
Author Topic: Secret of Evermore  (Read 1907 times)


  • Denizen
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Secret of Evermore
« on: January 01, 2008, 02:37:12 AM »
Secret of Evermore like Secret of Mana is an action RPG so there are many interpretation issues. For the purposes of this topic turns will be considered 4 seconds (the time it takes to charge to level 2.) Alchemy will be taken at level 5 with the exception of spells that don't change when leveled and Nitro and Fire Power. Due to ridiculously high prices for ingredients these will be taken at level 4 for Fire Power and Level 2 for Nitro. Damage was tested against Rimsalas (the spinning enemies in Omnitopia). Rimsalas have about average magic defense, but above average physical defense so physical damage should be a bit higher.

Endgame levels were taken at level 50. This is overleveled, but due to the way alchemy works it is difficult to have them any lower and still get a fair reading for damage. It should only affect the last two bosses.

All status hit rates are 100%. The Boy's plague seems to do fixed damage. Confound works for different lengths depend on who used it. (Punts SoE status)

Damage Caps at 999 per hit. There is a max of 1998 per person if two hits combine. However, if the boy and dog attack at the same time it can reach damages of 4000+

Poison: ~6% hp damage a turn lasts 20 seconds.
Stop: Stops enemy. Enemy can not use any action, but cannot be hurt.
Hypnotize: Paralyzes enemy. Enemy can not take any action, but can be damaged.
Plague: Poison that doesn't wear off.
Confound: Reverses controls.
Notes: Only the boy can inflict Stop and Hypnotize.
Poison and Plague both have random variance.

HP: Lose this and die
Attack: Determines damage done by physical attack.
Defend: Determines how much damage physical attacks inflict.
Magic Def: Determines how much damage magical attacks inflict.
Evade: Evade against physicals.
Hit: Hit rate for physicals.
Note: I would not take hit and evade literally.

Now for the characters
Lvl: 50
HP: 471
Attack: 153
Defense: 594
Mag. Def: 54
Evade: 58
Hit: 55

Laser Lance/Neutron Blade/Atom Smasher: 50 attack
Virtual Vest: 169 def
Virtual Glove 122 def
Brainstorm: 144 def
Note: Equipment is already factored into stats.

Atom Smasher attack
100%: 125 Atlased: 380
Lvl 1: 280 Atlased: 810
Lvl 2: 620 Atlased: 999

Laser Lance Attack
100%: 115 Atlased: 325
Lvl 1: 295 Atlased: 810
Lvl 2: 580 Atlased: 999

Neutron Blade Attack
100% 135 Atlased: 410
Lvl 1: 325 Atlased: 770
Lvl 2: 690 Atlased: 999
Note: The Lvl One and Two charges for the Axe and Sword can hit more than once without much trouble. If you allow this, double the damage they do.
Note: The Laser Lance's Lvl One and Two charges are long ranged.

The Bazooka is a weapon found in Gothica that uses store bought projectiles. They can be bought in Omnitopia for a decent price. The Projectiles are not affected by Atlas.
Thunderball: 185
Particle Bomb: 310
Cyro Blast: 890

Alchemy is the form of spells in this game. It involves using store bought ingredients to produce effects. The only really expensive items are Feathers and Gunpowder. Most others are cheap and easy to find. The Boy can only have eight spells equipped at a time.

Acid Rain: 100
Atlas: Boosts attack for 90 sec. The Boy can only cast this 3 times. ST only.
Barrier: 170 Healing plus Invincibility for 45 seconds.
Call Up: Creates a Call Bead (there is a limited amount of Dry Ices in the game. I'm pretty sure there are 10.)
Corrosion: 15 plus 20 damage per turn for 45 seconds after. Not poison.
Crush: 360
Cure: Restores Status
Defend: Boosts defense by 100 for 60 sec.
Double Drain: 290 and restores an equal amount to the boy.
Drain: 150 and restores an equal amount to the boy.
Energize: Speeds up the charge bar. I would see this as double physicals. Not haste or double turning. Lasts for 60 sec.
Explosion: 470
Fireball: 380
Fire Power: 520
Flash: 155
Force Field: Prevents one attack from doing damage.
Hardball: 115
Heal: Heals 235
Lance: 260
Lightning Storm: 540
Miracle Cure: Heals 260 and restores all statuses except confound.
Nitro: 240
One Up: Self Target Full healing.
Reflect: Reflects negative alchemy. 60 sec.
Regrowth: 10 per turn regen. 60 sec.
Slow Burn: 30 set damage damage and 15 set damage per second after cast. 30 Sec.
Speed: Raises Hit and Evade to 99% (I would see this as perfect Evade and Hit)
Sting: 350 (MEWTWO SLAYER!!?!?!)
Stop: Inflicts Stop for 7 sec.
Super Heal: MT Full Healing.

