Author Topic: Final Fantasy Twelve  (Read 5066 times)


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Final Fantasy Twelve
« on: August 16, 2009, 11:42:51 PM »
You know what I just realized?  I haven't ever made a Final Fantasy stat topic before.  So why the hell did I decide to do Final Fantasy 12, quite possible the most nightmarish one to do?  

I guess I just like pain.

Anyway, this topic is going to be fairly complete at some point.  I wanted to try to pull as many possible interpretations for the cast as possible...and I got many. There are many ways to take characters due to the License Board set-up: "scale" the starting licenses up (similar to the DDS2 Mantra Grid), or take them at baseline being the most common, and easiest to consider/fairest.  Other views include: scaling the characters based on Revenant Wings, providing the Job System stats for every class, and whatever else Meeple/Tonfa come up with >_>  The first two posts will include the more common DL views (also known as "Balthier Hype" and "Arbitrary Scaling" views), while other posts will (eventually) contain the other PC set-ups, temps, and bosses.

I'll list the specifics in the individual posts, as there is a lot that could be added here.  But, system basics:

FF12 uses an ATB system for combat.  It also utilizes ranges, distances, recovery times, lag times, and a lot of other odd mechanics which end up working reasonably well.  The game uses a subtractive defense system for everything from defense to magick defense to status defense, which can end up being pretty significant depending on the attack (think FF1 style).  The majority of the stats come from equipment (DEF, MDEF, EVA, MEVA, ATT) and skills (Augments, Quickenings, etc.) - character base stats, as you'll see, don't vary a huge amount.  

Each weapon class and type has a specific CT associated with it (all magick, for reference, has a CT of 30), and damage varies based on several stats (for example, swords are based entirely on ATT of the weapon and STR, while daggers are based off ATT, STR, and SPD).  These will be noted with the weapon class.  Weapons also have a chance to combo (i.e., multiple hits) that is added to the character's base chance to combo.  Note that guns, bows, measures, crossbows, rods, staves, and handbombs cannot combo, though the bows, measures, crossbows and guns can critical (the noted rate is in addition to the character base of 5%).  Note that weapons that can combo can still critical (2x damage), at a 5% rate per hit.  For instances of combo attacks:

Hit # | HP > 25% | 25%< HP <12.5% | 6.25%< HP <12.5% |  HP < 6.25%
 2    | 40.0%    | 14.7%          |  1.4%            |    0%
 3    | 38.2%    | 30.8%          |  7.5%            |    0%
 4    | 16.6%    | 29.3%          | 17.5%            |  0.2%
 5    |  4.3%    | 16.7%          | 24.7%            |  1.2%
 6    |  0.8%    |  6.4%          | 23.3%            |  4.3%
 7    |    0%    |  1.7%          | 15.3%            | 10.8%
 8    |    0%    |  0.3%          |  7.2%            | 19.2%
 9    |    0%    |    0%          |  2.4%            | 24.4%
 10   |    0%    |    0%          |  0.6%            | 21.7%
 11   |    0%    |    0%          |    0%            | 12.8%
 12   |    0%    |    0%          |    0%            |  5.3%

Weapon combo rates are added to this after being multiplied by 0.7 (rounded up).  So, a weapon with a combo rating of 20% added to a character >25% HP would show a 54% chance of performing 2 hits.  This chart also holds true for bosses and non-PCs.

Character limit breaks in this game are handled a little bit differently.  Called Quickenings, every character has 3 that can be activated immediately as long as they have enough MP.  There are 3 "levels" of MP, with an additional MP pool gained after learning a Quickening, enabling a Quickening of that level (i.e., either 1, 2, or 3 pools of MP corresponding to a level 1, 2, or 3 Quickening).  The damage accrued during these is physical, and varies based on the level of Quickening performed.  The damage is also exceedingly random (to the point where using a single level 1 Quickening can conceivably deal more damage than using multiple level 3 Quickenings).  In addition, if a certain number of Quickenings of a certain level are performed, a Contingency will occur, which is basically extra damage added on to the Quickening chain.  I really don't intend to get numbers for these due to the randomness of the performing the Quickening (it's part skill, part speed, and all luck) and the randomness of the damage, but if you really ask nicely, I might try to.  I might also stab my eyes out with a clothespin, but I might get the damages as well!

Statuses, both positive and negative, play a large role in FF12 in-game.  All positive statuses except Berserk have a 100% hit rate; all other statuses have a hit rate equal to the base (Minimum is about 40%) + caster's MAG - target's VIT.  Duration of effects is similar: Base +/- a component of the character's VIT, with positive statuses lasting longer on higher VIT, and negative statuses lasting less time with higher VIT.  A list of statuses is as follows:

Positive Statuses
Haste: Boosts speed by 50%
Berserk: Boosts speed by 100%, boosts physical damage by 50%, seals all commands but the "Attack" command
Faith: Boosts magic effects by 30%
Bravery: Boosts physical damage by 30%
Protect: Reduces physical damage by 25%
Shell: Reduces magical damage by 25%
Regen: Recover an average of HP = 0.5*CLvl every 1.5 seconds (range = 1-CLvl HP recovered)
Invisibile: Will not be targeted by enemies that must visibly acquire targets
Bubble: Doubles MHP
Lure: All enemies will focus on the afflicted character
Reflect: Reflects most magic attacks back at user
Float: Prevents characters from being harmed by traps
Libra: Allows user to see traps and enemy stats

Negative Statuses
Slow: Lowers speed by 50%
Sap: Drains 10 HP each second
Poison: Drains 16% MHP every 12 seconds
Petrify: Counts down from 10 to 0; at 0, character is turned to stone; counts down 1 integer every 4.5 seconds
Stone: Character cannot act or be targeted
Doom: Counts down from 10 to 0; at 0, character dies; counts down 1 integer every 10 seconds
Blind: Physical accuracy drops by 50%
Oil: Triples fire damage received
Disease: Sets character MHP = CHP
Confuse: Character randomly attacks allies, including self; broken by physical damage
Sleep: Target cannot act; broken by damage of any sort; while asleep, target takes 50% more damage
Disable: Target cannot do anything except move
Immobilize: Target cannot move, but may still act
Silence: Seals magic casting abilities
X-Zone: Character is unavailable until the area is exited
Stop: Character is frozen and cannot do anything
Reverse: Reverse the effects of healing and damage on a character

Some statuses cannot be cast concomitantly.  If one already exists, casting the other status will do nothing.  These statuses are: Disease and Bubble, Doom and Petrify, Confuse and Berserk, Lure and Stop

All levels for this topic are taken at 60, and assume about 75% of the optional stuff is completed.  I figured this was pretty fair, and should be similar to what someone normally gets on their first playthrough.
« Last Edit: September 04, 2009, 04:51:41 PM by OblivionKnight »
[11:53] <+Meeple_Gorath> me reading, that's a good one

[19:26] * +Terra_Condor looks up. Star Wars Football, what?
[19:27] <+Terra_Condor> Han Kicks First?
[19:27] <%Grefter-game> Vader intercepts.
[19:27] <%Grefter-game> Touchdown and Alderaan explodes in the victory


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Re: Final Fantasy Twelve
« Reply #1 on: August 16, 2009, 11:43:01 PM »
This assumes that characters get only their starting licenses and nothing more.  For those who don't remember, here are the starting licenses for these characters.  Not that you could argue some plot equips (Treaty-Blade for Ashe, Manufacted Nethicite for Penelo, etc.), but these are not unique, so I'm not considering them:

Vaan: Steal, Light Armour 1, Small Swords, Accessories 1 (this is a plot license acquisition, where the game forcibly gives you the license as well as an accessory to use it with near the start of the game as an introduction to the system)

Penelo: Daggers 1, Light Armour 1, White Magick 1

Balthier: Steal, First Aid, Guns 1, Guns 2, Light Armour 1, Light Armour 2, Shields 1, Heavy Armour 1

Fran: White Magick 1, Black Magick 1, Steal, Bows 1, Bows 2, Heavy Armour 1, Light Armour 1, Light Armour 2, Shields

Basch: Accessories 3, Libra, Shields 1, Shields 2, Light Armour 1, Heavy Armour 1, Heavy Armour 2, Small Swords, Swords 1, Axes 1

Ashe: Accessories 2, Accessories 1, White Magick 1, White Magick 2, Mystic Armour 1, Shields 1, Light Armour 1, Heavy Armour 1, Heavy Armour 2, Shields 2, Swords 1, Swords 2

No real equipment options exist, so none are listed.  

Note that I still consider the augments in here - this doesn't change anything other than making the numbers look more like they do in-game, since everyone gets things equally.

