It's Axl! Fresh and ready to follow his comrades X and Zero in their success, Axl's armed and ready to go. Sporting the fanciest guns in the entire RPGDL, as well as a mechanical variation of Ryu's dragon morphs, Axl's more than capable of taking down anything that stands in his way, and against the frail muse Rauny, he's more than prepared enough for this fight. Rauny's lightning magic, while normally a horrifying fate for most robots won't phase Axl once he's armed himself with some Thunder Guards, and once she's reduced to her puny slaps, she won't stand a chance of taking down Axl in a straight up fight. Even without electrical resistance, Axl's Stealth Mode prevents him from receiving any damage from Rauny's attacks, giving him all the time in the world he needs to land his strongest attacks, including the foxy Ninetails attack, on the not-so-amused muse. The future is bright for Axl this season - after this easy fight, he'll get a taste of what exactly he's fighting for.