Resist, Halve Water)
-- White Robe (23 Defense, 48 Resist, Halve Ice)
-- Chameleon/Blaze/Thunder/Flurry Robe (21 Defense, 40 Resist, Absorb Holy/Fire/Lightning/Ice)
Shields (Soldier, Moogle Knight, Sage, Warrior, Fencer, Viking, Paladin, Defender, Raptor)
Reverie Shield (20 Evasion)
-- Ensanguined Shield (15 Evasion, Halve Dark, Weak Fire)
-- Shield of the Four (10 Resist, 12 Evasion)
-- Chocobo Shield (2 Speed, 12 Evasion)
-- Templar Shield (2 Defense, 5 Resist, 12 Evasion, Immune "multiple debuffs", Halve Holy)
-- Genji Shield (2 Attack, 5 Defense, 7 Resist, 10 Evasion)
-- Aegis Shield (2 Defense, 5 Resist, 10 Evasion, Immune Stone, Halve Holy)
-- Ice/Flame Shield (8 Resist, 10 Evasion, Absorb Ice/Fire)
--ACCESSORIES (ohgod)--
All classes can equip accessories unless noted otherwise.
Red Shoes (3 Defense, 5 Resist, 5 Evasion)
Galmia Shoes (3 Defense, 2 Speed, ignore elevation)
Ninja Tabi (3 Defense, 2 Move)
Bone Armlets (2 Attack, 5 Defense, 2 Resist, 5 Evasion)
Genji Gloves (10 Defense, 3 Magic, 5 Resist)
Fortune Ring (2 Defense, Immune Doom)
Magic Ring (5 Magic, 5 Resist, Immune Berserk)
Angel Ring (Reraise once)
Scarab Charm (2 Defense, 2 Resist, Immune Toad)
Ruby Earring (2 Magic, 2 Resist, Immune Charm)
Empyreal Armband (1 Attack, 1 Defense, 1 Magic, 1 Resist, Immune Stop)
Orb of Minwu (2 Attack, 2 Magic, Immune Blind, Silence, Immobilize, Disable, Confuse, Charm, Toad, Stone)
Golden Amulet (10 Magic, 10 Resist)
« Last Edit: August 26, 2010, 12:56:52 AM by Taitoro »


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Unique PCs (*NAME*)
« Reply #1 on: September 04, 2009, 04:03:45 AM »
AVERAGES! What's listed below are the named PC averages. Any average notably different from the full cast average will have the full cast average in parenthesis.

HP: 422 (388)
Defense: 178 (164)
Resistance: 148 (164)
Speed: 88
Damage: 74 (91)
2.5x KO Point: 185 (227)
3.0x KO Point: 222 (272)

Named PCs!

Luso. Soldier: Equips Swords, Greatswords, Helmets, Hats, Armor, Light Armor, Shields.
HP: 482
MP: 0/64
Speed: 82
Attack: 214
Defense: 196
Magic: 89
Resist: 125
Evasion: 20%
Resilience: 40%

Tournesol (78 Attack)
Reverie Shield (20 Evasion)
Genji Helm (2 Attack, 19 Defense, 9 Resist)
Genji Armor (2 Attack, 58 Defense, 12 Resist)
--- One slot for accessories.

Fight: 99 damage
(Arts of War)
First Aid: Heal 30 HP.
Rend Power: Inflict Attack Down, 99% chance.
Rend Magic: Inflict Magick Down, 99% chance.
Rend MP: 99 MP damage.
Rend Speed: Infleed Speed Down, 99% chance.
Mug Gil: 49 damage, STEALS TEH GILS.
Provoke: Inflict Berserk, 49% chance.
Monkey Grip: Allows use of a two-handed weapon in one hand. Passive, default.
Shieldbearer: Allows any job to equip shields. Passive.

Comments: Rend Speed? Saves his ass. Seriously. Gets the durability to run with it, too. Middle.

Cid, Warrior: Equips Swords, Broadswords, Helms, Hats, Armor, Light Armor, Shields
HP: 537
MP: 0/108
Speed: 82
Attack: 208
Defense: 200
Magic: 88
Resist: 116
Evasion: 20%
Resilience: 40%

Estrella (72 Attack, 5 Defense, 5 Resist)
Reverie Shield (20 Evasion)
Genji Helm (2 Attack, 19 Defense, 9 Resist)
Genji Armor (2 Attack, 58 Defense, 12 Resist)

Fight: 94 damage
(Arts of War)
First Aid: Heal 30 HP.
Rend Power: Inflict Attack Down, 99% chance.
Rend Magic: Inflict Magick Down, 99% chance.
Rend MP: 94 MP damage.
Rend Speed: Infleed Speed Down, 99% chance.
Body Slam: 67 damage, does 5% mHP back to Warrior (so 27).
Greased Lightning: 47 damage, ignores reactions.
Lifetap: 50% cHP damage, 50% accuracy.
Monkey Grip: Allows use of a two-handed weapon in one hand. Passive, default.
Shieldbearer: Allows any job to equip shields. Passive.

Comment: See Luso. Pretty much a clone. Middle.

Bard: Equips instruments, hats, light armor.
HP: 368
MP: 0/277
Speed: 80
Attack: 131
Defense:  145
Magic: 138
Resist: 163
Evasion: 0%
Resilience: 60%

Frigid Viol (40 Attack, 5 Defense, 5 Resist, 1 Speed, Ice-elemental)
Golden Skullcap (8 Defense, 6 Magic, 18 Resist)
Ever Robe (49 Defense, 28 Resist)

Attack: 37 damage
(Song) - All Songs cost no MP. Only Requiem is evadeable.
Requiem: ~200 damage, only hits undead. Range 4, area 2.
Hide: Add Invisible status, self.
Angelsong: Add Regen status, range 1, area 1, cannot target self.
Battle Chant: Add Defense Up buff (+20 Def), range 4, area 1.
Magickal Refrain: Add Resistance Up buff (+20 Res), range 4, area 1.
Nameless Song: Randomly add one positive status (Regen/Reraise/Protect/Haste/Shell/Astra), range 4, area 2.
Magick Ballad: Heals 10 MP (fixed), range 4, area 2.
Soul Etude: Heals ~70 HP and removes all debuffs, range 4, area 2.

Comments: ...maaaaaaan. Magick Ballad's awesome in-game, so is Nameless Song and Requiem. In the DL? Has -nothing-. Nameless Song might make him a pain in the ass in some Light fights, but it's generally not enough.

Sky Pirate: Equips Swords, Blades, Sabers, Hats, Light Armor.

HP: 379
MP: 0/112
Speed: 93
Attack: 170
Defense:  166
Magic: 111
Resist: 160
Evasion: 0%
Resilience: 50%

Talwar (65 Attack, 5 Defense, 10 Resistance, 2 Speed)
Golden Skullcap (8 Defense, 6 Magic, 18 Resist)
Ever Robe (49 Defense, 28 Resist)
--- Two slots for accessories.

Attack: 66 damage.
Trophy Hunt: 17 damage, lewt is dropped if this is the killing blow.
Shadow Sneak: 66 damage, ignores reactions.
Salvage: Disarm trap, get loot.
Life of Crime: Deals damage = number of steals*some mod+some physical base (probably 1/2 physical), 50% accuracy. Vaan joins endgame. Like, one quest before the end. This is not getting hyped.
Steal: Steal a random item/loot/amount of gil from the target.
Swipe: Steal double normal amout of gil.
Razor's Edge: Adds Evasion Up buff.
Flee: Adds Move/Jump Up buff.
Sticky Fingers: Catch thrown weapons. Reaction.
Vigilance: All damage dealt to him is calculated as if it were from the front. Since current damages take side, this reduces damage by 1/3rd.

Comments: Uh... fast 4HKOer, reasonably tanky. High Light.

Dancer: Equips knives, poles, staves, rods, hats, hair accessories, light armor.
HP: 372
MP: 0/342
Speed: 96
Attack: 142
Defense: 146
Magic: 126
Resist: 154
Evasion: 2%
Resilience: 60%

Tonberrian (52 Attack, 10 Speed, 2 Evasion)
Ever Robe (49 Defense, 28 Resist)
Golden Skullcap (8 Defense, 6 Magic, 18 Resist)

Attack: 44 damage.
Mincing Minuet: 66 magical damage, range 4, area 1.
Witch Hunt: 47 magical damage to target's MP. Range 4, area 1.
Jitterbug: 62 magical damage, Penelo heals damage dealt. Range 4, area 1.
Blade Dance: 88 physical damage. Range 1, area 1.
Slow Dance: Inflicts Slow, range 4, area 1.
Forbidden Dance: Inflicts Sleep, Confuse, Disable, and/or Immobilize (separate checks for each). Range 4, area 1.
Polka: Attack Down debuff, hits evasion instead of resistance. Range 4, area 2.
Heathen Frolic: Magick Down debuff, hits evasion instead of resistance. Range 4, area 2.
(White Magic) - She starts with this skillset equipped when she joins; the only ability she knows in it is Cura. This is for reference.
Critical: Quicken: When knocked below 25% HP, get an immediate turn. Reaction.
(Halve MP: Halves MP costs. Passive.) - Also starts with this learned.

Comments: 3HKO damage! But... debuffs from hell ensure you rarely get a useful turn, MP busting might ruin a mage's day, and she has Critical: Quicken to try and pull a last-minute recovery out. Middle.

Heritor. Equips Knives, Swords, Blades, Sabers, Knightswords, Greatswords, Broadswords, Katanas, Rods, Staves, Poles, Hair Ornaments, Hats, Light Armor, Robes.
See Notes, below, for some Adelle legality stuff.

378 HP
0/134 MP
91 Speed
196 Attack
176 Defense
140 Magic
164 Resist
0% Evasion
65% Resilience

Hyakushiki-masamune (78 Attack, 15 Magic)
Golden Skullcap (8 Defense, 6 Magic, 18 Resist)
Ever Robe (49 Defense, 28 Resist)
--- Two slots for accessories.

Attack: 85 damage.
(Instinct) - All damage is physical, despite appearances.
Wermut: 42 damage, inflicts Slow, range 4, area 1.
Nesiaam: 85 damage, inflicts Addle, range 1, area 1.
Lennart: 49 damage, range 4 straight line, hits all within range.
Hilo: 42 damage, inflicts Confuse, range 4, area 1.
Elpe: MT full-heal/revival/debuff/negative status removal. Adelle dies after using it.
Ldja: Inflicts Charm, range 1, area 1.
Adelaide: Adds Regen, range 1, area 1.
Viola: Deals damage equal to Adelle's mHP-cHP. Accuracy is divided by 2 after any accuracy buffs or evasion mods are added in.
(Counter: Retaliates with a basic physical to any offensive skill. Reaction.) - Adelle starts as a Thief ingame and thus arguably has access to this. How you view it is your call.
(Safeguard: Equipment cannot be broken or stolen, Thievery skillset does not work. Passive.) - See Counter.

Notes: These stats presume she's been raised as a Heritor all game, which is pretty much impossible. However, Thief stat growths are close enough to this that it's good enough for now; assuming differently, she loses about 20 resist. That's about it. Adelle also has plot claim to multiple unique weapons, given directly to her in the storyline and that provide skills only a Heritor can learn. As such, I consider them DL-legal for the Heritor. (Argument against: They are not equipped on her directly by the game, and classes that can normally use a weapon of that type can also use these.)

Comments: So different from how she works in-game (ingame, give her Dual Wield and a good backup skillset and suddenly Heritor as a class is pretty damn nice thanks to equipment options alone). In DL? Hits with Slow turn 2, tacks Regen on herself and proceeds to play a (possibly) brutal stalling game. Can twink in just about any direction except sheer defense, Overall, though, a Light. Doesn't like what other classes do to the damage average.

Paladin. Equips Knightswords, Greatswords, Helmets, Armor, Robes, Shields

431 HP
0/120 MP
88 Speed (Loses average speed tiebreaks. Is 87.52 speed to a 87.88 average.)
262 Attack
223 (253) Defense
110 Magic
153 Resist
10% Evasion
30% Resilience

The Fallen Angel (72 Attack, 3 Magick, 4 Speed, 5 Evasion)
The Fallen Angel (72 Attack, 3 Magick, 4 Speed, 5 Evasion)
Genji Helm (2 Attack, 19 Defense, 9 Resist)
Genji Armor (2 Attack, 58 Defense, 12 Resist)
--- One slot for accessories.

Attack: Two hits of 84 damage, for 168 total.
(Chivalry) - All except Saint Cross and Holy Sword have no MP cost.
Parley: Convinces an opponent at >25% health to leave the battle. Acts like Eject. DL-useless.
Nurse: ~80 healing.
Cover: Takes damage/status for an ally until next turn. DL useless.
Defend: Add Defense Up and Resistance Up buff until next turn.
War Cry: Adds Resilience Up buff.
Sanctify: Autokill undead, 50% chance. If the undead is already defeated, this attack instead prevents their resurrection.
Saint Cross: 84 damage, holy elemental. 10 MP.
Holy Sword: 84 damage, holy elemental. 22 MP. Useless with Saint Cross around.
Reflex: Immunes all basic physicals. Reaction.
Dual Wield: Wield two one-handed weapons. Passive. (Frimelda starts with this.)
Defense Up: Increase defense by 30. Passive.

Comments: Why, yes, she does have the best damage of the unique cast members. And the best defense. And thanks to The Fallen Angel(s), she doesn't fail at speed too massively. Reflex and Dual Wield give her a solid High Middle berth, with champ potential.

Agent. Equips Guns, Hats, Light Armor.

429 HP
0/110 MP
85 Speed
153 Attack
176 Defense
97 Magic
150 Resist
0% Evasion
50% Resilience

Peacemaker (35 Attack)
Golden Skullcap (8 Defense, 6 Magic, 18 Resist)
Ever Robe (49 Defense, 28 Resist)

Physical: 53 damage.
Escort: Cover a female unit until Al-Cid's next turn.
Flourish: 27 damage. If there are females on Al Cid's team, damage is instead (Basic Physical * (0.5*(Number of women on team+1)). So five females (the max Al-Cid can have with him) grants 159 damage.
Fawn: Adds Regen+Astra on target female unit.
Enchant: If used on an enemy, inflicts Charm, 49% chance. If used on an ally, adds Attack Up and Magic Up buffs. Must target a female.
Interrogate: See all items, money and loot a target has, and reveal all traps. Useful against Yu-Gi-Oh duelers and Lucius.
Succor: Heals ~80 HP, heals some debuffs. (Latter part needs testing)
Impassion: Adds crit rate buff and Berserk, 100% accuracy. Cannot target self.
Reckless Abandon: 83 damage, inflicts Speed Down debuff with 49% accuracy.

Comments: ...asdf, reckless abandon. He was gonna be a complete goddamn scrub but nooo that's a solid 3HKO that permahalves someone's speed after turn 2. Not cool. Middle.

AVERAGES! What's listed below are the named PC averages. Any average notably different from the full cast average will have the full cast average in parenthesis.

