Author Topic: Season 52-1 Missing comments  (Read 760 times)


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Season 52-1 Missing comments
« on: June 05, 2009, 02:44:29 PM »



« Last Edit: June 05, 2009, 11:25:45 PM by SageAcrin »
"Reputation is what other people know about you. Honor is what you know about yourself"- Count Aral Vorkosigan, A Civil Campaign
<Meeple> knownig Square-enix, they'll just give us a 2nd Kain
<Ciato> he would be so kawaii as a chibi...


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Re: Season 52-1 Missing comments
« Reply #1 on: June 05, 2009, 02:52:32 PM »
Kahn > Nina

While anime stereotypes would state that in this kind of setting, the Japanese School Girl with a Hand bag should kick the shit out of the vampire hunter...

Logic apparently for once ruled over said stereotypes, and decided the bad ass undead slaying machine holding a Rune should beat the civilian little girl.

...somewhere, a puppy died.

Garet > Lyonese

"Hey Isaac, I'm fighting a girl, right?"

Yes <-

"Is she durable to physicals?"

No <-

"How about my Fire Adept powers?  Will they be useful?"

Yes <-

"So basically, I have a good chance of winning, right?"

Yes <-

"Ok, but my match is happening soon, right?"

Yes <-

"Alright, I have an easy win then ri-..." said as Garet fell asleep.

"Man, been wanting to do that forever.  Sorry Isaac, but I couldn't stand to see you suffer through 20 more of Garet's least." Said Ivan.

"How did you know he was gonna keep going?" responded Mia.

"For starters, think about who you're talking about...that, and I'm a telepath...note that I regret peering into his mind though."

Isaac sighed, gesturing that they may have cost Garet the match through that action.

"Oh, don't worry.  His opponent, unlike a king of a neighboring country of hers, is smart enough to know when a fight isn't worth fighting.  I think she'll just prefer to give up a losing fight rather than enter the ring..."

" read her mind too, didn't you?"

"Was it really that obvious?"

Mewtwo > Magus

Psychic attacks were flying.  Dark Bombs were a countering.  Healing, Geysers, Dark Matters, Amnesias, Scythe Swings, Swift name it!  The two were breaking out all the stops!  But in the end, the prince of Zeal dropped to one knee, while genetically enhanced feline was still standing.

Magus staggered back up to his feet, but didn't assume his defending position.

"So it seems you are as strong as they say.  I can see why many deem you the 'ultimate Pokemon.'  In that case, I concede defeat." Magus said, nodding his head in respect to Mewtwo.

I applaud you for hold you for holding up as long as you did.  You fought honorably, and should be not feel disgraced.

"Indeed.  I am willing to admit I was bested by the better the you are.    All I can say is thank you for a good fight." Magus said as he left the arena in defeat.


"Doesn't that just beat all..." Rei said, as we watched the fight from the Judge's box.

"What do you mean?" said Rufus, sitting next to him.

"We actually got through an entire Godlike Match...from start to finish...and there wasn't a single hitch attached.  I mean, they both went in, fought, and one came out ahead on pure duelling merits.  None of this outside influence, no creamonade cannons, no bizarre revenge fiascos from the most unlikely sources, no dimensional rifts from nowhere causing freakish penguins in winter coats and pink marshmallows to attack.  Just...a straight up fight...with a very normal ending."


"I didn't think we were still capable of such a thing, is all..." Rei said sighing
« Last Edit: June 05, 2009, 04:16:21 PM by Meeplelard »
[21:39] <+Mega_Mettaur> so Snow...
[21:39] <+Mega_Mettaur> Sonic Chaos
[21:39] <+Hello-NewAgeHipsterDojimaDee> That's -brilliant-.

[17:02] <+Tengu_Man> Raven is a better comic relief PC than A


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Re: Season 52-1 Missing comments
« Reply #2 on: June 05, 2009, 02:55:27 PM »

"<i>GRAND</i> <b>FATE STORM</b> <i>CROSS</i>!"