"I got a good feeling"
HP: 4134 (4179)
MP: 214 (642)
Strength: 60
Magick Power: 51
Vitality: 46
Speed: 32

Attack Power: 11 (13)
Defense: 0 (4)
Magick Resist: 0 (4)
Evade: 0 (5)
Magick Evade: 0

Mythril Sword: 13 ATT, 5 EVA, 5% combo chance, 35 CT
Leather Cap: 10 HP, 4 MDEF
Leather Clothing: 10 HP, 4 DEF
Orrachea Armlet: 25 HP

Attack: 0 physical damage


"Try to grow up, please"
HP: 3773 (3793)
MP: 224 (672)
Strength: 55
Magick Power: 53
Vitality: 45
Speed: 31

Attack Power: 11 (19)
Defense: 0 (4)
Magick Resist: 0 (4)
Evade: 0 (5)
Magick Evade: 0

Mage Masher: 19 ATT, 5 EVA, Inflicts Silence status 15% with each hit, 7% combo chance, 25 CT
Leather Cap: 10 HP, 4 MDEF
Leather Clothing: 10 HP, 4 DEF

Attack: 0 physical damage

White Magick
Cure (5 MP): 600 healing
Blindna (5 MP): Cures blind status

Ffamran "Balthier" Mid Bunansa
"I'm the leading man. You know what they say about the leading man: he never dies"
HP: 4044 (4074)
MP: 177 (531)
Strength: 60 (62)
Magick Power: 45
Vitality: 45
Speed: 32

Attack Power: 11 (19)
Defense: 0  (7)
Magick Resist: 0 (6)
Evade: 0 (10)
Magick Evade: 0

Sirius: 18 ATT, 10 EVA, 5% critical rate, 51 CT
Onion Shot: 1 ATT
Headguard: 30 HP, 6 MDEF
Bronze Armour: 2 STR, 7 DEF

Attack: 600 ITD ITE damage

First Aid: Restores 20% MHP; only usable when target is below 20% MHP

"I have discarded Wood and village. I won my freedom. Yet my past had been cut away forever. No longer can my ears hear the Green Word. This…solitude, you want, Mjrn?"
HP: 3921
MP: 202 (606)
Strength: 57 (61)
Magick Power: 48
Vitality: 40
Speed: 31

Attack Power: 11  (40)
Defense: 0 (7)
Magick Resist: 0 (6)
Evade: 0
Magick Evade: 0

Longbow: 39 ATT, 5% critical rate, 36 CT
Onion Arrows: 1 ATT
Bronze Helm: 2 STR, 6 MDEF
Bronze Armour: 2 STR, 7 DEF

Attack: 500 physical damage

White Magick
Cure (5 MP): 500 healing
Blindna (5 MP): Cures blind status

Black Magick
Fire (5 MP): 0 fire magick damage
Thunder (5 MP): 0 thunder magick damage
Blizzard (5 MP): 0 ice magick damage

Basch fon Ronsenburg
"Then come! Wield your hatred and crush me. I welcome it!"
HP: 4153
MP: 163 (489)
Strength: 61 (67)
Magick Power: 48
Vitality: 36
Speed: 30

Attack Power: 11 (53)
Defense: 0 (11)
Magick Resist: 0 (9)
Evade: 0 (16)
Magick Evade: 0

Iron Hammer: 53 ATT, 2 EVA, 7% combo chance, 32 CT
Round Shield: 14 EVA
Iron Helm: 3 STR, 9 MDEF
Iron Armour: 3 STR, 11 DEF
Armguard: Reduces received damage by 50% if user is at critical HP (20% MHP)
(Tourmaline Ring: Immune Poison status)

Attack: 200 physical damage on average damage (ranges from 0 to 1700)

Libra: Adds Libra status

Ashelia B'nargin Dalmasca
"I am no false saint for you to use!"
HP: 3883
MP: 213 (639)
Strength: 57 (63)
Magick Power: 55
Vitality: 43
Speed: 30

Attack Power: 11 (35)
Defense: 0 (11)
Magick Resist: 0 (9)
Evade: 0  (19)
Magick Evade: 0

Ancient Sword: 35 ATT, 5 EVA, Inflicts Petrify status 15% with each hit, 5% combo chace, 35 CT
Round Shield: 14 EVA
Iron Helm: 3 STR, 9 MDEF
Iron Armour: 3 STR, 11 DEF
Steel Gorget: Doubles physical damage dealt if user is at critical HP (20% MHP)
(Bangle: Auto-Libra)

Attack: 300 physical damage

White Magick
Cure (5 MP): 600 healing
Blindna (5 MP): Cures blind status
Vox (5 MP): Cures silence status
Poisona (5 MP): Cures poison status


HP: 4001
1) Vaan - 4179
2) Basch - 4153
3) Balthier - 4074
4) Fran - 3921
5) Ashe - 3883
6) Penelo - 3793

DEF: 7
1) Basch - 11
2) Ashe - 11
3) Balthier - 7
4) Fran - 7
5) Vaan - 4
6) Penelo - 4

1) Basch - 9
2) Ashe - 9
3) Balthier - 6
4) Fran - 6
5) Vaan - 4
6) Penelo - 4

VIT: 43
1) Vaan - 46
2) Balthier - 45
3) Penelo - 45
4) Ashe - 43
5) Fran - 40
6) Basch - 36

SPD: 31
1) Vaan - 32
2) Balthier - 32
3) Penelo - 31
4) Fran - 31
5) Ashe - 30
6) Basch - 30

1) Balthier - 600
2) Fran - 500
3) Ashe - 300
4) Basch - 200
5) Vaan - 0
6) Penelo - 0
« Last Edit: August 17, 2009, 05:55:00 AM by OblivionKnight »
[11:53] <+Meeple_Gorath> me reading, that's a good one

[19:26] * +Terra_Condor looks up. Star Wars Football, what?
[19:27] <+Terra_Condor> Han Kicks First?
[19:27] <%Grefter-game> Vader intercepts.
[19:27] <%Grefter-game> Touchdown and Alderaan explodes in the victory


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Re: Final Fantasy Twelve
« Reply #2 on: August 16, 2009, 11:43:25 PM »
These stats assume that the starting licenses noted above are scaled - i.e., if a character started with White Magick 1, they were allowed all White Magicks.  The same goes for all weapons and armour, though in all case, everything is limited to storebought items only (which includes all spells and the majority of the equipment in the game).  Note that I also considered augments, like above.  

For set-up references, a point of MAG should increase damage by ~5%.  The same goes for healing effects.

Equipment options, assuming you allow scaled up licenses (top one is assumed default weapon for characters that can equip it):

One-Handed Swords (STR-based: +1 STR = ~5% more damage)
Deathbringer: 90 ATT, 5 EVA, Inflicts Knock Out status 10% with each hit, 5% combo chance, 35 CT
Icebrand: 65 ATT, 5 EVA, Ice Element, 5% combo chance, 35 CT
Flametongue: 53 ATT, 5 EVA, Fire Element, 5% combo chace, 35 CT
Blood Sword: 41 ATT, 5 EVA, Inflicts Sap status 100% with each hit, 5% combo chace, 35 CT
Ancient Sword: 35 ATT, 5 EVA, Inflicts Petrify status 15% with each hit, 5% combo chace, 35 CT

Heavy Weapons (STR and VIT-based; randomly variable damage)
Golden Axe: 110 ATT, 6 EVA, 3% combo chance, 29 CT
Sledgehammer: 77 ATT, 2 EVA, Inflicts Disable status 20% with each hit, 7% combo chance, 32 CT

Daggers (STR and SPD-based; +1 STR = ~2% more damage; +1 SPD = ~1% more damage)
Zwill Crossblade: 73 ATT, 5 EVA, Wind element, 7% combo chance, 22 CT
Platinum Dagger: 66 ATT, 5 EVA, Inflicts Immobilize status 10% with each hit, 7% combo chance, 23 CT
Orichalcum Dirk: 59 ATT, 5 EVA, Inflicts Slow status 10% with each hit, 7% combo chance, 23 CT
Avenger: 52 ATT, 5 EVA, Inflicts Berserk status 10% with each hit, 7% combo chance, 23 CT
Main Gauche: 38 ATT, 35 EVA, 7% combo chance, 24 CT
Chopper: 31 ATT, 5 EVA, Iflicts Sap status 10% with each hit, 7% combo chance, 24 CT
Assassin's Dagger: 25 ATT, 5 EVA, Inflicts Knock Out status 5% with each hit, 7% combo chance, 25 CT
Mage Masher: 19 ATT, 5 EVA, Inflicts Silence status 15% with each hit, 7% combo chance, 25 CT

Bows (STR and SPD-baed; cannot combo; +1 STR = ~2% more damage; +1 SPD = ~1% more damage)
Perseus Bow: 81 ATT, 5% critical rate, 36 CT
Burning Bow: 63 ATT, Increases Fire element damage by 50%, 5% critical rate, 36 CT