HP: 422 (388)
Defense: 178 (164)
Resistance: 148 (164)
Speed: 88
Damage: 74 (91)
2.5x KO Point: 185 (227)
3.0x KO Point: 222 (272)
« Last Edit: April 11, 2010, 05:16:56 PM by Taitoro »


  • Guest
FFTA2 Bosses (*BOSS*)
« Reply #2 on: September 04, 2009, 04:09:12 AM »

752 HP
156 max MP

Cannot move. Has no evade. Comes with 2 Ahriman (low stats except Attack and HP (155 Attack, 96 Def, 98 Res, 60 speed, 358 HP), absorb Dark, weak Holy, can Confuse, Slow+Speed Bust,  and Addle+Disable, each at 100%)
Every time a reinforcement is killed, a new one comes. (Can be an Ahriman,
a Pixie (232 HP, 100 Atk, 159 Res, 70 Def, 90 Mag, 80 Speed, Weak: Dark/Absorb: Holy,  has White Wind (heal HP equal to caster's cHP), Haste, and Res UP.)
a Great Malboro (300 HP, same stats as the Ahriman otherwise, weak Wind, can remove buffs, cause Speed Down/Immobilze at 50%, or inflict Toad/Doom/Confuse at 50% each.)
or a Behemoth (400 HP, 180 Attack, 75 speed, 105 all other stats: can do normal phys+shield break, normal phys+defense down, normal phys+knockback (ignores counters)+attack up on self, or damage x2 + avoid counter if opponent can counter.)
All support is called as a free action anywhere from instantly to half a turn after the support dies. All support gets their first turn 50% faster.

155 Atk
105 Def
113 Mag
103 Res
81 Spd (effective speed due to not moving: 121)

Immunes status/stat-downs. (Impervious) Absorbs Dark, halves Fire/Ice/Lightning/Wind/Water/Earth, immunes gravity and cHP-based damage (Withering Fist).
Recovers 10% of all damage dealt to it, rounded down. (Absorb Damage)

Physical: Doesn't seem to have one.
Catastrophe: Defense Down + Resist Down, range 4, area 2, 100%.
Syphonja: MP -> 0, 100%, range huge, area 3.
Apocalypse: 60% Confuse, range 4, area 2
White Hole: 50 damage, 3x7 row in front of the boss.
Consumption: 90 damage, range 5, area 3.

On the battlefield there are four pedestals, two-three of which glow during any given time. Pushing both causes ~90 damage to the boss and ~150 to any other enemies. In a duel I'd throw this out or allow any PC dueling him to press only one to get this damage.

PC averages: Six PCs.
HP:  380
Damage: 90 or so
Attack: 140
Def: 140
Mag: 100
Res:  130
Speed: 85

Comments: Not impressive, but looks cool. Your damage is enough to rush the dude, but if an Ahriman dies and a Pixie comes in, White Wind can get annoying. Middle? Spoils mages something fierce, can fuck around with physical people, but a 5HKO isn't nice and in the end anyone with a half-competent physical should be able to finish him beforehand. If you give him credit for support or consider that 2/3 of your team is likely to be pressing buttons to make sure the support stops interfering, the durability jumps appreciably.

Illua form 2 (Has four other units as support; you bring in six. Mentioning this for those who scale for support.)
L 49

577 HP
429 max MP
184 Atk
209 Def
127 Mag
153 Res
85 Speed
10% evasion
6 Move (Most people only have four, as a note.)

Zanmato (52 Attack, 8 Magic, Holy-elemental, Immune Dark)
Genji Armor (2 Attack, 58 Defense, 12 Resist)
Genji Shield (2 Attack, 5 Defense, 7 Resist, 10 Evasion)
Genji Gloves (10 Defense, 3 Magic, 5 Resist)
Ninja Tabi (3 Defense, 2 Move)

Innate immunity to status. Weapon (Zanmato) immunes Dark.
Damage in parenthesis is before Saber.

Physical: (82) 97, holy-elemental
Blink Counter: Counter any melee-range offensive action with a basic physical that knocks the target back.

Abyssal Slash: 60 damage + 50% chance of Stop, range 2 (line) area both tiles. 95% accuracy.
Saber: Attack+ and Accuracy+, self.
Annul: MP->0, 80% accuracy, ST.
Time Blade: (95) 110 damage + CT->0. Perfect accuracy? (Had 100%, which is usually associated with undodgeable attacks)
Dimensional Rift: 75% cHP damage, range 4, area 3, 60% accuracy.

Average stats (my endgame team)
407 HP
180 Atk
150 Def
112 Mag
131 Res
90 Speed

Comments: Not terribly durable - gut is, at endgame stats, she's... a bit above PCHP. By a small margin. Haven't yet compiled an entire list of damages yet so I could be way off here. This being said? Time Blade is brutal - only someone faster than Illua will get out of the endless turn lock. Granted, doesn't take much to be faster than her, but still. Granted, if you don't see movement as being a factor, she will recover faster than any opponent vulnerable to CT->0 will ever manage to make up (since attack alone is 75 CT used, she knocks down to 0 her enemy, it takes a much faster opponent than her to even catch up - and then she has form 3). So.

Maquis, Leader of Duelhorn

330 HP
119 max MP
181 Atk
131 Def
117 Mag
107 Res
32% Evasion
107 Speed

Zanmato (52 Attack, 8 Magic, Holy-elemental, Immune Dark)
Black Garb (35 Defense, 3 Resist, 2 Speed, 2 Evasion)
Ensanguined Shield (15 Evasion, Halve Dark, Weak Fire)
Ninja Tabi (3 Defense, 2 Move)
Orb of Minwu (2 Attack, 2 Magic, blocks Blind, Silence, Immobilize, Disable, Confuse, Charm, Toad, Stone)

Attack: 80 damage, holy-elemental
Earth Veil: ~15 damage, earth-elemental, 40% chance of Slow
Oblivion: ~50% chance of Addle.
Magic Frenzy: Hit with Earth Veil + physical, for ~95 damage.
Blink Counter: Counter melee-range attacks with a basic physical that knocks the opponent back.
Shieldbearer: Can use shields.

At the beginning of the battle, he calls forth five phantasms. All five are him, and all six ("him"+five phantasms) must be beaten before the map ends. I'd force him to summon them in a duel, but allow them. Your mileage will vary. (It's... an action he takes as the battle begins, but before the turn order comes up.)

Clone 1:
314 HP
121 Max MP
173 Atk
124 Def
99 Mag
107 Res
17% Evasion
109 Speed

Kiku-ichimonji (46 Attack, 5 Resist)
Black Garb (35 Defense, 3 Resist, 2 Speed, 2 Evasion)
Ninja Tabi (3 Defense, 2 Move)

Attack: 73 damage
Gold Veil: ~15 damage, 40% chance of Blind
Thundaga: 71 damage, lightning-elemental
Magic Counter: Counter any offensive spell with the same spell, down to the MP cost; runs off Clone 1's stats.
Pierce: Spells ignore Reflect.

Clone 2:
310 HP
119 Max MP
176 Atk
126 Def
107 Mag
102 Res
17% Evasion
108 Speed

Zanmato (52 Attack, 8 Magic, Holy-elemental, Immune Dark)
Black Garb (35 Defense, 3 Resist, 2 Speed, 2 Evasion)
Ninja Tabi (3 Defense, 2 Move)

Attack: 76 damage, holy-elemental
Gold Veil: ~15 earth-element damage, 40% chance of Slow
Sandstorm: ~50 damage, range 4 area 2, 50% chance of Blind
Absorb Damage: After damage is dealt, if Clone 2 is still alive, heal 1/10th of damage dealt (round down)
Immunity: Immune Poison/Blind/Silence.

Clone 3:
306 HP
116 Max MP
157 Atk
124 Def
101 Mag
106 Res
17% Evasion
110 Speed

Murasame (31 Attack, water-elemental)
Black Garb (35 Defense, 3 Resist, 2 Speed, 2 Evasion)
Ninja Tabi (3 Defense, 2 Move)

Attack: 61 damage, water-elemental
Water Veil: ~20 water-element damage, 40% chance of Silence, costs 16 HP
Deluge: 68 water-element damage, MT, costs 56 HP
Absorb MP: Pointless due to next skill
Blood Price: Spend HP instead of MP when casting spells; this HP cost is doubled (so noted on the skills). Also, innate +30 Magic when casting spells (not listed in stats).

Clone 4:
298 HP
103 Max MP
158 Atk
123 Def
100 Mag
100 Res
17% Evasion
109 Speed

Ashura (33 Attack, fire-elemental)
Black Garb (35 Defense, 3 Resist, 2 Speed, 2 Evasion)
Ninja Tabi (3 Defense, 2 Move)

Attack: 68 damage, fire-elemental
Fire Veil: ~20 fire-element damage, 40% chance of Confuse
Backdraft: ~115 fire-elemental damage, 1/4 damage dealt is also dealt to user.
Counter: Counter any melee-range attack with a basic physical.
Doublehand: Increase attack by 15 (not listed in stats).

Clone 5:
323 HP
124 Max MP
198 Atk
133 Def
104 Mag
106 Res
19% Evasion
113 Speed

Kotetsu (34 Attack, 5 Defense)
Adazakura (34 Attack, 2 Speed, 2 Evasion)
Black Garb (35 Defense, 3 Resist, 2 Speed, 2 Evasion)
Ninja Tabi (3 Defense, 2 Move)

Attack: 149 damage over 2 hits
Wood Veil: ~15 damage, 40% chance of Immobilize
Remedy: Remove most negative status effects.
Counter: Counter any melee-range attack with a basic physical.
Dual Wield: Use two one-handed weapons.

Average stats (my endgame team)
407 HP
180 Atk
150 Def
112 Mag
131 Res
90 Speed

Comments: First, assuming you don't allow the clones, he's a Light; fire weak and low magic durability, but with evasion and quasi-decent damage for a FFTA2 boss, plus competent speed.
With the clones? Well, he fears strong MT, but the beatdown each can do to you is not something you can easily take, and he pulls it off with 120% or so speed. High Heavy/Low Godlike. Their total damage is 507 to 407 average HP, making it a 1.25xPCHP damage squad.

Illua form 3 (Has two other units as support; you bring in six. Mentioning this for those who scale for support. Also, is stationary for a fair bit, and cannot be reached by 75% of your team on average due to the cliff (Gria and people with special boots can circumvent this.)
L 50

595 HP
437 max MP
187 Atk
208 Def
128 Mag
157 Res
85 Speed
10% evasion
6 Move (Most people only have four, as a note.)

Zanmato (52 Attack, 8 Magic, Holy-elemental, Immune Dark)
Genji Armor (2 Attack, 58 Defense, 12 Resist)
Genji Shield (2 Attack, 5 Defense, 7 Resist, 10 Evasion)
Genji Gloves (10 Defense, 3 Magic, 5 Resist)
Ninja Tabi (3 Defense, 2 Move)

Innate immunity to status. Weapon (Zanmato) immunes Dark.
Damage in parenthesis is before Saber.

Physical: (82) 97, holy-elemental
Bonecrusher: Counters basic physicals with a 1.5x damage physical.

Abyssal Slash: 60 damage + 50% chance of Stop, range 2 (line) area both tiles. 95% accuracy.
Saber: Attack+ and Accuracy+, self.
Time Blade: (95) 110 damage + CT->0. Perfect accuracy? (Had 100%, which is usually associated with undodgeable attacks)
Sheol: MT Haste+Regen on allied units, Slow+Immobilize on enemy units.
Rebirth: Full HP heal+remove all debuffs.

Average stats (my endgame team)
407 HP
180 Atk
150 Def
112 Mag
131 Res
90 Speed

Comments: Cute if she actually uses her good stuff. She never did against me. Still, a skill that pretty much lets her quadraturn for three of her turns and then doubleturn for three of the enemy's, plus Time Blade and Abyssal Slash? Eeesh. Stop her from getting a turn or you're in -deep-.

Neukhia, Burping Hand Of Doom

'Cannot move. Due to the size of the battlefield, the Neukhia Pod may not be able to support the other two parts.
The boss consists of three parts: Core, Wisp and Pod.
All three parts are immune to debuffs. Core and Pod have 150% effective speed thanks to not moving. Unsure on Wisp, it does move around but I think it's a free action.

Neukhia Core
Absorb Dark, halve Fire/Water/Ice/Lighting/Wind/Earth. So long as Neukhia Wisp is alive, Neukhia Core takes minimal damage.

~1100 HP
190 max MP
257 Atk
130 Def
199 Mag
124 Res
84 Spd

Grand Cross: ~140 damage, hits set points on the battlefield.
Gigadust: ~120 magical damage. Used only when the Wisp is dead.
Punishing Ray: ~90 physical damage, ST
Charge Ray: Does something to the Wisp, but I've no clue what.
Restoration Ray: Never saw him use this.
Rewind: Charges three rocks up with dark energy. A turn can be spent to use "Take This!" on a rock - this removes the dark energy.
Replenish MP: Gain MP equal to damage taken.

Neukhia Wisp
Absorb Dark.

849 HP
183 max MP
219 Atk
112 Def
160 Mag
106 Res
88 Speed

Dispelja: MT Dispel on enemies.
Catastrophe: Defense Down + Resist Down, range 4, area 2, 100%.
Apocalypse: 60% Confuse, range 4, area 2
Sanctify: 100 MT damage, ITD.
Replenish MP: Gains MP equal to damage taken.

Whenever Neukhia Wisp is targeted by anything, after the action resolves it teleports to one of two other set areas on the battlefield. I'd ignore this in the DL; ingame it means it's either harder to hit or it teleports to another group's side.

Neukhia Pod
Absorb Dark, halve Fire/Water/Ice/Lighting/Wind/Earth.

867 HP
206 Atk
129 Def
135 Mag
122 Res
79 Speed

Catastrophe: Defense Down + Resist Down, range 4, area 2, 100%.
Syphonja: MP -> 0, 100%, range huge, area 3.
Apocalypse: 60% Confuse, range 4, area 2
White Hole: 50 damage, 3x7 row in front of the boss.
Consumption: 90 damage, range 5, area 3.
Telega: Teleport a target in front of Neukhia Pod + 100% Immobilize.
Absorb Damage: After damage is dealt, if Pod is still alive, heal 1/10th of damage dealt (round down)

Comments: Not too threatening ingame. High Light if you only allow the Core, High Middle if you'll allow the attacks of the other two parts (Syphonja alone lets him spoil a lot of opponents, Catastrophe lets him set up for better damage) and High Heavy if you fully allow all three parts (Syphonja/Catastrophe/Punishing Ray, then pummel with Consumption/Punishing Ray/Sanctify until the enemy's dead).

Upsilon, Magick Weapon
Lv. 93
HP: 1703
MP: 0/105
Speed: 112 (avg. speed: 90ish.) Since he does not move, his effective speed is 112*1.5, or 168.

Attack: 337
Defense: 249
Magic: 249
Resistance: 249
Immune to all elemental damage. This would include any healing, for the most part, in-game. Regen, items and Unburden Soul are the sources of healing that would possibly work.
Does not move. Does not -need- to move. There is no area in his stage that he cannot hit with any attack, that I can tell. If there is, it's far outside of range where you can hit him with anything aside from Scholar/Illusionist stuff, and he has attacks that I know are full MT.

