Author Topic: The Legend of Heroes 2: Prophecy of the Moonlight Witch  (Read 1849 times)


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The Legend of Heroes 2: Prophecy of the Moonlight Witch
« on: December 28, 2009, 05:12:25 AM »
No Moonlight Witch to be found in here, though.

- Level taken as 41.

- There are actually 13 PCs in the game, but only 4 are usable at endgame (or within throwing distance of it). Therefore they are the only ones who get entries.

- Stats: (all equipment is already factored into listed stats)
HP- I can't even think of anything funny to say here.
MP- or here. Used only for magic. Skills are all free.
ATT- Physical attack.
DEF- Physical defense. Four points are about a 1 reduction in damage or so? Included a durability multiplier for how the stat effects the best enemy physical damage I could find, higher is better.
MAT- Magical offense.
MDE- Magical defense. Same as physical defense, only the enemy spell is more powerful than the enemy physicals I tested it on damagewise. Means less than physical defense by a lot raw so I didn't include the modifier.
HIT: Chance to hit enemy. Rarely see PCs miss and I don't think this stat is very potent.
AVO: Chance to dodge. This stat exists but is not potent.
SPD: Standard turn-based speed with randomization that is strong but not incredibly so.

- Characters have special meters that fill up to 100 as they take actions and get hit. Using a spell (any spell) or doing a basic physical attack gives 16 to the gauge. Getting hit gives 4. Using a Skill (even an offensive one) will NOT add any to the meter. At 100 the characters can use a special attack. Outside of Jurio's devastating special, these tend to be unimpressive.

-Buff/debuff/status durations include the turn they are cast on.

- Sleep status makes enemies unable to take actions and is cancelled by damage. Paralysis is like sleep only it is not cancelled by damage. Confusion makes the target do a physical attack against a random target.

-Averges up top:
HP: 353.5
MP: 161
ATT: 283
DEF: 210
MAT: 184.5
MDE: 203
HIT: 139
AVO: 25
SPD: 41 (3.56 stdev)

Damage: 321 (803 kill point)

HP: 387
MP: 159
ATT: 374
DEF: 215 (1.04 durability modifier)
MAT: 153
MDE: 185
HIT: 151
AVO: 30
SPD: 44 (+0.84 Stdevs)

Esperancer: 150 ATT, 20 MAT
Wisdom Robes: 48 DEF, 15 MDE
Robust Shield: 10 DEF

Attack: 337 physical damage
(Special) Brave Rush: 999 physical damage to one. Would do ~4000 damage or so if the damage cap did not exist. Unfocuses vs. multiple enemies.

Spirit Magic:
Water Spirit (20 MP): 241 water magic damage
Earth Spirit (20 MP): 115 earth magic damage
Fire Spirit (20 MP): 115 fire magic damage
Wind Spirit (20 MP): 241 wind magic damage
Thunder Spirit (20 MP): 241 thunder/Light magic damage

Steal: Steals an item from an enemy. 50% success rate.
Taunt: Makes enemies target Jurio over others.
Boost: Next turn, a physical attack done by Jurio does 200% damage.
Regenerate: Regen 20 HP for a long duration.
Sixth Sense: Perfect evasion (game says physical immunity) for 3 turns. Refreshable.

Comments: Oh hey look perfect evasion move. Boost-> physical can OHKO some frail healer types and perfect evade is not to be screwed with. 4HKO magic damage backup is unimpresive. He is also kinda fastish. High Middle probably.

HP: 331
MP: 183
ATT: 185
DEF: 192 (.92 durability modifier) (1.43 under Cheer) (1.89 under Defense Up)
MAT: 227
MDE: 221
HIT: 101
AVO: 20
SPD: 37 (-1.12 stdevs)

Gueld's Staff: 24 ATT, 52 MAT
Wisdom Robes: 48 DEF, 15 MDE

Attack: 145 physical damage
(special) Light Cactus: 250 magic damage

Chapel Magic:
Cure (4 MP): Heals 70 HP to one.
Recure (10 MP): Heals 230 HP to one.
Full Cure (20 MP): Full healing to one.
La Cure (10 MP): Heals 55 HP to all.
La Recure (20 MP): Heals 170 HP to all.
Cure Poison (5 MP): Removes Poison from the target
Cure Body (15 MP): Removes any and all status effects from the target
Revive (20 MP): Reevives one with 70 HP.
Resurrect (50 MP): Revives one with full HP
Wind Cutter (4 MP): 228 wind magic damage to one.
Air Tornado (15 MP): 262 wind magic damage to an area
Avoidance Up (10 MP): Raises evade for 8 turns. Not by enough to care.
Defense Up (8 MP): Raises defense for 8 turns. Damage taken from physicals is 54% average during this time.
Magic Shield (8 MP): Raises MDE for 8 turns. Takes ~50% damage from competent enemy spells during this time.
Sleep (5 MP): Inflicts Sleep at a 75% rate. Sleep lasts for 3 turns.
Paralyze (10 MP): Inflicts Paralysis at a 75% rate. Paralysis lasts 4 turns.