Onion Arrows: 1 ATT

Guns (Damage based on combined weapon+ammo ATT only; Ignores DEF and EVA; cannot combo)
Antares: 39 ATT, 10 EVA, 5% critical rate, 51 CT

Onion Bullets: 1 ATT

Demon Shield: 40 EVA, Absorb Dark element
Dragon Shield: 23 EVA, Immunity Earth element
Flame Shield: 16 EVA, Halves Fire element
Ice Shield: 16 EVA, Halves Ice element
Aegis Shield: 13 EVA, 50 MEVA

Light Helmets
Renewing Morion: 370 HP, 4 VIT, Auto-Regen, 44 MDEF
Gigas Hat: 530 HP, 2 MAG, 38 MDEF
Thief's Cap: 460 HP, 4 SPD, 36 MDEF
Chakra Bad: 390 HP, 2 STR, 34 MDEF
Adamant Hat: 310 HP, Halves Fire element, Weak to Ice element, 29 MDEF
Goggle Mask: 270 HP, Immune Blind status, 26 MDEF

Mystic Helmets
Golden Skullcap: 10 MAG, 3 SPD, 58 MDEF
White Mask: 8 MAG, Absorb Holy elemet, 56 MDEF
Black Mask: 8 MAG, Absorb Dark element, 53 MDEF
Celebrant's Mitre: 6 MAG, 5 SPD, 50 MDEF
Gold Hairpin: 7 MAG, 8 VIT, 47 MDEF
Hypnocrown: 2 STR, 7 MAG, 44 MDEF
Gaia Hat: 80 MP, 7 MAG, 41 MDEF

Heavy Helmets
Magepower Shishak: 12 STR, 40 MDEF
Dragon Helm: 70 HP, 9 STR, 35 MDEF
Giant's Helm: 150 HP, 8 STR, 33 MDEF
Steel Mask: 7 STR, 4 SPD, 28 MDEF
Diamon Helm: 7 STR, 3 VIT, 25 MDEF
Bone Helm: 6 STR, Halve Dark element, Weak Holy element, 22 MDEF

Light Armour
Mirage Vest: 800 HP, 10 VIT, 10 SPD, 45 DEF
Rubber Suit: 700 HP, Immune Thunder element, 42 MDEF
Gigas Chestplate: 540 HP, 2 MAG, 38 MDEF
Power Vest: 400 HP, 2 STR, 34 MDEF
Adamant Vest: 320 HP, Halve Fire element, Weak Ice element, 29 MDEF
Viking Coat: 240 HP, Immune Water element, 23 MDEF
Windbreaker: 100 HP, Halve Wind element, 12 MDEF

Mystic Armour
Glimmering Robes: 12 MAG, 10 VIT, 39 DEF
Black Robes: 10 MAG, Increases Dark element damage by 50%, 38 MDEF
White Robes: 10 MAG, Increases Holy element damage by 50%, 38 MDEF
Black Garb: 6 MAG, 3 SPD, 27 MDEF
Sorceror's Habit: 20 MP, 8 MAG, 24 MDEF

Heavy Armour
Maximillian: 9 STR, 6 SPD, 58 DEF, 1 MDEF
Dragon Mail: 100 HP, 8 STR, 53 DEF
Carabineer Mail: 8 STR, 2 MAG, 50 DEF
Mirror Mail: 6 STR, Auto-Reflect, 43 MDEF
Diamond Armour: 7 STR, 5 VIT, 39 DEF
Bone Mail: 6 STR, Halve Dark element, Weak Holy element, 34 DEF
Shielded Armour: 5 STR, Auto-Protect, 24 DEF

Orrachea Armlet: 25 HP (Vaan/Ashe)
Tourmaline Ring: Immune Poison status (Basch)
Armguard: Reduces received damage by 50% if user is at critical HP (20% MHP) (Basch)
Bangle: Auto-Libra (Ashe)
Steel Gorget: Doubles physical damage dealt if user is at critical HP (20% MHP) (Ashe)

"What are we waiting for?!"
HP: 4134 (5329)
MP: 214 (642)
Strength: 60
Magick Power: 51
Vitality: 46 (60)
Speed: 32 (42)

Attack Power: 11 (90)
Defense: 0 (45)
Magick Resist: 0 (44)
Evade: 0 (5)
Magick Evade: 0

Renewing Morion
Mirage Vest
Orrachea Armlet

Attack: 2200 physical damage


"What's wrong with her?"
HP: 3773 (4943)
MP: 224 (672)
Strength: 55
Magick Power: 53
Vitality: 45 (59)
Speed: 31 (41)

Attack Power: 11 (73)
Defense: 0 (45)
Magick Resist: 0 (44)
Evade: 0 (5)
Magick Evade: 0

Zwill Crossblade
Renewing Morion
Mirage Vest

Attack: 1500 wind physical damage

White Magick
Cure (5 MP): 600 healing
Cura (22 MP): 1300 healing, AoE
Curaga (19 MP): 3800 healing
Curaja (47 MP): 5900 healing, AoE
Renew (68 MP): Full healing
Raise (15 MP): Revives target with 40% MHP
Arise (35 MP): Revives target with 100% MHP
Esuna (16 MP): Cures negative statuses except stone, stop, doom, disease, slow, and oil
Esunaga (50 MP): Cures negative statuses except stone, stop, doom, disease, slow, and oil
Blindna (5 MP): Cures blind status
Vox (5 MP): Cures silence status
Poisona (5 MP): Cures poison status
Stona (8 MP): Cures petrify and stone status
Cleanse (14 MP): Cures disease status
Dispel (11 MP): Removes positive status, as well as slow and stop status
Dispelga (25 MP): Removes positive status, as well as slow and stop status
Regen (11 MP): Adds regen status
Holy (42 MP): 3700 holy magick damage

Ffamran "Balthier" Mid Bunansa
"I am the leading man. Might need to do something heroic"
HP: 4044
MP: 177 (531)
Strength: 60 (80)
Magick Power: 45 (50)
Vitality: 45
Speed: 32 (38)

Attack Power: 11 (40)
Defense: 0 (58)
Magick Resist: 0 (40)
Evade: 0 (10)
Magick Evade: 0

Onion Shot
Magepower Shishak

Attack: 1600 ITD ITE damage

First Aid: Restores 20% MHP; only usable when target is below 20% MHP

"That's what sky pirates do, they fly do they not?"
HP: 3921
MP: 202 (606)
Strength: 57 (77)
Magick Power: 48 (53)
Vitality: 40
Speed: 31 (37)

Attack Power: 11 (82)
Defense: 0 (58)
Magick Resist: 0 (40)
Evade: 0
Magick Evade: 0

Perseus Bow
Onion Arrows
Magepower Shishak

Attack: 2300 physical damage

White Magick
Cure (5 MP): 600 healing
Cura (22 MP): 1300 healing, AoE
Curaga (19 MP): 3800 healing
Curaja (47 MP): 5900 healing, AoE
Renew (68 MP): Full healing
Raise (15 MP): Revives target with 40% MHP
Arise (35 MP): Revives target with 100% MHP
Esuna (16 MP): Cures negative statuses except stone, stop, doom, disease, slow, and oil
Esunaga (50 MP): Cures negative statuses except stone, stop, doom, disease, slow, and oil
Blindna (5 MP): Cures blind status
Vox (5 MP): Cures silence status
Poisona (5 MP): Cures poison status
Stona (8 MP): Cures petrify and stone status
Cleanse (14 MP): Cures disease status
Dispel (11 MP): Removes positive status, as well as slow and stop status
Dispelga (25 MP): Removes positive status, as well as slow and stop status
Regen (11 MP): Adds regen status
Holy (42 MP): 3700 holy magick damage

Black Magick
Fira (12 MP): 1300 fire magick damage, AoE
Thundara (12 MP): 1300 thunder magick damage, AoE
Blizzara (12 MP): 1300 ice magick damage, AoE
Bio (16 MP): 2000 void magick damage + 80% Sap status, AoE
Aeroga (26 MP): 2400 wind magick damage, AoE
Firaga (29 MP): 3100 fire magick damage, AoE
Thundaga (29 MP): 3100 thunder magick damage, AoE
Blizzaga (29 MP): 3100 ice magick damage, AoE
Shock (23 MP): 3300 void magick damage
Scourge (33 MP): 3500 void magick damage + 80% Sap status, AoE
Flare (33 MP): 3900 void magick damage
Ardor (42 MP): 4400 fire magick damage, AoE
Scathe (49 MP): 4800 void magick damage, AoE

Basch fon Ronsenburg
"If I could protect but one person from war's horror... then I would bear any shame. I would bear it proudly"
HP: 4153
MP: 163 (489)
Strength: 61 (81)
Magick Power: 48 (53)
Vitality: 36
Speed: 30 (36)