The battle starts with him charging up to The Concentrated Mist Is Exploding! as an init turn. Whether you throw it out or not is up to you.

Primary Weapon: 50% cHP damage, range holymotherofwhat (line, wide area), think it has accuracy woes.
Secondary Weapon: 210 magical damage, range holymotherofwhat. wide area.
Beguile: Charm+Doom, range holymotherofwhat, area 2.
The Concentrated Mist Is Exploding!: This occurs at the end of every two rounds and does not require an action. 150 physical damage, MT, does not focus.
MP Shield: Damage first goes to MP, then to HP. So if someone dealt 200 damage and Upsilon had 105 MP, he would take 105 MP damage and 95 HP damage.
Impervious: Immune to all debuffs/status.

Average HP: 438
Average Damage/round: 550 (6 people)

Comments: The damage could easily be higher (more Rangers) or far lower (no Rangers; I brought one). Regardless... holy shit. Immunes elemental damage, nears 2x average speed, has pretty much optimal damage... really, the weak point is his somewhat low damage and somewhat querulous HP, but The Concentrated Mist + Secondary Weapon adds up pretty damn quick (~1.3x PCHP by the end of round 1) and status-vulnerable people fear him highly. Primary Weapon, oddly, is the most worthless of his skillset. Godlike. In-game, a complete terror; you start off across the battlefield from him, and if you aren't carrying a Ranger with his offense quickly overwhelms thanks to that damn speed.
« Last Edit: April 11, 2010, 05:16:28 PM by Taitoro »


  • Guest
FFTA2 Hume classes (*HUME*)
« Reply #3 on: September 04, 2009, 04:11:05 AM »
If it is INFLICTS, it is 49%.
If it is ADDS, it is 100%.


HP: 388
Defense: 164
Resistance: 164
Speed: 88
Damage: 92
2.5x KO Point: 229
3.0x KO Point: 272

Hume Soldier: (Swords, Greatswords, Helmets, Hats, Armor, Light Armor, Shields)
HP: 482
MP: 0/64
Speed: 82
Attack: 214
Defense: 196
Magic: 89
Resist: 125
Evasion: 20%
Resilience: 40%

Tournesol (78 Attack)
Reverie Shield (20 Evasion)
Genji Helm (2 Attack, 19 Defense, 9 Resist)
Genji Armor (2 Attack, 58 Defense, 12 Resist)
--- One slot for accessories.

Fight: 99 damage
(Arts of War)
First Aid: Heal 30 HP.
Rend Power: Inflict Attack Down, 99% chance (checks Evasion.)
Rend Magic: Inflict Magick Down, 99% chance.
Rend MP: 99 MP damage.
Rend Speed: Infleed Speed Down, 99% chance.
Mug Gil: 49 damage, STEALS TEH GILS.
Provoke: Inflict Berserk, 49% chance.
Monkey Grip: Allows use of a two-handed weapon in one hand. Passive, default.
Shieldbearer: Allows any job to equip shields. Passive.

Comments: Rend Speed? Saves his ass. Seriously. Gets the durability to run with it, too. Middle.

Hume Thief (Knives, Hats, Light Armor)

377 HP
0/64 MP
104 Speed
157 Attack
161 Defense
110 Magic
136 Resist
7% Evasion
50% Resilience

Tonberrian (52 Attack, 10 Speed, 2 Evasion)
Golden Skullcap (8 Defense, 6 Magic, 18 Resist)
Ever Robe (49 Defense, 28 Resist)
--- Two slots for accessories.

Attack: 56 damage

Steal Gil/Loot: Stuff he'll never have a use for. Woo.
Steal Smash: Steals "limit" gauge, accuracy/4 chance. Useless except to deny limit fighters their limit, as he can't use his own. This is arguable as to its equivalency to limits, but it feels close enough.
Steal Accessory: Take someone's accessory, accuracy/4 chance. Uh, woo.
Steal Item: Steals an item! Can only take up to four before the skill doesn't work, and it's half accuracy that halves again after each successful steal. So, uh.
Counter: Against any aggressive skill used in melee range (status/magic/physical), counter for 56 damage. Reaction.
Maintenance: Equipment cannot be broken or stolen. Passive.

Comments: lolthief. Counter, sadly, lets him pick up Light wins, as that + the status resilience lets him do some competent spoiling.

Hume Parivir (Katanas, Light Armor, Hats)  
429 HP
0/59 MP
90 Speed
216 Attack
160 Defense
97 Magic
125 Resist
5% Evasion
40% Resilience

Masamune (58 Attack)
Golden Skullcap (8 Defense, 6 Magic, 18 Resist)
Ever Robe (49 Defense, 28 Resist)

Attack: 100 damage.
(Flair) - All attacks hit Defense.
Wind Slash: 76 damage, range 4, area 1, wind elemental.
Iai Blow: 50 damage, very low chance of ID.
Blade Bash: 25 damage, very low chance of im
Shimmering Blade: 201 damage, fire elemental, inflicts Confusion.
Skyfury Blade: 201 damage, lightning elemental, inflicts Berserk.
Hoarfrost Blade: 201 damage, ice elemental, inflicts Slow.
Lifethread Blade: 201 damage, dark elemental, inflicts Dark.

Unburden Soul: All allies are revived, fully healed and cured of all statuses. Parivir dies after use (can be resurrected).
Strikeback: All basic physicals are negated, and Parivir counters with a basic physical (ala Hamedo, except monsters have basic physicals countered by this as well, so I'd argue it working against basic boss attacks.)
Death Strike: BOOSTS CRITICAL HIT RATE BY A REALLY REALLY SMALL AMOUNT. (...<_<; It's like 1-5%? I don't know. It's not big enough to notice, since non-basic physicals don't crit.)

Comments: High, high 2HKO damage? That attaches status? Off decent speed and durability? And makes FE characters emo forever? Winner. High Heavy, Strikeback is scary and if you don't kill him immediately he pulls off a second elemental Blade and your world, it collapses.

Hume Paladin
(Knightswords, Greatswords, Helmets, Armor, Robes, Shields)

431 HP
0/120 MP
83 Speed
194 Attack
223 (253) Defense
106 Magic
153 Resist
25% Evasion
30% Resilience

The Fallen Angel (72 Attack, 3 Magick, 4 Speed, 5 Evasion)
Genji Helm (2 Attack, 19 Defense, 9 Resist)
Genji Armor (2 Attack, 58 Defense, 12 Resist)
Reverie Shield (20 Evasion)

Attack: 84 damage.

(Chivalry) - All except Saint Cross and Holy Sword have no MP cost.
Parley: Convinces an opponent at >25% health to leave the battle. Acts like Eject, additionally fails if tried on the final target. DL-useless.
Nurse: ~80 healing.
Cover: Takes damage/status for an ally until next turn. DL useless.
Defend: Add Defense Up and Resistance Up buff until next turn.
War Cry: Adds Resilience Up buff.
Sanctify: Autokill undead, 50% chance. If the undead is already defeated, this attack instead prevents their resurrection.
Saint Cross: 84 damage, holy elemental. 10 MP.
Holy Sword: 84 damage, holy elemental. 22 MP. Useless with Saint Cross around.
Reflex: Immunes all basic physicals. Reaction.
Defense Up: Increase defense by 30. Passive.

Comments: Oh hey it's the same thing as Frimelda so it has to be goo-... what do you mean, they lack Dual Wield? That alone sinks them, badly - but good durability and Reflex salvage them. Kinda. Middle.

Hume Fighter (Blades, Hats, Light Armor)

378 HP
0/61 MP
86 Speed
210 Attack
184 Defense
83 [81] Magic
137 Resist
0% Evasion
40% Resilience

Venus Blade (33 Attack, 2 Magick, 2 Speed, fire elemental, absorbs Fire) [Ayviur Red (64 Attack, 7 Defense, 2 Speed)]
Golden Skullcap (8 Defense, 6 Magic, 18 Resist)
Ever Robe (49 Defense, 28 Resist)
--- Two slots for accessories.

Attack: 80 damage, fire elemental. [103 damage.]
(Pugilism) - All damage is physical.
Rush: 80 damage, fire elemental, 100% chance of knockback. [103 damage, 100% chance of knockback.]
Beatdown: 160 damage, fire elemental, accuracy/2 chance. [206 damage, accuracy/2 chance.]
Blitz: 40 damage, fire elemental, 100% accuracy. [51 damage, 100% accuracy.]
Air Render: 81 damage, ranged.
Aurablast: 74 damage, ranged, hits area.
Wild Swing: 70 damage, hits all targets around Fighter.
Air Blast: 89 damage, wind elemental, breath range.
Backdraft: 115 damage, fire elemental, deals damage/4 as backlash. This backlash is fire elemental, and thus can be healed by absorbing it. Thus his weapon choice. HEals ~9% HP each use.
Bonecrusher: Counter basic physicals with a 1.5x damage physical (so 120 fire-elemental for Venus Blade, 155 for Ayviur Red.)
Doublehand: Boost physical damage by 10 if a one-handed weapon is equipped with no shield. This boosts physical damage of attacks that do not use the weapon in damage calculations, as well.

Comments: asdf low 2HKO?!? ...and he retains competent physical damage with Air Render and wind damage with Air Blast, both scoring 3HKOs if needed. Augh.

Hume Archer (Bows, Hats, Light Armor, *Hair Accessories)

429 HP
0/67 MP
86 Speed
159 Attack
161 Defense
96 Magic
152 Resist
5% Evasion
40% Resilience

Malbow (55 Attack, immune Poison/Blind/Silence)
Ever Robe (49 Defense, 28 Resist)
Golden Skullcap  (8 Defense, 6 Magic, 18 Resist)
--- Two accessory slots

Attack: 57 damage.
Lightning Shot: 27 damage, bypasses counters/reactions.
Take Aim: 11 damage, never misses.
Focus: The next damaging attack that connects will deal more damage (1.65 to Archer's Atk). This, to average defense, is a much larger effective mult...
--- Focus->Attack: 135 damage.
--- Focus->Lightning Shot: 80 damage, bypasses counters/reactions.
--- Focus->Take Aim: 40 damage, never misses.
Cupid: Inflicts Charm, 54% chance.
Blackout: Inflicts Blind, 54% chance.
Arm Shot: Inflicts Disable, 54% chance.
Leg Shot: Inflicts Immobilize, 54% chance.
Burial: Permanently kills undead units. If used on an active undead, has a 54% chance of automatically killing them, barring better/worse Resilience or immunity.
Archer's Bane: Immune any bow-based attacks. Rebecca weeps.
Concentration: Boost all accuracy by 5%. This is factored already into the status accuracy.

Comments: Most bullshit candidate this cast has for Middle. Four statuses, two disabling, and a 2HKO with Focus? Gaaah.

As a note, yes, Focus is that damn good late. Doesn't feel right, but it is.

Hume White Mage (Staffs, Hats, Light Armor, Robes)

378 HP
0/232 MP
83 Speed
129 Attack
161 Defense
125 Magic
169 Resist
0% Evasion
60% Resilience

Staff of the Magi (40 Attack, 5 Resist)
Golden Skullcap (8 Defense, 6 Magic, 18 Resist)
Ever Robe (49 Defense, 28 Resist)  ---  Resist lowers your healing as well; gut is she wants every point he can milk out of his healing without failing at defense. Otherwise a Sage's Robe'd be used here.
--- Two slots for accessories.

Attack: 35 damage.

(White Magic)
Cure: ~80 HP healed, 8 MP.
Cura: ~110 HP healed, 14 MP.
Curaga: ~140 HP healed, 18 MP
Esuna: Heals non-Stop/Petrify/Doom/Confusion/Charm/KO statuses.
Refresh: Heals non-KO statuses.
Raise: 1/4th revival.
Arise: Full revival.
Reraise: Add Reraise status.
Turbo MP: Double MP costs, improve effectiveness of spells by a bit under 1.5x. Passive, not factored in (...White Mage can't afford turn 2 healing.).

Comments: ...

Hume Black Mage (Rods, Hats, Light Armor, Robes)

324 HP
0/283 MP
79 Speed
130 Attack
124 Defense
171 Magic
226 Resist
0% Evasion
50% Resilience

Heretic Rod (42 Attack, 20 Magic, Dark-elemental)
Golden Skullcap (8 Defense, 6 Magic, 18 Resist)
Sage's Robe (26 Defense, 62 Resist)
--- Two slots for accessories

Attack: 36 damage, dark-elemental.
(Black Magic) - All magical, range 4 area 2.
Fire/Blizzard/Thunder: 81 [123] damage, Fire/Ice/Lightning elemental. 8 MP.
Fira/Blizzara/Thundara: 96 [145] damage, Fire/Ice/Lightning elemental. 14 MP.
Firaga/Blizzaga/Thundaga: 111 [168] damage, Fire/Ice/Lightning elemental. 18 MP.
Counter Magic: Counter offensive magic with the same spell, down to MP costs, and running off Black Mage's stats.
Geomancy: Reduces opponent's elemental resistance by 1 level (Absorb -> Null -> Half -> None -> Weak). Passive. Geomancy damage listed in brackets.

Comment: Geomancy also affects himself if the spell is cast on both, so he can't abuse fire/ice/lightning absorb and Geomancy simultaneously. Thusly, he trades damage (and solid damage, at that) for quasi-parasitic healing. Both have their uses, but as a note, Geomancy'd magic is -barely- a 2HKO. The durability and speed, though... High Light.

Hume Illusionist (Rods, Hats, Light Armor, Robes)

321 HP
0/381 MP
71 Speed
130 Attack
124 Defense
159 Magic
199 Resist
0% Evasion
40% Resilience

Heretic Rod (42 Attack, 20 Magic, Dark-elemental)
Golden Skullcap (8 Defense, 6 Magic, 18 Resist)
Sage's Robe (26 Defense, 62 Resist)
--- Two slots for accessories

Physical: 36 damage.
(Illusion) - All illusions are magic, hit the entire enemy side (cannot hit self), and cost 14 MP:
Illusions: 73 damage, caster's choice of fire/ice/thunder/wind/earth/water/holy/non-elemental damage.
Absorb MP: When hit by a spell with a MP cost, heal MP equal to the cost of the spell.
Halve MP: Reduce MP costs by 1/2. This is already factored in.

Comments: ...maaaang. In-game, useful for twink builds and field clearing. Neither advantage translates well to the DL. Low Light.

