This punk kid from Inaba exterminated Spira's last hope in a hit and slaughtered Avril's darker half. Big freaking deal. Lunar's destroyer has killed and maimed fighters far before Souji stormed the DL proper and caused an uproar. Seta's talents are truly awe inspiring, they aren't enough to stop Zophar's tear. The one thing that can slow down and defeat Souji is status, which Zophar has in spades. Faster status should disable Souji in quick enough time, and even if the kid can somehow resist or avoid Zophar's perfect accuracy status, the durability and innate toughness that was blessed upon Zophar's monsterous frame is more than enough to withstand a hit or two of whatever Souji can dish out. With his fellow lunar villain Ghaleon down for the count, it's easy sailing for Zophar- once he takes out Souji, that is!