Attack Power: 11 (110)
Defense: 0 (58)
Magick Resist: 0 (40)
Evade: 0 (46)
Magick Evade: 0

[Golden Axe]
Demon Shield
Magepower Shishak

Attack: 3500 physical damage
[Attack: 2800 physical damage on average (ranges from 0 to 6000)]

Libra: Adds Libra status

Ashelia B'nargin Dalmasca
"I am simply myself. No more and no less. And I want only to be free"
HP: 3883
MP: 213 (639)
Strength: 57 (66)
Magick Power: 55 (65)
Vitality: 43
Speed: 30 (39)

Attack Power: 11 (90)
Defense: 0 (58)
Magick Resist: 0 (59)
Evade: 0 (45)
Magick Evade: 0

Demon Shield
Golden Skullcap
Steel Gorget

Attack: 2500 physical damage

White Magick
Cure (5 MP): 800 healing
Cura (22 MP): 1800 healing, AoE
Curaga (19 MP): 5300 healing
Curaja (47 MP): 8800 healing, AoE
Renew (68 MP): Full healing
Raise (15 MP): Revives target with 40% MHP
Arise (35 MP): Revives target with 100% MHP
Esuna (16 MP): Cures negative statuses except stone, stop, doom, disease, slow, and oil
Esunaga (50 MP): Cures negative statuses except stone, stop, doom, disease, slow, and oil
Blindna (5 MP): Cures blind status
Vox (5 MP): Cures silence status
Poisona (5 MP): Cures poison status
Stona (8 MP): Cures petrify and stone status
Cleanse (14 MP): Cures disease status
Dispel (11 MP): Removes positive status, as well as slow and stop status
Dispelga (25 MP): Removes positive status, as well as slow and stop status
Regen (11 MP): Adds regen status
Holy (42 MP): 5000 holy magick damage


HP: 4379
1) Vaan - 5329
2) Penelo - 4943
3) Basch - 4153
4) Balthier - 4044
5) Fran - 3921
6) Ashe - 3883

DEF: 54
1) Basch - 58
2) Balthier - 58
3) Ashe - 58
4) Fran - 58
5) Vaan - 45
6) Penelo - 45

MDEF: 45
1) Ashe - 59
2) Vaan - 44
3) Penelo - 44
4) Basch - 40
5) Balthier - 40
6) Fran - 40

VIT: 47
1) Vaan - 60
2) Penelo - 59
3) Balthier - 45
4) Ashe - 43
5) Fran - 40
6) Basch - 36

SPD: 39
1) Vaan - 42
2) Penelo - 41
3) Ashe - 39
4) Balthier - 38
5) Fran - 37
6) Basch - 36

DAMAGE: 3467
1) Ashe - 5000
2) Fran - 4800
3) Penelo - 3700
4) Basch - 3500
5) Vaan - 2200
6) Balthier - 1600
« Last Edit: August 18, 2009, 11:40:25 PM by OblivionKnight »
[11:53] <+Meeple_Gorath> me reading, that's a good one

[19:26] * +Terra_Condor looks up. Star Wars Football, what?
[19:27] <+Terra_Condor> Han Kicks First?
[19:27] <%Grefter-game> Vader intercepts.
[19:27] <%Grefter-game> Touchdown and Alderaan explodes in the victory


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Re: Final Fantasy Twelve
« Reply #3 on: August 16, 2009, 11:43:33 PM »

"What..have you done?!"
HP: 134
MP: 35
Strength: 24
Magick Power: 22
Vitality: 23
Speed: 35

Attack Power: 13
Defense: 4
Magick Resist: 4
Evade: 15
Magick Evade: 0

Attack: 35 physical damage, 35 CT

White Magick
Cure (8 MP): 100 healing

Black Magick
Thunder (8 MP): 100 thunder magick damage

"This is what I came here to see"
HP: 231
MP: 53
Strength: 24
Magick Power: 31
Vitality: 26
Speed: 25

Attack Power: 30
Defense: 8
Magick Resist: 8
Evade: 35
Magick Evade: 0

*Immune to Poison status
*Innate 25% parry rate (checked separately from EVA)
*Lamont's physical damage rises 20% at full HP (noted damage is after he's taken damage)
*Physical damage received is decreased by 67% when at 20% MHP

Attack: 120 physical damage, 35 CT

Potion: 100 healing, 0 CT
Hi-Potion: 400 healing, 0 CT

Vossler York Azelas
"No farther"
HP: 619
MP: 66
Strength: 43
Magick Power: 26
Vitality: 24
Speed: 29

Attack Power: 29
Defense: 16
Magick Resist: 13
Evade: 5
Magick Evade: 0

*Physical damage received is decreased by 67% when at 20% MHP

Attack: 250 physical damage, 30 CT

Telekinesis: 300 physical damage on average (ranges from 0 to 600), 50 CT

Hi-Potion: 400 healing, 0 CT

Larsa Ferrinas Solidor
"This is the way!"
HP: 790
MP: 97
Strength: 32
Magick Power: 41
Vitality: 37
Speed: 30

Attack Power: 39
Defense: 14
Magick Resist: 15
Evade: 25
Magick Evade: 0

*Immune to Poison status
*Innate 25% parry rate (checked separately from EVA)
*Larsa's physical damage rises 20% at full HP (noted damage is after he's taken damage)
*Physical damage received is decreased by 67% when at 20% MHP

Attack: 300 physical damage, 35 CT

Telekinesis: 600 physical damage on average (ranges from 0 to 1200), 50 CT

Hi-Potion: 400 healing, 0 CT
X-Potion: 1600 healing, 0 CT

Reddas/Judge Magister Foris Zecht
"The Illusions of the past. You think to have cast them off, only to find them years later, unwearying, unrelenting. The past can bind a man as surely as irons"
HP: 3490
MP: 233
Strength: 74
Magick Power: 49
Vitality: 44
Speed: 43

Attack Power: 75
Defense: 53
Magick Resist: 35
Evade: 30
Magick Evade: 0

*Physical damage received is decreased by 67% when at 20% MHP
*Physical damage dealt is increased by 100% when at 20% MHP
*Innate 25% parry rate (checked separately from EVA)
*Innate 20% counter rate (based on target speed - this rate is vs. average - higher speed = higher counter rate)

Attack: 2400 physical damage, 30 CT

Telekinesis: 2000 physical damage on average (ranges from 0 to 4000), 50 CT
« Last Edit: August 28, 2009, 11:40:52 PM by OblivionKnight »
[11:53] <+Meeple_Gorath> me reading, that's a good one

[19:26] * +Terra_Condor looks up. Star Wars Football, what?
[19:27] <+Terra_Condor> Han Kicks First?
[19:27] <%Grefter-game> Vader intercepts.
[19:27] <%Grefter-game> Touchdown and Alderaan explodes in the victory


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Re: Final Fantasy Twelve
« Reply #4 on: August 16, 2009, 11:43:41 PM »

Judge Magister Ghis
"The power of the Dynast–King in my hands. Humph. Blood alone does not an emperor make, Vayne"
Lvl: 14
HP: 4120
MP: 330
EVA: 3
DEF: 9 (20% reduction)
MDEF: 6 (average)
VIT: 47 (25% status resistance)
SPD: 16 (average PC SPD = 24)
Status Vulnerabilities: Stop, Sleep, Slow, Blind, Sap

*Physical damage increases 20% at 20% MHP

Attack: 50 physical damage, 14% combo chance (4 hits), 5% blind per hit, 25 CT
Aero: 200 wind magick damage, AoE; usable once at 80%, 60%, and 40% MHP, 30 CT
Protect: Reduces physical damage received by 25%, 30 CT
Kick: 80 physical damage, 14% combo chance (4 hits), 1 CT
Lunge: 80 physical damage, 14% combo chance (4 hits), 1 CT
Greater Barrier: Adds Protect and Shell status; reduces all damage received by 30%; usable once at 60% MHP, 3 CT

Average HP: 520
Average Damage: 150 (average CT = 32)

Vossler York Azelas
"No farther! Sky pirates, the future of Dalmasca will not be stolen!"
Lvl: 20
HP: 9318
MP: 693
EVA: 4
DEF: 13 (15% reduction)
MDEF: 10 (5% reduction)
VIT: 49 (25% status resistance)
SPD: 22 (average PC SPD = 25)
Status Vulnerabilities: Stop, Confusion, Sleep, Slow, Blind, Sap

*Begins with Haste and Shell automatically cast on self
*Physical damage increases 20% when at 20% MHP
*Physical damage increases 20% at 50% MHP
*Physical attacks ignore evasion at 50% MHP
*Physical damage received is decreased by 67% when at 20% MHP