"... first Myria and Lady, now Zophar and Altim-" Fuse paused, watching the havoc as he drove the police van in. "Okay, just Zophar, Altima just got crushed by one of Zophar's appendages."

"Probably his bloated ego." Katsuya muttered under his breath, readying his handgun. "Let's take him down?"


All in all, while the rampage hear was, mercifully, cut short, it was still another distressing case of wide-scale destruction.


"uh uh but i haev lazer beem sword"
"lol i cleave lazer beems"
"lol no u dont"
"den i cleeve your arm off"
"but u cleeve wepons, not arms"
"same thing to us, by definition"
-AwesomeMavHunter765 has signed off-

Zero never showed up for his match. Neither did Izlude, except in pieces tossed in by an annoyed-looking Marino.

Izlude won the match by default.


"..." "..." "..."

"Uh, so... am I in?" Vayne muttered, standing in front of the Turks. Reno leaned back for a second, eyes closed, as Elena and Rude exchanged glances.

"I would say so, kid. You just managed to beat all the members of the Turks but me in a fair fight, -and- cooked us up some healing. This being said, I'm still telling you to not worry about the match tomorrow." Reno drawled.

"Oh...? I don't want to give up without a good fight, though." Vayne replied, seeming to draw up as Reno swung out of his seat and strolled toward him.

"Look, kid. Most of the time? You'd kick my ass - being able to fuck with time does that. But you don't want an arena fight, where I actually know you're coming. Alright?" Reno replied... before quickly hitting Vayne with the ElectroMag Rod. As Vayne twitched underneath the Pyramid, Reno shrugged. "That's why." With that, he kicked the Pyramid, leaving Vayne to collapse on the floor. As Rude and Elena hoisted the young and still dazed man up, Reno gestured out. "Let's go get drunk or something. I'll cover, this time."


"What youth like you need is discipline!" Yang bellowed. Shinjiro snorted. "Discipline?"

"Aye! Observe!" With that, Yang leapt forward, fist outstretched... and slammed straight into his own fist, doubling over and falling fast asleep. Shinjiro snorted. "I've got more practice at this than you, old man. Seen Shadows more violent, too."


Belenus had studied his opponent well. He knew the techniques and flashy displays his opponent put on, and he knew that his own talent could see him through.

Well, except for one hitch.


"Amazing! So, your sword itself possesses the transformational capabilities... I had thought it a bizarre sort of magic!" Belenus exclaimed. Flay laughed.

"Indeed! In fact, observe its true capability!"

And then Flay Screwdriver'd Belenus, felling him.

MORAL OF THE STORY: It's all well and good to say that you won't be distracted by an opponent's antics, but make sure that you actually won't be before attending the match.

Will grab more as needed.
« Last Edit: June 05, 2009, 11:35:07 PM by Taitoro »


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Re: Season 52-1 Missing comments
« Reply #3 on: June 05, 2009, 04:42:07 PM »
Duessell > Mint

There's really no use beating around the bush for this one, Duessell won the match quite handily. The impressive thing is just how LONG it took him to manage that. Mint just kept healing. Long after any Fire Emblem healer's staff would have broken from overuse, she just kept healing.

Eventually a lucky critical put her down, leaving the Grado general to accept his victory.

In related news, Grado's magical research teams have turned their focus towards new and better healing staves. This research is helped drastically by the newest researcher on the team, one miss Mint Adenade. A quick interview revealed that she is quite satisfied with her new job, though she does have one small complaint.

The life insurance policy is horrible.

Jr. > Mithos

This was a rather brutally simple match. As soon as Jr. entered the arena, Mithos started to grandstand a bit and promptly got shot in the mouth. Everything Mithos tried to do or say was simply met with more bullets. By the time he finally slumped over and stopped moving, Jr. must have fired a couple hundred rounds into him. Then, still without saying a word, the URV dumped another couple dozen rounds into Mithos's corpse.

As the judges announced Jr.'s win, he just walked out of the arena without even stopping to wave to the crowd.

