Zophar (Lunar:EBC) vs Jade (BoF1) - Yeah.
Jenna Angel (DDS) vs TimeLord (Saga) - ...And this match has become painful to me, due to how I've begun viewing things. Damnit. Gut says still Jenna, but it's close.
Chie Satonaka (P4) vs Demi (PS4) - How close is this if Auto-Taru isn't factored in at all?
Hildagarde Valentine (SH3) vs Kary (FF1) - Isn't Kary's fight.
Nash Rumack (Lunar1) vs Lede (FFT) - Doesn't Lede have a faster form than the stat topic? Or do I just misremember?
Rudy Roughknight (WA1) vs Scythe Riebauer (WA4) - Tanks a salvo, one-shots.
Ashton Anchors (SO2) vs Adray Lasbard (SO3) - Better at slugging.
Kraken (FF1) vs Yulie Ahtreide (WA4) - No clue.
Tempest (Lunar:SSSC) vs Aguro (Lufia 1) - Tempest vs. competence.\