Attack: 80 physical damage, 8% combo chance (12 hits), 35 CT
Reflect: Adds reflect status, 30 CT
Enrage: Adds CT = 0 for regular physical attacks, 3 CT; usable at 40% MHP

Average HP: 950
Average Damage: 300 (average CT = 32)

Judge Magister Bergen
"The Senate may play at intrigue, but Lord Vayne is not one to be brought down easily. The entire military waits upon his orders, from the War Council down to the rank and file. What better blade than he to strike down the enemies of the Empire?"
Lvl: 30
HP: 17200
MP: 999
EVA: 14
MEVA: 10
DEF: 26 (30% reduction)
MDEF: 22 (20% reduction)
VIT: 60 (40% status resistance)
SPD: 25 (average PC SPD = 26)
Status Vulnerabilities: Stop, Sleep, Slow, Blind, Sap

*Begins with Protect and shell automatically cast on self
*Innate 25% parry rate (checked separately from EVA)
*Physical damage received is decreased by 67% when at 20% MHP
*Immune to weather and terrain effects

Attack: 500 physical damage, 14% combo chance (6 hits), 5% blind per hit, 25 CT
Kick: 750 physical damage, 14% combo chance (6 hits), 1 CT
Battle Cry: Increases physical damage by 20%; usable once at 70% MHP, 3 CT

Average HP: 1700
Average Damage: 900 (average CT = 30)

Cidolfus Demen Bunansa
"I'm afraid your time here is over! The curtain falls! Farewell!"
Lvl: 40
HP: 72989
MP: 999
EVA: 7
DEF: 83 (60% reduction)
MDEF: 94 (70% reduction)
VIT: 72 (50% status resistance)
SPD: 30 (average PC SPD = 28)
Half: Fire, Thunder, Ice, Earth, Wind, Water
Weak: Holy
Absorb: Dark
Status Vulnerabilities: Silence

*Cid fights with 4 Rooks (stats listed below); a lot of his attacks are unlocked based on how many are alive
*Physical immunity activated at 80% MHP; lasts 2 minutes
*Magic CT = 0 when all Rooks are defeated

Attack: 550 damage, 10% critical rate, ignores defense, ignores evade, 15 CT
Haste: Adds haste status, 30 CT
S-27 Tokamak: 550 physical damage, AoE, 2 CT
Greater Barrier: Adds Protect and Shell status; reduces all damage received by 30%; usable once at 80% MHP, 3 CT

Average HP: 2500
Average MP: 320
Average Damage: 1800 (average CT = 30)

Lvl: 38
HP: 9859
MP: 441
EVA: 0
DEF: 33 (10% reduction)
MDEF: 26 (5% reduction)
VIT: 47 (15% status resistance)
SPD: 24 (average PC SPD = 28)
Half: Fire, Thunder, Ice, Earth, Wind, Water, Holy, Dark
Status Vulnerabilities: Doom

*The Rooks follow a pattern - they will begin by casting Regen, Protect, and Shell on Cid, Reflect on themselves, followed by either Drain or Syphon, Attack, then Curaga on Cid, with a preference for casting support skills on Cid if they wear off, then returning to the pattern; the pattern breaks once 2 Rooks die, and they will go into full offense mode, attacking with their physicals only
*Immune to weather and terrain effects
*Reduces all damage received by 30%
*Attack CT = 0 once 2 Rooks are defeated

Attack: 150 physical damage, cannot combo, cannot critical, 25 CT
Curaga: 750 healing, 30 CT
Regen: Adds regen status, 30 CT
Reflect: Adds reflect status, 30 CT
Protect: Adds protect status, 30 CT
Shell: Adds shell status, 30 CT
Drain: 400 void magic HP-draining damage, 30 CT
Syphon: 60 void magic MP-draining damage, 30 CT

Average HP: 2500
Average MP: 320
Average Damage: 1800 (average CT = 30)

Judge Magister Gabranth/Noah fon Ronsenburg
"I slew your king. I slew your country. Do these deeds not demand vengeance? Yes. Good! Find your wrath! Take up your sword! Fight, and serve those that died before you!"
Lvl: 47
HP: 64049
MP: 999
EVA: 7
DEF: 33 (average)
MDEF: 31 (10% reduction)
VIT: 74 (40% status resistance)
SPD: 24 (average PC SPD = 35)
Status Vulnerabilities: Silence, Oil

*Begins with Haste automatically cast on self
*Innate 25% parry rate (checked separately from EVA)
*Magickal immunity activated at 50% MHP; lasts 2 minutes

Attack: 400 physical damage, 14% combo chance (12 hits), 25 CT
Protect: Adds protect status, 30 CT
Guilt: 1050 physical damage, 3 CT; usable at 50% MHP
Kick: 600 physical damage, 14% combo chance (12 hits), 1 CT
Circle of Judgment: 450 physical damage, AoE, 3 CT
Sentence: 850 physical damage, 3 CT
Lunge: 600 physical damage, 14% combo chance (12 hits), 1 CT

Average HP: 3200
Average Damage: 2500 (average CT = 30)

Cidolfus Demen Bunansa
"Spend your pity elsewhere. If you are so set on running, hadn't you best be off, fool of a pirate?"
Lvl: 50
HP: 82093
MP: 999
EVA: 8
DEF: 29 (10% not-reduction)
MDEF: 32 (10% reduction)
VIT: 77 (45% status resistance)
SPD: 31 (average PC SPD = 35)
Half: Fire, Thunder, Ice, Earth, Wind, Water
Weak: Holy
Absorb: Dark
Status Vulnerabilities: Oil

*Cid begins the fight solo; once he reaches 50% MHP, Famfrit is summoned - until Famfrit is defeated, Cid will be invincible; many of Cid's attacks unlock depending on whether Famfrit is alive or not
*Begins with Protect, Shell, and Haste automatically cast on self
*Immune to weather and terrain effects
*Innate 25% parry rate (checked separately from EVA)
*Physical damage increases 20% at 20% MHP
*Magickal damage increases 20%, healing effects increase 50%, and status accuracy base rate is increased to 100% at 20% MHP
*Physical damage received is decreased by 67% when at 20% MHP
*Innate 70% counter rate (based on target speed - this rate is vs. average - higher speed = higher counter rate)
*Reduces damage from guns and measures by 87.5% (after Famfrit is defeated)
*Magick ignores reflect status (after Famfrit is defeated)
*Physical damage increases 20% (after Famfrit is defeated)
*MP costs reduced by 50% (after Famfrit is defeated)
*Reflects 5% of damage received back at attacker (after Famfrit is defeated)

Attack: 900 damage, 10% critical rate, ignores defense, ignores evade, 15 CT
Haste: Adds haste status, 30 CT
Protect: Adds protect status, 30 CT
Shell: Adds shell status, 30 CT
S-85 Cyclotrone: 1000 physical damage, AoE, 2 CT; usable at 80% MHP
Gatling Gun: 800 physical fire damage, AoE, 2 CT; usable at 50% MHP

Average HP: 3200
Average Damage: 2500 (average CT = 28)

Lvl: 52
HP: 149060
MP: 999
EVA: 0
DEF: 30 (10% not-reduction)
MDEF: 31 (10% reduction)
VIT: 85 (55% status resistance)
SPD: 22 (average PC SPD = 28)
Immune: Thunder, Ice, Earth, Wind, Holy, Dark
Weak: Fire
Absorb: Water
Status Vulnerabilities: Oil

*Begins with Protect and Shell automatically cast on self
*Physical damage increases 20% at 20% MHP
*Innate 70% counter rate (based on target speed - this rate is vs. average - higher speed = higher counter rate)
*Physical attacks ignore evasion at 50% MHP
*Reduces all damage received by 30%
*MP costs reduced to 0 at 50% MHP

Attack: 400 physical damage, 10% combo chance (3 hits), 4% silence per hit, 25 CT
Waterja: 1250 water magick damage, 25% silence, AoE, 2 CT; usable at 50% MHP
Briny Cannonade: 1450 water magick damage, AoE, 16 CT; usable at 80% MHP

Average HP: 3200
Average Damage: 2500 (average CT = 28)

Judge Magister Gabranth/Noah fon Ronsenburg
"I am a Judge Magister. Even in disgrace. My just reward for aiding the empire that destroyed my homeland"
Lvl: 49
HP: 70719
MP: 999
EVA: 20
MEVA: 20
DEF: 29 (15% not-reduction)
MDEF: 32 (average)
VIT: 77 (30% status resistance)
SPD: 25 (average PC SPD = 40)
Status Vulnerabilities: Blind, Slow

*Physical damage increases 20% at 20% MHP
*Physical damage received is decreased by 67% when at 20% MHP
*MP costs reduced to 0
*Physical attacks ignore evasion at 50% MHP
*Reduces all damage received by 30% at 50% MHP
*Attack CT = 0 at 50% MHP