Up in the stands, Luke Fon Fabre was a little stunned by that display. Looking around, he saw Jin sitting a couple rows down and hopped down to talk to him, "Hey, Jin. Is there some kind of bad blood there or something? I know Mithos is pretty easy to hate, but that was just overkill."

Jin chuckled, "Well, Jr. wanted to do his research on his opponent, so he spent some time online looking up Tales of Symphonia. This got him sucked into a raging flamewar with a few of it's devoted fans. You know, the ones who think it's the best game ever despite it being their only exposure to the Tales series."

Luke blanched, "Oh. Yeah, okay, I should probably go tell Lloyd and his crew to just stay out of his way for awhile..."
« Last Edit: June 05, 2009, 05:55:44 PM by Gatewalker »
<%Laggy> we're open minded individuals here
<+RandomKesaranPasaran> are we
<%Laggy> no not really.

<Tide|NukicommentatoroptionforF> Hatbot is a pacifist


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Re: Season 52-1 Missing comments
« Reply #4 on: June 05, 2009, 10:59:09 PM »

What matters when final bosses square off? Which one is UGLIER? In this case Zenon wins handily.

* Infinite_Ko_Loop is now known as Ko-CidisnotaPrincess
<Nephrite> That is depressing.
<CmdrKing> I know.  Cid would makea  great princess.


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Re: Season 52-1 Missing comments
« Reply #5 on: June 05, 2009, 10:59:30 PM »


A dragon, against Deamoned?



"...but I'm not...I mean, it's not like..." Deis mumbled.

"-yet it is very clear that Ershin is a dragon. After all, Ershin is the mightiest of all. Ershin can only hope Ershin will display Ershin's true might." Ershin rambled on, as Deamoned watched, bemused.

"...but it's not that..."

"And Ershin's true strength will cause even the mightiest of dragon slayers to fall before Ershin. Ershin knows Ershin will show Ershin the true power of Ershin." Ershin continued.

"...Look, could you just please shut that drat thing off for me? I don't care about the match, I've just had it following me around lately." Deis half-yelled miserably.

Deamoned was only too happy to comply.

Certainly, Ershin isn't something Deis hates, but even if you like an alarm clock, it needs an off switch. Ershin's like that.


Yet another battle no one cares about.

No beautiful women.

No gorgeous chicks, oh, no.

Just an ugly monster! No tentacles even! Just a horrible, ugly, vicious, nasty monster! And a flat-chested elf girl!

Who could possibly enjoy a match like this? No one!

Ever! Why, I-


"...Hey. I mean, you know, I do enough stuff to get beaten up, but trying to get me beaten up?" Zidane noted, as he secured Junpei's gag. "And you're really not that good at mimicing my voice. Though, it was a good way to try to rally perverts, I kinda guess. I dunno, Dagger's been nuking me so much that the horrible pain has gotten old. Maybe I should turn over a new le-"

Zidane's ramblings to the gagged Junpei were cut off as Tiamat smashed through the wall.

Evidently it's feelings were hurt enough to throw the match. Directly through the commentator's box, as it were.

Ultimately, Zidane didn't remember the last hour or so. So, philosophical changes will have to wait for another day.

Maybe it's just as well. That had to have hurt.


The rain steadily poured from the sky.

Milda, water dripping down her face, smirked at the frail, pathetic skeleton in front of her.

All her physical might would crush him to powder.

All of her talents at raw destruction would murder him...again, I guess.

She laughed as she asked one simple question of him.

"Are you ready?"


"Yes." Lich noted.

"Have you been really waiting by my bedside, for me to wake up, just to gloat like that?" Milda muttered, barely concious.

"....maybe?" Lich mumbled.



The ultimate status.

Well, except for all those things that basically kill you, but those don't count.

Sleep...disables you. Leaves you...completely helpless. At the enemy's mercy.

Unable to fight at all.


"...see, we tried to tell you." Samus sighed, as Lilly, breathing fire, smashed through the arena's wall.

