
Author Topic: Proving grounds 2-3 M/H- Odds of Slade moving on: not good.  (Read 1004 times)


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Chie: 36-21 63%
Flay: 34-21 62%


Alexia: 20-21 49%

Four people in pool, two move on.

Naoto Shirogane (P4) vs Justin (G1)
Naoto vs Agrias Oaks (FFT)
Naoto vs Ryudo (G2)
Naoto vs Tiamat (FF1)
Naoto vs Lin (BoF5)
Naoto vs Eileen (S1)
Naoto vs Kahran Ramsus (XG)
Naoto vs Vormav Tingel (FFT)
Naoto vs Flay Gunnar (MK)
Naoto vs Nash Rumack (Lunar:SSSC)
Naoto vs Lyon (FE8)
Naoto vs Antenora (WA2)

Kanji Tatsumi (P4) vs Justin (G1)
Kanji vs Agrias Oaks (FFT)
Kanji vs Ryudo (G2)
Kanji vs Tiamat (FF1)
Kanji vs Lin (BoF5)
Kanji vs Eileen (S1)
Kanji vs Kahran Ramsus (XG)
Kanji vs Vormav Tingel (FFT)
Kanji vs Flay Gunnar (MK)
Kanji vs Nash Rumack (Lunar:SSSC)
Kanji vs Lyon (FE8)
Kanji vs Antenora (WA2)

Slade (SF2) vs Justin (G1)
Slade vs Agrias Oaks (FFT)
Slade vs Ryudo (G2)
Slade vs Tiamat (FF1)
Slade vs Lin (BoF5)
Slade vs Eileen (S1)
Slade vs Kahran Ramsus (XG)
Slade vs Vormav Tingel (FFT)
Slade vs Flay Gunnar (MK)
Slade vs Nash Rumack (Lunar:SSSC)
Slade vs Lyon (FE8)
Slade vs Antenora (WA2)

Nightburn Auckland (WA5) vs Justin (G1)
Nightburn vs Agrias Oaks (FFT)
Nightburn vs Ryudo (G2)
Nightburn vs Tiamat (FF1)
Nightburn vs Lin (BoF5)
Nightburn vs Eileen (S1)
Nightburn vs Kahran Ramsus (XG)
Nightburn vs Vormav Tingel (FFT)
Nightburn vs Flay Gunnar (MK)
Nightburn vs Nash Rumack (Lunar:SSSC)
Nightburn vs Lyon (FE8)
Nightburn vs Antenora (WA2)
"Reputation is what other people know about you. Honor is what you know about yourself"- Count Aral Vorkosigan, A Civil Campaign
<Meeple> knownig Square-enix, they'll just give us a 2nd Kain
<Ciato> he would be so kawaii as a chibi...

Jo'ou Ranbu

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Re: Proving grounds 2-3 M/H- Odds of Slade moving on: not good.
« Reply #1 on: July 18, 2009, 06:01:36 PM »
Naoto Shirogane (P4) vs Justin (G1) - ID immunity and actual damage. Pain.
Naoto vs Agrias Oaks (FFT) - ID immunity and ITE. Pain.
Naoto vs Ryudo (G2) - No ID immunity for Ryudo, though. Rune Dress+Algernon = turn one ID and Naoto gets two turns to apply it anyway - and that's assuming Ryudo is faster.
Naoto vs Tiamat (FF1) - Maybe if Naoto's damage wasn't complete trash.
Naoto vs Eileen (S1) - Copper Flesh givey no ID immunitey to me. Naoto gets like five turns to apply the ID, so, even if Eileen's MDef stalls this off a while, the odds are on Nao's side.
Naoto vs Kahran Ramsus (XG) - Ramsus is slower and his damage is complete trash too! Way to go.
Naoto vs Vormav Tingel (FFT) - Equip breaking on P4 cast.
Naoto vs Flay Gunnar (MK) - ID+evade. Flay hates very little more than this combo.
Naoto vs Nash Rumack (Lunar:SSSC) - Faster.
Naoto vs Lyon (FE8) - ... that's some high-class fail.
Naoto vs Antenora (WA2) - I THINK Anty was non-elemental.