Attack: 600 physical damage, 14% combo chance (12 hits), 25 CT
Circle of Judgment: 600 physical damage, AoE, 3 CT
Sentence: 900 physical damage, 3 CT
Renew: Full healing, 3 CT; usable once at 50% MHP
Enrage: Adds CT = 0 for regular physical attacks, 3 CT; usable at 50% MHP
Innocence: 1400 physical damage, 3 CT; usable at 50% MHP (usable even after Renew heals him to full)

Average HP: 4400
Average Damage: 4000 (average CT = 26)

Vayne Carudas Solidor
"My hands are stained with blood. I see little reason to stay them now"
Lvl: 50
HP: 76755
MP: 999
EVA: 10
MEVA: 10
DEF: 30 (15% not-reduction)
MDEF: 34 (5% reduction)
VIT: 79 (30% status resistance)
SPD: 26 (average PC SPD = 40)
Status Vulnerabilities: Silence, Blind, Sap

*Physical damage increases 20% at 20% MHP
*MP costs reduced to 0
*Physical attacks ignore evasion at 50% MHP
*Reduces all damage received by 30% at 50% MHP
*Innate 25% parry rate (checked separately from EVA) at 50% MHP

Attack: 600 physical damage, 17% combo chance (11 hits), 25 CT
Kick: 900 physical damage, 17% combo chance (11 hits), 1 CT
Lunge: 900 physical damage, 17% combo chance (11 hits), 1 CT
Pummel: 1000 physical damage, 1 CT
Force of Will: 1500 physical damage, AoE, 1 CT; usable at 20% MHP
Mach Wave: 800 physical damage, AoE, 1 CT; usable at 50% MHP

Average HP: 4400
Average Damage: 4000 (average CT = 26)

Vayne Novus
"Your lives are forfeit, and your insurgence with them.  Dalmasca will again know order"
Lvl: 53
HP: 104210
MP: 999
EVA: 0
DEF: 34 (5% not-reduction)
MDEF: 32 (average)
VIT: 82 (35% status resistance)
SPD: 23 (average PC SPD = 40)
Half: Dark
Status Vulnerabilities: Slow, Oil

*Vayne comes with 5 Sephira - certain attacks cannot be used or can be used sooner if the Sephira are dead.  Azure Vortice requires at least 1 Sephira, as does Crimson Vortice; Inviolable Will and Contempt are unlocked either at the HP% noted below, or when all Sephira are destroyed; as for the notes for Azure and Crimson Vortice below, only one of them must be used before one of Inviolable Will, Contempt, or Tree of Sephira is used; the other is used before one of the other ones, after which, as long as the HP% requirements are met, all of the skills can be used; Azure Vortice will always be used before Crimson Vortice
*Begins with Protect, Haste, and Shell automatically cast on self
*Physical damage increases 20% at 20% MHP
*Innate 80% counter rate (based on target speed - this rate is vs. average - higher speed = higher counter rate)
*MP costs reduced to 0

Attack: 650 physical damage, 17% combo chance (8 hits), 25 CT
Firaga: 1100 fire magick damage, AoE, 30 CT
Thundaga: 1100 thunder magick damage, AoE, 30 CT
Blizzaga: 1100 ice magick damage, AoE, 30 CT
Aeroga: 950 wind magick damage, AoE, 30 CT
Waterga: 900 water magick damage, AoE, 30 CT
Azure Vortice: 5% MHP healing, AoE, 1 CT; usable once at 80% MHP, and must be used before Contempt, Inviolable Will, or Tree of Sephira may be used unless all Sephira are destroyed
Crimson Vortice: 10% MHP healing, AoE, 1 CT; usable once at 80% MHP, and must be used before Contempt, Inviolable Will, or Tree of Sephira may be used unless all Sephira are destroyed
Contempt: 1250 physical damage, 1 CT; usable at 80% MHP; after the first use of this skill, all physical damage is increased by 20%
Greater Barrier: Adds Protect and Shell status; reduces all damage received by 30%; usable once after Contempt is used, 3 CT
Inviolable Will: 1300 physical damage, AoE, 1 CT; usable at 65% MHP; after the first use of this skill, Vayne gains an innate 25% parry rate (checked separately from EVA)
Magick Barrier: Adds magickal immunity for 2 minutes, 3 CT; usable once after Inviolable Will is used
Tree of Sephira: 2300 physical damage, MT, 1 CT; usable at 20% MHP
Limit Break: Adds Magick CT = 0 and Attack CT = 0, 3 CT; usable once after Tree of Sephira is used

Average HP: 4400
Average Damage: 4000 (average CT = 26)

Lvl: 50
HP: 12121
MP: 613
EVA: 0
DEF: 33 (5% not-reduction)
MDEF: 35 (5% reduction)
VIT: 55 (15% status resistance)
SPD: 17 (average PC SPD = 28)
Immune: Earth, Wind
***Each Sephira has the above elemental immunities, and then one of each of the following sets: Absorb Fire, Weak Water; Absorb Thunder, Weak Ice; Absorb Ice, Weak Thunder; Absorb Holy, Weak Dark; Absorb Dark, Weak Holy
Status Vulnerabilities: None

*Innate 25% parry rate (checked separately from EVA) at 50% MHP
*Once Vayne reaches 20% MHP, all Sephira gain the Attack CT = 0 passive ability

Attack: 250 physical damage, cannot combo, 4% immobilize per hit, 25 CT

Average HP: 4400
Average Damage: 4000 (average CT = 26)

Vayne the Undying One
"What am I to do with those who would oppose me...but show them death?"
Lvl: 55
HP: 228299
MP: 999
EVA: 0
DEF: 38 (10% reduction)
MDEF: 33 (average)
VIT: 87 (40% status resistance)
SPD: 23 (average PC SPD = 40)
Half: Holy
Status Vulnerabilities: None

*Begins with Haste automatically cast on self
*MP costs reduced to 0

Attack: 1100 physical damage, cannot combo, 25 CT
Piercing Firaga: 1400 fire magick damage, ignores reflect, AoE, 30 CT
Piercing Thundaga: 1400 thunder magick damage, ignores reflect, AoE, 30 CT
Piercing Blizzaga: 1400 ice magick damage, ignores reflect, AoE, 30 CT
Divine Sword: 1700 physical damage, cannot combo, 1 CT
Megaflare: 1500 physical damage, AoE, 1 CT; usable at 80% MHP
Chain Magick: Adds Magick CT = 0; usable once at 60% MHP, 3 CT
Piercing Dispelga: Removes positive status, as well as slow and stop status, AoE, ignores reflect, 30 CT; usable at 60% MHP after Chain Magick is used
Piercing Holy: 2400 holy magick damage, ignores reflect, 30 CT; usable once at 60% MHP after Chain Magick is used
Faith: Adds faith status, 30 CT; usable once at 60% MHP after Chain Magick is used
Magick Barrier: Adds magickal immunity for 2 minutes, 3 CT; usable once at 60% MHP after Faith is used
Ascension: 2000 physical damage, AoE, 1 CT; usable at 60% MHP after Magick Barrier is used
Enrage: Adds CT = 0 for regular physical attacks, 3 CT; usable at 40% MHP
Bravery: Adds bravery status, 30 CT; usable once at 40% MHP after Enrage is used
Force Barrier: Adds physical immunity for 2 minutes, 3 CT; usable once at 40% MHP after Bravery is used
Gigaflare: 2300 physical damage, AoE, 1 CT; usable at 40% after Force Barrier is used
Perfect Defense: Adds physical and magickal immunity (lasts 2 minutes), 3 CT; usable once at 20% MHP
Teraflare: 2800 physical damage, MT, 1 CT; usable at 20% MHP

Average HP: 4400
Average Damage: 4000 (average CT = 26)
« Last Edit: December 13, 2009, 06:09:22 PM by OblivionKnight »
[11:53] <+Meeple_Gorath> me reading, that's a good one

[19:26] * +Terra_Condor looks up. Star Wars Football, what?
[19:27] <+Terra_Condor> Han Kicks First?
[19:27] <%Grefter-game> Vader intercepts.
[19:27] <%Grefter-game> Touchdown and Alderaan explodes in the victory


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Re: Final Fantasy Twelve
« Reply #5 on: August 17, 2009, 02:16:44 AM »
A few things to note:

-Fran's best damage seems to be Ardor w/ a Fire Boosting Bow This puts her at 6600 damage.
-Ashe's best damage comes from Holy w/ White Robe; this makes her do 7500 damage.

