Reno's been here a long time. He was antagonizing spikey haired heroes back when they didn't outnumber silent mains. He was tangling with Breath of Fire characters before people were unsure if Myria could become a Godlike champion. He was taking time to smell the roses before love and friendship were the message of every quest... okay, so some things were the same back then. But the point is, Reno's been around the block a few times, so an indecisive young punk that things a talking cat and some fancy turn crap are gonna let him take on a Turk? He's got another thing coming to him, that's for sure. Whatever trick Reno pulls out of his signature ElectroMag Rod, Vayne's going to be in a world of hurt, and thanks to the rather lengthy wind-up time on Vayne's only real trick, Reno's got plenty of time to use the rod and beat some respect into the new kid.