Hume Ninja
(Katanas, Hats, Light Armor)

324 HP
0/119 MP
109 Speed
190 Attack
148 Defense
111 Magic
151 Resist
15% Evasion
50% Resilience

Masamune (58 Attack)
Masamune (58 Attack)
Golden Skullcap (8 Defense, 6 Magic, 18 Resist)
Ever Robe (49 Defense, 28 Resist)

Attack: 2 hits of 81 damage, for 162 total.
Fire Veil: >25 fire magic damage, inflicts Confuse. 4 MP.
Earth Vei: >25 earth magic damage, inflicts Slow. 4 MP.
Gold Veil: >25 magic damage, inflicts Blind. 4 MP.
Water Veil: >25 water magic damage, inflicts Silence. 4 MP.
Wood Veil: >25 magic damage, inflicts Immobilize. 4 MP.
Unspell: Removes buffs from target. 4 MP.
Oblivion: Inflicts Addle. 12 MP.
Throw: Throws a weapon. Damage dealt in this way is ITD. The Fallen Angel is the best storebought option, clocking in at around 180 damage. This being said, while there's enough for everyone to equip, I don't know how much I buy using them as throwing weapons.
Critical: Haste: Adds Haste when HP <= 25%. R-ability. Default.
Dual Wield: Wield two one-handed weapons (excepting books) at once. P-ability. Default.

Comment: Damage! Speed! No durability! Evasion, especially if he swaps katanas around! More speed! More damage, especially if you allow Throw! We don't talk about the veils. Low Heavy.

Hume Blue Mage  (Sabers, Hats, Light Armor, Robes)

378 HP
0/177 MP
84 Speed
183 Attack
171 Defense
125 Magic
223 Resist
0% Evasion
75% Resilience

Talwar (65 Attack, 5 Defense, 10 Resistance, 2 Speed)
Golden Skullcap (8 Defense, 6 Magic, 18 Resist)
Sage's Robe (26 Defense, 62 Resist)
---Two slots for accessories

Attack: 76 damage.
(Blue Magic)
Magic Hammer: 51 magic damage, does damage to MP. 4 MP.
Screech: 58 magic damage, inflicts Confuse. 8 MP.
Quake: 66 magic damage, earth elemental. 12 MP.
Sandstorm: 58 magic damage, earth elemental, inflicts Blind. 12 MP.
Self-Destruct: 108 magic damage, KOs user. 8 MP.

Angel Whisper: Heals ~100 HP, adds Reraise status. 32 MP.
Bad Breath: Inflicts Poison/Blind/Silence, each individual checks. 8 MP.
Doom: Inflicts Doom. 8 MP.
Eerie Sound Wave: Remove all buffs from target. 8 MP.
Expose Weakness: Inflicts Defense DOWN and Resistance DOWN (one check). 8 MP.
Limit Glove: If at 1 HP, do 999 damage. Otherwise nothing. 4 MP.
Matra Magic: Switch HP and MP stats. This kills people with 0 MP. Hits Resilience. 22 MP.
Mighty Guard: Adds Defense UP and Resistance UP. 8 MP.
Night: Inflicts Sleep, MT (not counting user IIRC). 22 MP.
Roar: Remove all buffs and debuffs, MT. 8 MP.
Roulette: Kill random ally or enemy, 100% chance of hitting barring immunity. 12 MP.
Unction: Inflicts Oil. 8 MP. (Blue Mage can take advantage of this.)
War Dance: Adds Attack UP. 12 MP. (More expensive than Dragon Force, below, because it hits an area.)
White Wind: Heal HP = cHP. 20 MP.

Dragon Force: Adds Attack UP and Magick UP.
---DF Physical: 98 damage.
---DF Self-Destruct: 175 damage.
---DF Sandstorm/Screech: 81 damage.
---DF Quake: 88 damage.
---DF Magick Hammer: 73 MP damage.
MP Shield: Deals damage to MP first, overflow goes to HP (so it's not a constantly regenerating second lifebar, sorry.) Not equipped automatically. R-ability.
Learn: LEARN BLUE MAGICKHS. yes. P-Ability.
Immunity: Says it nulls many buffs and debuffs. I haven't tested it yet. P-ability.

Comments: Bunch of tricks, but is best outslugging with that solid durability. Silence screws mages, and he can run for a turn 3 ID move if he needs to. Low Middle.

Hume Hunter (Greatbows, Knives, Hats, Light Armor)

378 HP
0/173 MP
93 Speed
174 Attack
147 Defense
109 Magic
165 Resist
10% Evasion
40% Resilience

Seventh Heaven (55 Attack, 5 Evasion, Holy-elemental)
Golden Skullcap (8 Defense, 6 Magic, 18 Resist)
Ever Robe (49 Defense, 28 Resist)

Attack: 91 damage, holy-elemental.
Advice: Adds Critical UP.
Oust: Removes monster from battlefield once below 25% HP. Doesn't work on the final enemy, and is an Eject-type. Especially DL useless.
Sonic Boom: 80 damage, holy elemental, range 4 area 2.
Counter Force: Inflicts Addle on target monster.
Hunting: 23 damage, if it kills the target Hunter gets DUBL PHAT LEWTZ.
Sidewinder: 91 damage, 182 to monsters.
Vitals Shot: Inflicts one of Immobilize, Blind, Disable and Berserk, in that order (each makes an individual check). This means low-resilience people usually get hit with Immobilize, and high-end Disable or Berserk.
Ultima Shot: 274 damage, 32 MP.
Regenerate: Adds Regen status upon taking any damage. R-ability.
Attack Up: Boosts physical damage (already factored in).

Comments: You will regret letting them see turn 4 - and with Vitals Shot and range, many people can be forced into giving them that turn. Regen only makes matters worse, and Blind+his equip options means he might be able to make any status option incredibly dangerous. His only fear is that his durability is not exceptional, but the speed helps there. Middle.

Hume Seer (Books, Hats, Hair Accessories, Light Armor, Robes)

377 HP
0/385 MP
75 Speed
133 Attack
138 Defense
137 Magic
250 Resist
0% Evasion
60% Resilience

Edaroya Scriptures (44 Attack, 10 Magic, 10 Resist, Holy-elemental)
Golden Skullcap (8 Defense, 6 Magic, 18 Resist)
Sage's Robe (26 Defense, 62 Resist)
--- Two slots for accessories. Can equip ribbons if desired.

Attack: 38 damage, holy elemental.
(High Magick)
Cura: ~80 healing, holy elemental. 14 MP.
Fira: 71 magic damage, fire elemental. 14 MP.
Blizzara: 71 magic damage, ice elemental. 14 MP.
Thundara: 71 magic damage, lightning elemental. 14 MP.
Raise: Revive a dead unit, healing by 10% mHP. 10 MP.
Esuna: Heal some status. 12 MP.
Recharge: Heals 24 MP. 4 MP.
Magick Frenzy: Cast a magic spell, then perform a physical on all targets the magic hits. -a+physical is thusly 109 damage: 71 fire/ice/lightning magic, 38 holy physical.
Replenish MP: Heal 20% of damage dealt as MP. R-ability.
Ribbon-bearer: Allows the unit to equip hair accessories. P-ability.
Pierce: All magic ignores Reflect status.

Comments: Godlike skillset! ...ingame. Duel, he has issues lasting long enough to get his combos off. Low Middle.
« Last Edit: April 11, 2010, 05:19:58 PM by Taitoro »


  • Guest
FFTA2 Viera classes (*VIERA*)
« Reply #4 on: September 04, 2009, 04:11:14 AM »

HP: 388
Defense: 164
Resistance: 164
Speed: 88
Damage: 92
2.5x KO Point: 229
3.0x KO Point: 272

Viera Fencer (Rapiers, Hats, Hair Accessories, Light Armor, Shields)

481 HP
0/64 MP
97 Speed
211 Attack
162 Defense
97 Magic
136 Resist
25% Evasion
40% Resilience

Last Letter (66 Attack, 2 Speed, 5 Evasion)
Reverie Shield (20 Evasion)
Ever Robe (49 Defense, 28 Resist)
Golden Skullcap (8 Defense, 6 Magic, 18 Resist)

Attack: 97 damage.
Swarmstrike: 30 damage, inflicts poison.
Featherblow: 30 damage, cannot miss.
Nighthawk: 61 damage, ranged.
Manastrike: 61 MP damage.
Piercing Blow: 61 damage, hit target and the panel behind target.
Swallowtail: 61 damage, hit all targets around Fencer.
Checkmate: Inflicts Doom.
Shadowstick: Inflicts Speed Down debuff.
Reflex: Immune basic physicals. Spoils FE. R-ability.
Shieldbearer: EQUIPS SHIELDS ALL THE TIME. Useless for them. P-ability.

Comments: Speedy, durable 3HKOer with the ability to permanently cripple an enemy's speed? Physical opponents hate her, mages aren't fond, but healers can - sometimes - tank her out well. Middle.

Viera White Mage
(Staffs, Hats, Hair Accessories, Light Armor, Robes)

375 HP
0/281 MP
87 Speed
129 Attack
161 Defense
125 Magic
169 Resist
0% Evasion
60% Resilience

Staff of the Magi (40 Attack, 5 Resist)
Golden Skullcap (8 Defense, 6 Magic, 18 Resist)
Ever Robe (49 Defense, 28 Resist)  ---  Resist lowers your healing as well; gut is she wants every point he can milk out of his healing without failing at defense. Otherwise a Sage's Robe'd be used here.
--- Two slots for accessories.

Attack: 35 damage.
(White Magic)
Cure: ~80 HP healed, 8 MP.
Cura: ~110 HP healed, 14 MP.
Curaga: ~140 HP healed, 18 MP
Esuna: Heals non-Stop/Petrify/Doom/Confusion/Charm/KO statuses.
Refresh: Heals non-KO statuses.
Raise: 1/4th revival.
Arise: Full revival.
Reraise: Add Reraise status.
Turbo MP: Double MP costs, improve effectiveness of spells by a bit under 1.5x. Passive, not factored in (...White Mage can't afford turn 2 healing.).

Comments: ...

Viera Green Mage (Hammers, Maces, Hair Accessories, Hats, Light Armor, Robes)

377 HP
0/179 MP
104 Speed
159 Attack
162 Defense
135 Magic
167 Resist
0% Evasion
70% Resilience

Mjolnir (55 Attack, 10 Magic, 15 Resist, Lightning-element)
Golden Skullcap (8 Defense, 6 Magic, 18 Resist)
Ever Robe (49 Defense, 28 Resist) - The other exception to the "robes on spellcasters for optimal". Magic Evade is brutal good (blocks anything that has or should have a MP cost, pretty much), so.

Attack: 58 damage, lightning-elemental.
(Green Magick)
Blind: Inflicts Blind, 8 MP.
Protect: Adds Protect, 8 MP.
Shell: Adds Shell, 8 MP.
Silence: Inflicts Silence, 8 MP.
Sleep: Inflicts Sleep, 8 MP.
Tranq: Adds Accuracy UP, 8 MP. This boosts status odds of Blind/Silence/Sleep/OIL to ~79%.
Oil: Inflicts Oil status, 8 MP. No, Green Mages get no Fire option. Why?
Leap: Adds Move/Jump UP, 8 MP.
Evade Magick: Ignore any attack that would hit the Green Mage's Resistance, as well as any MP-based ability that'd hit Resilience. (perfect evasion, not negated by ITE AFAIK). R-Ability, default.
Absorb MP: Heal MP equal to however much was used to cast a spell that hit the Green Mage. R-Ability, not equipped.
Spellbound: Double the length of buffs on the user. P-Ability.

Comments: Low, low 4HKO! ...nulls all magic and mocks non-magical status! ...has buffs, Sleep+physical, and uh. ...>_> Really, this is kinda silly. Light/Middle border, spoiler madness but doesn't have anything outside of that.

Viera Archer (Bows, Hats, Light Armor, Hair Accessories)

429 HP
0/67 MP
93 Speed
172 Attack
161 Defense
96 Magic
149 Resist
5% Evasion
50% Resilience

Malbow (55 Attack, immune Poison/Blind/Silence)
Ever Robe (49 Defense, 28 Resist)
Golden Skullcap  (8 Defense, 6 Magic, 18 Resist)
--- Two accessory slots

Attack: 67 damage.

Lightning Shot: 33 damage, bypasses counters/reactions.
Take Aim: 17 damage, never misses.
Focus: The next damaging attack that connects will deal more damage (1.65 to Archer's Atk). This, to average defense, is a much larger effective mult...
--- Focus->Attack: 151 damage.
--- Focus->Lightning Shot: 96 damage, bypasses counters/reactions.
--- Focus->Take Aim: 48 damage, never misses.
Cupid: Inflicts Charm, 54% chance.
Blackout: Inflicts Blind, 54% chance.
Arm Shot: Inflicts Disable, 54% chance.
Leg Shot: Inflicts Immobilize, 54% chance.
Burial: Permanently kills undead units. If used on an active undead, has a 54% chance of automatically killing them, barring better/worse Resilience or immunity.
Archer's Bane: Immune any bow-based attacks. Rebecca weeps.
Concentration: Boost all accuracy by 5%. This is factored already into the status accuracy.

Comments: Most bullshit candidate this cast has for Middle. Four statuses, two disabling, and a 2HKO with Focus? Gaaah. And this version's pretty much superior in all regards to the Hume version! Bloody Viera hardons.

As a note, yes, Focus is that damn good late. Doesn't feel right, but it is.

Viera Elementalist (Rapiers, Hats, Hair Accessories, Light Armor)

374 HP
0/175 MP
79 Speed
169 Attack
161 Defense
151 Magic
150 Resist
5% Evasion
60% Resilience

Last Letter (66 Attack, 2 Speed, 5 Evasion)
Ever Robe (49 Defense, 28 Resist)
Golden Skullcap (8 Defense, 6 Magic, 18 Resist)

Attack: 65 damage.
(Elemental Magick)
Fire Whip: 66 damage, fire elemental, inflicts Disable. 8 MP.
Shining Air: 66 damage, wind elemental, inflicts Blind. 8 MP.
Boulder Crush: 66 damage, earth elemental, inflicts Immobilize. 8 MP.
Sliprain: 66 damage, water elemental, inflicts Slow. 8 MP.
Evil Gaze: 66 damage, dark elemental, inflicts Confuse. 8 MP.
Thunderous Roar: 66 damage, lightning elemental, inflicts Silence. 8 MP.

Earth Heal: ~70 healing, earth elemental. 6 MP.
White Flame: ~110 healing, fire elemental, 12 MP.

Comments: This class was awesome in FFTA. Having status rates nerfed = ;_;. Regardless, a not-terrible 4HKO that tacks on disabling status (Disable, Confuse), plus a variety of others... It's not terrible, which is cool. High Light. Can hit weakness on all ranked Pokemon; that has to count for something! (...actually, except Swampert, but he cheats.)

Viera Red Mage: (Rapiers, Hats, Hair Accessories, Light Armor, Robes)

377 HP
0/127 MP
92 Speed
197 Attack
123 Defense
138 Magic
171 Resist
5% Evasion
60% Resilience

Last Letter (66 Attack, 2 Speed, 5 Evasion)
Sage's Robe (26 Defense, 62 Resist)
Golden Skullcap (8 Defense, 6 Magic, 18 Resist)

Attack: 86 damage.

(Red Magick)
Cure: ~75 HP healing.
Fire/Blizzard/Thunder: 83 damage, Fire/Ice/Lightning elemental. 8 MP.
Protect: Adds Protect buff, 8 MP.
Shell: Adds Shell buff, 8 MP.
Silence: Inflicts Silence, 8 MP.
Doublecast: Cast two spells in one round; pay costs for each spell. Thusly, for 16 MP, 166 damage can be dealt in a round.
Sticky Fingers: Immune any thrown weapons; keep whatever was thrown. R-ability.
Magick UP: Boost magic damage. already factored in.