Call Beads.
Call Beads are consumable items that are found throughout the quest. An average player would probably find about 25. When used they cast a rather powerful spell. I can see not allowing these.
Flare: 940
Heat Wave: 780
Storm: 925
Life Spark: Heals 435
Confound: Inflicts Confound for 60 secs.
First Aid: 455
Time Warp: Cancels the effect of the last attack that damaged the boy.
Aura: Invincibility for 40 sec.
Regenerate: Auto Life. Restores to 61 hp.
Hypnotize: Inflicts Hypnotize for 15 secs. Enemy can be damaged.
Plague: Inflicts Plague. 30 damage every turn and doesn't wear off.
ShockWave: 980
Shield: Cuts all damage in half for 40 sec,
Disrupt: 90 damage and inflicts Confound.
Electra Bolt: 885
Restore: MT full healing
Note: Almost everything the boy has can be made MT for the base damage divided by the number of targets.
Evaluation: Interpretation headache. If you allow him nothing he's a light and not a good one either. If you allow him alchemy spells or call beads he's a good godlike. He's a pain to kill. Invincibility does that. He loses to those that are faster and OHKO or people who can Dispel and manage his other tricks (Hi Cecilia!) and almost no one else. His only weaknesses are low damage and average speed.

Lvl: 50
HP: 477
Attack: 293
Defense: 719
Mag. Def: 53
Evade: 63
Hit: 57
Spot's Collar: 135 Def (already included)
Note: A lot of the dog's defense comes from his forms changes.
Dog Attack:
100%: 550
Lvl 1: 530
Lvl: 2: 1970
Note: Most of the 100% and Lvl2 damage comes from the attack htting multiple times. It is almost impossible to not hit more than once with them. All of the Dog's attacks are long ranged.

Evaluation: Heavy, this is how you make a two person cast. The damage and defenses are excellent and everything else is solid.
Note: The dog's four forms have different speeds. His first is incredibly slow, his second is slightly slower than the boy, the third is about the same as the boy's and the toaster dog's form is much faster than the boy.


  • Denizen
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Re: Secret of Evermore
« Reply #1 on: January 01, 2008, 02:37:48 AM »
For bosses the damage done to the Boy will be listed on the left and the damage to the Dog will be listed on the right. Some Alchemy spells are MT so it is impossible to test their ST damage on the dog. Physical attacks were tested with the spear. The horn spear is used until half way through Gothica because it takes a significant amount of time to level weapons.

HP: 600
Left Claw: 250
Right Claw: 250
Acid Rain MT:23/26
Acid Rain ST: 41
Claw Hit: 13/6 The claws swipe at a fixed pattern independent of the rest of the bodies actions.
Thraxx counters all damage with a scream that throws you to the back of the arena and does 5 fixed damage.

Note Thraxx's heart is surrounded by a rib cage that opens and closes. It opens rarely. I would say once every four or five turns. Damages will be taken both open and shut. Open will be listed on the right and closed will be listed on the left.
Bone Crusher: 3/30
Dog Attack: 6/39
Flash: 25/64
Hard Ball: 24/86
Average HP: 78
Evaluation: Heavy. That is a mean defensive strategy and Acid Rain hurts.

HP: 2000
Lunge Attack: 26/16
Breath: 25/12
His Breath attack summons 3 Will o the wisps these wander around the field for a while and can attack for 6/0 damage. They have 40 hp.
Damages taken
Level 1 dog attack: 71
Level 1 Horn Spear: 65
Level 1 Acid Rain: 10
Level 1 Flash: 19
Level 1 Hard ball: 15
Average hp: 114
Note: Due to how he is positioned most physical attacks can not reach him. When he uses lunge he can be hit by any physical.
Evaluation: Middle. His damage is bad, but he has a tremendous amount of hp along with good defense.

HP: 1000
Heat Wave MT: 29/33
Heat Wave Focused: 86
Breath: 23/15
Air Breath: 28/16
Roll Attack: 29/18
Lava Healing: Heals 86
Damages to
Level 1 Flash: 14
Level 1 Hard Ball: 10
Level 1 Acid Rain: 8
Level 2 Dog Attack: 293
Level 2 Horn Spear: 193
Average Hp: 141
Evaluation: Good 2HKO in Heat Wave but dies really fast. Middle.