-One view I also want to propose is instead of just saying "Black Magic = LEARN ALL!" and such was actually "Learn extensions of those spells only."  This view isn't worth making another post for, however, so I'll just note significant changes here:

Penelo and Ashe would merely get the full Cure series, and possibly the other status healing spells, but not stuff like Protect or Holy.  Actually, in Ashe's Case, I would definitely allow stuff like Esuna cause she gets 3 status healing spells!  Penelo is debatable, probably just say "Yes" to it anyway cause pity and such.

Fran would get the same white magic as those two, and only get the -Ara and -Aga versions of her attack spells, but not stuff like Scathe meaning her best damage is now Firaga, which is 3100 damage, 4650 after Burning Bow.

Also, speed average is wrong; it should be 31.  I mostly note this cause you have current speed average 11 points higher than the maxed one <.<

a few new averages as a result!

Damage Average w/ Fran using Burning Bow and Ashe using White Robe: 4183.
Damage Average w/ Extensions only view: 2400
Damage Average w/ Extensions only view where Fran uses Burning Bow:  2658

I'm aware you can probably tweak stats and such for more damage twinking in the DL (haven't cross checked OK's options with the stuff he hasn't used for strength/magic boosts), but the effects on damage through stats is far less significant than that of Elemental Strengthening, so these averages shouldn't change TOO much.
« Last Edit: October 24, 2009, 01:52:29 AM by OblivionKnight »
[21:39] <+Mega_Mettaur> so Snow...
[21:39] <+Mega_Mettaur> Sonic Chaos
[21:39] <+Hello-NewAgeHipsterDojimaDee> That's -brilliant-.

[17:02] <+Tengu_Man> Raven is a better comic relief PC than A


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Re: Final Fantasy Twelve
« Reply #6 on: August 28, 2009, 11:43:46 PM »
Damnit Meeple, you're supposed to WAIT for the topic to be completed before posting!

Anyway, it's all up!  I need to add a few notes to every section, but the stats for the main temps, PCs, and bosses are up. 

Randomly: Does anyone care about stats for the temp form of Larsa and Gabranth in the final battle?  They're different than the other forms they have, and therefore useful to note, but it's hard to get data for them concretely (though I'm pretty sure I have it down).
[11:53] <+Meeple_Gorath> me reading, that's a good one

[19:26] * +Terra_Condor looks up. Star Wars Football, what?
[19:27] <+Terra_Condor> Han Kicks First?
[19:27] <%Grefter-game> Vader intercepts.
[19:27] <%Grefter-game> Touchdown and Alderaan explodes in the victory


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Re: Final Fantasy Twelve
« Reply #7 on: August 29, 2009, 12:43:38 AM »
Larsa would probably be useful to see for Dungeon purposes. Gabranth.. meh.


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Re: Final Fantasy Twelve
« Reply #8 on: August 29, 2009, 08:14:58 AM »

I have stats on the NPCs from the Piggyback guide (which seem to be in line with Ultimania) and some notes of my own on their augments if you want them.


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Re: Final Fantasy Twelve
« Reply #9 on: August 29, 2009, 05:59:33 PM »
That would be greatly appreciated if you could provide them, yeah.  Thanks.
[11:53] <+Meeple_Gorath> me reading, that's a good one

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[19:27] <+Terra_Condor> Han Kicks First?
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Re: Final Fantasy Twelve
« Reply #10 on: August 30, 2009, 09:00:40 AM »

Maximum combo is 15 rather than 12. As Larsa it's normal.


Nightmare (his sword)'s max combo is 14 instead of 12.

Balance: (MaxHP-CurrentHP) damage, MT, 70% base hit rate;  his gambit limits him to using it when at 30% HP or less.

Max combo is 15 instead of 12.  His basic attack also seems to ignore parry, if not all evasion.  Don't have the PS2 hooked up right now, but I'll see if Main Gauche+good shield get whacked by his counters.

NPCs that aren't guests are kind of weird.  Bubble and Decoy never work on them. You cannot transfer Libra to them either. Most technicks don't target them. Others like Infuse will fail. They do not trigger traps.  They are counted as allies for spells like Cura and Protectga, likewise for enemy AOEs.

Negative statuses were tested by throwing Niho'ed Remedies and casting Death and Gravity/Gravity if available.

Larsa on the Sky Fortress Bahamut:

Level 48
4268 HP
999 MP
37 strength
25 magic
57 vitality
27 speed

36 Attack*
32 defense
34 magic resist
21 Evade
10 Magic Evade

*Starting Status:  Faith (100%?), Shell (50%?)
*Status Immunity: Instant Death, %Damage (Gravity etc.), Sleep, Sap, Berserk, Disease, Float, Petrify, Doom
*Item+ or Potion Lores as his X-Potions are 2400 rather than 1600

X-Potion: 2400 Healing, 0CT; only uses when he or an ally is critical

He does about 1100 damage to Vayne; 36 Attack-30 Defense shouldn't be close to that.

Gabranth, Vayne Novus fight

Level 50
10219 HP
999 MP
41 strength
26 magic
59 vitality
28 speed

78 attack
35 defense
35 magick res
24 Evade
10 Magick Evade

*Status Immunity: Death, % Damage, Berserk, Float, Disease, Sap, Confuse, Petrify, Doom
*Starting Status:  Bravery
*14% Counter chance
*Physical damage up by 20%?
*Item+ or Potion Lores

X-Potion:  2400 healing, used when below 50% max HP

He seems to have Attack+ as he does pretty good damage to Vayne and the Sephira. I have not seen him do anything beyond basic physical and X-Potion spam.  Novus loves to spam magic at him which makes things messy.


level 36
4797 HP
999 MP
35 strength
22 magic
59 vitality
22 speed

57 attack
15 defense
24 magick res
12 Evade
0 Magick Evade

*Starting Status:  Haste (100%),  Faith (50%)
*Physical damage halved when critical (Last Stand)
*Status Immunities: % Damage, Blind, Sleep, Poison, Sap, Petrify, Disable, Berserk
*Weak to Fire

Lunge: 3 CT, Attackx1.5
Heave: 3CT, 50 Attack, 25% chance to Immobilize
Hi-Potion: 400 healing

He might also be immune to Death; I take almost all the hunts as soon as they are available so didn't have Death to cast.


level 46
4779 HP
999 MP
41 strentgh
25 magick
67 vitality
27 speed

79 attack
37 defense
35 magick res
27 Evade

*13% Counter chance
*Status immunities: Instant Death, % Damage, Berserk, Reverse, Confuse, Petrify, Silence, Slow
*Weak to Water

Ram: CT 3, Attackx1.5
Lunge: CT 3, Attackx1.5
Jump:  CT 3, 60 attack  This has 4 range rather than the normal 3 for physicals.
Regen: he seems to only use it in response to Sap?

This is the "Belito" battle; he's all-around weaker during Trickster hunt.


level 48
4721 HP
999 MP
38 str
30 mag
61 vit
30 spd

69 attack
2 defense*
37 magick res
15 Evade
0 Magick Evade

*Starting Status: Protect, Shell, Haste, Regen
*Immune: Death, % Damage, Petrify, Poison, Silence, Slow, Confuse, Berserk, Reverse
*Weak to Earth

Attack: Bow-user.
X-Potion: 1600 Healing

Krjn is not exactly a tank, but 2 Def is horribly wrong.  I am guessing they meant 22 Def.
She also seems to evade a lot, so perhaps innate Parry or Jade Collar.

War-chief Supinelu

level 45
5840 HP
999 MP
41 strength
26 magick
69 vitality
26 speed

77 attack
20 defense
37 magick res
15 Evade
0 Magick Evade

*Starting Status: Protect, Bravery
*Ignores target's vitality
*magick up when critical
*Status Immunities: Death, % Damage, Berserk, Disease, Slow, Poison, Blind, Silence, Petrify
*Weak to Thunder

Provoke: Inflict Berserk*
Lunge: 3 CT, Attackx1.5
Ice Break: 3 CT, 85 Attack, Ice/Physical, MT
Smite of Rage: 3 CT, 100 attack
Scream: 3 CT, 55 attack,  50% chance to inflict Silence, Blind, MT

Unlike the other races, the Garif seem to be pretty much identical in terms of ablities and augments. Supinelu is just the one with the best stats. I can't be totally sure about status use as Catoblepas is conveniently immune to all of them.

The other ones are probably not worth mentioning.  
« Last Edit: August 30, 2009, 09:15:03 AM by kokushishin »


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Re: Final Fantasy Twelve
« Reply #11 on: August 30, 2009, 07:12:50 PM »
A few comments:

*For the "initial license board only" stats which no one should ever ever use... wouldn't Vaan & Penelo be better off socking enemies in the face with no weapon at all?  IIRC, unarmed damage rises with level, so it's probably better than Dagger hype.

* The average damage for the final bosses seems a bit high to me.  Fair enough that that's something that will change by what level people took 'em on at and how much optional stuff was done, though, just that you can't really spam Ardor in-game due to the "one spell at a time" rule, and it's slow so that it'd make The Undying One's speed seem faster.