Comments: Heavy. Likely to go first, deals a 3HKO - and then finishes with a nasty 2HKO the turn after. If she equips elemental robes, she can instead try to outslug with a fast 3HKO that heals her as well.

Viera Spellblade (Swords, Hats, Hair Accessories, Light Armor)

325 HP
0/122 MP
91 Speed
176 Attack
163 Defense
113 Magic
151 Resist
4% Evasion
60% Resilience

Vitanova (44 Attack, 2 Magic, 4 Evasion, Holy-elemental, Absorb Holy)
Ever Robe (49 Defense, 28 Resist)
Golden Skullcap (8 Defense, 6 Magic, 18 Resist)

Attack: 70 [93] damage.
(Blade Arts)
xxxx Blade: Basic physical. Eight of these exist, each inflict a status: Poison, Immobilize, Sleep, Confuse, Oil, Slow, Disable, Doom. 8 MP (16 HP).
Critical: Evasion UP: Boost evasion when under 25% HP. R-ability.
Blood Price: Double MP costs, switch to HP costs; buff Attack and Magic by 30. Not factored in; damage is in [].

Comments: Blood Price for damage rush, status blades for stallfights (Disable->Sleep->Slow->Disable should keep people locked down pretty well once the first status goes off). Low Middle.

Viera Summoner (Staves, Hats, Hair Accessories, Light Armor, Robes)

319 HP
0/238 MP
85 Speed
128 Attack
123 Defense
163 Magic
202 Resist
0% Evasion
60% Resilience

Staff of the Magi (40 Attack, 5 Resist)
Sage's Robe (26 Defense, 62 Resist)
Golden Skullcap (8 Defense, 6 Magic, 18 Resist)

Attack: 34 damage.
(Summoning Magick)
Ramuh/Ifrit/Shiva: 98 lightning/fire/ice magic damage. 8 MP.
Maduin: 106 holy magic damage, 12 MP.
Carbuncle: Adds Reflect buff, 8 MP.
Kirin: Adds Regen buff, 8 MP.
Unicorn: ~90 healing, 8 MP.
Phoenix: ~110 healing, 12 MP; revives all dead units.
Halve MP: Halve all MP costs (factored in).

Comments: Deceptively good slugger - can trade defenses for 33% healing+3HKO. Middle.

Viera Assassin (Katanas, Greatbows, Light Armor, Hair Accessories, Hats)      

321 HP
0/65 MP
112 Speed
172 Attack
148 Defense
110 Magic
136 Resist
15% Evasion
50% Resilience
Masamune (58 Attack)
Golden Skullcap (8 Defense, 6 Magic, 18 Resist)
Ever Robe (49 Defense, 28 Resist)

Attack: 68 damage.

Aphonia: Inflicts Silence. 6 MP.
Ague: Inflicts Slow: 8 MP.
Nightmare: Inflicts Sleep and/or Doom. 8 MP.
Shadowbind: Inflicts Stop. 18 MP.
Oblivion: Inflicts Addle. 12 MP.
Last Breath: Inflicts ID. Game claims this is dark elemental, but dark immunity/absorbance doesn't block it. 18 MP.
Rockseal: Inflicts Petrify. 22 MP.
Ultima Masher: 275 non-elemental magic damage, 32 MP.
Return Fire: Immune all arrow-based attacks.

Comments: If Assassins survive to turn 4 without using MP you -die-. And they can stack up a fair bit of status - Nightmare -> Ague -> go from there; keep in mind Sleep/Stop both make status 100%. Middle/Heavy.

Viera Sniper (Greatbows, Hats, Hair Accessories, Light Armor)

374 HP
0/64 MP
87 Speed
213 Attack
148 Defense
110 Magic
150 Resist
20% Evasion
40% Resilience

Seventh Heaven (55 Attack, 5 Evasion, Holy-elemental)
Ever Robe (49 Defense, 28 Resist)
Golden Skullcap (8 Defense, 6 Magic, 18 Resist)

Attack: 98 damage, holy elemental.
Doubleshot: Two shots of 98 damage, holy elemental, for 196 damage total.
Beso Toxico: 98 damage, holy elemental, inflicts poison.
Death Sickle: Inflicts Doom.
Vanish: Adds Invisible.
Marksman's Spite: mHP-cHP damage. Damages target's MP first; any leftover damage targets HP. (So a Viera Sniper at 174 HP does 200 damage with this; against an opponent with 500 HP and 50 MP, she deals 50 MP damage and 150 HP damage.) accuracy/2 accuracy.
Armor Shot: Breaks armor, accuracy/4 chance.
Weapon Shot: Breaks weapon, accuracy/4 chance.
Regenerate: Adds Regen status after taking any damage. R-ability.

Comments: Loves the tricks she gets if you allow her to wait - Invisible+Regen, Poison or Doom are all pretty nasty strategies. But she can't get wins otherwi- what do you mean, she pulls 86% PCHP damage? ...Heavy.


HP: 388
Defense: 164
Resistance: 164
Speed: 88
Damage: 92
2.5x KO Point: 229
3.0x KO Point: 272
« Last Edit: April 11, 2010, 05:20:20 PM by Taitoro »


  • Guest
FFTA2 Bangaa classes (*BANG*)
« Reply #5 on: September 04, 2009, 04:11:25 AM »
If it is INFLICTS, it is 49%.
If it is ADDS, it is 100%.


HP: 388
Defense: 164
Resistance: 164
Speed: 88
Damage: 92
2.5x KO Point: 229
3.0x KO Point: 272

Bangaa Warrior (Swords, Broadswords, Helms, Hats, Armor, Light Armor, Shields)

537 HP
0/108 MP
82 Speed
208 Attack
200 Defense
88 Magic
116 Resistance
20% Evasion
40% Resilience

Estrella (72 Attack, 5 Defense, 5 Resist)
Reverie Shield (20 Evasion)
Genji Helm (2 Attack, 19 Defense, 9 Resist)
Genji Armor (2 Attack, 58 Defense, 12 Resist)

Fight: 94 damage
(Arts of War)
First Aid: Heal 30 HP.
Rend Power: Inflict Attack Down, 99% chance.
Rend Magic: Inflict Magick Down, 99% chance.
Rend MP: 94 MP damage.
Rend Speed: Infleed Speed Down, 99% chance.
Body Slam: 67 damage, does 5% mHP back to Warrior (so 27).
Greased Lightning: 47 damage, ignores reactions.
Lifetap: 50% cHP damage, 50% accuracy.
Monkey Grip: Allows use of a two-handed weapon in one hand. Passive, default.
Shieldbearer: Allows any job to equip shields. Passive, not default.

Comment: See Soldier, swap some damage and stats. Pretty much a clone. Middle.

Bangaa White Monk (Knuckles, Light Armor)

376 HP
0/110 MP
90 Speed
192 Attack
152 Defense
113 Magic
119 Resist
10% Evasion
60% Resilience

Gleisburst (59 Attack, 10 Magic, 5 Evasion)
Ever Robe (49 Defense, 28 Resist)

Attack: 82 damage.
(Discipline) - Entirely physical.
Roundhouse: 45 damage, hits all panels around White Monk.
Air Render: 72 damage, ranged.
Earth Render: 53 damage, earth elemental.
Aurablast: 64 damage, ranged, area.
Holy Sign: Remove all buffs from target.
Chakra: Heal ~50 HP, remove minor debuffs (Blind/Silence/Poison, mainly).
Revive: Revive dead ally with 1 HP.
Exorcise: ID/permakill undead targets, hits Resilience.
Counter: Counter any offensive attack dealt within weapon (melee) range with a basic physical. R-Ability, default.
Reflex: Immune basic physicals. R-Ability.

Comments: Physical+counter+physical and okay speed lets him do competently in Middle; Reflex allows for some spoilage as well.

Bangaa Dragoon
(Swords, Lances, Helms, Armor)

482 HP
0/55 MP
90 Speed
218 Attack
210 Defense
75 Magic
98 Resist
0% Evasion
40% Resilience

Dragon Whisker (55 Attack, 2 Jump)
Genji Helm (2 Attack, 19 Defense, 9 Resist)
Genji Armor (2 Attack, 58 Defense, 12 Resist)

Attack: 102 damage, two panel range.
(Dragon Soul)
Lancet: 9 magical damage (..........), parasitic healing.
Fire/Ice/Thunder Breath: 71 damage, fire/ice/thunder elemental, physical, range breath.
Bangaa Cry: 71 physical damage, inflicts Confuse, range breath.
Jump: 204 damage, ranged, accuracy/2.
Wyrmtamer: Expel. Only works on critical HP dragons, does not work on the final unit on the field. Epic fail.
Wyrmkiller: Basic physical. Deals double damage to dragons.
Dragonheart: Add Reraise when damaged. R-ability. Only works once a fight.

Comments: Dragonheart ensure that someone who can't OHKO him 3HKOs at a minimum, and physical people will have issues with that OHKO. Mages, though... Middle. Not enough variety or damage.

Bangaa Defender (Knightswords, Broadswords, Helmet, Armor, Robes, Shields)

482 HP
0/57 MP
82 Speed
195 Attack
236 (266) Defense
91 Magic
126 Resist
25% Evasion
30% Resilience

The Fallen Angel (72 Attack, 3 Magick, 4 Speed, 5 Evasion)
Genji Helm (2 Attack, 19 Defense, 9 Resist)
Genji Armor (2 Attack, 58 Defense, 12 Resist)
Reverie Shield (20 Evasion)

Attack: 85 damage.
Mow Down: 94 damage, all panels around Defender. Evasion and Resilience = 0% until Defender's next turn.
Meltdown: Damage=cHP, accuracy/2.
Aura: Reraise+Regen on self. 28 MP.
Defend: Defense UP + Resistance UP until next turn.
Hibernate: Remove all debuffs. Evasion and Resilience = 0% until Defender's next turn.
Rend Weapon: Break weapon, accuracy/4.
Whirl Burst: 41 damage, 100% knockback.
Bulwark: Immune -all- damage until next turn. Evasion and Resilience -> 0% until next turn.
Critical: Berserk: Inflict Berserk on self 100% when HP < 25%. This skill sucks. R-Ability, not default.
Defense UP: Boost Defense by 30 points. P-Ability, default.
Tank: Lets Defender equip heavy armor!!!-wait. P-Ability.

Comments: Bulwark+Aura allows for some nasty stalling... if the opponent lacks any status whatsoever, as Bulwark arguably either just nulls Defender's innate Resilience or makes all status 100%. Interp call, but it's still a risk for Defender. Middle/Heavy.

Bangaa Gladiator
(Blades, Light Armor, Hats)

484 HP
0/116 MP
87 Speed
236 Attack
185 Defense
94 Magic
136 Resist
0% Evasion
40% Resilience

Ayviur Red (64 Attack, 7 Defense, 2 Speed)
Ever Robe (49 Defense, 28 Resist)
Golden Skullcap (8 Defense, 6 Magic, 18 Resist)

Attack: 123 damage.
Rush: 123 damage, 100% knockback.
Wild Swing: 123 damage, hits all targets around Gladiator.
Beatdown: 245 damage, accuracy/2.
Blitz: 61 damage, 100% accuracy.
Fire/Ice/Thunder Soul: 42 magical damage, fire/ice/thunder elemental, 4 MP.
Ultima Sword: 240 magical damage, 32 MP.
Strikeback: Immune basic physicals and counter with a basic physical. R-Ability, default.
Doublehand: Boost physical mod by 10. Factored in.

Comments: Low 2HKO with the basic physical, has OHKO if you've got negative evade, has magical OHKO if he sees turn 4. Scary setup, Strikeback makes things even more annoying for the enemy. Middle/Heavy.

Bangaa Master Monk
(Poles, Hats, Light Armor)

375 HP
0/161 MP
98 Speed
208 [287] Attack
177 [235] Defense
123 [182] Magic
151 [203] Resist
12% Evasion
70% Resilience

Eight-fluted Pole (49 Attack, 2 Defense, 2 Speed, 2 Evasion)
Ever Robe (49 Defense, 28 Resist)
Golden Skullcap (8 Defense, 6 Magic, 18 Resist)
Attack: 94 [153] damage.
(Martial Arts) - Entirely physical.
Pummel: 178 [295] damage over 2 hits.
Cross-Counter: 108 [166] damage, 216 [332] damage and bypasses counter if the opponent has a counterattack (specifically, Counter or Blink Counter. Strikeback does not trigger this.)
Dark Fist: 92 [151] damage, hits both panels in front of Master Monk, deals 20% of own mHP to Master Monk.
Holy Fist: 96 [155] holy elemental damage.
Withering Strike: mHP-cHP damage, accuracy/2, ranged.
Inner Focus: ~110 healing, remove most debuffs (anything but fatal/debilitating ones), self.
Lifebane: 29 [59] damage, inflicts Doom.
Rend Armor: Break armor, accuracy/4.
Blink Counter: Counter basic physicals in melee range with a melee physical. This physical has 100% knockback. R-Ability, default.
Unscarred: Multiply stats by 1.5x (kinda) if the unit is uninjured. Damage in []. P-ability, default.

Comments: Overkill Pummel or Cross-Counter if he goes first. If the battle goes past the first turn, status resilience from hell, his quasi-limit skill, and that still solid 2HKO are all capable of bringing a foe down with ease. High Heavy.

Bangaa Bishop (Staves, Hats, Light Armor, Robes)

374 HP
0/273 MP
74 Speed
130 Attack
125 Defense
138 Magic
205 Resist
0% Evasion
60% Resilience

Staff of the Magi (40 Attack, 5 Resist)
Sage's Robe (26 Defense, 62 Resist)
Golden Skullcap (8 Defense, 6 Magic, 18 Resist)

Attack: 36 damage.
Water/Aero: 70 damage, water/wind elemental, 7 MP.
Holy: 90 damage, holy elemental, 16 MP.
Break: Inflict Petrify, 12 MP.
Cura: ~90 healing, 7 MP.
Pilfer: Basic physical + STEAL ITEMZ, accuracy/2, 3 MP.
Barrier: Adds Protect+Shell, 4 MP.
Dispel: Remove target's buffs, 6 MP.
Counter Magic: Counter magic with the same spell, using up the same amount of MP it took to cast it. R-Ability, not default.
Halve MP: Halve MP costs (factored in). P-Ability, default.

Comments: Uh... Barrier->Break->Break for a sluggish turn 3 petrify? Nothing really otherwise. Light.