Rest later

Kanji Tatsumi (P4) vs Justin (G1) - ID of all things. Go Kanji first-turn speed. He doesn't 2HKO without Taru anyway.
Kanji vs Agrias Oaks (FFT) - Kanji sorta needs four turns to kill Agrias on average. While he laps her after that first turn, this gives her too much breathing room, and he's spending his own HP to deal that damage.
Kanji vs Ryudo (G2) - Okay, now this is his type of fight.
Kanji vs Tiamat (FF1) - Same here. Immuning Lightning makes Tiamat really emo.
Kanji vs Eileen (S1) - Copper Flesh.
Kanji vs Kahran Ramsus (XG) - ZIODYNE HYPE HELL YESZ
Kanji vs Vormav Tingel (FFT) - ... you know, if P4 armor mattered more for actual durabilities (it won't matter for basic physicals, which will be all Vormav can hit Kanji with after breaking that armor), I'd worry more.
Kanji vs Flay Gunnar (MK) - This is an excellent fight. Kanji probably will want to resort to Taru Ziodynes here (>_>), since Blocker is inconvenient and Kanji wants that HP. Problem is that he may end up not chipping properly that way. but hmmmm, nah. Think that, with Auto-Raku, he gets by.
Kanji vs Nash Rumack (Lunar:SSSC) - Status.
Kanji vs Lyon (FE8) - Um. This really fails. MAZIODYNE to avoid counters+Auto-Raku to avoid the 2HKO probably handle Lyon, since literally everything doubles him. Fail.
Kanji vs Antenora (WA2) - After factoring the HP loss, Antenora 3HKOs Kanji, and she goes first and doesn't get lapped. Kanji needs to 2HKO, and that sorta doesn't happen. Auto-Raku avoids the 3HKO, but... then, Kanji has to worry about the status, and something like Silence is the end of him.

Slade (SF2) vs Justin (G1) - 2HKOs first.
Slade vs Agrias Oaks (FFT) - I guess he outslugs.
Slade vs Ryudo (G2) - Ugh.
Slade vs Tiamat (FF1) - NE magic? Christ.
Slade vs Eileen (S1) - 2HKOs first.
Slade vs Kahran Ramsus (XG) - I think.
Slade vs Vormav Tingel (FFT) - Bwahahahaha.
Slade vs Flay Gunnar (MK) - Think he chip-2HKOs first.
Slade vs Nash Rumack (Lunar:SSSC) - Status.
Slade vs Lyon (FE8) - I want to give him the credit for a OHKO.
Slade vs Antenora (WA2) - 2HKOs, isn't 2HKOed.
« Last Edit: July 18, 2009, 08:12:39 PM by Jo'ou Ranbu »
[01:08] <Soppy-ReturningToInaba> HEY
[01:08] <Soppy-ReturningToInaba> LAGGY
[01:08] <Soppy-ReturningToInaba> UVIET?!??!?!
[01:08] <Laggy> YA!!!!!!!!!1111111111
[01:08] <Soppy-ReturningToInaba> OMG!!!!
[01:08] <Chulianne> No wonder you're small.
[01:08] <TranceHime> cocks
[01:08] <Laggy> .....


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Re: Proving grounds 2-3 M/H- Odds of Slade moving on: not good.
« Reply #2 on: July 18, 2009, 06:11:18 PM »
Naoto Shirogane (P4) vs Justin (G1)
Naoto vs Agrias Oaks (FFT)- ID blocking for both, have physicals, etc.
Naoto vs Ryudo (G2)
Naoto vs Tiamat (FF1)- Tiamat's HP should keep him afloat at worst.
Naoto vs Lin (BoF5)- Status.
Naoto vs Eileen (S1)
Naoto vs Kahran Ramsus (XG)- Don't agree with Ramsus being slower, but evasion/magic does it.
Naoto vs Vormav Tingel (FFT)
[b[Naoto[/b] vs Flay Gunnar (MK)
Naoto vs Nash Rumack (Lunar:SSSC)- Think the odds favor her.
Naoto vs Lyon (FE8)
Naoto vs Antenora (WA2)