"She <i>really</i> doesn't sleep calmly." Reed commented, as Lilly impaled a foolish Pokemon that happened to get in her way, all while snoring softly.

"But...why does it enhance her combat abilities?" Beatrice asked, curious.

"Probably because it would be more of a pain in the butt for us." Reed said simply.

Samus nodded glumly.

Lilly's loss was mostly due to the sad, unfortunate fact that a sleeping person is bad at remembering their original target. Her rampage smashed through several walls on the way out, and ultimately the judges had no choice to say it was, quote, "A ring out. Or a failure to appear. Something like that. Don't bother me while I'm drinking.". (Jecht's judgements are, on a related note, some of the most popular.)

And Samus and Reed eventually got her out of that tree, so it all worked out about like normal.


Could FRANK lose to a pitiful cur!?

Could a dog possibly not be smarter than Frank?

These questions, while valid, would never be answered.


"What's sad is that the dog's playing better, and still losing." Jenna noted, yawning.

"Well, Monopoly has a lot of luck like that." Rosa shrugged.

Ultimately, Frank's ridiculous tendancies to buy everything he landed on-ever, even if he had to mortage other stuff-still didn't make up for his gaining Board Walk and Park Place on the first two laps around the board.

Frank, naturally, had suggested the idea, as superior and more noble than beating up a dog.

Kosanji's still moping though. He had a chance. Poor pup.
« Last Edit: June 05, 2009, 11:54:19 PM by SageAcrin »
<RichardHawk> Waddle Dee looks broken.
<TranceHime> Waddle Dee does seem broken.

"Forget other people's feelings, this is fun and life is but a game and we nought but players in it.  CHECKMATE!  King me and that is Uno." - Grefter


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Re: Season 52-1 Missing comments
« Reply #6 on: June 06, 2009, 01:21:03 AM »
An extra writeup for L-Block.

Yuna could see it now.  Squall Lionhearting the L-Block...   Yuna riding Valefor and zapping it....  Cloud doing his ridiculous fly-upward move from Advent Children to Omnislash the Block...  what could possibly survive such an assault?

"No.  Noooo!   It'll...  It'll never work."  Cloud's condition had worsened with alarming speed; he was already rocking his head back and forth.  "See..  three of us...  can't win...  need one."

"What is he talking about?  We have no time!"  Squall saw the shadow lengthening.  The Block would be upon them at any moment now.  "I mean, perhaps we could attack these nearby block-housing to try and find a way out...  but I don't know if we have the tools for that, really."

Cloud's head straightened suddenly.  "It comes!  We must...  we must reduce ourselves!"

"You're still not making sense!"  Yuna was panicing now.  "Three?  One?  We have to act!"

Cloud's eyes shone with a mad gleam.  "I understand now!  You see...  comparing all 4 here...  the 3 of us would <i>split our vote</i>!  Three Final Fantasy heroes, come on!  But the L-Block...  it would collect the rest!  We'd all be crushed!  But..  if it was a one on one match...  we just might have a chance!"  Squall and Yuna looked on with a mixture of confusion and fear, as Cloud's voice suddenly deepened.  "And we all know who has the best-selling game of us...  don't we...  have at you!"

Cloud took a diving leap at Yuna, his Ultima Weapon drawn with alarming quickness.  Yuna, thanks to her natural reflexes, dodged it...  but didn't dodge Squall's attack, which exploded both Cloud and Yuna with excellent accuracy.  Cloud delivered a powerful blow to Squall's face, giving him a new scar, while Yuna frantically tried to summon an Aeon....  before being Renzokukened out anyway.  Cloud finished off the dying Squall, and lay bleeding on the ground as the shadow drew nearer, a crazed look on his face.  Madness had already come to Midgar by the time the L-Block perfectly positioned itself on the nearby two-floor helipad, its long side crushing the remains of the heroes.

The Russian music started to play slightly faster as the first three floors of the Sector disappeared into the ether and the higher colorful floors came down to the surface with a deafening crash.