Bangaa Templars (Knightswords, Lances, Helmets, Hats, Armor, Robes

435 HP
0/167 MP
74 Speed
208 [238] Attack
223 Defense
108 Magic
127 Resist
5% Evasion
40% Resilience

The Fallen Angel (72 Attack, 3 Magick, 4 Speed, 5 Evasion)
Genji Helm (2 Attack, 19 Defense, 9 Resist)
Genji Armor (2 Attack, 58 Defense, 12 Resist)

Attack: 117 damage
(Sacred Blade)
Haste: Adds Haste, 8 MP.
Astra: Adds Astra, 8 MP.
Rasp: 34 magical MP damage, 8 MP.
Silence: Inflicts Silence, 8 MP.
Soul Sphere: 124 physical MP damage. (Yes, this completely outclasses Rasp in all regards.)
Lifebreak: mHP-cHP damage, accuracy/2.
Piercing Cry: Inflicts Speed DOWN, hits evasion, hits all tiles around Templar.
Discipline: Add Attack UP.
---Discipline Attack: 139 damage.
---Discipline Soul Sphere: 147 physical MP damage.
Bonecrusher: Counter basic physicals within range with a 1.5x damage physical (so 176 damage.) R-ability, default.
Attack UP: Boosts Attack by 30. Factored in. P-Ability, default.

Comments: Starts slow! And then he nukes your speed, doubles his own, and proceeds to demolish you with his 2HKO that he can buff. Oh, and if you use a basic physical, prepare for pain. Low Heavy.

Bangaa Cannoneer (Handcannons, Hats, Light Armor)

428 HP
0/166 MP
87 Speed
160 Attack
161 Defense
108 Magic
150 Resist
0% Evasion
40% Resilience

Rocket Punch (55 Attack)
Golden Skullcap (8 Defense, 6 Magic, 18 Resist)
Ever Robe (49 Defense, 28 Resist)

Attack: 58 damage. massive range.
Buckshot: Increase area of next basic physical by 1. Cannot stack with itself.
Foresight: Increase no. of hits of next basic physical by 1. Cannot stack with itself.
Scope: Increase accuracy of next basic physical by 30%. Cannot stack with itself.
Prime: Increase attack power of next basic physical by 1.66x. Cannot stack with itself.
---Prime->Physical: 142 damage.
Target: The turn after this is used, as a free action, deal 116 damage at 100% accuracy. Ranged.
Mortar: 116 damage. Inflicts Immobilize on self at 100% accuracy. Ranged.
Potion Shell: Heal 60 HP (set). Cannot self target.
Ether Shell: Heal 60 MP (set). Cannot self target.
Blur: Immune basic gun/cannon physicals. R-ability.

Comments: BLUR HYPE YESIU. ...wait, they manage a goddamn 2HKO? Damnit. Middle/Heavy.

Bangaa Trickster (Cards, Hats, Hair Accessories, Light Armor)

325 HP
0/55 MP
112 Speed
156 Attack
161 Defense
151 Magic
150 Resist
14% Evasion
60% Resilience

Joker (52 Attack, 5 Speed, 4 Evasion)
Golden Skullcap (8 Defense, 6 Magic, 18 Resist)
Ever Robe (49 Defense, 28 Resist)

Attack: 55 damage, massive range.

(Sleight of Hand)
Hypochondria: Inflict Poison. 12 MP.
Snigger: Inflict Berserk. 8 MP.
Mug: 55 damage, STEALZ ITEMZ.
Shadow Of Doubt: Inflict Immobilize, 12 MP.
Traumatize: Inflict damage in proportion to the number of buffs on the victim. Sounds great, but the class can't really use it. 8 debuffs = 999, 3 debuffs (about the max Tricksters manage) is 60 or so. 8 MP.
Agitate: mHP-cHP damage. 8 MP.
Charisma: Inflicts Charm. 24 MP.
Suggestion: Inflicts Toad. 32 MP.
Absorb Damage: Heal 10% of any damage dealt. This effectively acts as reducing damage to 9/10ths, except on an attack that would kill or ignore reactions. R-Ability.
Ribbon-bearer: Can equip ribbons if they want to. P-Ability.

Comments: Awesome as fuck carrier class. ...gets -nothing- to run with in the DL. Light.
« Last Edit: April 11, 2010, 05:20:54 PM by Taitoro »


  • Guest
FFTA2 Nu Mou classes (*NUMOU*)
« Reply #6 on: September 04, 2009, 04:12:34 AM »

HP: 388
Defense: 164
Resistance: 164
Speed: 88
Damage: 92
2.5x KO Point: 229
3.0x KO Point: 272

Nu Mou Beastmaster (Instruments, Hats, Light Armor)

431 HP
0/117 MP
89 Speed
185 Attack
182 Defense
97 Magic
155 Resist
0% Evasion
40% Resilience

Frigid Viol (40 Attack, 5 Defense, 5 Resist, 1 Speed, Ice-elemental)
Golden Skullcap (8 Defense, 6 Magic, 18 Resist)
Ever Robe (49 Defense, 28 Resist)

Attack: 77 damage, ice elemental.

Beastmasters can control any monster type (non-boss) in the game. Suikodog control hype. This does not take the controlee's turn, but does take the Beastmaster's turn. Godliek.
Critical: Haste: Adds haste when HP < 25%. R-ability.
Immunity: Block poison/silence/blind. P-ability.

Comments: uh light.

Nu Mou Black Mage
(Rods, Hats, Light Armor, Robes)

322 HP
0/328 MP
79 Speed
130 Attack
124 Defense
183 Magic
236 Resist
0% Evasion
50% Resilience

Heretic Rod (42 Attack, 20 Magic, Dark-elemental)
Golden Skullcap (8 Defense, 6 Magic, 18 Resist)
Sage's Robe (26 Defense, 62 Resist)
--- Two slots for accessories

Attack: 36 damage.
(Black Magic): Entirely reflectable.
Fire/Blizzard/Thunder: 91 [137] damage, Fire/Ice/Lightning elemental. 8 MP.
Fira/Blizzara/Thundara: 106 [159] damage, Fire/Ice/Lightning elemental. 14 MP.
Firaga/Blizzaga/Thundaga: 121 [182] damage, Fire/Ice/Lightning elemental. 18 MP.
Counter Magic: Counter offensive magic with the same spell, down to MP costs, and running off Black Mage's stats.
Geomancy: Reduces opponent's elemental resistance by 1 level (Absorb -> Null -> Half -> None -> Weak). Passive. Damage listed in brackets.

Comments: Meet the best Black Mage! And... yes, the base magic here with Geomancy 2HKOs average quite cleanly now, and heaven help you in the lower divisions if you let him pull a -aga off. This being said, it's still just as slow and frail. Low Middle.

Nu Mou White Mage
(Staffs, Hats, Light Armor, Robes)

324 HP
0/330 MP
83 Speed
129 Attack
161 Defense
125 Magic
181 Resist
0% Evasion
60% Resilience

Staff of the Magi (40 Attack, 5 Resist)
Golden Skullcap (8 Defense, 6 Magic, 18 Resist)
Ever Robe (49 Defense, 28 Resist)  ---  Resist lowers your healing as well; gut is she wants every point he can milk out of his healing without failing at defense. Otherwise a Sage's Robe'd be used here.
--- Two slots for accessories.

Attack: 35 damage.
(White Magic)
Cure: ~80 HP healed, 8 MP.
Cura: ~110 HP healed, 14 MP.
Curaga: ~140 HP healed, 18 MP
Esuna: Heals non-Stop/Petrify/Doom/Confusion/Charm/KO statuses.
Refresh: Heals non-KO statuses.
Raise: 1/4th revival.
Arise: Full revival.
Reraise: Add Reraise status.
Turbo MP: Double MP costs, improve effectiveness of spells by a bit under 1.5x. Passive, not factored in (...White Mage can't afford turn 2 healing.).

Comments: ...

Nu Mou Time Mage (Rods, Hats, Light Armor, Robes)

323 HP
0/332 MP
82 Speed
118 Attack
123 Defense
171 Magic
226 Resist
0% Evasion
50% Resilience

Heretic Rod (42 Attack, 20 Magic, Dark-elemental)
Golden Skullcap (8 Defense, 6 Magic, 18 Resist)
Sage's Robe (26 Defense, 62 Resist)
-- Two slots for accessories

Physical: 27 damage, dark elemental.
(Time Magic)
Haste: Adds Haste. 8 MP.
Hastega: Adds Haste, group. 16 MP.
Slow: Inflicts Slow, group. 8 MP.
Quicken: Gives an immediate turn. Doesn't work on self. 12 MP.
Stop: Inflicts Stop, group. 12 MP.
Extend: Adds Spellbound. 8 MP.
Reflect: Adds Reflect. 8 MP.
Undo: Undo any HP/MP changes that occurred last turn. Accuracy/2. 14 MP.
Evade Magic: Immune all offensive magic. R-ability. Default.
Critical: Quicken: Get an immediate turn when HP < 25%. R-ability.

Comments: asdf time mages

Nu Mou Illusionist
(Rods, Hats, Light Armor, Robes)

321 HP
0/381 MP
71 Speed
130 Attack
124 Defense
159 Magic
211 Resist
0% Evasion
40% Resilience

Heretic Rod (42 Attack, 20 Magic, Dark-elemental)
Golden Skullcap (8 Defense, 6 Magic, 18 Resist)
Sage's Robe (26 Defense, 62 Resist)
--- Two slots for accessories

Physical: 36 damage, dark elemental.
(Illusion) - All illusions are magic, hit the entire enemy side (cannot hit self), and cost 14 MP:
Illusions: 73 damage, caster's choice of fire/ice/thunder/wind/earth/water/holy/non-elemental damage.
Absorb MP: When hit by a spell with a MP cost, heal MP equal to the cost of the spell.
Halve MP: Reduce MP costs by 1/2. This is already factored in.

Comments: Has better resistance than the human one!... ...Low Light.

Nu Mou Alchemist
(Maces,  Hats, Light Armor, Robes)

375 HP
0/387 MP
84 Speed
154 Attack
126 Defense
156 (186) Magic
240 Resist
0% Evasion
60% Resilience

Zeus Mace (50 Attack, 5 Magic, 5 Resist, Holy-elemental)
Golden Skullcap (8 Defense, 6 Magic, 18 Resist)
Sage's Robe (26 Defense, 62 Resist)

Attack: 54 damage, holy elemental.
Protometeor: 108 (85) magical damage. 8 MP.
Flare: 145 (123) magical damage. 16 MP.
Transmute: Turn a person at critical HP into itemz. Accuracy/2. 8 MP.
Rasp: 93 magical MP damage. 8 MP.
Astra: Adds Astra. 8 MP.
Poison: Inflict Poison. 8 MP.
Toad: Inflict Toad. 32 MP.
(Item) <- Alchemist acquire the Item teritiary automatically, and is the only class to do so. All other classes must use their secondary to equip Item instead of a secondary skillset. As such, the Item skillset may be legal for Alchemists, depending on views (their main benefit is getting free healing, status healing and MP healing; everything else has legality issues.) Items will be listed in the final post, for those who find them legal, but in essence just reverse the effects of Ranger's Mirror Item. >_>
Magick UP: Increases Magick by 30. P-Ability. Factored in. Damage in parenthesis is -without- Magick UP, if Item Lore is applicable.
Item Lore: Doubles the effects of curative items. P-Ability. Not default
Safeguard: Equipment cannot be stolen or broken. P-Ability. Not default.

Comments: Without items? Solid damage, if a bit slow, and magic pretty much fails. With items? Full healing and MP healing (meaning Toad isn't inviable) in exchange for a bit of damage. Winning trade if you allow items. Middle without, Low Heavy with.

Nu Mou Arcanist (Rods, Hats, Light Armor, Robes)

319 HP
0/440 MP
70 Speed
118 Attack
123 Defense
146 Magic
184 Resist
0% Evasion
50% Resilience

Heretic Rod (42 Attack, 20 Magic, Dark-elemental)
Golden Skullcap (8 Defense, 6 Magic, 18 Resist)
Sage's Robe (26 Defense, 62 Resist)

Attack: 27 damage, dark elemental.

(Arcane Magick)
Gravity: 25% cHP damage, accuracy/2. 12 MP.
Lv. 3 Dark: Hits all targets with a level multiple of 3 for 55 damage, dark elemental. 8 MP.
Lv. 5 Haste: Adds Haste to all targets with a level multiple of 5. 8 MP.
Lv. ? Shadowflare: 85 damage, dark elemental, hits all people who share the same first digit number as the caster. (This includes the caster). 12 MP.
Graviga: 50% cHP damage, accuracy/2, 22 MP.
Death: Inflicts ID. 16 MP.
Drain: 78 parasitic healing damage. 12 MP.
Syphon: 78 damage, hits MP, heals HP equal to MP damage dealt. 12 MP.
MP Shield: Deals damage to MP first, overflow goes to HP (so it's not a constantly regenerating second lifebar, sorry.) Not equipped automatically. R-ability.
Pierce: Spells ignore Reflect. P-ability.

Comments: Worst stat totals in the game. Light.

Nu Mou Sage (Maces, Light Armor, Robes, Hats, Shields)

427 HP
0/228 MP
80 Speed
168 Attack
138 (168) Defense
144 Magic
202 Resist
20% Evasion
60% Resilience

Zeus Mace (50 Attack, 5 Magic, 5 Resist, Holy-elemental)
Golden Skullcap (8 Defense, 6 Magic, 18 Resist)
Sage's Robe (26 Defense, 62 Resist)
Reverie Shield (20 Evasion)

Attack: 64 damage, holy-elemental.
Blind: Inflicts Blind. 8 MP.
Aero/Water: 76 damage, wind/water elemental. 14 MP.
Bio: 69 damage, inflicts Poison. 18 MP.
Esunaga: Removes most debuffs (non-fatal ones). 24 MP.
Gigaflare: 114 magical damage. 32 MP.
Scathe: 114 magical damage. 32 MP.
Ultima Blow: 352 magical damage. 32 MP.
Reflex: Immune basic physicals. R-ability.
Defense UP: Boost defense by 30. P-ability, default.
Shieldbearer: Allows equipping shields anytime. Not too useful.

Comments: ...Blinds turn 2, can coast on 50% (or 70%) evasion until he can Ultima Blow. Alternately, tanks out with physicals until then. Middle, you let them see turn 4 and you cry.

Nu Mou Scholar (Books, Hats, Light Armor)

428 HP
0/171 MP
86 Speed
189 Attack
162 Defense
121 Magic
160 Resist
0% Evasion
40% Resilience

Edaroya Scriptures (44 Attack, 10 Magic, 10 Resist, Holy-elemental)
Golden Skullcap (8 Defense, 6 Magic, 18 Resist)
Ever Robe (49 Defense, 28 Resist)

Attack: 80 damage, holy elemental.
Force: Adds Resilience UP. 6 MP.
Natural Selection: Deals 44 damage to targets of a chosen race. 18 MP.
Mad Scientist: Add a random buff (no stat UP buffs). 18 MP.
*** Tomes: 44 damage, earth/ice/dark/lightning elemental, hits -everyone- on the battlefield. 28 MP.
Spellbound: Doubles buff length. P-ability.

Comments: BOOK SMASH. High Light.


HP: 388
Defense: 164
Resistance: 164
Speed: 88
Damage: 92
2.5x KO Point: 229
3.0x KO Point: 272
« Last Edit: April 11, 2010, 05:21:26 PM by Taitoro »


  • Guest
FFTA2 Moogle classes (*MOOG*)
« Reply #7 on: November 13, 2009, 04:26:40 AM »
If it is INFLICTS, it is 49%.
If it is ADDS, it is 100%.