HP 1050
Note Vigor only fights the boy.
Crowd garbage: 15
Spear Throw: 30
Run Over with chariot: 29
Throw Boomerang: 34
Note: Any physical attack that hits the front of Vigor is almost completely nulled. A level 2 charge does 0 or 1.
Damages to
Lvl 2 Hard Ball: 12
Lvl 2 Flash: 12
Lvl 2 Acid rain: 9
Lvl 1 Crush: 9
Lvl 2 Horn Spear to his back: 207
Average HP: 156
Evaluation: Really bad damage. Tanky if you allow his physical nulling trick, I don't think I do. Light.

Hp: 1200
Spin Attack: 14/5
Note: There are many statues around the room that cast flash for 81/73. They are part of the room and can not be hit by physicals, but alchemy kills them. He can only be harmed when he is held by the lion thing. He can not be harmed by Acid Rain due to the long animation. The Lion thing will let go of him before the spell ends. At the start of the battle he casts Confound on your character.
Damages to:
Lvl 2 Horn Spear: 245
Lvl 2 Dog Attack: 292
Lvl 2 Flash: 50
Lvl 3 Hard Ball: 62
Lvl 1 Crush: 62
Evaluation: Light. If you allow his strange immunity he can spoil a couple people, not that many though.

Hp: 2600
Drain MT: 8/11
Drain ST: 22
Roll Attack: 44/28
Crush MT: 8/11
Crush ST: 22
Quake: 10 ITD defense MT damage
Confound: Inflicts Confound
Notes: He can leap into fire pits for invincibility. He can not attack while he's in them.
Damages taken
Level 2 Dog Attack: 319
Level 2 Horn Spear: 218
Level 2 Crush: 150
Level 2 Fireball: 89
Level 2 Acid Rain: 47
Average HP: 195
Evaluation: Another SoE boss in light. Bad damage acceptable durability.

HP: 3800
Aegis has no attacks. He attacks by summoning either a Mad Dog, a Skull Claw or a Will o the Wisp. He can have three out on the field at one time.
Mad Dog
HP: 120
Attack: 34/33
Skull Claw:
HP: 90
Attack: 11/0
Will o the Wisp
HP: 14/2
Note: Aegis has these mystical symbols appear in front of him from time to time. This is the only time he can summon and he is invunerable during this time. Each symbol summons a different monster, but it appears to be random. He spends about 50% with the symbol and 50% without.
Damages taken
Level 2 Dog Attack: 369
Level 2 Horn Spear: 233
Level 2 Crush: 80
Level 2 Acid rain: 25
Level 2 Fireball: 77
Average hp: 195
Evaluation: Middle: Summon 3 Bad Dogs and tank. He's pretty tanky and the immunity helps.

HP: 2500
Tentacles: 400
Tiny Tentacles: 200
Lightning Storm MT: 16/14
Lightning Storm ST: 30
Corrosion: 14/18 and causes HP leak for 7 damage per second for 30 seconds.
Note: There are blue balls that circle around the room and if they hit you do 3/1 damage.
There are many Tentacles and Tiny Tentacles in the room. Tiny Tentacles pop up at fixed spots, while Tentacles Reach for you doing 25/1 damage. Also I don't think that the dog can hit Aquagoth.
Damages Taken:
Lvl 2 Crush: 87
Lvl 2 Fireball:118
Lvl 2 Acid Rain: 27
Lvl 2 Horn Spear: 218
Average hp: 213
Evaluation: Light. That damage is bad even with Corrosion's poison like effect to help.

Foot Knight
Hp: 2400
Attack: 7/0
Damages Taken:
Lvl 2 Lance: 31
Lvl 2 Fireball: 36
Lvl 2 Crush: 30
Lvl 2 Acid Rain: 8
Lvl 2 Dog Attack: 388
Lvl 2 Horn Spear: 242
Average hp:240
Evaluation: Puny. That damage will not cut it ever. Even with the magical tankishness.

hp: 2000
FireballST: 73/93
Fireball MT: 47/50
Damages taken
Lvl 2 Dog Attack: 430
Lvl 2 Horn Spear: 248
Lvl 2 Lance: 129
Lvl 2 Fireball: 130
Lvl 3 Acid Rain: 71
Lvl 2 Crush: 167
Average hp: 249
Evaluation: Light. Boring one too.