Stunning Blow: 145 damage physical attack with 50% chance of inflicting paralysis. There is a speed penalty attached to this move.
Cheer: Increase defense for Chris and all near her for 3 turns. Very significant speed boost (faster than everyone else). Damage taken from physicals is 70% average during this time.
Protect: Increase magic defense for Chris and all near her for 3 turns. No speed boost. Good spells deal ~70% damage under this.
Prayer: Increase healing effectiveness during the next turn.
Aura: Regain 25 MP.

Comments: Ah Chris. A skillset to die for, and stats to die with. Regardless, she makes a passable enough Middle, what with the healing and status and buffing.

HP: 312
MP: 174
ATT: 192
DEF: 194 (.92 durability modifier)
MAT: 229
MDE: 217
HIT: 101
AVO: 30
SPD: 44 (+0.84 stdevs)

Sorcerer Staff: 20 ATT, 30 MAT
Wisdom Robes: 48 DEF, 15 MDE

Attack: 156 physical damage to one.
(Special) Magic Burst: 185 magical damage to an area.

Chapel Magic:
Cure (4 MP): Heals 70 HP to one.
Recure (10 MP): Heals 230 HP to one.
La Cure (10 MP): Heals 55 HP to all.

Kand Magic:
Rock Shot (4 MP): 118 earth magic damage to one. (160 with Magic Up)
Fireball (4 MP): 118 fire magic damage to one. (160 with Magic Up)
Waterball (4 MP): 230 water magic damage to one. (350 with Magic Up)
Lightning (4 MP): 230 lightning magic damage to one. (350 with Magic Up)
Silver Bullet (20 MP): 308 non-elemental magic damage to an area. (415 with Magic Up)
Gaia Fall (15 MP): 133 earth magic damage to an area (184 with Magic Up)
Freeze Lance (15 MP): 250 water magic damage to an area. (365 with Magic Up)
Flame Burst (15 MP): 133 fire magic damage to an area (184 with Magic Up)
Thundersphere (15 MP): 250 lightning magic damage to an area (365 with Magic Up)
Speed Up (15 MP): Speed up for 8 turns. Makes her go first.
Attack Up (15 MP): Physical damage up for 8 turns.
Speed Down (10 MP): Speed down for 8 turns. Target goes last.
Panic (15 MP): Inflicts Confusion at a 75% rate.
Time Stop (50 MP): Ends the current turn. For the next 3 turns, only Stella can act. Note that buffs can wear off on anyone during this time, and evade is still functional.

Grenade: 5 damage to a group... yeah.
Magic Up: Increases magic damage for 4 turns. Effects are with her magic attacks.
Desert Panther: Increases speed for 4 turns. Stella always goes first with this up.

Comments: A fast damage mage with some healing and status. Oh wait is that a move that lets her freeze everything but herself for 3 turns? Why yes, yes it is. If she goes first she can force like 2000+ damage down something's throat before it even moves. A High Heavy because of it? That speed/damage combo is nutty effectively.

HP: 384
MP: 128
ATT: 381
DEF: 238 (1.15 modifier) (2.86 under Rally)
MAT: 129
MDE: 188
HIT: 201
AVO: 20
SPD: 39 (-0.56 stdevs)

Judgement Spear: 148 ATT
Wisdom Robes: 48 DEF, 15 MDE
Robust Shield: 10 DEF

Attack: 345 physical damage. (432 under Rally)
(Special) Comet Thrust: 516 physical damage to one.

Whirlwind: 345 physical damage to a small area. (432 under Rally)
Piercing Strike: 378 physical damage to one. (472 under Rally)
Rally: Improves physical attack and defense for 3 turns. Takes 35% from physicals during this time.

Comments: Well, he hits things well enough and takes hits well enough. Rally is impressive for making him tanky, at least. And it lets him 2HKO before it wears off. I guess he could swing Low Middle because of it.
« Last Edit: February 10, 2010, 06:20:16 AM by Pyro »