HP: 388
Defense: 164
Resistance: 164
Speed: 88
Damage: 92
2.5x KO Point: 229
3.0x KO Point: 272

Moogle Animist
(Insturments, Hats, Light Armor)

428 HP
0/120 MP
88 Speed
158 Attack
194 Defense
109 Magic
169 Resist
0% Evasion
70% Resilience

Frigid Viol (40 Attack, 5 Defense, 5 Resist, 1 Speed, Ice-elemental)
Golden Skullcap (8 Defense, 6 Magic, 18 Resist)
Ever Robe (49 Defense, 28 Resist)

Attack: 57 damage, ice elemental.

Sheep Count: Inflict Sleep. 12 MP.
Tail Wag: Inflict Charm. 12 MP.
Catnip: Inflict Berserk. 8 MP.
Toadsong: Inflict Frog. 22 MP.
100% Wool: Adds Protect and Shell. 8 MP.
Friend: Uses a random skill from the Summoner spellset. This is near-worthless, as it can hurt or harm either side and his healing/damage are pretty bad with it anyway. If, for some reason, you allow him to use a skill by choice from it... Ramuh/Ifrit/Shiva are 58 damage, Maduin's 65. 4 MP.
Chocobo Rush: 50 magical damage. 8 MP.
Cuisine: Fully heal HP. Cannot target self. (...) 22 MP.
Archer's Bane: Immune basic bow/greatbow physicals.

Comments: ...Cuisine and 100% Wool would have made them actually dangerous slugfesters, with that solid durability. Sadly, reality came in testing Cuisine and realizing it can't hit himself. Best bet now is going for turn 3 sleep and stalling for long enough to inflict Frog from there. Ow. High Light, durable but lacks anything else.

Moogle Thief
(Knives, Hats, Light Armor)

377 HP
0/64 MP
106 Speed
157 Attack
161 Defense
110 Magic
140 Resist
7% Evasion
60% Resilience

Tonberrian (52 Attack, 10 Speed, 2 Evasion)
Golden Skullcap (8 Defense, 6 Magic, 18 Resist)
Ever Robe (49 Defense, 28 Resist)
--- Two slots for accessories.

Attack: 56 damage
Steal Gil/Loot: Stuff he'll never have a use for. Woo.
Steal Smash: Steals "limit" gauge, 25% accuracy. Useless except to deny limit fighters their limit, as he can't use his own. This is arguable as to its equivalency to limits, but it feels close enough.
Steal Accessory: Take someone's accessory. Uh, woo.
Steal Item: Steals an item! Can only take up to four before the skill doesn't work, and it's half accuracy that halves again after each successful steal. So, uh.
Counter: Against any aggressive skill used in melee range (status/magic/physical), counter for 56 damage. R-ability
Maintenance: Equipment cannot be broken or stolen. P-ability.

Comments: lolthief (better than Humes, though! 2 speed, 10 resist and 10% resilience, but hey.) High Light, same reasons as Humes.

Moogle Black Mage (Rods, Hats, Light Armor, Robes)

322 HP
0/328 MP
79 Speed
130 Attack
124 Defense
171 Magic
226 Resist
0% Evasion
50% Resilience

Heretic Rod (42 Attack, 20 Magic, Dark-elemental)
Golden Skullcap (8 Defense, 6 Magic, 18 Resist)
Sage's Robe (26 Defense, 62 Resist)
--- Two slots for accessories

Fire/Blizzard/Thunder: 81 [123] damage, Fire/Ice/Lightning elemental. 8 MP.

Fira/Blizzara/Thundara: 96 [145] damage, Fire/Ice/Lightning elemental. 14 MP.
Firaga/Blizzaga/Thundaga: 111 [168] damage, Fire/Ice/Lightning elemental. 18 MP.
Counter Magic: Counter offensive magic with the same spell, down to MP costs, and running off Black Mage's stats.
Geomancy: Reduces opponent's elemental resistance by 1 level (Absorb -> Null -> Half -> None -> Weak). Passive. Damage listed in brackets.

Comment: ...yeah, this class is the exact same as the Hume version (except this has MORE MAX MP and uh TWO LESS HP). Uh... Montblanc doesn't fail too badly in a duel thanks to this? High Light.

Moogle Time Mage (Rods, Hats, Light Armor, Robes)

323 HP
0/332 MP
82 Speed
118 Attack
123 Defense
171 Magic
227 Resist
0% Evasion
60% Resilience

Heretic Rod (42 Attack, 20 Magic, Dark-elemental)
Golden Skullcap (8 Defense, 6 Magic, 18 Resist)
Sage's Robe (26 Defense, 62 Resist)
-- Two slots for accessories

Physical: 27 damage, dark elemental.

(Time Magic)
Haste: Adds Haste. 8 MP.
Hastega: Adds Haste, group. 16 MP.
Slow: Inflicts Slow, group. 8 MP.
Quicken: Gives an immediate turn. Doesn't work on self. 12 MP.
Stop: Inflicts Stop, group. 12 MP.
Extend: Adds Spellbound. 8 MP.
Reflect: Adds Reflect. 8 MP.
Undo: Undo any HP/MP changes that occurred last turn. Accuracy/2. 14 MP.
Evade Magic: Immune all offensive magic. R-ability. Default.
Critical: Quicken: Get an immediate turn when HP < 25%. R-ability.

Comments: asdf time mages. BETTER THAN THE NU MOU, IS TANKIER TO STATUS. yeah.

Moogle Moogle Knights (Blades, Hats, Armor, Shields)

431 HP
0/175 MP
82 Speed
211 Attack
231 Defense
98 Magic
161 Resist
20% Evasion
50% Resilience

Ayviur Red (64 Attack, 7 Defense, 2 Speed)
Golden Skullcap (8 Defense, 6 Magic, 18 Resist)
Genji Armor (2 Attack, 58 Defense, 12 Resist)
Reverie Shield (20 Evasion)

Attack: 96 damage.
(Onslaught) - Except for Ultima Charge, entirely physical.
Moogle Attack: 96 damage, 100% chance of knockback.
Moogle Rush: 193 damage, accuracy/2.
Moogle Lance: 72 damage.
Ultima Charge: 248 magical damage. 32 MP.
Moogle Aid: ~50 healing, heals poison/blind/silence (might heal more, but don't think so.)
Moogle Shield: Adds Astra. Cannot target self.
Moogle Disarm: Break a piece of equipment at random. Accuracy/4 odds.
Moogle Guard: Boosts Defense and Resistance by 30 until user's next turn. Self-only.
Critical: Haste: Adds Haste when HP <= 25%. R-ability. Default.
Shieldbearer: Allows shields anytime. P-ability. Useless for him.

Comments: Good luck killing him before turn 4, especially if you rely on physicals! The fact that he kills average turn 3 with his physicals is just icing on the cake. Middle.

Moogle Fusilier (Guns, Hats, Light Armor)

379 HP
0/61 MP
85 Speed
153 Attack
176 Defense
97 Magic
150 Resist
0% Evasion
60% Resilience

Peacemaker (35 Attack)
Golden Skullcap (8 Defense, 6 Magic, 18 Resist)
Ever Robe (49 Defense, 28 Resist)

Attack: 53 damage.
(Gunmanship) - All attacks here are physical.
Bolt/Fire/Iceshot: 53 damage, lightning/fire/ice elemental.
Blind/Silence/Charm/Confu/Stopshot: 53 damage, inflicts Blind/Silence/Charm/Confuse/Stop, 54% accuracy on the status. (From casual witnessing - including my own - this might be higher. However, I'm going with 54% because it fits the pattern all other damage+status moves adhere to, which is that they simply hit Resilience and nothing more.)
Concentration: All attacks are 5% more accurate. This applies to status accuracy (against Resilience) as well. P-ability, factored in.

Comments: Borderline turn 1 Stop? OW. Even if it isn't, they should survive to turn 2, and from there they can Blind/Silence/Charm with progressive shots to make sure that even when Stop wears off, the target's helpless... presuming it hasn't died to the rain of gunfire from then. Middle.

Moogle Juggler (Knives, Hats, Light Armor)

375 HP
0/67 MP
110 Speed
183 Attack
188 Defense
110 Magic
137 Resist
7% Evasion
60% Resilience

Tonberrian (52 Attack, 10 Speed, 2 Evasion)
Golden Skullcap (8 Defense, 6 Magic, 18 Resist)
Ever Robe (49 Defense, 28 Resist)

Attack: 75 damage.
Molotov Cocktail: 44 fire physical damage, inflicts Berserk.
Dagger Toss: 44 damage, inflicts Disable.
Weapon Toss: Throws a weapon. Damage dealt in this way is ITD. The Fallen Angel is the best storebought option, clocking in at around 180 damage. This being said, while there's enough for everyone to equip, I don't know how much I buy using them as throwing weapons.
Gil Toss: Throw 10 Gil to do 5% cHP damage, 100 Gil for 10% cHP, or 1,000 for 10% mHP. Woo. Hits Resilience (so 49% accuracy or so).
Smile Toss: Adds Quicken, cannot target self.
Ball Toss: Inflicts Confuse.
Ring Toss: Inflicts Stop.
Return Fire: Immunes basic bow/greatbow physicals; counters them with a basic physical (range irrelevant). R-ability, default.
Sticky Fingers: Immunes thrown weapon damage (Weapon Toss/Ninja's Throw), keeps weapon. R-ability, not default.

Comments: Turn 2 Stop off that speed? And another disabling status? And an argument for a fast as hell 2HKO off solid physical durability (but bad magic durability)? Heavy. Arguable, loves you if you allow thrown weapons but even if not Stop+Disable chaining gets brutal.

Moogle Tinker (Gloves, Hats, Light Armor, Hair Accessories)

425 HP
0/122 MP
77 Speed
190 Attack
189 Defense
135 Magic
205 Resist
5% Evasion
60% Resilience

Gleisburst (59 Attack, 10 Magic, 5 Evasion)
Golden Skullcap (8 Defense, 6 Magic, 18 Resist)
Ever Robe (49 Defense, 28 Resist)

Attack: 81 damage.

(Clockwork) - ALL SKILLS OF THIS RANDOM-TARGET. There is a perfectly 50% chance that a skill will hit Tinker, and 50% chance it will hit the enemy. Resilience factors in where applicable. All skills also cost 8 MP, which means there's never a turn they can't use them unless innate MP regen is somehow disabled.
Black Ingot: Inflict Doom.
Chroma Gem: Inflict Sleep.
Green Gear: Inflict Poison.
Silver Disc: Inflict Blind.
Blue Screw: Dispels all positive stat buffs.
Gold Battery: Heals ~75 HP.
Gold Moogletron: Adds Protect and Shell.
Red Spring: Adds Haste.
Regenerate: Adds Regen status after taking any damage. R-ability.
MP Shield: Deals damage to MP first, overflow goes to HP (so it's not a constantly regenerating second lifebar, sorry.) Not equipped automatically. R-ability.
Ribbon-bearer: Can equip hair accessories if they want to. P-Ability.

Comments: asdftinkers

Moogle Chocobo Rider (Every melee weapon ever, Hats, Light Armor)

319 HP
0/58 MP
114 Speed
168 Attack
161 Defense
97 Magic
149 Resist
0% Evasion
60% Resilience

Tournesol (78 Attack)
Golden Skullcap (8 Defense, 6 Magic, 18 Resist)
Ever Robe (49 Defense, 28 Resist)
(If riding a chocobo, they have Holy, Lightning, and Water weakness.)

Attack: 64 damage.
(Chococraft) - I'll be honest, I don't have stats for these. Why? Catching chocobos is a pain in the goddamn ass, and I don't know how much of their skillset runs off the chocobo's stats, and how much runs off their own. This is pretty much FAQ-ripped with my own estimates (likely inaccurate). They -must- be riding a chocobo to use these skills.
--All Chocobos--
Choco Barrier: Adds Protect and Shell. 8 MP.
Choco Beak: 41 magical damage.
Choco Cure: ~60 HP healing. 8 MP.
--Green Chocobo Only--
Choco Esuna: Remove all status. 8 MP.
--Red Chocobo Only--
Choco Meteor: 78 magic damage. 18 MP.
--White Chocobo Only--
Choco Recharge: ~30 MP healing? 4 MP.
--Brown Chocobo Only--
Choco Guard: Adds Regen+Defense Up+Resistance Up. 10 MP.
--Black Chocobo Only--
Choco Flame: 41 fire magical damage.

Comments: asdf chocobo knights

Moogle Flintlock (Handcannons, Hats, Light Armor)

321 HP
0/277 MP
83 Speed
174 Attack
161 Defense
111 Magic
151 Resist
0% Evasion
60% Resilience

Rocket Punch (55 Attack)
Golden Skullcap (8 Defense, 6 Magic, 18 Resist)
Ever Robe (49 Defense, 28 Resist)

Attack: 78 damage, uses 10 MP.
(Ballistics) - Only Prime can self target.
Prime: Adds Prime status (Allows the rest of Flintlock skills to be used, disappears after one use.)
Protect Cannon: Adds Protect+Regen.
Shell Cannon: Adds Shell+Regen.
Cure Cannon: Heals 60 HP, removes some debuffs.
Ether Cannon: Heals 40 MP.
Teleport Cannon: Teleports a unit to another part of the field randomly. Accuracy/2.
Ether Boost: 61 magical damage, uses 10 MP.
Blowback: 87 magical damage, uses 10 MP, deals 20% mHP damage to the user.
Blur: Dodge all basic gun/handcannon attacks. R-ability.
Charged Attacks: All attacks that deal damage and have no MP cost now have a MP cost of 10, and do ~10 more damage. Already factored in. P-ability.

Comments: lolflintlock
« Last Edit: April 11, 2010, 05:21:54 PM by Taitoro »


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FFTA2 Seeq/Gria classes (*OTHER*)
« Reply #8 on: April 11, 2010, 05:12:26 PM »

HP: 388
Defense: 164
Resistance: 164
Speed: 88
Damage: 92
2.5x KO Point: 229
3.0x KO Point: 272

Seeq Berserker
(Gloves, Hats, Light Armor)

437 HP
0/53 MP
80 Speed
217 Attack
148 Defense
105 Magic
134 Resist
5% Evasion
35% Resilience

Gleisburst (59 Attack, 10 Magic, 5 Evasion)
Golden Skullcap (8 Defense, 6 Magic, 18 Resist)
Ever Robe (49 Defense, 28 Resist)
---Two slots for accessories.