Hp: 3425
Explosion: 182/220
Acid Rain MT: 93/95
Acid Rain ST: 128/136
Drain MT: 41/43
Drain ST: 84/85
Note: In the battle he is sitting on boxes. This prevents any physical attack except for the level 1 and 2 charges of the spear from hitting him.
Lvl 2 Horn Spear: 330
Lvl 2 Lance: 146
Lvl 2 Fireball: 179
Lvl 3 Acid Rain: 76
Lvl 3 Crush: 231
Average hp: 254
Evaluation: Brutal damage. If you allow his close ranged attack immuntiy he's even better. Could be a godlike if he didn't weep when faced with reflect. Heavy.

Hp: 3200
Fireball: 79/80
Fireball MT: 49/52
Drop: 24
Notes: Drop can not target the dog and the drop attack drops you to a platform below.
Damages Taken:
Lvl 2 Explosion: 219
Lvl 3 Crush: 257
Lvl 2 Lance: 123
Lvl 3 Acid Rain: 64
Lvl 2 Horn Spear: 281
Lvl 2 Dog Attack: 380
Average HP:258
Evaluation: Light Bad damage decent durability. Seems to be a trend among SoE bosses.

Hp: 5000
Fireball: 82
Fireball MT: 46/46
Corrosion: 18/20 causes hp leak for 7 damage per second for 30 seconds.
Notes: Mungola is assisted by Mephista and Old Nick who have 500 hp and can do 18/11 damage each. Mephista can heal Mungola for 50-70 hp. They revive instantaneously when both are killed. Both are fast. Damages to them will be listed on the right.
Damages taken
Lvl 2 Lightning Storm: 214/284
Lvl 2 Explosion: 174/202
Lvl 2 Lance: 119/138
Lvl 3 Crush: 235/246
Lvl 2 Horn Spear: 304/332
Lvl 2 Dog Attack: 434/ 450
Average hp: 262
Evaluation: Middle Damage is bad, but the durability is outstanding enough to put him in middle.

hp: 6000
Claws 2500
Storm MT: 116/119
Storm ST: 175
Flash MT: 120/109
Flash ST:198
Electro Attack: 70 fixed damage
Notes: She still does the open/close thing, but unlike Thraxx it is so fast that I'd throw it out. It also doesn't seem to make much difference. Coleoptra still counters all damage with a scream attack for a godly fixed 5 damage. She attacks in a fixed pattern of the Strom/Flash/Electro Attack. The claws still act independently of the body and move in an alternating pattern. The claws seem to do either 1 or 0 damage or 129/117. The larger damages seem to appear more when Coleoptra's hp decreases.
Damages taken
Lvl 2 Lance: 334
Lvl 3 Crush: 255
Lvl 2 Lightning Storm: 264
Lvl 2 Lance: 196
Lvl 2 Explosion: 296
Lvl 2 Dog Attack: 520
Average hp: 276
Evaluation: Heavy A lot like Verminator. Great damage but attacking in a pattern and only getting good physical damage late hurts.

Note: For the Last two bosses. I'm rather overleveled so they are probably a bit better than it seems.
Metal Magmar
Heat Wave MT: 100/102
Heat Wave ST: 175
Fire Breath: 49/1
Crush: 86/75
Roll Attack: 47/1
Electro Healing: Full Healing
Damages taken
Lvl 5 Crush: 470
Lvl 5 Lance: 408
Lvl 5 Explosion: 646
Lvl 5 Lightning Storm: 638
Lvl 2 Laser Lance: 519
Lvl 2 Dog Attack: 1965
Average hp: 474
Evaluation: Heavy bad damage, but full healing on that hp is ridiculous.

Carltron's Robot
Hp: 30000
Missiles: 99/45
Explosions: 185/168
Note: The Explosions only occur in the top half of the screen and only when a character walks up there.
Damages taken
Lvl 5 Crush: 30
Lvl 5 Lance: 23
Lvl 5 Explosion: 39
Lvl 5 Lightning Storm: 43
Lvl 2 Laser Lance: 567
Lvl 2 Dog Attack: 1980
Average Hp: 474
Evaluation: Damages should be better. If you allow his explosions he's heavy. If you don't, he's a middle based on the durability.


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Re: Secret of Evermore
« Reply #2 on: June 22, 2009, 01:20:31 PM »
A quick Thraxx note, not like it'll ever be relevant:

Thraxx's rib cage trick is kinda interesting. While it's up, it's serious damage reduction. However, hitting it three times (~15 damage) is enough to open it. Doing this about 4 times (for a total of 60 damage done to the rib cage, over 12 hits) permanently opens the ribcage and reduces Thraxx's defense by ~25% or so.