Kanji Tatsumi (P4) vs Justin (G1)- ID does it's magic here. Justin definitely gets his second turn before Kanji (Sure, I could buy him turning average on turn two, but not suddenly lapping people who are like 98% average speed) so yeah.
Kanji vs Agrias Oaks (FFT)- Splat.
Kanji vs Ryudo (G2)
Kanji vs Tiamat (FF1)
Kanji vs Lin (BoF5)
Kanji vs Eileen (S1)
Kanji vs Kahran Ramsus (XG)
Kanji vs Vormav Tingel (FFT)- Goes in without armor. Vormav's physical is suck and Kanji still has his HP/endurance score.
Kanji vs Flay Gunnar (MK)- Nulling Thunder should tip a really ugly slugfest.
Kanji vs Nash Rumack (Lunar:SSSC)- Status.
Kanji vs Lyon (FE8)- KANJI DOUBLING
Kanji vs Antenora (WA2)- Think he can manage a 3HKO here.

Slade (SF2) vs Justin (G1)- 2HKOs, isn't 2HKOed back I don't think.
Slade vs Agrias Oaks (FFT)
Slade vs Ryudo (G2)
Slade vs Tiamat (FF1)- Slade just misses the ID on turn three.
Slade vs Lin (BoF5)- Faster, should 2HKO.
Slade vs Eileen (S1)- Copper flesh buys her enough time.
Slade vs Kahran Ramsus (XG)
Slade vs Vormav Tingel (FFT)- Vormav doesn't have weapon break.
Slade vs Flay Gunnar (MK)
Slade vs Nash Rumack (Lunar:SSSC)
Slade vs Lyon (FE8)
Slade vs Antenora (WA2)
"Reputation is what other people know about you. Honor is what you know about yourself"- Count Aral Vorkosigan, A Civil Campaign
<Meeple> knownig Square-enix, they'll just give us a 2nd Kain
<Ciato> he would be so kawaii as a chibi...


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Re: Proving grounds 2-3 M/H- Odds of Slade moving on: not good.
« Reply #3 on: July 18, 2009, 07:14:34 PM »
Man, all these characters I want to vote on but so few opponents I know.

Naoto vs Agrias Oaks (FFT)
Naoto vs Tiamat (FF1)
Naoto vs Vormav Tingel (FFT)
Naoto vs Lyon (FE8) - Mmmmm Auto-Suku should cover it.

Kanji vs Agrias Oaks (FFT)
Kanji vs Tiamat (FF1)
Kanji vs Vormav Tingel (FFT)
Kanji vs Lyon (FE8)

Nightburn vs Agrias Oaks (FFT) - Fast, two Gravitons then probably has time to land a Dual Impulse.
Nightburn vs Tiamat (FF1) - Fire weakness probably does it.
Nightburn vs Vormav Tingel (FFT) - Dunno. Thinking.
Nightburn vs Lyon (FE8)
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Re: Proving grounds 2-3 M/H- Odds of Slade moving on: not good.
« Reply #4 on: July 18, 2009, 07:53:24 PM »
Slade (SF2) vs Justin (G1) - Justin isn't durable enough to avoid the 2HKO.
Slade vs Agrias Oaks (FFT) - Simple
Slade vs Ryudo (G2) - Ryudo is Justin-
Slade vs Tiamat (FF1) - DoS
Slade vs Eileen (S1) - Copper Flesh
Slade vs Kahran Ramsus (XG) - Ramsus against magic
Slade vs Vormav Tingel (FFT) - Vormav might evade a Raijin but I don't think it matters too much.
Slade vs Nash Rumack (Lunar:SSSC) - Yep.
Slade vs Lyon (FE8) - Kneejerk
Slade vs Antenora (WA2) - Not enough respect for Antenora's HP to see her through this.