Attack: 123 damage.
(Savagery) - All physical damage.
Smite of Rage: 123 damage, inflicts one of Berserk/Confuse/Immobilize. Whichever status is chosen has a 100% accuracy rate.
Smash: 108 damage at normal accuracy, breaks accessory at accuracy/4 chance.
Helm Smash: 108 damage at normal accuracy, breaks armor at accuracy/4 chance.
Ground Shaker: 92 damage, earth elemental.
Furore: 92 damage, adds knockback, 99% chance.
Scream: Remove buffs from all adjacent units.
Inner Calm: Adds Evasion UP.
Hone Senses: Adds Critical UP.
Counter: Counter any damage dealt by someone in range of user's physical with a physical attack. R-ability.
Critical: Berser: Berserk when HP <= 25%. R-ability, not equipped.
Attack Up: Boosts physical damage. P-ability, factored in.
Death Strike: Boost critical rate. P-ability, not equipped, near-useless.

Comments: Wow, scary competent at slugfesting. Counter+Physical kills average, and Smite of Rage just makes them even more dangerous. Heavy.

Seeq Ranger
(knives, bows, hats, light armor)

429 HP
0/59 MP
106 Speed
172 Attack
175 Defense
109 Magick
177 Resistance
2% Evasion
35% Resilience

Tonberrian (52 Attack, 10 Speed, 2 Evasion)
Ever Robe (49 Defense, 28 Resist)
Golden Skullcap  (8 Defense, 6 Magic, 18 Resist)
Two accessory slots
Attack: 65 damage.
Sten Needle: Put a Sten Needle trap on level terrain, range of 2 squares, radius 1. If stepped on, this trap does 50% cHP, minimum of 10 HP, and ends the opponent's turn. Unevadable.
Choking Gas: Put a Choking Gas trap on level terrain, range of 2 squares, radius 1. If stepped on, inflicts silence (usual status accuracy), and ends the opponent's turn.  Unevadable.
Leech: Put a Leech trap on level terrain, range of 2 squares, radius 1. If stepped on, inflicts ~50 points of MP damage and ends the opponent's turn. Unevadable.
Love Potion: Put a Love Potion trap on level terrain, range of 2 squares, radius 1. If stepped on, inflicts charm (usual status accuracy), and ends the opponent's turn. Unevadable.
Mirror Item: See below.
Camouflage: Invisible (self), 100%.
Awareness: Reveal all invisible enemies and all traps on the field.
Life Charge:  Heal a target, costing your own HP. I don't have numbers on this yet.
Critical: Vanish: Invisible (self) as immediate counter when HP <= 25%. Reaction.
Item Lore: Double the effect of healing items. (Applies to Mirror Item.)  Passive, equipped.
Evade Traps: Immune to traps. Passive.
Mirror Items: Reverse engineers an item's effects.
Mirror Potion: 60 damage, ITD,  
Mirror Hi-Potion: 200 damage, ITD,    
Mirror X-Potion: 400 damage, ITD,  
Mirror Ether: 60 MP damage, ITD,  
Mirror Phoenix Down: ID.
Mirror status healing items: Status inflict of their type.
Mirror Remedy: Pretty much every status in the book, inflicted. Average is four of the negative status will land, Toad seems to show up very often from casual tests, might be because there's only two blockers in the game for it..
Mirror Holy Water: Reduce innate resistance to status, 99% accuracy. This boosts Ranger's status infliction rate to xx%.
---These items are common drops but not storebought. I do mean common, idly. 15 or so by halfway through the game.
Mirror Elixir: Reduce HP/MP to single digits, 99%. (Obtainable in repeatable quest, 100% reward)
---These items are rare drops.
Mirror Grimoire Stone: ~80 MP damage + Mag/MDef Down, MT  
Mirror Eureka Crystal: ~80 damage + Atk/Def Down, MT. (Obtainable in repeatable quest, 100% reward)
Mirror Dark Matter: Low healing, MT.
Comments: Free 400 damage, ITD, off Ranger speed. Also, status spread of whoa and FFTA2 equips, plus solid durability. Probably Mid Godlike, that damage/status is nice.

Seeq Lanista
(Greatswords, Helmets, Hats, Armor, Light Armor)

431 HP
0/117 MP
82 Speed
214 Attack
208 Defense
104 Magic
110 Resist
0% Evasion
35% Resilience

Tournesol (78 Attack)
Genji Helm (2 Attack, 19 Defense, 9 Resist)
Genji Armor (2 Attack, 58 Defense, 12 Resist)

Attack: 99 damage.
Souleater: 51 damage, dark elemental physical. Does 10% mHP damage to user.
Sword of Darkness: 66 dark elemental physical damage, parasitic healing. 12 MP.
Sword of Light: 32 light elemental magical damage, hits MP, heals Lanista's MP by the amount of damage done to MP. 8 MP.
Haunting Vision: 32 magical damage, inflicts Blind. 8 MP.
Charge!: 99 damage, 100% chance of knockback, accuracy/4 chance of breaking armor. 8 MP.
Strike!: Boosts critical hit rate by an unknown amount. 8 MP.
Block!: Adds Defense Up buff. 8 MP.
Razzle-Dazzle: 108 ITD damage, calculated by (Lanista's mHP/4). Full-heals Lanista (must have an opponent to target for it to work.) 24 MP.
Dragonheart: Add Reraise when damage is inflicted. OPB. R-ability, default.
Blink Counter: Counter basic melee physicals with a 1.5x (149) damage physical. R-ability, not default.
Monkey Grip: Wield two-handed weapons in one hand (for shield use). Too bad he can't use shields. P-ability.
Tank: Equip armor/helmets anytime. P-ability, irrelevant.

Comments: Dragonheart+Razzle-Dazzle+tankiness make a Lanista a pain in the ass to beat, and an opponent that can keep on dishing out damage as it works down an opponent. Avoid the Razzle-Dazzle turn or you're kinda screwed. Middle/Heavy.

Seeq Viking
(Hammers, Axes, Helmets, Hats, Armor, Light Armor, Shields)

433 HP
0/169 MP
85 Speed
178 Attack
196 Defense
115 Magic
195 Resist
0% Evasion
35% Resilience

Mjolnir (55 Attack, 10 Magic, 15 Resist, Lightning-element)
Genji Helm (2 Attack, 19 Defense, 9 Resist)
Genji Armor (2 Attack, 58 Defense, 12 Resist)
NOTE: Axes are one-handed, so for a decent drop in magic damage, magic defense, and a slight drop in physical offense, he can swap to an axe and get 20% evasion. Your call.

Attack: 72 damage, lightning-elemental.
Thunder: 40 lightning-elemental magic damage. 8 MP.
Thundara: 55 lightning-elemental magic damage. 14 MP.
Thundaga: 70 lightning-elemental magic damage. 18 MP.
Pillage: 40 damage, accuracy/4 chance of stealing armor.
Strongarm: 40 damage, accuracy/4 chance of stealing item.
Pickpocket: 40 damage, accuracy/4 chance of stealing gil.
War Cry: Adds Resilience UP buff.
Tsunami: 55 water-elemental magic damage; 55 MP damage. 8 MP. Only usable in water.
Absorb Damage: Heal 10% of any damage dealt. This effectively acts as reducing damage to 9/10ths, except on an attack that would kill or ignore reactions. R-Ability.
Gil Snapper: Gain money equal to the amount of damage dealt by a critical hit. R-ability, not default.
Safeguard: Equips cannot be broken or stolen. P-ability, default.
Doublehand: Allows a weapon to be used two-handed, increases damage by ~7. P-ability, not default.
Shieldbearer: Allows shields anytime! P-ability, default.

Comments: Uh... Low Middle. Tanky to everything, lacks any real offense but that's okay.

Notes on Gria: All Gria have innate flight. This makes getting around to the back of a target far easier for them. Any back-attack damage will be in {}s.

Gria Hunter: (Greatbows, Knives, Hats, Light Armor, Hair Accessories)

378 HP
0/170 MP
93 Speed
174 Attack
147 Defense
109 Magic
165 Resist
5% Evasion
40% Resilience

Seventh Heaven (55 Attack, 5 Evasion, Holy-elemental)
Golden Skullcap (8 Defense, 6 Magic, 18 Resist)
Ever Robe (49 Defense, 28 Resist)

Attack: 91 damage, holy-elemental. {122 damage, holy-elemental}
Advice: Adds Critical UP.
Oust: Removes monster from battlefield once below 25% HP. Doesn't work on the final enemy, and is an Eject-type. Especially DL useless.
Sonic Boom: 80 damage, holy elemental, range 4 area 2.
Counter Force: Inflicts Addle on target monster.
Hunting: 23 damage, if it kills the target Hunter gets DUBL PHAT LEWTZ.
Sidewinder: 91 damage, 182 to monsters. {244 to monsters, back attack}
Vitals Shot: Inflicts one of Immobilize, Blind, Disable and Berserk, in that order (each makes an individual check). This means low-resilience people usually get hit with Immobilize, and high-end Disable or Berserk.
Ultima Shot: 274 damage, 32 MP.
Regenerate: Adds Regen status upon taking any damage. R-ability.
Attack Up: Boosts physical damage (already factored in).

Comments: You will regret letting them see turn 4 - and with Vitals Shot and range, many people can be forced into giving them that turn. Regen only makes matters worse, and Blind+his equip options means he might be able to make any status option incredibly dangerous. His only fear is that his durability is not exceptional, but the speed helps there - and flight might allow them to score a 2HKO, which helps further. Middle/Heavy.

Gria Raptor (Broadswords, Shields, Helmets, Hats, Armor, Light Armor, Hair Accessories)

433 HP
0/173 MP
91 Speed
208 Attack
173 Defense
119 Magic
117 Resist
20% Evasion
40% Resilience

Estrella (72 Attack, 5 Defense, 5 Resist)
Reverie Shield (20 Evasion)
Genji Helm (2 Attack, 19 Defense, 9 Resist)
Genji Armor (2 Attack, 58 Defense, 12 Resist)

Attack: 95 damage. {127 damage.}
Power Crush: 95 damage, inflicts Defense DOWN. {127 damage, same status.}
Mind Crush: 95 damage, inflicts Resistance DOWN. {127 damage, same status.}
Speed Crush: 95 damage, inflicts Speed DOWN. {127 damage, same status.}
Soul Crush: 95 damage to both HP and MP. {127 damage to HP and MP.}

Cyclone: 57 wind elemental magic damage.
Whirlwind: 46 wind elemental magic damage. Inflicts Confuse. 8 MP.
Bulwark: Immune all damage, and Evasion/Resilience become 0% until next turn.
Shield Bash: Knockback (hits evasion) and Disable (hits resilience).
Counter: Counter all melee offensive actions (phys/magic/status) with a basic physical. R-ability, default.
Reflex: Immune basic physicals. R-ability, not default.
Monkey Grip: Allows two-handed weapons in one hand (thus allowing shield use). P-ability, default.
Safeguard: Equipment cannot be broken or stolen. P-ability, not default.
Shieldbearer: Shield use anytime! P-ability, not default.

Comments: Ow. Counter/Reflex, awesome stat debuffs, Soul Crush, BULWARK+COUNTER... jeez. The Raptor does not fuck around. Go first and oneshot, or I hope you have good status that she can't block with a hair accessory, accessory or Templar Shield. ... Yeah. Heavy.

Gria Ravager (Greatswords, Helmets, Hats, Armor, Light Armor, Hair Accessories)

437 HP
0/116 MP
83 Speed
228 Attack
209 Defense
89 Magic
110 Resist
0% Evasion
40% Resilience

Tournesol (78 Attack)
Genji Helm (2 Attack, 19 Defense, 9 Resist)
Genji Armor (2 Attack, 58 Defense, 12 Resist)

Attack: 109 damage. {145 damage.} [163 damage.] [{217 damage.}]
Sneak Attack: Sneak Attack damage works like this: if it hits the front, the damage gets a 0.5x mod. Side, 1.2x. Back, 2x mod. Thusly, this gets -brutal- if you allow back hits in the DL.
So, damages: 131 damage. {291 damage.} [195 damage.] [{434 damage.}]

Tenacity: Basic physical, increases by 11 from the side or 15 from the back for each debuff Ravager has on her (so three debuffs means 45 extra damage from the back).
Full Assault: 95 damage. {127 damage.} [149 damage.] [{199 damage.}] Inflicts Sleep on self. (...>_>)
Overpower: 80 {107} [134] [{179}] damage, bypasses reaction abilities.
Sweeping Spin/Blast Wave: 61 {81} [115] [{153}] damage, hits all around/line in front of Ravager.
En Garde: Replaces current R-Ability with Counter until the end of the turn.
Battle Cry: Adds Attack UP and Defense DOWN.
Strikeback: Immune basic physicals and counter with a basic physical. R-ability, default.
Bonecrusher: Counter basic physicals with a 1.5x damage physical (so 168). R-ability, not default.
Unscarred: If undamaged, Attack, Defense, Magic and Resistance are all multiplied by 1.5. P-ability, default, Unscarred damages are in []s.
Defense UP: Boosts defense by 30. P-ability, not default.
Tank: Equip heavy armor. P-ability, not default.

Comments: Allow back attacks and give Ravager a turn? You. DIE. Sneak Attack is just that damn nasty. Even without Unscarred it's a massive amount of damage. Side attacks only... well, 131 damage is still nice, Strikeback is icing on the cake, and if she can't expect a Unscarred turn she can toss Defense UP on instead for more stable boosts. Heavy.

Gria Geomancer (Poles, Hats, Light Armor, Hair Accessories)

376 HP
0/281 MP
86 Speed
155 Attack
216 Defense
111 Magic
203 [233] Resist
2% Evasion
60% Resilience

Eight-fluted Pole (49 Attack, 2 Defense, 2 Speed, 2 Evasion)
Ever Robe (49 Defense, 28 Resist)
Golden Skullcap  (8 Defense, 6 Magic, 18 Resist)

Attack: 54 damage. {72 damage}
(Geomancy) - Entirely magical.
Nature's Embrace: 36 damage, only usable on natural terrain. 8 MP.
Artifice's Embrace: 36 damage, inflicts Slow: only usable on manmade terrain. 8 MP.
Earth's Embrace: 36 damage, inflicts Disable: only usable on non-life-based terrain. 8 MP.
Life's Embrace: 36 damage, inflicts Immobilize: only usable on living or once-living terrain. 8 MP.
Shining Flare: 48 fire damage, only usable on sunny days. 12 MP.
Venom Squall: 48 water damage, inflicts Poison: only usable when raining. 12 MP.
Avalanche: 48 ice damage, inflicts Slow: only usable when snowing. 12 MP.
Mist Storm: 51 dark damage, 51 MP damage: only usable in Mist. 24 MP.
Magick Counter: Counter a spell with the same spell. Must have the MP to use it. R-ability, default (sadly).
Critical: Evasion: Adds Evasion UP when HP < 25%. R-ability, not default.
Resistance UP: Resistance +30. R-ability, default.
Avoid Traps: Can't trigger traps. R-ability, not default.

Comments: Meh.


HP: 388
Defense: 164
Resistance: 164
Speed: 88
Damage: 92
2.5x KO Point: 229
3.0x KO Point: 272
« Last Edit: April 11, 2010, 05:22:24 PM by Taitoro »


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Re: Final Fantasy Tactics A2: Grimoire Of The Rift
« Reply #9 on: April 11, 2010, 05:24:40 PM »
Table of contents added, loading problems reduced but not eliminated, working on a Wiki section.