* It'd be a lot of work for likely nothing, but since arbitrary divisions of abilities between characters never really worked for me...  any interest in putting up what variations of the FF12 "Renaissance man" can do?  That's my two cents as to how I'd interpret FF12 PCs in the DL if someone put a gun to my head, since most of their stuff is storebought and thus legal for everyone.  It does mean that the entire cast are damn near clones with only minor statistical differences...  but that's also how it is in game.  FF12 PCs will never be ranked anyway, but vaguely curious to see how allowing duelers more and more options works.  Off the top of my head, there's "allow all storebought weapons & armor" as a base, with "allow all augments," "allow all technicks," and "allow all magic" as additional options (and add "storebought" in front of all those, as well).  Even the best characters won't be doing much more than average damage, but everyone would also have FF12's array of cheaty buffs and options at their disposal (various element halving & nulling options in armor, Main Gauche + Shield for stalling while casting magic, etc.).


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Re: Final Fantasy Twelve
« Reply #12 on: August 31, 2009, 05:19:02 AM »

^^Unarmed attack is capped at 11 unless you have Brawler or Amber Amulet.  Worse than starting weapons pretty much in every situation.

Doesn't Undying halve all elements, not just Holy?


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Re: Final Fantasy Twelve
« Reply #13 on: August 31, 2009, 05:41:18 AM »
Question related to scaled-Liscense Board PCs:

I don't remember the Technicks too well, but if the girls get scaled Magick options, couldn't Basch and Balthier benefit from getting scaled Technicks?

I remember the Technicks weren't very useful in general in-game, but they might have some DL use? I'd consider allowing Basch and Balthier the full set of Technicks (smallest portion of the Liscense Board, anyway, right?). Though I don't think it changes much for them. Might give them some pitiful healing or Species-weakness attacks, though?

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Re: Final Fantasy Twelve
« Reply #14 on: August 31, 2009, 11:34:29 AM »
Pulled from here

For techniques, there's a lot of debate to what's actually useful.

Steal - Useless
Poach - "Captures" a Critical-HP monster for a different item, though except for the item, this is like an Eject status.
Libra - Less useful Scan.

Charge - Recovers an amount of MP equal to X times level, where X is a number between 1 and 1.33.  Has a chance of success equal to 1 - (Current MP/Max MP + 0.01).  CT = 40
First Aid - Balthier has it, and it's not actually a flat 20% MHP recovery - it's actually some value between 0% and 20%. CT = 15.
Revive - Kill self for a Full Life on an ally.  In a duel.
Infuse - CT = 40.  This takes the MP count of a character, multiplies it by 10, and replaces HP with that value while MP goes down to 0.  So if you had 56 HP and 420 MP then use this, you'll instead have 4200 HP and 0 MP.

Horology - Not really too stable.  The damage it deals is based on the ones digit of the minutes on the clock, so...  Yeah.
Traveler - Relies entierly on the amount of steps a character has taken.  Yeah.
Numerology - Is a headache.
Gil Toss - CT = 45.  The FAQ offers two formulas for it, though.  One is DMG = Gil Spent, and = Sum of party HP / # of enemies in range.  Not sure what that means, but it also seems to be ITD according to this, unless the target has Physical Immunity.
Telekinesis - CT = 50.  75% accuracy rate?  The damage flies from anywhere between 0 and the user's ATK times the target's level...  Minus 1.  It's COMPLETELY useless for Balthier's guns, since it always misses for long-ranged weapons.
Soul Eater - CT = 35.  Eats up 20% of the user's MHP.  FAQ has the following formula for it:  DMG = 1.4 x ATK x Random(1~1.125) x (1 + STR x (Lv+STR)/256).  For the better, though?  It's ITD, even though it heals undead.
Sight Unseeing - CT = 25.  If the user is blinded, then the target's HP is reduced to a number between 0 and 8.  10% base chance of hitting, unless the user has a higher level...  Then I don't know what happens.
Bone Crusher - CT = 45.  I think it's ID, and if it connects, then the user takes some amount of damage...  Any amount of damage, really, as long as the user has at least 1 HP left.  This could be useful!...  If it wasn't for the 45% hit rate, and automatically killing the user if it misses.
1000 Needles - CT = 30.  1000 Damage, ITD, ignores everything else. 70% hit rate.

Charm - CT = 35.  Base chance = 50%.  Puts the confusion status on a target.  Might be lower in practice.
Stamp - CT = 55.  Base chance = 60%.  Copy/Paste the user's status when this move starts on the target (meaning if the user gets poisoned while this is charging or something, the poison doesn't carry over).  How long the statuses last seem to be however long they'd have to remain left on the user...  Unless it's on equipment/a permanent status.  Then it's just like casting a fresh status.

Wither, Addle, Expose, Shear - CT = 45 for all.  They reduce STR, MAG, DEF, and MDEF, respectively.
STR and MAG get reduced by 50% on each use, with a 66% chance of landing. (1, .5, .25, .125, etc...)  A lot of monsters immune these, though.
DEF and MDEF get reduced by 10% on each use, with a 33% chance of landing. (1, .9, .81, .729, etc...)
Sadly, it's easily the most useful thing here, since they're permanent and cumulative like that.
Achilles - CT = 55, base chance = 40%.  Throws one random weakness on the target if it lands, though a lot of things apparently immune it.

Shades of Black - CT = 45.  Casts a random Black Magic spell without consuming MP.
88% chance of being one of the following:  Fire, Fira, Thunder, Thundara, Blizzard, Blizzara (FAQ says Blizzaga, but I'm willing to bet it's a typo), Water, Aero, and Bio.
12% chance of being one of the following:  Firaga, Thundaga, Blizzaga, Aeroga, Shock, Scourge, Flare, Ardor, and Scathe

Yeah, like I said, almost all that information is ripped straight from that FAQ.


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Re: Final Fantasy Twelve
« Reply #15 on: August 31, 2009, 04:57:34 PM »

While they is kind of boring. I guess you could assume they have Brawler, which means they'd have 60 power at that level?  In which case everyone wants it, and they all do effectively average damage...and you have a cast that is 100% the definition of average in everyway...where Vaan is gamebest because he has 32 speed to a 31 average and gamebest HP by like 100.  Kind of...odd.

As for the damage against bosses...I erred on the high side - I haven't added the notes yet, but I will.  I take into account about 75% of the sidequests (including Gilgamesh...I need to post his stats at some point >_>), so everyone has high level stuff (Zodiac Spear, Masamune, etc.).  Note that that's damage with an attack, taking into account a 1/3 boost (to account for recasting support skills), which also applies to HP as well.  So on average, with the speed of attacks...probably cut it down about 1/3, and it should be about right.  It's hard to peg, but I figured lower is way too little (with multiple hits and support skills), so...

I do intend to do the FF12 Zodiac Jobs, but I can also add an average character with everything...they'd love the support skill.  I'll get to work on that.

kokushishin: I...think he only halves Holy?  I took it from SI's FAQ, and you can't test it unfortunately in-game.  If SI's wrong, let me know.

Djinni: The problem with the Technicks is that, unlike magicks, it's really hard to "scale" them up.  Basch starts with Libra...what other skills are similar to that?  At least with the magicks, you know White Magick scales up in classes to, say, healing, status curing, etc.  If there's a good way to do it, I can, but...Steal and Libra are...kind of hard to scale up.  It also doesn't help that, like Magic noted...they're kind of not that helpful overall.
[11:53] <+Meeple_Gorath> me reading, that's a good one

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[19:27] <+Terra_Condor> Han Kicks First?
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Re: Final Fantasy Twelve
« Reply #16 on: September 02, 2009, 02:59:30 AM »
Quote from: OK
How do you scale up Libra/Steal/First Aid?

Well, since you're doing the Zodiac Jobs anyway, perhaps whichever Job Technicks that are grouped along with Libra/Steal/First Aid can be viewed as the logical 'scaling' of those skills?

Alternately, I would just allow Balthier/Basch full Technick choice, as this makes them more interesting. And since it really doesn't effect the averages anyway. The stat-buffs/downs, Charm, 1000 Needles/Telekinesis (Only Basch would care about these since Balthier's already ITD and long-range), Soul Eater, Charge and Infuse could all have some decent uses. Stamp might also be interesting if either of them has any claim to a weapon/armor that grants a permanent status. Sight Unseeing might be useful against... Palom?!

The only one that strikes me as reasonable to consider that might be headachey (obviously crap like Horology and Traveler aren't worth it) is Gil Toss if Basch/Balthier really wants MT damage.

Also, Bonecrusher is awesome RPGmon fodder. 45% chance to ID or Suicide. Yes.